Now there is an effective holistic techniques to remove your tinnitus for good within a-few months!

Now there is an effective holistic techniques to remove your tinnitus for good within a-few months!

Now there is an effective holistic techniques to remove your tinnitus for good within a-few months!

Posted: 04 Feb 2012 11:00 PM PST

Article by Jason Flores

According to this ear noise expert, his Tinnitus Miracle EBook offers you the answers you've been waiting for several years. And if you are looking for the cure for a person's tinnitus without drugs, procedure, and sound masking treatment plans then you've just found what you're seeking. According to Thomas Coleman, this holistic approach to tinnitus is crucial for anyone to avoid the condition for only 2 months. It is probably the most amazing tinnitus relief you'll ever run into with and it just costs online. This Tinnitus Miracle EBook is packed with the best 5 natural tinnitus cures that doctors perhaps even experts won't tell most people. According to the journalist, the discovery of such treatments is accidental. And here he wants to let everyone who's troubled with tinnitus learn what she or he did to cure the condition. Tinnitus Miracle: What can You Expect From Thomas Coleman's EBook? The goal of this specific Tinnitus Miracle EBook is to provide you with a holistic solution on your tinnitus problem without needing to go through different ways, screenings and even medications that a number of doctors prescribe and inform you to do. The Tinnitus Miracle is asked not only help you actually eliminate and resolve ringing in ears within 2 months; it also aims to help you out feel a reduction of this symptoms within 7 weeks. Once you've learned learn how to treat your tinnitus, Thomas Coleman assures ears ringing sufferers that his method can even help reduce and correct associated symptoms like dizziness, troubles, sleep disturbances, depression, pain and mild hearing the loss. You can also imagine from Tinnitus Miracle to feel don't just immediate relief from your condition but you will also notice a significant reduction over the occurrences of ringing, buzzing, pulsating and even roaring sounds as part of your ear which often interrupts your daily routine. In this Tinnitus Miracle EBook you will then see the connection of numerous methods and treatments for you to tinnitu! s. How t hese methods can help you or worsen the affliction, according to Coleman is extremely important in tinnitus relief. Without your is crucial the connection of treatments to tinnitus you'll always fail in treating the disorder. To avoid this, Coleman explains overcome the problem by applying natural methods that quite work. What makes Ears ringing Miracle work? Aside from countless recommendations from different tinnitus sufferers to prove the potency of Coleman's method, this Tinnitus Miracle EBook is not going to contain conventional or normal ways and methods on how to cure tinnitus. It focuses on what you really are enduring and help you discover your real problem to be able to eventually cure tinnitus. The usual method to tinnitus is by resolving the symptom since it is and according in order to Thomas Coleman, this kind of method simply doesn't work. Instead he found a holistic answer to help relieve the concern after 14 years of troubled with tinnitus himself. Thomas Coleman involved herself with thorough research and study to find out the real cure regarding tinnitus without resorting for you to drugs, many different activities and even surgery. And if you think you're ready to eliminate yourself of tinnitus and it is symptoms, you might just have every one of the answers you need on Coleman's Tinnitus Miracle Ebook. Are There Any Unwanted side effects?

About the Author

Thanks for your time for reading my guide. As a former ringing ears sufferer, I can personally attest to Tinnitus Miracle System. For more informtion for the miracle system, please go here:tinnitus miracle , tinnitus miracle relief, <a href="

Interview of Doctors whos diet Bill Clinton used that changed his life.

Interview of Doctors/Authors Cardiologist Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn Jr. -"PREVENT AND REVERSE HEART DISEASE" and Dr. Dean Ornish - "SPECTRUM" . President Bill Clinton started their diet for his Heart problem and lost 24 lbs, gained lots of energy and changed his life. These MD's adds to the belief in the Holistic nutrition world of how much you can improve you health with dicipline and changing your diet in the correct non-orthodox way.

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Aromatherapy Acessory Information

Posted: 04 Feb 2012 10:00 PM PST

Article by Alicia Stock

Simple Meditation Techniques : Confusing Meditation With Other Practices

There are many popular misconceptions about meditation. Not confusing meditation with other practices with tips from a registered hatha yoga instructor in this free yoga video. Expert: Elizabeth Rose Bio: Elizabeth Rose is a registered Hatha yoga teacher with a background in modern dance, gymnastics, martial arts, and circus arts. Filmmaker: randy primm

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How to Get into Aromatherapy

Posted: 04 Feb 2012 09:00 PM PST

Article by Liani Widjaja

Aromatherapy has become the alternative medicine of choice as it has that calming effect on our bodies and mind which is much needed in the hectic lifestyles we follow these days. The advantages of aromatherapy lies in the fact that the oils and scents used are pure and natural, and so its results are longer lasting and less damaging to the body. Aromatherapy also gives a sense of well being and good health. The knowledge and use of Aromatherapy is an ideal skill to acquire these days as people are realizing that being close to the natural is most satisfying. The use of Aromatherapy will ensure a healthy life for your family and dear ones.Essential oils can be used in many ways to deliver their therapeutic effect, such as:Aromatherapy Oil Burner Aromatherapy oil burner worked by heating a few drop of essential oils in a water bowl set above a tea light candle. Aromatherapy oil burner is the easiest way to benefit from essential oil's scent and mild therapeutic effect. You also can try a simple blend to go with an oil burner. As a starter, It's a good investment.Electric Oil DiffuserAn Electric Oil Diffuser will allow you the ability to create many fantastic scents and expand them into the air that is throughout your home. There are many types of electric oil diffuser you can choose today. It's the most effective and easiest way to disperse essential oils in the air. It's recommended for emotional and mental health as well as for diseases effecting the lung, blood and the brain. Electric Oil diffuser can break down the oils into separate molecules to make easier for the aroma to be inhaled. And once you switch it on, it will last for couple hours.Inhalation. A Steam inhalation is commonly associated with treating respiratory illness such as colds and flu. Add about 10 drops of eucalyptus, peppermint or pine essential oils into a bowl of hot water, then lean over the bowl and cover your head with towel for about tne minutes as you inhale. This treatment is good when you having colds. Aromatherapy A! ir Fresh ener If you want to quickly purify and freshen the air in your home, or in your office, make an aromatherapy air freshener. Fill a spray bottle with distilled water. Add 5-10 drops of the essential oil of your choice for each ounce of water. Shake well and use it to spray around the room as often as you need it. Remember to shake well before each new spray. Aromatic bathingBathing can be a pleasurable, highly relaxing experience and adding essential oils to your bathwater increases the benefits tenfold. Start by adding 6 drops of essential oils or blend into the bath water. The scents of essential oils fill the room with delightful fragrances, while essential oils enter the skin pores and relax tired muscles.

About the Author

Liani Widjaja has written a number of articles on aromatherapy. For more information on liani visit Aromatherapy-at-Home

# 143 - *Soft Spoken* Lush Massage Bar Relaxation

Hey guys :) In this role-play style video, I will be going over various LUSH massage bars, describing to you each in detail, then will give you a very gentle and relaxing back, arms and neck massage. We will end the video with the relaxing sounds of water flowing and dripping, hopefully allowing you to relax further and fall asleep. Thank you to everybody who requested this video. Hope you enjoy! :) x Download mp3: I'm on facebook! Add me at Image credits: Disclaimer: I do not receive any products or monetary gain from LUSH and have made this video for your enjoyment only.

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Release The Healing Capability of Your Body Using Reiki Energy Techniques

Posted: 04 Feb 2012 08:00 PM PST

Article by Michael Moore

People are so accustomed with Reiki massage, and maybe have come to consider of it as one distinct process. In reality, they are two different therapies, but a lot of times a massage therapist will merge the two approaches. Reiki implies, universal life force, and that actually talks about the very basis and importance of what it is exactly about. Actually, the same identical elements that can be observed in Eastern martial arts and also yoga are also essential in Reiki. Yoga is heavily influenced by the belief of the seven chakras, or energy centers, and those are essential with Reiki massage therapy, too. The basis for health with this and various other therapies and treatments is based on the healthy movement of life sustaining energy in the body.

What Reiki therapy does is lead to complete calm and peace throughout the body so tension is released. So it is easy to recognize why Reiki is often coupled with massage therapy so the chakras can become more open and healthy. The thinking is that your body is able to heal by itself, but that's only feasible when you can stay relaxed. It is real that your body will heal and keep a high level of strong health. It is useful to grasp that a balanced state of being is critical to health in every Eastern methods including Reiki. We desire to live in a balanced way, and our internal energies have to also maintain this balance.

Western medicine has long acknowledged the role of too much tension and the inability to deal with it as precursors to many illnesses. The way Reiki and other related practitioners think is that the mind and body are not balanced together with the lifestyle. Naturally you will find many external aspects such as bad eating and other poor choices that only worsen the condition. Reiki and massage are typically employed to bring the body into a more relaxed state. The technique is to use this massage in specific locations so the stress can be eradicated.

If you learn Reiki and acupuncture theory, then you will learn a f! ew thing s in common. They each consider the healthy state of our energy as incredibly important to health. Whenever a disease state arises, or even an emotional or psychological problem, then it is a result of the disruption of this energy flow. In this situation we are not in balance with energy and life, and then the threat exists to become ill or have complications. It is instructive to consider the ways that many people feel in negative terms. There are far too many items to cover such as anxiety, fanatical thoughts, being angry for any cause, low self worth plus quite a few more.

The ability of combining Reiki energy restorative healing and body massage is usually very beneficial for many people. Just as with so many additional forms of alternative healing, a man or woman should include an open mind about the approach. However lots of people recognize that other nationalities have long depended on these kinds of methods not seen in the West until not too long ago. Reiki therapeutic massage presents a strategic solution which suggests you should apply it on-going in your overall pursuit of well being.

About the Author

Michael's websites: Gulf Airways, Horaire SNCF, International Freight Forwarding Companies and IRTC Railway Enquiry.

Appreciating the Significance of Taking Spiritual Trips

Posted: 04 Feb 2012 07:00 PM PST

Article by Barney Diestel

Let's Challenge Game Guy - Round 11: Spoiled Rotten

Today's Challenge: Beat the first five bosses as Fridge Kirby without healing. -TheDragon928 This is the same thing I've already done but with a silly twist. Let's do it again! :D ----------------------------- Previous Episode: Next Episode: Playlist: Twitter: Forum:

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Helpful Info Holistic Cure For Ovarian Cysts

Posted: 04 Feb 2012 06:00 PM PST

by kipbot

Article by perrysharron

Are you concerned about the effects that your conventional heartburn medication may be having on your health? If you are then this article provides an insight into how heartburn natural remedies for can offer an alternative healthier option and more effective option.acid and reflux affects millions of Americans. Many of these people turn to over the counter remedies that give temporary relief. Find out about natural acid and reflux remedies that can actually heal you.

Commonly referred to as GERD or acid and reflux gastroesophageal reflux disease is an uncomfortable condition where the liquid that is in a person's stomach backs up or 'refluxes' into the esophagus. Causing inflammation and damage to the esophagus lining in some patients this can range from mild and uncomfortable to a very serious problem. Since this liquid is filled with both pepsin and acid and even bile the reflux can cause pain and burning sensations.

Have you been suffering for a long time from GERD? You might wonder what we're talking about! GERD stands for 'gastro esophageal reflux disorder.' We frequently refer to it as 'acid and reflux' or heartburn.

Amazing all-natural heartburn breakthrough permanently eliminates acid reflux without drugs or over the counters. Stop wasting money on pills potions and other worthless quick fix cures… Learn the truth about acid reflux once and for all and finally get the heartburn freedom you deserve:

Click Here End Heartburn >>

Heartburn is caused when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) which is located between the esophagus and stomach is weakened or opens inappropriately. This allows acid and other stomach contents back into the esophagus causing irritation.

If you are looking for a natural relief for acid and reflux you might have realized that using natural way to treat an ailment is probably the best way out. You will not have to bear all those side effects of the medicines. In addition using natural way can save you money and time! . The ti me that you have to spend waiting for the doctor can be long. In this article you can learn how to use natural methods to alleviate your heartburn.

The symptoms of heartburn are widely known by many sufferers as chronic pain in the chest discomfort a burning sensation in the chest bloating and more. The medication that is available today will only cure the symptom and not the cause. In every disease there is always a root cause to a problem.

The world is moving at such a pace that money speed and power are the only things that are valued. Health has taken a backseat and perhaps this is the prime reason why even the rarest of the rare diseases have become common epidemics.

Holistic means whole. It involves treating the entire organism not just the affected area or worse just the symptoms. Any really effective natural remedy for heartburn has to address the whole body and not just the affected area. For heartburn the affected area is the esophagus. Unlike the regular allopathic approach holistic treatments go on to work on the entire digestive system. Finally to be truly holistic the whole body must be addressed including the mind and emotions.

About the Author

Jeff Martin - certified nutritionist and former heartburn sufferer teaches you his acid reflux freedom step by step success system jam-packed with a valuable information on how to naturally and permanently eliminate your heartburn from the ROOT and achieve LASTING freedom from digestive disorders.

Click Here End Heartburn >>

While lifestyle habits can worsen your heartburn symptoms and increase the number of heartburn episodes heartburn is a medical condition with biological causes.

A Simple Guide to the Benefits of Aromatherapy

Posted: 04 Feb 2012 05:00 PM PST

Article by Duncan Bain

Homemade Rosemary Hot Oil Treatment

Rosemary is used in aromatherapy to enhance the senses and boost memory. This rosemary hot oil treatment is great for hair, and the ingredients are just a step away in your kitchen pantry. For more info, check out the article: Watch More How To Videos on our YouTube Channel: Watch More How To Videos on Connect with on Facebook Follow Video on Twitter:

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Intervention Services at Holistic Drug Rehab

Posted: 04 Feb 2012 04:00 PM PST

Article by Holisticdrugrehab

Canada has seen some very severe cases involving drug abuse and addiction. Alcohol is not the sole reason for concern. Drug abuse has also increased at a rate, which is pretty alarming. In the past few years this rate has dropped, but still the average rate of addiction is on the higher side.

Some of the recent surveys and reports carried out for this purpose indicate a rise in arrests due to sale and manufacturing of drugs. Some of the other reasons for arrest were also pretty worrying and they include possession of drugs, crimes related to alcohol and drugs and lots more. These reports show that the situation is pretty bad, and you need to be careful to have a better tomorrow.

It is the responsibility of the patient's family members to convince him/her to cooperate for treatment. If they don't succeed, they can seek help from experts and trained professionals at the rehab centers who use advanced methodology to convince them and make life easier for them.

Intervention is that process where an experienced counselor talks to the patient and convinces him for treatment. The prime objective of intervention is to help the patient come out of his/her denial mode and accept rehabilitation. The holistic drug rehab takes special concern of individuals trying to cause destruction to their own self. This destruction is mainly caused by coming under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

The process of intervention can be extremely delicate. This is the reason that holistic drug rehab trusts only experienced and professional individuals to intervene with the patient and reap the best solutions. This process seems to be simple, but it is not as easy as it seems.

The process of intervention can be extremely risky and it carries a risk of leading the patient into such a circumstance that he/she feels rejection and get anxious and agitated. Such circumstances can be easily avoided with the support of loved ones and family members. The emotions and feelings of addicts during interve! ntion ca n be very well handled by able and experienced professionals.

Once the stage or procedure of intervention is over, the treatment process at the rehab treatment centers commences. Drug treatment Canada takes special concern in the patients needs and creates a personalized treatment plan to get away from their addiction. It includes detoxification, counseling sessions, behavioral therapy, life skills coaching, educational sessions and aftercare program.

Get yourself enrolled in the holistic drug rehab and get your life back before you lose it forever. Make your family members happy by choosing the healthier way of life rather than that of an addict.

About the Author

LDR Holistic Addiction Wellness Center offers professional alcohol and drug rehabilitation Canada services. Their holistic drug rehab treatment includes counselling, supportive coaching, mentoring, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and life skills development etc. In this rehab treatment centre, patients get best drug rehab facilities

Beauty Tips - Aromatherapy Comes In Different Forms

Posted: 04 Feb 2012 03:00 PM PST

Article by Debrah Dragon

Aroma therapy is based upon the principle that scents and smells trigger our body's immune system that strengthens it in order to combat illnesses. Originally practiced in India this relatively new from of treatment in the west is fast gaining popularity because of its ease and ecstasy it provides along with treating illnesses. It in principle defeats the age old saying of "no pain no gain", because it is absolutely painless and rater the reverse.

Have you ever felt calmed by a sweet aroma, or had a nice smell send you on a walk down memory lane? Then you've already experienced some of the benefits of aromatherapy. Essential oils can be a powerful weapon in the battle for your physical and psychological well-being. And you don't have to get an expensive massage at a spa to enjoy them. Used properly, aromatherapy can help sooth your mind as well as your body, putting you on your way to a happier, healthier lifestyle, in the comfort of your own home.

Aromatherapy can be practiced in a number of ways. One of the simplest and most convenient ways to enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy is through the use of aromatherapy candles or diffusers. Essential oil diffusers gently heat the oil of your choice, diluted with water, in a small dish, evaporating the oil into the air to help clear your respiratory system, and calm your mind. Aromatherapy candles, when made with pure essential oils, give you the same benefits with no fuss or hassle.For a more intensive and relaxing treatment, take an essential oil bath. You can either purchase bath oil beads, allowing them to disintegrate in warm bathwater, or pour the essential oil of your choice into the running water, stirring thoroughly before entering. An aromatherapy bath can help relieve aching, tired muscles while still invigorating your respiratory system and calming your nerves. Simply soak, breathe deeply, and enjoy.

Another method of relief is an aromatherapy massage. You don't need an appointment with a professional to take full advantag! e of you r essential oil's healing powers. Applying your oils directly to your skin to achieve a result similar to the aromatherapy bath. Simply massage the oils into a sore muscle or aching joint, and allow the oils to penetrate your skin, soothing the affected area.

Aroma therapy is a great way to relieve yourself from muscular pain, flue and colds. It begins to work almost instantaneously for most kinds of illnesses and would just require a few sessions to recover completely. This form of therapy is a great way to relax and is specially useful to people who work high pressure jobs, such as doctors, bankers, stock brokers etc.

Though they can all be used in these manners, different essential oils possess different restorative properties and functions, from everything to relieving headaches and depression to helping you sleep, so do a little research before choosing your oils. For instance, black pepper is known for its ability to lessen aches and pain, while eucalyptus is frequently used to clear congestion during illness. If you know what affect you're looking for in your essential oil, it will be easier to find the right one for you, and when you find the right one for you, it's easier to enjoy life in general. Try aromatherapy- your body deserves it.

About the Author

Debrah Dragon Debrah Dragon is a writer for Beauty Items, a website about everything beauty-related - hair salons, beauty tips, etc. Debrah is also a featured author at

A Guide to Lavender : Lavender Uses

The uses of lavender include decoration, culinary and aromatherapy. Discover the different uses of lavender with tips from a lavender farmer in this free video on growing herbs. Expert: Sarah Bader Contact: Bio: Sarah Bader started Lavender at Stonegate, a lavender farm, with a love of lavender and a lot of determination. Filmmaker: Demand Media

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What Types Of Aromatherapy Oils Are There?

Posted: 04 Feb 2012 02:00 PM PST

Article by Tom Dahne

Organic essential oils play a significant role in aromatherapy. There is a wide variety of aromatherapy oils that are used to help you relax, relieve any pain or stress, and contribute to a number of different health benefits.

Aromatherapy essential oils are concentrated aromatic liquids that are extracted from a wide variety of aromatic plant material through the simple process of distillation. As you might expect, there is a plethora of plants used to extract aromatic liquids from in order to create different aromas. Each scent can have a different affect on the body.

Some of the oils you may find include basil essential oil, clary sage, rosemary, peppermint and thyme. In addition to plants, aromatherapy essential oils can also be extracted from various seeds. Some of the oils that can come from seeds include angelica, coriander, black pepper and cardamom.

From there, you will find that fruits and flowers have a tremendous affect on the body during aromatherapy. Fruits like lemons, mandarin, grapefruit and lime produce some great essential oils that will do wonders during this process.

Trees produce a number of different items that can be used for aromatherapy massage oils and regular essential oil. The bark itself includes cedarwood, sandalwood, camphor and cinnamon. Once you get past the bark, you will find that leaves and twigs of a tea tree produce great oil as well. Eucalyptus, Melissa and petitgrain have been known to bee extremely beneficial during aromatherapy.

Each plant contains a percentage of essential oils and this is how you determine the amount of plant material that needs to be distilled to create a specified amount of essential oils. As you may expect, the amount of plant material that is needed will dictate the price for each essential oil you pay for.

The last thing to look at with the different types of aromatherapy oils is the quality. The quality of oils will depend on the geographical and botanical source, the prevailing climate, the! time of harvesting and the standards of local farming. You can learn a lot about the quality based off of these factors.

Essential oils have a huge impact on the overall process of aromatherapy. You can find perfume essential oil, aromatherapy massage oils, and basic organic essential oils to benefit your health. With a wide variety of plants to extract essential oils from, more and more information is being identified about this alternative medicine. There is no wonder why this is casually becoming an extremely popular form of alternative medicine.

About the Author

Read more about how Aromatherapy can help improve your health and wellness, Just visit our site now.

Tom Dahne is also the owner of the very popular Link Directory that invites webmasters to submit their sites for review and inclusion for free in Link Directory, visit

How to Make a Warming Abdomen Pack for Fertility

Learn how to make a warming abdomen pack for fertility. Warming abdomen packs are a great alternative to hot water bottles & heating pads for castor oil packs. Warming abdomen packs are beneficial for reducing PMS, menstrual cramps, promoting circulation and healing of the reproductive organs, bringing heat to a cold uterus and relaxing the uterus. Links for this video: Castor Oil Packs: Aromatherapy: *****Natural Fertility Resources***** *Natural Fertility Information & Guides *The Fertility Cleanse http *The Fertility Shop *Self Fertility Massage http *Natural Fertility Community *21 Day Fertility Diet Challenge http *Fertility Consultation When the world says, "Give up," Hope whispers, "Try it one more time." ~Author Unknown

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Quartz Beads In Their most Cherished Forms

Posted: 04 Feb 2012 01:00 PM PST

Article by Davis Hopper

Quartz is one of the most commonly found mineral on earth. It falls under the category of semiprecious gemstones. These gemstones indicate a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale and are considered suitable for jewelry making and many other purposes. Apart from being used in jewelry making quartz beads are used in making watches, radios, and in numerous mechanical devices as oscillators.quartz beads are known for their intriguing color patterns. However, it would be astonishing to note that quartz, in its natural form, is a colorless mineral stone that gains its color from impurities present in it. Some of the most popular forms of quartzbeads are rose quartz, aventurine, milky quartz, smoky quartz, amethyst, amtrine, citrine, onyx, agate, tiger's eye and rutilated quartz. Out of all these types of quartz gemstones the smoky quartz beads and pink rose quatz beads are the most popular.

Smokey Quartz BeadsSmokey quartz beads are the macrocrystalline forms of the quartz mineral. These gems are most commonly found in the Quartz veins where they form their rock cavities. Due to this reason these gems are also known as vugs. They are found in various shades of grey and brown where the brown color of these smoky quartz mineral stones many seems to be as light and pale as being almost transparent and as dark and gloomy as to appear as black. Their unique color schems has earned them the name of Champagne on Ice. Smokey quartz beads have been recognized as the national gemstone for Scotland. A large smokey quartz gem rests on top of their national scepter.

Pink Rose QuartzBeadsRose quartz is a pink colored quartz gemstone. The presence of various impurities such as manganese, titanium or iron provides the rose quartz gems their beautiful rose pink hue which can range from a pastel shade of pink to a deep red color. However, the reason for all such impurities to create a pink color is not yet understood completely. Gemologists assume that it is because of the impurities that these gems are red in col! or but t here are many other views surrounding the subject.Pink rose quartzbeads are a popular accessory to cure diseases with the process of crystal healing. Also popularly known as love stones, pink rose quartz beads are believed to possess powers that encourage feelings of love and passion. Besides these pink rose quartz gems are also known for their soothing and calming effects.

About the Author

For more information about smoky quartz beads , quartz beads and rose quartz beads , please visit

Orgonite Inventor - How to Make Orgonite

Visit for a catalog of chi generators. Visit http for a free transfer test of chi energy by email Visit for more from karl hans welz Karl Hans Welz, inventor of Orgonite, gives a step by step tutorial on how to make orgonite. If you've ever wondered how to make orgonite and you want to hear it straight from the inventor himself, this orgonite tutorial is for you. Orgonite tutorial - how to make orgonite In the video, I am telling you how to make orgonite --- and you can compare this very simple orgonite tutorial with other options and other instructions of how to make this orgone accumulating material. Set up the usual mixing equipment and the mixing ration is roughly 40% metal the finer the better with 60% of organic material such as epoxy. And now something funny Actually, an acquaintance of mine channeled that crystals on the hood of a car will produce 50% more horsepower, and if there is no crystal, then the nano-quantum-atoms of the burning gas will rotate in uncontrollable directions however, it turned out that she could not channel the actual structure of this more than 100 years old technical equipment, namely the 4-stroke engine, and, when confronted with this, some excuses about this being irrelevant and the like came into existence reminds me a bit of some alternative healers who do not know how many bones there are in a human wrist. Since alternative healing is the only healing which I am accepting for myself, I am staying away ...

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Aromatherapy For Depression - Does it Really Work?

Posted: 04 Feb 2012 12:00 PM PST

Article by Kyley Zimmerman

Get naturopathic degree at the premier holistic medicine school

Posted: 04 Feb 2012 11:00 AM PST

Article by Amit

Naturopathic medicine is among the alternative methods of treatments, which involves the blending and use of a number of alternative ways of healing which are easier and effective ways apart from the allopathic treatment, which sometimes bring side effects and is very complex. This is the reason why many students are looking for taking degree courses in naturopathic schools available online. With the high demand of alternative medicines and naturopathy treatment, the need for online naturopathic degree has been increased and more of the students are enrolling into it.

For naturopathic degree, the students need quality training in the fields of study like herbal medicine, acupuncture, Ayurvedic medicine, clinical nutrition, homeopathy, counseling and even psychology. If you select varied options of different types of alternative medicines there are more ways of obtaining the degrees you need to care for your patients more effectively.To become a traditional naturopath, the student must attain graduate level degree from a renowned online naturopathic school. Along with that the student must attain the holistic and non-invasive health approaches for disease prevention and wellness optimization. There can be several online schools as a good option for you but before enrolling into it you must take a little pain to investigate the background and the quality of the alternative medicine schools you are planning to join.

Apart from the broad curriculum, you must ensure that the alternative medicine schools available online are renowned institutions. This is very essential for two reasons. Firstly, you will find it much easier to secure credentials. Secondly, the quality of instruction at these schools is often higher to meet the requirements of the recognition.

In addition to the holistic medicine schools, student may also enroll for the online educational programs that offer training for various health certifications. Currently some accredited natural medicine schools offer radiated! educati onal programs online that include clinical training, degree and non-degree programs. But there are also good options for the students who desire to learn only naturopathy which is a non degree program option and which includes an overview of medicinal plants, introduction to homeopathy, hydrotherapy, and theories in relation to naturopathic medicine.

Paying tuition fees for the online holistic medicine schools is an essential thing and for some of the students it is sometimes a great burden. That is why, like other higher institutes of learning, many naturopathic schools have many access to programs that may promise to settle up the amount of fee structure which is associated with the online educational process. While looking out for the best online natural medicine schools you can also enquire about the institute that can provide financial aids.

Therefore, a proper school with excellent online degree programs with apposite accreditation and a number of financial aid options can prove to be the best online naturopathy school for you.

About the Author

Indian Board of Alternative Medicines, a Government registered and internationally recognized naturopathic school offers career oriented naturopathic degree through correspondence and distance learning mode. To get information about alternative medicine schools, colleges or programs, visit

Find Your Love. How Do We Know If The Age Of Aquarius Will Be A Utopia or Orwellian Nightmare?

Posted: 04 Feb 2012 10:00 AM PST

Article by Matthew McClifford

Find Your Love. Open and Balance Your Heart Chakra and Find Your Soul Mate.

One way we can ensure a utopia is to find a spiritual practise that is simple. When I am coaching and I ask clients "what do you really want" most times they say a soul mate. So the goal becomes to find your love. It`s a rather paradoxical love, in order to find the utopia they seek first they have to find it within and then give it away. This news does not always make me very popular, but those willing to stay with it do find incredible rewards.

Falling in love is intoxicating. Breathless Giddy Blissful. In love is a beautiful state to be in.

You want to find your love, to find your soul mate, the love of your life. Well congratulations, you just did, it`s you, you are the one you have been waiting for. Romantic love is wonderful but imagine something more vast than romantic love, a love that grows deeper, more passionate, more exciting as time passes. Universal love or unconditional love is the blossom of all spiritual practises and is the prize of a disciplined mind. Find your love and you find the secret to real happiness.

So here is the start of a find your love practise that you must do consistently if you really want to find your love. When your Heart Chakra is open and balanced you will

- Find your love and fall in love with yourself.- You will attract others to you like a magnet.- Your will experience immense creativity.- Your heart will create abundance and the law of attraction will make sense.- Health and harmony will be second nature to you.

The Keys to opening The Heart Chakra.

1. Meditation

The heart Chakra is symbolised by the colour green. Meditation is your first step in opening this chakra. Meditation will quieten the stories that run in your mind that keep your heart closed, and being in nature will take you deeper into yourself, your only true source of love. Or simply visualise the colour green, collect beautiful green objects, paint with green, and w! ear gree n and get very creative with the colour gree. Fall in love with symbols and let them guide you. Find your love by getting still and quiet.

2. Get A Professional To Help You.

I once was offered a crystal healing session and although deeply cynical about it, I actually found it really relaxing and quite beautiful. Find a practitioner or study yourself.

3. Find a role model

Spend as much time as you can with people who are very loving, warm hearted and gentle. Observe how they don't want anything from you but just seem to find everything they need with themselves.

In the words of Mother Teresa, "A joyful heart is the inevitable result of a heart burning with love."

About the Author

Carol Finlayson, certified Tony Robbins Coach and Author of "Turn On The Lights" a self help book taking you from fear to living a life beyond your wildest dreams. Visit her website at:

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Explore the magnificent science of crystals with Dr.Anoop Agarwal in Crystals aur hum and learn how crystals can change your life.Dr agarwal with the help of your horoscope will let you know what type of crystal is best suited for you and what kind of impact it will have in your life. These gemstones can help us discover our inner selves and spirit. Subscribe to get daily updates on useful tips and tricks at

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The Garnet Jewellery And Gemstones History

Posted: 04 Feb 2012 09:00 AM PST

Article by John S Stewart

Garnet Jewellery, such as Garnet Rings, Garnet Pendants and Garnet Earrings, are used for 2nd anniversary gifts, and also for those who are born in January. They have been respected for offering truth and faith, and the light they transmit was believed to show the path to safety for Noah and his Ark.

The Garnet Poem

"By her who is this month was born

No gem save garnets shall be worn

They will ensure her constancy

True friendship and fidelity."


Garnets range in colour from deep reds to bright oranges and lime greens. Different types of Garnet include Almandite, Andradite, Cachemirine, Grape, Grossular, Imperial, Malaya, Mandarin, Mozambique, Pyrope, Rhodolite, Spessartine and Umbalite. Garnets can be found under the conditions of intense heat, such as areas of volcanic eruptions. Scientists can calculate the amount of heat that a certain rock has endured by studying garnets from that area.

Garnet History through Time

The Garnet has always had many stories attached throughout the ages.

Garnets were once mistaken for rubies, and have always been associated with the ability to keep away evil spirits and evil thoughts. Various Royal families have loved them, from Russian Czars to Mary Queen of Scots, and also Queen Victoria. The Crusading Knights of St.John were thought to have been given them by loved ones to ensure they are kept safe in battle and that they would return home un-harmed. A local rebellion by Indian Kashmir tribes was fought with them using bullets made of garnet because they would cause greater harm to the English enemy.

Greek Times:

Garnet jewellery, and more specifically a type of signet ring set with these stones, was first found in Greece around 400 years BC. These people were probably the first to use this stone in jewellery. They have also been recognized for providing the modern day classification for the family of garnets.

Egyptian Times:

Garnet ! had been found as early as 3100 B.C. throughout Egypt, and that it adorned amulets and talismans popularly during those times. Garnets were famously buried within the tombs of the dead Pharaohs, so that there mystical and magical light would guide them through the underworld after death.


According to the Old Testament of the bible, Noah's Ark and all his animals were shown the way by the magical lights offered by garnets. Also in the bible, the High Priest Aaron had a breastplate made for him in 1200 BC by Moses that included 12 garnets in it. This idea and form was passed to Moses by God when he spent the 40 days and nights in the wilderness. In the year 1300 BC garnet was chosen to represent one of the 12 tribes of Israel, this was known as Judah, one of Jacobs sons. These latter facts also probably meant that the garnet was originally chosen to be one of the twelve monthly birthstones, and has remained ever since. King Solomon and his army famously wore these gemstone when going into battle. They were supposed to give them great protection.

Middle Ages/Medieval Times:

During these times the garnet was used for spiritual and crystal healing, and many other astrological processes, as well as thought being able to prevent persons from poisoning, poisonous animals, and it was believed to be able to cure blood diseases and other infections. Many garnets were found in so called "medicinal huts", similar to Doctors surgeries of today, for use in treating human problems.

Many thanks for finding the time to read my short article on the garnet gem...,

About the Author

John S Stewart suggests visiting Globe Jewellery, and with 30 years experience, he recommends the very best range of Garnet Rings and other amazing Garnet Jewellery, are available to view now!

Alan Roubik - Thought

Alan Roubik was a child protégé, having played his organ keyboard by ear at the age of 3. By 9 years of age, Alan performed his own compositions as well as classical and ragtime music in numerous talent shows, competitions and fundraising events. At the age of 16, Alan sustained severe damage to the Ulnar nerve in his right arm, making it nearly impossible to move his fingers. Not only immobility, but tremendous pain prevented Alan from competing. He could no longer hold a fork or spoon in his right hand. Doctors suggested surgery, but Alan refused. He was determined to continue playing the piano, and he began to focus on creating compositions that suited his limited hand movements. Unbeknownst to Alan, he had been utilizing one form of music therapy that would eventually strengthen his hand and allow him full mobility to perform again. Ironically, Alan would later become most well known for his music therapy recordings. Over a period of nearly ten years since his accident, Alan had developed enough strength in his right hand to compose and perform more complex music. In fact, by 1992, Alan had plenty of original songs and the courage and confidence to produce his own record, entitled "Promises". The popularity of this recording lead to the production of the music video "Promises", which was an instant hit on such programs as MTV, Star TV Asia and MOR Music. Consequently, Alan is the only independent American recording artist to have his video featured on MTV, Star TV and ...

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Make Your Body Heal Itself Utilizing Reiki and Massage Treatments

Posted: 04 Feb 2012 08:00 AM PST

by inju

Article by Michael Moore

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The Revelation Law Firm Works as a Holistic Law Firm

Posted: 04 Feb 2012 07:00 AM PST

Article by BrianLinnekens

The Revelation Law Firm is well known for being a legal firm that works with handling a number of cases that relate to harassment. These include sexual and race harassment cases. However, the Revelation Law Firm works with more than just helping to cover the legal aspects of a case. It also works to help handle the emotional considerations that can come with any legal case.

When Melanie Popper founded the Revelation Law Firm she did so with the understanding that a person who is emotionally stable and under control can have an easier time with handling a legal case. However, it can be tough for people to do this when it comes to harassment or discrimination. The emotional impacts of harassment are often more severe than the financial impacts that come with it.

Therefore, Melanie Popper formed this firm as a holistic law firm. This is one that works to help handle the legal aspects of a case and to help support the mental needs of a client in this difficult time. The firm works with services from experienced social worker Yolonda Young-Armstrong to help clients with improving their lives to ensure that they can feel more positive about themselves and their cases.

The holistic support that the Revelation Law Firm offers involves an eight week course that deals with supporting and healing the mind. The My Revelation for Litigants course works to teach people about somatic arts to help them feel empowered and to overcome the anxieties and fears that come with harassment.

Young-Armstrong also handles four to six different sessions of counseling with all clients. This works with social worker processes and vocational activities to help empower a client. In many cases this even works in a law case by helping to prove the suffering that a person has dealt with as a result of harassment.

Melanie Popper uses this valuable point in the Revelation Law Firm as a means of protecting clients with more than just finances or justice in mind. Sometimes being empowered and feeling more! positiv e about the self can be more important than getting justice.

Therefore, a fully holistic approach will be used at the Revelation Law Firm to help give a client a better chance at getting one's life back. It is critical for any client to receive not only legal help but also support to help improve one's life even after harassment.

About the Author

Hi My self Brian Linnekens from USA, Los angeles.i love to write article about Global Innovation Development.holistic law firm

Reiki Massage Treatment To Promote Natural Wellness and Healing

Posted: 04 Feb 2012 06:00 AM PST

by inju

Article by Eva Rose

Often times you will see Reiki therapeutic massage which will normally make you think they are similar. In reality, they are two different therapies, but many times a massage therapist will combine the two approaches. The translation of Reiki is, universal life force energy, and that can offer a clue about what this approach is really all about. You need to understand that this healing process is based on important concepts that are present in yoga in addition to other Eastern philosophies. For example, the seven chakras, or energy centers, are associated with Reiki massage and restorative healing. Reiki is also comparable to the way acupuncture uses because in both it is the presence and unimpeded energy routes in our body that creates optimum health.

What is of major importance with Reiki is becoming free of the destructive effects of stress on the body. That is one explanation you will often see massage therapy used in combination with Reiki healing principles concerning the body's energy centers, or chakras. When the body is adequately relaxed and can effectively manage everyday stress, then that will lead to a greater ability to heal itself. It is no mystery that a healthy body is efficient at defending itself and developing a healthful and strong condition of being. One important principle of Reiki healing consists of the concept of reaching balance. We have to live in a balanced way, and our internal energies need to also maintain this balance.

Western medicine has long recognized the role of an excessive amount of pressure and the failure to deal with it as precursors to many health problems. Many Eastern health professionals will look at many of these scenarios as having a state of imbalance. So many Western people add to this imbalanced predicament with the entire lifestyle they pick. So it is extremely important in Reiki massage treatment to achieve an overall higher state of peacefulness . and calmness. The usage of this massage in extremely targeted places in the body wil! l help t he tension and anxiety to be done away with.

We wish to talk about Reiki together with acupuncture because there are important comparisons. Each of the two systems are related to encouraging the flow of life force, of energy, in the body. Any time a disease state happens, or even an emotional or psychological issue, then it is a result of the disruption of this energy flow. We are susceptible to illness, disease or emotional disorders depending on where the energy restriction is taking place. Just think of all the different negative types of thinking and belief that individuals may have. Some examples are worrying, self harm due to a negative lifesyle, chronic anger, excessive fears, poor self esteem, and the list continues.

The strength of combining Reiki energy restorative healing plus body massage can be very helpful for many people. Just as with so many other forms of alternative healing, a man or woman should possess an open mind about the approach. But it is fascinating to note that Reiki massage has grown to be widely accepted in Western countries. If you desire to experience the most impressive effects of Reiki massage, then you should use it on a long term time frame.

About the Author

Eva's websites: Caribbean Cruises 2013, Caribbean Cruises 2014, Caribbean Cruises 2015 and Cruises From Galveston.

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Aromatherapy - Seeing Through The Hype

Posted: 04 Feb 2012 05:00 AM PST

Article by Krystal Bennion

Years before, when something was really phenomenal, the quickest way to get the word around will be to talk about it. And you can only be able to say that one thing has been talked about much because people really do talk about it and not just because other people want people to talk. In modern times though, with the onslaught of technology and media, companies can create hypes for their products. Even before they do send out their products to the market, people will already know about what it is and what it is all about because of ads and commercials that bombard us daily. And that is one question that people are asking about aromatherapy. Is it really all a hype?Well, see, aromatherapy has been around for years and years and more years. In fact, ancient civilizations have already been practicing it. The only thing that was missing back then was that they did not have a name for it just yet. Anyhow, aromatherapy is not simply just a hype. People really do care about aromatherapy and there are reasons why people are going for this. Tons and tons of people are now being more conscious about their health. This is because of the high amount of garbage and toxins that are around us. And with that, some want to live healthier and longer lives and the best way to do that would be through practicing aromatherapy which helps the body release any bad vibes in it. That is one of the reasons for people talking a lot about aromatherapy. Another reasons is that people are now given the chance to easily find information on the things that they need or are interested in. Now because more and more people are becoming conscious about their health, they do tend to go find pieces of information that will tell them the ways on how to prolong their lives. Now people who have tried out aromatherapy have surely talked about it online as well. And that is how people find out about the whole practice and start to do it as well. Aromatherapy does not necessarily need you to purchase some of the most expensive equipment to! be able to practice such. See, you can simply purchase all natural candles with essential oils or aromatherapy candles. Just light them up and you are off to a good aromatherapy session.

About the Author

Krystal loves writing and writes about anything.

Using Holistic Methods For Stress Reduction

Posted: 04 Feb 2012 04:00 AM PST

Article by Kaylee Murphy

Unless you take the steps to lower your stress, it has the potential to overwhelm you and even take over additional areas of your life. Work stress can rapidly affect your relationships by having your kids, your partner, and can easily also lead you to seek out unhealthy techniques of self-medicating. These unhealthy techniques might include searching out unhealthy treats, and even smoking or drinking.

The great news is that there are multiple great holistic methods that you could include into your day-to-day routine in order to help you effectively manage and reduce your stress levels.

Therapeutic massage is just one of the exceptional holistic healing options that you can utilize as a healthy and balanced option for stress reduction.

The Advantages Of Therapeutic Massage

Who doesn't love a massage! While a massage definitely feels great, it also has incredibly positive health and wellness perks that include the following.

• Increases the flexibility of your joints

• Infuses the vital organs with oxygen and essential nutrients; increasing the circulation

• Enhances your immune system with the stimulation of the lymphatic system

• Relax, soften, and rejuvenate your tired and injured muscles

• Reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety

• Reduce and relieve the discomfort and misery that migraines bring with them

You genuinely can not deny the advantages of therapeutic massage. Some may consider a massage to be a form of pampering and as a result something that isn't really required; however, when it comes to the reduction of stress, a little bit of self-pampering can easily go a long way towards enhancing all areas of your life-- and isn't that well-worth it?

Furthermore, massage therapy can easily prove to be a hugely beneficial element of your healthcare routine for a number of reasons beyond stress relief, including for pain management.

Think of Stress As A Disease

When you think of stress as being closel! y akin t o a disease, the benefits of therapeutic massage turn into a lot more important! Professionals state that close to 90 % of diseases facing us all are related to our levels of stress. After all, absolutely nothing can age us quicker, both in and out, than high levels of stress can.

Taking steps to lower the overwhelm felt from work duties, personal relationships, and general stress and anxiety from the sheer amount of tension we all feel, can easily help you to manage your stress.

Therapeutic massage can play such an important function in treating your stress; whether you think of it as pampering or as a luxury, enhancing your wellness is truly worth the time taken for a massage.

If a medication could do the following, wouldn't you be eager to invest in it?

• Reduce your anxiety

• Improve your quality of sleep

• Increase your levels of energy

• Improve your concentration

• Increase your circulation

• Lower your overall fatigue

If you could prevent the side-effects of medication and use| all-natural holistic techniques of accomplishing the above, wouldn't that also grab your interest?

Therapeutic massage can absolutely help you to lessen your stress in a healthy and non-invasive manner; leaving you refreshed with a sharper sense of clarity about all of the stressful situations you are enduring.

About the Author

Kaylee Murphy is a psychotherapist who helps people manage and reduce stress inorder to have more joy, freedom and better health. To get her free ebook so you can learn easy and clever stress reduction techniques visit her website today =====>

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Make Your Body Treat Itself Using Reiki and Massage Solutions

Posted: 04 Feb 2012 03:00 AM PST

Article by Michael Moore

Frequently you will see Reiki massage which will logically make you think they are similar. But what has happened is people who apply massage have included Reiki into their treatment. The translation of Reiki is actually, universal life force energy, and that can offer a clue about what this strategy is really all about. In fact, the same identical elements that can be found in Eastern martial arts and even yoga are also vital in Reiki. For example, the seven chakras, or energy centers, are involved with Reiki massage and healing. Just like with acupuncture, it is the endless flow of energy in our bodies that results in health and a robust mind and body.

What is of principal importance with Reiki is getting free of the harmful effects of stress on the body. So it is easy to understand why Reiki is often joined with massage therapy so the chakras can be more open and healthy. When the body is adequately relaxed and can effectively manage everyday stress, then that will result in a greater ability to heal itself. It is correct that your body will repair and keep a high level of strong health. It is helpful to know that a balanced state of being is critical to health in every Eastern methods together with Reiki. We desire to live in a balanced manner, and our internal energies need to also maintain this balance.

We all realize that the root causes of a lot of complications points back to stress that is not managed successfully. Many Eastern health professionals will observe many of these circumstances as having a state of imbalance. Of course other habits may worsen these unbalanced states such as poor diet and using unhealthy substances. The intention of Reiki massage is to help the person to achieve increased relaxation. The technique is to use this massage in unique locations so the stress can be removed.

There is an intriguing parallel involving these Reiki concepts and acupuncture. They each think about the healthy condition of our energy as incredibly important to health. Als! o, both of these areas are influenced by the notion that physical and psychological problems occur due to a blockage or restriction of the natural motion of our life force, or energy, inside our bodies. In this situation we are not in equilibrium with energy and life, and then the risk exists to become ill or have difficulties. Just think of all the numerous negative forms of thinking and belief that individuals may have. Some instances are worrying, self harm due to a negative lifesyle, chronic anger, excessive fears, poor self esteem, and the list goes on.

It is the strong focus placed on getting rid of stress and tension through massage and Reiki therapies that allows it to work so well. But we should point out that, of course, you will need to be willing to think about the concepts of this overall all natural approach. However very many people understand that other nationalities have long depended on these kinds of techniques not seen in the West until lately. Reiki therapeutic massage is all about a strategic approach which suggests you should do it on-going in your overall pursuit of well being.

About the Author

Michael's websites: Norwegian Airlines, RakAirways, RexAirlines and Round the World Flights.

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The History Of Garnet Jewellery And Garnet Gemstones

Posted: 04 Feb 2012 02:00 AM PST

Article by John S Stewart

The family of Garnet Jewellery, including Garnet Earrings, Garnet Rings and Garnet Pendants, throughout history have been a symbol of faith and truth. Noah used them to guide his Ark and animals to safety. It is January's birthstone and the celebration gift for second anniversaries.

Poem for Garnet

"By her who is this month was born

No gem save garnets shall be worn

They will ensure her constancy

True friendship and fidelity."

The various types of garnet gemstone available are known as Almandite, Andradite, Cachemirine, Grape, Grossular, Imperial, Malaya, Mandarin, Mozambique, Pyrope, Rhodolite, Spessartine and Umbalite, and range in colour from rich red to bright orange and even lime green. Researchers can calculate where exactly specific examples are mined, from due to the amount of heat that a stone has endured, after volcanic eruption has taken place in that area.

The Garnet History Though Time

Throughout all history, the family of garnet gemstones have been steeped in so much mystery and legends.

Due to the red colour they have been many times wrongly been called ruby. The Knights of St.John were known to be presented these as gifts by their families in the hope that they would provide protection to them while away from home if they wore them, and bring them back safe without harm. They have been loved and wanted by many Royalties including, Russian Czars, Mary Queen of Scotland, and Queen Victoria of England. While at war with the English, the Indian Kashmir people once attacked with bullets that were made of this gem, in the hope they would kill more of the enemy.

The Greek History:

Jewellery made form this gem was first thought to be made around 400BC in Greece, were specific examples of a type of signet ring with this stone set have been found. They have adorned garnets ever since and can be thanked for setting up the family classification of this stone also.

The Egyptian History:

Ga! rnets an d garnet jewellery was buried in tombs of Pharaohs, so as to guide them with their mystical lights through the underworld after their death. They were found in various types of jewellery throughout Egypt from as far back as approximately 3120 BC.

The Bible:

Around 1200 years BC, the Bible states that Moses was asked by God during his 40 days and nights spent in the wilderness, to manufacture a breast plate for the High Priest Aaron, and he did so with the addition of 12 garnet stones. In the year 1300 BC, twelve stones were chosen to represent all the tribes of Israel, with one of them being this gem for the tribe of Judah, who was one of the sons of Jacob. Noah was thought to have utilised their magical and mystical lights to show the way to safety for his Ark and the animals it was carrying. King Solomon and his fighting men were believed to have worn these gems during battle to provide them with safety and victory. It was also chosen to be one of the gems that would celebrate the birth months.

Middle Ages and Mediaeval:

Most disease and infections of the blood and circulatory system, were thought to be able to be treated by the use of this gemstone. It was used to prevent bites from any poisonous animal, and also to treat poisons it already encountered. For these reasons most medicine people of the day, similar to todays Doctor, would carry them around in case these treatments and cures were needed. This stone was also used in crystal healing and other astrological and spiritual beliefs of the day.


Many of the beliefs and functions that have been attributed to this gemstone, have been and still are used by many people up to present times. many different forms and designs of jewellery have been set with this gem, with some very ornate and spectacular examples that originated from the Victorian's and Edwardian's, still available and poplar today.

I hope you found this article interesting, and I sincerely thank you for reading it. ! 3;

About the Author

John S Stewart suggests visiting Globe Jewellery, and with 30 years experience, he recommends the very best range of Garnet Rings and other amazing Garnet Jewellery, are available to view now!

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Wildflower Healing facial demo - To bring you inner calm and outer beauty, our nurturing starts from the inside with the ancient healing of native Australian wildflowers, and on the outside with certified organic herbals and high performance anti-ageing actives - the result is beautiful, radiant stress free skin - naturally !

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Learn What Aromatherapy Diffusers Are and Where You Can go to Purchase Them

Posted: 04 Feb 2012 01:00 AM PST

Article by Jenny Plonker

Aromatherapy is a great option for people who are looking for a more natural and safe form of treatment. Aromatherapy is used for a variety of purposes, and has been used to treat everything from a regular cold or flu to serious and specific health disorders. Aromatherapy is also often used to help relieve insomnia and alleviate the symptoms associated with Alzheimer`s Disease.

There are many different tools and products that can be implemented in the practice of aromatherapy, one in particular being the aromatherapy diffusers. These aromatherapy diffusers are used to help you get the most of your essential oils, by dispersing the molecules into the air. As a result, this enables the body to use them as you breathe in the wonderful and delightful aromas.

Choosing a Diffuser

The problem lies in how you actually choose a diffuser, because there are literally hundreds of different aromatherapy diffusers available on the market these days. First know that there are a few different types of aromatherapy diffusers for you to choose from. There are personal nasal inhalers, which can be used for emotional needs, energizing, calming and uplifting purposes.

There are also tea light diffusers, and these are usually the types of diffusers that beginners will turn to. They are very small and very easy to use, and also affordable which makes them accessible to the average consumer.

Where to Shop

There are many options available to you in terms of where you can purchase these diffusers from, the Serenity Healthy Company being one in particular. They are a well respected company focused on the practice of aromatherapy, one that provides consumers with hundreds of stress free and relaxation products. They want to help you, the customer, find products that are going to help calm and relax you and bring serenity into your life.

Keep in mind that once you have used one of these aromatherapy diffusers for an extended period of time, your sense of smell will begin to beco! me accus tomed to the smell of the essential oils and then after a period of time you may not be able to really smell them at all anymore. You will still be benefitting from the oils although you may not think so, and if you want to smell the oils again the best way is to leave the room for about an hour or so and then return.

About the Author

For more information on this and other aromatherapy treatments visit the aromatherapy soy candles now.

Alopecia Aromatherapy Recipe for Promoting Hair Growth

Posted: 04 Feb 2012 12:00 AM PST

Article by Jenny Plonker

One of the first things a person is likely to notice about you is your hair and if you have a condition like alopecia, you just might rather hide behind a hat or scarf instead. Alopecia is a condition in which your hair falls out and there is no rhyme or reason as to why it happens. There are many remedies to be found on the internet and even drugstores but you might want to try an alternative treatment such as the use of an alopecia aromatherapy recipe.

Hair Loss Issues

Hair loss can result from a number of health conditions such as hormone imbalances, lack of proper nutrition, lack of proper hair care and even stress. These conditions, when not resulting in alopecia, are often treated with essential oils used in aromatherapy. Therefore, it stands to reason that an alopecia aromatherapy recipe could be created to directly combat the result of the stress, hormone imbalance or lack of proper nutrition.

Essential oils have special properties which have been used for thousands of years to treat common ailments which are why many people believe in the healing power of a real alopecia aromatherapy recipe. Stress is often calmed with chamomile, clary sage and ylang ylang so it stands to reason that is would work well in the hair care recipe. Thyme and rosemary are calming and therefore may work well in an alopecia aromatherapy recipe, particularly if one of the problems is hormone imbalances.

Mixing It Up

When it is time to mix up your alopecia aromatherapy recipe, you cannot use any essential oils directly onto your scalp. Rather, you must blend them with carrier oil as most essential oils should not be used straight onto skin. A few carrier oils that would work wonders with any essential oils are coconut oil, almond oil or even olive oil.

Most alopecia aromatherapy recipes should be mixed in a container which could serve also as the applicator like a spray or squeeze bottle. This allows for less mess as well as a way to apply the aromatherapy treatment directly on! to the s calp without making a mess. Besides, you have to be careful when mixing and applying the essential oil mixtures as it can stain clothing and certain surfaces.

Starting with a your bottle dispenser, pour about two ounces of the carrier oil of your choice along with 5 drops of ylang ylang, thyme and rosemary. With two drops of lavender, thyme, chamomile, cedar wood and clay sage, your alopecia aromatherapy recipe is complete. The next step is to thoroughly mix the different essential oils together with the carrier oil and then test it on an inconspicuous spot on your skin to ensure no major breakouts occur.

The best way to use your alopecia aromatherapy recipe is to massage a few drops onto your scalp which will likely stimulate the hair roots and hopefully kick start new hair growth. Because there are quite a few essential oils in the world, you should research a few others to see what their medicinal properties are and whether they would work.

About the Author

For more information on this and other alopecia aromatherapy treatments visit the aromatherapy soy candles now.

141 - How To Make Rose Scented Lip Balm, The End!

Blog: The video was way too long so it has been cut into 3 segments. These flowers and herbs etc are great for oil infusions: Aloe Chamomile Feverfew Lavender Mullein Marigold Rose Passion Flower Geranium Lemon Balm Peppermint Rosemary and Sage! You can buy oils from wholefoods stores or aromatherapy stores, but make sure you ask if they are safe to use on skin, especially the lips and if they can be ingested (by acciendental licking...). If your not sure simply make the oil and dab a little on the surface of your skin and wait for 48 hours to check for any allergic reactions. Be safe! And Shine! BB x

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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