12 Exercises to Relieve Depression & Stress

12 Exercises to Relieve Depression & Stress

12 Exercises to Relieve Depression & Stress

Posted: 14 Feb 2012 04:00 AM PST

February 16, 2012, at 6:30 PM, 12 different well-researched exercises will be taught by Psychologist and Hypnotherapist, Dr. Carol Francis. These 12 exercise have been linked to body-mind health, happiness, success, and well-being. Dr. Carol Francis, author, psychologist and "alternative medicine" practitioner, directs each participant through Hypnosis, Neurolinguistic Programming, Reiki Healing Touch, Pranic Breathing, Shamanic Meditation, Jungian Dreamwork and Jungian Archetype work, vibration interventions, and two types of gazing during these 90 minutes.

The South Bay Chapter of International Hypnosis Federation presents this dynamic seminar on February 16, 2012 starting at 6:30 PM. Location of seminar is 22925 Arlington Ave Suite 10, Torrance CA 90501.

Each exercise which Dr. Carol Francis leads during this seminar is based upon research in the fields of cellular biology, physiological psychology, clinical psychology and mind-body fields. This research is detailed at sites such as BodyMindSculpting.com, BruceLipton.com and drcarolfrancis.com. Additionally, interested individuals will appreciate the synopsis provided in The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles by Dr. Lipton..

"Hypnosis harnesses the mind's emotions and imagination in different ways. Hypnosis enables the body's physiological stress responses to decrease. Research indicates hypnosis also enables the brain to be more likely to produce chemicals that reduce depression," explains Dr. Carol Francs.

"Additionally, combining hypnosis with the other tools practiced in this seminar makes the changes more powerful. I will be combining hypnosis with tools such as Neurolinguistic Programming, Meditation, or Jung's tools of Psychoanalysis. All these tools combined will help change thoughts, memories and mental programming during this seminar in unique ways," details Dr. Carol Francis.

John Warnick, president of the South Bay Chapter of International Hypnosis Federation, encourages all participants to "dress comfortably for this active seminar and prepare to transform your stresses and pains."

Dr. Carol Francis is qualified by 30 years of practicing as a Clinical Psychologist, Marriage, Child and Family Therapist, Certified Medical Hypnotherapist. Additionally, she is certified in NLP, fitness training, and nutrition counseling. She has studied Reiki-Master Level III and Shamanic Meditation for over 20 years. For more information about this seminar, call 310-543-1824 or drcarolfrancis.com Read More @ Source

Everything you Need to Know About Yoga Equipment

Posted: 13 Feb 2012 02:00 PM PST

Article by Brett McDonald

Yoga equipment? Who needs it? There are so many great things about yoga - it energizes, relaxes, slims, and you can do it anywhere, anytime and with no need of special clothes or props. But once you get deeply into your practice, you'll want to get some yoga equipment that will expand and deepen your performance. Here's a look at some of the more useful yoga kit.

Yoga mats are perhaps the most essential. Yes you can do yoga on your carpet but having a dedicated yoga mat really enhances your practice. For one thing a purpose built yoga mat is especially designed for performing yoga poses in terms of thickness and density and stickiness. A sticky surface is a non-slip surface which is essential in doing yoga poses.

Your yoga mat also defines your yoga space and creates the mood for your practice. The very act of unfurling your yoga mat can put you into the perfect frame of mind to do yoga.

Yoga bolsters are useful in the beginning stage of yoga as they give you support when you do your asanas. Later when your limbs become supple you won't need yoga bolsters so much but in the early days they can provide vital support for your spine, abdomen and legs.Yoga straps are another useful tool for the beginner who is not yet limber enough to do many of the postures.Made out of cotton or nylon, you can loop these straps around parts of your body that you can't reach. They give you more confidence in doing your poses and help you hold them longer. As with bolsters, when your body becomes supple, you won't need them so much.Yoga blankets are nice to put on top of your yoga mat. If you use a vinyl mat, having a living fabric such as wool or cotton on top will make it feel so much nicer. They also add a layer of softness which you'll be glad of during certain strenuous asanas. Yoga blankets can also let you keep warm after practice in cold studios or outdoors.

So once you've made some progress in yoga and are looking for ways to expand your practice, look into getting some yoga equipment. With some of ! these po werful yoga props to help you, you'll become adept in no time.

About the Author

Brett McDonald is a yoga afficianado who also travels a lot. If you're a freewheeling yogi or yogini check out this site on Travel Yoga Mats and Yoga Towels.

The Keys to Ashtanga and Power Yoga

Posted: 13 Feb 2012 01:00 PM PST

Article by Brett McDonald

If you attracted by the benefits of doing yoga but find standard yoga too placid for your tastes, you'll be pleased to know there are more vigorous yoga routines that will satisfy the more active and athletic person. Here's a look at Ashtanga Yoga and Power Yoga.

Ashtanga Yoga translates as the eight limbs of yoga and dates back to the seminal work on the topic the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. However the version taught and practiced nowadays consists of a standard Hatha yoga routine that features an intense vinyasa session.

Vinyasa means a flowing sequence of asanas (postures) done in one movement. It's an especially dynamic form of practice in which the breath plays an important role. Each movement is linked to a corresponding inhalation or exhalation.

An example of vinyasa is the routine known as Suriya Namaskar or Salute to the Sun, a sequence of standing poses traditionally done on awakening each morning and providing a full body workout.

These vinyasa sessions are particularly useful for practitioners looking to lose weight. They provide a good cardiovascular workout and can revitalize your body.

Power was developed in the 1990s to cater for athletic types looking for yoga routines which were physically demanding.

While Ashtanga Yoga is rooted in ancient traditions, Power Yoga is a modern invention though itself based on Ashtanga Yoga though with a Western twist.Like Ashtanga Yoga it involves sequences of asanas but with far more flexibility in the routine. Each power yoga guru develops his own set of postures. It's essentially a yoga that can be practiced in a gym with flexibility and strength as the main objectives.

If you're attracted to power yoga, you should bear in mind that you need to be fit before joining a class.

So if you're an athletic type who's attracted to yoga or just looking for a routine to build up strength and endurance along with flexibility, these two forms of yoga could be just what you're looking for.

The right yog! a gear i s essential for proper practice. If you like to travel and do yoga check out: Travel Yoga Mats and Yoga Mat Bags

About the Author

Brett McDonald is an avid traveler and yoga practitioner.

Passport to Prana


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3 Reasons Why Yoga is for Everyone

Posted: 13 Feb 2012 12:00 PM PST

by wovox

Article by Jamie Senic

By now you have probably realized that yoga is a very popular activity and form of exercise. But have YOU ever considered doing yoga? Maybe you haven't for a varity of reasons. The truth is that many of the reasons people don't do yoga as based on myths. Hopefully this article will clear up some myths about yoga and you might start taking yoga classes too! Myth 1: Yoga is Only For Young PeopleYoga is enjoyed by people of all ages. This great form of exercise is enjoyed by people of all ages. Small children can enjoy creative yoga classes where they transform there bodies along with instructions from a story. Older people 50+ with consistent practice can perform all the same postures as a a younger person. They may not be able to bend over backwards but they can still bend back and it will be good for them!Myth 2:c Yoga is Only for Fit PeopleThe only reason this myth exists is because of how well yoga works. Within weeks of going to yoga classes 3-4 time a week people start to see results. Those who go consistently are some of the best looking, healthy, in shape people you will ever meet! Those who start doing yoga but are not very flexible can be assisted with the help of yoga blocks and straps to help them in the poses. Another iimportant thing to realize about doing yoga is that all the poses can be done to varying degrees. Its not important to do the poses perfectly. You get all the benefits of the postures simply by TRYING! Yoga is all about effort. When you make an effort you get results. End of story, end of myth.Myth 3: Yoga is Only for Spiritual People or HippiesPeople from all walks of life do yoga and while it has a spiritual background and was designed to help people with spiritual purposes it has since evolved and changed to suit the attitudes, beliefs and lifestyles of everyone. For those who don't know, yoga was oringinally "designed" to help people keep in shape while meditating. You can't expect to sit still all day everyday and live for a long time! People need e! xercise and fitness!Further more,most all of yogas "spiritual" teachings come from inside. Its a personal experience. Some people might use yoga to feel more calm which helps them focus on their spirituality, others may feel like being committed to their health enhances their commitment to their spirituality. Yoga is very scientific too, its not hard to see the medical and health benefits yoga brings to people. So feel free to analyze and deconstruct to your inner scientists hearts content!We have just learned that almost anyone can do yoga. The young and old can both do the postures and enjoy the exercise. People of all sizes and shapes participate and see amazing results. Finally, all kinds of beliefs work inside the yoga construct. So, hopefully now you have a few less reasons not to start to enjoy the benifits of this wonderful acitivity yourself today!

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Guidelines For Doing Yoga

Posted: 13 Feb 2012 11:00 AM PST

Article by Amelia Sherman

Yoga is a fabulous approach to keep fit. In case you had always thought of beginning yoga and didn't know where to commence, you can follow the following suggestions :

Tip 1: Choose a type of yoga that you want to practiceYoga is not only a sequence of stretches and bends for diverse parts of the body. Yoga is made up of many alternative varieties. There is a different variety for different body and personality types. You should find about the variety that is acceptable for you.

Tip 2: Locate a Yoga Class in Your NeighbourhoodIf you are new to yoga, you would certainly not be well versed with different yoga postures and asanas. It is for this reason that you would need help initially when learning. You can get this help from an expert who will keep an eye on you as you progress learning yoga. You can look for yoga classes nearby your place. Yoga classes not just fetch you the services of an expert but also help keep your motivation levels high.

Tip 3: Make a list of the things that you needModern yoga makes use of certain props. You may require these props as you practice yoga. You can make an enquiry about the various props or accessories that you would need to practice yoga from your instructor. Put these accessories together in the shape of a handy kit that you

Tip four : Prepare yourself for thorough physical trainingYoga would not be as easy a set of exercise as it may seem. Though it may look like an odd stretching and twisting of different body parts, in reality it is a stretching of the different muscles inside the body. Hence, if you haven't moved a single muscle of your body for quite a long time the first few days would be difficult to get through. Soreness and pain in the body would be a typical situation. Bear it but do not stop coming to yoga classes. The pain and stiffness would gradually subside.

Tip five : how to tackle the situation in case you aren't able to find a yoga instructor?You don't need to be too concerned in case you don't find a yoga in! structor in your area. There are a range of instructional DVDs on yoga available in the market. Choose any of them. Understand the yoga instructions properly from these DVDs and then try them out.

Tip 6 : What to do and what not

Do's * In case you aren't sure, ensure that you consult your teacher.* in order to familiarise yourself with various yoga postures, follow what others are doing in the yoga class.* Never wear tight fitting clothes. Instead, opt for clothes that offer flexibility.

Don'ts :* Don't eat and fill your stomach prior to a yoga session.* You should drink water only before and after the yoga session. Avoid drinking water during the yoga session.

About the Author

To know more about Yoga Posses and Yoga Accessories visit: http://www.yoga-trainer.com/

Yoga Blocks

Posted: 13 Feb 2012 10:00 AM PST

Article by Brett Pullen

It is essential in the art of practicing yoga to use a yoga block. Yoga blocks are for allowing more comfort during practice and all the while straightening and lengthening your back. Yoga blocks are not only for novices and inflexible people. Yoga blocks are great even for more experienced people practicing yoga because they will know more positions and meditation techniques for their yoga brick. Some very extreme and difficult yoga poses require a block as an arm extension.

Lets now cover all the way you can put your trusty yoga block to good use. Yoga blocks are great for balancing and at times act as an arm extension during poses on one foot. Full Moon Pose is a great pose where you can use your block. Although ardha chandrasana pose (Full Moon Pose) does not require a block, it can help build confidence when your trying to improve. Yoga is a great exercise for improving core strength

Some people need a yoga block during meditation. Their hips are often so inflexible that their legs can not properly lay flat while sitting cross legged. By using a block underneath your seat it allows your hips to lay more comfortably and preventing your back from aching. The extra few inches underneath your body makes it much more comfortable. People usually claim that the yoga block allows them to sit for longer periods of time maximize their yoga workout. Good poses with a yoga block are easy pose, hero pose, and spread leg forward fold. Mediation is great for clearing your mind and if a yoga block can assist that effort than why not use one.

Everyone who does yoga needs a yoga block so make that the first yoga accessory you buy. Yoga blocks are great for gaging and increasing your overall flexibility. Try using your yoga block to help perfect the sun salutation pose. First put the block in between your thighs and flex inward and upward lifting the yoga block just slightly while tightening your core and trying to lengthen your back. Yoga teachers often use a yoga block to show their stud! ents how to do a proper sun salutation.

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Shri Krishna - Episode 3 - UTV Devotional

Shri Krishna Episode 3 - UTV Devotional The epic TV serial 'Shri Krishna' sings the glory of Lord Krishna and is based on 'Shrimad Bhagwat Mahapuran'The life of Shri Krishna is not a simple subject since his life-span is spread across the endless ocean of immortality and eternity. Shri Krishna Bhakti (worship) is embedded in the soul of India since millions of years and HIS image has been nourished by innumerable generations of the common man since immemorial. Shri Krishna as an incarnation of Lord Vishnu and Shri Krishna never hides this fact right from his birth. He announces it at every step. Even before his appearance as a just-born child, he shows his godly form to his Mother Devaki in the prison of evil king Kans. As a baby he kills demon queen Putana. As a child in cradle he kills the whirlwind demon Trinavat with a stroke of His tiny feet. As a boy he shows his foster mother Yashoda the entire Universe in his open mouth. Further he lifts the Govardhan Mountain on a single finger, over power's the great Kaliya Nag. And then kills the Tyrant King Kans -- the invincible. As a teenager, Shri Krishna and his consort Radha perform the Maha Raas -- the celestial dance of the cosmos -- an allegorical representation of the final union of the Lord with the soul. As a man Shri Krishna is the unrivalled warrior, participating in the battle of Kurukshetra, here he profound the universal eternal truths through the teachings of Gita. Subscribe now and watch the Legend of Shree ...

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Benefits of Yoga For Maintaining Body Fitness

Posted: 13 Feb 2012 09:00 AM PST

Article by Roberto Sedycias

Yoga has begun to be considered as one of the greatest boons upon mankind. It is a very old practice, and still has millions of followers spread out across the whole wide world. The reason is very simple. People feel that yoga and body fitness work in tune with each other. A daily dose of yoga can work wonders for the diseased body and for the troubled mind as well. There is nothing so good as a session of meditation, which can help ease out the stiffness of the body and the mind. Even if your body does not suffer from any kind of acute illnesses, it is still worth finding out how yoga and body fitness work in tandem.

Let us take a quick look at the several reasons which make yoga so appealing:

1. All day our mind suffers stress and tension, be it personal or professional. Yoga helps in clearing out all the clutter from our mind and makes it absolutely clear and calm, ready to take on any challenge!

2. Yoga can help tons to people who are nervous or are vulnerable to panic attacks. It simplifies breathing and restores normalcy in the body.

3. Obesity is a problem faced by many. Over weight people can resort to yoga and see how body fitness is not a faraway dream. It steadily burns excess calories from the body and helps you to regain the lost stamina required for various exercises.

4. Yoga can lead to having a better diet and food habits. One, who regularly performs yoga, can gradually learn to self control his/her diet and thereby have a fit body.

5. Our body acts as a machine to the various challenges or tasks that it faces each day. It needs a certain tonic which can rejuvenate it before the onset of a strenuous day, and yoga has all the qualities in it to become an energy boosting tonic for the body. In short, yoga and body fitness, are in a way essential for people who need to thrive in a competitive world.

6. To view yoga`s importance from a much broader angle, it can well be said that it helps purify the soul. It supports a person in achieving cont! entment and peace within this materialistic world.

Yoga literally means fusion - it is a fusion of our body and mind achieved through various postures. It is just a regular exercise which needs focus on our part. Yoga does not take up much time, but requires immense devotion while doing it. Many of us fail to understand the fact that performing yoga and body fitness are interconnected, but it is true.

A fit body and mind can recognize the worth of a devoted session of yoga done regularly. The results begin to show very soon but that does not mean that yoga should be discontinued after the problems disappear. It should be viewed as a habit which needs to inculcate within. If performed daily, our body shall remain prepared to face any disease/challenge. Both, yoga and body fitness should be every person`s lifelong partner.

However there are some first time precautions which need to be taken care of before venturing into yoga. These precautions are very important, if you consider yoga and body fitness to be perpetual: Make sure that you have no injury before starting the yoga sessions; Preferably, Yoga should be done with empty stomach; Perform the yoga postures barefoot. It yields best results and prevents slipping; Do stop whenever you feel nauseous.

About the Author

You can have access to articles about health in portuguese language from page Beauty_Health Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for Polomercantil

The Yoga Cure: How to Rid Yourself of Stress, Pounds, Toxins, Cholesterol and Cravings

Posted: 13 Feb 2012 08:00 AM PST

Article by Melody Biggar

Yoga curbs stress, sheds pounds, eliminates toxins, lowers cholesterol and reduces cravings.

Yoga is one of the most holistic exercises there is, focusing on the trinity of mind, body, and spirit. Countless benefits include easing anxiety, improving coordination, strength, and posture, and aids in weight-loss because it combines deep breathing, relaxing meditation, and limbering poses.

Breathe Deeply, Burn FatWhen you breathe deeply and consciously - instead of taking short, shallow breaths - you not only feel more relaxed, you burn more calories. Studies have shown that regular deep breathing burns up to 140% more calories than riding a stationary bike!

To lose the unwanted pounds quickly, try Bikram yoga, which is a mix of low-key twisting poses and cardio exercises performed in a room where the temperature has been raised higher than 100 degrees, making you sweat out those harmful toxins; or Ashtanga Yoga, which combines complex yoga poses with deep breathing techniques.

These twisting poses stimulate your internal organs, which in turn boosts your metabolism, helping you to lose weight. And since Bikram yoga is practiced in such high temperatures, when your body sweats out toxins you then lose weight. Yoga also reduces stress hormones and increases insulin sensitivity, so your body kicks into fat-burning mode and burns food as fuel rather than storing it as fat.

Doing even one session of yoga will help tighten your muscles and improve your posture, making you look and feel five pounds leaner. The more often you practice yoga, the more patience and self control you learn. As you become more disciplined, you become better able to ignore cravings for unhealthy food, which is a key component of any effective weight loss program.

Inverted Yoga-Decreased CholesterolYou can control your cholesterol and blood pressure by doing yoga and eating plant-based foods. When you practice inverted yoga poses, including the the crane pose, the plough pose, and the headstand! , your l egs and abdomen are higher than your heart, which allows blood to flow throughout your body and increases your circulation. Inverted yoga poses not only improve your cardiovascular health, they stimulate your brain and glandular system, and relieve pressure on your abdominal organs.

Another type of yoga, known as integrative yoga therapy, is sometimes used to alleviate certain medical conditions, including asthma, clinical depression, insomnia, back pain, arthritis and multiple sclerosis.

Karmic Benefits of YogaWhile yoga has many amazing physical benefits, it can also be good for your soul. One of the main tenants of yoga is ahimsa, a Sanskrit term meaning to do no harm to any living being. At the end of each yoga practice the partipant bow to each other and say "Namaste," which means "The light within me honors the light within you."

There's virtually no limit to what yoga can do for your body and your spirit. You are never too out of shape to take up yoga. As Bikram Choudhury, the founder of Bikram yoga says "Never too late, never too old, never too bad and never too sick to do this yoga and start from scratch again.". If you've been struggling to lose weight, eat healthily, and improve your strength, posture, and flexibility, fitting yoga into your lifestyle is a wise and healthy choice.

About the Author

Melody Biggar is a writer for Holistic Voice- your online guide to living a natural, organic and healthy lifestyle.

For more health and beauty tips visit http://www.holisticvoice.org

For holistic weight-loss secrets and get a free weight-loss e-course visit http://www.naturalsexyskinny.com.

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