Two Publishing Industry Pros Join Forces

Between them, Deborah as well as Melanie have some-more than 35 years of knowledge in edition as well as have written, edited, or grown some-more than 100 books, fifteen of which have been commercially published titles underneath their own names. Their new website,, outlines their services as well as will periodically yield site visitors with essay as well as edition attention tips.

"When you write our own books, it's the unique endeavor," Melanie pronounced today. "As the ghostwriter, editor, book doctor, or consultant, we're means to combine with others as well as share ideas."

"I especially love assisting others have their dream the reality," Deborah added. "Many people who come to us have wanted to write the book for years. We can have it happen for them."

Melanie is the bard of seven books of her own, together with Hummingbirds: Jewels upon Air (which additionally contains 8 of her photographs), The Cocktail Kit (which sole some-more than 100,000 copies), as well as 52 Weeks of Passionate Sex (which sole out its initial printing within the week of release.) She has ghostwritten as well as edited countless books, the little of which have won awards. Melanie edited Brenda Bence's book, How YOU Are Like Shampoo for Job Seekers: The Proven Personal Branding System to Help You Succeed in Any Interview as well as Secure the Job of Your Dreams, which won the 2009 Best Beach Books Festival Grand Prize, as well as she edited Debra Fine's The Fine Art of the Big Talk, which was published by Hyperion. She has additionally published novella as well as poetry.

Deborah was the Senior Editor during Running Press Book Publishers, where she served upon the acquisitions group as well as schooled how publishers determine which manuscripts to buy. She helped develop the wide operation of books, together with the little with celebrity authors such as Stephen Hawking, James Watson, as well as Bill Cosby. As the Health Books Editor during Rodale Press, she was th! e staff bard upon The Doctor's Book of Home Remedies, the title which sole an rare thirteen million copies. She was additionally lead bard upon Positive Living as well as Health, which sole 200,000 copies. She has published 8 books of her own, together with Instant Meditations as well as Sex upon the Beach, as well as has ghostwritten or grown countless books as the freelance consultant. One recent book she helped develop, Retirement Breakthrough, was declared the most appropriate new commercial operation book in Denver.

Melanie as well as Deborah have knowledge essay upon different subjects, together with popular business, medicine, pick health, sexuality, finance, psychology, education, spirituality, nature, as well as lifestyle. Both Melanie as well as Deborah have been magna cum laude college graduates, Melanie in English as well as Deborah in Journalism. The twin additionally provides copywriting as well as speech essay services, as well as advice about normal edition versus self-publishing. "At times, you assistance authors shape as well as package their judgment so which it's marketable," Melanie said, "and yield plan management for the book from the very commencement to the final printing process."


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