God doesn't appear at Rally to Restore Sanity

Well, what a non-surprise. At today's Rally to Restore Sanity upon a National Mall in Washington, DC, God didn't have an coming -- notwithstanding a implorings of not-exactly a Father Guido Sarducci.

I watched a initial half of a convene upon C-Span, so got to see Father Sarducci's benediction. It was appealingly comedic, yet not without a little fairly serious philosophising during a expense of true believers.

Noting which there lots of religions in a world, any of which believes which it knows a truth about God while a rest have been mistaken, Sarducci asked God to send a pointer to a massive crowd: let us know which sacrament is right in a little observable fashion.

So he called out a names of assorted Christian denominations as well as other religions, afterwards waited for a spectacle to materialize in a sunny, clear Oct sky, or upon ground level. we can't recollect all a choices -- Baptist, Catholic, Judaism, Islam, Rastafarianism, Buddhism, these come to mind.

Nothing. Nada.

Cleverly (I bet most people didn't get a joke), after observant "Buddhism" as well as watchful a couple of seconds before observant "nothing," Sarducci combined "But which could be a sign." After all, Buddhism is large upon nothing.

Since there was no clear pointer of God during a rally, usually as there is no clear pointer of God anywhere else, nor has there been during any time in a past, it makes sense to ceremony Nothing -- if someone feels a need to ceremony anything.

As would be expected, when Father Sarducci called out a names of a denominations as well as religions he'd get cheers from people in a crowd. (As competence additionally have been expected, given a clearly youthful lean of a attendees, Rastafarian supporters seemed to outnumber Buddhists.)

After a initial cheer, Sarducci told a throng which these displays didn't equate as signs of God, given God wouldn't show him/her/itself in which fashion.

Great p oint. But that's a usually evidence religions have for God: tellurian "cheering" of assorted varieties. "God spoke to me!" "I had a prophesy of God!" "These have been God's commandments!"

There's never any objective, unarguable, super-persuasive pointer of God's presence. Like another Sarducci ask to God during his benediction:

Since we haven't responded when a names of a assorted denominations as well as religions were called out, could we annoint a chairman in a throng with a halo, or an instant permanent skin stain upon their face? Then we can ask which person, "What sacrament have been you?" That'll tell us which conviction God favors.

Sarducci asked convene attendees to have friends with those around them, given which no one can see his or her own face as well as would need to be told if they have a spectacle luminous radiance or spectacle tattoo.

He waited for responses. Again, nothing. God one after another to be a no-show. Which equates to which churchlessness is still a most appropriate incredulity for those who seek guileless sanity.

(Here's a little excerpts from Sarducci's talk. Better yet, we usually found a video of his complete benediction. Watch as well as laugh.)

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