Holistic Anti-Aging Advice for Men and Women

Holistic Anti-Aging Advice for Men and Women

Holistic Anti-Aging Advice for Men and Women

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 11:00 PM PST

Article by John Wilson

Holistic Anti-Aging Advice for Men and Women with Dr. Monica Talebnia According to the November 2007 issue of Time Magazine, people who fear needles and plastic surgery are succumbing to the latest in anti-aging services that do not mean "going under the knife". Chicago Healers Practitioner Dr. Monica Talebnia dedicates herself to holistic anti-aging methods which help achieve a younger appearance and everyday life in a more natural way. With anti-aging remedy use growing increasingly popular among men and women in recent times, it is important to understand all the information and benefits of each type of treatment. Dr. Talebnia describes how her anti-aging procedures influence the body and mind as well as the advantages of these holistic methods. "Holistic anti-aging techniques help people live with a healthier physical, emotional and spiritual viewpoint on life," said Dr. Talebnia. Acupuncture - Acupuncture management is a valuable method to get rid of most physical and/or psychological anxiety by increasing the surge of energy through the body. Dr. Talebnia describes the advantages of acupuncture: 1) Endorphins release during treatment and are "very effective in relieving pain," explains Dr. Talebnia.2) Results lead to a very happy and effervescent lifestyle after a low prescribed session of 10-20 treatments. 3) helps to treat respiratory disorders such as colds, bronchitis and asthma. Intracellular Testing - This test, otherwise known as 'saliva testing' is used to check hormone levels and symptoms that people have to certain medicines. Some advantages include: 4) According to Dr. Talebnia, doctors are able to suggest a specific natural supplement to help with hormones and restore balance for the age and the sex of her client. 5) The testing measures different types of minerals in the body which are utilized by many organs and glands. 6) This approach brings equilibrium into the body. These anti-aging practices are defined as the tools one can use to enhance their lives once more. "You no l! onger ha ve to accept that simply because you are 60 or over, you should steer clear some of your favorite hobbies that you used to do," says Dr. Talebnia. You can go here for more information about Chicago Anti Aging or Chicago Healers.

About the Author

John Wilson writes regularly about health related topics. I hope you enjoy this article.

Taking The Perfect Natural Aromatherapy Candle

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 10:00 PM PST

by jainaj

Article by Floyd P. Dietz

Choosing a natural aromatherapy candle scent is not something that should be taken lightly because everyone has a different idea of what scents would smell best to them. Some people like subtle scents while other people prefer scents that are more dramatic. There are thousands of different types of natural aromatherapy candles available to select from and choosing the perfect natural aromatherapy candle will take time and consideration to be sure that you have chosen the right one.

Choosing a Price Range

One of the first things that need to be considered is the price range for shopping for the natural aromatherapy candle. Many people smell different scents without looking at the price of the candle and find that the one that they like the most is the most expensive one to purchase.

The candles that are created using more expensive ingredients are typically the highest priced ones in the store, even though the average person would not be able to tell the difference between a higher and a lower priced item. To avoid disappointment or going over their spending limit, a person should find the candles that are in their price range and try those scents to find which natural aromatherapy candle they like the best.

Choosing a Scent

Once the price range for the natural aromatherapy candle has been determined, it is time to choose the scent of the candle. There are many different scents available in aromatherapy oils, including ones that smell like different types of fruit, scents that smell like flowers, and scents that have earthy or herbal tones. If the person knows what types of scents they prefer, they can reduce the amount of time needed to find the right natural aromatherapy candle by restricting their search to those candles with scents that they prefer.

To find the natural aromatherapy candle that is liked the best, the person will need to physically smell them. Smelling many different types of natural aromatherapy candles can start to blend togeth! er in th e nose so some retailers will have some type of scent neutralizer, like a jar of coffee beans, available to clear out the scents before smelling a different candle.

The packaging of the candle will often have small holes in the top to make it easier to smell the scent of the candle. Choosing a candle scent is not difficult if you take the time to find what you like, but rushing the decision will generally result in a purchase that you are not happy with.

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If you love this article, you will also love another article written by this article's author on room air cleaners and whole house air cleaners.

139 - How To Make Rose Scented Lip Balm, prt 1

Blog: sycalaelen.wordpress.com The video was way too long so it has been cut into 3 segments. These flowers and herbs etc are great for oil infusions: Aloe Chamomile Feverfew Lavender Mullein Marigold Rose Passion Flower Geranium Lemon Balm Peppermint Rosemary and Sage! You can buy oils from wholefoods stores or aromatherapy stores, but make sure you ask if they are safe to use on skin, especially the lips and if they can be ingested (by acciendental licking...). If your not sure simply make the oil and dab a little on the surface of your skin and wait for 48 hours to check for any allergic reactions. Be safe! And Shine! BB x

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Holistic Employee Assistance Is Good for the Bottom Line

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 09:00 PM PST

Article by Marie swanson

Naturopathic association gets behind the source of stress

We spend a large part of our lives at work. We make friends, network with colleagues and plan our retirement years based on our active lives in the workplace. But for all the time we spend at work, how healthy is the work climate? The answer to this question has become the focus for a growing number of companies that provide employee assistance programs.

Everyone has experienced a cold or flu, which was "going around the office", or had allergic reactions to cleaning fluids or strong perfumes in the workplace. Some jobs require physical endurance and may have a high risk of accidents. Regardless of our job descriptions, we cope with deadlines, routines that can be repetitive, and environments which we can't control. The result can be a great deal of stress that can leave us vulnerable to whatever is "going around the office."

Employers are now beginning to realize the interconnection between work and mental and physical health. How we juggle our family lives with work pressures, workplace stress and our ability to achieve excellence have become a focus of human resources professionals. The concept is not whether we are sick or well. It is the environment we work in and the impact of that environment on our lives, our attitudes at work and how we can cope with stress and job- or family-related pressures.

Employers are also beginning to connect this to productivity. Seventy-five per cent of employees would like to see holistic health as part of their working relationship and 85 per cent of those polled believe that holistic health reduces employee assistance costs.

One company that didn't need an opinion poll to introduce this idea to its employees is Husky Injection Moldings. Husky employs 1,400 people at its plant in Bolton, Ontario. It has an employee assistance team of eight healthcare professionals, including both a medical and naturopathic doctor (ND). The employee assistance program includes consultat! ions wit h the ND and health educational programs such as information fairs. The program manager calls the inclusion of naturopathic treatments the "Cadillac" of the program. Representatives of Husky say naturopathic doctors are the key to prevention and employee education. The Husky example is just one of the ways to address the myriad of workplace well-being issues.

Some issues in the workplace that negatively affect our health are easy to resolve. For example, many people spend most of their workday in front of a computer screen. More often than not, the screen we look at is higher or lower than our neck and head. This can cause us to adopt an awkward posture which, over long periods, can compromise health. By simply raising or lowering the screen we can help correct our posture.

How we handle stress in the workplace is much more complex. These stresses include coping with environmental sensitivities such as dust or mold (statistics show that multiple chemical sensitivity affects about 15 per cent of the population), air quality in sealed office buildings or industrial work sites, fluorescent lighting and the effects of seasonal affective disorder, and communication with coworkers, to name just a few.

The British Columbia Naturopathic Association (BCNA) recently created a profile of the working environment and strategies to deal with it. Their employee assistance strategy is seminars for staff and management, interactive workshops, and educational materials. The BCNA also offers seminars that include fitness testing, basic health check-ups, blood typing and other areas of health.

The Association conducted stress management workshops for staff at Canada Trust for the first time. This involved an interactive seminar with a ND who addressed the mind/body connection of stress, nutritional tips on helping our bodies naturally cope with stress, as well as simple exercises and activities that reduce stress. Canada Trust has also held natural health fairs and various workshops for its emplo! yees. Hu man Resources Manager Olivia McIvor notes that Canada Trust's goal is to promote health and well-being in general.

Is a holistic attitude towards health too "new age" for some employee assistance plans? Sure--some people can't see the connection between stress at home and anxiety in the office. Some people have never taken the time to stop, focus and address what they do, how they do it. They don't look for ways and means to integrate mind, body and spirit in the workplace and in their private lives. But high profile companies, such as Royal Bank, KPMG, Aetna and others are taking the lead and offering their employees an opportunity to discover well being through a variety of complementary modalities.

Yet even if employers offer this type of employee assistance for their staff, is there any staff benefit? Absolutely. Canada Trust has seen a 17 per cent decline in stress among those enrolled in its 18-month-old program. Telus, another company making similar programs available to its staff, has shown a 28-per-cent lower absentee rate among employees. As McIvor notes, providing access to alternative practices can help staff strike a better mental, physical and emotional balance.

Companies such as Telus, the Royal Bank and Husky are achieving that balance, while at the same time seeing the "bottom line" improve. Employee assistance that monitors health improvements and cuts costs for business is crucial to this new emphasis on holistic health. Make sure your employee assistance program achieves a healthy balance, while at the same time giving employers a measure of success.

About the Author

Exan Wellness, Inc. provides employee assistance, wellness tracker programs, employee health programs, employee wellness programs, stop diabetes programs since 1991. Please visit official website www.exanwellness.com

Aromatherapy Candles

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 08:00 PM PST

Article by Ramesh Kumar

Aromatherapy is a holistic treatment which makes use of essential oils extracted from plants to enhance a person's mood and improve health conditions. The essential oils are either added massaged into the skin, directly inhaled or diffused to perfume a whole room. Aromatherapy candles are made on the basis of the principle of aromatherapy. Benefits of Aromatherapy Candles Listed below are a few benefits offered by Aromatherapy candles:When Aromatherapy candles are lit, they release a faint stream of floral and herbal essential oil vapours into the air. Upon inhaling the essential oil vapors, the oil molecules enter the respiratory system of the individual and get absorbed into the bloodstream, thus preventing the occurrence of certain bodily illnesses. The essential oils contain chemical properties that helps the person to relax, thereby significantly reducing anxiety and stress levels. The fragrances released by these candles have a powerful influence on a person's psychological and physical state. Different kinds of Aromatherapy candles are available in the market. Each candle differs from the other in the kind of essential oil that is used. Here's a brief list of the different essential oils infused into aromatherapy candles. Basil: Essential oils extracted from basil help in improving a person's concentration level. Lavender: Essential oils from lavender help a person to effectively deal with fatigue and depression, aid in the treatment of headaches and provides relief from stress. Eucalyptus: Eucalyptus oil helps in relieving cold, sinus infections or allergies, It is, in fact, an effective decongestant. Citronella: Candles infused with citronella essential oils help in getting rid of insects and other small creatures. Chamomile: Essential oils from the chamomile plant significantly helps to relax a person and to reduce restlessness Jasmine: Essential oil extracted from jasmine is mainly used as a relaxant and anti-depressant. Sandalwood: Candles infused with essential oil from Sandalwood ac! ts as a sedative and aphrodisiac. The therapeutic effects of Aromatherapy candles are closely related to the quality of essential oils used in it. Aromatherapy candles not only add pleasing and soothing fragrance to the room, but also help to rejuvenate a person's spirit, soul and body.

About the Author

http://www.MyAromaWorld.com is an online store selling home fragrance products like perfumed candles, sprays, diffusers, Air fresheners & Fragrance Oils with Shipping to India.

Aromatherapy and the Use of Essential Oils

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 07:00 PM PST

Article by Greg McGavock

Chances are you've heard the term aromatherapy thrown around many times in the past, but are you sure of what aromatherapy really is? Many are not, and this confusion and uncertainty prevents many people who could benefit from its practices from ever experimenting with the principles of aromatherapy. I'd like to briefly explain what aromatherapy is, what it entails and how you can begin benefiting from it within the comfort of your own home.

In a nutshell, aromatherapy is the introduction of essential oils to the human body in order to bring on a desired mental or physical effect. These essential oils, all of which offer their own unique contributions to the mind and body, are extracted from a variety of carefully selected plants believed to offer a positive impact on the human body. While some of the impacts said to be brought on by aromatherapy are yet to be proven at a clinical level, many who have practiced aromatherapy in the past would consider the benefits of these essential oils undeniable.

There are dozens of essential oils that have already been discovered and many more are sure to be found in the future. Scientists and civilians alike have carefully documented their effects over a number of years and society has embraced their finding. As a result, the intake of essential oils has increased dramatically over the recent past. The benefits of aromatherapy and essential oils can be enjoyed a number of ways, including topical treatment through methods like massage as well as introduction through the respiratory system with the use of aromatherapy candles.

Among the most common of essential oils is Lavender. Because of its abundance, Lavender oils are also one of the more affordable essential oils to begin practicing with. Lavender is believed to help alleviate a number of physical and mental ailments, ranging from anxiety to insomnia. Many professionals will recommend the topical application of Lavender to the temples to help reduce headaches, especially those brought on ! by stres s.

Sandalwood, another useful essential oil, is used to relieve anxiety and helps to ease nervous tension and distress. Those suffering from a cough, sore throat or nasal congestion may wish to keep a sandalwood candle lit nearby. It's antiseptic qualities have been known to alleviate these types of conditions, along with stress and anxiety.

Like Lavender, Eucalyptus has quickly grown as one of the more commonly used and inexpensive essential oils in the context of aromatherapy. It's effects are numerous and its scent is one of the most appealing in my personal opinion. Due to its mentally invigorating properties, Eucalyptus helps to promote improved focus and vigilance. Used topically, this essential oil also relieves a number of skin conditions including acne caused by oily skin and even helps to heal unattractive scar tissue.

About the Author

Because of the low costs and lack of risks associated with aromatherapy, those suffering from any of the ailments listed above may wish to give the use of essential oils a closer look. Those new to the use of essential oils may be better off by starting out with aromatherapy candles, which provide a quick and inexpensive way to test out the effects of aromatherapy practices.

Perfume Recipes : How to Make Perfume as a Hobby

When making perfume as a hobby, continually grow the collection of oils to experiment with, purchase essential oils online, find helpful supplies online and make creative labels on a computer. Create various fragrances as a hobby with helpful advice from a natural perfume producer in this free video on perfumes.

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Why has my Dog got Cataracts?

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 06:00 PM PST

Article by Alison Grimston

Copyright (c) 2008 The Naturally Healthy Pet.com

As our dogs get older we may notice their eyes clouding over slightly, and they may bump into things. In this article you can discover what cataracts are, and what you can do to help after your vet has made a diagnosis.

Introduction: A cataract develops when the transparent proteins in the lens of the eye become opaque. Cataracts develop gradually over time, and tend to be more common in older dogs. The changes that occur are irreversible, but in humans are treated by simple day-case surgery whereby the lens is removed from the outer capsule and replaced by a clear plastic artificial lens. These operations are increasingly being performed in our companion animals too.

Causes of cataracts: Old age is a definite risk factor. Developmental cataracts can also occur, and diabetes, steroid treatment, infection, and toxicity are also causes. Other causes of cataracts are discussed in more depth on my website.

Why a cataract affects vision: When we see, the rays of light from the object that we are looking at pass through the lens to reach the retina. If the lens is cloudy, the image becomes distorted and cannot focus as well. Initially humans with cataracts see an image as increasingly fuzzy and vague, often with halos of light around objects. This increases over time to a level of blindness. We can assume that a similar gradual blindness develops in dogs affected by cataracts.

The cloudiness in the lens occurs because the balance of water content in the lens is no longer maintained. This leads to increased water content, increased insoluble proteins, and opacity.

Some dogs develop hardening (sclerosis) of the lens as they get older (>10), but this is not a cataract. As it does not affect vision, treatment is not necessary.

Treatments: Treatments include surgery, anti-inflammatory eye drops, antioxidant supplements, and complementary therapies. These treatments are discussed in depth in the article on my websit! e.

Complementary Therapies: Holistic vets would recommend a review of diet and lifestyle, to ensure that your dog is getting the best nutrients and exercise levels. Natural antioxidants are felt to help sight, and may reduce cataract formation.

Naturopaths believe that free radicals induce the damage that causes cataracts, and may recommend dietary Vitamin E, vitamin C, zinc and selenium to help reduce their progression.

If a dog appears distressed by its loss of vision, then some of the healing therapies such as Reiki and Spiritual healing may help. Massage can help comfort the dog, and crystal healing, for example with blue lace agate, may help.

Vets advise that the only treatment is surgical. However, there appear to be many eye drops available to help with cataracts.

Summary: In summary, nuclear sclerosis is common in ageing dogs and does not need treatment. Therefore, do not assume that a dog with clouding eyes has cataracts. Get your dog checked by your vet if you are concerned, and this article discusses several additional approaches that may help treat or prevent cataracts.

About the Author

Dr Alison Grimston is a holistic doctor and animal healer with a website for pet owners and therapists - sign up for her free report on keeping your pet healthy naturally, by logging in at http://www.TheNaturallyHealthyPet.com.

New Age Psychic Readings For Online Enjoyment

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 05:00 PM PST

Article by Missy Hailer

Since time immemorial, man has been a follower of his own destiny. And that being said, man has also always been curious to know what destiny holds for him. Sages, seers, psychics, soothsayers have been consulted for a variety of different problems and issues. Whether it's for work, health, love or anything to do with our loved ones who are alive or dead - we have always looked at psychic readings for answers.

Until some time back, for most people to get a free psychic reading would mean to get up and make the journey to meet a psychic and then too not be too sure of what the outcome would be. People were restricted by geography to get to a good psychic for a free psychic reading and obtain some guidance. If you did not have a good psychic in your neighborhood, you were more often than not held back from going anywhere further. Nonetheless, all of that has changed now. We are now able to go anywhere and get a free psychic reading or chat with a psychic online from the immense comfort of our own home via the World Wide Web. The internet has truly made free psychic readings possible online and provided a long lasting solution to an erstwhile problem. Through the web, psychics from all over have come together and can now make their inherent talent and services to heal people through free psychic readings online. Free psychic readings online are now available to one and all.

One can now get a free psychic reading online via chat, text chat, video chat, email or even over the phone. What happens here in a free psychic reading online is that the online psychics communicate with you through their computer screen and are able to tune into your energies. This helps since one can go back and take a look at their communication with the live online psychic again and as many times as they wish to.

One needs to make sure before a free psychic reading online, they have figured out who the best psychic for them would be. One should get online, check out the various psychics who provide free p! sychic r eadings online. Get an idea about the psychic, read their bio data and what problems they have helped with and then choose the best psychic for one self. Different psychics have different ways of functioning and different tools that they use, hence, one really needs to identify their problems beforehand and have their questions ready and then sit for a free psychic reading online.

There are a variety of free psychic readings available online on as many topics as one can imagine. Astrology charts, tarot cards, I-ching, crystal healing, pyramid healing, and dream analysis - you name it and there is a free psychic reading available online. A free psychic reading online makes most sense when one knows exactly what one wants to ask or know about. Connecting with loved ones who have passed on, or wanting to know what opportunities one may have in the future are some general things that people like to know through a free psychic reading online. The good thing about free psychic readings online is that there are several online psychic communities that share issues, problems and information about different psychics and how they have helped.

About the Author

I enjoy writing astrology and new age articles. I also give psychic readings on my website and help people learn the tarot. I consider myself to be a new age spiritual believer.

Aromatherapy Candles - Wind Down And Get Calmness Into Your Mind

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 04:00 PM PST

by justin

Article by Walter Feick

Aromatherapy candles have been in never ending use to assist set up the atmosphere and greatly enhance the ambience in several situations. They can be used in any space of your house and offer a wonderful enhancement.

Our own sense of odor was shown to directly affect our emotions. Part of our nervous system which helps to control our emotions is linked with our nose area. So, the proof that making use of aromatherapy candles can have an effect on our mindset and our feelings. The key is in selecting the right fragrance to fit the sensation or perception you wish to evoke.

Relating to aromatherapy there are many techniques to get probably the most out of the fragrance, but one of the most popular methods is via dispersing it throughout the air with aromatherapy candles.

Aromatherapy candles aren't all the exact same, they may be made in a selection of methods, with different components. You'll be able to also burn them in various methods.

Which kinds are greater for you? Considering the fact that paraffin wax candles are harming the air with soot I will recommend against it for health reasons.

Don't be disappointed, there are numerous other types of aromatherapy candles obtainable. Candles could be created using beeswax, soy wax, organic oil and also pure vital oil candles are offered. All of these are excellent selections. They're eco-friendly because they are made from organic plant sources.

Besides these elements, they're also available in diverse models, dimensions, and fragrances.

The only way to get the aroma inside the air is by burning the candles, and you have distinct techniques to burn your decorative candles.

One of the a lot more popular ways would be to use an oil burner, or the tiered pan with tealights, even though a lot more high-priced, they make fantastic diffusers.

Are you aware that the manner you burn your candle may impact the life span and how smoothly the candle will burn?

Here are a few fundamental ideas ! to take into account before lighting up for your aromatherapy candles session:

Wick cutting 1/4" from top level of wax will improve the life span of the candle.

An additional hint to extended life is to refrigerate draped candles before use.

Final hint but not the very least, the very first time you burn up the candle allow it to burn for at least an hour just before extinguishing. And this is what I call conditioning the candle and can aid with the manner in which the candle burns. This first burning lengthens the life span of your aromatherapy candle. Take some time to care for them and they'll last a lengthy time.

I hope you're well on your method to that stage of relaxation you've been desiring. Light a few aromatherapy candles and sit to read a book or perhaps have a long hot bath by candlelight. Rest, release and start getting some time for yourself. Begin taking advantage of your recently found peacefulness, you deserve it through aromatherapy candles.

About the Author

On the subject of aromatherapy you will discover numerous tips to get the best from the fragrance, although one of the most well-known ways is thru dispersing it into the air through candles.

How to Achieve Success - ChickComedy

Jann Karam attempts to get her life together but doesn't believe all the hype on TV about how to achieve success.

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Witches And Witchcraft In Current Times

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 03:00 PM PST

Article by J. Roslyn Antle

The emergence of the pagan communities during the 18th century was a positive influence on many lives across the globe. No longer did they have to hide their views, or pretend to be part of a culture that had repressed them for so long. There are many forms of the witch that we see today, with different names, and a slightly different focus for their energies. But all have the same basic viewpoint: creating a harmonious living for themselves and those around them, making the best of every moment they have, and using nature as the source of their happiness. Forms of witchcraft include the use of tarot cards, rune stones, crystal healing, and using the powerful elements of nature to heal the self.

The witch of today usually belongs to the Wiccan religion, although there are other forms of witchcraft and sorcery still alive under the Pagan umbrella. Wicca, as a religious practice, started in the 1930's, and followers believed firmly in realigning themselves with their spiritual selves through their grounding in nature. Most pagans today use their belief in the Horned God, and the Triple Goddess, reflecting the higher powers that are all around them, although there are other deities that are reflected in their everyday lives and prayers. Respect for everything around them is foremost in their thoughts and a willingness to heal and help comes naturally to them. Historically, especially across Europe and many parts of America, witches were usually female. However, since the 18th century, males are initiated in covens, and are extremely successful in their endeavours, promoting equality across the sexes. In addition to the religious aspect of pagan faiths, many cultures are now open to using New Age medicines and more natural remedies (followers of this practice are often called kitchen witches) meaning that witchcraft is no longer seen as an abomination, but rather an equal form of healing that comes from the soul, just as much as conventional medicines can heal with patented medication.

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Popular media has often shown the witch to be an evil creature, intent on causing harm to many victims. However, since the later part of the 19th century, there has been a shift to portray witchcraft in a positive light. Witches such as those in Bewitched, Charmed, The Worst Witch, and of course Harry Potter amongst other have shown that the witch is a mystical and beautiful creature, who uses their powers to make the world a better place to live in. For the witch today, the popular culture has meant that witchcraft is not something to be feared, but rather a way of finding solutions or answers to problems that simply cannot be answered through other means.

The positive inflections from media sources mean that many people are interested in learning about these tools, and how they connect to their ideas about witches. In turn, an upsurge in the number of visits to psychics and covens were recorded. The witch is now finally being the respected member of community they once were in times before organised religion. As an alternative lifestyle, witchcraft is highly recognised in many cultures, and has even culminated in official representations for many legal areas, for example, a Wiccan handfasting can be performed by a priest or priestess and is recognised as an official marriage.

About the Author

High Priestess J. Roslyn Antle - 7witches.com - http://antle.7witches.com - "7 witches, help when you need it"

Let Your Body Repair Itself Utilizing Reiki and Massage Therapies

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 02:00 PM PST

Article by Ross Mayer

Reiki massage has become very popular over the years, and that's why there is no distinction between both specialities. But what has happened is people who practice massage have incorporated Reiki into their treatment method. Reiki indicates, universal life force, and that actually talks about the very foundation and significance of what it is exactly about. In fact, the same identical factors that can be observed in Eastern martial arts and even yoga are also important in Reiki. Just one principle which embodies the seven chakras of the body system are an vital part of the Reiki massage method. Just as with acupuncture, it is the endless flow of energy in your body that results in health and a robust mind and body.

What is of principal importance with Reiki is becoming free of the destructive effects of stress on the body. That is one reason you will frequently see massage therapy combined with Reiki healing principles regarding the body's energy centers, or chakras. Knowing how to keep calm and peaceful will contribute to the body's power to affect healing on its own. It is real that your body will heal and keep a high level of strong health. One important principle of Reiki healing entails the concept of attaining balance. It is vital to have balance in our life plus a balance of our life energies.

There are lots of medical ailments and situations that originate from abnormal stress and anxiety. Another perspective on that, which is the Eastern concept, is a person's life and overall body are not in a well balanced state. Needless to say other actions may worsen these imbalanced states such as poor eating habits and using unhealthy substances. The intention of Reiki massage is to enable the person to achieve greater relaxation. The strategy is to use this massage in particular locations so the stress can be eradicated.

We want to talk about Reiki together with acupuncture because there are significant comparisons. Each of the two techniques are concerned with encouraging the ! flow of life force, of energy, in the body. Also, both of these areas are dependant on the idea that physical and mental problems occur due to a blockage or restriction of the natural motion of our life force, or energy, inside our bodies. The decreased amounts of life energy represents a state of imbalance and will eventually lead to physical or other conditions. Just consider of all the different negative kinds of thinking and belief that men and women may have. There are far too many things to note such as anxiety, compulsive thoughts, being angry for any reason, low self worth plus many more.

That is the reason why the dual approach of supporting relaxation through massage plus the energy work from Reiki can be useful for many people. But we should say that, certainly, you will need to be willing to consider the concepts of this overall all natural approach. However lots of people acknowledge that other cultures have long counted on these kinds of approaches not seen in the West until recently. Also keep in mind that Reiki and accompanying massage can provide the best results from a long term plan of therapy.

About the Author

Ross's websites: Tarom Airlines, Thai Air, Thai AirAsia and Thai Airway.

Self Healing Mantra

Inspired by The Secret and Russell Simmons. If possible, get a set of good headphones, sit back and repeat this self healing mantra to change your subconscious thoughts and improve the way you feel. LearnHowToRelax.com

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how to center yourself guided meditation

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 01:00 PM PST

Article by Esperanza Ruiz

Guided meditation is primarily utilizing support in order to meditate and it's also the easiest way for an individual to be introduced to the world of meditation. It is the new paradigm in mediation for today's hectic lifestyles and is also great for beginners who may have challenges focusing when practicing meditation. Guided Meditation is a method which a lot of individuals perform in order to alleviate their daily strain and establish a way of life filled with happiness, good health and prosperity.When you learn Meditation from an experienced guide, the result is serenity, serenity and peace. Sooner or later, with frequent practice, you might open oneself to new insights. Anyone can use meditation to ground and center yourself, or to send healing energy to release whatever part of you demands it. With advanced mediation, such as Dynamic Meditation, you can ask for and receive assistance from your higher intelligence.You can also find ideas, open yourself to forgiveness and compassion, re-charge and revitalize your physical apparatus, or merely keep in mind the true range of your being. Guided Meditation can help you focus on yourself to be able to attain inner tranquility and peacefulness . or it can be used to focus on your connection with God or your supreme being. No matter what, after meditation, you will find yourself in a more relaxing, restful and good place.Meditation for Peacefulness .This objective can include leisure of the body and wonderful spiritual growth. Relaxation techniques can then help you to feel more mellow and more in tune with the duties you perform everyday. A meditative state of rest is proven to follow a person throughout their day making them feel less burdened and more responsible of their life.Meditation for RecoveryA person seasoned in meditation has the chance to perform their own inner healing work and exploration while in their meditative state. There are numerous valuable health related, stress management, and healing effects that have been shown with regula! r, daily meditation, such as great relaxation, better sleep habits and conditioning of the body's defense mechanisms.Although it is not scientifically verified that meditation can alleviate people of their physical difficulties, it is a good way for individuals to work on their physical health and tune into the difficulties they are going through. Numerous have noticed amazing healing effects that have no clinical rationalization. Meditation is additionally acknowledged to not only make a person healthier, but more concentrated and a better problem solver. With the aid of a guide, meditation can grow to be not merely a healthy way to deal with emotional stress but also a great opportinity for people to better themselves and cope with their personal problems.Meditation for AbundanceWhen you take into account how and where you can discover abundance in your life at this moment, there doesn't appear to be many good possibilities. To produce abundance, you must create the feeling of abundance in your thoughts, aura, being, and environment. This is the secret to the Law of Attraction, and meditation is the foundation from which those feelings can be extracted. Whether your wish is to manifest an abundance of funds and success or to manifest abundance in all aspects of your life, meditation, particularly Dynamic Meditation, is the most intelligent place to commence the process. It will help open you to receive and allow abundance into your life.Begin the process of Your Meditation PathGuided meditation is a very widely used way to commence due to the fact it consists of a qualified teacher taking you through a structured procedure where you will experience the beauty, tranquility and love meditation has to offer you. During this amazing journey your questions will be addressed, inner peacefulness will be developed and, if you desire, your life goal will be revealed.It is the most effective way to learn how to meditate and the simplest way to start meditating. In addition, it is one of the more direct and profound meth! ods I've discovered to govern your life and grow in all areas. It has been continuously in use since ancient times by many who seek out a greater awareness of their own spiritual reality and want an precise clear path to adhere to. Guided Mediation plainly puts you on the road to managing your fate. For more information:How to Center Yourself

About the Author

How to Center Yourself

Crystal Singing Bowls with Beverly Wilson (Mt Shasta) Part 6

Full-length DVD available. Call 888-918-9108 -- "Living Your Now" A blissful new bowl experience with Beverly Ann Wilson. HD DVD - Call 888-918-9108 Full-length documentary "Vibration for Healing, The Sound You Feel" featuring 20 sound healers who use crystal singing bowls HD DVD Call 888-918-9108 www.cezefilms.com claudine@cezefilms.com For crystal bowls: www.crystalsMtShasta.com

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Reiki Massage Therapy To Promote Natural Wellness and Healing

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 12:00 PM PST

by inju

Article by Michael Moore

Reiki massage has become very popular over the years, and that's why there is no differentiation between both procedures. Reiki is completely different from massage therapy, but it is usual to see them blended into one approach. Reiki indicates, universal life force, and that actually talks about the very basis and importance of what it is all about. A practitioner of this method works with principles found in other Eastern specialities such as yoga. Yoga is heavily inspired by the belief of the seven chakras, or energy centers, and those are very important with Reiki massage therapy, also. Reiki is also similar to the approach acupuncture uses because in each it is the occurrence and unimpeded energy paths in our body that makes for optimum health.

The aim of Reiki is to promote relaxation and the lowering of stress and anxiety. So it is easy to understand why Reiki is often combined with massage therapy so the chakras may be more open and healthy. The idea is that your body is able to heal by itself, but that's only possible when it is possible to stay relaxed. It is true that your body will recover and retain a high level of strong health. Reiki furthermore places great emphasis on holding a sense of physical as well as spiritual balance. It is vital to possess balance in our living plus a balance of our life energies.

We all understand that the root causes of a lot of complications points back to stress that is not managed successfully. Many Eastern health practitioners will look at many of these situations as having a state of imbalance. Naturally you will find many external aspects such as bad eating and other poor choices that only aggravate the condition. Reiki and massage are frequently employed to bring the body into a more relaxed state. The use of this massage in highly targeted places in the body will help the tension and anxiety to be taken away.

We want to talk about Reiki together with acupuncture because there are important comparisons. Each of the two systems a! re focus ed on encouraging the movement of life force, of energy, in the body. Also, both of these areas are dependant on the thought that physical and emotional problems arise due to a blockage or restriction of the natural motion of our life force, or energy, inside our bodies. In this circumstance we are not in equilibrium with energy and life, and then the risk exists to become ill or have problems. We all realize that it seems typical for people to engage in all manner of upsetting and unhealthy thinking and attitudes. There are far too many items to mention including anxiety, compulsive thoughts, being angry for any motive, low self confidence plus quite a few more.

The power of combining Reiki energy restorative healing and body massage is often very helpful for many people. Of course, not all people are open to Eastern philosophies as they concern overall health and healing. However very many people understand that other countries have long relied on these kinds of techniques not seen in the West until lately. Also remember that Reiki and accompanying massage can provide the best results from a long term plan of therapy.

About the Author

Michael's websites: Barbie Igrice, Car Transporting Companies, EvaAirlines and Fema Trailers for Sale.

Reiki Massage Treatment To Promote Natural Wellness and Healing

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 11:00 AM PST

Article by Maria Martin

Llewellyn - Violet Contemplation (Relaxing, Meditate, Inspirational Video)(HD)

Violet Contemplation

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Develop The Healing Ability of Your Body Using Reiki Energy Strategies

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 10:00 AM PST

by inju

Article by Daniel Phillips

Reiki massage has grown to be very popular over the years, and that is why there is no distinction between both specialities. Actually, they are two distinct therapies, but a lot of times a massage therapist will combine the two approaches. The strict meaning of Reiki is, "universal life force," and that really does cover the true process of this healing art. Basically, the same identical features that can be discovered in Eastern martial arts and also yoga are also vital in Reiki. For example, the seven chakras, or energy centers, are involved with Reiki massage and restorative healing. The foundation for health with this and various other therapies and treatments is based on the healthy flow of life sustaining energy in the body.

What Reiki therapy will do is create complete calm and peace within the body so tension is released. That is one explanation you will often see massage therapy combined with Reiki healing principles regarding the body's energy centers, or chakras. When the body is adequately relaxed and can properly deal with everyday stress, then that will lead to a greater ability to heal itself. It is no secret that a healthy body is able to defending itself and building a healthy and strong condition of being. One essential principle of Reiki healing entails the concept of attaining balance. We have to live in a balanced manner, and our bodily energies have to also maintain this balance.

There are very many medical disorders and situations that result from abnormal stress and anxiety. The way Reiki and other related practitioners feel is that the mind and body may not be balanced along with the lifestyle. Needless to say other actions may worsen these unbalanced states such as poor eating habits and using unhealthy substances. The intention of Reiki massage is to support the person to achieve improved relaxation. Massaging vital areas of the body will help the body to relieve stress.

If you learn Reiki and acupuncture theory, then you will learn a few things in co! mmon. Th ey each think about the healthy state of our energy as extremely important to health. Also, both of these areas are influenced by the notion that physical and mental problems arise due to a blockage or restriction of the natural action of our life force, or energy, in our bodies. We are vunerable to illness, health problems or emotional disorders based on where the energy restriction is happening. It is helpful to consider the ways in which many people feel in negative terms. There are far too many items to note like anxiety, compulsive thoughts, being angry for any cause, low self worth plus quite a few more.

That is why the dual approach of encouraging relaxation through massage therapy plus the energy work from Reiki can be effective for many people. But we should mention that, certainly, you will need to be willing to consider the concepts of this overall all natural approach. However lots of people understand that other countries have long depended on these kinds of approaches not seen in the West until not too long ago. Also consider that Reiki and associated massage can offer the best outcomes from a long term application of therapy.

About the Author

Daniel's websites: Sun Country Airlines, Viking Airlines, VirginTrain and MAS Airlines Online Booking.

90 The healing of cells. music by Paul Collier, FRACTAL animation with ambient music.

www.PaulFromStokeUK.com Relaxing piano music with a beautiful fractal animation. The healing of cells by Paul Collier (C) 2011 Download the music from http COMING SOON Fractal animation used with kind permission from the author Jock Cooper.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Posted: 01 Feb 2012 09:00 AM PST

Article by Clive Harman

Fort Bragg Massage

From www.massagetogo.biz...It was an honor to volunteer my massage skills to our much deserving military troops & their families.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Passion Path: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, February 1, 2012

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 09:00 AM PST

Hello and good morning
This is another awesome day in the universe
God has granted you and I
The beauty and perfection of this day
Passion Path is my intention today

Every day you awaken to see
What life has to gift from thee
When you awaken with passion
Life grants you all that you wish
For life is strictly in front of you
In that awesome and amazing dish
Life is here for you to cheer
Enjoy the day
For passion path is the way
Yes, the path is in front of you
And it's all that you do
Just take a step and move forward
And enjoy what there is
Everything you need is there
For you to share
Now enjoy the day with passion I say
This is the oil and trick that you see
Love everything as it be
God Bless to you
And love for all that you do
Dr. Rob

Another awesome and amazing day in the universe
God Bless

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Watoto Children Choir !{ Praising Jesus -Beautiful Worship}

WATCH IN 720p HD FOR CLEARER PICTURE !!Orphans whose parents died from aids tranformed by the grace of God ! I saw them and it filled me with joy to see their beaming faces as they sang and testified for Jesus.These children were destitute,alone,hopeless ,hungry,living on the streets without the Lord.Now look at them-lovers of Jesus,full of hope and new life and being loved and cared for by loving concerned Chritians ! This is a ministry worth praying for and supporting. They have an excellent website.WWW.WATOTO.COM.The choir travels to raise awareness and funding for this holistic orphan care program that provides for their physical,educational,emotional and spiritual needs of Ugandan Children who have lost their parents.Their goal is to raise the next generation of Ugandan leaders by discipiling these children for Jesus Christ. Feel free to share this on facebook,blog our on your YT channel.Pray about getting involved.Comments are welcomed.Your friend in Jesus-Bro.David.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Know more about your Cat's Diabetes

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 08:00 AM PST

Article by Alison Grimston

Introduction- Diabetes mellitus or sugar diabetes is a chronic endocrine (hormone) illness characterised by high levels of glucose in the blood. It is seen in dogs and cats as well as humans, and in each species is commoner in the overweight and obese. There is no cure, but treatment, which in cats may or may not include insulin injections, can maintain a healthy and active life.

Pathology - Diabetes occurs when the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas, the Islets of Langerhans, stop producing sufficient insulin to cope with the body's glucose load (Type 1 diabetes), or when the peripheral tissues in the body that react to insulin become resistant to its effect (Type 2 diabetes).


* Weight loss (more likely in type 1 diabetes)* Thirst, excessive drinking (polydipsia)* Increased urination (polyuria)* Increased appetite* Increased blood glucose (hyperglycaemia)* Blindness* Weakness* Depression

Causes:* Obesity* Chronic Pancreatitis* Stress (cortisol, one of the stress hormones, makes fat cells less sensitive to insulin)* Genetic predisposition - it affects cats of all ages, sexes and breeds, but is commoner in older, castrated male cats, especially Burmese cats Diagnosis

Diagnosis depends on a urine test followed by a confirmatory blood test for glucose levels.

Effects of Diabetes - There is an increased incidence of:* Cataracts* Premature death* Problems in pregnancy* Infections, especially bladder* Pancreatitis

Current Western Treatments

* Insulin* Diet* Exercise* Neutering of diabetic female cats

Insulin - The discovery of insulin in 1921 ( see http://www.discoveryofinsulin.com) was pivotal in changing diabetes mellitus from disease that was fatal within weeks to a chronic and not necessarily life-threatening condition.

Insulin is the mainstay of treatment in many cats, although some cats, once stabilised, can be managed with diet alone. Diet

Diet needs to be specific and timed correctly. Glucose control is easier to o! btain if you feed a fixed formula feed, low in fat and high in slowly digested complex carbohydrates. However, if your cat's normal routine is to eat several times per day with "ad lib" food, your vet is unlikely to change this.

If your cat is overweight, getting his/ her weight down to normal is essential over the first 3-4 months after diagnosis.

Exercise - Your cat should be allowed to take exercise as normal. Other considerations

A diabetic cat will take up a lot of your time and finances over the years, but will reward you with years of companionship.

Complementary Therapies - Stress Reduction by whatever means will help with glucose control, and can be helped by:

* Spiritual Healing* Reiki* Crystal Healing with crystals such as amethyst* Massage* T-touch technique

Herbal remedies

* Stinging nettles - for fatigue, poor appetite* Garlic - for digestive problems* Fenugreek - for fatigue and weight loss* olive leaves - for blood pressure and glucose control

Bach Flower Remedies tend to be favoured over aromatics by cats. The choice of remedy will depend on an assessment of the cat's personality and current circumstances.

Conclusion - With Diabetes mellitus it is very important that you work closely with your vet in order to get optimum glucose control. The triad of insulin (where needed), diet and exercise is pivotal. Other things that can help you to support your cat.

About the Author

I am a holistic doctor and animal healer specializing in connecting and informing animal therapists. My natural animal therapy website informs the public about animal therapies while connecting animal therapists worldwide.http://www.TheNaturallyHealthyPet.com

Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse - Clip 3 of 3

This video excerpt from the Len Horowitz Documentary Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse explains surprising connections between groups such as the Illuminati and mind control experiments which make use of combinations of varying technologies including new biological discoveries. This documentary supports the information in Len Horowitz's book of the same name. This documentary supports the information in Len Horowitz's book of the same name. See a summary article containing full written descriptions of video clips from this documentary at www.newsofinterest.tv .

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Dr. Rob’s Awesome Quote Selections, February 1, 2012

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 08:00 AM PST

"Begin doing what you want to do now.  We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand, and melting like a snowflake." ~Marie Ray

"Life is like a coin.  You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once." ~Lillian Dickson

"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight." ~Benjamin Franklin

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Hempfling - The Magic of Body Language - Klaus treats a difficult breeding stallion

On a clear example it is shown in detail how Klaus uses the body language and what kind of success is possible.www.hempfling.com‬ This video features the horse therapist Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling's work. With his professional background in communications he has shaken up the international horse world. He is working with these powerful, dignified creatures in accordance with nature. The development of the rider's "presence" and an orientation to holistic principles is integral to this work. Klaus has the ability to "know" a horse within a few seconds and within a few minutes of the first meeting, he establishes a relationship so firmly that anything after that is completely based on trust -- creating lifelong friendship with the horses. Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling (latest book The Horse Seeks Me) is touching equestrians worldwide, with response in fields like natural horsemanship, horse whispering, classical and freestyle dressage, equestrian sports, western riding, endurance, eventing and horseback riding in general. He is at the forefront on working and interacting with horses and is known for authentic and effective groundwork according to the horses' nature, often proved and documented with stallions (breeding stallions). He considers the horse's psyche (horse psychology) and communicates via body language with these beautiful creatures. His first book, 'Dancing with Horses' met with overwhelming success. The main focus of his teaching is the humans' personal development ...

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Diabetes in Dogs

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 07:00 AM PST

Article by Alison Grimston

Copyright (c) 2008 The Naturally Healthy Pet.com

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic endocrine (hormone) illness characterised by high levels of glucose in the blood. It is seen in dogs and cats as well as humans, and in each species is commoner in the overweight and obese. Ongoing treatment, which may or may not include insulin injections, can maintain a healthy and active life.

Pathology: Diabetes occurs when the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas, the Islets of Langerhans, stop producing sufficient insulin to cope with the body's glucose load (Type 1 diabetes), or when the peripheral tissues in the body that react to insulin become resistant to its effect (Type 2 diabetes).

Symptoms: These include weight loss (more likely in type 1 diabetes), thirst, excessive drinking (polydipsia), increased urination (polyuria), increased appetite, increased blood glucose (hyperglycaemia), blindness, weakness and depression

Causes include obesity, chronic pancreatitis, and stress (cortisol, one of the stress hormones, makes fat cells less sensitive to insulin). In addition there is a an increased incidence in certain dog breeds.

Diagnosis depends on a urine test followed by a confirmatory blood test for glucose levels.

Effects of Diabetes: There is an increased incidence of cataracts, premature death, problems in pregnancy, infections (especially bladder) and pancreatitis.

Current Western Treatments are based on insulin, diet and exercise. Spaying of diabetic female dogs is usually recommended to prevent pregnancy complications.

Insulin: The discovery of insulin in 1921 was pivotal in changing diabetes mellitus from a disease that was fatal within weeks to a chronic and not necessarily life-threatening condition. Insulin is essential for dogs with diabetes, and any other treatments used must be complementary to insulin use.

Once your dog has been diagnosed, the diabetes will be stabilised at the vet practice with an insulin regime of two subcutaneous (und! er the s kin) insulin injections per day. However, the amounts of insulin needed are likely to change once your dog is at home with a change of diet and exercise routine. Your vet practice will support you while you get the regime right. Blood tests will be needed frequently initially, and every 3-6 months once stabilised.

Diet needs to be specific and timed correctly. Treats need to be avoided, as they often contain sugar. Table scraps will generally be too variable to be used in a diabetic dog's diet, as they will lead to variable control. Glucose control is easier if you feed a fixed formula feed, low in fat and high in slowly digested complex carbohydrates.

If your dog is overweight, weight reduction to the normal for his or her size is vital over the first 3-4 months after diagnosis.

Exercise is essential, and for best management of the diabetes should be as consistent as possible. If a dog is undergoing extremely high levels of exercise, its insulin requirement may be reduced, and it is important to discuss this with your vet in advance.

Other considerations: A diabetic dog will take up a lot of your time and finances over the years, but will reward you with years of companionship and love - as we all know from our pets.

Complementary Therapies: Stress reduction will help with glucose control and can be helped by spiritual healing, Reiki, crystal healing with crystals such as amethyst, massage, and the T-touch technique.

Herbal remedies may also help: Stinging nettles - for fatigue, poor appetite; Garlic - for digestive problems; Fenugreek - for fatigue and weight loss; and olive leaves - for blood pressure and glucose control.

Aromatics/ aromatherapy: A combination of kinesiology and self-selection can lead a dog to choose the aromatic oils that are most helpful to it at any given time.

Hydrotherapy will improve glucose control as part of an exercise regime.

Conclusion: With Diabetes mellitus it is absolutely imperative that you work closely with your v! et in or der to get optimum glucose control. The triad of insulin, diet and exercise is pivotal. Other measures can be used to help support your dog's management.

About the Author

Dr Alison Grimston is a holistic doctor and animal healer with a website that helps to inform the public about complementary animal therapies while connecting animal therapists worldwide. http://www.TheNaturallyHealthyPet.com

Holistic Nutrition in the Kitchen: Confused about Oils Part IV

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 06:00 AM PST

Article by Dr. Kristina Taylor Lewis, ND

Hypnobirthing Affirmations

To decrease discomfort during natural childbirth, listen to these affirmations everyday (3 times in a row). This video is brought to you by www.DrGamliel.com

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Information and Inspiration: Roadmaps of Life

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 06:00 AM PST

When we learn to attune ourselves to our inner compass we follow a map that only we can see, our own path.

All the major spiritual traditions serve the purpose of offering us a roadmap to guide us on our individual journeys to enlightenment. These roadmaps are made up of moral codes, parables, and, in some cases, detailed descriptions of mystical states. We often study the fine points of a particular ascended master's narrative in order to better understand our own and to seek inspiration and guidance on our path. In the same way, when we plan a road trip, we carry maps and guidebooks in an effort to understand where we are going. In both cases, though, the journey has a life of its own and maps, while helpful, can only take us so far. There is just no comparison between looking at a line on a piece of paper and driving your own car down the road that line represents.

Some people seem well-suited to following maps, while others are always looking for new ways to get where they're going. In the end, the only reliable compass is within, as every great spiritual guide will tell you. The maps and travelogues left behind by others are great blessings, full of useful information and inspiration, but they cannot take the journey for us. When it is time to merge onto the highway or pull up anchor, we are ostensibly on our own. Strange weather patterns, closed roads, and traffic jams arise in the moment, out of nowhere, and our maps cannot tell us what to do. Whether we take refuge in a motel by the side of the road, persevere and continue forward, or turn back altogether is entirely up to us.

Maps are based on observations from the past and we are living in the present, so we are the only true experts on our journey to enlightenment. We may find that the road traveled by our predecessors is now closed. We may feel called to change direction entirely so that the maps we have been carrying really no longer apply. These are the moments when we learn to attune ourselves to our inner compass, following a map that only we can see, as we make our way into the unknown territory of our own enlightenment.

~Reprinted with permission from DailyOM

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Let Your Body Repair Itself Utilizing Reiki and Massage Therapies

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 05:00 AM PST

by nexus6

Article by Eva Rose

Often times you will see Reiki massage which will naturally make you think they are the same. Reiki is distinct from massage therapy, but it is usual to see them mixed into one approach. The translation of Reiki is, universal life force energy, and that can offer a clue about what this technique is really all about. A specialist of this technique works with principles found in other Eastern disciplines such as yoga. Just one principle which embodies the seven chakras of the body system are an integral part of the Reiki massage system. Reiki is also similar to the way acupuncture uses because in each it is the presence and unimpeded energy paths in our body that results in optimum health.

What is of major importance with Reiki is being free of the harmful effects of stress on the body. Massage therapists add their approach with Reiki and work on the seven chakras to promote relaxation and energy movement. Having the ability to keep calm and peaceful will lead to the body's capacity to affect healing on its own. It is no hidden knowledge that a healthy body is able to defending itself and developing a healthy and strong condition of being. One essential principle of Reiki healing entails the concept of attaining balance. It is vital to have balance in our life plus a balance of our life energies.

There are lots of medical conditions and situations that derive from abnormal stress and anxiety. Many Eastern health professionals will look at many of these situations as having a state of imbalance. So many Western people contribute to this imbalanced condition with the general lifestyle they choose. Reiki and massage are typically used to bring the body into a more relaxed state. The strategy is to use this massage in distinct locations so the stress can be eradicated.

If you learn Reiki and acupuncture principles, then you will learn a few things in common. Each of these procedures work to open energetic pathways. Also, both of these areas are based on the notion that physical and me! ntal pro blems arise due to a blockage or restriction of the natural motion of our life force, or energy, within our bodies. We are vunerable to illness, health problems or emotional disorders based on where the energy restriction is happening. Just consider of all the numerous negative kinds of thinking and belief that individuals may have. Some examples are worrying, self harm attributed to a negative lifesyle, continual anger, excessive fears, poor self esteem, and the list keeps growing.

That is why the dual approach of encouraging relaxation through massage plus the energy work from Reiki can be useful for many people. Of course, not all people are open to Eastern philosophies as they concern overall health and healing. However very many people understand that other nationalities have long relied on these kinds of techniques not seen in the West until not too long ago. Reiki therapeutic massage is all about a strategic approach which indicates you should use it on-going in your overall pursuit of health.

About the Author

Eva's websites: Cheap Cruises 2011, Cheap Cruises 2012, Cheap Cruises 2013 and Cheap Cruises 2014.

Best Music for Studying - Alex Barry - 05 Awaiting Your Arrival

Enjoy some beautiful vocal-free instrumental music that will help you relax, meditate, focus and relieve you of your daily tensions. Warm, reflective piano improvisations by Alex Barry. Now Available on iTunes - itunes.apple.com Track 05 - Awaiting Your Arrival

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Attract Abundance with Clutter Clearing

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 05:00 AM PST

What does clutter clearing mean? So many times you hear these words and think about your dreaded messy garage or closet. You close your eyes and imagine it clean and you smile for a moment, then your daydream quickly becomes a nightmare when you realize the work it will take to accomplish it. Would it help to know that every time you do a real clutter clearing you are actually inviting more abundance into your life? Really! If you are ready to change your life and create new opportunities, then the best place to start is to declutter. Let me explain.

It is a proven fact that everything is energy. In order to bring what you desire into your life (new energy) it is necessary to let go of the old.  This means it is time to declutter your life. You do this in several ways. The most obvious is to declutter your home and office. Also, it is great to declutter your car, your email inbox, even your calendar (where are you over booked and weighed down?). The more you are able to let go of the lighter you will feel. This is what creates that space for abundance to start flowing in!

I know an author who once said, "I know every time I am ready to write a new book, because I will get inspired to do a complete clutter clearing. And I do!" Her books are awesome, because she creates space for them to come in.

So where to begin? I always tell my clients to start small. If you clean out one small drawer completely, then stop and reward yourself by doing something else for a while, you will have begun.  Then return to that drawer and open it. Look inside and take a moment to connect with what it feels like to have it cleaned out and neat. Let this inspire you to do the next small thing. Before you know it you will have the whole family out in the garage for a cleaning party. Make it fun by playing some music and dancing, after you have cleared enough room in the middle of the floor.

Don't let this happen to you, don't get caught up in the mindset of I might need it someday. If you have not used it in six months or love it dearly, let it go. Sell it or give it to charity for that extra good feeling. By the time you are done you will be feeling over the top good and remember that is also what attracts abundance, feeling good!

Consider for a moment if you are going through a divorce or major breakup, simply keeping his or her things around (for whatever reason) keeps you stuck where you are. If you are ready to move on with your life then let that stuff go.

If you are still procrastinating and unable to make the decisions about what to keep and what to let go of, then you can do the box system. Get three large boxes and on the first one mark Keep, the next Give Away and the last Undecided. You can later file or find a new best place for the keep box items. Donate or sell the items in the second box and that third box, (the one you are still agonizing over), if you have not missed it in a month, let it go!

Just keep in mind if you don't love it or use it let it go!

Still can't seem to get started? Hire a coach who will help you stay motivated and get the job done with ease.

Judith Geiger, ACC
Coaching Women to Thrive
Certified Life and Relationship Coach
Flying Change Coaching, LLC
Blog: http://www.beinloveagain.com
Blog: http://www.coachjudithblog.com

Email Judith@beinloveagain.com

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The Many Benefits Of Using A Phone Psychic

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 04:00 AM PST

Article by David Silversmith

You will find a variety of factors for speaking to a phone psychic, at out of the ordinary times in our existence. It should be necessary to see that at hand is guidance, if we have the willingness to avail of it, to clear up tough judgements in our path of life.

A phone psychic is generally of huge help, to get clarity, and sympathy and additionally, all guidance in whichever sort of dilemma we may possibly discover ourselves in, for better or worse. The road of life is frequently complicated with conflicting paths, and this could often perplex us. As you might expect, definitely often when it can be on the whole beneficial to talk over with a psychic by phone.

It truly is of overriding significance that one is secure and has a feeling of being in safe hands and in control when speaking with their preferred psychic. This is vital, because when one is truly open, one is further receptive to lead themselves; the phone psychic is just the device that will help you to search for the proper resolutions in yourself. Two heads are definitely, superior than just the one, and also the phone psychic will frequently have the additional advantage of being decidedly competent in mediumship, clairvoyance, crystal ball gazing and many other methods of seeing into the future.

Before you start requesting the talents of your phone psychic, it is wise and vital that you choose the questions which might be most important and sensibly dealth with. A number of phone psychics have the other experience of reiki healing, crystal healing, oracle cards, animal cards and fairy cards. What a rich and magnificent collection of resources to call upon!

A skillful phone psychic will employ whichever, and from time to time, every one of their expertise, to make it easier to resolve the difficulties in a persons life. Although, consultation is a two way course of action, and necessitates that the one looking for answers, not hold back. Akin to any link between two folks, an openness is fundamental, as if n! ot, no c ommunication will happen. This does not necessitate blabbering incessantly. To a certain extent, its a eagerness to be not closed in mind and attitude. By being blocked and inward looking, and closed to the information and resolutions obtained from the psychic, a psychological emptiness exists. Quite often, solutions given might look perplexing and not what one was hoping. And, in fact, every now and then might be opposite to what you were hoping to hear. But, a skilled phone psychic will tell from the heart, and just claims what they perceive to be the truth. Its wise to heed the language of a psychic, as generally their words have great implication and will provide evidence their merit as time passes.

Especially, the connection with a phone psychic needs to be heartfelt; often readings might be intense and certainly enriching. If you should have the courage to embark into the unknown, and in return, wish to discover more on your unseen promise and supreme journey and aspirations, call a phone psychic now!

About the Author

For over 20 years l have been using the psychic world as a source of wisdom, hope and inspiration. Especially so, in times of trouble. If you are seeking a source of inspiration and guidance, visit http://www.ancientarcana.com to speak with a genuine phone psychic today.

Aromatherapy Candles - Calm Down And Add Calmness Inside Your Thoughts

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 03:00 AM PST

Article by Larry Pastre

Aromatherapy candles are in continual utilization to aid set up the atmosphere and enhance the ambience in several situations. They might be employed in any place of your home and provide a fantastic improvement.

The perception of smell was shown to directly affect our feelings. Part of our central nervous system which helps to manage our emotions is actually linked with our nose. So, the evidence that utilizing aromatherapy candles will have an effect on our mindset and our emotions. The key is in selecting the right aroma to fit the sensation or perception you wish to evoke.

With regards to aromatherapy there are many methods to get probably the most out of the scent, but one of the most popular methods is through dispersing it into the atmosphere with aromatherapy candles.

Aromatherapy candles aren't all of the same, they could be made in a variety of techniques, with various materials. You'll be able to also burn them in different techniques.

Which sorts are better for you? Given that paraffin wax candles are polluting the air with soot I would recommend against it for your health.

Don't be disappointed, there are lots of other kinds of aromatherapy candles accessible. Candles can be created using beeswax, soy wax, organic oil and also pure essential oil candles are available. All of these are excellent options. They are good for the environment since they're created from organic plant substances.

Besides these components, they're also available in different styles, dimensions, and scents.

The only way to get the aroma within the air is by burning the candles, and you might have different ways to burn your candles.

One of the a lot more well-liked methods would be to use an oil burner, or the tiered bowl with tealights, although a lot more pricey, they make fantastic diffusers.

Are you aware that the way you burn your candle may impact the life and how uniformly the candle will burn?

Below are a couple of fundamental tips to ta! ke into account prior to lighting up for your aromatherapy candles procedure:

Wick trimming 1/4" from top level of wax will improve the life span of the candle.

An additional hint to extended life would be to refrigerate wrapped candles prior to use.

Final trick although not the least, the initial time you burn the candle allow it to burn for a minimum of an hour prior to extinguishing. And this is what I call conditioning the candle and will help with the manner the candle can burn. This 1st burning expands the life span of your aromatherapy candle. Take the time to care for them and they'll last a lengthy time.

I hope you're well on your method to that minute of leisure you've been desiring. Light some aromatherapy candles and sit to read a book or maybe take a lengthy hot bath by candlelight. Calm down, release and begin spending some time for your self. Begin taking pleasure in your newly discovered serenity, you deserve it with aromatherapy candles.

About the Author

Right next, visit our Aromatherapy Candles website to uncover more details on those candles. Additionally you can easily check out the decorative candles website, to get every kind of candles you might want.

The Perfect Manicure and Pedicure at Home Part 2

Hi Everyone! This video tells you how to create the perfect manicure and pedicure at home. Let me know what you think! Essentials Needed for Manicure: bowl 2 hand/bath towels 2 rubber bands or 2 sandwich bags manicure tool set (cuticle pusher or orange stick, nail clipper, nail file) CND Spa Manicure Set (or manicure/hand exfoliator, dish detergent, hand lotion, cuticle oil, cuticle remover) Essentials Needed for Pedicure: Toe Separators Epsom Salt Plastic Tub Aromatherapy Bath Oil foot scrub pedi egg or pumice stone CND Spa Manicure was purchased through premiernailsource.com Part 1: www.youtube.com Part 3: www.youtube.com

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

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