Cosmos Tree Weekend of Upliftment and Grace

Cosmos Tree, Inc., the nonprofit educational foundation dedicated to giving people Tools to live in Peace regardless of the outer situation (which is no small thing!), is hosting a special Weekend of Upliftment and Grace in Los Angeles from Friday, November 11, 2011 through Monday, November 14, 2011.

The Cosmos Tree Weekend of Upliftment and Grace is part of a world-wide Series of Speaking Tours given by Roger B. Lane, Ph.D, Spiritual Teacher, author and the Founder/Director of Cosmos Tree and aimed at assisting people in learning letting go of negativity and to focus into the Positive really, to come to know themSelves as the Spirit they are.

The Cosmos Tree Weekend of Upliftment and Grace begins on Friday, November 11 with a special Talk on Health given by Dr. Lane and titled "What Is Health? followed by a Meditation For Health And Well-Being. Saturday's feature is a special Positive Creation Workshop in which Dr. Lane helps participants learn to co-create the lives they truly want; followed by a special Talk aimed like all the work that Dr. Lane does - at helping those present learn to rise above their thoughts and feelings and to focus into the Spirit they are. There are two additional opportunities to learn to "surrender your agenda (i.e., those thoughts and feelings!) as Dr. Lane says a Meditation on Sunday and another One on Monday. No prior experience required!

Please feature this Weekend of Upliftment and Grace and give it to yourSelves as well!

Weekend Details and Highlights:

FRIDAY, November 11th
The Cosmos Tree Weekend of Upliftment and Grace kicks off with a Talk titled "What Is Health? at 8 pm immediately followed by a Meditation For Health And Well-Being. This directed Meditation is enormously popular; Cosmos Tree has brought it to corporations, schools, nursing homes, senior centers, community events and spas throughout the country and outside of it. This is a great way to de-stress; to get quiet and to receive the Healing Light Of The Most Hig! h. Noth ing to do but show up! Plenty of instruction provided to let go of any pain, negativity and stress. It is preferred that attendees come for both Events!

SATURDAY, November 12th
Saturday's daytime featured Event is a full-day Positive Creation Workshop from 10 am 5 pm. This Workshop is an opportunity to learn to co-create the life you truly want; to learn practical Tools to direct your energy in support of yourSelf; and to co-create Responsibly with Joy and Enthusiasm. With this specially-designed Workshop Dr. Lane brings a revolutionary way of Teaching and Learning using a Spiritual perspective in a nonsectarian way as Dr. Lane does with all His Work. The Workshop cost is $150 if reserved before October 31st; a deposit of $100 is required to reserve space. Checks are payable to "Cosmos Tree and can be mailed to Cosmos Tree, Inc., c/o R. Hammerstein, Area Rep, 517 3rd Street, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266.

Saturday evening at 8 pm Dr. Lane gives a Talk titled "Living In The Joy Of God's Heart!: How? When? Where? A Participatory Satsang This is an Opportunity to learn to rise above your thoughts and feelings and to learn how to live in your Truth or as the Spirit you are.

SUNDAY, November 13th
On Sunday, Cosmos Tree hosts an hour-long Meditation Of The Light Of The Most High at 3 pm. This Meditation is open to all; beginners are welcome; and plenty of instruction is provided. This is a great way to de-stress; to learn to get quiet; to connect with the Divine within; and to experience greater Peace. There are special Opportunities to ask for Guidance and Clarity in your life; and to send Healings and Blessings to others. This is preceded at 1 pm by Initiation(s) into the Sound Current on the Path Of Soul Transcendence, given as a Precious Gift by Dr. Lane. Through Initiation, the Soul is "sparked awake so that the Soul can then begin the Joyous Journey of coming to know Itself as Spirit or Soul, which is our Purpose here, and to live in the Joy of God's Love.

MONDAY,! Novembe r 14th
On the final day of the Cosmos Tree Weekend of Upliftment and Grace Cosmos Tree is hosting a second Meditation Of The Light Of The Most High at 7 pm This Meditation will be in a special location: 517 3rd Street, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266.

The Location for all Events is: Neptunian Woman's Club, 920 Highland Avenue, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 except for Monday night Meditation, which is at 517 3rd Street, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

All Weekend Events are nonsectarian, nondenominational and free of charge with a Suggested Donation of $10 for the Talks and $5 for the Meditations, except for the Positive Creation Workshop, which is $150. Doors close five minutes before each Event. Beginners welcome! The $10 Donation Friday night covers both the Talk and the Meditation following It. Come to All and/or individual Events.

To learn more about Cosmos Tree and Dr. Roger Bruce Lane visit and

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