Wealth as Pure Consciousness

True wealth alertness is alertness of a source of all element reality. This source of all element being is pristine consciousness. It is pristine awareness. It is a unified field. It is a margin of all possibilities.We cannot know this margin only by thinking about it because, by definition, it is otherworldly to thought. We can, however, have experiential knowledge of this margin by transcending to it and knowing it intimately as our own nature.When you transcend, you know non-verbally but a use of words. We obtain knowledge directly, but a distracting involvement of spoken language. This is a worth of meditation, which gives us a knowledge of pristine Being, although a knowledge of pristine Being is in itself an countenance of pristine tranquillity and pristine joy.The main value of altering a knowledge of mediation with wake up is which a more you dive into a margin of pristine Being, pristine awareness, pristine consciousness, a more our wake up acquires a qualities inherent in pristine Being, in pristine consciousness.Knowing about a qualities intellectually and putting courtesy upon a qualities also helps, because, ultimately, whatever you knowledge is a outcome of a quality of our attention.Adapted from Creating Affluence by Deepak Chopra (New World Library, 1993).

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