Creativity and Pure Awareness
In related experiments, in some cases, it was observed that the relayed messages were received up to three days before they were sent. The startling implication is that the fixed boundaries of space-time are only conveniences of the mind, not absolutes. We could easily be living in a three-dimensional movie projected by our minds.
In truth we are the three-dimensional movie. It is not separate from us but mingled with our mind-stuff, so that the only way to see it without being fooled is to see the seer. Know me as the field and as the knower of the field.
The poet Tagore sensed exactly what it was like to accept his own cosmic status: The same stream of life that runs through my veins night and day runs through the world and dances in rhythmic measures. It is the same life that shoots in joy through the dust of the Earth in numberless blades of grass and breaks into tumultuous waves of leaves and flowers.
If the field is all there is, then the inconceivable impulse driving the universe must also be in every speck of matter and every grain of thought. No, it must be in the mere possibility that matter and thought could exist.
The location of all creativity is in pure awareness, but then so are we and so is everything.
Adapted from Unconditional Life: Discovering the Power to Fulfill Your Dreams by Deepak Chopra (A Bantam Book, 1991).