Feel The Fear And Burn Anyway. Fire Walking Adventures.
Feel The Fear And Burn Anyway. Fire Walking Adventures. |
- Feel The Fear And Burn Anyway. Fire Walking Adventures.
- Dual Action Cleanse: A Holistic Approach
- Hoodia Diet Pill Review: Holistic View
- Coaches Can Be Overwhelmed Too!
- Massage Therapy: A Holistic Way to Relieve Many Ailments
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Feel The Fear And Burn Anyway. Fire Walking Adventures. Posted: 10 Aug 2012 11:00 PM PDT Article by Wesley Mccormick In 1993 my first child was born. In 1963 I was born but my parents were unable to raise me. By 1993 I found myself an unmothered mother out of my depth, losing control, deeply depressed and fear ruled my life. I did not want to mother my daughter in fear and anxiety, I longed to give her a magical beautiful childhood and I knew I had to get help. And so I found myself in Bradford with the strangest bunch of new age hippies you could imagine. Crystals, tarot cards, reiki healers, Buddhists, it was an alien planet to me and if I had a comfort zone then I was certainly a long way out of it. I was there for 3 days, lonely, missing my baby, feeling lost and anxious. I got my programme and decided which workshops and talks I would do. I then took myself off to the main hall to look at the stalls. I am standing by a crystal seller trying to achieve maximum invisibility so no "weird" people will ask me what the hell I am doing in this place where I so clearly don't belong, a man is watching me and I am deeply uncomfortable by his staring. He is standing beside me with a brochure in his hand, "this is my workshop, its tomorrow, it's the whole day, it's really expensive and its fully booked with a waiting list, and I want you to come" he says. "Yeah, that is so not going to happen mate" I am thinking while mumbling to him that I already have my day booked and paid for. He looks at me and touches my arm very lightly; pale grey eyes making me squirm. "Look you have filled your day with safe little workshops so you can pretend you are trying to find yourself". "You need to face your fears, all of them, in a dramatic way that will change your life forever". I tell him I will come just to shut the weirdo up and I make a beeline for the cafe and the safety of a hot strong coffee. Back in the relative safety of my uncomfortable room (back then my preference was for 5 star hotels) I read his brochure. A day of drumming and martial arts ending with a fire walk. There is no way on Gods e! arth I could ever find the courage or insanity to attempt this day and I also have booked to listen to an author talking about her experience with angels, which sounds wacky but at least not terrifying in any way. I wake up at 7am, shower, dress and go in search of a cafe for breakfast. I pass the building were the fire walk event is located and know I am not going there. After a horrible breakfast at a cheap nasty cafe I wander back to the main hall which is filling up with people and there he is. We make eye contact, he smiles and leaves. At 8.55am I wander into the hall and find myself in a room with about 100 people and there he is in the middle, holding court. I take a seat and listen as he explains that most of us will leave today long before the fire walk and there is no failure in that.. Whatever happens and however far along the day we travel its right and we must not try to impose our will onto the day. We start with some meditation, he guides us into a relaxation place on a beach but my heart is pounding still and I can't focus on a word he is saying. He then asks us to select a drum and he teaches us some basic drumming, the sound of 100 of us banging on drums is energising and I do have a flutter or two of excitement in my stomach as his energy and confidence helps me to relax a little bit. At one point in the day we are given huge pieces of thick square wood and we have to write down on to the wood all our fears and what changes we long for. We do some more mental focus and visualisation exercises and then he instructs the men in the group to lift one hand and to chop the wood in half. As this exercise progresses a great deal of people who are unable to split the wood are gently asked to leave, told that today is not the time for them to move forward yet. I realise I am only 1 of 5 women left and he asks us to make a circle around him. He explains that feminine energy is different and requires no force. He asks us to read what we have written again and then to brin! g our han! d gently but firmly through the wood, break the wood and prepare to face the fear. To my complete and utter disbelief my hand comes down and through the wood splitting it in two, this piece of wood is about 3 inches thick and very hard. The other 4 women are unable to do it and leave. So now there is just me and about 20 or so guys left and I really hate guys so I am not exactly happy. But I am in a more focused and different place from usual. He now explains that we will be preparing the coals for the fire walk and the heat will be strong enough to melt aluminium. I think he is insane and there is no way I am walking on hot coals. I also worry about melting my contact lens. Some of the preparation must have been done earlier as the coals are already very hot by the time I see them and some of this part of the day is very hazy in my memory, what I can recall is feeling absolute terror and then calm as I realise that I am simply not going to do it. We rake the coals over and over, me turning my head away from the furnace heat so as not to have melted lens in my eyes. Then sometime later the paramedics show up and so does a crowd of people including a TV camera crew and some reporters. We are kept much focused by the drumming and his shouting at us and the first few guys go. I see them ahead on the other side, some in tears, some yelling with excitement and a few nutters running round to do it again! He is watching me and I start to cry. I know I can`t do it. I can't find the courage. Two guys are standing beside me and one of them says, "We will hold your hand and walk it with you" "we both just did it, you won't burn, you want to lose all those fears don't you, you can do this" I take their hands and then I am walking on coals that are hot enough to melt aluminium. I am still in a kind of trance state; the whole day had been about finding this focus, this mind over matter, this trance like state that would transcend matter. And I, Carol Finlayson the worl! d's bigge! st coward and least confident person is walking on fire. I don't burn, well I have a tiny wee blister on my little toe, I like my tiny blister is a little souvenir. This focus has never left me, sometimes I forget I have it but when I need it its always there, it has helped me transcend other difficult and trying obstacles in my life. So now its 18 years on and I am booked to do my next fire walk in a month's time. My daughter is facing some huge fears of her own as she prepares for university and leaving home and I will walk on fire again to symbolise the start of a new era in my own life. As I plan to remarry and rebuild from the wreckage of bankruptcy and a terrible relationship breakdown many years ago, the walking on fire will renew my strength and belief that I have a power within me beyond what I think is possible. About the AuthorCarol Finlayson, certified Tony Robbins Coach and Author of "Turn On The Lights" a self help book taking you from fear to living a life beyond your wildest dreams. Visit her website at: http://blog.carolfinlayson.com/ Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Dual Action Cleanse: A Holistic Approach Posted: 10 Aug 2012 10:00 PM PDT Article by Xaviar Driggers There was a time when Bill, one of my closest friends seemed to be always disturbed by some sort of stomach related problems. One day he is absent due to diarrhea, the other day he seems to be terribly depressed with constipation. The next day he is complaining of nausea and his plights seemed endless. We really felt for this poor guy. He tried everything, but to no avail, until of course the day when he came to know about the dual action cleanse. This piece of information, to our great relief, worked for him and today he is healthy like just any other normal man in his age group. Bill's symptoms sound familiar to many of you who have availed every possible treatment but with no improvement and you are feeling curious to know what a dual action cleanse is all about. Well then, let us come directly to the point. Dual action cleanse refers to a two-part cleansing program that is specially formulated to facilitate maximum amount of elimination of body's wastes. The uniqueness of the system lies in the fact that in its attempt to optimize the size of the eliminated waste, it does not cause loose stools or pain due to over contraction of colon. It works for a good bowel movements and thus keeps the entire body and other vital organs and lymphatic system free of toxins. In addition to getting rid of the typical symptoms of colon dysfunctions like constipation and diarrhea, you get several other benefits by using dual action cleanse. First of all you will feel more energetic because of the elimination of toxins from your body. Then you will feel lighter, as a result of the elimination of wastes from your system. Another advantage of dual action cleanse is that you will stop feeling bloated. It cleanses your entire body and thus the health of the vital organs like kidney, liver and colon considerably improves. The dual action cleanser formula comes with two types of supplements: one meant to act for purifying the whole body and the second is to cleanse the colon. The first is! compose d of 33 powerful cleansing herbs including Hawthorne Berry, Licorice, Milk Thistle and so on. All these herbs work to improve the functioning of 29 specific body parts by supplying anti-oxidants and releasing free radicals and toxins trapped in the body and help your system to absorb maximum essential vitamins and minerals. The colon clear formula comprises a blend of 22 fibers and herbs like Psyllium, Alfalfa, Pan D'Arco, Oat Bran, and Lactobacillus Acidophilus, that stimulates peristaltic action of colon resulting in 2-3 bowel movements per day and your digestive function also improves. The natural herbal formula of dual action cleanse has changed the lives of thousands of men and women. Incorporate the system in your life as well and see the difference; you will get a body that is clean from inside and a renewed energy level to face the world in a more positive way. About the AuthorXaviar Driggers enjoys writing on health and wellness topics. For more info on dual action cleanse and colon cleanse check out www.dual-action-cleansing.info Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Hoodia Diet Pill Review: Holistic View Posted: 10 Aug 2012 09:00 PM PDT Article by Emily King Not sure as whether Hoodia is effective? The success stories as testified by it users gives a positive Hoodia diet pill review. So if you are an obese, then go ahead with usage of Hoodia. Hoodia basically works by befooling the brain about the fullness of the stomach, which can make you stay satisfied even without food. With Hoodia usage you can stay without for up to 24 hours since its usage. Combine Hoodia medication with low calorific diet and light exercises, and you can experience its amazing weight loss results too. Being a natural product, it is devoid of any harmful side effects in comparison to other weight loss drugs available in the market. Its safety is proved from the fact that it approved as food stuff rather than an appetite suppressant in South Africa. Moreover, the San tribe of the Kalahari Desert has been using it for centuries to cur their hunger when they went on hunting expedition. Consumption of Hoodia Gordonii enabled them to stay without food up to 24 hours, in the harsh climatic conditions of the Kalahari Desert. Only two companies at present are licensed to manufacture Hoodia diet pill namely Phytopharm and Unilever. Popularity of Hoodia is so wide spread that many companies have indulged in the manufacture of counterfeits Hoodia. These counterfeit Hoodia contain saw dust amidst other non approved ingredients. Henceforth, these counterfeit Hoodia can be detrimental for your health rather than benefiting you. Counterfeit Hoodia is become wide spread due to the fact that the genuine Hoodia is scarce. Hoodia plantation is only legitimized in the South Africa, if you obtain Hoodia from anywhere else, then it is not genuine Hoodia. The ease provided by advancement in technology has given us many benefits, online pharmacies being one of them. You can easily buy Hoodia diet pill by means of online pharmacies. A single click of your mouse and you can have your Hoodia diet pill delivered at your doorstep. Be cautious while making a purchase of Hoodia. Ensure tha! t the online pharmacy you want to buy Hoodia diet pillis CITES certified. About the AuthorEmily King is a specialist doctor for healthcare, weightloss and obesity. She has been working in the same field and writes informative articles for weight loss subject. For more information on Hoodia diet pill review, Hoodia Gordonii Diet Pills, buy Hoodia Diet Pill, African Hoodia Cactus, Hoodia visit http://www.buyhoodiadietpills.com Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Coaches Can Be Overwhelmed Too! Posted: 10 Aug 2012 08:00 PM PDT Article by Monique Y. Wells Many people who use coaching services do not stop to think that their coach may have challenges that could adversely affect the delivery of these services. They may unwittingly consider her to be immune to such problems. But coaches are people too, and are susceptible to challenges in their businesses just as other groups of professional service providers are! I recently polled several women coaches, asking if they experience any particular kinds of "overwhelm" in their practices. Responses indicate that there are many reasons for "coaching overwhelm." Meridith Elliott Powell, internationally certified coach, speaker, author, and owner of MotionFirst (www.motionfirstnow.com), shared the following: "I do my own strategic plan for my business every November. Last November, I noticed that if my coaching business was going to grow, I was going to have to transition to more phone work and some group coaching. There was just no room in my schedule to add clients. I was seeing all of my clients in person, limiting me both geographically and from a time perspective. So I made the conscious decision to transition my business this year to more phone work and to group work. It was the only way to expand my business. "I think that this is a natural transition, a natural growing pain, meaning, I would not change how my business has grown and developed. Growing pains and being overwhelmed is a natural and helpful part of growth. Without that pain, I wouldn't stop and figure out the next steps - I wouldn't open myself to stretch with more challenging clients." Tanya Smith, business coaching and marketing consultant for small business at BePromotable (www.bepromotable.com), has a series of about 7 key business systems that she helps her clients (coaches, consultants, freelancers typically) to implement for growth in their businesses. She defines systems as "a combined series of processes/steps that are interdependent, predictable, and repeatable so that y! ou get s imilar results every time." Regarding overwhelm, Tanya states that: "I believe this is a common ailment for coaches and consultants these days. I've had to get back to my 'systems geek' roots to be more strategic and I finally did hire a VA (virtual assistant) this past month, which has helped me tremendously." Stephanie McDilda, coach and speaker at Flashpoint International and partner at Roving Coach International (www.rovingcoach.com) told me: "I don't know that I feel overwhelmed in my coaching practice, but there is something that gets me overwhelmed that some coaches might experience. I actually have two businesses, and this is because I am inspired to walk two paths. I am a high achiever, and often want to feel that I can 'have it all' - even when there are only 24 hours in a day. I have a partnership with two other coaches in a business called Roving Coach International where we specialize in employee engagement by providing coaching for mid-level managers and other key employees in mid- to large-sized corporations. That in itself can sometimes be a full time job. My other passion is individual life coaching and motivational speaking, which I pursue on my own in a business called Flashpoint International. Some days I have to do a lot of juggling so I can have two things which are equally important to me." Stephanie went on to say that, for various reasons, many coaches don't have a practice that can sustain them financially. These coaches may decide to practice part-time while they continue to work full-time to pay the bills. Not only is this demanding from a time perspective, but it is also a tremendous energy drain. Often those coaches are not doing work they love in their "job," but feel that they can't afford to leave it. At the same time, their full time jobs may be preventing them from doing what it will take to build their businesses. Berni Xiong (www.bernixiong.com) is a "shin-kicking life spark" who experiences overwhelm due to being "ov! erly" pa ssionate about her desire to help and serve others through personal and professional coaching. She says that the most important thing to do to conquer overwhelm is to make sure that you balance your life by making time for self-care. For this, she makes time for reading, writing, Bikram yoga and performs Reiki self-treatments to reduce stress and increase relaxation. Berni also has her own coach - an accountability partner who helps her to "check herself "when she feels overwhelmed and needs a sounding board before making various decisions. Berni commented that she believes many coaches are overwhelmed by fear - of failure, of success, or of the unknown. Regardless of the cause of the fear, she says that coaches should ask themselves the question "As you live your life, are you 'leading' with fear, or with passion for what you do?" She says that living your life with fear as your primary driver will forcibly alter your journey and make life a much less pleasurable experience. One source of fear of the unknown is not knowing how to run a business. Berni commented that many great coaches have no idea how to market themselves, or even how to use the Internet effectively. Stephanie concurs, saying that "many people find out that they love to coach . . . but being in the business of coaching (including the marketing and sales, administration, and maintaining sufficient income to make a living wage) is something they don't love so much." Gila Joy Pascale, certified professional life coach at Coaching for the Soul (www.coachingforthesoul.net), was a psychotherapist and counselor prior to joining the coaching profession. She stated that during her training, no one ever taught how to avoid burnout (overwhelm). Because of her passion for her profession, she did not know how to stop helping people when she needed to set boundaries to protect her own health and well-being. She learned it the hard way and suffered two burnout episodes when she was younger. Later she offered work! shops fo r "The Helpless Helpers" to share what she had learned, to close a gap, and to support those in the helping profession. Now, as a coach, Gila Joy "checks in" with herself physically and spiritually so that she can detect the first signs of overwhelm and do what is necessary to avoid it. She teaches other professional helpers how to balance their work/life and how to avoid "compassion fatigue" and burnout. Cheri Ruskus, president of Business Victories (www.businessvictories.com) and founder of Victory Circles (www.victorycircles.com), talked to me about several additional causes of overwhelm for coaches - one of which is that coaches often feel that they always need to work on new ideas. They may have only partially implemented an idea when they get a new idea and feel that they need to begin working on this one as well. Cheri also says that business coaches are frequently called to work with entrepreneurs, and yet they have not been taught and do not understand the entrepreneur mindset. She cites this mismatch between coach and client as an important source of overwhelm. Cheri finds that coaches are frequently intimidated by the idea of hiring help or outsourcing to tackle operational aspects of their businesses. Things like bookkeeping and keeping up with technology (Web site design and maintenance, operating membership sites, using social media . . .) are often best left to someone else who likes dealing with them and has more experience in them. Yet many coaches resist hiring an assistant (real or virtual) to take care of these matters, and Cheri believes that one of the reasons is that they do not realize how inexpensively this can be done. Her assistant is a college student from a local business school who comes in twice a week and does everything else virtually, for a maximum of 15 hours per week at per hour. Her bookkeeper comes in once a month for a fee of 0 per month. Based on the comments from these experienced coaches, overwhelm in your coaching pr! actice c an be a positive thing - it can be a sign that it is time to re-evaluate your business and take steps to make it to grow. The comments also indicate that coaches can - and do - benefit from being coached themselves. About the AuthorDr. Monique Y. Wells is the Paris Muse of Time Management™. Her mission is to help women solopreneurs "get over the overwhelm" that they feel in the workplace so that they can experience less stress, earn more income, increase their job satisfaction, and find more time to spend with family and friends outside of work. Watch her free video series on "getting over overwhelm" at http://gettingoveroverwhelm.com. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Massage Therapy: A Holistic Way to Relieve Many Ailments Posted: 10 Aug 2012 08:00 PM PDT Article by Mike Churchill © 2007, All Rights Reserved For decades the most common perception of massage was nothing more than a glorified backrub. Practitioners in Egypt and other Middle-Eastern countries held those with massage therapy training in high regard centuries ago, but this procedure was not known to modern man as a viable remedy until the middle of the 20th century. With the popularity of the day spa, however, licensed therapists have helped reveal the significance of these treatments. Swedish Massage is likely the most well-known type of massage therapy. Training in this procedure involves working the muscles in such a way as to relieve stress, tension and toxins that build up in muscle tissue. Swedish is the most relaxing massage, and many day-spa patrons opt for this treatment in order to unwind and de-stress. Massage therapy school graduates may also be instructed on Sports Massage. A vital part of an athlete's routine, Sports Massage helps to warm up muscles in order to aid in preventing injuries. Deep Tissue Massage is popular with those who suffer from chronic muscle fatigue. Not nearly as relaxing as Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue methods work farther into the muscle as well as the connective tissues. Using techniques similar to those found in Swedish Massage, graduates of massage therapy schools are instructed on the proper amount of pressure to apply as well as the use of various tools that may aid in this type of therapy. There are also specialized forms of massage. Reflexology, for example, requires a precise form of massage therapy training. By working various pressure points on the feet, reflexology massage is said to open channels of energy throughout the body as well as improve circulation. Aqua Massage, Prenatal Massage and others usually require specialized instruction, typically found at qualified massage therapy schools. Uses of Massage The uses of massage therapy are varied and can help people of all age groups from babies to senior adults. ! Recogniz ed as a viable medical practice, some insurance companies may cover the full or partial cost of massage therapy if massage is recommended by the patient's doctor. In most states, massage therapists must be licensed by their practicing states, so always be sure to check that your massage therapist is operating in accordance with state law. Those who receive massage therapy often find it delivers relief from a variety of ailments. Those who administer massages often receive satisfaction from performing a service that helps so many others. Whether you plan to participate in massage therapy as a patient or by attending massage therapy school, you can find rewarding results. About the AuthorMike Churchill provides online marketing for Select Medical Schools, a school database that links you to nationwide campuses offering health-care training such as massage therapy training and dental assistant programs. Visit them at http://www.selectmedicalschools.com. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Why is half of July holiday in China Posted: 10 Aug 2012 07:00 PM PDT Article by Foxhats After graduating from college and 10 girls coming year and three or four times the summer, July and a half is spent at home. Minnan people in the traditional cultural heritage,and is doing better. July, the neighborhood is usually followed by run feast, worship of ancestors and souls, and then entertain neighbors and relatives and friends, locally known as "do Purdue." My grandmother was alive, personally make arrangements for the party. Vinegar, fried meat, ribs, fish, meat balls, taro, sweet potatoes and "go interactive", all kinds of pastries, steamed sponge cake, bread, sweet cakes, like Elephant heap in the kitchen and living room; various types of seafood, white water boil , the plate filled with a large area, you can always make a delicious soup and dishes to. Liu Shuixi open, meat Lin wine pool, loud laughter. I and several cousins, cousin were frolicking around their houses, reaching to grasp a piece of meat from his mouth up, that the gods of the day, but also true. Grandma passed away, his aunt took over the mantle, especially my Aunt, in addition to good at the system mix of traditional food, he got the essence of her grandmother ---- hospitality, is a minor celebrity in the West. By 2000, the economy has called on the tremendous progress, the Purdue is a luxury, deep impression of a big tub of a few crabs, because no real time to eat, then go to waste on a. And, this great wealth of material, not bring more spiritual enjoyment, is unfortunate. How to change our habits, the times; while preserving and promoting our traditional practices, it is my generation should think and responsibilities and mission it. (Work this morning a small setback, sudden interest for this article, can also seal my brother and share the monster monster of you, be up a minor merits, in recognition of his own first look.) First, I was a pantheist, have faith, but uncertain religion. So, but any section, whether Confucianism is a road or a Buddha, I have been to before. Over the years more foreign disk, e! ven the Christian holiday, I also flies jubilant smile of. (And then gossip about myself, I have carefully realized and more, living in the mountains, wilderness, or temple, temples, Taoist, most feeling that Heaven, it is actually in the church.) Practicing a long time, although can not be immortal, but the act can be arbitrary, let yourself go. This state is my very favorite. July this year, unlike previous years, I have not seen in a dream the dead loved ones. Perhaps Bono vulgar For Reiki I lost it. About the AuthorLunar month, we Han Chinese ghost month; July 15, also known as July and a half, Halloween, Ghost Festival. Han Chinese tradition, the Hungry Ghost Festival is more important than a ritual festival day Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Electricity Medication Healing Hits Mainstream Healthcare Posted: 10 Aug 2012 06:00 PM PDT Article by Levi Mccray The initial point, is one desires to use one's imagination to hold an image in one's brain, to offer a pattern, imagined type or intention for the motion of one's vitality. The 2nd matter, is one wants to create up electricity or a pressure of elevated vibrational energy in the human body, which can be also witnessed as 'emotional energy' or as a charge developing up by means of activation of nervous process and this charge becoming held in physique vibration in the muscle tissue. The third thing is 1 wants a relative medium or human body via which the energy can perform, which is the finish stage or object of one's concentrate, what a single desires to act on. It is not doable to adjust issues with no obtaining an object to function on. In length healing we act upon energetic objects, and even though we can't see them, this does not make them a smaller amount true.All changes in problems in the world are introduced about as a result of Psychokinesis, which is a natural course of action of development, employed consciously by absolutely everyone to greater or lesser degrees. The physical planet is literally developed out of our collective steps, which all action has at its base 'a thought' as the seed to generate it, and consequently the physical planet can be noticed as a 'reflection of thought'.To do Psychokinesis consciously is what length healers do when giving a length healing. One particular is transforming one's intention (concept), into want (emotion) and then into accomplished motion on an object - but undertaking so at a 'distance'.Comprehensive steps for distance healing1. Boost one's bodily vibration working with your popular approach. I stand and hold a copper ring and intone three reiki symbols, the last being the lengthy distance symbol. As I do this I emphasis on feeling the vitality movement in my physique. Commonly forms of faith based healing are prayer and meditation. Some with the practices focus interest on specific disease areas when emphasize on building a superior e! nvironment meant for healing. Essentially all healing practices center on alleviating the consumers suffering and expand their well-being understanding that of humanity in general. Conditions treated together with distant spiritual treatmentThere are different conditions which were treated with removed healing. These are answered in different ways pc healers' orientation. Most distant spiritual healers treat type a spiritual rather than medical perspective and hardly utilize the terminology disease to describe a condition. Additionally do not state to heal health conditions but create a beneficial environment for medicinal. Spiritual healing focuses primarily on creating an environment for health and that catalyzes an individuals overall healing system. The approach is made for rebalancing the body's techniques in collaboration through other telepathic treatment plans. Effectiveness of removed healingStudies declare that spiritual healing works to an individual's wellbeing. Some clinical studies in addition have shown they own therapeutic effects. Many healers advise that spiritual healing be understood united aspect of a standard and integral drugs model where several therapies are accustomed to treat an ailment. Various approaches being used to treat different conditions risk overall effect relies on the persons faith. Some healers work by altering typically the physical reality wherein spiritual healing comes about. About the AuthorReiki distance healing is also more affordable than particular healing sessions. You are only becoming charged for the time the Reiki grasp is shelling out to mail you healing energy--Reiki by itself is free. In addition, you can nonetheless take pleasure in the positive aspects of Reiki therapeutic while going about your day-to-day activities. The natural healing energies of Reiki are transf Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Cinnamon And Heart Health - Six Facts About Holistic Health Care From Your Spice Rack Posted: 10 Aug 2012 05:00 PM PDT |
Holistic Businesses... Don't Follow This Example... Posted: 10 Aug 2012 04:00 PM PDT |
Lose stomach fat fast: a holistic perspective Posted: 10 Aug 2012 03:00 PM PDT Article by Jane Walters A great many people these days are searching for anything they can find on how to lose stomach fat fast. This is because many of those who have extra fat in their tummies are often greatly annoyed by their bulges. It is considered a blow to one's self-esteem to have an "extra tire" around one's waist and to actually do nothing to lose that. Yes, it is true that to lose stomach fat fast will take a lot of hard-won workout hours and steady dieting, but if you keep your mind and spirit aimed at the goal, which is losing those bulges, the time and effort are worth it. The often-taken path to losing weight applies to losing your tummy bulge as well. You will have to engage yourself in a weight loss program in order to losestomach fat fast. This will entail both a change in your eating habits--what and how much you consume and what you stay away from--plus a workout plan that includes aerobic and cardiovascular exercises. These include running, brisk walking, rowing, and aerobic workouts. Weight training and targeted abdominal workouts should be included in the list. This is because weight training tends to build up muscle, and has the effect of making your bodyburn fat more efficiently. Targeted abdominal workouts like side twists and turns and the various kinds of crunches, on the other hand, tone your abdominal muscles. Before you dive into a new weight loss plan, you may have to engage the services and listen to the advice of your doctor. If he or she advises you to continue, then get started immediately. Two important things. First, research and plan ahead, extensively. A diet plan may affect your habits, which in turn may affect how you work or relax or spend time at home. Read up on those effects and how they can be minimized, or how you can adopt to them. Also, a workout plan may take time from yourself and instead you may need to reroute that time to the gym, or a half-hour workout everyday, instead of sleeping. Plan ahead. Second, when you assess the pros and! cons, and you think you can't, do it anyway. You might surprise yourself and enjoy the workouts, and eventually, the weight loss, specifically on that tummy. The point is to not close yourself to opportunities to lose stomach fat fast even when your assessment advises otherwise. Want more? Just click STOMACH FAT About the AuthorHi, I am Jane Walters, I used to have those BIG bulges in the midsection but I manages to get rid of them. I have some articles here that can help you because they sure helped me. Enjoy! Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Best Five Boutique Hotels You Can Find in London Posted: 10 Aug 2012 02:00 PM PDT Article by Kid If you prefer to stay in a boutique hotel in London, then there are plenty of five stars to choose from. Here are our picks for the top 5. 1. K West Hotel & Spa is located in Shepherds Bush, just a ten minute metro ride from Bond Street. Close to Harrods and the Natural History Museum, this modern hotel offers clean lines and strong lobby from the front is glass, filling it with natural light. Televisions small nails in the walls of the lobby and hallways are just one of many features of this luxury hotel. Glass bricks in Kanteen restaurant improve vibration and sumptuous food, like seared tuna complete sensual experience. Drinking a cocktail while sitting on the leather sofa by the fireplace in the lounge K. Enjoy the luxury of a Reiki treatment or hot stone massage at the Spa K and sleep soundly in the wonderful beds. Dramatic color schemes complement the quiet leather furniture and glass blasting blast in the bathrooms. 2. San Domenico House Hotel in Chelsea Enjoy the excellent personal service available in the San Domenico House Hotel in Chelsea. Each room is here individually with antique theme of his personal collection. With rare eighteenth-century original, rich fabrics of superior double rooms are a delight to behold. The marble bathrooms and heated chrome bath towels make life more pleasant here. Four-poster beds or published are a feature in most rooms. This modern room is fifteen house converted from two Victorian houses and has been awarded as the best in London B & B for the 2008/2009 academic year by the AA. With the tube directly across the street, easy access to anywhere in London. Have your pre-dinner drink or breakfast on the rooftop terrace, overlooking Sloane Square. There is no restaurant attached, but Chelsea is at your fingertips. 3. Zetter Hotel Built in 2004, the Zetter Hotel has only 59 rooms. This is a short taxi ride from West End and is in Clerkinwell on the edge of the district. The spiral staircase leads the ey! e to the five-story atrium which provides access to the rooms. While much of the old building has been maintained, young designers have made their mark with the wallpaper, ceramics and works of art. All rooms are designed with your comfort in mind. Curl up with pillows and enjoy the gentle rain-like feel of showers. The study of the roof has a large patio to relax while enjoying your drink and with its large glass partitions, the suite has plenty of natural light. If you prefer not to use air conditioning, then you can curl up with a hot water bottle. The restaurant has fresh, seasonal food Zetta with a modern version of Italian classics. This ultra modern hotel has all the high tech you could want with more than four thousand songs to play for free. This avant-garde hotel is a feast for the senses. 4. Hazlitt's, Soho Another luxury boutique hotel in London to calm the senses is Hazlitt. Located in Soho, which is close to Covent Garden, Piccadilly and Bond Street. The building was built in 1718 and renovated in 2006. Some details have been kept original and genuine extravagant antique decor, but unfortunately there are no elevators. Spread across three historic houses, Hazlitts aims to provide comfortable rooms and genuine hospitality. Located in the heart of London's theater building, which is popular with people around the world. There is no restaurant attached, but are able to enjoy the freshly baked croissants for breakfast! Soho has many places to eat, just ask the reception staff. 5. Bingham Hotel Richmond If it's art you're after, stay at the Bingham Hotel in Petersham Road, Richmond. This charming boutique hotel is situated on the banks of the Thames, and its contemporary elegance and style is offset by its Georgian architecture of the vintage. His fifteen bedrooms are individually designed each. Duck and goose down comforters are great to snuggle under and each room is designed to create calm and sensual pleasure. Art deco furniture is complemented by m! odern ame! nities available. The rooms offer views of the River Thames and luxury hot tub. Bingham Restaurant and Bar offers delicious breakfasts, lunches and fabulous dinners together and sits beside the Thames. The windows to invite into a quiet and Bingham chef offers a menu of sumptuous dinner and great selection of cheeses to complete your meal. There is a wonderful range of fabulous boutique hotels throughout London. About the AuthorAlso read this one : Bali Budget Hotels | Booking Bali Hotels | Very Cheap Hotel In Bali | Flight To Bali | Cheap Flight Tickets | Learn Forex Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Holistic Treatment - Acupuncture Points In The Ear Posted: 10 Aug 2012 01:00 PM PDT Article by Peter Wellington Quite amazingly the whole body and can be treated by applying pressure to acupuncture points in the ear. The basis for this strange notion is the concept of the inverted foetus, and idea developed by Dr. Nogier about the acupuncture map of the ear. Due to the development of his thoughts and studies auricular acupuncture made its debut. Ameliorates The Pain And Illness Quite simply acupuncture points in the ear are shown to be able to reduce pain throughout the body by a reticular formulation through the parasympathetic nervous system. Chinese acupuncture has long been used as the treatment for various conditions and diseases such as addiction, psychological disorders such as depression, pain control, obesity and a wide range of other chronic conditions. Ear acupuncture, also known as auricular acupuncture, relies on the traditional approach to Chinese acupuncture. The ideas and principles behind the use of acupuncture points in the ear stretches way back in time yet the ideas are extremely applicable to modern acupuncture. When an acupuncturist inserts needles into acupuncture points in the ear endorphins are released throughout the body. These chemicals and hormones produce a feel good factor and a sense of well being to the patient. Basically auricular acupuncture is extremely good for treating certain conditions. There are approximately just over 200 acupuncture points in the ear and each of these points has its own name. And expert acupuncturist will know all of these points. The locations of these points will be well known to him. These acupuncture points in the ear are all related to different parts of the body. When acupuncture needles inserted into these points a electrical impulses begin their passage towards the brain and then on to the relevant area of the patient's body. In this sense you can see that the ear operates something like a telephone switchboard. You stimulate one point in the ear and quite amazingly another part of the body is! also stimulated. So you needn't be surprised when you visit your acupuncturist complaining about pain in the ankle that he begins to insert acupuncture needles into acupuncture points in the ear. You will be pleasantly surprised when the pain in the ankle begins to subside even though that area has not been directly treated. Surprisingly the ear lobe itself has its own particular set of acupuncture points that are stimulated in order to treat parts of the head, strode, tonsils, sinuses, throat and many other parts of the anatomy. Then concha of the ear is also used to treat major organs throughout the body in particular: lungs, heart, liver and other organs. It is well known by the professionals and experts that the ear and the associated acupuncture points in the ear are perhaps the most potent acupuncture points in the body. In fact it is estimated that the chances of success are as high as 95% for successful treatment. In this means that acupuncture points in the ear are most worthy of mention. About the AuthorPeter Wellington writes for www.acupunctureaid.com, a website providing a comprehensive archive of free information and guides on the ancient art of Chinese Acupuncture. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Holistic Medicine Secrets: Discover Two Essential Vitamins For Anyone Over 50 Posted: 10 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT Article by Dr. Lisa Hosbein The health and medical communities have long acknowledged the benefits of a daily multi-vitamin, particularly for those over the age of 50. Even Medicare has noted decreased costs in caring for patients who take daily multi-vitamins. As we grow older, the absorption and digestion of proteins and minerals becomes more difficult leading to a variety of ailments such as osteoporosis, fatigue, and chronic illness. We can go a long way towards addressing these concerns by seeking out a few basic nutrients and nutritional supplements. Two vitamins that are essential for anyone over 50 include vitamin B-12 and vitamin D. Vitamin B-12: Vitamin B-12 is an essential nutritional supplement for those over 50. Insufficient vitamin B-12 levels can lead to fatigue, brain fog, and a higher risk of heart disease. Vitamin B-12 is particularly hard to absorb as we age, because we lack the biochemical called intrinsic factor. Because vitamin B-12 is difficult for the stomach to absorb, try taking it sublingually (as a lozenge, or as drops under the tongue) so that it can be absorbed through the mouth. There are several types of vitamin B-12. The most common type, cyanocobalamin, is the least desirable because it does not cross the blood-brain barrier. Instead, look for methylcobalamin or hydroxycobalamin. You might pick up a high quality vitamin B complex to take along with the vitamin B-12 to achieve a proper balance. A reasonable daily dose for vitamin B-12 is 500 micrograms (not milligrams). Vitamin B-12 is water soluble, so it is extremely unlikely that you will overdose on this vitamin.Vitamin D: Vitamin D is another essential nutritional supplement. Women who have optimal levels of vitamin D have approximately 50% decreased chance of breast cancer. Studies have shown that most of the population living north of San Francisco is vitamin D deficient. If you live near the equator, then you can get enough vitamin D by going outside. If you live in the north, you ! cannot get sufficient vitamin D from being in the sun during the winter months. During the summer months you can get enough vitamin D from 20 minutes per day of sun exposure between the hours of 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM. Taking 2000 IU's of vitamin D 3 per day is reasonable. Alternatively, you may take cod liver oil daily. Be sure to find quality oil free of toxins. A highly recommended brand is Carlson Norwegian Cod Liver Oil. Vitamin D toxicity has been a concern because it is a fat soluble vitamin. However, vitamin D toxicity is extremely rare. No cases have been documented of vitamin D toxicity from a daily dosage of 2000 IU's and not even from 4000 IU's per day. About the AuthorAnd now I would like to offer you free access to my weekly Holistic Medicine Newsletter, Healthy Perspectives, where you can receive additional information on important health topics. You can sign up by going to Holistic Medicine Dr. Lisa Hosbein, MD, FACOG - The Wellness Doctor at Holistic Medicine Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Oligotherapy - Perspectives Of a Holistic and Functional Therapy Posted: 10 Aug 2012 11:00 AM PDT Article by Luiz Gustavo Arruda Functional Medicine involves procedures whose principle last directive, as much in the diagnosis as in the therapeutical phase, is the integrity of human biosystem. It uses substances that are originated in the vital processes and procedures that guide life's functions. The focus of Functional Medicine is to promote restitution, compensation and substitution to strengthen the vital processes. Its principle is to act "for" and not "against". A constructive, and non substitutive, principle predominates in it, with the adoption of prevention writs for the maintenance of the health and regulation of the spontaneous capacity of auto-cure. Therapeutical procedure has as objective to reestablish the functions and for that goal it has as principles: 1. SUBSTITUTION (INTAKE) OF DEFICIT SUBSTANCES: intermediate links that lack in functional chains and in the regulating circuits are substituted (contributed) to newly restore the functional chain. It corresponds to the substitution of elements, enzymes, hormones, cells and fabrics. 2. REGULATION THERAPY: there is an effort to restore the functional chains that are interrupted. 3. INDIVIDUAL THERAPIES: here one must have in account patient's individual vital situation who is in treatment, which adds his psychic and emotional sphere and constitutes in its set the called "land". (NIEPER, 2003) The characteristics of these therapies are: 1. High degree of chemical preparations' dilution that prevent any not desired secondary effect. 2. Individuation of the treatment towards a projection of the individual situation of a person, reflecting in a qualitative and temporarily forms the state that is found the organism in its fight against the illnesses. 3. The medicines composites e complexes adapt themselves to functional chains and the metabolic cycles. 4. Regulation is tried to reach by using prepared that can take the handle of structural repairings e functional regenerations. 5. Intermediate! catalysers, intermediate products and the cofactors have the mission to fix defects in metabolic chains, restituting the dynamics of these process. 6. Usage of products that stimulate the mechanisms of toxin elimination. (GUILLÉ, 2000) Oligotherapy is called as a land medicine and it bases itself on the use of the oligoelements, that are present in our organism in very low concentrations and are mineral elements, but essentials to the correct functioning of the metabolic reactions of all organisms. Its main function is to catalyze chemical reactions, or in other words, facilitates the work of the enzymes, that are the molecules in charge to carry through such reactions, whose set constitutes the metabolism of our body. Infinity of causes can modify the correct functioning of our metabolism, compost for an universe of enzymatic reactions in chain in each cell of our body and presenting particularities in each one of us. These metabolic particularities joined to the remaining portion of biological and psychic factors that define them, they make to a person more or less easiness to live in the way that encircles, more or less easiness to remain themselves healthy or to get ill and to be able to recover. All these sets define what we call individual land. As our land we will have certain generic characteristics as for example the trend to suffer definitive illnesses. (NIEPER, 2003) As bio-psycho-social unit, we are continuously interacting and looking for a balance that in ideal conditions is the health in its ampler direction. When our systems of regulation function correctly we may say that we are in a compensation state. When, in the opposite way, our regulation systems are incapable to recover the state of adjusted balance, we enter in a descompensation state where physical as psychic symptoms, connected by our individual land, will appear in such a way. This set of symptoms will define what we will call functional pathology, inside of which can be defined four great syndrome! s, each o! ne is dealt with one or some associated oligoelements: • Regulation systems function too much: Hyper-reactive syndrome (Manganese). • Regulation systems do not function sufficiently: Hypo-reactive syndrome (Manganese-Copper). • Regulation systems function of anarchical or inadequate form: Distonic syndrome (Manganese). • Regulation systems almost do not function: Anergical syndrome. (Copper-gold-Silver). WAYS OF HELPING OUR HEALTH When apporting the corresponding catalytic oligoelements, we make with that the regulation systems function better, thus allowing the recovery of the balance for a compensation state, that is health. This is the moment when oligoelements are more effective. (GUILLÉ, 2000) In the case that we did not make nothing, the functional disequilibrium would evolve for the appearance of an organic pathology (with alteration of our body's structures), where we can differentiate two phases: initially we would enter in a reversible lesional state, in what oligoelements still have resolutive capacity, and then it follows the disequilibrium, later would appear an irreversible lesional state, in which the paper of the oligoelements already is limited (as solely coadjutant at certain moments of other more forceful therapies). A previous valuation of the therapist in will give an idea of the real possibilities of this therapy in each case to them. In conclusion, being oligotherapy a process focused in treating the bases of illness beginning and the tendencies to get ill or increase person's weak points this method is more effective the more next to the functional alteration it starts. When treating to a person, we must treat the syndrome where if it finds at this moment (can vary throughout the life) and ademais we will add other oligoelementos in function of the concrete pathology that has. In occasions it is necessary to change some oligoelemento second is the evolution of the person. (CHOPRA, 2000) Hans NIEPER - Révélatio! n en Méd! ecine et Santé - Ed. Office International de Librairie - Bruxelles - 2003 - 315 pgs Deepak CHOPRA - Cura Quântica - Ed. Difusão Cultural - Lisboa, 2000 - 270 pgs Etienne GUILLÉ - Le Langage Vibratoire de la Vie - L'Alchimie de la Vie II - Ed. du Rocher - Paris, 2000 - 388 pgs About the AuthorLuiz Gustavo Arruda endures an informational internet site on how to increment investigation and specialized composing. For additional instructions on sua fonte pronta para monografia please be more than welcomed to visit his internet site. He furthermore has an additional internet site where he teaches relating about executive investigating equipe séria de monografia Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
The Holistic Approach To Online Publicity & Why Online Pr Lasts Longer Posted: 10 Aug 2012 10:00 AM PDT Article by Brick Marketing Mention online publicity and most people think search engines. Well that is the first step and when launching a new website most everyone can figure out how to submit their site to the search engines, but then what? There are a number of ways to get the word out and publicize your website. These methods can include: * Seeking out subject-specific outlets* Contacting appropriate editors and site reviewers* Optimizing HTML markup for specific search engines* Submitting the site's features or sections individually The last approach can be very effective. Start by looking at your site's features. For example, do you have an email discussion list you could promote separately by submitting it to directories. Focusing in on your site's features and sections can increase your submission options. One option is to announce your site at several resources designed just for that purpose. The quality and impact of these announce sites can vary greatly. One of the first rules of web site promotion is that all submission sites are not created equal. Understand the differences between submission sites, and plan your strategy accordingly. The main difference between a search engine and a directory is human intervention. With a directory (such as Yahoo), a human being reviews the submission and decides whether to accept it. With a search engine, no human intervention occurs. Another key aspect of building awareness for a site launch is to seek coverage from the online media community. This is another area in which you can benefit from third-party experience. When you go in search of press contacts for a web launch, you're dealing with a whole new genre of publications and contacts. Most daily newspapers are primarily of regional interest. That necessarily means that their subscribers are mostly - not wholly, but mostly - local. So largely people who live in and around, say, the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex area will see the print version of your Dallas Morning News article. How man! y others , though - former Dallas or Fort Worth residents, relatives of those live or perhaps attend school in North Texas, executives who do business in the area, fans of Texas sports teams, and so forth - will likely see your article in the online version of the Dallas Morning News? And how many of these people have the potential to one day need your services or products? Publicity is publicity, and few people would turn down publicity however they can get it. However, publicity that appears in print venues is here one moment and gone the next, whereas online publicity can endure and even perpetuate itself. An article in an online newspaper might include a hyperlink to your Web site or your blog. That can bring prospective clients directly to you. It might also motivate other Web site and blog owners to include references to the article (as well as the hyperlinks) which can create buzz about you on the Net and improve your visibility in search engines. These traditionalists are missing the point. Given the benefits of online coverage, an article that appears only online, or online as well as in print, will be of far greater value than one that appears only in print. Each time a newspaper (or a magazine, for that matter) prints your article online, the potential readership for that story increases exponentially. And you still have bragging rights you would have if you're tallying up your publicity "hits" for your Web site or media kit. A USA Today mention is a USA Today mention whether it happens online, in print, or both. About the AuthorOnline Publicity Journal is a Public Relations Blog that discusses all aspects of Online Publicity and web promotions for the new and advanced reader. Questions about this blog, please call 877-295-0620. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Yoga Teacher have good reasons to get insurance Posted: 10 Aug 2012 09:00 AM PDT Article by Massageliability Of all the people in the world who might be able to get away with not having liability insurance for their business, one would think those people would be yoga instructors. After all, quite a few yoga instructors work with techniques that rarely even require the teacher to lay a hand on the client. Even practitioners of a modality as light and healing as yoga instruction need to be covered by yoga teacher. It really has very little to do with the way in which one practices, and it has everything to do with the fact that professional yoga instructors are running a business, and businesses need . In the end, securing yoga insurance is simply a savvy business decision, and one that most business owners have to make. A yoga teacher policy will be there to protect your practice and assets if any harm ever does come to a client on the property of your practice. The accident factor is an important one for yoga teachers to consider when they are trying to figure out exactly why they would need yoga insurance. No one can predict when and where an accident might happen, and if it happens on the property of your studio, then you could be held liable for any damage or injury suffered by the client. With the right yoga teacher policy in place, you will be covered in case a client does have an accident on your property and decides to sue you for damages. At that point, the general portion of your yoga instructor policy would be there to protect you and your practice. Having the security of general , which is often called "slip and fall" insurance, is one of the main reasons to get reiki therapist . Even the most masterful yoga teachers cannot prevent all possible accidents from ever taking place on his or her property. Once you enroll in a solid yoga instructor insurance program, you will also get several other kinds of coverage, providing an even more thorough safety net for you and your practice. Along with the general liability insurance, you should also be receiving prof! essional liability insurance, product liability insurance, and possibly even a few other added benefits. For example, the highest quality yoga insurance programs may come with enhanced coverage, including rental damage coverage, lost or stolen equipment coverage and even identity protection insurance. You can get this level of coverage and protection for your practice for less than a couple hundred dollars per year, which is typically tax deductible. As you can see, there are actually quite a few good reasons for a yoga teacher to have yoga instructor insurance. About the AuthorMassage Magazine Insurance Plus (MMIP) is a national insurance provider offering licensed massage therapists comprehensive Massage liability insurance and practice support. MMIP competes effectively for clients on two fronts, while providing the best value to the practicing massage therapist, MMIP's liability insurance package is the most comprehensive in the massage and bodywork industry. By focusing our liability insurance exclusively on the massage therapist we are able to provide a personalized experience and a comprehensive plan of member benefits. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Hepburn Springs Spa and Daylesford Luxurious Accommodation Posted: 10 Aug 2012 08:00 AM PDT Article by Scott Burns The towns of Daylesford and Hepburn Springs spa are located in country region of Victoria, and there are over 60 natural mineral springs that dot the region. Some flow continuously to the surface. Others require a hand pump to lift water up to use it. Most of these are available free of charge to the visitors in the bottle or as they like. Beautiful scenery adds to the attractiveness of the region. Dense forests, lakes and natural vegetation provide natural attractions to enjoy. Daylesford spa accommodation is unique in its kind and the visitors never forget the joyous moments spent here at the springs and resorts. Luxury resorts and retreats offer an indulgent stay. Everyone uses the therapeutic properties of mineral springs. Pampering and rejuvenation therapies can be used to relax your body, mind and soul. Daylesford accommodation facilities are worth mentioning. The oldest of these funds is the Hepburn springs spa. Originally founded in 1895, has the private facilities, mineral water is used in hydrotherapy. Professional practitioners offer other treatments such as Lomi, sound packs, and relaxation, hot stone massages and Thai. It is known for its wide range of holistic and alternative therapies. There are many retreats and resorts in the region. Each hotel offers a wide range of beauty, spa, Jacuzzi, massages, and luxurious accommodations. Saltus Luxury Retreat overlooks the Mineral Springs Reserve. Their two-bedroom villas and 1-2 includes a heated spa bath tiles for more comfort! Peppers Springs Retreat is a beautiful art-deco hotel that was renovated with modern facilities. It has its own pool, sauna, steam room and eight treatment rooms. Swedish massage, shiatsu, reiki and reflexology are just a few treatments available to pamper guests. There are numerous traveler places to explore in the surroundings except Hepburn springs spa and Daylesford accommodation that are already known for the attraction. Obviously Shizuka Ryokan is an authentic Japanese guest house, a ! traditional refuge of all beings. It aims to ensure peace and tranquility in a relaxed atmosphere. Bedding, monitors and other accessories are genuine, and the restaurant serves traditional meals are prepared and added to the experience. Everyone should at least visit the location to enjoy outstanding Daylesford accommodation and Hepburn springs spa. The benefits to the health and welfare of bottled water are well known and used for centuries. They were very popular in the Victorian era, and it has given rebirth to the popularity of this natural phenomenon. Hepburn springs spa and Daylesford accommodation allow visitors the benefits, as well as to explore many alternative therapies that offer the industry wellbeing of the situation. In an hour's drive from the city of Melbourne, the area to relax and rejuvenate is located in natural surroundings, peaceful and friendly atmosphere. About the Author Daylesford and Hepburn Springs Accommodation at Saltus. daylesford accommodation These luxury spa accommodation villas offer stunning views and endless relaxation opportunities. For More Detail Please Visit: hepburn springs spa Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Ayurveda Gives Vitality To Life Posted: 10 Aug 2012 07:00 AM PDT Article by Cholayilsanjeevanam Human body is made up of five natural elements. Earth, water, air, sun, and sky are those elements which constitute to form all of us. It is very essential to keep a balance and maintain these elements in good order. People have developed many diseases as they have been living an unhealthy life and this makes them prone to further diseases which may even prove to be fatal. Allopathic medicines are very famous among people so that they are cured of diseases instantly. But, people have slowly introduced themselves to ayurvedic medicines and in combination to this, have started doing yoga in daily routine so that they remain fit and healthy to have better years ahead.Ayurveda is formed after an extensive study of natural herbs. When we talk about natural herbs, ‘Ayurveda' is the thing that first strikes our mind and it means using or studying natural herbs especially for medical purposes. Medicines which are produced at the end of the process are known as ayurvedic medicines. Naturopathy is kind of similar to the properties of Ayurveda. According to naturopathy, all diseases have a common cause and have the same cure. It follows traditional system of medicine and focuses on maintain good health based on a very simple treatment. Allopathic medicines can have side-effects on the body of the person consuming them whereas ayurvedic medicines are safe and are made from natural herbs. These have no side-effects at all, unless you are allergic to some ingredient of the medicine. Naturopathy doesn't promote the use of medicines or drugs but encourages the soul of the body to cure the diseases on mental level and treat the ailments psychology rather than giving medication to the patients.There are various other methods which are followed adopted by patients to cure their problems. There are other therapies also which are used such as pranic healing, meditation, yoga and reiki. Pranic healing has a very simple principle. Pranic healing simply enhances healing process by utilizing the en! ergy of life which is an inborn ability present in all living creatures. Meditation is also a therapy which is frequently looked upon over medication. It refers to any an internally-invoked, personal practice, which an internally-invoked, personal practice, which an individual practices to attain better life.Yoga is also considered to be a part of such therapies. It is a physical, mental, and spiritual discipline, originating in modern India. About the AuthorAyurveda is the best treatment process since the time immemorial. Also the ayurvedic therapy treatment is one of the ancient traditional treatments in India. These ayurvedic therapies include Pizhichil, Njavarakizhi, Shirodhara and many more. Apart from this, there are other therapies also which are used such as pranic healing, meditation, yoga and reiki. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
An Energy Business We Are: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, August 10, 2012 Posted: 10 Aug 2012 07:00 AM PDT Hello and good morning, a beautiful day Yes, you and I are in the energy business Another awesome and amazing day in the universe |
Getting Rid Of The Cold And The Flu Posted: 10 Aug 2012 06:00 AM PDT Article by Konign Wood Its that time of year again! Catching a cold can make you feel quite unwell for a few days, but isn't as serious an illness as it can seem to be to you while you are in the midst of it.The old saying "It takes three days to develop a cold, three days to have it, and three days for it to go away," is pretty accurate, so if your cold has lasted longer than around nine days its time to ask your medical advisor for help as it may not be a cold at all.Flu, on the other hand, can be a serious illness, especially if you are very young, in old age or suffer from respiratory complaints already. There are quite a few different flu viruses, restaurant sneeze guards and each behaves differently, so what do you do to avoid catching a cold or flu, and what can you do to relieve the symptoms if you are unlucky enough to get it?First - all about Colds.Colds are contagious viral respiratory infections that cause inflammation in the linings of the nose and throat. Because a virus causes them, taking antibiotics will not help, but there are many natural remedies that will help you cope. The symptoms of the common cold are familiar to everyone and include: - nasal congestion, sneezing, coughing, runny nose, watery eyes, a stuffy head, headache, minor muscle aches and pains, tiredness and a sore throat.What causes colds?There are more than 200 different strains of the cold virus. Most adults develop immunity to the majority of them over time. The symptoms are not caused by the virus itself, but by your body's defence systems working to rid you of the virus.Colds are easily spread by direct and indirect contact with a cold sufferer, or via the air from the sneezing or coughing of someone who already has a cold. It is not exposure to cold, wet winter weather that causes colds, but a lowering of your body's immunity due to stress, overwork etc. It is also thought that indoor (central) heating and dry air may dry out your nasal passages and make them more hospitable to cold viruses. (Consider using a humidifier.)Cold Prev! entionMa intaining a strong immune system by managing stress and living a healthy life style is the long-term answer. Practitioners of Chinese Medicine and Qigong would also recommend that you maintain your vital life force energy (qi/chi) by practicing Tai Chi, Chi Kung or using energy for self healing (as in Reiki). When you practice these energy exercises you raise your energy vibrations to a level that will guard you against external pathogenic factors (germs and viruses). Also, limit your exposure to the cold virus by washing your hands often, steering clear of people with colds, avoid sharing towels and phones, and try not to touch your face with unwashed hands.Natural Cold TreatmentsSupplements can help you recover faster as well as reduce some of your symptoms. Vitamin C, the most popular choice, does not actually prevent colds, but will help boost your immune system's response to the viruses and help shorten its duration.Vitamin A taken in high doses (50,000 IU twice a day) at the first signs of a cold, can help fight the virus. Do not continue taking such high doses for more than five days. And if you're pregnant or planning a pregnancy do not exceed 5,000 IU of vitamin A per day.Ginger is the favourite Ayurvedic cold remedy. Combine equal amounts of ginger, cinnamon and lemongrass, steep in a cup of hot water for about 10 minutes and then add honey to taste. Or replace the lemongrass with a pinch of cardamom. The herb echinacea is an immune booster. This natural antiviral herb should not be taken for more than two weeks at a time. The herb Goldenseal can be taken along with echinacea and works well to reduce cold symptoms.Zinc lozenges may also help speed recovery and may relieve sore throats. (Look for lozenges containing zinc gluconate, glycinate and ascorbate).To soothe a sore throat try a gargle with warm, salty water several times a day, and drinking hot fluids, including tea and chicken soup, is soothing. If you can why not have a rest in bed if you feel bad.When to call the doctorInfants and the! elderly may be at risk of developing pneumonia. If after a few days, the cold suddenly takes a turn for the worse, and you develop chest pain, shortness of breath, a productive cough, and a high fever then call a doctor.If you have asthma, bronchitis, or emphysema, be prepared to call your doctor if you seem to be getting worse.What to do about Flu (Influenza)Flu is a contagious viral infection. A bad cold is very like a mild flu, but a more severe case of flu affects the whole body, with fever between 101°F to 103°F and chills, pounding headaches, joint and muscle pain, cough, dry or burning eyes, sore throat and fatigue.The incubation period for flu is generally three or four days after exposure to the virus. Although flu generally lasts for less than 10 days, fatigue and lack of appetite may continue for weeks afterwards.Just as with colds, the symptoms of flu are caused by the body trying to fight off the virus. And again, as with colds, there is no actual cure, although rest and some herbs and supplements can help make the symptoms more bearable and support the body's fight against the virus.People at greatest risk of developing complications with flu are the elderly, people suffering from chronic illness (such as heart or lung disease) and anyone whose immune system is depressed, such as AIDS patients, or recent chemotherapy patients.What are the causes of Flu? Outbreaks of flu are caused by mutating strains of three basic types of influenza viruses and often occur as an epidemic. The viruses are caught and passed on in the same way as cold viruses. Type A viruses are usually the most potent and are most often responsible for epidemics. The B type viruses are less severe, and type C viruses are responsible for the mildest cases of the flu that are most like a common cold.Flu Prevention For people most at risk of complications the flu vaccine is an option. Zanamivir (Relenza), which is a nasal spray, and oseltamivir (Tamiflu) are both anti-viral drugs that may be prescribed, but you need to take them ear! ly in th e course of the illness for them to work.Supplements that can help relieve flu symptoms.Vitamin A may help shorten the duration of the flu. Take as recommended for colds (see above). Taken in high doses (2,000 mg three times a day, for five days), vitamin C may also help.Consider the herb echinacea to boost your immune system. Do not take echinacea for more than two weeks without a break though.Also try the homeopathic remedy called Oscilloccocinum.Acupuncture can help some people to avoid catching flu, or to avoid the worst of the symptoms and shorten the length of the illness if you do get it.Natural self care remedies for Flu.Stay in bed, resting or sleeping, until your temperature returns to normal.Drinking plenty of warm fluids. Take water at room temperature and choose fruit/vegetable juices, or vegetable, chicken, or clear beef soups. As with colds, to ease a sore throat gargle with warm, salty water and suck zinc lozenges.If you have a dry, non-productive cough use a humidifier in the room and add eucalyptus oil or Olbas Oil to an oil burner. And lastly - a general herbal remedy for colds and flu. Crush a medium sized garlic clove and half a teaspoon of fresh ginger, squeeze the juice of a lemon. Mix together with a teaspoon of honey in a cup of warm water and drink up to three cups a day.For most people having a cold, or even flu, is unpleasant but passes fairly quickly, and the positive side is that you are unlikely to catch that same virus again for quite some time after you have had it, because your immune system has developed antibodies against it. So pamper yourself and rest, you'll most probably soon be better again. About the AuthorThe most critical thing to remember on a date is to be sure that each person is comfortable. On your initial face to face date, if you sense that the girl is really not interested in you or that both of you are not enjoying your time out and restaurant sneeze guards, then be sensible enough to propose leaving early. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Dr. Rob’s Awesome Quote Selections, August 10, 2012 Posted: 10 Aug 2012 06:00 AM PDT "Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results." "You should also appreciate the goodness around you, and surround yourself with positive people." "The veil that clouds your eyes shall be lifted by the hands that wove it." |
Do You Want To Get Rid Of Acne For Good?-Permanently cure acne holistically Posted: 10 Aug 2012 05:00 AM PDT Article by casey gentles How do I get rid of my acne for good? Is this a question you have been asking yourself but just can't find the right answer. And by saying the right answer I mean something that actually works and is not just an hyped up product to steal money from out of your pockets. You see acne is a very uncomfortable disease, and no one, absolutely no one would want to have pimples or zits or blackheads living on their faces. Remember most of the time someone sees you, your face is the first thing to greets them. Another thing is when you wake in the mornings instead of having a feeling of comfort you are forced to feel more terrible as another pimple has popped up on your face and the process continues everyday...... The fact is most people get acne in their teenage years, and acne can last up to late adult years if not treated promptly and with the right treatment. I started having serious skin problems as a teenager in high school. I tried the different treatments available on the market, like the skin care creams, lotions, and cleansers. Nothing really gave me the results I was looking for. I found out years later that the same over-the-counter products I had spent money on and tried had assisted in worsening my acne condition. I mean I was only a teenager and I did not know what I was doing. I had just seen the commercials on TV and went to the local Wal-Mart or Target to buy what they were selling. The other side of it was my friends and family kept giving me advice on what products to try that they thought worked the best. So how do you cure your acne permanently? You need a deep cleanse system, a treatment that penetrates the deep layers of the skin because Our skin has tiny pores which are connected to oil glands. Once these oil glands are blocked, either by dirt or obstructed by abrasions and infections, the oily substance (called sebum) they excrete then block the growth of hair follicles, causing pimple outbreaks. You can start by addressing the problem ev! en befor e it happens. That is, by sticking to a regular skin cleansing regimen to rid your pores of unwanted particles and dirt. The easier it is for your skin to breath, the fewer problems they will cause you. It requires a lot of discipline and patience, yes, but you will be thankful in the long run. I you have acne you should not touch your face often, but if you have to make sure your hands are clean, also don't squeeze the pimples as this could lead to further infection and scarring. Did you know that acne is not restricted to any age group; adults in their 20s - even into their 40s - can get acne, and In most people, acne will last for about three to four years and in 15% of the cases, acne can continue for eight-12 years if not treated with the right mediation? Now You don't have to continue with your pimples and blackheads and whiteheads no longer. Click Here to learn about a proven system that Will Teach YOU How To Permanently Cure Your Acne, End The Breakouts, Rebalance Your Body and Achieve The LASTING Clear Skin You Deserve! About the AuthorDid you know In most people, acne will last for about three to four years and in 15% of the cases, acne can continue for eight-12 years if not treated with the right mediation? Click Here to learn about a proven system that Will Teach YOU How To Permanently Cure Your Acne End The Breakouts, Rebalance Your Body and Achieve The LASTING Clear Skin You Deserve! Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Worthiness: Accepting Our Calling Posted: 10 Aug 2012 05:00 AM PDT Our worth of being on the planet at this time cannot be judged as we are all worthy and essential to being here now. The issue of worthiness may come up in many areas of our lives, as we ask, often unconsciously, whether we are worthy of success, love, happiness, and countless other things, from supportive relationships to a beautiful home. In the end, though, it all comes down to one thing: our willingness to claim our space in this life as humans on this planet at this time. When we accept our divinity, we no longer question whether we are worthy, because we know that we are meant to be here to fulfill a particular purpose, a purpose that no one other than us can fulfill. There are no replacements who can take over and live our lives for us, no other person who has had the experiences we have had, who has access to the same resources and relationships, who carries the same message to share with the world. Our purpose may be large or small, and in most cases it is multi-leveled, with important actions taking place on the interpersonal level, as well as in terms of the work we do in the world. Small acts of kindness share the stage with large acts of sacrifice, and only through accepting and honoring our divinity can we know what we are called to do and when. Ultimately, we are all equally, exactly, completely worthy of being here in this life. Moreover, we are all essential to the unfolding plan of which we are each one small, but important, part. If we suffer from low self worth, it is because we have lost track of understanding this truth, and allowing it to guide our actions in the world. Seeing ourselves as part of something larger, as beings called to serve, is the ultimate cure for feelings of unworthiness. In the end, it's not about evaluating ourselves as worthy or unworthy, so much as it's about accepting that we have been called here to serve and taking the steps required to listen and respond to what our lives are asking us to do. -by Madisyn Taylor Read More @ SourceBeauty Masks & Spa Treatment : Homemade Facial Toner Recipe: Relaxing & Healing Facial MasksThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
New Holistic Acne Healing Remedies Posted: 10 Aug 2012 04:00 AM PDT Article by Daniel Millions Exfoliation is absolutely vital to maintaining a clear, healthy and glowing skin. The only snag though, is that as we gradually age, the exfoliation process tends to dramatically slow down. This results in a massive build-up of dry skin on the surface that effectively blocks pores...which in turn causes breakouts and contributes to the wrinkling of your skin. In order to prevent this from happening, you want to speed up the exfoliation process, so your skin renews itself much much faster. Keep reading to discover just how you can achieve this, by using 2 powerful methods recommended by many experts: Method #1: Peels There's a huge variety of peels available on the market right now, so it's pretty hard to zero in on one. Having said that, here are the most popular choices of peels amongst acne sufferers, right now - Glycolic Acid Peel: This is very similar to the rather strong version of the alpha hydroxy fruit acid concoction, and works by loosening the skin cells that are dead and ready to flake off. A glycolic acid peel is perfectly safe to use and does not cause any harm to live cells instead, it leaves the skin looking even more toned and beautiful. It generally takes up to around 2-4 treatments of glycolic acid peel, over a month, for significant results to start showing. Phenol Peel: This particular type of peel reacts in pretty much the same fashion as TCA Peels do. (see below) The only difference between the two however, is that a Phenol peel tends to be a lot stronger than its counterpart. Thus, they are only performed by an experienced medical professional. Although Phenol peels have been around for a while, they are now being replaced by much milder and more effective peels such as Glycolic and TCA. TCA Peel: A TCA peel is known as a 'true acid peel,' and is usually performed by a professional skin specialist or a certified salon aesthetician. You've got to be prepared to endure a little bit of pain, as this type of treatment burns t! he outer layers of the skin and may carry with it, the risk of infection. That said, the TCA peel provides you with almost instant results. Once your old skin peels off, you'll not only find yourself with a new, very even skin tone, you'll also notice a vast reduction in spots and wrinkles. Method #2: Alpha and Beta Hydroxy Acids You can easily get your hands on one of these, as they don't cost much, and are freely available at drug stores nationwide. Alpha and Beta Hydroxy Acids are also the mildest form of fruit acids used to effect skin peeling, and work to speed up the exfoliation process. In fact, visible results can be expected within just 6 weeks. Method #3: Dermabrasion This has been likened to the process of sanding an object with a sandpaper. The main goal of Dermabrasion is to remove the outer layers of the dermis. If you're experiencing a severe attack of acne, then this might be a good option. Of course, you've got to keep in mind that this process of exfoliation often comes with a hefty price tag attached to it! In addition to this, Dermabrasion usually requires a lengthy recovery period. On the upside though, it does succeed in effectively removing much of the outer layers of skin, so if you prefer this type of treatment, go for it! About the AuthorHolistic Acne Healing remedies. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
3-in 1 Credit Report: Holistic View of Financial Record Posted: 10 Aug 2012 03:00 AM PDT Article by Charle Lawrence Credit report is an important financial document which reflects your monetary practices, and facilitates a creditor to scan for ascertaining terms and conditions of loans. Viewing 1 credit report from any of the 3 reputed bureaus may alert you about your state of affairs but may leave out some scope of information. Not being able to decipher this missing information may be detrimental to your financial well-being, and that is why most advisors suggest 3 in 1 credit report. 3-in 1 credit as is indicative refers to a financial record as presented by the 3 major credit bureaus. These 3 well-known bureaus can be accounted as Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. The credit report formulated by any of these bureaus employs the same information; however, it's the way of presentation that varies. In this manner, 3 in 1 credit report could serve as an overview of your financial record as visible to others. This sort of a credit report is beneficial for viewing 3 different versions of the same information. Scanning through this credit record facilitates the consumer to make comparisons, and even catch up with any missing information in any 1 of the 3 credit report. In short, it could benefit you to understand several aspects in a more comprehensive fashion. Emergence of the Online credit report providers is on the ever increase, which has made accessibility to this important financial document even easier. The shortage of time is the chief excuse that is employed for not availing things, but this online accessibility of credit report can up to an extent minimize the hassle to avail them. The online providers usually require you to register by a step-by-step procedure which generally simple. After achieving this registration, the consumers are permitted these services by means of the login name and password. While choosing an appropriate credit reports online providers, authenticate it before embarking upon its services. Check out the terms and conditions to avoid any complications lat! er on. T his approach is also beneficial in understanding the conditions that you would require to abide by for accessing the financial document. About the AuthorCharle Lawrence is associated with 3 in 1 Credit Report. He holds a Master's in finance from Cambridge University. To know more about 3 in 1 credit report, Online credit report providers please visit http://www.3in1creditreport.info/ Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
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