Healing 101

    Like birds flying in a V, when we feel the presence of others moving along side of us, there is little we cannot accomplish.
    As they swoop, drift, and glide, inscribing magnificent patterns across the sky, birds are serene displays of grace and beauty. Long a source of inspiration, birds can be messengers from the spirit realm, or a symbol of the human soul, as they cast off their earthly mooring and soar heavenward. An upturned wing, a graceful flutter, all so effortless and free… More magnificent still is the inspiring sight of birds migrating, progressing steadily across the horizon in a solid V formation that is a singular pattern too unique to be mere chance.
    Pushing steadily forward, this aerodynamic V reduces air resistance for the whole flock. With wings moving in harmony, the feathered group continues its course across the sky, covering more ground together in community than as individuals. When the bird at the front gets tired, she will move to the rear of the formation where the wind drag is lowest, and a more rested bird can take her place.
    By learning from the example of our winged guides, all of us can feel empowered to take on daring challenges as we chart adventurous courses. Feel the strength of others moving alongside you, as their presence lends power to your wings during this journey across the sky of life. When buffeted by unexpected gusts, we can choose to find refuge in the loving shelter of friends and family. We may even marvel as an otherwise difficult day passes by like a swift wind, as a kindred spirit charts a way for us through the clouds and rain ahead. If your wings begin to ache on your journey, look around for somebody else to fly at the front for a while. All of us move faster when we move together. Let your ego drop earthwards as we all soar ever higher. -by Madisyn Taylor
    ~Reprinted with permission from DailyOM
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    How Is Your Sleep? circadian rhythms sleep cycles adrenal fatigue tired weightloss

    CHEK Institue faculty, Josh Rubin, discusses the role of sleep in healing. www.chekinstitute.com http
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    Posted: 22 Aug 2012 09:00 PM PDT
    Article by Jack Authors

    Posted: 22 Aug 2012 09:00 PM PDT
    "The art of life is to live in the present moment, and to make that moment as perfect as we can by the realization that we are the instruments and expression of God Himself."
    ~Emmet Fox
    "Always look at the good things in life and never dwell on what keeps your head down. If you keep your head down, you'll miss the blessings."
    ~Unknown Author
    "To witness miracles unfold in your experience, count your blessings and be thankful. Perceived small blessings accumulate to be the most powerful."
    ~T.F. Hodge
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    Posted: 22 Aug 2012 08:00 PM PDT
    Article by A.J. Joseph
    What is a far infrared blanket you may ask? This is something similar to a sleeping bag, but, it's not meant for sleeping for extended periods of time. It looks a bit spacey, like something straight out of a sci fi movie. The primary use of this is to have your own far infrared thermal treatment system within the comfort of your home. The official name is a Far Infrared Cocoon System. When you're inside, it looks like you're a giant toothpaste tube, because your head is the only thing sticking out.
    What are far infrared rays? Well, these are basically the invisible rays from the sun, which you feel as warmth. Apparently, solar rays are composed of 80% far infrared rays. Also, they are the safest and most beneficial, as the far infrared rays energize cells, inner tissue, and all the organs beneath the skin. It's not to be mistaken with the Near infrared rays, which is the heat you feel when you place your hand near a kettle, an open flame or a hot surface. Far infrared rays can be equated to chi. This is also known as ki, prana, life force, orgone. It's the energy emitted by the qi gong practitioners or touch healers, and even reiki practitioners.
    Now for the benefits: Far infrared thermal treatment has been proven in scientific studies to be one of the most effective ways of removing toxic heavy metal and pesticide residue. The thing that makes far infrared thermal treatment so effective is that far infrared rays penetrate deep into the body's tissues, as compared to near infrared rays. Using the Far Infrared Thermal Treatment blanket is like getting an internal body workout. It stimulates your internal organs to detoxify, and speed up or slow down the body's processes, depending on what is needed. When I use the far infrared blanket/ cocoon system, it feels as if the far infrared energy from the blanket goes to where the body needs it the most. For example, when I am developing a cold, or feel the oncoming of a respiratory infection, I jump into the blanket, and it's like my lungs ! are abso rbing all that life force. Good stuff. That's just my experience.
    It's really quite amazing how much one can sweat in such a life giving device. I sweat buckets, as if I just came straight out of the shower. This is especially pronounced when I'm feeling the onset of illness. This detox business is no joke.
    The Do's and Don'ts of using the Far Infrared Thermal Treatment Blanket:Do:1. Drink plenty of water- 8 ounces per 15 minute session (green tea or green powder like green magma);2. Take supplements- I personally take multivitamins, glutathione, milk thistle, omega 3-6-9 blend;3. Drink plenty of water after your far infrared session;4. If you sweat easily, ensure you have a large towel as an extra layer;5. Ensure you wear socks;6. You have a clean and relaxing environment;7. You have some relaxing material to watch or listen to;8. Have some Lysol or disinfectant spray handy;9. Take a shower upon completion of the far infrared thermal treatment session- this is to ensure that the toxins released through the sweat glands are washed off thoroughly;10. Air dry the cocoon blanket upon completion of your session;
    Don't:1. Drink artificially flavored and colored beverages, eg pop, soda, 2. Use the blanket immediately after eating;3. Use after the immediate consumption of alcohol;4. Wear shoes when using the blanket;5. Use on an uneven surface.
    I hope this helps with your quest for optimum health and wellbeing.
    About the Author
    There are various versions of the Far Infrared Therapy Devices Available. You can choose either the Far Infrared Therapy Dome or the Far Infrared Therapy Sauna Blanket.
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    Posted: 22 Aug 2012 08:00 PM PDT

    Hello and good morning, Dr. Rob
    Another awesome and amazing day in the universe
    Open to Life, my intention of the day
    How blessed we are
    To be living this day
    And open to life
    The key I say
    For all is so good
    And great in thy way
    For God is good
    And gracious you see
    For He has gifted this day
    To you and to me
    And open to life
    To the journey you see
    All is perfect exactly as it be
    My love to all
    Another awesome amazing day
    Dr. Rob
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    Posted: 22 Aug 2012 07:00 PM PDT
    Article by Tony Daniel

    Posted: 22 Aug 2012 06:00 PM PDT
    Article by Big Lou
    Massage is one of the oldest forms of art with the human body and the benefits of it are often underestimated. The history of massage is one that stems from Asia, specifically in China and India. Many ask what exactly is massage therapy, as the term is used broadly in places such as spas to hospitals. It is the combination of human touch and moving of the muscles to create a relaxed state of mind. To learn it, you must learn its different definitions, practices and therapeutic effects known to practitioners throughout the history.
    The foundation of massage, especially medical therapy is often credited to the Eastern Chinese medical practices of 2000 BC. However, can have many benefits that are not all medical massage benefits. For example, the human touch element that has little to do with how you learn and much to do with how personable the massage therapist is and the energy they bring into the room. Kneading muscles and skin, having a top of the line massage table warmer or using the perfect combination of towels and lighting is not effective if the client is not in a relaxed state of mind. The therapist, too, has to learn massage therapy in a way that is relaxing and creates positive energy for their patients. Remember, no matter which type of massage you practice, patients usually see you for help becoming more relaxed and in less pain.
    Types of practice include back pain therapy, medical therapy, chronic massage therapy, stress relief therapy and other practices that are similar such as aroma therapy (massage techniques with scented oils), Reiki (foot massage) and other techniques. There is great debate on whether back pain therapy is really effective in the medical community. For example, a Pub Med article by the USA government department of health studied a group of chronic back pain therapy patients and found that it significantly approved their condition and made their back pain less intense. In fact, the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario found that in order to learn m! assage t herapy and effectively help these patients, it was necessary to learn it on back pain. Continuing education showed that, in this study, 92% of patients had improved function, less intense pain and decrease sharpness of pain when massage therapy was used.
    Healing practices or occurred in the 2000 BC but continue to occur today. Most medical massage therapists treat back pain therapy, sports injury or other types of chronic pain. These therapists are often certified and learn therapy through different schools and educational programs. However, the longest program in the world is in British Columbia, Canada and is three years long to learn massage. While this seems like a long program, for any program, massage continuing education is an important part of any program. Healers in Eastern cultures are often priests, or spiritual leaders who practice medical therapy in their community. However, as researcher Paul Ingram of Vancouver, Canada, suggests, massage benefits tend to be "temporary and inconsistent" and can vary from patient to patient, massage therapy spa clinic to clinic and even from therapist to therapist.
    Current trends extend past the history of massage and use historical techniques with modern medicine to establish practices that are well balanced between the two. In order to learn massage, therapists today should be open to a broad range of techniques, tools and purposes. While massage used to be a simple concept, new Western and Eastern combination of the history of massage therapy with today allows for diversity in techniques.
    About the Author
    Looking for massage therapy, medical massage therapy or a massage therapy spa? Click on this link to learn about the history of massage and to see the possibilities for massage therapy today.
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    Posted: 22 Aug 2012 05:00 PM PDT
    Article by STEPHEN HILL
    In this article I will be writing about the different forms of alternative health therapy that I like to try and about the benefits they bring. As you will see I am very much a convert to the alternative health route - I hope you enjoy the read.
    It is quite amazing as to how far I have come and as to how much I have changed as a person over the last fifteen years. Why? Well because back in the day I was very much a traditional type of person who never ever gave a second thought to any form of complementary therapy.
    This all changed when I met the love of my life; my wife Linda. We met in 1996 at a wedding and it really was love at first sight - well at least it was for me. Linda was, and still is, a reflexologist. When I first met her I had no real idea as to what reflexology consisted of but I was soon to find out lol. The mere thought of having somebody messing about with my feet really would of put me off my dinner and when Linda first suggested the idea I was some what wary. OK I am a wimp! At the end of the day I have to admit that I found this first reflexology experience to be rather amazing - I was soon asking for more!
    I then went to find the nearest hospital to seek their hospital information about other forms of alternative therapy. I have since tried tai chi, reiki and an Indian head massage. I book at least one treatment each month.
    All in all I now feel like my body is so much more alive and far less fragile than before. I am also a far more relaxed person than previously.
    About the Author
    If you would like information about the iphone hospital app or to find nearest hospital please feel free to visit our website above.
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    Posted: 22 Aug 2012 04:00 PM PDT
    Article by Rose Mattax
    Ten minutes go by, fifteen, twenty. You tell yourself not to look at the clock, but you do anyway. It's been a half hour and you're still not asleep.
    Thoughts from the day race through your mind at breakneck speed. You begin to worry about what needs to get done tomorrow. Then the tossing and turning begins.
    Finally you drift into a restless sleep, only to wake an hour later. This is insomnia, a sleep disorder many of us encounter at some point in our lives.
    It is usually caused by stressful events, such as a job loss, a change in relationship or an unexpected health concern. But sometimes the daily stresses and strains of our "normal lives" can lead to that unwanted midnight soul searching.
    Usually, insomnia will resolve itself naturally in less than three months. This type of insomnia is known as "acute insomnia." But what if it doesn't? Or what if you don't want wait three months?
    First, address your sleep hygiene. Many good articles have been written on how to solve sleep difficulties naturally by addressing your sleeping habits, environment and more.Next, try these three simple energy medicine exercises based on the award winning work of author and teacher Donna Eden. You can do these exercises lying in bed, and you can't overdo them.
    In fact, the more often you practice these techniques, the quicker you will restore your energy to complete balance.
    • Hook up: This exercise leaves you feeling whol, calm and connected. o Place the middle finger of either hand in your belly button and tug up lightly towards your head. o Place the middle finger of your other hand in the location of the "third eye" at the middle of your forehead. Again, tug up lightly. o Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth for a minute.
    • Close your "third eye": This exercise helps you to shut off disruptive thoughts and images. o Imagine you have an "eyelid" or little window shade in the middle of your foreheado Take your thumb and place it ! in the m iddle of your forehead (the location of the third eye). o Inhale deeply, and on the exhale, pull your thumb down the center of your forehead to the bridge of your nose, as if you are pulling the windowshade or eyelid down.o Repeat as often as needed.
    • Calm your triple warmer meridian. This exercise helps to lessen worry, anxiety, tension, headaches and angry thoughts. o Rest the palm of your left hand lightly on your cheek so that your fingertips are lightly touching your temple. o Rest your right hand across the center of your throat, covering the inside edges of your collarbone. o Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth for a minute or so. o Switch hands and repeat on the other side.
    Why try energy medicine? Whenever we have a health challenge, you can bet it is being reflected in your "energy anatomy," including your aura, chakras and acupuncture meridians.
    Author and teacher Donna Eden defines energy medicine as "the science and art of optimizing your energies to help your body and mind function at their best." Eden Energy Medicine can help to resolve acute insomnia quickly, safely and effectively with no side effects.Energy Medicine restores balance and renews your body's natural energies. Use these techniques consistently and you will not only resolve your insomnia. You will find yourself better prepared to face the challenges of your daily life.
    Rose Mattax writes about energy medicine, flower essences, reiki to improve your health physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. To learn more about Eden Energy Medicine tools for insomnia, go now to see for yourself. http://www.innersource.net/em/healthqa/107-insomnia.html
    About the Author
    Rose Mattax is a licensed clinical professional counselor, Eden Energy Medicine Clinical Practitioner and Certified Flower Essence Practitioner. Learn more at http://www.RoseMattaxLCPC.com
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    Posted: 22 Aug 2012 03:00 PM PDT
    by Jen R
    Article by Simon Coleman
    Thailand has some truly beautiful islands that are perfect for a relaxing chilled out holiday of a lifetime. The largest island is Phuket, known as the emerald in the isle it can cater to all types of tourists with secluded long stretches of beach and busy tourist areas. Koh Chang is the second largest, a favourite with Thai people and still relatively undeveloped.
    The third largest island is Koh Samui, the place of pristine white sand beaches, coconut trees, bikini-clad tourists, and jet skis. There are still spots where peace and quiet can be found and, while most of the accommodation is in the mid to high range, there are also still some cheap wooden bungalows in the quieter areas. With its own international airport specially designed to fit in with the natural surroundings you can reach Samui in under an hour if you fly from Bangkok, there's also other routes available including Singapore and Phuket.
    There are no complaints from the visitors of Samui as it has plenty to offer including beach activities and water sports to a fun time after dark and trendy bars and clubs. The most visited areas are Chaweng, Lamai, Bophut and Maenam with a great range of facilities and accommodation so you're guaranteed to find something whatever the state of your finances.
    Due to a big expat community and thousands of tourists arriving here every week from all corners of the world the options in types of cuisine are extensive and your palate will be tempted by Italian, Swedish and Vietnames to French and English.
    If you're up for a bit of pampering then Samui is a destination where you can treat yourself every day to a haircut or manicure, a spa or massage. The treatments are reasonably priced and plentiful, try a traditional Thai massage and energy treatment or oil and warm stone massage, detox treatments and colonic irrigation are available for those wanting a deep cleanse whilst meditation and relaxing techniques, Yoga, Reiki, and Tai Chi are great when experienced outside in the warm! tropica l sunshine.
    Family activities can be enjoyed in the form of elephant trekking up the mountain, the weather is excellent for sailing or book a scuba diving trip with PADI Diver Courses from complete beginner up to instructor level. Play on an international golf course or kayak in Ang Thong National Marine Park and discover the magical caves and bizarre rock formations amongst the dozens of deserted beaches whilst watching out for whales, dolphins and monkeys that live here.
    Check out Chaweng as it's the most popular area with 6km of sandy beach and sparkling blue waters. The area is packed with koh samui hotels and resorts, restaurants, spas, discotheques, bars and shopping opportunities. Lamai is also a popular beach and swimming and water sports can be enjoyed here. At the southern end look out for the famous Grandfather and Grandmother rock formations called Hin Ta - Hin Yai, you have to see them to realize why they catch the attention of so many people.
    In the north is Maenam with soft sand and calm waters, perfect for families with small children as the water is shallow and it's much quieter, particularly at night, than the busier areas. Catch a speedboat from the pier here to Koh Tao. Also in this area is Bophut which is a small fisherman village but still has an ample amount of restaurants and shops, as well as cafes and beachfront bars for enjoying the beautiful sunset and distant view of Koh Phangan on the horizon.
    Big Buddha is another good place for swimming as its safe for children and you get unbelievable views of the 12 meter high golden Big Buddha and Koh Phangan. Restaurants, bars and shopping are all available here and the accommodation ranges from basic beach huts to tropical resorts. Catch a boat to Koh Phangan and the monthly Full Moon Party from the pier and party till the morning.
    About the Author
    Simon Coleman writes articles for Koh Samui Travel, the definitive online guide to koh samui hotels. Koh Samui Travel is written by people who live there, for people who want to go there. You will not only find lots of detailed information about koh samui, but also hints and tips on how to get there and what to avoid. Everything on samui is covered from travel, visas, Thai culture plus all the local attractions, beaches, shopping, dining and entertainment.
    Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

    People with arthritis find that complementary and alternative therapies may help relieve symptoms of arthritis in some patients but they do not cure arthritis. Complementary and alternative medicine are used here to describe a wide range of therapies and practices which are outside the mainstream of medicine. They are often used a longside your conventional medicine.
    There are a number of complementary and alternative therapies. They can be divided into four different categories
    - Touch, pressurem manipulation and movement therapies such as chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation, and massage- Medicine and diet-related therapies such as herbs and natural dietary supplements, raditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurveda.- Mind and emotion therapies such as meditation, prayer- Energy Therapies such as reiki, pulsed fields, magnetic fieldsSome of the therapies most popular with people suffer from arthritis are:
    - acupuncture- aromatherapy- herbs- natural dietary supplements- chiropractic- homeopathy- hydrotherapy- biofeedback- magnet therapy- massage- meditation- osteopathy- tai chi- yoga- Copper bracelets
    Safety is very important to people who use complementary and alternative therapies. Many turn to complementary and alternative medicine because they have suffered side-effects from conventional treatment. It is difficult to generalize, but generally speaking complementary and alternative therapies are relatively safe, although you should always discuss their use with your doctor before embarking on treatment. There are some risks associated with specific therapies.
    If you decide to try a complementary therapy, the following checklist will help you ensure your treatment is reliable and safe:
    * Tell your doctor about about any alternative or complementary treatments you are receiving.* Tell your complementary practitioner about any prescribed medication you are taking.* Ask your complementary therapist how much treatment will cost and how long it will take.* Fin! d out whether the therapist is a member of a professional body.* Find out whether they have insurance in case something goes wrong* Ask about their training and how long they have been practising.* Don't stop taking a prescription medicine without talking to your doctor first.
    About the Author
    Author:If you want more information about Arthritis please visit THIS SITE right now.
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    Posted: 22 Aug 2012 01:00 PM PDT
    Article by Wendy Pearson

    Posted: 22 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT
    by inju
    Article by Daniel Scodeller
    Daily stress is the gift provided by our fast-paced life. Natural remedies for anxiety can be very effective to halting anxiety not always possible from normal medicine. There is a holistic approach to healing followed in the field of alternative medicine, where psychological, emotional, physical and spiritual components are taken into consideration.
    There are various effective natural remedies for anxiety. These alternative therapies consist of Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, Homeopathy, Indian Head Massage, Naturopathic medicine, Qi Gong, Reiki and Reflexology.
    Natural remedies have been used for centuries to maintain the bodies ability to function optimally. This helps to support regular and competent functioning of the whole body.
    This traditional wisdom has now been acclaimed scientifically as well. Natural remedies for anxiety include herbs, such as St. John's Wort. Scientific studies have showed that this herb can be just as efficient as prescription drugs.
    Since many conservative doctors do not acknowledge the use of alternative medicine, they don't always support their patients to try it leaving medicine as the only option for the patient. Nevertheless, a few conventional medical doctors recognize the benefits of alternative medicine and have gradually begun to educate themselves and their patients about natural remedies for anxiety and other conditions. Many medical doctors are providing and encouraging their patients to try these natural remedies first before resorting to potentially dangerous drugs.
    Traditional Chinese medicine: Anxiety is considered as an indication of a systemic disorder, and Chinese medicine observes anxiety as an obstruction of qi, or vital force, within the patient's body. The practitioners of Chinese medicine choose acupuncture point locations and/or herbal therapy to stir the qi and rebalance the whole system relative to the lung and large intestine.
    Homeopathic medicine: It opts for a remedy, derived! from other related symptoms and the patient's overall structure and personality type. Homeopathy can be extremely supportive in curing anxiety disorders. Since the medicines used in homeopathy are used in such small doses, as well as the extensive techniques for making homeopathy recipes makes the side effects very minimal in any at all.
    Herbal medicine: Herbal medicine is thousands of years old and the first healing techniques known to man. This natural medicine knowledge comes from the indigenous people of India. Siberian Ginseng has been traditionally used for hundreds of years and is believed to alleviate anxiety. It does by providing support to the adrenal glands which boosts adrenaline and eliminating anxiety attack symptoms.
    Other natural remedies for anxiety such as meditation and mindfulness training have been observed to be advantageous to individuals with phobias and panic disorder. Yoga, aikido, t'ai chi, and dance therapy assist people to workout physical and emotional tensions that can cause anxiety. These natural remedies for anxiety are just a few of very effective and safe technique to conquer anxiety attack symptoms for good.
    About the Author
    These are just a few of the most effective natural remedies for anxiety. To get instant access to the best anxiety natural remedies go to the site below:http://www.techniquesforanxiety.net
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    Posted: 22 Aug 2012 11:00 AM PDT
    by inju
    Article by Big Lou
    Many people in the US are nowadays suffering from back pain making it one of the main ailments that doctors are treating. Data obtained from the National Institute of Health indicates that in every five adults four will suffer from back pain within their life time. Those who have suffered from back pains already know the effects it has on their daily lives. The main causes of back pains include muscle strain; irritation or injury to the large nerve that runs down the legs and arms, or the small nerves inside the spine; or from an injury to the discs, bones, joints or ligaments in the spine. But what is more encouraging is the fact that with massage therapy the effects of these problems can be minimized and the back pain reduced and you can do your daily tasks normally. The benefits of massage therapy are recognized by many experts and they recommend massage for the management of chronic or acute back pain.
    Massage therapy is recognized by many health care providers as a solution for back pain and many of their patients are asked to visit licensed massage therapists. According to research carried out at the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami in 2001 massage therapy does not only decrease back pain but it also increases the levels of serotonin and dopamine thereby helping to reduce depression and anxiety. Those who went through massage not only slept well but also improved their range of motion. This is according to a report contained in the International Journal of Neuroscience, 106, 131-145. A similar research by the American Massage Therapy Association also shows that with massage blood circulation is improved in the body thereby quickening the healing of the back muscles and back tissues leaving the body muscles in a relaxed mood. This helps the functions of the body and its ability to carry out other tasks. Through massage oxygen and nutrients is sent to the muscles and this helps in the elimination of acids and waste that results to pain and stiffness.
    Therapeuti! c massage helps involves the stimulation of the soft tissues in the back to relax the muscles. Through this the effects of inflammation, muscle spasms, tension, aches, stiffness and pain is lessened. The type of massage therapy you will be given depends on your condition. You may be given Swedish massage which involves more friction and energy. You can also be given Myofascial Release for the relive of tension that is found in the support muscles. Other forms of massage therapy include Trigger Point and Myotherapy that involves putting pressure on certain trigger points which helps to relax the muscles and to release tension. There is also Shiatsu which was there for time immemorial and uses acupressure. The Reiki which is from Japan helps in regulating the body energy.
    A back pain massage may require you to seek permission from your doctor or your physical therapist just to be sure that you have no underlying condition that can affect you. You can also ask them to refer you to a licensed massage therapist. Alternatively you can seek assistance from American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) at 888-THE AMTA for a certified massage therapist in your state. The massage therapist you get should be certified by the National Accrediting Commission of Cosmetology Arts and Sciences (NACCAS), the Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation (COMTA), the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES), the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges of Technology (ACCST), or the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training (ACCET).
    About the Author
    Looking for massage or back pain therapy? Click on this link and end your back pain today.
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    Posted: 22 Aug 2012 10:00 AM PDT
    by inju
    Article by Amit
    Known as a traditional Chinese medical practice, the alternative therapy is based on the concept of positive flow of energy all through human body. Applied for more than 2,500 years now, the alternative therapy is among the most popular forms of Chinese medical practices that include therapies like acupuncture, homeopathy, natural massages and herbal medicines. With subsequent treatment plans, this practice classifies numerous body patterns into an accurate type of diagnoses so that the disease can be cured from within.For those interested in acquiring an alternative medicine degree, and, to spread this unusual form of healing world-wide, a lot of alternative therapy schools offer various alternative or naturopathic courses that help the aspirant to get professional understanding on different aspects of this therapy. Based on your career interest, the successful completion of one of more alternative therapy courses from an accredited school of natural medicine can lead you to professions like naturopathy, homeopathy, message therapy, oriental medicine and more.Alternative therapy schools that offer alternative or naturopathy degree are often consist of comprehensive studies in Aromatherapy, Naturopathy, Botanical and Herbal Medicine and other Chinese medicine subjects. Acquiring such courses can lead to careers as Doctor of Naturopathy, Naturopathic Health Practitioner or Natural health advisor. Those who want to study natural medicine along with other courses or along with their jobs can also apply for an alternative medicine degree online.Whether you plan to enroll in one or more alternative medicine courses, it is important to vigilantly review course prerequisites, length of program, tuition and other major factors. In some instances, the alternative medicine courses can be as brief as six months diploma or as long as 4 year degree course. The career outlook for alternative healthcare applicants increases in combination with mainstream health care needs. Herbal medicine, energy healing, aromat! herapy, acupuncture, Reiki, massage therapy and naturopathy are just a few of the many areas to consider.The field of alternative therapy is expected to show rapid growth for many years to come, making almost anything in the alternative medical field a lucrative career option. Search through an abundance of alternative therapy programs to find the right one and start your journey to a rewarding career today!
    About the Author
    Today the popularity of alternative medicine therapy is increasing very fast all over the world. If you too are interested in making a respectable career in this field then join Indian Board of Alternative Medicines, an internally recognized and Government registered alternative medicine school offers career oriented alternative medicine degree programs through correspondence and distance learning mode. For more information visit: Altmedworld.net.
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    Posted: 22 Aug 2012 09:00 AM PDT
    Article by STEPHEN HILL
    When I was a teenager I would often feel rather sorry for myself. Life, you see, had not dealt me a very good hand of cards - or at least that is what I believed at this stage of my life. All of this doom and gloom and negative attitude that I walked around with was far from helpful and this is perhaps one of the reasons why I struggled to gain any form of confidence or happiness. Now that I am aged in my twenties my life has taken a turn for the good - with the help of psychic readings and alternative therapy.
    So why did I believe as a teenager that I had been dealt such a poor hand of cards? Well it was due to the fact that I had a speech impediment, due to the fact that I was the shortest male in my class and also due to the fact that I have a bald patch on my scalp which is rather large and ugly.
    So what happened when you were in your twenties to help you to improve your life? Well I met the love of my life, a woman called Paula. She is a person who loves the alternative such as reiki, reflexology and massages. She also likes to attend live psychic readings and clairvoyant readings.
    Paula introduced these to me and I am now very much a convert. They have given me a new purpose in life as well as something to look forward to. They have made me some what of a more relaxed, care-free and happy person as well as man who now thinks in a positive manner - thinking positively has many benefits just on its own.
    By far the biggest thing that I have gained from these alternative therapies and psychic readings is the fact that I now look forward to the future and I am also very content with the hand of cards that I have been dealt.
    About the Author
    If you would like more information about psychics and clairvoyants in general please feel free to visit our website at psychicsight.com.
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    Posted: 22 Aug 2012 08:00 AM PDT
    Article by Qdid123

    Posted: 22 Aug 2012 07:00 AM PDT
    by inju
    Article by Ruchira Roy
    It is nothing but Thai charm that makes Thailand one of the most enthralling tourist destinations in South East Asia. A Golden Land in every sense, the land is known for its golden beaches, gleaming fields and all the more for the huge treasures that lay beneath the surface of the land. And the Thai charm doesn't exist just in its nature. The magic that makes the land so inviting lies in the rich culture that breathes there and also the souls that inhabit the land. A buzzing commercial center, Thailand has immense business opportunities for the aspiring businessman too.
    With woods as deep as one can imagine them to be and wildlife you can fight for, Thailand is an ultimate touring destination for any nature lover or a wild life enthusiast. Worth visiting here is the Tarutao Marine National Park, a place known around for the amazing wildlife and natural wealth it preserves. The dense forests and deep woods also catch the fantasies of adventure lovers. Offering unbelievably exciting trekking options, Chiang Mai in Thailand is the place adventure enthusiasts thrive on. While one can undertake a trek in the forests or up the mountains, the more ambitious and enthusiastic can find the best in elephant riding and bamboo rafting.
    Not a new found land, Thailand is as old as history itself. It is this long living past that has brought a colorful culture to the land. What one just can't miss in Thailand is the presence of a large number of temples. Ruins of ancient temples, shrines and palaces dating from the Bronze Age dot the landscape of Thailand. The different architectural style and designs show how culture has evolved in Thailand. The structures are simply a treat to the eyes and a huge treasure for those who love heritage. A close study of these amazing structures allows you to travel through time. Chiang Mai is a place here where you can get close to the age old Thai culture.
    However all the beauty and excitement of Thailand lives in the exotic beaches and islands that the l! and has been blessed with. Some of the best beaches in the world, Thai beaches are simply amazing with clear waters, silvery sands and ample of sunshine. In fact, Phuket is all known for its awesome beaches and the Portuguese spirit that still lives here. Find some of the finest of hotels properties on these exotic beaches too. With loads of opportunities of water sports, sports lovers would find ample of services offered to facilitate water-bound activities. The waters here are best for diving and snorkeling. Even amateurs would find themselves doing some of the wackiest of stuff. Pattaya is the place for all adventure lovers. With scores of fun-activities like diving, snorkeling and swimming, Pattaya makes sure that you have a lot to do.
    Keeping in pace with the world, Thailand has made sure that it has everything a tourists dreams of in his dream holiday. As the sun goes down, this bright place glows with lights and thumps of an unbeatable night life. Find in Bangkok some of the most happening clubs with the best music to make your day. Turning completely into a place for the youth and the young at heart, the capital hosts some really phenomenal events and dazzling Full Moon Parties.
    One of the best places in the world to spend a relaxed and rejuvenated holiday, Thailand rejuvenates you not only with its beauty and splendor, but also with the many world-class Spas it has to offer. Spa treatments, yoga, reiki and pranic healing are some of the rejuvenating therapies one can get from well-known experts in Thailand. Thailand can work wonders to your health too. A major health destination, Thai remedies offer a natural cure to many ailments, almost incurable elsewhere.
    Find the best accommodation options in Thailand too. The place has a resort or a hotel for your choice. Think of opulence or of economy, of style or of ambience, Thailand has a resort or a hotel for every need and choice. With the best of hotels properties from world famous groups and local health resorts and other economy hotels,! this is a place that can make just about anyone feel at home.
    Much more than just beaches and temples, Thailand is a world of everything charismatic and enchanting. A place where beauty and culture never ends, a place that unendingly intrigues all its visitors, Thailand shall ever be a holidaying dream.
    About the Author
    Ruchira is an experienced travel writer writing on holidays in Thailand, Thai attractions and things to see and do in Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya and more Thai beach retreats. For more information on hotels in Thailand and more travel deals, visit: Hotels in Thailand
    Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

    Posted: 22 Aug 2012 06:01 AM PDT
    Article by Nicole Roberts

    Posted: 22 Aug 2012 05:00 AM PDT
    Article by Maddie Wilson

    Posted: 22 Aug 2012 04:00 AM PDT
    by inju
    Article by Lisa Hathorn
    Diabetes, heart ailments, and strokes pose higher danger to around fifty percent the population of the United States. Why? Simply because fifty % of the U.S. population is overweight. These circumstances contribute to 300,000 deaths every single yr - deaths that could have been averted by means of extensive weight-reduction regimens.Bodyweight reduction is no uncomplicated make a difference to go over - it has far-reaching political and psychological implications that we ought to be sensitive to. Additionally, many ideas for launching a individual pounds-loss program aren't efficient in the prolonged phrase, as some individuals see the excess weight obtain back shortly following their routine has concluded. (Then there exist fast-reduction programs and drugs that are obviously too hazardous to get severely as viable bodyweight-reduction procedures.) Experts can agree upon one particular issue, even so, and that is this: A individual revolution in way of life, which include regular dietary, behavioral, and physical exercise routines are requisite to lasting, healthy and balanced excess weight loss. In this potential, alternative medication can supply aid, as nicely as a lot more direct care.Chiropractic Offerings Sufferers report good final results from strategies created, mostly, through personalized instruction from their chiropractors. On one particular hand, your physician can only inspire you and help you remain on track on the other, he or she can produce a personalized physical exercise and successful eating habits strategy. Your way of life objectives are only reachable upon a extensive and honest evaluation of your individual mechanics.You'll locate that sustained treatment with chiropractic regularly supplies a lifestyle of emotional balance, common feelings of health, and a great deal of pressure relief. More expectedly, your body's structural alignment and stability will be restored, which by itself has far-reaching added benefits. Vertebral manipulation can, in simple fact, improve the! success of excess weight-reduction packages. When your spine is aligned, your entire body can a lot more effortlessly absorb the crucial nutrients it requirements. Patients appreciate a feeling of agility and lightness in the wake of extensive adjustments, simply because their spines are relieved of a good offer of stress, and get a huge diploma of elevated versatility.What About Aromatherapy? Excess weight reduction is not generally touted as a benefit of aromatherapy. But it can prove itself a valuable companion in determination and help in conjunction with your diet regime and workout. "Scent remedy," which utilizes important oils, will typically invoke in the individual a wide variety of recollections, feelings, and states of getting. For instance, grapefruit oil is recognized to energize selected individuals, maintaining the inspired to get off the couch and physical exercise. Also, some report that it tends to make them significantly less hungry. Vital oils are rather effortless to come across these days from bath merchandise retailers, well being meals stores, and at times chemists.Reflexology-primarily based Alternate options Bodyweight reduction has extended been aided by effective reflexology application. The apply is a lengthy-working remedy that is based mostly upon a philosophy that inbound links up a map of the foot with a map of the total entire body. For that reason, by extension, a foot-masseuse can treat your total system by means of pressure factors. In specific, a reflexologist can stimulate your endocrine gland, which balances the activity of your hormones. In turn, your urge for food can turn out to be considerably a lot more stabilized.The Function of Acupuncture Acupuncture has a good deal in prevalent with today's multifaceted substitute therapies. The 1st stage of acupuncture care, from the physician's standpoint, is to ascertain the normal power movement in your physique - what components require a lot more or much less - as effectively as how that energy regulates your metabolism of ! foods. Y our system, to completely digest and enjoy the rewards of vitality and well being your meals gives, can appreciate the advantage of needles utilized to spots in your human body that impede digestion. Acupuncture can also serve to regulate the activity of your hormones.Chinese natural medication, as effectively as acupuncture can function with the life-style alterations of eating plan and common exercising. The motivation and assist that acupuncture is capable of giving may well show itself vital to your course of action, although.Ayurvedic, Reiki, and other homeopathic approaches also exist to assemble upon your wholesome, measured routine of bodyweight loss, in addition to the approaches we've previously described. These alternative strategies are all intended to guide you on a secure, holistic route to effectively-getting, with out compromising your joy to simply meet a pounds loss objective, but fairly to have you meet that goal and be properly all through the procedure.
    About the Author
    Staying fit is a goal of most people. Check out our weight loss methods and our weight loss doctor
    Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

    Posted: 22 Aug 2012 03:00 AM PDT
    Article by Lisa Hathorn
    Diabetes, heart conditions, and strokes pose higher chance to in excess of fifty percent the population of the United States. Why? Due to the fact fifty % of the U.S. population is obese. These circumstances contribute to 300,000 deaths every single yr - deaths that could have been prevented by means of thorough excess weight-reduction regimens.Bodyweight reduction is no simple matter to go over - it has far-reaching political and psychological implications that we have to be sensitive to. In addition, numerous ideas for launching a personalized pounds-loss program aren't efficient in the prolonged phrase, as some individuals see the excess weight get back again shortly right after their routine has concluded. (Then there exist fast-reduction applications and medicines that are obviously too risky to get severely as feasible bodyweight-reduction methods.) Specialists can agree upon one issue, even so, and that is this: A personalized revolution in way of life, which include consistent dietary, behavioral, and workout routines are requisite to lasting, healthy excess weight loss. In this potential, option medication can give help, as properly as a lot more direct care.Chiropractic Offerings Sufferers report great final results from programs formulated, principally, via personalized instruction from their chiropractors. On one hand, your medical doctor can simply stimulate you and assist you remain on track on the other, he or she can produce a personalized workout and helpful diet strategy. Your life-style targets are only reachable upon a thorough and honest analysis of your individual mechanics.You'll locate that sustained therapy with chiropractic regularly supplies a lifestyle of emotional balance, common feelings of well being, and a fantastic deal of pressure relief. More expectedly, your body's structural alignment and stability will be restored, which by itself has far-reaching benefits. Vertebral manipulation can, in fact, improve the good results of excess weight-loss packages. When your ! spine is aligned, your system can far more effortlessly absorb the crucial nutrients it requirements. Patients take pleasure in a feeling of agility and lightness in the wake of extensive adjustments, simply because their spines are relieved of a great deal of stress, and get a significant diploma of elevated versatility.What About Aromatherapy? Fat reduction is not generally touted as a advantage of aromatherapy. But it can show itself a valuable companion in determination and help in conjunction with your diet regime and workout. "Scent remedy," which utilizes necessary oils, will generally invoke in the affected person a range of recollections, emotions, and states of becoming. For instance, grapefruit oil is known to energize specific persons, maintaining the inspired to get off the couch and physical exercise. Also, some report that it would make them much less hungry. Crucial oils are relatively straightforward to locate these days from bath item retailers, well being meals outlets, and at times chemists.Reflexology-based Options Fat reduction has extended been aided by helpful reflexology application. The practice is a long-operating remedy that is primarily based upon a philosophy that back links up a map of the foot with a map of the complete entire body. For that reason, by extension, a foot-masseuse can deal with your complete entire body via pressure factors. In particular, a reflexologist can stimulate your endocrine gland, which balances the activity of your hormones. In turn, your urge for food can turn out to be considerably much more stabilized.The Function of Acupuncture Acupuncture has a whole lot in widespread with today's multifaceted choice therapies. The 1st stage of acupuncture care, from the physician's standpoint, is to establish the standard energy movement in your body - what parts need much more or much less - as effectively as how that energy regulates your metabolism of foods. Your entire body, to totally digest and delight in the advantages of power and overall health you! r meals o! ffers, can enjoy the advantage of needles utilized to regions in your system that impede digestion. Acupuncture can also serve to regulate the exercise of your hormones.Chinese natural medicine, as properly as acupuncture can function with the life-style alterations of eating plan and typical training. The enthusiasm and assistance that acupuncture is capable of giving may possibly show itself vital to your approach, though.Ayurvedic, Reiki, and other homeopathic approaches also exist to create upon your healthy, measured regimen of bodyweight reduction, in addition to the approaches we've currently described. These alternate techniques are all intended to manual you on a secure, holistic route to properly-getting, with out compromising your joy to basically meet a bodyweight loss goal, but fairly to have you meet that purpose and be nicely all through the procedure.
    About the Author
    Staying fit is a goal of most people. Check out our weight loss methods and our weight loss doctor
    Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

    Posted: 22 Aug 2012 02:00 AM PDT
    Article by mark kelly
    Like so many budding authors, I have had my fair share of rejections. This comes with the territory. More wounding were the acceptances which turned out to be false dawns. A few years ago, I had a manuscript accepted for publishing by a seemingly respectable house, a specialist in New Age topics and alternative therapies. As my novel was firmly based in that milieu, I thought it had found its home. The first inkling that the publisher might not be all that I thought was when they asked for a contribution to the costs of editing and preparing the first edition for the press. Vanity Publishing, screamed a voice in my head, but when I looked into it further I found that many smaller firms engage in "collaborative" funding of unknown authors. I bit the bullet and handed over the cash. And waited.... And waited some more.
    Things were complicated by the fact that the publisher was in the West Coast of the US and I was resident in the UK, so chasing them up was a little impractical. They ended up going bankrupt, to cut a long story short, and left a lot of otherwise mellow New Age practitioners saying some very uncharitable things about them...
    Fast forward a few years to find me browsing my newly-gifted Kindle to see what catches my fancy. One of my first reads was the free brochure from Amazon themselves about how to publish on the Kindle. Amazingly, almost all you need to do is create an account, tidy up your text (the fewer fancy bullets and text formatters the better), upload it and decide on a price (I went for the minimum of 99c and 99p). The review process is pretty quick - before I knew it I had two novels published, both of them made available to the masses on Christmas Day. In fact, it was like a Christmas present to myself - when people asked me what I had done over the holidays I could say "oh, well, I published a couple of novels I had sitting around" to dropped jaws all round.
    One thing I didn't appreciate at this point was that you don't even need a Kindle reader to read! books d istributed via Amazon (meaning that your potential audience is even wider than the Kindle user base). I now have very usable free Kindle readers installed in my PCs and iPhone. They all sync up wirelessly and seamlessly behind the scenes, so that whatever point I may have reached in my current book on the Kindle is where I'll be taken when firing up the PC or iPhone version.
    So, where does that leave me? I have two published works in the Kindle store and an author page on Amazon (look for Mark Kelly or Mark Kelly Alpha Lab on either the US or UK website). My second novel (Obsession) was very different in style and was a more caustic and humorous look at relationships. It was actually written as my entry to the National Novel Writers Month competition, which takes place every November, and requires a full novella length entry to be prepared from beginning to end within a single month. The Alpha Lab is lengthier and deals more with my experience of new age therapies and ideas, ranging from meditation and Silva mind control to Reiki and Autogenic Training. I am currently preparing a collection of short stories to add to my list. My creative writing has taken on a new lease of life now that I know that anything I can produce will find a platform.
    If you have struggled to find the right outlet for your creative writing, take a look at Amazon Kindle publishing. By way of example, take a look at my author page, referenced in the Resource box below and feel free to get in touch if you need any more help or encouragement.
    About the Author
    The author Mark Kelly has been writing creatively for the majority of his life although repeatedly interrupted by better paid employment. His author page may be seen here or by searching for Mark Kelly or The Alpha Lab or both on any Amazon site. The author may be contacted at saucebook@gmail.com
    Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

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