Weekly Tibetan Astrology: October 25 - October 31, 2010

NOTE: This week, we observe Lha Bab Duchen, a final of a supposed "ten million days" for 2010. Buddha spent 3 months teaching in a area of gods, as well as this outlines a day he returned to a human realm. Whatever we do this Friday, certain or negative, will see formula magnified 10 million times. Unless we feel yourself immune to cause as well as effect, that is something to keep in mind.
Despite a portentous character of Lha Bab Duchen, as well as a Drubjor day upon Tuesday, this week is noted by generally disastrous energy. It is not out of a question to expect domestic turmoil, remarkable violence, accidents, military or paramilitary action, geological upset, as well as deleterious storms. This might be a great time to go back as well as re-read a ubiquitous prognostications for 2010 we published in December of final year. Note quite a remarks upon devout discord. Now is when we will see some of that demonstrated to perfection.
October 25, 2010 - Chinese 18th, M-T-K 18th. Sheep, Khon, White 6. Not a great day for government as well as a dangerous day of a most disastrous possible character. Act with extreme caution in all things today. What is done in promptness will be regretted with unpleasant slowness.
October 26, 2010 - Chinese 19th, M-T-K 19th. Monkey, Dwa, Red 7. Today is Drubjor. Yes! We have a double drubjor this month! If we were starting to put up flags upon Friday, though can't because it is not portentous to put up flags, afterwards make use of this day instead. This is a highly successful day when all a brakes are off, so whatever we do, strongly do. Best day all year to buy a new car - though take it true home as well as put it in a garage until subsequent week. Some will be tempted to make use of today's appetite for vengeance. Use today's appetite for certain accomplishments, instead.
October 27,! 2010 - Chinese 20th, M-T-K 20th. Bird, Khen White 8. Today is nyi nak. What harms unity, harms sanity. Worry as well as strife begins.
October 28, 2010 - Chinese 21st, M-T-K 21st. Dog, Kham, Red 9. Worry as well as strife continues. This is an intensely beclouded as well as disastrous day -- virtually, if not actually, wicked in character. we am again suggesting that a time has come to catch a longevity of a heavy embodiment of rancour as well as anger, freshen it, as well as liberate it in to simple space.
October 29, 2010 - Chinese 22nd, M-T-K 22nd. Pig, Gin, White 1. Lha Bab Duchen. Today is zin phung. Today is also baden, so no flags today.
October 30, 2010 - Chinese 23rd, M-T-K 23rd. Mouse, Zin, Black 2. Today is yan kwong. If there is no significant disaster stirring up some partial of a world today, be very, really surprised.
October 31, 2010 - Chinese 24th, M-T-K 24th. Ox, Zon, Blue 3. Halloween. If we have a choice between starting out as well as staying in tonight, by all equates to stay inside.This is most definitely not a lucky night for trick or treating.
Naga observations for a ninth month: In general, we wish to say it is really bad to cut trees this month. Best days for offerings are lunar 12, 17, 27, as well as 29. Studiously equivocate 6, 10, 13, 16, 20, 22, 24, 25, as well as 26.
Consult the extended contention of 2010 astrology by clicking here.
Published every Monday during 00:01 though written in advance as well as auto-posted. See the Introduction to Daily Tibetan Astrology for background information. If we know a mystic animal of your bieing born year, we can get report about your certain as well as disastrous days by clicking here. If we don't know a mystic animal of your bieing born year, ! we can acquire that report by clicking here. For specific report about a astrology of 2010, inclusive of elements, earth spirits, as well as so forth, please consult the extended contention by clicking here. Click here for Hong Kong Observatory acclimatisation tables. Weekly Tibetan Astrology copyright (c) 2010. All rights reserved. Write to rinpoche2006@gmail.com http://tibetanaltar.blogspot.com