Develop The Healing Capability of Your Body Using Reiki Energy Techniques

Develop The Healing Capability of Your Body Using Reiki Energy Techniques

Develop The Healing Capability of Your Body Using Reiki Energy Techniques

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 11:00 PM PST

Article by Eva Rose

Often times you will see Reiki massage therapy which will normally make you think they are similar. But what has taken place is people who perform massage have integrated Reiki into their treatment. The strict meaning of Reiki is, "universal life force," and that definitely does cover the true process of this healing art. A practitioner of this technique works with principles found in other Eastern disciplines such as yoga. Just one principle which embodies the seven chakras of the human body are an integral part of the Reiki massage system. Just like with acupuncture, it is the unrestricted flow of energy in our systems that brings about health and a robust mind and body.

What is of principal importance with Reiki is getting free of the damaging effects of stress on the body. That is one reason you will frequently see massage therapy combined with Reiki healing principles concerning the body's energy centers, or chakras. The thinking is that your body is able to heal by itself, but that is only feasible when it is possible to stay relaxed. The human body has incredible healing powers in addition to being able to maintain good health. It is useful to understand that a balanced state of being is critical to health in all Eastern methods including Reiki. After success has been made, then we must work to keep our energy circulation balanced at all times.

There are lots of medical ailments and situations that originate from too much stress and anxiety. Many Eastern health professionals will look at many of these scenarios as having a state of imbalance. So many Western people contribute to this imbalanced state with the entire lifestyle they choose. The intention of Reiki massage is to support the person to achieve improved relaxation. The strategy is to use this massage in particular locations so the stress can be eradicated.

If you read about Reiki and acupuncture principles, then you will uncover a few things in common. Both of these approaches work to clear energetic pathways. W! hen a di sease state occurs, or even an emotional or psychological problem, then it is a result of the disruption of this energy flow. The decreased amounts of life energy represents a state of imbalance and will ultimately lead to physical or other ailments. Just consider of all the various negative kinds of thinking and belief that men and women may have. Let's have a few examples, and they are irritation, worries, fearfulness, depression, anger, etc.

That is why the dual approach of encouraging relaxation through massage as well as the energy work from Reiki can be effective for many people. In the same way with so many other forms of alternative healing, a person should include an open mind about the strategy. But people are all diverse, and Reiki and massage will not have an appeal which is reasonable. If you wish to experience the most powerful effects of Reiki massage, then you need to use it on a long term basis.

About the Author

Eva's websites: Cheap Cruises 2011, Cheap Cruises 2012, Cheap Cruises 2013 and Cheap Cruises 2014.

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My Fertility Healing Success Story Plus Ten Tips For Every Holistic Healing Journey Part One

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 10:00 PM PST

Article by Anna Wilde

6 months ago I had doubts I would ever conceive. Now I am feeling the little kicks of a baby inside! This is my fertility healing story. How I achieved conception with holistic healing.

It's been ten years since my hormones first starting creating havoc. Before then I thought I was perfectly healthy; sometimes probably a bit smug in that. I ate anything I wanted and as a 23 year old I had the resilience to maintain general good health.

Then my menstrual cycle began going out of sync. I missed a month or so, and then two or three, until the gaps lengthened to a year, and at the most two. Suddenly I wasn't the perfectly healthy person I thought I was. I was diagnosed with Ammenoreah (extremely irregular menstrual cycles)

My healing journey would take me to times of confusion and despair as I searched for answers, but eventually I would emerge with wisdom I am grateful for.

Western methods of diagnosis provided few clues or concrete conclusions. I was neither over exercising nor under-eating. I could have started taking a hormonal cocktail right then, however that determined inner voice within sent me off searching for a deeper holistic truth. I consulted experts. Roger and I went through a year of adoption process, but finally my system began to come back into balance.

So what did I discover on the way?

Here are my 10 tips to assist you on your holistic healing journey.

1) Admit vulnerability and fears. This doesn't mean falling into a pit of self-pity. Although you will do this at times, you can learn to get out more quickly. I had to acknowledging the fear that I may not have children. I learnt about grief and how to really cry. What fears do you still need to acknowledge and move through? Whatever scares you the most can be your greatest teacher. Put on your healing warrior gear and act!

2) Work with others

Confronting the least comfortable feelings and physical issues with someone else as witness can also be c! hallengi ng to start with. Being vulnerable with another person was a big ask for me, because I had to stop pretending that I could do it all myself, or that I had it sorted.

We are fortunate to have a wide spectrum of medical and complementary practitioners to support us. I see we are moving into an era of integrated medicine, where healing wisdom will be more blended between the east and west.

There is always more than enough advice and well-meaning opinions around when you've got something to fix. The decision of what to do and who to turn to for me, was governed by one question. 'Will this person this person empower me?' Listening to your true heart and what feels right for you, becomes the defining art of the journey.

3) Heal old stories through forgiveness

Bitterness and resentment are at the core of many diseases and health problems. I believe that a large part of our healing as individuals and a race exists in our ability to acknowledge these scary places in ourselves.I ask clients whether a certain old story still has an emotional 'hook'?

Do you shudder when you recall a memory or person. True healing requires looking at these stories and forgiving those involved and yourself. EFT is great for this. So is 'The Journey', kinesiology and other cellular memory healing processes.

In my fertility healing I confronted the ghosts of relationships where I treated myself and others unkindly. This journey has enabled me to visit these places with growing courage. I find the miracle in this forgiveness process, is that the more I forgive the more whole I feel and the more connected I feel to others.

4) Improve thought patterns

Repetitive negative thought patterns undermine healing and acidify the body. Learn to recognise them (mindfulness meditation works) and transform them to positive alternatives. The health of the body follows the health of the mind.

Continue the holistic journey with me in part two of My Fertility Healing Succe! ss Story

About the Author

Get Anna's healthy recipes to stay motivated and eat better.Check out simple healthy recipes like: Gluten Free No-Bake Chocolate Zucchini Cake and Healthy Baked Wedges

Holistic Acupuncture

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 09:00 PM PST

Article by Michael Costa

Holistic acupuncture not only treats the symptomatic complaints of a patient, but more importantly seeks to achieve balance throughout the whole system to achieve homeostasis or normal function. This system does not separate the physical from the emotional and mental aspects of a patients being. All these parts are intimately intertwined creating your current state of health. The importance of a holistic approach is to address the underlying causes contributing to your current state of health. The focus is to give your body the resources it need for repair by correcting imbalance. If we are only to treat the symptomatic complaints then the symptoms will most likely keep repeating if there is an underlying imbalance. This is generally the case in chronic conditions.

A skilled acupuncturist trained in the art of palpatory diagnosis can quickly determine constitutional imbalances. A thorough examination reveals whether or not there are any imbalances related to the meridian system, organs, glands or structural alignment. This diagnostic method takes full advantage of traditional knowledge combined with modern medical knowledge.Using this type of diagnosis will reveal stress in different parts of the while they are still in the sub-clinical stage. Reflexes for various organs or gland will become active when they are stressed before a clinical pathology is detected though lab work. In addition to providing excellent care for chronic patients, holistic acupuncture also provides effective preventative care by addressing imbalances before they progress to the clinical stage.

Holistic acupuncture is a form of preventive health-care that is an effective treatment for both acute and chronic conditions. This approach treats the person first and the symptoms second. However, both will be addressed in every treatment. When we address the underlying imbalances that are at the root of the condition, the treatment of symptomatic complaints is greatly enhanced. Every person is going to be different, ev! en if th ey have the same condition. That is why it is crucial to treat each patient as a unique individual, as opposed to classifying them based on their condition.

About the Author

Michael Costa is a Licensed acupuncturist in the Los Angeles area. He has been involved in the healing arts for over ten years. For more information about the author and self healing techniques that promote your health visit

Unleash The Healing Ability of Your Body With Reiki Energy Techniques

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 08:00 PM PST

Article by Ross Mayer

People are so familiar with Reiki massage, and perhaps have come to consider of it as one distinct process. But what has taken place is people who apply massage have incorporated Reiki into their therapy. Reiki implies, universal life force, and that actually talks about the very base and significance of what it is all about. A specialist of this approach works with principles found in other Eastern specialities such as yoga. Just one principle which embodies the seven chakras of the human body are an fundamental part of the Reiki massage system. Just as with acupuncture, it is the unrestricted flow of energy in our systems that brings about health and a strong mind and body.

What is of primary importance with Reiki is getting free of the damaging effects of stress on the body. Massage therapists incorporate their approach with Reiki and work on the seven chakras to develop relaxation and energy flow. Knowing how to keep calm and peaceful will lead to the body's capacity to affect healing on its own. It is correct that your body will heal and retain a high level of strong health. One essential principle of Reiki healing entails the concept of achieving balance. It is vital to have balance in our living plus a balance of our life energies.

There are very many medical ailments and situations that result from excessive stress and anxiety. Many Eastern health professionals will view many of these scenarios as having a state of imbalance. Naturally you will find many external aspects such as bad eating and additional poor choices that only worsen the condition. So it is extremely important in Reiki massage treatment to achieve an overall higher state of peace and calmness. The approach is to use this massage in unique locations so the tension can be eliminated.

We wish to discuss Reiki together with acupuncture because there are important comparisons. They each consider the healthy state of our energy as incredibly important to health. Any time a disease state happens, or even an emo! tional o r psychological difficulty, then it is a result of the disruption of this energy flow. In this situation we are not in equilibrium with energy and life, and then the risk exists to become ill or have complications. It is helpful to think about the ways whereby many people feel in negative terms. There are far too many items to note like anxiety, obsessive thoughts, being angry for any motive, low self worth plus quite a few more.

The strength of combining Reiki energy healing plus body massage is often very effective for many people. Equally with so many other forms of alternative healing, a man or woman should include an open mind about the approach. But people are all unique, and Reiki plus massage will not have an appeal which is understandable. Reiki therapeutic massage presents a strategic solution which indicates you should apply it on-going in your overall pursuit of well being.

About the Author

Ross's websites: Train Fares UK, Trainline Best Fare Finder, Train Times and Fares and Transat Holidays.


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Reiki Massage Therapy To Encourage Natural Well-being and Healing

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 07:00 PM PST

by inju

Article by Daniel Phillips

Quite often you will see Reiki therapeutic massage which will naturally make you think they are similar. Reiki is different from massage therapy, but it is quite typical to see them merged into one approach. Reiki implies, universal life force, and that actually talks about the very base and significance of what it is exactly about. A specialist of this method works with concepts found in other Eastern disciplines such as yoga. Just one principle which embodies the seven chakras of the human body are an integral part of the Reiki massage system. The foundation for health with this and other therapies and procedures is dependant on the healthy circulation of life sustaining energy in the body.

What Reiki therapy will do is create complete calm and peace throughout the body so tension is released. Massage therapists add their approach with Reiki and work on the seven chakras to promote relaxation and energy flow. When the body is adequately relaxed and can properly cope with everyday stress, then that will lead to a greater power to heal itself. It is no secret that a healthy body is capable of defending itself and developing a balanced and strong condition of being. Reiki also places great emphasis on holding a sense of physical plus spiritual balance. We need to live in a balanced manner, and our inner energies must also maintain this balance.

We all understand that the root causes of a lot of problems points back to stress that is not handled successfully. Many Eastern health experts will observe many of these scenarios as having a state of imbalance. Naturally you will find many external variables such as bad eating and various other poor choices that only aggravate the condition. Reiki and massage are typically applied to bring the body into a more peaceful state. Massaging important areas of the body helps the body to let go stress.

We would like to focus on Reiki together with acupuncture because there are valuable comparisons. They each consider the healthy state of our en! ergy as incredibly important to health. When that energy becomes disrupted, then we become wide open for a host of possible health issues. We are vunerable to illness, health problems or emotional disorders according to where the energy restriction is happening. It is instructive to take into account the ways whereby many people think in negative terms. There are far too many items to cover like anxiety, compulsive thoughts, being angry for any reason, low self-belief plus countless more.

The potential of combining Reiki energy restorative healing and body massage is often very beneficial for many people. Naturally, not all people are open to Eastern philosophies as they concern health and treatment. But people are all different, and Reiki plus massage will not have an attraction which is reasonable. Reiki therapeutic massage represents a strategic solution which suggests you should use it on-going in your overall pursuit of well being.

About the Author

Daniel's websites: Cheap Cruises 2015, Emirate Airlines, Mas Airline and NCL Cruises.



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Colic in Equines

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 07:00 PM PST

Article by Alison Grimston

Copyright (c) 2008 The Naturally Healthy

Introduction: Colic is abdominal pain caused by a build up of gas in the abdomen. In all cases, your vet should be called immediately.

Colic has three main forms. These are spasmodic colic, tympanitic colic and obstructive colic.

Tympanitic colic (bloat, gastric tympany, wind colic) presents as severe, continuous pain associated with sweating, anxiety, a fast pulse, a tense abdomen, especially in the right flank, high pitched bowel sounds, and attempts to lie down or roll.

The cause is often food material fermenting in stomach or large colon, and,ay be caused by large quantities of grain or coarse mix, or rich spring grazing.

Treatment consists of analgesia for pain control and anti-spasmotic drugs, while oral antibiotics and vegetable oils help reduce fermentation in the gut. Pressure of gas in the stomach can be relieved via a stomach tube. Recovery is usually complete.

Spasmodic colic is the commonest of the three types of colic. It presents often in younger horses, with shorter episodes lasting a few hours. There is colicky (i.e. intermittent) abdominal pain, sweating, restlessness, a tense abdomen, loud bowel sounds, and the horse will try to roll. Rolling does no harm.

The cause is often a salt imbalance with a lack of sodium and chloride ions from dehydration, or migrating worm larvae.

Treatment is with antispasmodics and sedatives.

Obstructive Colic: This may be divided into obstruction, which is severe and acute, and the less severe, less painful impaction.

Symptoms consist of shock due to the release of toxins, acute severe pain, high temperature at times, high pulse rate, constipation, poor appetite, lying down at times, and the horse may look at its flanks.

The cause is often overeating, especially dry material ' the worst is unsoaked dry foods that are supposed to be soaked. Sudden changes to diet, mechanical obstruction, tumours, herniation, twisting of the gut, and foo! d impact ion such as at the pelvic flexure are other causes.

Treatment often requires emergency surgery, liquid paraffin and saline by stomach tube, and rectal massage to break up a mass of food particles.

Complementary Therapies: N.B. colic is a veterinary emergency; always call your vet.

Veterinary treatment may be supported and supplemented by: Bach flower remedies such as Rescue Remedy, always helpful in emergencies Spiritual healing and Reiki to help calm Crystal healing Massage Acupressure

Conclusion: Although you should call the vet out in all cases of colic, it is useful for us to be aware of the fact that not all colic is the rapidly progressive, often fatal obstructive colic. Always be guided by your vet in the management of colic. Try to prevent colic where possible, by ensuring that all soakable foods are adequately soaked with the water quantity and duration needed, and by making any dietary changes gradually over a few days. Supportive management while awaiting the vet will rarely cause harm.

About the Author

Dr Alison Grimston is a holistic doctor and animal healer with a website that helps to inform the public about complementary animal therapies while connecting animal therapists worldwide.

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The Three Things Successful People Have In Common

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 06:00 PM PST

Article by Nicole Lanning

I have seen a lot of people come and go and a lot of them ask me the same question. What are you doing Nicole that I am not? How did you get here and I can't seem too? They keep asking like there is a secret to life and I know it and no one else does. We all have it inside of us and we are all capable of the same thing in life. We are all born with this innate ability. So what's the secret? I will tell you all of them!

1. You have to enjoy what you are doing with your life. If you don't enjoy, then why are you doing it? You can make a living doing almost anything, but you will not be successful unless you are happy doing it!

2. You have to have a positive attitude and have faith in what you are doing.

3. You have to be willing to do things others do not want to do. What does this mean? Simple, when people say I have the ability and the materials and know how, but I am scared to this or that. This is what is holding you back. You have to face you fear right in the eye, no matter what, and be willing to do those things because you want to make you life that way.

For example, I have crossed this bridge many times. When I started offering my services to the public instead of just family and friends, I was scared. What would people think of my work, especially being in a very closed area energetically for the work that I do. Then when I wrote my manuals I crossed this bridge as well. I had channeled in forms for quite a few years but was never guided by spirit to offer them to others. I was now being guided to do this. What would people think or react and respond to them? I crossed the bridge again with the book I released called Practical Crystal Healing 555 Tips &Techniques. Would people enjoy all of the knowledge and work I put into this? And now setting up webinars and seminars I am crossing this bridge yet again. I have been asked this many times that if I am concerned about it why do it? Because I am following the guidance of my guides. They have ne! ver stee red me wrong before and I believe in their guidance with the utmost respect. If I chose to not follow this and give up every time something was scary or a bit of uncharted territory for me I would not be where I am today, reaching and helping others in my line of work and doing something I love.

Some people say that when you mention following your spirit guides or guidance from a higher source or being, they call this fluff talk. These are the people who just are not as open as they can be and they have not been touched at their soul level yet to be able to follow this guidance. They will one day be open enough to this, so don't struggle with them, just know they are on a different path in life and keep your conscious focused on enjoying what you do, having a positive attitude and doing the things others do not want to do!

For more information, webinars, seminars, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at

Many Blessings and Love and Light

Nicole Lanning

About the Author

Nicole is a Natural Born Psychic Medium, Author of Practical Crystal Healing, Ordained Minister, Spiritual Counselor, Reiki Master Teacher and Certified Energy Healer with the International Natural Healers Association and the World Metaphysical Association.

Psychic Skills -Best Ways to Develop them

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 05:00 PM PST

Article by Carlenemiyashiro

Psychics are said to use their sixth sense in carrying out their activities. This is a unique sense that these people possess apart from the normal five senses that the normal person posses. A Psychic has to carry out varies activities so as to heed to the needs of his clients hence they need to have unique skills. In case you are a supernatural reader, it is important that you develop your skills so as to become unique. There are many ways in which you can develop these skills.Learning is important for all Psychics hence you also need to adapt to this. You can be able to enroll in a class so as to boost your skills. To get a class, look around you to find them. These classes can run for some weeks or even months. You should also opt to attend workshops related to this field. During the workshop, you will come across some of the renowned professionals in this field who will offer you relevant information and guideline on how to go about this field. You can also decide to take some of these lessons online. There are various sites that offer information as well as lessons to those who want to venture and develop their skills in this field. This is indeed cost effective and time conscious for you can be able to engage in the lesson at your own convenience.This form of alternative treatment has never found favor in medicine because practices used by spiritualist are unclear and have no scientific basis. One such therapy and one that happens to be so popular with psychics is called Crystal Healing. In this therapy, gems are rubbed on the patient and also worn on the body close to the heart. They argue that by wearing the gems close vital energy centers of the body known as chakra. They facilitate cleansing, healing and stabilizing of energy emanating from each gem. For this purpose the gems are placed next to its corresponding chakra. Chakra is colored and so a gem with the corresponding color is placed next to it. Common colors used are red , orange, yellow blue ,violet and even indigo.Apart from lea! rning an d getting advice from workshops, you need to develop these skills. One such way is to believe in you. Always look at your positive side and believe you can do it. Shun all fear, doubts and disbelief if you need to succeed. You also need to be attentive especially when it comes to listening and watching and above all, meditate and pray about it.

About the Author

More information on psychics is available on They offer information on psychics tips, as well as psychicforbeginners

The Power of Crystals

Varaneka Laxmi of shares the metaphysical properties of Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine, Black Tourmaline and Citrine (all available at the store plus more!). PUBLIC NOTICE Djehuty Ma'at-Ra is no longer affiliated with or employed by Dherbs, no longer writes articles or shares his information at Dherbs or any of its social networks (eg Facebook), and no longer make any products for or sold at Dherbs. Please share this information with everyone you know so supporters of Djehuty will know where he is. Thank you!

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How fantastic would a spa break be

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 04:00 PM PST

Article by Michael Hanna

These days' alternative therapies are all the rage. Reiki, aromatherapy, reflexology, crystal healing, detox regimes, it is difficult to know where to start. One of the best ways to try out some of the more popular treatments available is to go for a stay at a spa centre. Not only can you get away from all the burdens and bustle of modern life, but you can also try out many new treatments and leave all the hard work in the hands of others.While a visit to a spa is often seen as simply a great way to pamper the body, they are becoming an increasingly popular for brides to relax and beautify following all the arranging required and prior to the actual wedding event instead of a hen night. They are also a fantastic way to wind down after periods of high stress and form a central role in the healthcare and beauty regimes of all the female, and many male, Hollywood celebrities. Typical services that are available can include a full body massage, aromatherapy, body wraps, facial treatments, Jacuzzis, saunas, steam rooms, swimming pools and gymnasiums, however most spas will also offer their own selection of tailored treatments from skilled therapists to provide the ultimate in holistic beauty care and supreme relaxation. Usually the modern spas will offer a selection of different types of massages such as:- Shiatsu which is meant to balance the body's QI energy forces. This involves the applying of varying degrees of pressure along points and meridians throughout the body which are associated with the QI energy flow. This is meant to strengthen and balance the bodies energy flow in order to promote feelings of well-being.- Reiki which unlike many other forms of massage does not involve any pressure, instead using a traditional pattern of hand positions resting on the body to help bring deep relaxation and healing. - Swedish massage is probably the most well known type of massage in the West, and uses a series of kneading, pummelling, brushing, tapping and rubbing motions to help treat injuries and redu! ce body tension. - Reflexology is a surpisingly effective and deeply relaxing foot massage which uses steady pressure being applied to corresponding points in order to free blocks throughout the body, eliminating tensions, stimulating the circulation, and assisting the body's own natural healing process.- CranioSacral Therapy is used to treat chronic pain, migraine headaches as well as a range of other conditions through the realigning of the spinal cord, from the bones of the skull right down to the sacrum at its base, along with the interconnected membranes. - Lymphatic Drainage has become a popular and widely used whole-body technique, utilising precise, gentle and soothing rhythmic movements to aid both acute and chronic conditions such as, neuromuscular disorders, headaches and even types of fibrosis. - Rolfing uses deep manipulation to help restore the body's natural alignment following injury or damage due to poor posture. Other types of massage therapy can also be easily found, making often the most difficult part of the entire experience, deciding which ones to choose. If there is any doubt however there is sure to be someone on hand to advise which would be most suitable, at any reputable centre. Next you can go on to the other services such as a facial which will leave you feeling cleansed and rejuvenated, after your skin has been exfoliated, toned and moisturised. Then when you are thoroughly worn out by being pampered, simply lie back and relax or visit the Jacuzzi to really feel the burn. Locating a suitable spa is easy; a quick search on the internet or a visit to a UK short break specialist site should bring up a list of fitting venues and treatments to choose from. Just don't become too stressed when deciding where to go.

About the Author

Submitted by:Michael HannaAbout MichaelMichael is a keen writer, and internet marketer living in Scotland:Contact details:E-mail: Phone: 0131 561 2251Michael's Website: Taxi Belfast AirportBelfast Taxis

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Holistic Living in a Modern World

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 03:00 PM PST

Article by Divne Pointer

For years we have been conditioned to trust our doctors implicitly, even if at times our instinct tells us otherwise. With malpractice law suits at an all time high and health care insurance coverage at an all time low in the west, more and more people are beginning to take control of their own health and well being. The more they learn, the more they are beginning to doubt what they have been taught all their lives in favor of considering alternatives to traditional western medicine.

If you are reading this, chances are you have at least a passing interest in learning more about alternatives to modern health care. The Center for Healing Arts was founded to be a one-stop repository for people like you and me who want to increase their experiential knowledge of holistic health care methods in a non-threatening environment. Holistic medicine is enjoying a tremendous surge in followers around the world who are seeking a return to a time when mind, body and spirit worked in perfect harmony and Center subscribers are finding the answers they seek with a new full-length DVD every two months on a variety of holistic methods.

The Crisis of Modern Health Care

In the United States, health care coverage has become a luxury that many cannot afford. According to a 2007 estimate, there are over 301 million people in the U.S., and the birth rate is nearly double that of the death rate. Of that number, an estimated 47 million Americans are left without any health care insurance coverage at all. Though a smaller percentage of the population is not covered by choice, the majority of those people do not have adequate health care insurance because they simply cannot afford the ever-increasing premiums. This crisis of inaccessibility has caused many to rethink their approach to health care entirely and increasing numbers of people are finding other ways to take care of themselves and their families.

Looking to the past for answers

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to re! peat it. "

The words penned by poet and philosopher George Santayana in 1905 could not be more applicable to the current state of health care in the world today. Modern science and technology have made tremendous strides in medicine and health care but these modern approaches and practices have left centuries of wisdom to fall by the wayside. What important knowledge are they ignoring in favor of expensive research and development? How is their cure-based "modern" approach preferable to the approaches that were rooted in the overall well being of mind, body and spirit?

An healing arts community called The Center for Healing Arts may well have found the answer to these and other burning questions. By seeking the wisdom of revered experts in various fields of holistic study, they have created a DVD film series that can help subscribers to answer these questions by taking a look back to see some of the contributions given to us by cultures of the past and how these healing methods are alive and shaping the future.

The Native Americans embraced their environment by domesticating, breeding and ultimately cultivating a tremendous array of plants that are widely in use around the world today. Few people are aware that we owe a much larger agricultural debt to these early people including such everyday crops as pinto and lima beans, tomatoes, peanuts, avocados, squash and even tobacco. In all, over fifty percent of the domesticated crops being cultivated today originated with the indigenous peoples of the Americas. How wise is it to dismiss the herbal healing methods of such an accomplished agricultural society?

Many other cultures have made similar contributions in other areas. The ancient practice of Ayurveda in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka for instance, was among the first to incorporate surgical procedures with other health care methods as well as formulating sulfur-based drugs many years ago. Centuries before anti-anxiety medications were first conceived, people embraced meditation, yoga and o! ther sim ilar techniques for stress relief and overall health. The traditional development of the healing arts is based on results, if people were not made better the healing arts tradition would not survive.

The idea of regaining and maintaining health of the whole being appeals to a society that is tired of treating symptoms (when they can afford it) and being overmedicated and from what I've seen, The Center for Healing Arts may be exactly what they need!

About the Author

<p ALIGN="justify">Divne Pointer is a novelist and freelance writer with a special interest in holistic health and a fan of The Center for Healing Arts' films on healing

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How Fantastic Would A Spa Break Be

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 02:00 PM PST

Article by Mr Hanna

These days' alternative therapies are all the rage. Reiki, aromatherapy, reflexology, crystal healing, detox regimes, it is difficult to know where to start. One of the best ways to try out some of the more popular treatments available is to go for a stay at a spa centre. Not only can you get away from all the burdens and bustle of modern life, but you can also try out many new treatments and leave all the hard work in the hands of others.

While a visit to a spa is often seen as simply a great way to pamper the body, they are becoming an increasingly popular for brides to relax and beautify following all the arranging required and prior to the actual wedding event instead of a hen night. They are also a fantastic way to wind down after periods of high stress and form a central role in the healthcare and beauty regimes of all the female, and many male, Hollywood celebrities.

Typical services that are available can include a full body massage, aromatherapy, body wraps, facial treatments, Jacuzzis, saunas, steam rooms, swimming pools and gymnasiums, however most spas will also offer their own selection of tailored treatments from skilled therapists to provide the ultimate in holistic beauty care and supreme relaxation.

Usually the modern spas will offer a selection of different types of massages such as:

- Shiatsu which is meant to balance the body's QI energy forces. This involves the applying of varying degrees of pressure along points and meridians throughout the body which are associated with the QI energy flow. This is meant to strengthen and balance the bodies energy flow in order to promote feelings of well-being.

- Reiki which unlike many other forms of massage does not involve any pressure, instead using a traditional pattern of hand positions resting on the body to help bring deep relaxation and healing.

- Swedish massage is probably the most well known type of massage in the West, and uses a series of kneading, pummelling, brushing, tapping and rubbing ! motions to help treat injuries and reduce body tension.

- Reflexology is a surpisingly effective and deeply relaxing foot massage which uses steady pressure being applied to corresponding points in order to free blocks throughout the body, eliminating tensions, stimulating the circulation, and assisting the body's own natural healing process.

- CranioSacral Therapy is used to treat chronic pain, migraine headaches as well as a range of other conditions through the realigning of the spinal cord, from the bones of the skull right down to the sacrum at its base, along with the interconnected membranes.

- Lymphatic Drainage has become a popular and widely used whole-body technique, utilising precise, gentle and soothing rhythmic movements to aid both acute and chronic conditions such as, neuromuscular disorders, headaches and even types of fibrosis.

- Rolfing uses deep manipulation to help restore the body's natural alignment following injury or damage due to poor posture.

Other types of massage therapy can also be easily found, making often the most difficult part of the entire experience, deciding which ones to choose. If there is any doubt however there is sure to be someone on hand to advise which would be most suitable, at any reputable centre.

Next you can go on to the other services such as a facial which will leave you feeling cleansed and rejuvenated, after your skin has been exfoliated, toned and moisturised. Then when you are thoroughly worn out by being pampered, simply lie back and relax or visit the Jacuzzi to really feel the burn.

Locating a suitable spa is easy; a quick search on the internet or a visit to a UK short break specialist site (like ) should bring up a list of fitting venues and treatments to choose from. Just don't become too stressed when deciding where to go.

About the Author

Michael is a keen writer, and internet marketer living in Scotland: Contact details: E-mail: Phone: 0131 561 2251 Michael's Website: Taxi Belfast Airport Belfast Taxis

Aromatherapy Blends Can Be Used For Many Things

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 01:00 PM PST

Article by Rob Case

We get essential oils by extracting them from thousands of plants and herbs all over the world. For centuries, civilizations have used these oils to treat all kinds of infectious diseases. The years have also revealed that each essential oil is useful for treating a specific class of ailments and illnesses. In laboratory tests they've been shown to inhibit the growth of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms.

Aromatherapy blends have been a growth industry for many years now. And they are used by millions of people every day all over the world. These products are produced by a distillation process which extracts the "essence" of the plant which becomes the essential oil that we buy in the health stores.

In addition to being used as a treatment for illnesses, aromatherapy blends are often used to simply change a person's mood or put him or her into a different mental state.

Aromatherapy and cancer. Aromatherapy blends have never been advocated as a treatment for cancer. But some physicians and health care professionals do recommend it as a way to mitigate some of the side effects of cancer or cancer treatments. Many essential oils can positively affect moods helping to keep the patient in a positive mental attitude without resulting to prescription drugs.

One surprising thing that many people find out about aromatherapy blends is just how many of them are good for fighting insects. If you're adverse to using chemical products on your skin or in your home, you may want to try some of the alternatives. Citronella oil is useful for keeping mosquitos away. Many people use citronella candles on picnics that extend into sundown with excellent results. You can also purchase citronella laced lotions to rub on your skin to protect against mosquitos. If you study the literature, you'll also discover aromatherapy blends to repel moths, fleas, ticks, and many other insects.

Aromatherapy blends, unless they're heavily diluted, can be extremely sensitive to the skin. So if you'v! e just b egun to use a particular product, to ensure that you don't have a reaction to it, try a test sample on your skin first. Also, since these products are so concentrated, be very careful when using them on children.

When smelling aromatherapy oils, don't put your nose directly over the bottle and inhale. The scents of essential oils are intense and doing so will most likely overload the senses of your nose, possibly even giving you a headache. A better way is to do it the way that professional chefs smell their dishes. Open the bottle and with your hand wave the scent towards your nose. This gives you a much more realistic indication of what the oil will smell like in a natural setting.

Because of the popularity of aromatherapy, and the expense of real and natural essential oils, you'll find some companies that are selling synthetic essential oils - even though they might not be advertised as such. If you are using synthetic essential oils, you are not really engaging in true aromatherapy and you will probably not get the same results.

About the Author

James Fraley writes articles on health related topics related to foods, longevity, and alternative health products. Click here to find his article on aromatherapy products.

How 'The BalanceProcedure' works by author & creator Jenny Cox Jenny Cox creator and author of 'The Balance Procedure' a new simple and easily applicable energy based technique. Everyone was born with the intention to create through thought and imagination. Jenny Jenny Cox is a Meridian Energy Advanced Practitioner...

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Using Holistic Skin Care Products to Treat Acne

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 12:00 PM PST

Article by Dr. Farid Mostamand

If you suffer from acne, the self-conscious effects can be detrimental, regardless of what social situation you are in. Whereas traditional acne treatments relied upon potentially harsh chemicals â€" which could increase your chance of skin cancer â€" a new line of skin care products are focusing on holistic ingredients to treat acne.

Preventing acne outbreaks

Acne can occur for a number of reasons, but the major cause of acne is excess oil and dead skin cells that block pores â€" thus, causing acne and blemishes. The key is to select products that control the oiliness of your skin, while reducing pore size and managing moisture levels.

If you visit a dermatologist with acne, your doctor may prescribe three alternatives:

̢ۢ Tretinonin, which is a derivative of Vitamin A, changes how oil glands grow. However, the ingredient feels uncomfortable, with both drying and burning sensations.

̢ۢ Antibiotics are common prescribed if you have inflammatory acne.

̢ۢ Accutane is prescribed for severe acne, but its side effects can be highly unpleasant, including hair loss, muscle pain, headaches, and itching.

Holistically speaking, there are other ingredients that can help treat acne â€" without the harsh side effects.

Choosing a product that imparts a 5% benzyl peroxide solution to the skin helps fight the causes of acne holistically. Clinical studies show that this treatment reduces sore, red acne by around 60% and eliminates approximately 50% of whiteheads and blackhead â€" all in approximately three weeks.

The Obagi Clenziderm skin care range utilizes the optimal benzyl peroxide formula to treat your skin. Rather than targeting only one problem, this skin care range aims to improve your overall skin health to leave your complexion clearer and smoother, even reversing some prior damage.

Three steps to beautiful, clear skin

Treating acne is essentially a three step process, which is what the Obagi Clenziderm skin ! care ran ge follows. You must cleanse, treat, and protect.

First, you must choose an optimal cleanser, which will eliminate dirt, residue, and excess oil in your pores. A gentle exfoliation element in your cleanser can help wash away dead skin cells, clearing out your pores of any potential blockage.

The next step is to utilize a therapeutic lotion, such as Obagi Clenziderm, which will target your skin at the deepest layers of the acne. With the 5% Benzyl peroxide solution, this type of lotion is excellent for fighting acne without drying out the skin.

Finally, even with oily skin, you need to moisturize your face to create a supple balance. An oil-free moisturizer will protect your skin against the elements, acting as a barrier to allow the therapeutic lotion to seep into your pores. In addition, choosing a day-time moisturizer with UV protection ensures that your acne does not scar, leading to long-term skin that is smooth and blemish-free.

Treating acne no longer means harsh ingredients with severe side effects. By utilizing holistic products that feature Benzyl peroxide, along with the three-step daily skin care process, you can enjoy clearer skin naturally.

About the Author

Enjoy a clear complexion by learning more about medical advancements in acne skin care at, where all products are assessed and discussed based upon their scientific ingredients.

Develop The Healing Capability of Your Body Using Reiki Energy Strategies

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 11:00 AM PST

by inju

Article by Brian Kernan

Imagine... Famed singer and radio talk show host Fillippo Voltaggio narrates a visualization called "Imagine". Written by world renowed Reiki master Dorothy Lee Donahue http Score by Marco Missinato Arcturian Art by Janosh Directed by Ken Sheetz of http

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Skin Care with Aromatherapy

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 10:00 AM PST

Article by mike hayden

They are designed to offer you with loosening and harmony. Some tub products are tub oils infiltrate deep into the pores providing sustenance to the rind; such oils are vanilla which calms the system and psyche, sea fog which stimulates the senses and lavender which calms and relaxes your whole being.

Aromatherapy makes use of various essential oils, candles and other such products that greatly enhance the health and mood of an individual. The oils that are used in these products are naturally extracted from tress and plants to ensure a tranquil mind and healthy body. Organic minerals, herbs, rich oils and clays are used to cleanse and pamper your skin while taking bath.

Several messages are sent to the limbic system in the brain through olfactory nerve endings. The limbic system, also known as the "old brain', controls the instinctive responses such as aggressive, sexual and emotional behaviors.

Due to the presence of magnesium sulphate, bath salts create a low osmosis potential as they do not absorb the vital salts of the skin and thereby protect the skin from sagging. Another important benefit of aromatherapy bath salts is that it softens the skin. This is because of the presence of phosphates that do not harm the skin.

An aromatherapy product can be found in many different forms. The most common product is the oil, which can be massaged into the skin for relief of pain, aches or stress. If you just need to relax mentally, then you can dab a little bit of oil under your nose and breathe in the fragrance of the aromatherapy oil.

Craft stores carry small wicker baskets and decorative boxes to create a lovely presentation of your aromatherapy gift. The kind of aromatherapy gifts that one chooses also depends on the type of aromas. There are varieties of aromatic essences available ?

The oil is also very useful for treating wrinkles. In addition to treating scars, its essence is beneficial for respiratory system. Also, oils with glass dropper tops should not be ! used. Pe rfume oils are very different from aroma oils and should not be used synonymously. The quality of these oils differs from company to company and should be bought wisely.

A good course will teach you how to use essential oils safely. Many of them have certain contraindications or warnings that should be known before using them. They will teach you the safe use when working with children and the elderly. Most of them will teach you how to dilute essential oils properly for your specific aromatherapy treatments.

One might perhaps think that adding essential oils into soaps, lotions and shampoos is purely a novelty act to attract consumers. But the fact is that fruit and flower extracts have many proven effects on our body. Of course, the fragrance in itself will give us both pleasure and health effects. Aromatherapy is a science all of its own.

Now you know the benefits of an aromatherapy massage and what you can expect if you do decide to have one. An aromatherapy massage is one of those blissful, luxurious life experiences that almost everyone should try at least once.

About the Author

Read About Hair Loss Also Read About Aromatherapy For Oily Skin andBad Eating Habits

Arthritis and Essential Oils

An introduction to some of the most popular Young Living therapeutic grade essential oils to mitigate joint pain and inflammation.

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Aromatherapy Skin Care: Creating Personalized Products

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 09:00 AM PST

Article by Praveen534

When looking into aromatherapy skin care, it is important to discover the basic oils that are used and their properties. Learning about the benefits of each oil, can determine which should be used in creating an aromatherapy skin care line that will enhance and improve your own skin. If acne is an issue, lavender, tea tree and cajeput are essential oils that can be used to help with this condition. Add a few drops to rosewater and create your own toner. Purchase a fragrance and lanolin free cream and then add a few drops of the essential oil. This makes a lotion that can be massaged into the skin; if the skin is inflamed however, do not massage. An aromatherapy skin care line can also use frankincense, neroli and rose oil to help with aging skin. If you're attempting to get rid of blackheads try these oils eucalyptus and lavender in a facial steam. Bruising is a common problem that can be helped with lavender. This extremely versatile oil can be used to help bruising by adding it to a bath; or, putting the lavender on a cotton ball and dabbing the bruised area. Aromatherapy has long been known to help aid in healing, regenerating skin cells or even relaxing the body. Creating your own personal aromatherapy skin care, can be a healthy alternative to many products on the market today. In addition, it is designed specifically for your body. What Oils Can Be Used In Aromatherapy Skin Care When creating an aromatherapy skin care line, consider how often dry skin can be a problem. Rose, sandalwood and of course, lavender are oils that will reduce the affects of dry skin. Again, the best way to use these oils is by placing them in a lotion that is lanolin and fragrance free, and then massage it into the dry skin. This will help rejuvenate your skin, making it softer. For many women varicose veins are a problem. Use cyprus or myrrh oil in a bath, soak for about 15 minutes. These can also be used in lotion form; they work best on spider type varicose veins. There are many other oils that can be used in an! aromath erapy skin care line. Many, like lavender, are used for multiple conditions with very good results. Some can be used in conjunction to form a relaxing bath that can help with insomnia or nervousness. Aromatherapy gifts are a wonderful personal gift for friends and family too. Aromatherapy is a proven method to assist the body in a natural way.

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Reiki Massage Treatment To Promote Natural Health and Recovery

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 08:00 AM PST

by eylon

Article by Daniel Phillips

Often times you will see Reiki massage which will normally make you think they are identical. But what has taken place is people who perform massage have incorporated Reiki into their treatment method. The exact meaning of Reiki is, "universal life force," and that definitely does encompass the true practice of this healing art. You need to recognize that this healing process is based on important aspects that are present in yoga in addition to other Eastern philosophies. Just one principle which embodies the seven chakras of the human body are an integral part of the Reiki massage system. The basis for health with this and other therapies and treatments is determined by the healthy circulation of life sustaining energy in the body.

What Reiki therapy does is contribute to complete calm and peace throughout the body so tension is released. Massage therapists integrate their approach with Reiki and work on the seven chakras to develop relaxation and energy movement. The thinking is that your body is able to heal again, but that's only possible when you can stay relaxed. It is correct that your body will recover and continue to keep a high level of strong health. It is useful to grasp that a balanced state of being is critical to health in all Eastern methods together with Reiki. After improvement has been made, next we must work to keep our energy circulation balanced at all times.

Western medicine has long identified the role of too much tension and the inability to deal with it as precursors to many illnesses. The way Reiki and other similar practitioners feel is that the mind and body aren't balanced along with the lifestyle. Naturally there are many external variables such as bad eating and other poor choices that only aggravate the condition. Reiki and massage are typically used to bring the body into a more tranquil state. Massaging vital areas of the body helps the body to relieve stress.

We want to focus on Reiki together with acupuncture because there are significant com! parisons . Each of the two methods are concerned with encouraging the circulation of life force, of energy, in the body. When that energy is disrupted, then we end up wide open for a host of possible health issues. The decreased amounts of life energy represents a state of imbalance and will ultimately lead to physical or other disorders. Just consider of all the numerous negative forms of thinking and belief that individuals may have. Some examples are worrying, self harm because of to a negative lifesyle, persistent anger, abnormal fears, poor self esteem, and the list goes on.

The ability of combining Reiki energy healing and body massage can be very helpful for many people. But we should say that, naturally, you will need to generally be willing to think about the concepts of this overall all natural approach. However very many people acknowledge that other cultures have long counted on these kinds of techniques not seen in the West until recently. Reiki therapeutic massage represents a strategic approach which indicates you should do it on-going in your general pursuit of health.

About the Author

Daniel's websites: Mexican Airlines, Qatar Airlines, Alaskan Airlines and Austria Airlines.

Vacation Rentals in Florida

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 07:00 AM PST

Article by Kelly John

These days' vacation rentals are all the rage. And, alternate therapy in vacation rentals is the new buzz. Just counting the number of alternate therapies available in Florida will make you go wild - reiki, aromatherapy, reflexology, crystal healing, detox regimes, and the list continues. You can get all these and more in popular spa centers in Florida. Get away from all the burdens and bustle of modern life, find a home away from home and leave leave all the hard work in the hands of others.

Visiting a spa is often seen as a great way to pamper the body. Now they are becoming an increasingly popular for brides to relax and beautify following all the arranging required. They are also a fantastic way to wind down after periods of high stress. If you are running under hectic schedule, they can play a central role in your healthcare and beauty regimes.

Typical services that are available include:

● full body massage● aromatherapy● body wraps● facial treatments● Jacuzzis● saunas● steam rooms● swimming pools● gymnasiums

In addition to the above, most spas will also offer their range of tailored treatments from skilled therapists to provide holistic beauty care and supreme relaxation.

Usually the modern spas will offer a selection of different types of massages such as:

● Shiatsu which is meant to balance the body's QI energy forces. This involves the applying of varying degrees of pressure along points and meridians throughout the body which are associated with the QI energy flow. This is meant to strengthen and balance the bodies energy flow in order to promote feelings of well-being.● Reiki which unlike many other forms of massage does not involve any pressure, instead using a traditional pattern of hand positions resting on the body to help bring deep relaxation and healing.● Swedish massage, the most well known type of massage in the West. It uses a series of kneading, pummelling, brushing, tapping and rubbing motions to help treat injuri! es and r educe body tension.● Reflexology is an effective and deeply relaxing foot massage which uses steady pressure being applied to corresponding points in order to free blocks throughout the body. It eliminates tensions, stimulates the circulation, and assistes the body's own natural healing process.● Cranio-Sacral Therapy is used to treat chronic pain, migraine headaches as well as a range of other conditions through the realigning of the spinal cord, from the bones of the skull right down to the sacrum at its base, along with the interconnected membranes.● Lymphatic Drainage is a popular and widely used whole-body technique. It utilizes precise, gentle and soothing rhythmic movements to aid both acute and chronic conditions.● Rolfing involves using deep manipulation to help restore the body's natural alignment following injury or damage due to poor posture.

Kathy John owns the website on Florida Keys vacation rentals, a perfect guide on Florida key resort and Florida key vacation offering valuable info and tips on spending a perfect vacation.

About the Author

Kelly John owns the website on Florida Keys vacation rentals, a perfect guide on Florida key resort and Florida key vacation offering valuable info and tips on spending a perfect vacation.

LIVE - More on Crystal Activation - The Divine Feminine & Our DNA

2010-10-13 2nd - LIVE Journal, Mayan day 10 Lord or Light ♥ TRANSCRIPT: ♥ iTunes podcast ♥ channel Intro: In my live recording, yesterday there were a couple of main points I find I neglected to mention, so this recording is for that. The big one is that the Divine Feminine was a most important part of the ceremony. One of the buried crystals was dedicated to that, specifically - the rise of the Divine Feminine once again on the earth. Balance is returning to the earth again - finally, oh finally. Man will be no more the boss, the leader, but will become the divine caretaker of community, of the family. His role is in support of hers, as hers supports all. I spend some time, too, discussing how our DNA will now also be more activated - how the earth, herself, will participate in fuller measure after the crystal activation. We have been experiencing this DNA healing and activation largely through the solar and cosmic radiance, as well as through nature, through the earth. Now, however, the crystal will play a more active role in this, thus enabling Mother Earth, herself, to provide more assistance in this... Distributed by Tubemogul.

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Everything You Need: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, February 2, 2012

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 07:00 AM PST

Hello and good morning
Another awesome and amazing day in the universe
My intention for today is Everything You Need

Intentions everyday
They pave the way
For life is bliss
Gifted from all this
Now love what it be
And all that you see
God Bless is the key
Everything you need is within you this day
You think it's out there
But it is in here, I say
Everything you need is pure love from thee
Granted you see
That this is the key
Everything you need is within you this day
The toolbox, I say
Open it up and there is the gratitude of life
Whatever it is, be grateful I sight
Be gracious to all, love is the key
Now do you see
Everything you need is within you this day
Love; love all that there be
Now this is the key
Take a step and you will see
God Bless from me
Yes, I love you this day
And every day
Everything you need is within you this day
Open the toolbox and enjoy the day
Take a breath and step back
Respond with pure love
Blessings and enjoy the day
Namaste, Dr. Rob

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WeedMaps TV Episode III: Smoke On The Water Links Galore! Click here for more info about HTC, Tri-City Holistic & SDScrapiron. Join Gil as he meets up with WeedMaps reviewers, collectives, and an awesome amount of weed n' water! Rate and comment if you like the episode!

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Ways to Enjoy Aromatherapy

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 06:00 AM PST

Article by issa

There's nothing more relaxing than using various oils and plant aromatics to bring about one's healing, from the body, mind, and even to the soul. Aromatherapy is a healing art practiced since Ancient times, enjoyed by itself or combined with sensual body massage that eases away all the body's aches and pains. Many are still having a skeptic attitude with this alternative therapy's claim to health and healing, but one fact they cannot deny is that it simply feels good to indulge your senses with aromatherapy.

There are many ways for you to get the best out of your aromatherapy. You can even enjoy it at the comforts of your home. Since aromatherapy stimulates this feel-good emotion, it stimulates the brain to produce those happy chemicals that make one feel positively uplifted and rested. If combined with human touch through the use of aromatic essential oil, an individual can reach a deep relaxation that will often cause him or her to fall asleep in the middle or after the entire session.

What Ways Can You Enjoy Aromatherapy?

1. Essential Oils

These are concentrated plant extracts derived from steam distillation. You can use essential oils for bathing, massages, compress, or inhalation. It is important to choose pure-grade essential oils and remember not to use the undiluted form directly on your skin. If you are going to dilute it through diffusers or burners, make sure to put 3-5 drops into a vaporizer. You can also add two drops into a bowl of steaming water which you can inhale. Just make sure that you won't have allergic reactions to the essential oil of your choice.

2. Aromatherapy Bath

Nothing can feel better than soaking yourself in a foamy, aromatic bath that promotes relaxation and rest. You can put a few drops of essential oil on your bath water and make sure the water temperature is not too hot. You can even light scented candles around you while you soak in a soothing, aromatic water. Make sure you have a timer or an alarm cloc! k near y ou which will alert you just in case you fall asleep.

3. Aromatherapy Sprays

You can dilute an essential oil in water and alcohol, then put the mix inside a spray bottle. You can spray them all over your body, or you may use it as a room or linen spray. Make sure you don't have any allergic reactions to the spray by testing it on a patch of your skin. If you will be using it to spray on your pillows, make sure your blend won't stain.

4. Aromatherapy Skin Care

There are many products out there offering natural, safe, skin care that smells great. This can be in a form of your everyday skin lotion, facial creams, bath soap, feminine wash, and shampoo.

5. Aromatherapy Foot Soak

After coming home from work, you can find instant relief by soaking your feet in a small tub filled with warm water and a few drops of your essential oils. This is great for relaxing the most abused part of your body.

Aromatherapy is an alternative form of healing and it must not be a substitute to your physician's advice. When used properly, you can only achieve your way faster into the bowels of bliss and relaxation. Pregnant women and those suffering high blood pressure needs to check their essential oils for precautions and contraindications. Some of these essential oils can cause allergic reactions or act as stimulants. Be cautious and smell your way to health!

About the Author

Passion to live life to the max have made me want to spread the word on healthy living... besides, living life to the fullest is all about getting your dreams and sharing it with your loved ones, and making sure you have all that energy in keeping fit for that tough ride we call LIFE.

Your Key to Natural Health:

Sweet Hand Lotion & Massage ✿ Whisper/ Sounds Relaxation (Part 2)

♕ Hello there :) This is part 2! Here is part 1

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Dr. Rob’s Awesome Quote Selections, February 2, 2012

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 06:00 AM PST

"Everything you need you already have. You are complete right now, you are a whole, total person, not an apprentice person on the way to someplace else. Your completeness must be understood by you and experienced in your thoughts as your own personal reality." ~Wayne Dyer

"I have everything I need to enjoy my here and now — unless I am letting my consciousness be dominated by demands and expectations based on the dead past or the imagined future." ~Ken S. Keyes, Jr.

"Wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving." ~Kahlil Gibran

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Aromatherapy Candles

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 05:00 AM PST

Article by Sara Patterson

Feeling sad or tired or needing a pick me up at the end of a long week? Scents have long been used as a way of administering healing and providing a natural way to treat or prevent disease. Aromatherapy candles use essential oils in the candle wax to administer healing to people as the candle burns.

Making homemade aromatherapy candles isn't that much different from the original candles that you started out making. The only differences will be in which wax you choose to you, whether you choose to color your candle and with what, and which essential oil you use to make your own unique aromatherapy candle.

Because the nature of aromatherapy candles is to administer healing in a natural way most aromatherapy candles are made out of natural waxes like soy, beeswax, or even bayberry. Paraffin wax is generally not used because it releases toxins and soot when it burns. These waxes are generally more expensive than paraffin but because they are a natural resource they are a healthier alternative and a holistic choice for your aromatherapy candle.

Choosing to color your aromatherapy candle might be a tricky decision. If you care about keeping your candle an all natural product than you will want to make sure that the coloring you use is all natural and that would preclude any of the commercial dyes. So what does that mean? It means that you'll need to keep the candle it's natural color or you'll need to come up with a color on your own, which might not be as difficult as it sounds.

Natural colorants can be made by infusing herbs into the wax. If you can imagine creating the candle equivalent of a bouquet garni you'll have some idea what I'm describing. However, this process can be time consuming, taking up to 24 hours to achieve moderate colors but you will have an all natural color palette. How much of each herb you use will depend on how much wax you're using. You can monitor the color as time passes and stop the infusion whenever it achieves the depth of color that you like. ! Herbs th at have shown to work well are: peppermint which creates a light green shade; madder root powder which comes out light peach; alkanet root powder turns out burgundy red; annatto seeds will create a warm yellow candle and spirulina powder will give you a warm green colored candle.

But fragrances are what aromatherapy candles are really all about and different scents from different essential oils will have different properties and different natures. Knowing how to use the essence of plants to scents our candles can be quite an art. At first you might want to follow established patterns that are known to be enjoyable. For calming properties, combine chamomile and rose. To soothe, use lavender and vanilla. To alleviate anxiety, try bergamot or sandlewood or patchouli. To ease fatigue, try peppermint or grapefruit or rosemary. To help your memory and concentration, try lemon or basil or or rosemary. It's nice to remember, too, that as the seasons change different scents will become more pleasing to us. When that happens what could be better than finding the corresponding essential oil and creating an aromatherapy candle!

There are hundreds of plants from which essential oils have been created so feel free to let your imagination run through the alphabet and see what each one is known to help. Find an oil whose scent you enjoy and test your aromatherapy candle making skills on yourself. You will not only have the benefit of a fine, unique candle but also one with natural healing properties.

About the Author

Sara Patterson is a scented candle making enthusiast. For more information on href="">how to make scented candles, visit

Lavender Guide : Lavender Oil Uses

Lavender oil is used to mitigate headaches, to soothe muscles in a bath and to scent a room by adding it to a wax candle. Discover the uses of lavender oil withtips from a lavender-farm owner in this free video on lavender. Expert: Lila Avery-Fuson Bio: Lila Avery-Fuson owns and runs a Lavender farm with her husband and daughter in Paso Robles, California. Filmmaker: Patrick Eaves

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The Soundless Center: Silence of the Heart

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 05:00 AM PST

It takes a sensitive ear to tune in to the silence of the heart, but it is there in each one of us.

We spend a lot of time attempting to put the feelings in our hearts into words, to communicate to others our passions, our emotions, and our love. Often we are so busy trying to translate our heart's roar into language that we miss the most profound experience the heart has to offer, which is silence. Every poem arises from this silence and returns to it. When all the songs have been sung, the soliloquies delivered, the emotions expressed, silence is what remains. As each wave of feeling rises and falls back into the silence, we have an opportunity to connect with the vast, open, powerfully healing wisdom at the soundless center of our hearts.

Our hearts may seem noisy and tumultuous so much of the time that we do not even associate them with silence. It takes a sensitive ear to tune in to the silence of the heart, but it is there in each one of us, so close and so large that we do not even notice it. We can begin to become aware of it in the same way we become aware of the negative space in a still life, the background of a photograph, or the open sky that contains the sun, clouds, moon, and stars. We are accustomed to tuning in to objects and sounds that are one-pointed, solid, and three-dimensional. Seeing and hearing the apparently empty space that contains these sounds and objects takes a little practice.

We can bring our awareness into our hearts by simply breathing into the general area of our heart. The first thing we may notice is feelings like joy or sadness and physical sensations like tightness or tenderness. We acknowledge these as we continue to breathe and focus, listening attentively. We surround these feelings and sensations with breath and recognize that they are contained and held in an immeasurable substance like water or air, intangible, ineffable, but utterly real. This is the silence of the heart, and the more we listen for it, return to it, and accept it, the more we bathe and purify ourselves in the soundless center of our being.

~Reprinted with permission from DailyOM

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Equine 'flu - Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 04:00 AM PST

Article by Alison Grimston

Copyright (c) 2008 The Naturally Healthy

Introduction: Equine influenza ('flu') is one of the main respiratory infections affecting horses. It has a worldwide distribution, and can cause a severe illness in some cases. Fortunately, prevention is possible with current vaccinations, and there is always the option of homeopathic nosodes. This is a very current topic, with a recent outbreak in Australia in August to October 2007. This continent had previously been unaffected by equine flu, and the outbreak appears to have spread from imported Japanese stallions.

What is Equine Influenza? This is a severe respiratory viral infection, with a short incubation period of 3-4 days, and a rapid worsening of symptoms. It is particularly likely to spread rapidly in overstocked situations.

The virus is spread by inhalation of water droplets via the nose. From here it causes damage to tissues lining the respiratory tract. It can cause death of large areas of the lining tissue or mucosa.

Symptoms: These include high temperature, clear nasal discharge, dry cough, and swollen submental lymph nodes (under the jaw). In addition, you may notice that your horse has depression & lethargy, a clear eye discharge, a poor appetite, and a reluctance to drink There may even be a degree of swelling of the limbs, with a resultant reluctance to move. Occasionally secondary pneumonia can occur, especially in the very old and the very young; this can lead to death.

Causative Agent: The Equine-1 (H7N7) and equine-2 (H3N8); influenza A is a subtype of the latter. Unlike the human influenza virus, which changes every year, equine flu virus has more stable subtypes. The horse flu virus was isolated as recently as 1956.

Occasionally carrier status occurs in equines, when an incomplete immune response to infection has occurred and the virus has not been eliminated. Such horses are shedding virus and infectious despite appearing well.

Current Western Treatments: Horses with 'flu' nee! d comple te rest for at least 6 weeks. It takes 1 week to recover at best, but 6 weeks for any mucosal damage to be reversed, hence the need for a longer period of rest. During recovery, it is important that any stable used must have good ventilation, with minimal dust levels. Mucolytic agents & antibiotics may be necessary if secondary infection occurs.

Complementary Therapies: Supportive care can include reiki, spiritual healing, crystal healing, acupressure, shiatsu, and aromatics. These can help the horse's immune system and ability to heal itself. The aromatics (animal aromatherapy, whereby the animal chooses remedies on the basis of scent and taste from a selection offered) may have specific effects on resistance to infection and the release of supportive hormones.

Prevention: Influenza vaccines have been available for many years, and initially only provided protection for a few months. Current improved vaccines protect for 10-15 months. Vaccination should be given as a primary course of 2 doses, 3-6 weeks apart, followed by boosters at 6-12 month intervals. Side effects are rare, and may be due to inflammation at the injection site, occasional allergy, or general poor well - being.

Certification of flu vaccination may be needed for horses that travel or compete

Homeopathic nosodes may be helpful in preventing influenza. Nosodes are created from the equine virus by diluting many times in water. The water then holds the memory of the molecule, which may be enough to stimulate an immune response. There tends to be a lower side effect rate with nosodes, but there is limited evidence of their efficacy.

About the Author

Dr Alison Grimston, a holistic doctor and animal healer, has a natural animal therapy website informing the public about animal therapies while connecting and informing animal therapists.

Natural Remedies to Lower High Blood Pressure- 10 Hypertension Holistic Diet Secrets

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 03:00 AM PST

Article by Joe Barton

There are numerous natural remedies to lower high blood pressure and about half of them involve your diet. With one and three American adults suffering from this deadly disease, it is important to watch your diet. As a natural health expert, I know many people who were eating themselves into an early grave.

And I know thousands of people who have normalized their high blood pressure naturally with hypertension holistic secrets. I would like to share with you 10 ways to become a healthier person, lose weight and lower high blood pressure. And you don't even have to take medication…

Holistic Health Tips to Cure Hypertension

1. Vegetables - Eating vegetables will help you get plenty of nutrients which are important for lowering blood pressure. We suggest 4 to 5 servings of vegetables a day. They also aid in flushing cholesterol and plaque with their high water soluble fiber content.

2. Fruits - Fruit also contains water soluble fiber which aids in flushing the body. It also contains Vitamin C (also called ascorbic acid) which is a vitamin that has been the news. A 500 milligram supplement of vitamin C has been found to reduce pressure by 9 percent. We suggest 4 to 5 servings per day.

3. Grains - We recommend switching to whole grains. For instance, oats have been found to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure. Remember the Cheerios commercial! Make sure you look at what kinds of breads and cereals you are eating. Make a goal to look at the label for high dietary fiber content.

4. The Big Catch - 2 to 3 servings of fish a week is a perfect health tip for your heart. It is also important to know that fish oil can reduce blood pressure. If you absolutely hate fish, you can supplement fish oil capsules and one tablespoon of flaxseed oil daily.

5. Low Fat - Whenever possible, you should be going with lean meats and lower-fat dairy products. This will keep the arteries open like freeways and normalize you know what!


6. Walnuts - Nuts are in the meat group because they are rich in protein. But they are also loaded with many micronutrients. For instance, an ounce of walnuts daily gives you all the Omega 3s you need, while almonds are a great source of vitamin E. They are also loaded with potassium and selenium.

7. Water - Possibly the most important thing you will read in this article. Being well hydrated has hundreds of benefits including eliminating waste from your body. It will help flush sodium (contributor to hypertension). Water will also make you feel full which will reduce food cravings. By drinking 12 tall glasses of water per day, you can lower high blood pressure and lose weight!

8. Sodium - Salt is a major factor in this deadly disease. You should watch your salt intake by avoiding processed or prepared foods. If you do go out for the evening, make sure you drink plenty of water (no alcohol or soda) with your meal to flush the sodium quickly.

9. Organics - If you knew how many pesticides, herbicides and chemicals were sprayed on your produce you would cringe. A great way to keep your body functioning at optimal levels is to start eating organic produce. These produces should be organic: peaches, strawberries, bell peppers, apples and lettuce.

10. Cheers - Drinking green tea has also been shown to reduce pressure. You should drink about one cup per day which will help you relax. By the way, low levels of stress are a great way to normalize pressure.

What Else Can You Do?

Your diet is about half of your holistic treatment for lowering high blood pressure. If you are interested in more natural remedies to lower high blood pressure, please visit our website today.

We offer a High Blood Pressure Remedy Report that educates you on everything about naturally normalizing your pressure. Our 35 page report is research based and is medical-doctor approved. To try our remedies risk-free for 6 months, check out our 100% satisfaction guarant! ee that has helped tens of thousands cure themselves at home… with NO harsh prescription medications!

Natural! No Side Effects! Guaranteed! With 22 years of holistic health experience, Joe Barton and Barton Publishing have sold thousands of Natural Remedies to Lower High Blood Pressure. Are you next?

Natural Remedies to Lower High Blood Pressure

About the Author

Joe Barton is the founder of Barton Publishing Inc., a leading natural health company specializing in publishing cutting edge reports that show people how to cure and treat themselves using safe, natural, and proven remedies. Joe has helped thousands of people enjoy healthier lives with natural remedies to lower high blood pressure. To learn about our 100% guarantee,

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