Is Happiness Cosmic Consciousness?

The secret of universal happiness has three parts: Freedom from all limitation, complete knowledge of creation, and immortality. That such a condition is possible proves the existence of love, since nothing more could be wished for. Until the moment when these three things are achieved, every other awakening is false; the whole universe exists in the dream state, the pursuit of a cosmic delusion.

This delusion consists of separation, fragmentation, the loss of wholeness. There must be a final No! that refuses to participate in the delusion.

Whatever is in the mind is like a city in the clouds. The emergence of this world is no more than thoughts coming into manifestation. From the infinite consciousness we have created each other in our imagination. As long as there is you and an I, there is no liberation. Dear ones, we are all cosmic consciousness assuming individual form.

Its nearly impossible perhaps to take these noble sentiments into the rough and tumble of everyday life, but if we can live from essence that is workable. Essence is love. Not the love of passing emotion or the love that gets attached to one person but the sheer love of being here. By comparison, the emotional kind of love is confined, doubtful full of fear, and driven by dreams that never get fully realized.

You are the unborn and undying I am. Remember that, and if your mind wanders from the truth, bring it back.

Adapted from The Book of Secrets, by Deepak Chopra (Harmony Books, 2004).

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