Ovarian Cyst Surgery Can Be Avoided

Article by Mary Parker
Surgery in the ovarian cyst is popular among practitioners of conventional medicine when they deal with serious and complex cases of cysts in the ovary. But this is the worst possible thing that could happen to a woman suffering from this condition. This procedure is carried out only in extreme cases and especially when the cyst starts assuming life-threatening proportions. But more than the risks involved, it is actually what effect the surgery will have and the trauma which is often what happens afterwards that becomes important. What you can do however is, well in time, to try to know what the particular conditions in your case are and then take adequate precautions so that you are not beset with complications that will make it impossible for you to avoid a surgery later in life.
Surgery types
Fortunately, the surgery becomes necessary only in a few cases of ovarian cysts. However it might become necessary when the ovarian cyst takes a turn for the worse and becomes serious. Other reasons because of which surgery becomes necessary are the chances of a rupture, some abnormality in the cyst, cancer and other complications. However there can be quite a few types of ovarian cyst surgeries - here are a few of them:
(1) Cystectomy: It aims to remove the ovarian cyst. Actually in this process, just the ovarian cyst is removed while the surgery is carried out, and not the ovary itself. Because of this, women tend to prefer this.
(2) Ovary removal: Sometimes there are more serious conditions of ovarian cysts that may also be of a recurring nature - they can be cured only by the removal of either any one or in some cases even both the ovaries. Naturally, removing the ovaries becomes an extremely emotional issue for women - when the ovaries are removed, it can cause immense trauma amongst women of child bearing age. Fortunately, even when both the ovaries are removed, the woman can still remain fertile. But, this process is best avoided as it can be hugely stressful, traumatic and ! complica ted.
There are two kinds of ovarian cyst surgeries - based on the techniques and the nature
(1) Open surgery: This surgery is carried out by making an open abdomen cut. However the open surgery causes stress and trauma and there may even be some complications when the process is carried out. The recovery process is also often long. But if you need to opt for the open surgery do ensure that you have it done by a skilled surgeon.
(2) Laparoscopic surgery: This surgery is the latest development, and it is less painful and the use of the latest technologies ensures that there is less stress too. When compared to the open surgery, Laparoscopy is safe, painless and it is quick, and the time needed for recovery is also less. But not only that, even the risks involved are fewer - it is therefore much more popular amongst surgeons and patients alike.
Surgery to the ovarian cyst often causes a trauma in women. However, this may be avoided, if a few precautions are taken. The right treatment process should be avoided from the beginning itself - this when done will ensure that there are no final complications of ovarian cyst after the surgery. But in some cases (particularly when they are cancerous) removing the ovarian cyst through surgery remains the only option - because the woman's life can be in danger. In such cases, there is no option but to adopt this procedure. But those are rarities because with care and prevention, surgery can be avoided. Follow the holistic approach because it can make a positive difference by letting you get rid of the ovarian cyst and prevent surgery too.
Care and prevention
There are some conventional treatments and prescription pills that can keep the cyst under control. But the problems is, these conventional treatments often come with side effects, and due to this the cyst keeps thriving and may lead to complications, which ultimately mean that surgery may become necessary. Because of this the problem needs to be cured and not just managed. And t! his can be achieved provided the real causes are eliminated. The fact is, this is only possible through the holistic approach.
To achieve a cure for the cyst, natural remedies are followed by the holistic approach. But there is more to the approach - it promotes healthy living through diet supplements, emotional healing and lifestyle changes. The holistic approach works very well because the practitioner can customize a plan based on the merits of the individual case. And thus before a surgery is opted for, the holistic approach needs to be tried for ovarian cysts. It has been seen that cysts that could be cured only through surgery can also be treated by the holistic approach, and this is due to its multidimensional approach. Do not jump for surgery immediately - get in touch with a holistic practitioner to find out your options.
About the Author
Mary Parker is an author of the best-selling e-book, "Ovarian Cysts No More- The Secrets Of Curing Ovarian Cysts Holistically ". To Learn More About Her Unique 3-Step Holistic Ovarian Cysts Cure System Visit: Ovarian Cysts No More . For further information visit: Ovarian Cyst Surgery
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by eschipul Article by Linda Allen
Does candidiasis have any natural cures? This question is often asked by people because they do not know the answer. Natural cures for candidiasis now exist and people who suffer from this problem can now adopt a holistic approach to resolve all related issues. This approach replaces the less effective prescriptions and over-the-counter medications.
Why the conventional approach fails?
Conventional medicine and its methods only treat the external symptoms of the problem. They consider that information, discharge and rashes are the problems to be solved and therefore limit themselves to doing only this.
The physician that you consult may suggest other antibiotics and drugs to limit the candidida albicans growth, but this will not stop the growth of the other strains. The medication may even attack the friendly bacteria which are present in the intestine and the vagina and destroy them. If this happens then the overall situation will become worse.
The underlying causes are simply not treated by conventional medicine and by ignoring them the problem can become much more serious. Medication and conventional medicine are only short-term solutions at the best of times. They will not prevent the recurrence of the deeper problem, which then becomes chronic and debilitating over time.
What is the ideal solution?
The ideal solution can be found outside of these narrow parameters. Natural cures for candidiasis are now becoming better and better known because of the positive results. Changes in diet habits, lifestyle and even environment are some of the things that contribute positively to solving this problem by using a holistic treatment.
Candida overgrowth can have a major impact on your immune system and the holistic treatment therefore makes it a priority to reinforce the immune system of the sufferer. Cleansing of the complete system and rebalancing of the internal aspects is accomplished and stabilized by using the holistic approach. This ! maintena nce of the correct intestinal environment also contributes to avoiding Candida attacks.
If you suffer from external symptoms like rashes or tiredness, this may be an indication of even more serious dangers and you should react immediately by investigating a holistic approach to resolving these different problems brought on by yeast infection by Candida. Different diet supplements may well be useful to reverse the effects of Candida and may be recommended as part of the holistic treatment.
Natural candidiasis cures operate in a number of different dimensions and are the most effective to get you alleviation and to prevent the recurrence of the problem in the future.
Linda Allen is a health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book Yeast Infection No More . To Learn More About Linda Allen's Unique Holistic Yeast Infection Cure System Visit: Yeast Infection
About the Author
Linda Allen is a medical researcher, certified nutritionist, health consultant and author of the best-selling e-book, "Yeast Infection No More- Open The Door To a Yeast Infection Free Life". For further information visit: http://www.yeastinfectionadvice.com
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Posted: 20 Aug 2012 08:00 PM PDT
Article by Mary Parker
Ovarian cyst disease is a chronic condition that can really take a toll on the physical, mental and emotional well being of a woman. Conventional medicine cannot help a woman deal with the disease, as the manifold complications associated with this condition are not addressed by hackneyed forms of treatment. Hence, today there is a growing trend to revert back to naturally deal with this disorder in all its aspects.
Importance of natural cure:
Natural cure for ovarian cysts involves the use of natural remedies for treatment. It is one of the oldest forms of treatment. Natural remedies are still used exclusively in many parts of the world where people nurse a grudge against conventional medication. There are also many reasons why natural treatment is considered to be a better alternative for conventional medication.
Side effects of conventional medication: Conventional medical treatment can be hard as the treatment options including surgery give rise to many side effects. Women who have to lose their ovaries often experience change in their personality due to hormonal imbalance. Also, oral contraceptives, which are used prominently to treat the condition, can affect fertility of a woman. Pregnant women cannot use conventional medication, without having to endure significant risks of miscarriage and premature delivery. As compared to this, natural remedies have no side effects. Some forms of natural treatment also put emphasis on strengthening the mental and emotional state of the patient thereby promoting healing in true sense of the term.
Inefficiency of conventional medication: Conventional medicine provides only temporary relief from the symptoms of ovarian cysts. The ovarian cysts reoccur after the treatment is discarded. Even after surgery, the patient is not immune to ovarian cysts. In fact research has shown that the growth of ovarian cysts after surgery is a side effect of this harsh treatment option. As compared to conventional medication, natural treatment provid! es long- term relief from the condition since it tackles the root cause of ovarian cysts and is therefore more effective.
Impersonal approach: Conventional medication works according to rule of thumb without paying much attention to individual differences. Hence, conventional medication fails to treat certain conditions, as it lays emphasis on the disease and not the patient. On the other hand, natural treatment is a personalized treatment option. Each and every course of treatment varies from one person to another. This is the reason why it has such an astounding success rate.
Expensive conventional treatment: Conventional treatment for ovarian cysts is very expensive. Besides expensive surgery, you will have to pay for hospitalization, tests, prescription drugs and more. Natural remedies are comparatively cost effective and therefore women on a shoestring budget can also take advantage of them.
Hence, Natural treatment is effective against less serious forms of cysts. It can be used to prevent complications and to keep the existing ovarian cyst disease under control. However, these remedies cannot completely cure ovarian cysts. To cure ovarian cysts, a comprehensive holistic and multidimensional form of treatment is required.
The Holistic approach:
The holistic approach is a multidimensional approach to treatment. Hence, a holistic approach practitioner does not concentrate on superficial symptoms during treatment, but tries to locate the actual root cause of the disease. Also, Holistic approach is not limited to just one form of treatment. The holistic approach investigates the propriety of different methods and treats the body as a unified whole. Moreover, the holistic approach is also mindful of individual differences and never ventures to lay down rules when treating any individual. Therefore, a woman can get the best form of treatment that can promote healing at physical, mental and emotional level.
Learn by visiting the below website.http://chelle1984.ovarian.hop.c! lickbank .net
About the Author
This article is based on the book, "Ovarian Cysts No More" by Mary Parker. Mary is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated her life to creating the ultimate holistic ovarian cyst solution guaranteed to permanently cure all types of ovarian cysts and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life, naturally, without the use prescription medication or surgery, and without any side effects.
Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

Posted: 20 Aug 2012 07:00 PM PDT
Article by Rod Nicholson
I was watching on television documentary the other day in which a group of young teenage girls being asked what they liked and didn't like about themselves. Each girl was able to quickly list a myriad of traits and features (especially physical ones) which they didn't like about themselves. When it came to listing things they liked about themselves, responses ranged from silence to uncomfortable mumblings.
It strikes me as very sad they we live in a society where saying something positive and confident about yourself is so challenging. Its ironic that in such an individualistic culture that prides itself on the idea of 'being different' that anyone who might present them selves as genuinely special could be seen as being 'big-headed.'
This gave me an idea to try and find 5 things that make you truly beautiful
You are truly beautiful – A recent NBC survey found the most attractive quality in a person for both men and women was a smile. Regardless of whiteness or quality of teeth, respondents immediately found the smiling person more attractive than a non-smiling person. Even better, each person's smile is completely unique. So, you are uniquely beautiful. So, forget weight watchers or fad exercise machines. All you need to do is turn that frown upside down.
You have a good heart – I am speaking metaphorically, rather than literally of course. In a world ravaged by war, famine and other social ills it might be easy to think that we are pretty selfish people. Scientific research has shown that infants as young as 18 months show altruistic behaviour, showing that we have a natural tendency towards altruism. Whenever you get down on yourself or think you haven't don't the right thing – remember you are a naturally good person.
You are as vast as the night sky – While we might marvel at glowing stars of the night sky, the human brain is equally compelling. It is estimated that the brain has 100 billion nerve cells and more connecti! ons in i t than there are stars in the universe, which is about the number of stars in the Milky Way galaxy.
You are a child of the stars - The kind of chemical elements you find inside the human body – hydrogen and oxygen in the water, carbon in our tissues, calcium in our bones, iron in our bloodstream, they've come basically from the earth because that's where the plants got them from. The earth and the sun, because they formed at much the same time, got these elements from preceding exploding stars. You are quite literally a child of the stars.
You are a natural healer – You don't have to be Reiki practitioner or doctor to help heal someone. Laughter for example has been consistently shown by scientific studies to support natural healing processes. Human touch has also been demonstrated as helping people recover from physical and psychological trauma. So, all you need to do is crack and joke or hug a friend and you can be your own natural healer.
About the Author
Rod Nicholson is the founder of Origin Educere Retreat Center based in the magical Isle of Skye in Scotland, UK.
If you are ready to make a life changing step towards a more fulfilled and peaceful life then make sure to take advantage of our initial free phone consultation with Rod to chart your plan for transformation and personal growth at Origin Educere Retreats UK
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Posted: 20 Aug 2012 06:00 PM PDT
Article by Tim Higgencolar
Holistic health care otherwise known as alternative medicine or natural healing has increased in popularity amongst Americans. People are seeking alternatives to expensive and sometimes addictive prescription drugs and treatments with harsh side effects some view as more harmful than helpful. The use of herbs, vitamins, massage, acupuncture, hypnotherapy and chiropractic care are all on the rise and many swear by these methods suggesting that they live a life style that keep them from becoming ill in the first place. With more and more people turning to holistic health remedies for themselves it is no surprise that they are seeking the same for their canine confidants. People love their dogs and want them to live the best lives possible and are seeking treatments once reserved for people only. Holistic dog care aims to treat the whole animal rather than merely a set of symptoms and includes homeopathic remedies, acupuncture and nutritional therapy.
Homeopathic remedies are becoming more popular in pets and people and are the opposite of traditional Veterinary care which relies on chemical-based medicines. Homeopathic treatment requires administration of heavily diluted and distilled doses of certain substances such as wolf's bane, oysters, cinchona plants and other natural ingredients to boost the immune system. An overall health history is taken and a homeopathic Veterinarian creates a plan of specific dosages to treat the whole animal, not merely the symptoms of one condition. Remedies are also created from diseased fecal matter, blood and tissue samples. The diluted doses of these materials often contain none of the original material upon dosage. While some owners swear by homeopathic remedies for their dogs, the FDA has not approved these methods for Veterinary use. Clinical trails have proved inconclusive for this method of holistic care; however, it continues to increase in popularity.
Another popular holistic treatment for dogs is acupuncture. Acupuncture is an ancient medical t! reatment practiced for over 5,000 years beginning in the Stone Age in China with fish bones used as needles. Acupuncture was once popular in the United States; however, it slipped into obscurity with the wide spread use of antibiotics in the 1940s. The majority of modern Veterinary text books now contain information on acupuncture. Acupuncture involves the insertion of needles into certain pressure points within the body in effort to relieve pain by increasing the flow of energy within the whole body. Acupuncture is used in the treatment of a variety of canine health problems including respiratory conditions, dermatological, gastrointestinal and immune-mediated disorders. While westerners find it hard to explain; there is irrefutable proof supporting the effectiveness of acupuncture in people as well as dogs. Whether you choose to use it in conjunction with regular Veterinary care, as exclusive treatment or as a last ditch efforts when other methods have failed; it is a valid and respected treatment method amongst Veterinarians and their owners.
Perhaps the most popular holistic treatment for dogs includes nutritional therapy. Nutrition experts suggest that the modern Western diet is responsible for many of the diseases and illnesses in modern society. Nutritional therapy in dogs suggests a return to a macrobiotic diet and a departure from commercially processed dog foods. The earliest recorded use of a macrobiotic diet was found in the writings of Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine. Macrobiotic type diets for dogs include a combination of 1/3 each of brown rice, lean meat and vegetables. Therapists also suggest feeding the proper combination of vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids and essential fatty acids. These natural diets are thought to prevent some of the diseases caused by over processed commercial dog foods including hypertension, heart disease and skin disorders. These diets are time consuming to prepare, but many owners are making the leap in reaction to wide spread pet food rec! alls caus! ed by toxic materials found in dozens of popular dog food brands.
Other popular holistic methods gaining popularity include hypnotherapy and massage. When deciding on a course of treatment, make sure to get several opinions and consider all of your options. While some of these methods are not proven effective; others are and should be considered as valid courses of treatment. While it is easy to point out the shortcomings of medicine based treatment, dogs are living longer lives than ever because of them.
About the Author
From Discount-Pet-Mall who is your first name in dog training collars and electric dog fences
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Posted: 20 Aug 2012 05:00 PM PDT
Article by Thomas Colman

Posted: 20 Aug 2012 03:00 PM PDT
by inju
Article by Melvin, A

Posted: 20 Aug 2012 02:00 PM PDT
by Bods
Article by Thomas Colman
Tinnitus problems are an extremely common and serious medical phenomenon in the United States, with over 40 million residents in this country suffering from these problems. However, even in the presence of high incidence of subjective, as well as objective tinnitus, the conventional medical experts have failed to come up with an effective curative measure. Adding to the bleakness of the situation is the fact that, on an average, one out of every four chronic tinnitus patients feels that, they are not being able to enjoy all the normal bodily functions. Among the different types of tinnitus treatment measures that are now available, the ones that are most successful uniformly exhibit two properties. First, a holistic perspective is adopted to take care of the disease. Second, in order to achieve an effective cure from this problematic medical condition, all the basic causes of the problem are considered in detail.
Choosing The Best Option For Tinnitus Cure
In terms of comprehensiveness and relevance, holistic measures of treatment appear to be the best suited to tackle the various causes of tinnitus. This disease is extremely damaging, and has the potential to wither away the forces of life and vitality of the patient. The holistic measures look to boost up the inner resisting strength of the body, by a total revision of the entire metabolic system, so that an ideal balance may be reached. Among the dietary changes that are recommended, firstly, patients need to totally give up on consumption of alcoholic drinks, as well as meat, and other food products. For example, eating sausages, ham or bacons is strictly prohibited. Beverages like tea or coffee should also be avoided, as well as the different forms of processed edible items. They are advised to derive the requisite quantities of bodily energy from fruits, vegetables, fruit juices (only in the unadulterated form, with no additional preservatives), whole grain breads, foods with organic properties, and cereals. Beneficial bacilli are! produced in the stomach by yogurt, and hence, it should also be included in the diet charts. Such bacilli keep up the hygiene levels in the human intestine.
Holistic treatment procedures have been proven to yield lasting and effective relief from tinnitus. Doctors who are in favor of this regime also recommend the regular practice of yoga postures. In addition, deep breathing exercises should also be performed on a regular basis.
The tinnitus patients have to deal with the multifarious causes of the disease. They have to estimate the effect each and every type of food has on the problem. Different foods have contrasting effects on the disease, either boosting or preventing the generation of problems. Irrespective of the extent to which foods affect tinnitus, they should either be included or kept out of the daily diet, based on their effects. Other items of day-to-day individual usage, as well as the overall lifestyle of the patient need also be revised in a similar way. As can be guessed easily, the whole process takes up quite a bit of time. However, once proper diets and lifestyle modes are adopted, patients can get some relief.
There are other factors as well, which can serve to heighten the acuteness of the problems of tinnitus. These factors are extra-auditory, and include diabetes, migraine, and a shortage of Vitamin B12 and/or necessary zinc components. Hypothyroidism, hyperlipidaemia and hypertension also increase the intensity of the problem. All these factors that influence the tinnitus disease should be under the purview of the chosen mode of treatment.
A Look Into The Traditional Methods For Tinnitus Cure
We would now look into some of the popular treatment techniques that fall under the conventional approach. Most of these methods treat only the symptoms, and not the causal factors, of the disease. The various types of conventional treatment methods for tinnitus cure are:
Medicines sold over-the-counter,Instruments that act as Tinnitus Maskers,! Ways to r! elax the bodily system of patients,Different drugs with beneficial herb-bases in them,Homeopathic modes of treatment, andTinnitus cures that can be made up at home.
The drugs that are available to tinnitus patients over the counter typically carry with them adverse side effects, albeit in varying degrees. Chief among these medicines are sedatives as well as anti-depressants. These medicines can result in a total loss in mental alacrity, which makes driving cars and other vehicles extremely unadvisable. Other common side effects include experiencing pain in the head, a feeling of giddiness, constipation, and having a bowel syndrome that is irregular in nature. Hence, the overall benefits of these drugs are rather doubtful. However, when a person is continuously harassed by the ringing noises produced by tinnitus for long periods, (s)he often has to take recourse to these medications.
Doctors can also try to distract the attention of tinnitus patients by producing several different sound effects, so that the affected people do not feel the agony of tinnitus as much as they might have. These alternative resonance that serve to mask the ringing noises are known as 'white noises', and can be varied in nature. The most popular types of white noises are the rhythmic tones of a waterfall, the sounds of water moving around in a Jacuzzi, or the sounds generated in the cockpit of an aircraft flying at high altitude levels. These sounds, which are available in pre-formatted discs, can indeed provide some respite. However, these sounds cannot sure the problem itself.
There also exist several techniques which can be adopted to lessen the irritation caused by the never-ending noises produced by tinnitus. The affected people can learn these techniques on their own, and, with adequate patience, can easily practice these methods easily. Although these methods also bring some relief, the core problem of tinnitus does stay back.
Even homeopathy, usually an ever-dependable mode of treatment,! fails to! provide any lasting relief to tinnitus patients, who might have turned to such medicines as a final resort. Homeopathic medications also try to tackle only the symptoms of tinnitus, instead of the main causes of the disease. Hence, these methods remain unsuccessful
How Can Tinnitus Cure Be Obtained?
It has been already seen that conventional treatment methods, herbal medicines or the curative measures made up at home are unable to provide effective solutions to tinnitus. The root causes of tinnitus are many in number, and each of these causes has to be spotted and discarded from the system. Since most methods of treatment do not work in this manner, and tackle only the symptoms of the problem, they do not work on a long-term basis. This is where holistic treatments score over others. The holistic remedial measures suggest medicines for tinnitus after locating all the problem-creating causes of the disease. The entire body is viewed as a single structure for this purpose. As a cure for tinnitus, holistic treatments have met much greater success than the conventional approaches.
About the Author
Thomas Colman is an author of the best-selling e-book, "Tinnitus Miracle - A Unique Three Step Holistic System for Quieting the Noise in Your Head". To Learn More About His Unique 3-Step Holistic Tinnitus Cure System Visit: Tinnitus Miracle . For further information visit: Tinnitus Cure
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Posted: 20 Aug 2012 01:00 PM PDT
Article by Glen Wood

Posted: 20 Aug 2012 12:00 PM PDT
Article by Lisa Olson

Posted: 20 Aug 2012 11:00 AM PDT
Article by Angela Rubicsa
Shiatsu practitioners are likely to distance themselves from the bandwagon of alternative treatment approaches similar to Reiki or religion curative by demonstrating their usage of anatomy, physiology and pathology in the similar vein as Western medicine. This could be one of several explanations for the good reputation of Shiatsu within the West as it bridges the West and the East.Technique used and ingredients in treatment.The philosophy behind the strategy and the essence, which every practitioner has a shot to capture.The effectiveness of the shiatsu tactic let alone its illustrious and far documented history has gained it various followers until today. It really is not surprising that shiatsu is taught not merely in a massage school in Maui, Hawaii, but in addition in different therapeutic massage colleges within the world.Almost any shiatsu therapeutic massage chair on the market today offers an assortment of massage techniques, which include compression, kneading, percussion, and rolling. The application of strain that is vital in shiatsu massage is utilized in chairs by rollers. In a good fine chair, you can management the rollers to move up and down your back, you can handle the width between the rollers, and likewise simply how much strain is being applied.One very efficient method for loosening tight muscles is of vibration. Some shiatsu massage recliners use vibration motors in the rollers. This enables the vibration being placed immediately on the muscle through the roller. This is now fabulous for soothing through the muscle to the bone. This may be very relieving.Shiatsu massage chairs also use system scan technology. Sensors can be found within the chair back. They can indeed be was considered to file distinct attributes of your back, neck and shoulders. This details is used to find assorted acupoints in your back for stimulation.
About the Author
Narcisa Blyden is an expert on Shiatsu who also discloses information colorado population,south by southwest,denver university bookstore and other associated topics at Shiatsu Thai Massage Mat
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Posted: 20 Aug 2012 10:00 AM PDT
Article by orsondixon
As the name suggests, a day spa is where you go to for the day to get yourself pampered. You can get massages, facials, as well as body treatments here. They are so named because you don't spend the night here, unlike a destination spa or resort spa.
Look for a peaceful, quiet atmosphere. A full menu of facials, massages, and body treatments should be available. The massage therapists and estheticians should be professionals. The facility should be impeccably clean. Professional spa products should be available.
You can also get services like laser hair removal, waxing, and Reiki done at these places. Ask your friends, family, or colleagues to recommend one based on their experience. You can even search online for options. Remember to read customer testimonials on the site to see how satisfied previous customers were.
If you are getting an anti-aging specialized treatment done there, look for before-and-after pictures of past clients who underwent treatment. This will give you an idea of the difference made by the treatment. If you feel it is significant, you can get it done.
Compare a few options based on price, duration of the facial or massage, and the experience level of the estheticians. You can buy a gift card for a family member, or organize a spa party with your friends. A family day at the spa can be fun, where your teenager can get an acne facial done, while the men get a facial customized for their skin done.
Among massages, you can choose from a Japanese hot stone massage, a reflexology massage, a classic Swedish massage, and many more. For instance, a deep tissue massage will be beneficial if you are suffering from chronic pain in your muscles.
Pregnant women can take a prenatal massage, which will improve their blood circulation. They will also get a better night's sleep. In case they are suffering from anxiety or depression, it will be lessened after a relaxing massage.
Check whether your facial includes deep cleansing, removal of blackheads! and whi teheads, and a reflexology massage. Choose a facial according to your skin type. Some facials are specially suited for dry and mature skin types, so incase you have either of these, ask the esthetician for specialized options.
You should get a facial done every month, because that is the time required for your skin to rejuvenate. Take care not to overdo it, but acne facials may need to be done more often, especially at the beginning. Anti- aging facials involve the addition of vitamin C.
You should plan a regular visit to a day spa. Long Island residents can look for one which enjoys a good reputation in the area.
About the Author
For more information on Day Spa Huntington, visit our website Tophealthresources.net.
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Posted: 20 Aug 2012 09:00 AM PDT
by Jen R
Article by Nadine S
If you have been thinking about taking the time off to just really relax and get out of the rat race, yoga vacations are the best way to go. Whether you are a beginner or an intermediate yoga practitioner, there is something for you. You can decide to go for weekend or week-long retreats.
Yoga can change your life. People who practice this everyday note a change in their energy levels and their well-being. Going to yoga retreats will allow you to socialize with your kind. Vacation spots also typically offer wellness services through naturopathic medicine, nutritional counseling, and an over-all spiritual retreat in stunning, peaceful environments.
Jangala Spiritual Retreat, Peru
Know your inner self and your soul in a beautiful palm-thatched place overseeing the Amazon River. Hidden in the rain forest and immersed in the natural beauty of all the flora and fauna, the Jangala Retreat in Peru is the ideal spot to be still and get away from the hustle and bustle of the world. Practice your poses in this wonderful retreat while watching exotic birds flying and tropical monkeys swinging around the trees. Just make sure that you bring your rubber boots and you get anti-malaria pills & yellow fever vaccinations. Na Balam Hotel, Mexico
With no telephones and televisions in any of their rooms, Na Balam, or the House of the Jaguar, was built with yoginis in mind. Wake up with bird calls from your window, and start the day with a meditation class. Because there are about twenty yoga instructors who hold classes in Na Balam, it has quickly gained a reputation among the yoga flock. Take delight in the sunset, especially with its treehouse yoga classes and massages. This is one of the most beautiful spiritual retreat.
Domaine de la Grausse, France
Located in the relaxing green valley in the gorgeous foothills of the snowy mountain tops in Southern France, the Domaine de la Grausee chateau is built in a backdrop of wooded hills and meadows of wildflowers. Aside from the ! yoga that you can do on a daily basis, there are a lot of holistic things to do in the estate. You can also do reiki, foot reflexology, tachyon treatment, and other forms of gentle & energetic massage. Aside from all the healing that you can take pleasure in, this spiritual vacation will allow you to walk, fish, cycle, and ride horses in beautiful unspoilt surroundings. More than this, you can also swim, golf, paraglide and indulge in thermal spas.
About the Author
Nadine is the owner of a new website targeting yoga lovers. The author felt in love with yoga when she started practicing yoga about 2 years ago. She felt the tremendous health benefits she obtained with time. While going to classes she searched for some yoga accessories and comfortable clothing. She found on the web, wonderful merchants promoting yoga gear. She decided to create a website where she could offer to customers faster access to great merchants. Here it is, TheYogaOutlet was created. If you are looking for some yoga clothing/accessories/DVD etc, you can have a look at her website and just browse at the listed merchants at http://www.theyogaoutlet.com
Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

Posted: 20 Aug 2012 08:00 AM PDT
Article by Anne Nichols
Tinnitus control is possible but you should be aware of first whether or not it is an indication of an underlying medical problem wherein an individual should undertake a complete test by a professional ear specialist. Individuals must also go through a broad medical scanning where the blood pressure level, kidney functionality, drug intakes, diet and allergy data must be considered. These aspects are often linked with tinnitus.
In these days, the medical community has never yet come up with a single therapy that could treat tinnitus. Treatments generally need strategies on how to manage the symptoms. People's hope must be turned to tinnitus control remedies other than wanting to cure it. Holistic or natural options are the most usual and famous methods to manage and control tinnitus symptoms.
Alternative Remedies:
Herbal products, homeopathic treatments, nutritional supplements will give comfort. Others get relief by acupuncture, magnets, hypnosis, cranio-sacral therapy or hyperbaric oxygen. Some get advantages from therapeutic massage or vitality function like reiki. A number of people could have hypersensitivity to some herbal medicines there is however no recourse associated with different treatments.
Use of Traditional Drug:
Many prescriptions are actually used to reduce symptoms of tinnitus but since there is no actual treatment solution for it, people who have severe tinnitus might get relief from drugs just like anti-anxiety, antihistamine, antidepressant, anesthetics or anticonvulsants. These drugs may be profitable in managing the signs or symptoms nonetheless they may leave some negative and serious side effects.
Psychophysiological feedback for Tinnitus Treatment:
This is a relaxation technique that is utilized to relieve pain and other disorders linked with stress. It teaches you easy methods to control certain body activities such as heart beat, muscle strain and skin temperature. It minimizes stress and panic levels in an individual bein! g affect ed by tinnitus. Psychophysiological feedback may need weekly trainings or cure for a couple of months to determine results. Based on reviews 75% of patients get partial remedy and 25% have experienced total tinnitus relief.
Tinnitus can be handled through psychophysiological feedback therapy, and by learning the efficient ways on how to get tinnitus control along with different and natural treatments. You must check your lifestyle, environment, routines, get exercise and eat just the proper diet. These can all help with the onset and underlying reasons behind tinnitus. If you avoid the causes there won't be any ringing in your ears.
About the Author
Tinnitus Control is eventually here to offer you the cure to end the ringing in your ears. You can get relief from pain of tinnitus using all-natural homeopathic system that is safe and effective. To get more info about tinnitus control, visit http://buy-tinnituscontrol.com.
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Posted: 20 Aug 2012 08:00 AM PDT
Article by Lisa Olson

Posted: 20 Aug 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Let Your Spirit Soar
It is already week four of exploring ways to uplift your spirit.
"There is one thing one has to have: either a soul that is cheerful by nature, or a soul made cheerful by work, love, art, and knowledge." -Friedrich Nietzsche
Is your soul cheerful? I used to believe all souls were happy and full of cheer. Lately I have come to realize it is something we need to nurture. Let's play a bit with the idea that you hold the power of your soul's happiness. Close your eyes for a second and imagine you are holding a conversation with your soul. Ask it what it needs to be cheerful. Wait quietly for an answer. Did you get a word, or perhaps an image? There may have been nothing at all. No matter, it is all perfect. If you didn't get a word or an impression, then make something up. Ask yourself this magic question, "If I knew what made my soul happy, what might it be?"
Now take what you either made up or the inner impression you got and begin to do whatever it was. Perhaps you saw yourself writing a book, with your soul's help of course. Maybe it was a child's book with colorful illustrations. Or you might have been practicing ballet, tap or contemporary dance. I know without a doubt that my soul loves it when my body gets up and moves, such as, when I go hiking, horseback riding, or take a yoga class…even dancing delights my soul.
Your soul might love to meditate or learn something new? Maybe your soul longs for a closer spiritual union. Think outside of the box here. In other words let's color way outside of the lines when you try to discover what makes your soul cheerful.
Play around with ideas until you feel deep inside what your soul longs for. Make it happen. I find when I think about making my soul happy versus making me happy there is a whole new dynamic. It feels so much more powerful and necessary to make my soul happy. It becomes a responsibility of sorts.
So all excuses be gone…start today. Uplift your spirit by taking the time to do what your soul loves to do! Feel the delight grow inside of you…let your spirit soar!!!

Judith Geiger Master Certified Soul Coaching® Oracle Card Practitioner and Life Coach
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Posted: 20 Aug 2012 07:00 AM PDT
by inju
Article by Giorine Lavmayt
Hurt. Discomfort. Pain. Every person has experienced this atleast once in life; be it emotional heartache like that caused by the demise of a loved one or maybe impermanent physical distress caused by breaking your bones. Do you remember your suffering? Now, imagine living with it on a daily basis.
Along with a recent study published by the Centre for Adaptive Disorders and Headache in Italy, four to 5 per cent of the global population suffer from persistent daily head pains (as reported in Khaleej Times on 7 June 2008); and that is just one statistic. Just this one sort of persistent soreness, this unseen disease, has an effect on 200,000 people daily in the UAE (U.A.E.), and is said to cost millions of dollars in lost productivity.
Invisibility is accorded to that experience since persons shy afar from mentioned about it, and albeit they do garner the braveness to share their condition, their loved ones cannot understand the severity of the pain lacking clear physical indication. Further, it is perceived to be a sign of weakness to accept to "just a head pain" or maybe constantly protest about back pain. Here in lies the cause for the "every day head pain" being the most standard sort of untreated ache worldwide.
That issue is compounded in a culture such as that discovered in the U.A.E., where men are anticipated to be infallible, and ladies extremely broad-minded. People such as Ms. Thomas still shy afar from treatment. She has been protesting of serious neck hurt for months, and is knowledgeable about treatment options available in the U.A.E.; though, she picks to elucidate it as "nothing that a little rest will not treat". This has resulted in her being unemployed, yet there is a hesitation to accept her condition as a continual ailment.
However, perceptions are changing. Mr.. Smith lives with invariable ache in her knees. Movement or touch only serve to agitate the situation. She cannot search relief with a simple massage. After years of supposing that the pain was b! ecause o f the natural aging process and as such untreatable, she selected to seek help. She presently visits a professional of a healing over method called as Reiki. The opening up of ache health centers under the auspices medical care facilities such as Al Qassimi Clinic and Cedars Jebel Ali Healthcare facility is reflective of the request being spurred as increasingly more people realize that they do not have to live with unceasing soreness in quietness. There are many alternative healing centers additionally to physiotherapy hospitals in the U.A.E.
There's also boosted comprehending amongst practitioners about the various kinds of continual soreness and the population segments affected by it. "Ladies are subject to kinds of soreness exclusive to their sex for instance, Dysmenorrhoea (menstruation hurt), partum and post partum pain and unceasing pelvic hurt," says Professor Joseph Shokry Costandi, boss of the Soreness Clinic at Al Qassimi Healthcare facility (as quoted in 7 Days on thirteen June 2008).
In an ambience of enhancing approval, there are a lot of proactive individuals. Mr. Khan commutes for two hours attempting to come home from work daily, and has a desk job. He constantly complained about pain in the lower back. It has been two months since he has frequented a soreness medical facility and he already feels the difference. This ascending acknowledgment of unceasing pain as a disease rather than a weakness is the driving aspect for a concentrate on well being in the country. Though, much work needs to be done.
Ease, a national awareness campaign, has been managed by the government of U.A.E. to address this issue. Over the coming months, many public occurrences are to be held at local schools, malls, and different venues on top of through local publications, to educate the population about the different forms of constant soreness, the facilities accessible to help deal with continual ache, and the need to converse openly with one's family and pals.
I live with continual soren! ess and have done now for about sixteen years, both my personal soreness and my husbands. We uncover that the best way of dealing with it is an approval of our restrictions. We giggle about it as really if you treat continual pain with too much cure, how the heck are you going to deal with the ache of old age which definitely must be worse.
Here are some ideas about how to live with chronic hurt.
1. Keep a diary of ache. It assists since you could then talk about with your health care provider the times of the month that hurt occurs, and that may show a logical pattern.
2. Drink plenty of water since it sprays the system and gives you a cleanse. This could be really beneficial for muscular tissue troubles, and might aleviate soreness.
3. Do not play the hero, however don't play the martyr either, and those around you get oblivious to the true hurt if you complain all of the time, or if you pretend there is no ache and try and do things that you can't do without it hurting.
4. Remember your sense of humour. You only get one shot at life. If you expend it objecting about ache, think of the suffering to those around you.
5. Probably see an ache professional and work out which is true hurt and which is invoked by the stress of the real hurt.
6. Try and work out the logic of why you feel hurt. There's logic there someplace. If you cut out the stress factor of the pain, and work out which aches are controllable and which are not, you could actually comprehend yourself greater and work on the stress factor, by pampering yourself a bit, taking recreating baths, and getting to feel good things that substitute those negative senses.
About the Author
Visit Sore feet causes to read about Chronic foot pain centre edmonton.
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Posted: 20 Aug 2012 07:00 AM PDT
"Find the love you seek, by first finding the love within yourself. Learn to rest in that place within you that is your true home."
~Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
"I love myself for I am a beloved child of the universe and the universe lovingly takes care of me now."
~Louise Hay
"Always be a first rate version of yourself and not a second rate version of someone else."
~Judy Garland
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Posted: 20 Aug 2012 06:00 AM PDT
Article by Lisa Olson

Posted: 20 Aug 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Pain can serve as one of life's great teachers, but it is important to move through it and not become stuck in our pain.
Pain comes and it goes. It is just one component to the grand cycle of life. And when experienced as such, pain can serve as an important teacher. It is when we get stuck in our pain that it becomes detrimental to our well-being and development. If you notice that you feel closed-off, resentful, heavy-hearted, or that you try very hard to avoid being hurt again, there may be a part of you that is still stuck in pain.
We can get stuck in our pain for many reasons. As children, it was natural for us to cry, throw a tantrum, and let the experience move through us. By fully feeling our pain in this way, our emotions would wash us clean, leaving us open and available to new experiences. With age, though, we might have determined that expressing emotion was no longer appropriate, and so we developed a variety of coping strategies to deal with our discomfort. We may have learned to stuff our feelings down or to run away from them. Perhaps we began thinking that staying closed and unwilling to try new things would keep us safe from heartbreak, safe from rejection, and safe from failure. We may have even gotten so used to being in pain that the thought of being without it scares us. But, if we continue to hold onto it longer than necessary, we are expending a lot of energy that could instead be channeled into making our life experiences more positive.
If you notice that you are continually connecting with the same familiar patterns of pain, consider embracing your feelings and letting go of your hurt. Whether your pain is from childhood or from an experience last week, see if you can give it room to move. When it does, you will reconnect with a wonderful source of your own vital energy. -by Madisyn Taylor
~Reprinted with permission from DailyOM
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Tatu City

In Kenya today, one can hardly go a few meters without seeing a construction site, either residential or commercial. Real estate firms are making a killing as an emerging middle class invests in housing, and this growth has led to the emergence of a new trend. Tatu city, a mega holistic lifestyle city was launched yesterday and if this ambitious development will become a reality, then gone are the days when one had to come to Nairobi for work, or otherwise. Tony Timase brings as a look at trends that seem to mark tomorrow's real estate sector.
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Posted: 20 Aug 2012 05:00 AM PDT
Article by danielperezj
Fast paced world and the tensions in his personal life, work, etc. led to people face so much stress that they are looking for alternative methods to stay in shape both mentally and physically. Combination therapy is one of such remedies. It includes treatment such as acupuncture, chiropractic, naturopathy, reiki, banks, yoga, massage therapy, color therapy, hypnosis, etc.
It is widely gaining popularity as it works to improve the overall health and disease prevention. Combination therapy operates on the basis of the fact that consciousness has control of bodily actions and vice versa. It will be really profitable if you're a holistic therapy business in Washington.
Business licenses required will depend on the type of holistic hypnotist washington therapy of choice in practice. If you have a holistic massage therapist, you will need to be properly trained in the famous holistic institute massage. Licensed therapist can charge money for the implementation of a holistic massage in a certain district or within certain limits of the city. To become a registered holistic massage therapist, you need to pass specific government board examinations, which consists of written and practical parts. In order to obtain a license holistic massage therapist must have a certain minimum hours of training in school or an accredited training center. The minimum number of hours of training varies from 100 to 1000 hours.
Integrated massage practitioners, as a rule, are licensed as health care workers in stop smoking maryland. In order to obtain a license, the applicant must complete a State approved massage licensing program for at least 500 hours and pass a Washington State Massage Exam or the National Certification exam. Department of Health State Board of Massage can be contacted for further details.
* Have good moral character.* Certificate Upon completion of training in an accredited institution. * Proof that the required number of hours under the supervision of the field have been comp! leted, a nd maintain standards for the completion of the course, accredited institutions have been satisfactorily met by the candidate.
Therapist will have to pay royalties and will have regular renew your license. It would be better if you give a legal structure for your business and choose the right name for your business that is not a copy of any other registered business, and make sure you hire the services of a lawyer to register your business. Make sure you have the physical address of your business before applying for a license and that you provide information such as names, phone numbers and addresses of owners and provide evidence of identity, such as a passport or driver's license, etc. Make sure that your business does not violate any zoning restrictions.
About the Author
Donald Pelles, Certified Hypnotherapist and NLP Practitioner, can answer all your questions about hypnotherapy hypnosis or Neuro-Linguistic Programing. Ask for a free consultation. Hypnosis Silver Spring Maryland, Hypnotherapy Washington DC.
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Posted: 20 Aug 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Hello and good morning
A beautiful day, this is Dr. Rob
Hello, Gorgeous!, my intention this day
Yes, every day the trick is to greet yourself
With "Hello, Gorgeous!"
Because generally the thoughts
Oh the wrinkles, the gray, the flab and the fat
Stop it, I say
For the trick of life is to look at that person
With love of the day
The only thing you can do
Is change the thoughts
And guess what?
It changes the thing
Now "Hello, Gorgeous" and "I love you" every day
It's a simple practice and make it play
For love what it be and all that you see
For the gift is simply that you be
Hello, Gorgeous!
A smile on your face and dance
And sing in the day
For the trick is to play
Hello, Gorgeous!
And love thy day
Blessings, Dr. Rob
Just sharing some thoughts of the things that we be
Love, God Bless
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BioResonance Therapy Part 1

www.bioresonancetherapy.com.sg BioResonance Therapy Helps with many ailments, allergies and also aids quitting smoking. It's natural, painless and has no side effects whatsoever. To find out more about this treatment, visit www.bioresonancetherapy.com.sg
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Posted: 20 Aug 2012 04:00 AM PDT
Article by Duane C
The recent trend in dog foods has been changes as the owners are becoming more and more aware of the harm that the commercial dog food can cause to their dog which give rise to a boom in natural and holistic dog food or organic dog food. There are number of benefits that your dog will be enjoying if you feed him organic dog food.In case of organic dog food you will exactly know what are u feeding your dog and will be sure that it will be fully benefits from all of its ingredients.organic ingredients which are holistic in combination. An organic dog food only contains natural ingredients.
It does not contain artificial chemical which can cause harm to your canine. Natural and holistic dog food companies pledge to use high quality ingredients without fillers and by-products. They go to extra dimension to add beneficial nutrients without adding unnecessary chemicals harmful to canine. Despite the higher cost of these foods, many dog owners attest to the benefits these diets have provided to their furry family member, such as shiner coats, increased energy, and better overall health.
If you are still feeding your dog commercially available foods which are relatively cheaper than that of organic dog foods or holistic dog's foods you should better switch over to organic food which is holistic in nature. Holistic in the sense that organic dog food will offer benefits to your dog in overall manner. Holistic approach follows the essence that "the effect of whole is more than that of sum of effect of its individual components".
It is true that most commercial dog foods are made from materials which are unusable or less desirable for human consumption. They often contain meat by-product, Meat-and bone meals, grain by- products and restaurant grease.
They are processed in an in unhygienic manner. Their nutritional value is also less because Commercial dog foods and some dog food ingredients have been implicated in a number of diseases in companion animals. Allergic skin disease, obe! sity, food intolerance, inflammatory bowel disease, chronic ear infections, cystitis (bladder inflammation), bladder and kidney stones, certain heart diseases, pancreatitis, feline hyperthyroidism, hip dysplasia, canine mammary cancer, bloat, and diabetes.
So it is evident that lots of commercial standard dog foods can contain harmful ingredients such as blood and hair. They use undesirable chemical for taste, lots of additives for color and preservative.
About the Author
Want to learn about making healthy dog meals for your dog's organic dog food visit healthychoiceorganic.com
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Posted: 20 Aug 2012 04:00 AM PDT
Lynette Blake: Within and Beyond, An exhibit of oil paintings

–Lynette Blake: Circle Game, oil painting photo courtesy of the artist
Baltimore Woods Nature Center Weeks Art Gallery is pleased to present Within and Beyond, an exhibit and sale of oil paintings by Lynette Blake. On exhibit from September 4th through October 26th, 2012 in the Weeks Art Gallery, 4007 Bishop Hill Road, Marcellus, NY this collection of work is open to the public during regular business hours: M-F 9am-4pm and Saturday 10am-4pm. A reception for the artist will be held in the gallery on Sunday, September 30th from 2-4 pm. The public is invited to attend. There is no admission charge to the gallery or reception, and parking is free.
Blake's oil paintings draw the viewer in through complex layers of shape and color. The use of overlapping imagery conveys a depth that extends deep below the surface of the canvas. Objects, whether used directly or evoked by abstract shapes, float in and out of light illuminating them with a pervasive warm glow. The effect is otherworldly—a feeling of being outside time and space is conveyed. Blake explains her intention: "In my paintings I strive to convey a sense of the infinite which exists in the everyday but is veiled to our conventional senses."
Focusing on creating a sense of the infinite for the viewer, Blake uses the formal elements of objective representation, shape and pattern, and adds an intuitive understanding, Together, these elements combine to express her vision. She states: "My current work is an effort to integrate three facets that together help us to experience this sense of the infinite. First, the world experienced through our senses, captured by the depiction of objects. Second, the concept of the intellectual, expressed by geometric shapes and patterns. Finally, connecting and embracing the first two is the cosmic element. This is an expression of what we can intuit when things are unbounded by space and time."
Lynette Blake has exhibited her work throughout the Northeast, and is currently represented locally by the Szozda Gallery in Syracuse, as well as national venues. She studied art at Brown University in Rhode Island and currently resides in Upstate NY.
More information on Blakes's work can be found on her website: www.lynetteblake.com
More information on the Weeks Gallery at Baltimore Woods can be found at: www.baltimorewoods.org

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