Holistic Beauty Secrets: How to Choose Natural Make-up and Beauty Products
Holistic Beauty Secrets: How to Choose Natural Make-up and Beauty Products |
- Holistic Beauty Secrets: How to Choose Natural Make-up and Beauty Products
- Revised Info Drug Free Heartburn Relief - Foods To Avoid
- Feng Shui for Better Health - How Applying the Wisdom of Feng Shui Can Improve Your Wellbeing
- 5 Holistic Tips to Naturally Reduce Osteoarthritis Pain
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- Thai Massages - A holistic approach to mind, body and soul
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Holistic Beauty Secrets: How to Choose Natural Make-up and Beauty Products Posted: 07 Aug 2012 11:00 PM PDT Article by Melody Biggar The way we look is a direct result of what we put into our bodies. The food we eat and the beauty products we use every day greatly affect our health and appearance. Unfortunately, most of common beauty products are full of preservatives, toxins, and sometimes poisons and carcinogens. These are put in our makeup, face wash, shampoo and hairspray in order to give them a longer shelf life so the company makes a profit. In order to be a healthy consumer, we must make conscious choices at the beauty counter by choosing organic and natural beauty products and supplements. Don't let fancy advertising fool you. Most of the beauty products you see on television and in magazines are targeted towards our insecurities to make us think we need their product to look younger, sexier, and thinner. Most of these products actually end up causing what they claim to prevent because of all the preservatives and toxins in the product! When we use these products on our hair, skin or nails we are putting these toxic sometimes carcinogenic substances directly into our bloodstream! The cosmetics industry is the least regulated industry under the jurisdiction of the FDA. This means that we have to be cautious and aware of the products we are using. Go to your local health foods store and purchase products that are certified organic. Be careful- even some organic products contain hidden toxins and preservatives so it is important to read those labels carefully. When you make conscious choices, your hair, skin, nails and body will be on their way to being beautiful and vibrant; the way nature intended! Read Your Labels:If your soap, face wash, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, lotions or make-up contain any of these ingredients, get rid of them: Parabens: (methyl, propyl, butyl, and ethyl): These preservatives are a group of chemicals widely used as preservatives in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries that are linked to breast cancer! The E.P.A. has found that they interfere with your bod! y's endo crine system: your hypothalamus, your ovaries, and your thyroid Diazolidinyl Urea, Imidazolidinyl Urea: Preservatives used in cosmetics that release formaldehyde and cause dermatitis. Alpha Hydroxy Acids: Popular skin exfoliating acids which compromise the skins protective functions and possibly even alter the natural biorhythms of the skin with long term use. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate: Literally a poison that causes eye irritation, scalp irritation, and tangled hair. Diethanolamine/Triethanolamine: Causes dryness of hair and skin, and when mixed with certain chemicals, becomes carcinogenic. Propylene/Butylene Glycol: The main ingredient in antifreeze. Need I say more? Synthetic Colors and Dyes: Cancer-causing toxins that often lead to skin allergies, and a whole other host of problems. Most dyes are not regulated by the government and many have been linked to allergic reactions, skin rashes, hyperactivity and asthma. Give your Makeup A Makeover!The skin is the body's largest organ. Toxins exit our bodies through our skin. Lotions and powders may soften and smooth the skin temporarily, but they eventually end up inhibiting the health of our skin by weighing it down and causing it to sag and age. Anything we put on our skin is absorbed right into our bloodstream. This goes for our face makeup as well. Make sure your makeup is mineral-based and free of chemicals, preservatives and dyes. Chemicals in your makeup not only go directly into your body but also clog your pores and cause premature aging. Choose all-natural mineral-based makeup. Mineral-based makeup contains all-natural elements from the earth broken down into tiny particles so they can be easily absorbed into our skin. These natural minerals contain skin-healing properties and give us that youthful "glow." Spare Your Hair:Typical hair care products are full of toxic chemicals and preservatives. Celebrity stylist Chaz Dean says using regular shampoos on your hair is like using laundry deterge! nt on yo ur hair. "And what happens when you use laundry detergent to wash your clothes? The fabrics break down and fall apart. Your hair is doing the same thing. These harsh detergents are stripping your hair, robbing your hair and it's becoming finer, thinner and weaker. So it's not you, it's what you have been doing to your hair." Be sure to read your labels. Buy only certified organic hair products and you will reclaim those lustrous locks! Beautiful Supplements:You can also add some great supplements to your diet to improve your health and well-being: Borage Oil: Also known as Evening Primrose Oil, Borage Oil restores moisture to dry/damaged skin. It can provide relief for chronic skin-care problems such as eczema or acne. Antioxidants: Antioxidants have numerous health and beauty benefits including diminishing cellulite, increasing metabolism, and keeping your skin youthful and hair soft and vibrant. You can get antioxidants from antioxidant rich foods such as fruits and vegetables and liquids such as teas and juices. Spirulina: A blue-green algae with more protein than soy, more iron than beef and more vitamin A than carrots. Spirulina is the ultimate anti-aging food especially good for healthy eyes and strong vision because of its beta-carotene content. Vitamin C: Vitamin C protects your skin from free radicals, boosts immunity, treats and prevents colds, and aids in collagen production. Use organic face and body products with vitamin C for clearer, more radiant skin. Wheat Grass : Full of antioxidants, vitamins, and nutrients, wheat grass juice is a powerful body cleanser with multiple healing properties. The chlorophyll in wheat grass cleanses and rebuilds the bloodstream and combats toxins. Wheat grass can help with skin problems such as eczema and sun spots. Coenzyme Q10: Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful supllement that fights free radicals, stimulates tissue regeneration and has anti-aging properties. Vitamin E: Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant that! protect s the skin from environmental factors, benefits your cardiovascular system and prevents the breakdown of your body's tissue. Just remember that everything you put in or on your body affects you- inside and out. Making informed choices will lead to a more vibrant, healthy and of course beautiful life! About the AuthorMelody Biggar is a writer for Holistic Voice- your online guide to living a natural, organic and healthy lifestyle. For more health and beauty tips visit http://www.holisticvoice.org For holistic weight-loss secrets and get a free weight-loss e-course visit http://www.naturalsexyskinny.com. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Revised Info Drug Free Heartburn Relief - Foods To Avoid Posted: 07 Aug 2012 10:00 PM PDT Article by venessadaliva acid and reflux or heartburn is a lingering digestive disorder that damages the lining of the esophagus. When the symptoms of this disorder become intolerable it is the perfect opportunity to uncover a home cure for acid and reflux. Heartburn has been a serious problem for many. If left untreated it can cause major damage to your esophagus and stomach. Throughout this article you will learn more about heartburn. Hopefully this will show you what will work best to solve your heartburn problem for good. Understanding acid and reflux symptoms begins with understanding what it is. acid and reflux is when gastric juices from the stomach are pushed up into the esophagus. Have You Seen Jeff Martin's new Acid Reflux System yet? It's called Heartburn No More I've read the whole thing (all 150 pages) and there's some great information in there about how to naturally and permanently eliminate your heartburn without drugs antacids or any kind of gimmicks. I highly recommend it - it's very honest and straightforward without all the hype and b.s. you see all over the net these days. Here's the website where you can get more information: Click Here End Heartburn >> Heartburn begins as a burning pain behind the breastbone and it then usually radiates upward to the neck. There is often a sensation of food coming back into the mouth and is accompanied by a sour or bitter taste in the mouth. If you suffer from heartburn you may be interested in holistic cures for heartburn. Holistic medicine is becoming increasingly popular. The idea that good health is dependent on many factors is particularly relevant for those who suffer from frequent heartburn. Treatment plans or hollistic cures for heartburn may be more time consuming than taking a little pill but can be more effective in the long run. Natural remedies to help you stop diarrhea. Avoid dehydration and nutritional deficiency by addressing diarrhea quickly and effectively. acid and reflux ! is a con dition that occurs when you get stomach acid into your esophagus that causes pain usually described as heart burn and that after some time will cause the breakdown of your esophagus and the heart burn gets worse. However you should know that the esophagus will heal itself if there is no more stomach acid leaking into it. Try reflexology polarity therapy Oriental bodywork CranioSacral Therapy and massage. Reiki and Therapeutic Touch can enhance treatment. About the AuthorSTOP GETTING RIPPED OFF! LEARN THE SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT ACID REFLUX HEARTBURN DRUGS AND ANTACIDS... To get the FACTS on exactly how to eliminate your acid reflux from the root 100% naturally and Permanently and achieve LASTING freedom from digestive disorders without spending your hard-earned money on drugs and over the counters... Click Here End Heartburn >> While lifestyle habits can worsen your heartburn symptoms and increase the number of heartburn episodes heartburn is a medical condition with biological causes. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Feng Shui for Better Health - How Applying the Wisdom of Feng Shui Can Improve Your Wellbeing Posted: 07 Aug 2012 09:00 PM PDT Article by Yvonne Phillips Feng Shui for Better HealthHow Applying the Wisdom of Feng Shui can Improve Your Wellbeing Without your health you have nothing, according to a famous quote. Among the many factors that impact your health, the energy that flows around us or "chi" greatly impacts the quality of our wellbeing. Although we can't see it, if energy becomes blocked or stagnant in our environment, this imbalance and disharmony will affect all those in its path, leading to subtle and often obvious discomfort and even dis-ease. Symptoms such as lethargy, irritability, depression, poor sleep, feeling "out of sorts" and disempowered are but a few possibilities of how the affects of bad Feng Shui in your home can impact you. Can you harness the power of Feng Shui to improve your health? The answer is a resounding "yes". The relationship between your health and environment is closely linked. Feng Shui is about working with energy, and the intentional clearing and arrangement of objects to allow the healthy flow of positive energy, and the dissipation of the negative. An ancient Chinese practice, Feng Shui is focused on purposefully working with the proper application of energy flow, which although invisible to the naked eye, directly impacts our own energy field, which over time can uplift or drain our health. If you haven't been feeling your best lately, despite other changes you may be making to your diet for instance, consider how the environment that you are surrounded and sleeping in every day is having on your state of being. Applying the following Feng Shui practices in your home can help you increase your energy levels and stay healthy and of clearer mind.o Feng Shui works with nine categories of life situations that are spatially represented by areas in your living quarters. The very center of your home (and each individual room) is the "health" area. Work on this area by clearing it of debris and wooden objects (in Feng Shui, wood "uproots the earth"), and add plants or yellow and earth tones ! to give the "health area" chi a boost. o Clearing clutter overall is essential to the healthy flow of energy, as excessive piles of stuff are disorderly and constantly draining you. Clean out every room and closet of the house, especially items that have negative emotions associated with them. It's said a cluttered home is a cluttered mind, and creates congested energy, not allowing new, healthy energy to enter your home.o Clear the air, literally. Fresh, quality air circulation is vital to health and the movement of chi. Besides opening the windows often, helpful aids are plants and aromatherapy with essential oils which purify the air. Removing clutter as mentioned above will help clear mustiness and dust. Scale back on excessive electrical devices that emit electro-magnetic frequencies which are harmful to your body's energy field. Move anything electrical as far away from your bed as possible which could drain you while sleeping, such as alarm clocks, cordless phones, computers and it's advisable to never use electric blankets.o Avoid having a mirror facing your bed, which can scatter the energy of the bedroom. If it's not easily moved, cover it at night.o Let in as much natural light as possible, and aim for ambient indoor lighting. Replace glaring fluorescent lights with softer lighting, full-spectrum lights, sun lamps or crystal salt lamps. In the evening, light candles to infuse your home with the uplifting fire element. o No more dark and drab wall colours. Working with the right colours in the rooms of your home include; yellow - which boosts happiness and creativity, green - which promotes healing and calmness, blue - which is also healing and relaxing, and indigo - a relaxing colour which enhances clarity and intuition. Avoid painting your bedroom red, as it is too energizing a color to allow adequate rest.o Remove sad or depressing art, or objects that are rooted in the nostalgic past, keeping you stuck. Instead, place happy pictures of loved ones, or of times of self confidence and empowerment, upl! ifting p aintings, chimes, a small water fountain or any items that bring happiness to you.o Healthy potted plants or wind chimes around your home will disperse negative chi, as well as playing soft and uplifting music. There are many more advanced Feng Shui techniques for the right tools that a qualified practitioner would consider tailoring to each client's particular birth elements. Applying a few changes to your home will do wonders for uplifting your mood, energy and wellbeing, which naturally all affect your health. A relaxing, calming and orderly environment is not only easier on the nerves, but a pleasure to spend time in. Be sure your home nourishes you, not drains you! About the AuthorYvonne Phillips is a National Feng Shui Practitioner, Author and Speaker with over 18 years of experience. Yvonne is certified with Feng Shui Institute International and has trained with world famous Feng Shui Master Lillian Too. As owner of Creative Color & Design, she incorporates Feng Shui principles into both residences and businesses, from small businesses to large corporations. Please visit http://www.fengshuiabc1.com or email yvonnephillips1@aol.com for more information Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
5 Holistic Tips to Naturally Reduce Osteoarthritis Pain Posted: 07 Aug 2012 08:00 PM PDT Article by Kali K. Dania Tired of painful hip joints, aching fingers, stiff knees and other symptoms of chronic Osteoarthritis? Here are five simple, inexpensive and safe ways to diminish very painful, and often times debilitating symptoms. Because these suggestions fall under the natural, non-invasive category - why not give each one a try and see for your self which one works best for you? Maybe include them all into your daily regimen? Many times the best solutions are discovered during experimentation! 1. High-gauss medical grade magnets, placed directly above the painful area has been observed to increase circulation which hence promotes healing of the damaged tissue. There are many well-priced products available, used to reduce arthritis causes and symptoms. 2. Spices and herbs such as Ginger, Turmeric, Oregano, Rosemary and Basil are very high in antioxidants and chemical compounds that promote relief from joint pain and swelling, and can be used specifically by sufferers of Osteoarthritis. They can be made into teas or used often in everyday meals. 3. Brazil nut and sunflower - which contain SAM, or S-adenosyl-methionine, a chemical shown to have pain relieving and anti-inflammatory properties similar to those found in the over the counter medication ibuprofen. About 9 ounces of sunflowers and 18 ounces of brazil nuts are necessary to provide a dose equivalent to ibuprofen, but introducing these foods to your diet can over time greatly reduce joint issues associated with Osteoarthritis 4. Vegetables rich in glutathione such as asparagus, cabbage, cauliflower, potatoes, tomatoes and purslane are wonderful for creating a healthy body chemistry that promotes quick healing. Also, eating fruits with healthy amounts of antioxidants such as avacados, grapefruit, oranges, peaches, watermelon and pineapple, are known to reduce arthritic symptoms after continued use. 5. Niacinamide or Vitamin B3, a water-soluble vitamin, is recommended to arthritis sufferers, as it can strengthen bodi! ly cells , cell tissues, and cell growth, slowing down and potentially stopping joint degeneration. Niacin is found in variety of foods including liver, chicken, beef, fish, cereal, peanuts and legumes and is also synthesized from tryptophan, which is found in meat, dairy and eggs. Of course, everyone enduring Osteoarthritis has unique body chemistry, so while some may find this list extremely helpful, others will continue their search for relief. If you're interested in natural solutions, the five suggestions above are a great start! Remember, it's always best to do your research and consult your physician before starting any type of treatment. About the AuthorKali highly recommends the website www.magneticproducts.net.tf as it clearly covers why magnetic products work, who they can benefit, where you can find high-quality magnetic products and which books have the best information on this particular topic. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Posted: 07 Aug 2012 07:00 PM PDT |
3 Keys to Getting Your Message Out Into the World So You Can Make a Difference Posted: 07 Aug 2012 06:00 PM PDT |
Thai Massages - A holistic approach to mind, body and soul Posted: 07 Aug 2012 05:00 PM PDT Article by Pushpitha Wijesinghe Thai massages are world renowned, and there is no better place to experience one than Thailand itself. Whilst Bangkok reigns with the largest amount of establishments that provide Thai massages from budget to high-end. With techniques and origins from over 2,500 years ago, Thai massages are one of the most sought after treatments throughout the world. Thai massages draw their influence from ancient Indian ayurvedic traditions. There are numerous types of massages, each giving their own benefit. Massages can be done with aromatherapy oil, lotion or nothing at all. From triggering a memory, to help aiding you to sleep, recover from jetlag or to make your skin glow, Thai massages can be used to stimulate different aspects of your body. Take for example the Thai facial massage that uses the fingers in an upward motion and circular strokes across the face. If done regularly, a Thai facial massage can reduce wrinkles and fine lines, and tone facial muscles. The Thai foot massage is perhaps one of the more popular massages that tourists get whilst in Thailand. According to traditional preaching's it is said that each part of the body is linked to the foot. Feet are looked upon as the pillars of the human body, and hence much emphasis is placed on the feet. Either a massage will be done by hand, or by using a small wooden stick. Known to relieve pain and promote better posture, foot massages in Bangkok are famous! For one of the most traditional massages you can get in Bangkok, visit the Wat Po (The Temple of the Reclining Buddha). To experience some of the best of Bangkok, why not try the Bangkok apartments by Compass Hospitality? These apartments in Bangkok provide all the modern conveniences coupled with exceptional service to ensure that their discerning guests have a memorable holiday. Compass Hospitality also features one of the most sought after spas in Bangkok called Ananda Spa that revives and restores mind, body and spirit. About the AuthorPushpitha Wijesinghe is an experienced independent freelance writer. He specializes in providing a wide variety of content and articles related to the travel hospitality industry. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
A Look At Bodybuilding and Holistic Care Posted: 07 Aug 2012 04:00 PM PDT Article by Dane Fletcher Bodybuilding enables one to have an increase in the muscles size very spectacularly, where body building women mainly create a beautiful and appealing shape of the entire arms, legs, and the bottom plus chest areas in segments. This difference is because of the high levels of natural hormones testosterone that specifically relates to male bodies, and is solely responsible to spectacularly transformations that many men aspire for. For women, body building brings changes especially in their health conditions, mainly leading to reduction in the possible risks of diabetes. Studies have clearly shown in detail that in body building sugar processing is quicker, because it acts directly on the insulin secretion. More benefits that are associated to women body building include low risks of developing heart diseases and this is because workouts lower the blood pressure. Training on weight is what stimulates the entire body and the cardiac rhythm level therefore strengthening the whole process of blood circulation and the functioning of lungs through proper control in breathing. Rarely do women know that, in bodybuilding there is a lot of strength and routine mobility that necessitate average growth. They also increase the elasticity of their tissues and the body skin through internal massaging by the working muscles and this is a secret to women who loves holding on to their young age. Studies have shown that carbohydrates compose the largest portion in sweet things and hence are the favorites to many people, especially women. These words may in fact be an incentive for taking a closer look at what it really to be a bodybuilder and who knows, you may emerge on top of the game one day. When the road to losing weight becomes really tough, you may prefer to stay away from the gym for some time. This is a good strategy if you are sure of coming back to finish whatever you had started. In the meantime, utilize the time you used to work out in the gym by doing something which is good for you! r fitnes s. The idea is to keep on doing exercises for keeping fit. Otherwise all the gains you had made in the gym will be a wasted effort. A good bodybuilding strategy should be directed towards the goals you seek to attain. They may range from mere fitness exercises to professional excellence. In the latter case, it is good for you to make use of the lessons learned by other professional bodybuilders. Their advice will be very helpful if you have the willingness and resources to adhere to it. If the equipment are not available, don't lost hope, you can improvise and get the results which mirrors those of professionals. It has been done effectively so you can do it too. Good recipes for bodybuilding should preferentially be composed of balanced content levels of average carbohydrates, average fats and averaged protein. The important thing that one needs to remember, and especially when making the recipes, is that never will you make the dramatically increase of body muscle mass come by merely after increasing your proteins in the bodybuilding diet. Also it is imperative to increase the total intake of caloric ingredients as an accompaniment. About the AuthorDane Fletcher is the world-wide authority on bodybuilding and steroids. He has coached countless athletes all over the world. To read more of his work, please visit either http://www.BodybuildingToday.com or http://www.SteroidsToday.com Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Managing Stress in the 21st Century Posted: 07 Aug 2012 04:00 PM PDT Article by Teri Hamilton-Mickens Stress is an integral part of everyday life, and it represents the way we emotionally, physically and mentally, react to different. The pace of modern life, pressures in the workplace and all the demands of life in a continually changing world, make this an age of "stress". Stress affects the body, lowers the immune system, slows body function and can lead to serious physical, mental or emotional imbalances. Stress can be the number one cause for many of the issues that you are having, including things such as, weight gain, anxiety, depression and pain throughout your body. However, if managed correctly, stress can be used to create a positive experience through excitement, increased energy, clarity of thought and creativity. Stress management includes a variety of techniques that encourage relaxation and decrease her/his stress hormone levels. Yoga, aromatherapy and meditation are some of the ways stress can be managed. YogaYoga can be effective in tackling stress. Yoga is a Sanskrit term which means 'Union' or 'Harmony'. It is an ancient practice of controlling body and mind which originated in India a few thousand years ago. This ancient technique and forgotten therapy is being revived in this modern era. Yoga in stress management provides relief by making the body comfortable for the maximum flow of energy. It unites the mind, body and spirit. Yoga requires you to stretch the body and form various poses, all while keeping your breathing slow and controlled. There are many forms of yoga. Yoga can be a spiritual practice, an exercise or both. Most people that practice yoga agree that it creates a feeling of wholeness and inner peace. Though it takes time to perfect, its benefits make it a worthwhile time investment. Aromatherapy Aromatherapy is basically the introduction of specific scents, with the purpose of creating a reaction, generally one of relaxation. Aromatherapy is a natural healing science employing essential oils extracted from aromatic plant sources to treat and balance! the bod y, mind and spirit. It has been used for quite sometime now to relieve people from the stress they are feeling. Aromatherapy is a widely acknowledged and effective method to treat stress and is another great way to relieve the stress in your lives, whether work related, or otherwise. The essential oils used in aromatherapy can be added to baths, massaged through the skin, inhaled directly or scented in a room. A new innovation is small aromatherapy diffusers that can be attached to your computer monitor or laptop (and so doesn't take up desk space or require an electric socket) and releases aroma only into your personal space for natural stress relief. These extracts are also sold in teas for consumption. Whether it really is soothing to the nervous system or works because of a placebo effect, no one really knows for sure. But for many, if not all, individuals, aromatherapy does aid in calming a person down and reducing stress. Some common scented oils associated with relaxation are lavender, rose and sandalwood. Meditation Meditation has the exact opposite affect on the body as stress. When practicing meditation, your heart rate and breathing slow down, your blood pressure normalizes, you use oxygen more efficiently, and you sweat less. You will feel calmer, more relaxed and have a greater sense of well-being. Meditation helps you to feel less anxious about issues that previously caused you stress, and many benefits arise out of a calm state of mind. In a basic meditation, you would sit in a relaxed position and clear your mind by focusing on a sound, your own breathing or on nothing at all. This can be typically done in 5-20 minutes. Like yoga, meditation can be spiritual or secular. Meditation causes your body to produce and circulate more positive hormones and it enhances your immune function. Effective meditation requires time, patience and lots of practice but its benefits can be tremendous. NutritionWithout proper nutrition, your body and mind cannot function properly. In our fast fo! od world , we consume a lot of calories but rarely do we give our bodies all of the vitamins and minerals that we need. Corbin-Enterprises.com offers some of the best nutritional supplements available. When we take care of our basic nutrition needs, we are better equipped to deal with the stresses that we so often encounter. About the AuthorTeri Hamilton-Mickens has been involve with online services for more than 10 years. She is involved in many internet ventures. She sees Internet Marketing as the wave of the future and enjoys helping others get started in the business. Please visit her at http://www.winatwebmarketing.com Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
What Causes Asthma and How to Treat it Holistically Posted: 07 Aug 2012 03:00 PM PDT Article by Madeleine Innocent When you know what causes asthma, you can take appropriate action to heal it totally. Dr Buteyko, a Russian doctor, discovered the cause. In a nutshell, he discovered that life started on this planet, in an atmosphere of much higher levels of carbon dioxide than there are currently. He reasoned that all life still have that core of needing more carbon dioxide than is currently recognised. So an asthma attack is simply your body shutting down it's supply of oxygen for a short period, so the carbon dioxide levels come up. Your neck muscles may constrict, making breathing difficult. Your chest may feel heavy, making inspiring difficult. Your airways may temporarily fill up with fluid, to prevent the oxygen getting into your blood. Your body is highly intelligent and does what it takes to avoid disasters. Scary though an asthma attack may be, it was never life threatening until cortisone came into use. The Buteyko method is all about learning to hold your breath. This may be difficult for people who regularly have an asthma attack. So you need to practice every day. Stop when it becomes uncomfortable. But increase your time every day, until you can comfortably hold your breathe for a few minutes. Then when you feel an attack coming on, simply hold your breath. You're likely to avoid the attack altogether. And, over time, the attacks are likely to be less severe, less often, until they disappear altogether. Any treatment, without knowing what causes asthma, will never be effective over the long term. Your asthma is likely to get wore as time goes on. This is pioneering work, and not recognised in many areas of expertise. Still, it works very well. And has no side effects. And you can never be caught out without the right equipment to deal with an attack. Knowing what causes asthma gives you the key to effectively treating it and a permanent solution. About the AuthorWritten by Madeleine Innocent.Discover secrets about natural good health, in particular homeopathy by checking out my free report 'An Introduction to Some Common Homeopathic Remedies'. Just click on the website link below.Good Health Naturallyhttp://www.twolegsandfour.com.au Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Posted: 07 Aug 2012 02:00 PM PDT |
The Basics to Know to Get Rid of Gout Naturally Posted: 07 Aug 2012 01:00 PM PDT Article by Nij Joy This editorial will present you through essential set of information to facilitate you have to to know to get rid of gout making use of a little of the a large amount efficient therapies. As this is a form that can be considered as being very much severe so it is weighty that you make an effort and stop it. Before you can know how to get rid of gout it is weighty that you check out and make out the simply disorders of this condition. In a good number cases you might note blush, tautness, bunion, excruciating grief, heat and inflammation in the infected section. The condition is very much prevalent in aged males nevertheless might too be noticed in men at youthful age and many ladies. This is a state that influences the big toe section and other parts of the joints including wrist, knee, ankle and elbow. The second there is a creation of crystals of uric acid in the joint area you might see the creation of gout in that section. The form is very much usual next to the large toe section. This situation happens in the majority persons the instant the attention of uric acid increases in the body that is much higher as compared to the usual grades. To get rid of gout it is weighty that your body must be proficient to get rid of the uric acid from your body. In strong persons this acid is usually excreted from the body through stools and only a smaller amount is really used up by our body. While the means is usually carried out by our kidneys so in case they are not operating correctly so the level of uric acid receives accumulated within our body. The acid is too retained in the blood forcing to arise the crystals which gets accumulated near the joint regions of our body. It is main to undertake and use up the right category of pills to get rid of gout really. There are a number of tenderness relievers that are optional by the medical professionals that facilitate to get rid of gout. As the medicinal drugs are not unpretentious as a result you might as well note a number of side effects ove! r a peri od of time. These warning signs might contain belly ache, nausea, blood loss, your allergies and creation of ulcers. How to get rid of gout is not possible in case you are searching about to heal the origin reason of this state. In case you are consuming soreness killers then you need to keep in mind that it might not be a lasting therapy because their effectiveness is only incomplete till they are being consumed. In the majority cases patients might too have to to use up these medicines for much longer intervals of time subsequently they can stay away from or eradicate this form undyingly. To get rid of gout it is main that you attempt and be in command of the height of formation of uric acid in the body. This is a condition that might too furnish rise to a number of extra problems. It can influence your kidneys enduringly or still damage your body joints. Cherries are very much efficient in opposing against this circumstance therefore it is necessary that you undertake and use up at least thirty grams in a day. They take action as antioxidants and subsequently red juice can help to get rid of gout in little period of time. It is too important that you be supposed to try and drink when to a large extent water as possible on on a daily basis basis. Apart from this you require to undertake and remedy it by dipping the infected themselves section in warm water for a few minutes. This is one means to facilitate you can make use of to get rid of other inflammations in that region. About the AuthorFor more information about get rid of gout and how to get rid of gout,visit our site at http://hubpages.com/hub/HowToGetridofgout Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Spa Gift Baskets As Presents To Ladies Posted: 07 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT Article by Jafern Dero Spa gift baskets are popular gifts for ladies. They are stuffed with bath salt, bath gel, entire body lotion, aromatherapy candles, along with other bath accessories. Some could possibly involve bath towel, slippers, potpourri drawer sachets, soft audio CD, and chocolates. Spa present baskets provide leisure and rejuvenation to ladies that are chaotic moms, operating ladies, and may not have time to indulge on their own within a leisure bath otherwise. This informative article gives you information and facts on how spa presents may aid gals to chill out; and presents an overview of some accessible spa gift baskets.Spa basket present can offer relaxation and strain reduction because the system lotions, soap, aromatherapy candles, and drawer sachet that it is actually stuffed with could have vital oils applied for aromatherapy. Aromatherapy requires the use of crucial oils extracted in the roots, leaves, seeds, or flowers of plants for healing, and to advertise bodily and mental well-being. Just about every important oil has its own blend of energetic components, which identify using a specific oil. Such as, the odor of sweet orange oil is thought to be calming, can help supply emotional balance and deliver on a positive outlook. One more important oil, Lavender oil, is utilised for your relief of anxiety. On top of that to aromatherapy, Other widespread objects while in the basket, such as, wood body massager, gentle music CD, may also assistance women to loosen up. Necessary oils have been made use of for healing, bathing and in perfumes for 1000s of a long time. Whereas it will be not fully clear how aromatherapy may function, some experts imagine our feeling of odor may perhaps play a purpose. As an example, when we breathe in lavender oil vapor, it truly is believed to stimulate the activity of brain cells while in the element on the brain that controls feelings and memory. Critical oils in physique lotions and soap might also be absorbed by means of the skin.Since spa presents deliver relaxati! on and t herapeutic, they can be thoughtful gifts in your mother, spouse, girlfriend, sister, or an individual particular. For anybody who is a female boss, you can also send a spa present to your female worker. A few of the preferred spa gifts are reviewed under: Spa Present Baskets. This present consists of the floral covered tin filled with revitalizing system lotion, bath gel and bath confetti, aromatherapy pillar candle, floating jasmine rose candle, toes and nails bristle brush, bath fizzies, body and hand cream, an unwind and read pillow. as well as a pair of ultra gentle slippers. The keepsake box will be reused for storing photos or cosmetics. This gorgeous gift can sooth the worry of any girl. Important Healing Spa Presents. This basket is filled with comforting aromatherapy bath and entire body enhancements. To fulfill her style bud, she's going to get sweet decadent tea along with the crisp sensation of orange and lemon, creamy orange cream stuffed truffles, and fudge stuffed shortbread cookies. The basket can be full of a finish choice of moisturizing human body lotion, human body butter, bath salt, back massager, for pampering its recipient.Spa present baskets are favorite presents for mom. There are actually spa gifts developed especially for mother. A well-liked gift features a ceramic mug inscribed with the words "My Mother is an Ideal!" and is also accompanied by a matching ceramic photo frame for mother to show off your photograph. Also included from the present set are terry cloth slippers, aromatherapy potpourri, terry cloth bath pillow, moisturizing physique lotion, bath & system gel, system spray, bath salts, exfoliating bath glove, assorted chocolates and cappuccino. This present may be sent for mom's birthday, Mothers day, and the holidays. In summary, spa gift baskets offer you a great way for ladies to loosen up and rejuvenate. These are thoughtful gifts to say you care, and is often sent to your mom, wife, girlfriend, sister, or a person distinctive. About the AuthorHave you been looking for additional on spa gift baskets or gourmet gift baskets? See Denmef Nuler's web site now for additional information instantly. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Spa Gift Baskets As Presents To Ladies Posted: 07 Aug 2012 11:00 AM PDT Article by Cailey Hufer Spa gift baskets are popular gifts for ladies. They are stuffed with bath salt, bath gel, entire body lotion, aromatherapy candles, along with other bath accessories. Some could possibly involve bath towel, slippers, potpourri drawer sachets, soft audio CD, and chocolates. Spa present baskets provide leisure and rejuvenation to ladies that are chaotic moms, operating ladies, and may not have time to indulge on their own within a leisure bath otherwise. This informative article gives you information and facts on how spa presents may aid gals to chill out; and presents an overview of some available spa gift baskets.Spa basket present can offer relaxation and strain reduction given that the system lotions, soap, aromatherapy candles, and drawer sachet that it truly is filled with could have vital oils utilised for aromatherapy. Aromatherapy entails the use of important oils extracted in the roots, leaves, seeds, or flowers of plants for healing, and to advertise physical and mental well-being. Just about every essential oil has its possess combine of active components, which identify the use of a specific oil. One example is, the odor of sweet orange oil is thought to be calming, will help offer emotional balance and deliver on the advantageous outlook. One more essential oil, Lavender oil, is utilised for the relief of tension. On top of that to aromatherapy, Other typical objects inside the basket, such as, wood body massager, gentle new music CD, may also assistance women of all ages to unwind. Necessary oils have been made use of for therapeutic, bathing and in perfumes for a huge number of many years. Whereas it will be not totally very clear how aromatherapy may function, some pros imagine our feeling of odor may perhaps play a purpose. As an example, when we breathe in lavender oil vapor, it can be believed to stimulate the activity of brain cells inside the element on the brain that controls feelings and memory. Necessary oils in body lotions and soap might also be absorbed via the skin.Consi! dering the fact that spa presents give relaxation and therapeutic, they can be thoughtful presents in your mother, spouse, girlfriend, sister, or an individual particular. When you are a female boss, you can also send a spa present to your female worker. A few of the preferred spa gifts are reviewed under: Spa Present Baskets. This present consists of the floral covered tin filled with revitalizing system lotion, bath gel and bath confetti, aromatherapy pillar candle, floating jasmine rose candle, toes and nails bristle brush, bath fizzies, body and hand cream, a relax and read pillow. as well as a pair of ultra gentle slippers. The keepsake box will be reused for storing photos or cosmetics. This gorgeous gift can sooth the worry of any girl. Important Healing Spa Presents. This basket is full of comforting aromatherapy bath and physique enhancements. To fulfill her taste bud, she's going to obtain sweet decadent tea while using crisp sensation of orange and lemon, creamy orange cream stuffed truffles, and fudge stuffed shortbread cookies. The basket can be full of a finish selection of moisturizing human body lotion, human body butter, bath salt, back massager, for pampering its recipient.Spa present baskets are favorite presents for mom. There are actually spa gifts developed notably for mother. A popular present features a ceramic mug inscribed with the words "My Mother is an Ideal!" and it is accompanied by a matching ceramic photo frame for mother to show off your photograph. Also included while in the present set are terry cloth slippers, aromatherapy potpourri, terry cloth bath pillow, moisturizing body lotion, bath & system gel, system spray, bath salts, exfoliating bath glove, assorted chocolates and cappuccino. This present can be sent for mom's birthday, Mothers day, and the holidays. In summary, spa gift baskets offer you a great way for ladies to loosen up and rejuvenate. They may be thoughtful gifts to say you care, and is often sent to the mother, wife, girlfriend, sister, or an indi! vidual di! stinctive. About the AuthorAre you in search of much more on spa gift baskets or gourmet gift baskets? Check out Denmef Nuler's weblog now for a lot more facts without delay. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Holistic Cure for Candida Yeast Infection? Posted: 07 Aug 2012 10:00 AM PDT Article by Henry Matthias A candida yeast infection can be one of the extra tough health troubles you need to manage. You could certainly be excused for feeling that a yeast infection is an unwelcome intruder of your body. But, if you know a bit more about this issue you may be astonished to know that candida yeast is a microorganism that has a routine place in your digestive system. Under ordinary conditions, the candida yeast that is in your body is kept under control in numerous ways. And, as with most health issues, aslong as you continue in normal health, your body's own natural defense mechanisms is able to do a completely adequate job of defusingany health risks. Now, that's all very well if you remain in normal health generally, but the difficulty is for nearly all of us that we subsist a quite stressed life, right? And it is this pressure which is one of the major causes that you can get run down and when this takes place your body's defenses, like your immune system, begins to exert great effort to handle. And then you get susceptible to every kind of the infections which are around and you get attacked from every sides. If you have got a yeast infection you will certainly pay a visit to a doctor and he or she can give some medicine that will without doubt cure your existing candida yeast infection. Nevertheless, this medication will be not likely to help you out with getting your body's immune system back to normal so that they will be able to handle additional candida yeast onslaught. And isn't that the universal problem with all modern medicine? They deal with existing conditions but they don't do anything about the principal causes. Other probable unwanted side effect of using a drug to heal yourself of a yeast infection is that it is rather not possible to eliminate all of the candida yeast producing the infection. The yeast that is left behind after the medicine has done its work could almost be called extraordinary yeast. It will be truly strong yeast - if it weren't it would've been killed off itself. And! that co uld be a real problem for you in the future because you could find that your yeast infection reoccur with a vengeance as a result of this. Prevention is definitely better than cure. You hear about it all the time, don't you? But it's actually true and definitely applies where yeast infections are concerned. Of course, if you are suffering from a yeast infection at the moment that might not be of any help to you. The best recommendation in this situation is to use a natural treatment of ridding yourself of your current candida yeast infection and then concentrate on building up your general health by eating healthily and doing physical exerciseexercising routinely in order that you will be in a better position to handle any future yeast infection before it can take hold.<p align="justify">Get more candida treatment and thrush treatment info here About the AuthorHenry Matthias is a freelance health article writer Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Posted: 07 Aug 2012 09:00 AM PDT Article by Tendy Wegen Spa present baskets are preferred presents for adult females. These are full of bath salt, bath gel, body lotion, aromatherapy candles, and also other bath components. Some could consist of bath towel, slippers, potpourri drawer sachets, gentle music CD, and chocolates. Spa gift baskets present rest and rejuvenation to gals who're hectic moms, working adult females, and might not have time for you to indulge by themselves inside of a rest bath in any other case. This article gives info on how spa gifts could assistance ladies to unwind; and provides an overview of some readily available spa present baskets.Spa basket gift can provide leisure and tension reduction due to the fact the entire body lotions, soap, aromatherapy candles, and drawer sachet that it's full of may contain very important oils used for aromatherapy. Aromatherapy will involve using critical oils extracted from your roots, leaves, seeds, or flowers of vegetation for therapeutic, and also to enhance physical and psychological well-being. Every necessary oil has its individual mix of lively elements, which decide the usage of a particular oil. For instance, the scent of sweet orange oil is regarded as calming, helps deliver emotional stability and bring on the optimistic outlook. Another necessary oil, Lavender oil, is used with the relief of worry. Furthermore to aromatherapy, Other popular items during the basket, for instance, wooden human body massager, soft audio CD, will even aid girls to rest. Important oils are employed for therapeutic, bathing and in perfumes for tens of thousands of ages. Even though it can be not entirely distinct how aromatherapy may well get the job done, some authorities think our sense of scent may possibly play a part. Such as, once we breathe in lavender oil vapor, it is considered to stimulate the exercise of brain cells during the component from the brain that controls emotions and memory. Important oils in human body lotions and soap can also be absorbed by the skin.Considering that spa gifts o! ffer res t and healing, they're thoughtful presents for ones mom, wife, girlfriend, sister, or people extraordinary. In case you are a female boss, it is possible to also mail a spa gift in your female employee. Many of the popular spa presents are reviewed below: Spa Gift Baskets. This gift is made up of a floral covered tin full of revitalizing physique lotion, bath gel and bath confetti, aromatherapy pillar candle, floating jasmine rose candle, toes and nails bristle brush, bath fizzies, entire body and hand cream, a chill out and go through pillow. including a pair of ultra soft slippers. The keepsake box might be reused for storing images or cosmetics. This attractive present can sooth the tension of any woman. Critical Therapeutic Spa Gifts. This basket is stuffed with comforting aromatherapy bath and system enhancements. To satisfy her flavor bud, she is going to locate sweet decadent tea with all the crisp sensation of orange and lemon, creamy orange cream crammed truffles, and fudge crammed shortbread cookies. The basket is also filled with a full variety of moisturizing physique lotion, physique butter, bath salt, back again massager, for pampering its recipient.Spa gift baskets are well-known gifts for mother. You'll find spa presents specially designed specially for mom. A preferred gift contains a ceramic mug inscribed while using the words "My Mother is definitely the Finest!" and it is accompanied by a matching ceramic photo frame for mom to show off your photograph. Also involved while in the present set are terry cloth slippers, aromatherapy potpourri, terry cloth bath pillow, moisturizing body lotion, bath & system gel, human body spray, bath salts, exfoliating bath glove, assorted chocolates and cappuccino. This present will be sent for mom's birthday, Mothers day, and the holidays. In summary, spa present baskets supply a great way for women to unwind and rejuvenate. They may be thoughtful gifts to say you care, and might be sent to the mother, wife, girlfriend, sister, or an individual sp! ecific.& #13; About the AuthorWill you be in search of much more on spa gift baskets or gourmet gift baskets? Check out Denmef Nuler's blog now for much more data without delay. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Updated Acid Reflux In Pregnancy Posted: 07 Aug 2012 08:00 AM PDT Article by claritachari Heartburn is the burning feeling in your chest and along your esophagus due to rising stomach acids. These acids are supposed to stay in the stomach but for some reasons they find a way up. You probably have heard that antacids make effective heartburn remedy.acid and reflux treatment with nexium and other medications. With tips on how to avoid acid and reflux and major causes. How to manage acid and reflux. Diarrhea is a condition where a person has loose watery stools. Such a diseased person may pass stools more than three times in a day. Acute diarrhea is the common form which may last for 1 or 2 days. It does not generally require any specific care and goes away as it is. When it continues for more than 2 days and shows no signs of abating it is a problem and needs to be tended to. It may make the person severely dehydrated. It may result in chronic diarrhea. For those heartburn sufferers who are allergic to prescription drugs and cannot resort to them for relief there are some herbal remedies for heartburn that work just as good if not even better. These herbal remedies are mostly home made and they help to provide instant relief to people suffering from this problem. Amazing all-natural heartburn breakthrough permanently eliminates acid reflux without drugs or over the counters. Stop wasting money on pills potions and other worthless quick fix cures… Learn the truth about acid reflux once and for all and finally get the heartburn freedom you deserve: Click Here End Heartburn >> Heartburn begins as a burning pain behind the breastbone and it then usually radiates upward to the neck. There is often a sensation of food coming back into the mouth and is accompanied by a sour or bitter taste in the mouth. Indigestion during pregnancy is unfortunately a very common normal and annoying condition. Because of the delicate situation that your unborn child is in there are few medications that you will be permitted to use when indigestion pain strik! es. And unlike common indigestion problems in those who are not pregnant indigestion during pregnancy can be brought on by almost any type of food at any time of day. Is there an effective natural treatment for GERD? Yes and here are 8 free tips to naturally treat acid and reflux and never have heartburn again! The unknown story behind swine flu. This is not the U.S. government's first experience with swine flu. Learn about how the government planned to inoculate the American public in 1976. Did you know that there is an herbal cure for swine flu and all influenza and it's as close as your local grocery store? It's true. Try reflexology polarity therapy Oriental bodywork CranioSacral Therapy and massage. Reiki and Therapeutic Touch can enhance treatment. About the AuthorHeartburn No More! Cure acid reflux end your digestive problems and regain your natural inner balance ... Guaranteed! -- Discover how Jeff Martin has taught thousands of people to achieve heartburn freedom faster than they ever thought possible... Even if you've never succeeded at curing your acid reflux before... Right here you've found the acid reflux freedom success system you've been looking for! Click Here End Heartburn >> Heartburn is caused when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) which is located between the esophagus and stomach is weakened or opens inappropriately. This allows acid and other stomach contents back into the esophagus causing irritation. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Tips For Fast Relief: Holistic Yeast Infection Cures Posted: 07 Aug 2012 07:00 AM PDT Article by Elena Andrews If you want to be certain to get fast relief for a yeast infection, but don't want to use antibiotics or fungicides because of the side effects, natural yeast infection cures are possible. The itching and burning of a yeast infection can be controlled through natural remedies or by always being aware of prevention techniques. The most common type of yeast infection is a women's vaginal infection; yeast infections are also found in men and in children. Regardless of the remedies that you choose, be sure to begin treatment as early as possible. Treating Infections With Garlic Apple-Cider Vinegar Many of the natural remedies included in this list have more than one application. Fresh garlic cloves or natural garlic tablets may be one of the best treatments for yeast infection outbreaks. Garlic may be eaten to reduce the level of cholesterol and to lower blood pressure. As a treatment for vaginal yeast infection, a yeast tablet or a fresh garlic clove inserted into the vagina will provide almost immediate relief. Yogurt Applications Some sufferers have found cooling relief for vaginal yeast infections by dipping a tampon in yogurt and inserting it into the vagina. The yogurt provides cooling and pain relief for a brief time, but the tampon should be removed before the symptoms return. The yogurt should be plain yogurt, not vanilla yogurt. The value of just plain water for many of humankind's illnesses cannot be overstated. You should drink the proverbial eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day. Drinking more water allows your body to flush out toxins through urination and to reinstate the natural balance of bacteria and yeast. Toxin and mineral free water is important for optimum benefits. Prevention is the Best Remedy The more you make healthy living choices in your diet, clothing and activities, the more likely you are to avoid a vaginal yeast infection. If you do feel the early signs in your body, take advantage of yeast infection cures that don't hav! e side e ffects and provide long term resistance. A cup of apple-cider visit in the warm bath water can provide excellent relief. It should not be applied directly to the skin, since it is strong enough to be very painful if not diluted. Apple-cider vinegar is another natural remedy for several things, including weight loss. It can be taken internally as a good all-around health boost. Cleanse and Detoxify with Water The best remedy of all for a vaginal yeast infection is to avoid getting it in the first place. General health principles and the remedies mentioned above are all good at preventing and curing the condition. You can also include these actions when you are fighting off a yeast outbreak: Wear cotton undergarments, reduce or eliminate sugar in the diet and avoid feminine deodorants. Healing Properties of Oil of Oregano The substance known as carvacrol that is found in oil of oregano is an effective treatment for yeast infections. This herb should be taken daily internally for best results. It must be pure oil of oregano to prevent further toxicity. About the AuthorYeast infection cures especially cures for yeast infection during pregnancy using either preventative or natural remedies are more likely to provide instant relief with fewer side effects and extended periods between recurrences. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Afraid of the Truth: Feeling Threatened Posted: 07 Aug 2012 07:00 AM PDT Facing the truth upfront rather than turning from it will keep your life moving in a forward and positive direction. Most of us have had the experience of being in possession of a piece of truth that we were afraid to share because we knew it would not be well received. There are also instances in which we ourselves have been unable to handle some truth confronting us. This might be a small truth, such as not wanting to see that our car needs repairs because we don't want to pay for them, or a large truth, such as not fully accepting that someone close to us is pushing us away. Usually the truth is evident, and we can see it if we choose, but we have elaborate ways of hiding the truth form ourselves, no matter how apparent it is. For the most part, we avoid the truth because it scares us, or makes us angry, or makes us feel like we don't know what to do. We often create our lives based on a particular understanding, and if that understanding turns out to be fully or even partially incorrect, we may feel that our whole sense of reality is being threatened. It takes a strong person to face the truth in circumstances like these, and many of us run for cover instead. Nevertheless, we can only avoid the truth for so long before it begins to make itself known in ever more forceful ways. Ultimately, there is no way to avoid the truth, no matter how painful it is, so the sooner we let down our defenses, the better. When we know the truth and accept that we may have to adjust our lives to accommodate, we are in alignment with reality. At the same time, we can be patient with people around us who have a hard time seeing the truth, because we know how painful it can be. Whatever the truth is, we make a sincere effort not to close our eyes to it, but instead to be grateful that we have access to it. -by Madisyn Taylor ~Reprinted with permission from DailyOM Read More @ Source |
Tips Heartburn And Pregnancy - Pregnant Women You Need To Learn How To Stop Heartburn Pains Fast Posted: 07 Aug 2012 06:00 AM PDT Article by nohemivarian acid and reflux cough can be lethal if not treated with proper medications and guidance. However you can prevent the it altogether by altering your lifestyle convoyed with the acid and reflux food items. Here's how:acid and reflux can be excruciating. One of the worst things about heartburn is that it often occurs at night stopping you from getting a full night's sleep. Waking up untested can add more stress to your life in turn increasing the chances of another acid and reflux attack. As if pregnancy was not uncomfortable enough with morning sickness heartburn and a host of other little niggles to deal with then there's the added insult that you are more likely to get hemorrhoids during pregnancy! Please discover all the tips in the article then I hope you will avoid the pain. Why are some people more inclined to suffer from bouts of heartburn while others breeze through life without them? There can be a lot of reasons including heredity food choices body size and lifestyle. In other words what you eat how you eat and when you eat can all cause you to have heartburn. Heartburn No More! Cure acid reflux end your digestive problems and regain your natural inner balance ... Guaranteed! -- Discover how Jeff Martin has taught thousands of people to achieve heartburn freedom faster than they ever thought possible... Even if you've never succeeded at curing your acid reflux before... Right here you've found the acid reflux freedom success system you've been looking for! Click Here End Heartburn >> Heartburn begins as a burning pain behind the breastbone and it then usually radiates upward to the neck. There is often a sensation of food coming back into the mouth and is accompanied by a sour or bitter taste in the mouth. Are you too suffering from the acid and reflux condition? I very well understand how bad it is and how it feels when you don't even know why it is happening to you. This article will provide information on acid and reflux causes as wel! l as ways to prevent this terrible condition. Using drugs for acid and reflux is an unnatural thing to do. Drugs create an imbalance in the stomach's normal function which prepares it to create disease. Want to discover three simple natural remedies to stop stomach gas and pain? Heartburn or acid and reflux has a number of known triggers. If you are aware of these triggers you are able to make the necessary changes to your lifestyle. Not all the triggers will effect all people who suffer from Heartburn so it's a good idea to initially be aware of them and see how they apply to you. Try reflexology polarity therapy Oriental bodywork CranioSacral Therapy and massage. Reiki and Therapeutic Touch can enhance treatment. About the AuthorAmazing all-natural heartburn breakthrough permanently eliminates acid reflux without drugs or over the counters. Stop wasting money on pills potions and other worthless quick fix cures… Learn the truth about acid reflux once and for all and finally get the heartburn freedom you deserve: Click Here End Heartburn >> 80 percent of heartburn sufferers report symptoms at night. 75 percent of heartburn sufferers say nighttime heartburn awakens them during the night or prevents them from sleeping. 40 percent say that their nighttime heartburn symptoms affects their ability to work the next day. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Dr. Rob’s Awesome Quote Selections, August 7, 2012 Posted: 07 Aug 2012 06:00 AM PDT "Gentleness and kindness will make our homes a paradise upon earth." "We are the leaves of one branch, the drops of one sea, the flowers of one garden." "When you light a candle, you also cast a shadow." |
Aromatic Oils for Coping with Stress Posted: 07 Aug 2012 05:00 AM PDT Article by Bruce Markey Stress is a phenomenon that is experienced by people of all ages throughout the world. There are different ways of coping with stress. Aromatherapy is said to be one among the many different ways for coping with rising levels of stress. A nice smell lingering around you is bound to relax you and uplift your mood. This article discusses about different ways you can cope with stress. Reading this article will help you gather knowledge about how aromatherapy helps you reduce stress. Blends and oils used for relieving stress, how they are used, and if they are useful. You can cure most of your problems with aromatherapy. Calming effect of stress therapy with aromatic oils has particularly positive benefits on stress management. Oils used in aromatherapy come with therapeutic properties that help in lowering stress. Calming effect of good smells and the essential oils help in effective stress management. Levels of stress reduce because of relief principles used in aromatherapy. Essential oils are obtained from plants used for different treatment methods. Scents trigger olfactory receptors and send message to limbic system, which is related with emotions, moods and instincts. This helps in effectively treating psychological, emotional and stress related disorders. Different kinds of aromatic blends are available in aromatherapy. Aromatherapy stress kits are available with different oils that can be used for relieving stress. Massage oils are a good way to reduce stress levels. Bath oils can also be purchased for relieving stress. Stress products, stress kits and stress blends can be bought separately and blended together for making medicine. Below are stated a list of oils used in aromatherapy and these are as follows: Sweet marjoram to reduce anxiety Juniper to reduce anger and anxiety Clary sage for a relaxing effect Ylang-ylang Tangerine Orange for uplifting mood Neroli Frankincense Jasmine Lavender to produce ! a relaxed effect. Lavender is found to soothe crying infants and induce sleep among children and adults as well. Preliminary reports derived from scientific investigations show that aromatherapy helps in altering the brain functions and the brain waves. Aromatherapy helps in stress management by decreasing levels of cortisol, increasing contentment and creating happy moods. Studies conducted so far have concluded that aromatherapy message helps in reducing depression and anxiety. Your mental fatigue reduces and you feel a lot better. Aromatherapy candles can be used as a focus during meditation for creating a soothing atmosphere. These candles do not emit much smoke and the scent can be enjoyed in different corners of a room. Diffusers like spread and oil scents can be used. This can be arranged with batteries or candles, if you want to avert any dangers of fire. You can create a soothing atmosphere this way. Body products can be a good way of coping with stress. You can use aromatherapy lotion all over your body and dab small drops of skin safe oils for enjoying the fragrance for long. Pamper yourself in the luxury of good smells and a relaxing body massage. This will surely help you forget your worries and lead a stress free life. About the AuthorLooking for innovative techniques for coping with stress? Visit our website today. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Dressing Thee Up: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, August 7, 2012 Posted: 07 Aug 2012 05:00 AM PDT Hello and good morning Someone once said you're dressing me down Terra Hollistic Medical Marijuana Dispensary TourThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Horse Hair Analysis for Holistic Equine Health Care Posted: 07 Aug 2012 04:00 AM PDT Article by Leon Every Equestrian has come across a horse with unsolved problems. Often it has nothing to do with a horse's quality, pedigree or talent. Issues keep appearing that seemingly have no solution, and no amount of blood testing, bute, feed changes or layoffs seem to fix the problem. It's a very frustrating situation. Well-respected equine veterinarian, Dr. Mark DePaolo of Wilsonville, Oregon, has found at least one answer. A majority of my practice consists of Chiropractic and Acupuncture treatments, Dr. DePaolo says. "There are horses that seem unable to hold an adjustment. Like many veterinarians I have used blood testing as an important source of diagnostic information. It's a good resource for acute problems, crisis situations and liver or kidney issues, but it does not address long term recurring problems. I decided to try hair analysis. It's frequently used with humans, but rarely with horses. What I discovered changed the way I work with and treat horses." A majority of today's equine problems are nutritionally related. Allergies, Cushings, Equine Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy (EPSM), chronic body soreness, mystery lameness and a myriad of other conditions often involve mineral and/or electrolyte deficiencies and heavy metal toxicities. Blood testing would indicate that the horse was normal while Horse Hair Analysis would show serious imbalances. So many of the horses I test this way, at least 8 out of 10, come back with some sort of irregularity, says Dr. DePaolo. "The test allows us to understand the full range of a horse's biochemistry and promote overall health with a customized supplement nutrition plan." Dr. DePaolo has had some stunning success stories utilizing Horse Hair Analysis. "Hot Spot stopped drinking and eating away from home and I feared colic. Horse Hair Analysis turned up a mineral deficiency. Image was depressed, overweight and had foot issues. He had toxic levels of arsenic in his system and Horse Hair Analysis actually saved his life." Then t! here was "Tex" the reiner everyone thought was an abused horse. It turned out his skin hurt all over from a serious lack of electrolytes, iron, zinc, chromium, selenium and cobalt. After altering his feed program, "Tex" changed dramatically and went on to become a National Champion. 'Tex acted oddly and would cringe and act abused whenever you tried to touch him," says LaRae Fletcher Powell. "Horse Hair Analysis showed him to be off the charts low in bio-available Selenium. After 4 weeks on a custom supplement he was a different horse." A very talented show horse named "Harrison" had problems with anger, anxiety and focus. After Horse Hair Analysis, his personal supplement was formulated with the addition of minerals and electrolytes associated with calming and sedation. He now enjoys his work and his people...and they enjoy him. Holly is a Thoroughbred that had issues with spooking and overreacting. Although she was trained in dressage her owner never considered showing because of her attitude. Horse Hair Analysis revealed a problem with carbohydrates and a lack of electrolytes, iron, selenium and vitamin E. Her owner, Jeannine, says "The difference in Holly after proper supplementation is like night and day. Now I feel like showing her is imminent." The Horse Hair Analysis process is simple. Owners submit a small sample of mane hair along with a form and symptom questionnaire. Lab analysis is completed, a report is generated explaining the vitamin and mineral deficiencies and possibility of heavy metal toxicity. A customized nutritional and supplement program is recommended. Re-testing is suggested a year later to assure perfect bio-chemical balance. Once achieved, there are several sustainable supplements available through DePaolo Equine Concepts" to ensure continued optimum good health. About the AuthorDePaolo Equine Concepts is noted for pioneering new holistic equine health care approaches and for combining traditional medicine with holistic methods. DEC is the only comprehensive Horse Hair Analysis and horse supplements treatment system completely customized to suit the individual horse's needs. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Treating a Panic Attack Holistically Posted: 07 Aug 2012 03:00 AM PDT Article by Madeleine Innocent Having a panic attack can be terrifying in itself. And embarrassing when you have recovered. But it's worth knowing that having a panic attack is your body's way of telling you that danger is about and to get out of the situation. Fast. That is, if the panic has come out of seemingly nowhere. If you have regular attacks, it's more likely that the reason is because you were in a terrifying space when you where growing up and needed to be on high alert constantly. But now your system can't adapt to a more calming environment. It needed to previously, but now maybe it doesn't. So if you have a panic attack for no reason that you can see either at the time or in hindsight, then it might be time to gently let your body know it doesn't need to react quite so defensively. Signs of panic can include any of the following symptoms: restlessness, can't keep stillagitationnightmaresrapid or shallow breathingsweatingpalpitationsnumbness or tingling in cheeks, hands or feettremblingfrozen in mind and/or body It's good to know that help is at hand. And in the form that will not drug your senses or cause side effects. Homeopathy works by gently removing the initial cause. So it is goes in deep and sorts out what needs to be fixed. If you take the homeopathic medicine Aconite each time you can feel yourself going into an attack, it will (in the vast majority of cases) quieten you down. As soon as you feel it coming back, you take another dose. It won't be many doses before you're calm again. Whilst Aconite may not permanently cure your panic attacks, it is likely to help a lot at the time. For deeper and permanent resolution, you may need to see a professional homeopath. About the AuthorWritten by Madeleine Innocent.Discover secrets about natural good health, in particular homeopathy by checking out my free report 'An Introduction to Some Common Homeopathic Remedies'. Just click on the website link below.Good Health Naturallyhttp://www.twolegsandfour.com Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
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