Quiet the Mind & Open the Heart Hawaiian Retreat

Join Lindsay Wagner for a spectacular week-long "Quiet the Mind & Open the Heart" retreat at Kalani Oceanside Resort, an eco-village on the magical island of Hawaii from 9th-15th January, 2012.

As Lindsay shares her wisdom and experience, each participant will have the opportunity to reflect on and address their own personal challenges, be they physical, emotional or spiritual, using the techniques and practices that have greatly impacted her life. Starting from right where we are, Lindsay helps us go deeper into our own personal spiritual journey, healing, shifting consciousness and wonder... mixed with a large dose of fun, new friends and new experiences.

Experience powerful ceremonies and deepening practices in a relaxing and blissful environment along with a colorful mix of nature and adventure and open your heart to the joy of being you.

Enjoy beautiful music, salt water pool, yoga, meditations, campfire rituals, stunning beaches, volcano excursion, 3 organic meals a day and more, while contemplating and allowing your personal awakening to unfold.

Visit www.lindsaywagnerinternational.com for more information.

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