History Of Alternative Herbal Medicine
History Of Alternative Herbal Medicine
Article by Lisa Mearty
The use of alternative herbal medicine can be traced back to ancient times. The lack of modern medical technology has made our ancestors improve their healing arts by making use of nature's gifts. Even today, current medical discoveries are mostly based on the findings and usage of natural herbal components by early civilization, improving it to become useful in today's health-related concerns. Where It All Began The use of alternative herbal medicine started out as trial and error. Application looms large in the practice than actual research; though the latter came sometime later when medical practices started its evolution. The basic application of herbal medicine involves disinfecting wounds or used as a poultice. Later discovery on the method involves pounding leaves and roots to paste for directly administering it to patients. It later evolved into combination with other potent medicine to improve its effects, and was even later introduced to meals and normal human diet to promote better health and improve physical, emotional, and mental recovery. Variation Of Use The use of herbal medicine varies according to the customs, traditions, and beliefs of the different races. Medical practitioners of the Orient tends to use herbal components in all aspect of their daily lifestyle -- integrating them into a person's daily diet to promote healing and longevity, as well as improving their normal rejuvenation capabilities. Oriental medical practitioners are also known to use herbal products alongside energy therapy, like Qi Gong and Reiki. Energies provided by an experienced practitioner of the arts stimulate the healing process from the outside, while nutrients and extract from herbal components works its function on the inside to achieve total body rejuvenation. North American's use of herbal medicine varies; aside from its basic use to treat wounds and cure minor ailments, these natural components are also utilized in tribal ceremonies and customs - to d! rive away evil spirits, blessing during weddings and celebrations, and so on. Some of these healing traditions involving herbal components are carried on even today. Uses Of Herbal Medicine Alternative herbal medicine has many uses today. Aside from being utilized for physical ailments -- like sore throat, fever, flu, diarrhea -- herbal concoction are now being used to address emotional and mental problems. Certain plants have the capability to help a person relax to cope with their emotional and mental problems. Peppermint, for example, is known to have a minty quality that can cool a person's temper or help a person relax during stressful times. Also, herbal products today are also utilized to improve the body's overall performance -- boosting a person's stamina, improving the body's defense against infection, and so on. Safety In Usage It's true that alternative herbal medicine is safe to use as compared to its synthetic counterpart, but it is essential to take some necessary precaution to ensure that there will be no side-effects or allergic reactions to its ingredients to promote body wellness. Consultation of a medical expert is necessary to determine whether it is safe for you to use herbal products or not. Even if the medicine worked on others, there is a possibility that it will have a reverse effect depending on your body's chemistry. Such is the case; it is essential to have doctor look at your present medical condition to determine if you are compatible with the alternative herbal medicine or not. About the Author Having trouble getting a good nights sleep? Try Melatonin For Sleep but make sure you read up on the Melatonin Side Effects to make sure that its right for you. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Posted: 14 Aug 2012 06:00 PM PDT
Posted: 14 Aug 2012 05:00 PM PDT
Article by Holistic Sales Marketing
The canoes and kayaks enthusiast will know how exhilarating their sport can be. No one who has ever experienced white water kayaking will forget it in a hurry. The thrill of it can be addictive and once people get involved in kayaking and canoeing they are truly hooked. As kayak and canoe suppliers Brookbank canoes and kayaks understand the thrill of this sport. Indeed, the people who work for them are water sports enthusiasts who enjoy nothing more than getting out on to the water in their canoes. Their enthusiasm can be seen in the canoe and kayak courses that they run throughout the country all year round. As part of their masterclass programme they run kayak and canoe courses aimed at improving the skills of all canoeists and kayakers. At different Brookbank outlets you will find different experts coming down to speak and provide courses so that enthusiasts can learn from the best. In these difficult times Brookbank are aware that not everybody can invest in a brand new canoe or kayak. That is why they have boats for every budget. For instance, they have a great range of second hand canoes and kayaks. These can be ex demonstration canoes and kayaks as well as used kayaks and canoes. You can be sure that even if you are buying a second hand kayak you can be assured that Brookbank will be happy with its quality. The simplest canoes and kayaks are the sit on top kayaks and canoes. Sit on top canoes are great fun and all you need is a buoyancy aid and a paddle and you are ready to go. They are great for all the family to use on a calm lake or river. Solo sit on top kayaks are perfect for bay hopping, fishing and scuba diving. Their range of sit on top kayaks and canoes reflect all budgets as well as the different activities that people want to use them for. There are basic sit on top kayaks, fishing sit on top kayaks, expedition sit on top kayaks and ocean kayaks to name a few. Whatever you require your sit on top canoe or kayak for Brookbank will have it at a p! rice to suit you. There is so much enjoyment to be had from messing around in boats so paddle your over to Brookbank and see what they have to offer. SEO and Online Marketing by Holistic Sales Solutions Ltd About the Author Brookbank LtdUnit D1-3Stockport Trading EstateYew StreetStockportCheshireSK4 2JZUK Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Posted: 14 Aug 2012 04:00 PM PDT
Article by Holistic Sales Marketing
It's annoying when you're driving and there is someone constantly changing lanes and making everyone's life more difficult. Life is much simpler when fellow drivers know where they are going and keep to the correct lane. Yellohire are the car rental equivalent of a fellow driver who makes your journey simpler and easy to navigate. When it comes to Car Hire Yellohire drive a straight and hassle free bargain. First, the price that they quote you for car and van hire is the price you will pay. No dodging, no sneaking extra charges on to your bill. They will be straight and honest with you from the first moment you contact their friendly customer service team. When it comes to car and van rental you want a company that can deal with all sorts of requests. You don't want a company that will stall when asked if you can hire your car for just one day. You don't need a van hire business that will come to a stop when you say you only need to hire the van for a one way journey. Yellohire have over 450 locations throughout the UK and they can cope with all your requests. If you want car rental for just one day or for longer it does not set them off course. Because they have so many locations along with over 700 depots if you just need van hire for a one way trip they will be happy to sort that out for you. When it comes to cost Yellohire leave the competition behind. They are the cheapest car hire services in the UK. This is also true of holiday car hire and if you do find somebody cheaper they guarantee they will try and beat it. Because they are the biggest car hire company in the UK they can be so competitive with their prices. They are always receiving compliments from customers because of the excellence of their service. By being friendly, professional and honest they have made their customers lives so much easier. It is their aim to make car hire as simple as possible so you drive away happy. Yellohire are in the right lane when it comes to van and car hire so! why not contact them and see how they can help you get on the road today. SEO Services and Online Marketing by Holistic Sales Solutions Ltd About the Author Yello Car Hire Ltd.Margarethe House Eisman Way Corby Northants NN17 5ZB Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Posted: 14 Aug 2012 03:00 PM PDT
Article by Patric Chan
Copyright (c) 2011 Patric Chan One of the greatest success secrets is spiritual empowerment. Spiritual empowerment is a state in which your mind and body is calmed and relaxed and you have inner peace. When it comes to this, it doesn't imply that you need to be religious in order to attain spiritual empowerment. This could also indicate that you are able to accomplish this on your own and with the assistance of other folks that surround you. Also, you need to be consciously aware that positive things may occur in your life when you have embraced it with "arms wide open". The first thing you need to do is to train yourself by reading personal development books or courses. Stick to the what you have learned and implement it positively. Attempt to make things easier by thinking happy thoughts and eliminate all your negative thoughts. By doing this, you shall not be burdened and you can takes things easily because your mind is calm and at peace. Obstacles will surely come in your way, nonetheless, you have to be strong and manage things in a really calm manner. You don't need to be in a rush since things can get messed up as soon as you rush through things without having a definite mind and a positive plan. Also, you need to know you capabilities and your limitations too. This is very important so that you can discover your role in this world. Meditate using natural solutions like Yoga, Reiki and Tai Chi. These techniques will relax your body and mind. Moreover, you must be firm and strong in conquering the negative aspects in your life. Well, you also need to share what you have learned. This is a simple humility to others where you can also benefit from as you will grow more by keeping connected with other people that surround you. It is also a very important thing to acknowledge your previous mistakes. This can help you grow and move on. Simply take these mistakes as a challenge to empower your mind and spirit. With absolutely no doubts, you can ac! hieve success with these challenges. As you go through the process of spiritual empowerment, you have to focus and persevere through the pressure surrounding you. There will be certain mistakes that will be made however, you have to persevere and move on to the right path. You will certainly reach your goals by trying your best. Do not forget that it is not easy at first. However, with proper determination and self guidance it could be easy for you to reach it. Regardless of your place in society, you have to share your knowledge about spiritual enlightenment. You don't need to be selfish, my friend. Life could be easier once you know that you have helped others in empowering them spiritually. This is when you can say that you are satisfied because you have helped yourself and other people around you. About the Author Patric Chan is the founder of successandlife.com, a Web 2.0 self improvement website where everyone can add their own articles and content on it for free. He is also giving away 2 of his best Success Secrets Videos at SuccessTrace.com. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Posted: 14 Aug 2012 02:00 PM PDT
Article by Holistic Sales Marketing
When it comes to car and van hire we want it to cheap and simple. We want the price that is quoted to be the price we pay. The people we speak to have to be friendly and professional and flexible enough to cope with our demands. Basically we want our care hire company to think about us and to put us first. Yellohire have over twenty years in the van and car rental business and they know that the customer wants their car rental experience to be as simple as possible. With that in mind they have thought about the things that can make your car and van hire easier. For example, the price that is quoted is the price you pay. It is as simple as that. Once you have agreed the price you will not have to think about any sneaky add-ons that could be added. Some van hire companies are not as thoughtful as Yellohire and they will dream up an extra charge. They think about the reasons people need to use a van rental company. Some people only need car hire for one day. The car might be in the garage for the day or just out of commission for twenty four hours. Yellohire allows people to use its car and van hire service for a day. If you want a longer term lease they will help you with that as well. Another thought that has struck them has been the fact that some people only need the vehicle for a one way journey. Maybe they have used the van hire service to make a house move. Obviously, they will not need the van to go back as they have moved. Yellohire has over 450 locations and 700 depots so they can easily accommodate such a trip. The most important thought they have had is about cost. They are the cheapest van hire company in the UK. It is vital for them to be competitive on price and they pride themselves on being able to offer the lowest car and van hire prices. It has also occurred to them that they should provide the best range of cars of vans available. Big or small, slower or faster they have a great range of cars and vans to offer. SEO and Online Mar! keting b y Holistic Sales Solutions Ltd About the Author Yello Car Hire Ltd.Margarethe House Eisman Way Corby Northants NN17 5ZB Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Posted: 14 Aug 2012 01:00 PM PDT
Article by Vik
Meditation has become a well-liked form of relaxation among folks who always find themselves stressed out often in their lives. Meditation can be a extremely effective coping mechanism and as a valuable means to combat stress. The handiest way of practicing meditation techniques can be done with the use of meditation tapes. If you are searching for info related to guided meditation mp3 or any other like free meditation downloads,kundalini meditation, reiki music ormeditation practice you've come to the right article. This piece will be offering you not just general guided meditation mp3 info but also explicit and beneficial information. Like it. Using these methods will open you to an entire world of thought management, directional focus and a deeper experience of self and acceptance of others. By concentrating on the breath as you develop your meditation and concentration talents, you may begin to unknowingly associate these peaceful and relaxed feelings with the control of your breath. Described as a state wherein someone is in deep concentration on something, either awareness or some object of thought, meditation can be regarded as one of the oldest way of relaxing the mind and the soul. Usually concerning one's attention to be turned into a single point of reference, meditation is practiced by so many people because it can lead somebody to a consciousness an inch higher than the ordinary person. In the meantime -- I hope you've been in a position to get a full grasp of the primary points related to guided meditation mp3 or other related meditations for women, mindfulness, meditation course, meditation cd,and in the 1st half of this article. Whether you answer Yes or No, keep reading as there is a lot more to expose in this article which will excite you. There are a number of different Buddhist meditation methods that fans and many meditation fans practice. Despite their differences, the methodologies are all sometimes primarily based on developing 2! things- mindfulness and concentration. Attentiveness to the movements of the body and to the fast changing states of mind is to be developed in order to identify the real idea of self. Meditation is the ultimate way to shift one's mind from the cluttered thoughts to more targeted state. Meditation helps one gain larger density of and control of mind. There is a powerful relationship between our mental and physical health.Different meditation strategies follow their own set of meditation instructions so as to be effective and lead somebody to an increased level of relaxation and consciousness. These rules are there to help give the steps that an individual person can follow as she or he begins a meditation session. Duration may differ according to the different methods and may involve different exercises to realize that higher level of awareness. For your info, we found that a lot of folks that were searching for <u>guided meditation mp3</u> also searched online for christian meditation techniques, out of body experience, and even spirit rock meditation center,sound meditation. Many mediators see meditation timers as a tool for progressive awakening, where they can work on their dreams as well as affirmations. Meditation timers are used in meditation classes to facilitate a gentle way of starting or ending conferences and sessions punctually. About the Author So here is chance to get your free tips on guided meditation mp3 and in addition to that get basic information on saving money visit mindful meditation Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Posted: 14 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT
Article by Joseph Duganmire
When you're heading to Scotland to play golf, there are lots of choices. One of the finest choices is the Carnoustie Golf Club. If you are planning to settle in Carnoustie, among the best places to stay is at the Carnoustie Golf Hotel. The Carnoustie Golf Hotel & Spa is in fact celebrated as one of Scotland's very best golfing destinations. The Hotel is located around the edge of the World-class golf course, together with superb suites, extraordinary leisure time amenities, such as fitness center, pool, sauna and steam room, a luxurious spa with indulgent procedures as well as incomparable views over the infamous Scottish Links Course. With the 75 bedrooms and ten luxury suites, all rooms are en-suite and also have breathtaking views over Carnoustie, which include ocean vistas or golf course facing suites. Rest and unwind in the Hotel Bar or perhaps Terrace and Dine in the AA Rosette Restaurant, where you are able to enjoy the finest quality Local Scottish fruits and vegetables. With three golf courses at the door step, Golf Store within the Hotel and resident Golf Professionals to help you, Carnoustie has to be the perfect destination for that passionate golfing enthusiast. While vacationing in the Carnoustie Golf Hotel you'll be spoiled with regard to choices when it comes to the comprehensive health spa and health amenities. You will find a large heated pool, sauna,steam room and for your more energetic individual, a totally loaded gymnasium. The exceptionally trained group of expert health spa therapists will be delighted to discuss the wide variety of indulgent treatment options. Why not indulge yourself and sooth away the stress by reserving a Health Spa Treatment with the resident skilled therapists who can offer you aromatherapy, golfer's tonic, Reiki massage and a range of beauty treatments. In the event you choose to relax with retail therapy, why not spend time within our on-site Golf Professional Store where you can buy a full golf wardrobe, a souvenir or ! perhaps a gift item to remember your stay.Let us not forget the Golfing. Carnoustie, home to the 136th British Open is the famous Scottish Links with its history of taking even the greatest golfers to their knees. When vacationing in the Carnoustie Golf Hotel, why not follow in their foot steps and treat your self to a demanding round of golf around this notably impressive links course. There are also a lot of things to see and do when you are in the area. The city of Angus presents miles of pristine charm, idyllic beaches, unique glens, rugged mountain ranges and breath-taking scenery to discover.Carnoustie Golf Hotel is an excellent base for all those wanting to discover Angus which features stunning walks, several fishing lakes, numerous historical places of interest and last, but by no means least, a substantial amount of exceptional golf courses. Of note, Glamis Castle continues to be the family property of the Earls of Strathmore as well as Kinghorne since 1372. It had been the childhood home of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, birthplace of Her Royal Highness.When staying in the Carnoustie Golf Hotel you are able to visit: Glamis Castle, Arbroath Abbey, Carlungie Earth House, Monikie Water sports activities, Dudhope Castle, Broughty Castle and Museum, Discovery Point, and Dudhope Castle. Not surprisingly, there are a selection of additional hotels and inns within the vicinity. Carnoustie is within a short walk or driving distance from all of these accommodations. Take a look at all of these additional accommodations and inns by choosing one of them from the category list. About the Author I am a golfer along with a freelance writer that has a lot of information about Carnoustie. You can find out more on my website. Carnoustie Golf Hotel or Carnoustie Golf Club. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Posted: 14 Aug 2012 11:00 AM PDT
Article by Holistic Sales Marketing
The sense of smell is in a way an ignored sense. Imagine if someone told you they did not have a sense of smell you probably would not sympathise with them too much. Obviously compared to being blind and deaf it is not the worst sense to lose. However, certain scents can take us back to certain times and can be very evocative. We remember the perfume that was worn on a first date or the first time you met. Perfumes are very important to people and the scent they emit can remain in the memory. Womens perfume has always been a luxury product. Look through a glossy magazine and you will see womens fragrances advertised that send out the message that this is an expensive product to own and wear. There is a place where you can buy designer perfume that is also cheap perfume. The quality is the same as the department store you might have bought it from but the price you pay could be half the price. Perfume Plus Direct sell womens fragrances at wonderful prices that enable all the top quality perfumes to become within the reach of everybody. It needn't be impossible for all women to own the best quality perfumes. Designer perfumes including Alexander McQueen, Calvin Klein are available at prices that would shock the high street stores. They have all the celebrity brands that are so popular these days such as Beckham, Britney Spears, Kylie Minouge and Sarah Jessica Parker. There are more celebrity names there than you might find in a copy of Heat magazine. All these womens perfumes are as hot as the people that endorse them but your fingers won't be burnt by the cost. Perfume Plus Direct is a great place to go if you want to buy that special present for a loved one. You will find fantastic gift sets on there as well as all the other wonderful womens fragrances available. It will be less embarrassing for you to buy womens perfumes from the comfort of your home than facing those rather formidable women you might have seen at perfume counters in department stores. Find out ! what she likes and then all you have to do is visit the website. If you can sniff out a bargain then follow your nose and check out Perfume Plus Direct. SEO and Online Marketing by Holistic Sales Solutions Ltd About the Author Suite 16 Bridgewater houseSurrey RoadNelsonLancashireBB67AF Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Posted: 14 Aug 2012 10:00 AM PDT
Article by Holistic Sales Marketing
There are a lot of ingredients that go into the mix that makes the difference between good chefs and great chefs. Obviously, the two qualities a great chef needs are talent and hard work. Just as importantly chefs who source the better quality produce will produce higher quality meals. The American chef Thomas Keller said, "(if) I can get a better product than you I am going to be a better chef." Getting the best quality catering clothing you can will also help you to become a better chef. You might not think that the state of your chef whites makes any difference to what comes out of the oven or off the stove. If you talk to any top chef they will tell you how important top notch restaurant clothing is to helping them feel in command in a busy kitchen. One of the leading providers of kitchen clothing is Next Day Catering. The Scottish based company is the UKs number one catering supplier and it is the company that many leading chefs look to for their chefs clothing and catering uniforms. Because they know that the chef whites they will get from them will stand up to the special demands of a professional kitchen. Chefs clothing has to be able to do a number of things. They have to deal with heat, they have to be comfortable and they have to be durable. Next Day Catering has chefs jackets that come complete with the high tech CoolVent fabric. This, cleverly, draws heat and moisture away from the body and it is perfectly durable. So the chef can remain cool and dry in the heat and hectic atmosphere of a long and busy service. All their chefs jackets are designed with comfort in mind. When you consider the amount of movement a chef makes during any service a jacket has to allow considerable freedom of movement. Some come in looser fittings than others and they offer a variety of styles so you can choose the one that suits your restaurant clothing style. Chef clothing has to be durable and all the chefs whites they provide will last you for years despi! te the hard work they will be put through. So you know the better the ingredients the better the final dish. Why not add competitively priced, high quality catering clothing from Next Day Catering on to your menu? SEO Services and Online Marketing by Holistic Sales Solutions Ltd About the Author Nextday CateringSuite 16 Bridgewater houseSurrey RoadNelsonLancashireBB67AF0870 161 2002 Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Posted: 14 Aug 2012 10:00 AM PDT
Good morning! It's twists and turns and dips and mountaintops It's all of those that bring about this amazing life; all of those! Yes, the ups and downs, the rights, the lefts The back, the forward, the right, the wrong But Labels They Be, the intention this day Yes indeed life it be, so perfect you see With all the good and bad of thee Nothing but life you see All that comes is meant to be Now to simply love you see Nothing personal or assume you see And the words so perfect Impeccable it be Yes, you say but please forgive the day I love always The moon so bright and close I sight And now the lake, glass thy might To walk upon and be you see All that be is a label you see Now just shift and change this perfect life Simply walk a smile it be and love you see This another good day you be The sun so bright, thy life thy might Connect and love, no fear above For faith you see is all you be And thank you God for what I be One with all of you I see Blessings and love, Dr. Rob On this beautiful, awesome and amazing day Read More @ Source Laughter Yoga at MD Anderson Cancer CenterVideo Rating: 4 / 5 This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 14 Aug 2012 09:01 AM PDT
"A great attitude does much more than turn on the lights in our worlds; it seems to magically connect us to all sorts of serendipitous opportunities that were somehow absent before the change."
~Earl Nightingale "Let us follow our destiny, ebb and flow. Whatever may happen, we master fortune by accepting it." ~Virgil "There are never enough I Love You's." ~Lenny Bruce Read More @ Source 'Vande Mataram' - Shillong Chamber ChoirVideo Rating: 5 / 5 This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 14 Aug 2012 09:00 AM PDT
Posted: 14 Aug 2012 08:00 AM PDT
Article by Nicolas Ashley
The Carnoustie Golf Hotel & Spa is in fact celebrated as among Scotland's greatest golfing destinations. The Hotel is situated on the edge of the Championship golf course, together with superb suites, impressive leisure facilities, such as gym, swimming pool, sauna and steam room, a luxurious spa with indulgent procedures as well as unmatched vistas across the well known Scottish Links Golf Course. With the 75 bed rooms and 10 luxury suites, all bed rooms are en-suite and also have breathtaking visits across Carnoustie, which include sea vistas or golf course facing suites. Rest and unwind inside the Hotel Bar or perhaps Terrace and Dine within the AA Rosette Restaurant, in which you are able to take pleasure in the finest top quality Local Scottish produce. With three golf courses on the doorway step, Golf Shop inside the Hotel and resident Golf Experts to help you, Carnoustie is the perfect vacation spot for the passionate golf player.While staying at the Carnoustie Golf Hotel you'll be spoiled with regard to choices when it comes to the extensive health spa and health amenities. You will find a large heated pool, sauna,steam room and for the more energetic individual, a fully equipped work-out room. The highly trained team of professional health spa therapists will be happy to discuss the wide range of indulgent treatment options. Why not treat yourself and sooth away the strain by scheduling a Health Spa Treatment with the resident trained therapists that can provide aromatherapy, golfer's tonic, Reiki massage along with a range of beauty treatments. In the event you choose to relax with retail therapy, why not spend time in our on-site Golf Professional Shop where you are able to buy a full golf wardrobe, a souvenir or perhaps a gift to remember your stay.Let us not forget the Golf. Carnoustie, home of the 136th British Open is the famous Scottish Links with its record of bringing even the best players to their knees. When staying at the Carnoustie Golf Hotel, why not follow in their fo! otsteps and treat yourself to a challenging round of golf around this especially impressive links course.There are also plenty of things to see and do when you are in the area. The city of Angus offers mile after mile of unspoiled elegance, idyllic beaches, unique glens, rugged mountain ranges and breath-taking surroundings to explore.Carnoustie Golf Hotel is an ideal base for those wishing to discover Angus which boasts stunning walks, numerous fishing lakes, numerous historical locations of interest and last, but by no means least, a large quantity of outstanding golf courses. Of note, Glamis Castle continues to be the family residence of the Earls of Strathmore and Kinghorne ever since 1372. It had been the childhood home of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, birthplace of Her Royal Highness. While staying at the Carnoustie Golf Hotel you can visit: Glamis Castle, Arbroath Abbey, Carlungie Earth House, Monikie Water sports, Dudhope Castle, Broughty Castle and Museum, Discovery Point, and Dudhope Castle.Not surprisingly, there are a number of additional hotels and inns within the vicinity. Carnoustie is within just a quick walk or driving distance from just about all of these hotels. Take a peek at these additional hotels and inns by selecting one of them from our category list. About the Author I'm a golfer and a author whose been writing and playing golf for over thirty years. scottish golf apartments, scottish golf apartments, carnoustie golf hotel Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Posted: 14 Aug 2012 08:00 AM PDT
All we have to do is look for beauty, and she is there all around us at any given moment. Beauty speaks to us in soft whispers or bold declarations. She calls on us to gaze in awe at her splendor. We are enticed by beauty. We adore her, idolize her, and even court her. Beauty seduces all of our senses. Beauty's seduction can be as obvious as the striking good looks of a man or woman or as subtle as the charms of a shaggy dog with loving brown eyes. We find beauty in the wonders of nature. Beauty offers us a symphony of colors with every sunrise and sunset and reveals to us her brash power through a storm at sea. Beauty teases us through the shy smile of a child and delights us via the brilliant flashes of fireworks. Beauty sometimes piques all of our senses at once, appealing to our taste buds, as well as our eyes and nose, when she appears in the form of a deliciously baked cake. Beauty calms us with floral scents and excites our aural lust through the passionate sounds made by an orchestra. Beauty can be cruel, and our pursuit of her can be in vain. We may go to the opera in anticipation of finding beauty there, and she may bore and disappoint us. Instead, beauty lavishes her attention on another suitor who may be more appreciative of her charms. Or, we may try to capture beauty's essence in a photograph, painting, or sculpture, and still she is nowhere to be found. Beauty will forever inspire works of art, and she will always pose for her portrait, selecting the artist who is most worthy of her catching her likeness. Depending on our personal tastes, beauty can be found in every color, flavor, scent, and texture. She lives among the poor, as well as the rich, and appears in the faces of the young and the old. She is at home in the city, as well as the country, decorating skylines as well as landscapes. She is the ultimate shape shifter. Beauty is a weather beaten barn beloved by one person and an awesome testament of naval craftsmanship revered by another. Beauty knows no bounds, and we can find her everywhere. All we have to do is look for beauty, and she is there. -by Madisyn Taylor ~Reprinted with permission from DailyOM Read More @ Source Melanin (Dr. Afrika & Dr. Stevenson) 1of 12.mp4Video Rating: 4 / 5 This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 14 Aug 2012 07:00 AM PDT
I look upon the heavens you see That all the stars are gifts from thee Each one you see the gift in me That all that comes is from thy sun The light and center of all that be Yes, energy guides of what we be And life is but a thought you see Be it good and grand, and God's life plan As you step in the heavens and look to the stars For they be you and God we be Now love the key of all that be And now you see that you be me And God is thee Read More @ Source |
Posted: 14 Aug 2012 07:00 AM PDT
Article by Chantelle
Do you struggle in life or business? Is every day a chore and filled with dread and stress? Maybe you long to fulfil your potential but you just don't know how? Would you love to live a life filled with drive and passion, where every day was an adventure complete with excitement and happiness? Do you never have enough energy to do the things you have to do...never mind the things you really want to do? Are you so desperately looking for a way out but have no idea which way to go? Does your life lack direction and focus and you seem to be scattered here this way and everywhere and you have no idea how to get on track and back aligned with where you were meant to be going? Learn how "Live Your Coaching" can open the door to your path to success, focus and drive! Why Live Your Life Coaching? Imagine knowing what it is that you really want in life and that its totally ok to have what you really want, you are clear, focused and motivated towards what you want in an area of life - lets say career, you know exactly what it is you want and how to make it happen...now imagine that we have been through the whole wheel of life so this is how you feel about all areas of your life...you know exactly what you want, how to make it happen AND you believe will full certainty that it will happen for you - its just now a simple matter of taking action to create real results with your own personal step by step action plan throughout which you have my full support. Imagine having all areas of life in balance, fun and exciting goals to work towards and changes happening before your very eyes! What is a Live Your Life Coaching? My Live Your Life Coaching is based in the real world and focused on real world results, it is a way of working with you to accelerate your success in one, many or all areas of life - this can be health, business, relationships, personal development, wealth. I bring in an eclectic and unique mixture of personal development and transformational change technologies including! NLP (Ne uro Linguistic Programming), Hypnotherapy, and even more ancient and powerful techniques from the sacred teachings of Ancient Hawaiian Huna, Reiki and Shamanism, which ever techniques I know will assist you in the quickest period of time to create your desired results. Every session is very results based and focused - before we start any coaching you will be asked to make an assessment and over view of how each area of life is for you currently, any potential or perceived blocks to you not already having what you want now and also approaches you have already given a go and maybe those you would like to - from this you will have your own wheel of life which we will relate back to regularly and you can use as a gauge for your transformation as you move up and around the wheel. Then taking one area at a time we look at where you are now, where you would like to be, what's stopping you from already being there, what needs to happen to create these results, what's important to you in this area, what drives you and gives you motivation so be the end of the session you are fired up and ready to go with specific, simple and realistic goals in place, you have all the beliefs necessary for you to know inside this will happen and you have your own personal coaching and action plan with all the steps needed to make it happen. You will of course have my support ongoing from the session and then we meet back up in a month's time to review your success and then work through the next area! How does it work? By looking at you as a whole person, your business, your health, presenting problem or issue holistically and by way of skilled questioning we will be able to get really clear and focused on what it is that you really want, maybe for the first time you have given yourself permission to verbalise your thoughts, dreams and goals. Using a range of powerful change techniques I will work with you to become really clear, motivated, energised and driven towards what you want and also what needs to happen to get ! these re sults, we will look at motivations, desires and work through any presenting blocks that you may perceive in the way of you getting there. You will also have your own personal action plan, with review points to monitor your success - all the time with me there in the background as a support whenever you feel necessary. We have this fantastic tool at our disposal - our Unconscious Mind and nobody tells us really how to use it - I will share all that you need for you to accelerate your levels of success and work with your own amazing powerhouse to be even more of who you are really meant to be and achieve all that you want to achieve in any or all areas of your life! What if? Imagine now that you know exactly what you want out of your life, who you really are, you know your purpose and natural strengths and how to live your life in alignment with your true essence. You have evaluated every area of life for now and future and know exactly what needs to happen to evolve your wheel and therefore life to the next level, you and your life are now going somewhere - exactly where you want it to! You are driven, motivated and energised with specific and clear goals to work towards and while you are working towards them you know with certainty that they will come true. Life has gone from uncertainty to clarity, being in the flow and a knowing that this is how it is meant to be - all areas of life in balance, you being you and achieving the levels of success you have always wanted to in every area of your life! By Claire Hegartyhttp://www.clairehegarty.co.uk for a free consultation About the Author I am a professional writer for a popular online magazine called in2town LIfestyle Magazine www.in2town.co.uk Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Posted: 14 Aug 2012 06:00 AM PDT
Posted: 14 Aug 2012 05:00 AM PDT
Article by Sam Qam
The world is a crazy spinning fast moving and chaotic place at the moment and it isn't going to change any time soon. As a result, thousands of people have trouble keeping their mind, their body and their life on an even keel. This can lead to things like depression, anxiety and ill health that will ultimately make life an unpleasant experience. By taking a step back and looking at ways in which you can harmonise the various aspects of your life it is possible to get a grip on all the things pulling you back and forth and disrupting your happiness. Here are 5 tips that you can use to look at your own life and perhaps use to start getting your life in tune.1 Work Life BalanceThe number one cause of stress and deharmonisation in people's lives is the friction between work and life. Holding down a normal job and bringing up children or leading an active social life is difficult. Plus, if you don't really like your job and you feel it takes away from the happiness of your social life, you may need to change careers or change how much you work to try to even this out, because we all need to work to be able to afford the rest of our lives. 2 Family and FriendsFamily and friends are a cornerstone of our lives and by making sure that relationships with them are as good as they can be, can really help to make sure your life is in harmony. Try to make sure that any conflicts are resolved as quickly as possible as bad blood is not good for anxiety levels. 3 YogaIt may seem like a lot of lying around and bending but yoga is an excellent way of stretching your mind and soul as much mentally as physically. Regular yoga will help you explore your inner calm while at the same time exercising your body naturally too. 4 NatureSometimes it is the hustle and bustle of city life which gets on top of people, especially when a lot of public transport is involved. To remedy this getting 'back to nature' regularly with a trip to the countryside or beach can remind you that you are an organic being. This also has a gr! ounding effect that allows you to relax your senses. 5 MusicOne final tip for harmonising your life is to explore a love of music. If you don't listen to music regularly, outside of the chart tunes thumping out of a nearby stereo, then you will probably find that there are many types of music or band that you will love. Everyone can find their own type of relaxation CD that suitable to them whether it's peaceful music alongside scented pillar candles or classic rock. Music is a swift route to your soul which can help harmonise even the most troubled soul. Everyone finds different ways to find balance and harmony in life so it is important that your way is personal to you. About the Author Sam Qam is a relaxation CD composer. He likes to use music and lots of pillar candles to take his mind off the day's trials and get his mind back on track. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |