The Flowers of the Forest

The floo'ers o' a timberland have been a' wede away How most times have you ready to go in a morning, in suffering as good as woe, as good as left to contend goodbye? Some places we have lived, you ready to go in white, as good as stumbled, weeping in a streets. In alternative places, you wore black suits, as good as dark glasses to hide a issuing tears. Goodbye to a black as good as white soldiers of hold up -- even they never fought a battle as a splendid soldiers do, still they lived a mystery fight of because have been you here as good as where shall you go. As you wander about, you mostly meet people who say, "Oh! You know, I've never been to a single wake in my life! I've no make use of for them!" Makes you laugh, doesn't it? Seems a faith they will attend during least one. At a little farewells you walked with a brass band; during others, rifles sang three times seven pointy songs, as good as a man handed over a folded flag. In a little altern...