Sam Harris says morality can be scientific

I love Sam Harris' books.

His "The End of Faith" came out about a year after you proposed this churchless blog in a fall of 2004. It supposing me with a swell of unreliable energy, validating my decision to do what you could to assistance rid a universe of mortal eremite dogma.

"Letter to a Christian Nation" (2008) additionally was a winner, but didn't interest to me utterly as much. Never having been a Christian (aside from sanctimonious to be a single in my early elementary school years), you guess his concentration on a ridiculousness of Christianity seemed self-evident to me.

Now, though, I'm entirely fired up about "The Moral Landscape," that I've just begun to read.

Two chapters in to it, I'm creatively tender with Harris' capability to blend severe proof as well as a systematic opinion (he has a Ph.D. in neuroscience) with an worldly attack-dog sensibility. In his newest book what he's attacking is a oft-heard idea that scholarship deals with contribution as well as religion with meanings.

Given this assumption, many of a dignified battlefield is ceded to armies of ready to fight combatants brandishing competing holy scriptures as well as dedicated sayings. Those of us who worth reason, reality, logic, as well as a systematic process have been relegated to a sidelines.

Harris writes:

The eighteenth-century Scottish reflective thinker David Hume famously argued that no outline of a approach a universe is (facts) can tell us how you ought to handle (morality). Following Hume, a reflective thinker G. E. Moore declared that any attempt to fix up dignified truths in a natural universe was to commit a "naturalistic fallacy."

... Other influential philosophers, together with Karl Popper, have echoed Hume as well as Moore on this point, as well as a effect has been to create a firewall between contribution as well as values via a intellectual discourse.

However, a central indicate o! f " The Moral Landscape" is that tellurian hold as well as tellurian values can no longer be kept apart.

As you learn more about what contributes to a contentment of us Homo sapiens, as well as what doesn't, it would be funny to set in reserve a sapience as well as blindly follow a dignified advice of eremite pre-scientific magical-thinkers who were (and sadly, still are) mired in abnormal superstitions as well as fantasies.

Even yet you was never a funny Christian, for many years you was a funny follower of an Eastern complement of eremite thought. Radha Soami Satsang Beas, a form of Sant Mat, accepted a reality of karma accrued over countless births in myriad forms of life.

So, for example, it was suspicion that someone born blind competence have poked out a eyes of a dog in a prior incarnation. And in general, that if something bad happens to a person, this is a justice-balancing act of a creation (personified as "Kal," a Lord of Karma).

This is an e.g. of how religiosity prevents us from saying dignified truths clearly. Good becomes bad, as well as bad becomes good, when people conceal what is actually function in a universe with illusory desires, wishes, laws, or commandments of an unseen "higher power."

Here is a situation: if a simple claims of religion have been true, a systematic worldview is so blinkered as well as susceptible to abnormal alteration as to be rendered nearly ridiculous; if a simple claims of religion have been false, many people have been profoundly confused about a nature of reality, confounded by undiscerning hopes as well as fears, as well as tending to rubbish changed time as well as attention -- often with tragic results.

...It makes no clarity during all to have a many critical facilities of a lives anchored to divisive claims about a singular sanctification of very old books or to rumors of very old miracles. There is simply no subject that how you verbalise about tellurian values -- as well as how you study or ! destroy to study a relevant phenomena during a turn of a brain -- will profoundly change a common future.

After picking up "The Moral Landscape" in a morning, yesterday you bookended my reading day with TIME magazine. you found an essay about a Westboro Baptist Church right in line with what Harris is talking about.

The 70 members of Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas stage protests during military funerals around a nation since they hold God is punishing infantry for America's toleration of homosexuality -- even when those killed, like Matt [Snyder] were not gay -- as well as that all of God's judgments must be celebrated.

In a reasonable reality-based world, judgments about a probity of homosexuality (including a appropriateness of a U.S. armed forces' "don't ask, don't tell" policy) would be formed on justification about gays: how homosexuality arises; how, if during all, gays differ from straights in areas other than who they have been sexually captivated to; as well as so on.

But once religiosity enters in to a dignified debate, contribution have an exit.

The TIME essay says that a Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals opinion on a lawsuit filed by a Snyders against a Westboro Baptist Church said that a First Amendment protects statements that destroy to enclose a "provably fake factual connotation."

The Westboro signs were hurtful as well as extravagantly inapt -- "God hates you," for e.g. -- but you can't disprove God's hate.

No, you can't. And you can't infer it either.

Thus this arrange of claim, along with every other faith-based assertion, has no place in societal discussions about what is dignified as well as what isn't. Harris is positively correct when he says:

There have been surely physical, chemical, as well as biological contribution about that you might be ignorant or mistaken. In vocalization of "moral truth," you am saying that there must be contrib! ution pe r tellurian as well as animal contentment about that you can additionally be ignorant or mistaken. In both cases, scholarship -- as well as rational suspicion in all -- is a tool you can make use of to uncover these facts.

...Meaning, values, morality, as well as a good hold up must describe to contribution about a contentment of unwavering creatures -- and, in a case, must rightly depend on events in a universe as well as on states of a tellurian brain. Rational, open-ended exploration has regularly been a true souce of insight in to such processes. Faith, if it is ever right about anything, is right by accident.

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