California Rinchen Terzod Canceled

Here is the official content of the announcement:
We're sorry to surprise we that due to the little really difficult circumstances we will have to postpone the Rinchen Terzod with Ven. Yangthang Rinpoche formerly scheduled for November of 2010 during Orgyen Dorje Den. Ven. Gyatrul Rinpoche as well as our Sangha still sojourn carefree that the program can happen during the little indicate in the future, though we wanted to share this disappointing news so that we can devise accordingly.Sincerely,
The Orgyen Dorje Den Board of DirectorsI do not similar to to criticize only for the consequence of criticism, as well as we have extensive personal fondness for Orgyen Dorje Den, though somebody needs to let them know -- this has to be the many feeble planned, feeble communicated, as well as irresponsibly managed vital dharma eventuality in new memory.
You will recall that when they initial announced the event, they began by famously report recommendation not to contact them with questions. This went upon for months.
Then they scheduled the eventuality -- as well as proposed accepting income -- without having the visa in hand for Yangthang Rinpoche as well as his entourage, as well as many glaring of all -- they gave absolutely no thought to the stroke of such an eventuality upon other peoples' lives. we know the little people who have been terribly inconvenienced by all of this -- as well as they are hopping mad.
For example: in an eventuality lasting four months, that will draw enormous courtesy all over America, where (and how) do we house hundreds of people?
Everyone upon the West Coast would really similar to to see the Rinchen Terzod held as soon as possible, though we am not convinced Orgyen Dorje Den is the proper venue. we consider they should strech out to the rural centers -- Tharchin Rinpoche's place in Santa Cruz comes to mind, as well as Tashi Choling in Oreg! on seems similar to the healthy -- where during slightest the tent city could be accommodated, community meals served, as well as so forth, as well as then spend critical bid upon planning.
I apologize for being so blunt, as well as direct, though this needs to be bound before it will fly.

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