All About You! Training and Seminar

Are you feeling overcommitted? Run down? Dissatisfied with life? Are you ready and willing to break the patterns that cause you stress? Join Dawn James for a unique, informative and interactive workshop to learn the Laws of Vibration and how to use them to raise your vibration mentally, physically and emotionally - while creating more peace, harmony and joy in your life.

Ancient teachings and scientific studies show that we have the ability to increase the rate of electric flow (vibration) within our physical and subtle bodies, and that there is a direct correlation between raising our vibratory rate and our health and well-being. When one learns how to raise their vibration - they can transcend stress, fear, pain and other lower vibrations!

Participants will learn:
- 4 laws of vibration
- the 6 main factors that suppress vibration and how to counteract them
- how to develop one's Divine inner wisdom
- breathing techniques for increasing vital life force energy
- natural methods and exercises to increase the vibration of the physical and subtle body

In this workshop, participants will be guided to explore ways to develop inner knowing/wisdom/intuition with hands on exercises as well as discuss and complete a self care assessment to improve how we "Honor Self". The event includes take home material.

At the end of this workshop you will have gained the knowledge that all circumstances can be transformed by raising your vibration, increasing awareness of self and trusting your inner Divine Wisdom.

For more information, visit

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