What Shamans See

Once upon a time, I took a category entitled 'Observation as well as Description.' The physical education instructor explained which a skill of regard is predicated upon one's capability to fairly report what a single sees; hence, to be a penetrating observer, a single has to enlarge one's descriptive vocabulary. This seems true, during slightest conventionally speaking, as well as is in any event a normal sufficient conjecture to preclude most evidence for or against.
However, ours is not a normal forum, as well as here a subject of labeling, by whatever means, is a fit topic for constant dissection.
"Labeling takes place in confusion, for what is nonexistant is taken to exist.
Given which a inlet of things is identical to which of mental condition images, which have no basis,
how awfully strange it is to fixate upon samsara as well as obscurity as though they existed in their own right!" -- LongchenpaAbove, is a photomicrograph of dual tellurian cancer cells, seen just prior to they order in to four cells, noticed during 100X magnification. The photo was taken by Dr. Paul D. Andrews of a University of Dundee, in Scotland, as well as comes to us courtesy of Nikon Small World.
If you could forbid a multiplication process, right during this really moment, then you could stop a cancer dead in a tracks.
In a shared belief you call Vajrayana -- which becomes less a belief as well as some-more an regard a some-more you share it -- you have countless examples of a visualization as well as strategy of structures really identical to a structures seen in a upon tip of photomicrograph. Just as an e.g. -- as well as it is an e! .g. from a open novel -- take Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche's outline of a sold protection circle employed in White Tara practice:
"In an instant, from a state of void a white circle with 10 spokes appears. Unlike a circle which you have been visualizing in your heart, this circle is not prosaic as well as it does not have a rim. In fact, it is probably better not to cruise of it as a circle during all, since which word is misleading. It might be better to cruise of a shape as something identical to some of a satellites you send in to space, which have been turn with assorted spikes sticking out."
"Imagine a hub to be a very, really large sphere of white light. Though it is said to have 10 spokes, there have been usually eight spokes uniformly spaced around a horizon. The hub is vale as well as turn solely which a tip as well as bottom have been slightly pointed. They have been thus referred to as spokes, creation 10 spokes altogether. The eight spokes around a horizon have been identical to ribs, as well as finish to a point. There is no break in in in between them, though there is an arch in in in between them identical to in in in between a skeleton upon a tip of a hand. The spokes go all around, as well as a whole thing would be thus crop up round if noticed from above. Inside a circle as well as spokes it is vale as well as inconceivably immeasurable as well as spacious. The circle is roughly invisible since it is spinning really fast. The eight spokes have been branch so fast which they have been just a white blur, so you can usually see a tentlike ball. This is a reason why you call it a wheel. It spins clockwise. The upper as well as lower spokes have been branch in place. They have been identical to an axis."Now consider, for just a moment, which you have been infinitesimally small, as well as inside your own body, perplexing to report a function as well as coming of cells you see around you. Might not your outline of what you observe be really identical to what Khenpo Karthar has given, above? By a! way, wh ich outline was from his book, The Wish-Fulfilling Wheel: The Practice of White Tara (2003), which is really rarely recommended.
We don't have to visualize ourselves inside a bodies. Instead,we can just go outward as well as look during a stars. The upon tip of existence depicts all a asteroids orbiting a sun, as you have detected them in a past thirty years.
Finally, given you have looked inside as well as outward a sorcery theater, you can use a cat-scan prophesy to collect up a scenery, as well as look inside that. Here is a picture of what agate looks identical to underneath 4X magnification:

And all utterly empty, for as you excavate deeper as well as deeper in to these self-similar spaces, activities, as well as patterns, you find some-more self-similar spaces, activities, as well as patterns. What is a disproportion in in in between this asteroid distinguished a sun, as seen in a next video, as well as spermatazoa fertilizing an egg?
For some-more years as well as in some-more places than you find what you have today agreed to call Vajrayana, there have been shamans -- of larger or lesser fulfilment as well as role -- as well as these shamans have -- for charitable great or differently -- flown in to spaces, activities, as well as patterns, employing a sold vision. In some senses, what they see, as well as how they see it, in a future came to be refined, as well as codified in to one after another expositions identical to a Kalachakratantra, or a Hevajratantra, though which does not -- as well as should not -- imply ownership.
What you have been examining is essentially human. It "belongs" to all of us.
"Mind itself is a i! mmeasura ble expanse, a area of unchanging space.
Its indistinct display is a area of a enchanting countenance of a responsiveness.
Everything is a adornment of simple space as well as nothing else.
Outwardly as well as inwardly, things proliferating as well as solution have been a energetic energy of awakened mind.
Because this is nothing whatsoever yet arises as anything during all,
it is a miraculous as well as enchanting expression, extraordinary as well as superb."Longchenpa wrote that, as well as when I review what he wrote I begin to wonder. Maybe a reason why you have not yet found a cure for cancer is since you have been looking a material solution to a non-material circumstance.
How can you ensue but move from a substructure of a approval of a loyal inlet of phenomena?
.Write to rinpoche2006@gmail.com http://tibetanaltar.blogspot.com