Yoga and Menopause - Yoga Postures for Menopause Relief
Yoga and Menopause - Yoga Postures for Menopause Relief |
- Yoga and Menopause - Yoga Postures for Menopause Relief
- Enjoy a Yoga Retreat in Mexico
- Yoga Positions to Keep your Mind and Body Healthy
- Yoga: Meditation and exercise
- Hatha Yoga Poses - Turn Yourself Hot
- Help Kids Practice Yoga with Spirit Voyage Yoga Books
- Getting started with Yoga
- Learn Yoga Free By Registering on Various Websites Online
- Yoga Exercises for Beginners
- Prasara Yoga FAQ - Answers To Your Frequently Asked Questions
- How Yoga Can Help You
- Yoga - Emerging new treatment for Weight Loss
- Shopping For A Yoga Mat
- Benefit of Yoga Part I
- ADHD: (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) And Yoga
- How Hot is a Bikram Yoga Workout?
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- Dont Lose Time, Learn Yoga Online Now!
- What is Yoga?
Yoga and Menopause - Yoga Postures for Menopause Relief Posted: 12 Feb 2012 07:00 AM PST Article by Raphael Wettenstein Yoga helps women for a number of diseases and disorders. 'Menopause' is one of the numerous problems that Yoga benefits women with. Menopause - This is a natural biological process that can occur in women during their ages of 40 and 60. This natural condition brings physical, mental and hormonal changes in women. There are many visible symptoms of menopause that may not occur in many women. These are hot flashes, vaginal dryness, mood swings, sex drive changes, backaches and more. At least, 55 to 65 percent of women experience these symptoms. Yoga and Menopause - Yoga benefits women for menopause through various ways. In this condition, the production of estrogen and progesterone is decreased by the ovaries. The pituitary gland automatically senses the low production and thus it triggers more production and that finally results in an imbalance in the body. The hormone fluctuation starts six years prior to the end of menstrual periods and it continues till one year after the last stage. Post this stage, a much lower hormone production is stabilized. Now, Yoga can help women effectively for this problem. It eases the pain and other symptoms of this condition. There is a close relation between Yoga and menopause. The Yoga postures for menopause stretches and relaxes your muscles and increases the oxygenation of the cells and it also improves the blood circulation. Yoga evens out the mental instability related to menopause. The Yoga menopause poses works for the common problem of Insomnia. The yoga restorative poses work effectively for this and they help by encouraging a restful state. Yoga works for fatigue too. Supported back bends postures alleviate this problem. They help open the chest and the heart. Mood Swings create a lot of problems. Yoga takes care of this problem as well. It controls mood swings and depression efficiently. With improved circulation and respiration, the postures for menopause expand the chest and alleviate the differen! t proble ms. As menopause occurs after midlife, there are obviously many problems at this age. Yoga addresses all the different age related issues effectively like bone strength, cardiovascular health etc-etc. Yoga also works for stress reduction that helps a lot. It helps a woman keep their mind and body in a perfect balance. It helps women deal with the mental and physical burdens by giving a control over their mind and body and it helps them control their actions. When a woman has full control over their mind in this condition, it helps them keep track of their emotions and consciousness and it ultimately prevents mistakes that they can otherwise make during this period. The Yoga postures for menopause helps women with menopause effectively and it controls the hormonal imbalances in their body. The different symptoms caused due to the imbalance in the body can be easily controlled through Yoga. It controls the symptoms and helps women relax and stay cool. Yoga Postures for Menopause - There are many postures for menopause. You can either practice them at a Yoga institute or at your own home. 1. Supported Lying Down Bound (Goddess Pose or Supta Baddha Konasana) - This is a very beneficial pose. It is practiced for replenishing energy reserves. 2. Supported Child's Pose (Adho Mukha Virasana) - This pose calm your mind and nerves and keeps the emotions in control. It helps lower the blood pressure. 3. Supported Downward Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana) - This yoga menopause inverts the internal organs and it works for increasing the blood flow to your brain. It works well for counteracting memory lapses. Here are many other benefits of this pose. This is one of the most effective postures for menopause. 4. Supported Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana) - This yoga menopause pose is restful for your heart It helps balancing the blood pressure and hormonal secretions in your body. It clams your mind and nervous system that benefits for mood swings! , hot fl ashes and headaches. There are many other Yoga postures for menopause like the 'Supported Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose', Viparita Karani pose, Savasana, Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, Sarvangasana and many others. Yoga and Menopause has a close relation. Yoga really works for this natural condition and control the pain and occurrence of other symptoms in this condition. About the AuthorThe author is a long tome researcher and a promoter in the fields of health and wellness. OM - Mantra chantThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Enjoy a Yoga Retreat in Mexico Posted: 12 Feb 2012 06:00 AM PST Article by David Morgan When you plan a yoga retreat in Mexico, you have several options. Either design your own shoestring yoga vacation, join an organized group, or visit a Mexico yoga retreat center. Because Mexico is within easy reach of the U.S. and Canada, it is not a new travel destination. However, yoga is more and more in demand amongst travelers, and the country has responded with plenty of options for yoga aficianados. Even in winter, most of Mexico has plenty of warm, cloudless days and comfortable evenings. Whether you want to stroll the streets of a colonial city, explore Mayan ruins, or simply relax on the beach, you can get away from the winter chill and unwind with a yoga vacation. Golf, snorkeling, whale watching, city tours, and jungle walks can keep you or your non-yogi travel partner occupied when you're not in a yoga class or workshop. Book a Mexico Yoga Retreat On Your Own Yoga retreat centers are popping up all over Mexico. There are retreats on the Baja California peninsula, in restored haciendas of the Central Highlands, and all along the Pacific coast. On the Caribbean coast of the Yucatan peninsula, there are retreat centers in the city of Izamal, where most buildings are painted a beautiful Vatican yellow. There are island retreats on Isla Holbox and Isla Mujeres, and beachside retreats on the Mayan Riviera from Cancun and Tulum all the way down to Lake Bacalar. These are locations you can visit almost any time of year by yourself, and many are close to airports with direct flights from the United States. Accommodations range from rustic to luxurious, and prices vary accordingly. You can count on delicious vegetarian meals as well as meat options. Prices range from to 0 or more per night. Do Yoga in Mexico with an Organized Group A popular way of doing yoga in Mexico is to join a group organized by a teacher or group back home. (You can also find any number advertised on Google.) In a group, transportation, accommodations, ! classes, and many meals are arranged for you. Airfare usually isn't included in the price of a group trip. Depending on the location, expect a week-long yoga retreat to cost 0 to ,000 and up. The advantage of joining a group is that you can simply mark your calendar, buy a flight, and the rest is taken care of, quite possibly by a yoga teacher whose classes you already know you will enjoy. Plan a Shoestring Mexico Yoga Retreat It doesn't take much to design your own yoga retreat. You simply need a place to practice, places to eat, and places to sleep. Many places have gardens or rooftops that would be the perfect places for your own practice, and some hostels and bed-and-breakfasts offer yoga on the daily menu. As yoga has become more popular among Mexico's middle class and expatriates, many communities now have yoga studios with daily classes, much like the yoga centers back home. Independent teachers also offer classes - sometimes by donation - on the beach, in a park, or at a local community center. A do-it-yourself retreat is the cheapest way to enjoy a yoga vacation, as lodging in Mexico can be as inexpensive as a night for a hut on the beach. You will also have the freedom to make your own itinerary, possibly staying at more than one location. It will take work, though, in finding your own meals, accommodation, transportation, and yoga studios. No matter which option you choose -- visit a yoga resort, join a yoga tour, or design your own Mexico yoga vacation -- your retreat in Mexico can be fun, relaxing, and memorable. About the AuthorPick up a copy of David Morgan's forthcoming Mexico yoga retreat guide to help you enjoy the best experience of yoga in Mexico. |
Yoga Positions to Keep your Mind and Body Healthy Posted: 12 Feb 2012 05:00 AM PST Article by Patresia Adams Yoga has its roots in ancient methodology of healing. It aims an establishing a soothing connection between your mind, body and soul. There are various yoga positions that offer distinctive health benefits to different parts of body such as brain, arms, legs, heart and spine. Yoga incorporates basically three healing techniques - breathing, meditation, and bodily movement. The physical focus of yoga is maintaining poses and positions with the proper alignment and posture. If you are novice and willing to learn yoga positions online that the good news is that there are numerous health portals offering online yoga classes through high definition video. These portals help you understand the basics of yoga positions and practice there regularly to achieve complete holistic health. You should be careful while learning yoga techniques because proper alignment and posture helps you take out complete health benefits out of various yoga positions. As you move further the positions will get more challenging and will help you to build your muscle tone and flexibility. You can practice seated yoga positions that are comparatively easy to follow. Seated positions generally based on correct breathing techniques, posture and alignment. Seated positions are an introductory way for beginners to acquaint themselves with the principles of yoga. There are numerous standing yoga positions to follow. These positions help people improve stamina, flexibility, and target correct spinal alignment whilst using correct breathing techniques. These yoga poses help strengthen and support the backbone and increase spinal flexibility. Supine yoga poses are proved to be very useful in treating back pain issues. It is also very important to find an expert who can guide you in learning yoga positions easily and comfortably. An expert can also teach you learn yoga poses tend to help tone your stomach muscles and enhancing your internal body strength. Divine Wellness is a leading name in online health porta! ls. Divi ne Wellness provides a platform where users and practitioners can meet and discuss about various yoga positions online. To know more about their online yoga positions and online yoga moves program visit Visit our website for more information on yoga positions, yoga positions online and Yoga. About the AuthorPatresia Adams is a healthcare consultant working with Divine Wellness. This interactive health and wellness portal offers Live online yoga classes through high-definition video conferencing. |
Posted: 12 Feb 2012 04:00 AM PST Article by Marisa Yoga is a traditional physical and mental exercise in the Indian origin. The same word is used in other religions such as Buddhism and Jainism in association with different physical exercises. Yoga is a word derived from the Sanskrit language meaning contemplation. A yoga practitioner or follower at a high level is called a Yogi. Yoga is an exercise which is divided into three different classes. These are hatha yoga, power yoga and bikram yoga. Hatha yoga is the most popular style of yoga being practiced by a majority of people throughout the world. Power yoga is an enhanced form of yoga including somewhat aerobic style. The third type is less used and its use is to increase detoxification by performing yoga in some heated room. Some more types of yoga are iyenger and ashtanga yoga designed for aerobic and conscious fitness person. Start yoga with stretching to warm up your body but make sure you don't eat for two hours before practice. Chose a simple pose like lotus pose for beginning. In this pose you have to put your feet on top of your thighs. If this is too difficult then get into half lotus pose in which you just have to put your legs in a cross and sit. Another easy pose is a peaceful pose. In this pose you just have to lie down and take deep breaths to make you calm. Other poses for stress-relieve and mind peace include the Cat and Cow pose in which you put knees on ground and curl head into your chest. Yoga is all about practice, so keep practicing until it gets fine. Regular practitioners have a certain special thing about them. They are mostly happy, active and remain healthy. This is the glow of yoga which is really beneficial for everyone, whether it is practitioner or someone around them. Their happiness and liveliness produces the same in people in their surroundings. To achieve the best out of yoga some simple steps and exercises can be done. These are some tips to give you an easy start without fatigue and a happy end. One accessory for your ease is ! a yoga s trip. A yoga strip helps you to get into the toughest positions of yoga quiet comfortably in which you require a lot of flexibility which unfortunately, you don't have. It can be used to connect both the arms together and in many other positions. Another accessory for ease in yoga is Bolsters. They are long pillows filled with cotton. The purpose of bolsters is to give a support to your tummy and back while you are practicing yoga. There are certain bolsters in different shapes which can help you get into pose that requires a lot of strength. They can also be used as a support for your knees while you rest. A number of verified courses in yoga are offered in different organizations which help you to keep yourself mentally and physically fit. Other than this some yoga courses are also offered on the internet. About the AuthorMarisa is the owner of the website href="">Yoga Toes and href="">Yoga Positions for Beginners Please visit the sites if you want to find out more. Lose Weight FastThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Hatha Yoga Poses - Turn Yourself Hot Posted: 12 Feb 2012 03:00 AM PST Article by Patresia Adams Everybody wants to look hot like Katrina Kaif, but have you ever thought how they achieved such a magnificent body. It required firmness and steadiness to practice certain exercises in order to get such a wonderful figure. Yoga has proved to one of the best techniques to maintain a healthy body. There are certain types of yoga poses which one can practice and hath yoga poses are one of them. What is Hatha Yoga? Hatha yoga is also known as Hatha Vidya. The word "Hatha" means forceful. This yoga technique is done for purification. Hatha yoga is meant to combine together sun energy with the moon energy, thus producing balance and immense power in an individual. It is the best yoga technique used worldwide and perfect for both beginners as well as experts. Hatha yoga poses are called Asanas or postures. These asanas are used in combination with mediation and different breathing techniques known as Pranayama. This combination helps people improve overall body strength and flexibility. Out of the eight limbs of yoga, Hatha focuses mostly on the third, which is Asansa, and the fourth, which is pranayama. These yoga poses and postures techniques combined with various breathing patterns are used to flush out body's energy channels, known as Nadis. This, in turn, removes hindrance that could restrict other limbs helping to improve your health. You can practice hatha yoga poses just like any other form of yoga. Just need to follow some basis steps that can help you perform this yoga technique to enjoy more relaxing, effective and easier experience. First, breathe naturally whether you are in normal position or in poses. Start with the easiest one and then gradually move to advanced poses. It will help you maintain correct posture during practice. Always remember that proper posture help you gain mental strengthness quickly and easily. Divine Wellness is a leading name in online health portals. Divine Wellness provides a platform where users and practitioners ca! n meet a nd discuss about various hatha yoga poses. To know more about their online yoga exercises and yoga postures for women visit Visit our website for more information on Yoga postures for women and Hatha yoga poses. About the AuthorPatresia Adams is a healthcare consultant working with Divine Wellness. This interactive health and wellness portal offers Live online yoga classes through high-definition video conferencing. |
Help Kids Practice Yoga with Spirit Voyage Yoga Books Posted: 12 Feb 2012 02:00 AM PST Article by Ayaz Khan The 5000 years old Vedic art, yoga has benefited aspirants, irrespective of all ages. Likewise, chilren are also blessed with the numerous benefits that are derived from yoga practice. With the passing time, yoga has become an integral part of children's life. Kids of this age, don't have much leisure time to play aimlessly or to relax in their own ways. Yoga gives these little hearts a fresh air to relax and rejoice. By practicing modified forms of pranayama, meditations, Kundalini yoga and various physical postures, kids can develop physical fitness as well as self and social awareness. But, it is the responsibility of the parents to help kids love yoga and practice it on a regular basis. Not by imposing it on them, but through various ways a parent can induce the interest. Play a good kids yoga DVD at home and let your child watch it. Surely they will be keen on doing such activities infront of their peer group. Reading interesting yoga books to your kids is also another great way of guiding them as children tend to do what they read in books. Spirit Voyage, an online music company, has such a beautiful collection of children's yoga books from which one can easily find suitable yoga DVDs and yoga books for the kids. The charming story line along with the amusing illustrations will make the kids laugh and at the same time will teach them what yoga is all about. The basic of this age old art is put in a very different way in these books which will surely captivate the tender hearts. My Daddy Is a Pretzel: Yoga for Parents and Kids by Baron Baptiste, Babar's Yoga for Elephants by Laurent De Brunhoff, Child's Play Companion Book by WAH! are few from the collection. Each of these books has something unique in its store for the children. When one of the books has basic guidelines of yoga practicing for both child and the parents, another features funny illustrations of the poses and postures suitable for the kids. Fly Like A Butterfly by Shakta Kaur Khalsa is another kids yoga book which! is rece ntly rated as the "most comprehensive children's yoga books" by the Yoga International Magazine. This book with its more than 150 duo-tone photos of kids enjoying yoga exercises, is sure to win the heart of that little ones. Spirit Voyage also offers a range of Yoga for Kids DVD collection. Choose a good kids' yoga DVD from the vast range which includes Child's Play, Shanti the Yogi - Mountain Adventure DVD, Children's Yoga Song and Meditations and many more and help your kids practice yoga from an early age. Let the little hearts explore and enjoy a blissful world of unending happiness by practicing Kundalini yoga, meditation, pranayama and asanas. About the AuthorThe author writes for Spirit Voyage which is an online yoga music store offering different CDs and DVDs for practicing Kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms. Spirit Voyage also offers different kinds of yoga clothes and yoga accessories such as yoga rugs, meditation cushions and yoga mats. |
Posted: 12 Feb 2012 01:00 AM PST |
Learn Yoga Free By Registering on Various Websites Online Posted: 12 Feb 2012 12:00 AM PST Article by Patresia Adams Yoga is known to be the ancient healing technique used to calm the body and mind and establish the relationship to the eternal divine. Because of the surprising healing benefits, more and more people are joining various yoga classes in their locality. Moreover, there are numerous TV channels spreading awareness about benefits of yoga exercises. Yoga is an Indian holistic system combining physical and mental exercises to promote the complete health and wellness. There has been a growing awareness among people for joining yoga classes. If you're also planning to reap the benefits from yoga exercises then you would be happy to know that now you can learn yoga free. Today, many people are prone to various ailments such as high blood pressure, anemia, spondylosis, back pain, and headache etc. It is also true that these ailments are resulting from the growing mental tension and pollution in every part of the world. So, in order to keep you away from these diseases, it is important to take substantial measures. Yoga is one of such measures required to be fit and healthy. There are various online health portals that provide an opportunity to individuals to learn yoga free. They organize yoga sessions for individuals to help them come out of various illnesses. While joining any yoga classes, make sure they hold a good reputation in the market because a good master will help you learn those yoga exercises that suit your body. One major benefit of learning yoga online is the comfort level to the individual. You can practice a set of exercise in your drawing room without any kind of obstruction. You can practice as long as you can. Nowadays, there is a facility of online consultation where you can put your questions and get the answer within no time. If you are thinking to learn yoga free or learn Hatha yoga and looking for online health portals, then you must consider Divine Wellness, a leading name in the field of online yoga classes. Visit our website for more infor! mation o n Learn yoga free, Health yoga and Learn hatha yoga. About the AuthorPatresia Adams is a healthcare consultant working with Divine Wellness. This interactive health and wellness portal offers Live online yoga classes through high-definition video conferencing. |
Posted: 11 Feb 2012 11:00 PM PST Article by Patresia Adams Yoga has emerged as an excellent way to achieve complete holistic health. It doesn't require much energy but more concentration. The more determined you will be doing these yoga exercises, the more benefits you will enjoy. The selection of a yoga posture also depends upon your bodily structure and health condition. In this article, I would suggest some points that will help you a lot before deciding on which yoga exercises to go for. Find out which you'd like to perform. There are various styles of yoga ranging from Ashtanga to Kundalini to Hatha yoga. Each style has its own effects. Hatha yoga exercises are found to be more relaxing and involve less stress whereas Ashtanga yoga postures are meant to provide more energy to body. In my view Ashtanga gives the best overall workout and provides great yoga exercises for beginners. There is Bikram yoga that is almost similar to Ashtanga and provides great yoga exercises for beginners. There are various websites on internet where you can do your research to eventually find out the right one. After deciding which style to go for, it's time to choose the medium to practice. Either you can join a local yoga class in your locality or you can join online yoga classes which offer much convenience and homely atmosphere. The major benefit of online yoga exercises is that you can fix your own schedule so it will not hinder your other tasks. If you are a working professional then joining an online yoga class can be of much benefit. There are numerous forum websites on the internet where you can discuss about various yoga exercises and learn new techniques to practice them. While practicing yoga exercises, it is important to devote enough time and maintain a healthy dietary plan so that you can enjoy enormous health benefits from these yoga poses. Divine Wellness is a unique health platform that provides active online information about various Yoga exercises for individual's use through the latest technologies of interactive web communi! cations. Join a yoga class online only here. Visit our website for more information on Yoga exercises, Yoga class online and Hatha yoga poses. About the AuthorPatresia Adams is a healthcare consultant working with Divine Wellness. This interactive health and wellness portal offers Live online yoga classes through high-definition video conferencing. Increase Your Chi (1-6)This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Prasara Yoga FAQ - Answers To Your Frequently Asked Questions Posted: 11 Feb 2012 10:00 PM PST Article by Pivari Kapur Prasara yoga is one of the fastest growing styles of yoga in the world. Its popularity has been steadily increasing since its debut in 2005, due in part to the fact that Prasara yoga is designed to be the best all-around style of yoga for athletes. But it's certainly not just for athletes! It's a great style of yoga for anyone to learn - accessable to both new yoga students as well as seasoned veterans. Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Prasara Yoga. What Is Prasara Yoga? Prasara Yoga is a new style of yoga, first introduced to the masses in 2005 following the release of PRASARA: Flow Without Thought. It is a 'flow style' of yoga, focusing on not only posing and breathing but also on transitioning between each pose using dynamic movement. How Is It Different From Other Styles? Most traditional styles of yoga focus on either posing or structured breathing. Prasara focuses on posing, breathing, and movement - specifically linking poses together with dynamic movement. This is part of the reason why it is such a great style of yoga for athletes. The emphasis on movement increases range of motion and balance, which is a key benefit for athletes. What Are The Benefits Of Prasara Yoga? There's almost too many to list! It's a great way to build core strength (abdominal, hip, and spinal muscles). It increases balance, flexibility, and range of motion. It also promotes weight loss and builds lean muscle mass. A complete list can be found by clicking on the benefits of Prasara yoga. How Long Is A Typical Routine? Do I Need A Lot Of Time To Get Into Shape? There is no limit as to how long your workout needs to be. Some people do a short, 5 minute routine several times a day. Others practice intently for an hour or more every day. To get the most out of your workout, it is recommended that you perform Prasara for 14-18 minutes, 5 times a week - that is enough to work out every major muscle group and! start s eeing results. If a 14 minute routine is too intense for your, feel free to have a shorter workout and build up to a longer one. Where Can I Learn Prasara Yoga? There Are No Classes In My Area! There are several excellent resources available to learn Prasara yoga. If you prefer DVD instruction, Scott Sonnon's PRASARA: Instructional Series 'A' Flows is a great choice assuming you have previous yoga experience. If you are new to yoga, I recommend going with the Prasara Primer. It is the best source for learning Prasara yoga. Read the full review here: Prasara Primer review. There you have it, the Prasara yoga FAQ. Hopefully any questions you may have had have been answered by reading this. If you're still unsure of anything, or want to learn a bit more about Prasara in general, stop by my Prasara yoga blog. About the AuthorLearn more about this exciting and dynamic form of yoga at Learn Prasara Yoga. Want to know more about the Prasara Primer? Check out my exclusive Prasara Primer review! |
Posted: 11 Feb 2012 08:00 PM PST Article by Ron Brouchard Yoga originates from Sanskrit. Yoga is a great form of relaxtion and meditation. It is a spiritual discipline that completely tests the body and eradicates stress and tension all throughout the body. We cannot call yoga an energetic workout, as it is rare to find anyone getting terribly exhausted while doing yoga exercise. It is a kind of exercise that enables you to lose calories easily. Apart from losing weight yoga also inculcate discipline, through this you will learn to be dedicated and motivated in whatever work you are doing, in short you will learn to be consistent in your work. Yoga does this connecting your body and mind as one, making you more motivated to take care of your health. It is generally seen that many people initially have to suffer lack of determination whenever they decide to trim down their weight, but with the help of yoga these people can gain motivation of achieving what they are trying to achieve. People use yoga for different reasons, most of the people think that through yoga they can gain health and relaxation. With the added benefit of meditation with yoga, you can also decrease your stress levels in addition to reaching spiritual enlightenment. Thus in order to choose the best yoga program, you first need to know your aim for doing yoga. The first thing before doing and enjoying yoga is setting your objectives and goals. This can be done by thinking in the manner what advantages you could get from doing yoga and how healthy and fit you can become by choosing yoga as your fitness regimen. Although many yogis do think that yoga is most beneficial for pressure reduction or stress management, but still it is beneficial in most other aspects as well, all you need is to think and implement your goal with the help of yoga. Apart from managing your stress yoga is also beneficial for balance creation, power enhancement and in breathing improvement. Moreover it can also help you in soothing your nerves, calming your mind and in increasing your conce! ntration . Hence when you are done with selecting the means for which you want to do yoga the next step for you is to pay a visit to your physician and have an examination if you are physically fit or not. It is very important to know that at what extent you can do exercises as yoga is to deal more with the stamina. You can even have a visit to an orthopedic before beginning with yoga. Finallyl, after completing all these steps, you need to hire a yoga instructor and obviously you also need to select clothing and time for doing yoga. About the AuthorFinding the right Las Vegas Exercise Program takes time. But, once you find the right Las Vegas Exercise Program, be ready to get into the best shape of your life. |
Yoga - Emerging new treatment for Weight Loss Posted: 11 Feb 2012 07:00 PM PST Article by Goddie Pearson Practicing yoga has become an integral part of our lives. Yoga not only helps us to achieve a healthy body but also helps in reducing stress, toning our muscles and improving our overall physical and mental well being. Individuals are now starting to discover whether regular practice of yoga can help in reducing weight. Being an ancient Indian meditative practice, people have been using this art since ages for fat reduction and controlling weight. Though a person needs to put in a lot of efforts if wanting to reduce weight through yoga as it is a slow and continuous process, it is sans any side effects. Yogic practices influence bodily metabolisms by acting upon hormonal secretions taking place in the body. How can yoga help in reducing weight? Yoga is considered as one of the best ways to get rid of your extra weight as it has no side effects. It simply balances your weight in line with your lifestyle and height. Yoga is simple and an extremely effective exercise to lose weight. Yoga involves deep breathing, this leads to increased intake of oxygen to the cells of the body. Fat cells usually burn when in contact with oxygen. As yoga is a mind and body exercise, an individual can potentially overcome anxiety by practicing yoga. Anxiety is one of the key reasons for overeating. Few yoga asanas aid in weight control by stimulating thyroid glands to increase their hormonal secretions, thereby reducing weight. You can build strength by practicing any kind of yoga but many of its type will not actually contribute in weight loss as they will not increase your heart rate enough and are just meant to relax you. For losing weight, it is important that you eat healthy food and burn calories through exercises that increase your heart rate regularly. For example, Iyengar yoga will help you improve your posture and build strong muscles but will not give you cardio workout essential to lose weight. Yoga techniques that can hel! p in wei ght reduction: Pranayama: These are breathing exercises that have been proven to have a positive impact when comes to reducing weight. The pranayama techniques tend to be very useful in weight loss as it stimulates abdominal muscles helping you to burn those extra calories. Few pranayams that you should practice on a regular basis are: - Kapalabhati Pranayama - Bhastrika Pranayama - Agnisar Kriya - Ujjayi Pranayama Kapalabhati Pranayama is considered to be the best one to reduce weight. Practice this pranayama daily for five minutes in the morning on empty stomach to get the best results. * Yoga Asanas: There are different types of yoga that you can practice to reduce weight. They include Suryanamaskar, Ashtanga yoga, Power yoga, Bikram yoga. Suryanamaskar or sun salutations are the best kind to reduce weight. It also takes less time to perform them. You need to however take guidance from a trained teacher and practice it on a regular basis to get best results. Few yoga postures that can help you to reduce weight include: - Chakra padasana - rotation of leg - Trikonasana (Triangle pose) - Dhunurasana (Bow pose) - Uddiyana - Abdominal Lock - Sarpasana (Snake pose) - Dwichakrikasan - rolling of leg - Halasana (good for people having thyroid problems) - Paschimottanasana - Ardhasarvangasana - Uttanasana - Ardhakapotasana - Virabhadrasana You should practice yoga under the supervision of experts. You can learn certain basic postures by searching on the net or through DVDs. If you are determined to reduce weight through yoga you have to be particular about your exercise regime. Yoga practices can show results only if performed regularly. Yoga will not only help you in reducing weight but also will make you feel happier and make your body flexible and attractive. About the AuthorGoddie Pearson is an editor of Health Blog and is committed to provide visitors with complete information on weight loss treatment, healthy diet, men's and women's sexual health and online prescription drugs like viagra generic and its generic counterparts by latest news and personal views. chakorasanaThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 11 Feb 2012 06:00 PM PST Article by Jeremy S. Abrahamson Yoga is an exercise system that has a lot to offer, and helps to strengthen not only your body but your mind as well and bring together a real mind-body connection. If you are interested in starting in yoga you are going to get a few pieces of equipment, one of the most important being the yoga mat. The yoga mat is a thin smaller sized mat that you place on the floor and which offers you a bit of padding and comfort while you are performing your yoga exercises. All yoga mats are basically the same, but they are available in different sizes, colors and styles. When you start looking for a yoga mat the first thing you should do is read a yoga mat review or two. This will help to give you a better idea of what is out there and which are favored by past consumers. Where to Shop Now that you have a good idea of the yoga mats you can choose from, you are going to need to learn about where you can go to purchase them. Yoga is a very popular exercise and there are literally thousands of retailers around the world that you can go to for your yoga supplies, but if you are on the hunt for a yoga mat there are a few companies in particular that you are going to want to check out. One is Buy Yoga Mat, one of the top yoga supply stores on the Internet today. Here you can find top quality yoga mats and yoga equipment for your health and fitness needs, and all purchases you make are completely secure and your satisfaction is always guaranteed. There are yoga mats, yoga blocks, yoga blankets, meditation supplies and much more. The Buy Gym Mats Company is another great option here, and one that you will definitely want to consider for all your yoga supply needs. They offer discounted yoga supplies of all sorts and a qualified and trained staff which you can contact if you have any questions or need help finding the right mat for you. One of the best things about yoga is that there is so little equipment required for it, but you are definitely going to want to make s! ure that you have a mat to use so you will not be uncomfortable while you are performing your yoga postures, and overall so that you can get the best out of your workout. About the AuthorIf you love this article, you will also love another article written by this article's author on exercise bike parts and exercise bike pedals. LindaThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 11 Feb 2012 05:00 PM PST Article by Alex Smith The practice of Yoga brings with it many physical and emotional benefits that the majority of people are unaware of. This article is quite long, so we have broken it up into two parts. The first part is an introduction to Yoga and a overview of the major physical and psychological benefits of Yoga, while the second part shows how practicing yoga daily can have a profound effect on your ability to create a healthy lifestyle for yourself. Yoga is a science; and indeed, in many places in the world (such as India), it is referred to as a science. This is not merely playing with words; it truly is approached as a science, which means that it is understood in terms of scientific methods. Yogic science seeks to verify cause and effect, and build principles based upon objective observations. Indeed, in many places in the world, to be a yogic master of any credibility, one must be highly educated in the sciences, including physics and the biological sciences. This discussion on yoga as science is important for us to include because it allows us to sensibly ask the question: what are the benefits of yoga? After all, if yoga is a faith or a belief, then asking this question isn't fair; because it's one that yoga cannot answer in terms that we can objectively understand. Yoga is a science; as empirical and pragmatic as kinesiology, or exercise science, which seeks to understand how the body acts and reacts to changes in the internal physical environment. And even more simply than any of this: each of us has a right to ask the basic question, "why should I bother practicing yoga and what experience or benefits can I expect?" Indeed, while the experience of yoga cannot be reduced to words - just as reading a book on preparing for a marathon isn't going to actually physically prepare you to run a marathon - the goals and principles of yoga can easily be discussed. Here's the Mayo Clinic's take on the benefits of meditation: "Meditation is used by people who are pe! rfectly healthy as a means of stress reduction. But if you have a medical condition that's worsened by stress, you might find the practice valuable in reducing the stress-related effects of allergies, asthma, chronic pain and arthritis, among others." Yoga involves a series of postures, during which you pay special attention to your breathing - exhaling during certain movements and inhaling with others. You can approach yoga as a way to promote physical flexibility, strength and endurance or as a way to enhance your spirituality. The Mind-Body Connection Yoga is centered on the mind-body connection. This mind-body harmony is achieved through three things: - postures (asanas) - proper breathing (pranayama) - meditation Mind and body draw inspiration and guidance from the combined practices of asanas, breathing, and meditation. As people age (to yogis, ageing is an artificial condition), our bodies become susceptible to toxins and poisons (caused by environmental and poor dietary factors). Yoga helps us through a cleaning process, turning our bodies into a well synchronized and well-oiled piece of machinery. Physical Benefits By harmonizing these three principles, the benefits of yoga are attained. And just what are these benefits? - equilibrium in the body's central nervous system - decrease in pulse - respiratory and blood pressure rates - cardiovascular efficiency - gastrointestinal system stabilization - increased breath-holding time - improved dexterity skills. - Improved balance - Improved depth perception - Improved memory Psychological Benefits As noted above, Yoga also delivers an array of psychological benefits; and in fact, this is a very common reason why people begin practicing it in the first place. Perhaps the most frequently mentioned psychological benefit of yoga is an improved ability to manage stress. Yoga diminishes an individual's levels of anxiety, depress! ion, and lethargy; thus enabling him/her to focus on what's spiritual and important: achieving balance and happiness. In part II of the Benefit of Yoga we'll reveal how yoga can help deal with stress, unhealthy habits and pain management. The benefits of Yoga go far beyond meditation and stretching, it is a way to release those toxic emotions that tend to stand in the way of living a healthy life. About the AuthorClick here for muscle building workouts, cardio workouts that don't need gyms, fancy machines, or running, or an MMA workout that was originally designed for a UFC Champ. Killer Workout ANYONE Can Do!This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
ADHD: (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) And Yoga Posted: 11 Feb 2012 05:00 PM PST Article by Haphiza Baboolal ADHD: ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and YogaADHD: ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivit Disorder) And Yoga ADD/ADHD is a neurological problem which involves the brain. Yoga means "union" in Sanskrit, the language of ancient India where yoga originated. We can think of the union occurring between the mind, body and spirit. Yoga is now being practiced by several million people in the west. Many people are now taking advantage of yoga to help them with increased flexibility, strength, balance and improved posture. Yoga is great for any child physical activities but the ADHD child also benefits from it. Yoga is also a great way to improve relaxation, focus, attention and mood. These factors can greatly benefit a child with ADD/ADHD By using alternative treatment for your child this takes a lot longer before you see any changes, but your child may recover from ADHD. Yoga...helps children overcome inattention and hyperactivity. It consist of physical postures, relaxation exercises which help calm the mind and deep breathing exercises which help calm the mind and relax the nervous system. It also helps them to focus and control impulses. It teaches the child discipline and helps them focus in a calm relaxing environment. Changes are slow to come by but have lasting effects. Using yoga by itself cannot treat ADHD. It should be combined with other therapies such as reducing toxins in the house and environment removing dyes, colors and additives from the diet. A recent article in Yoga Journal cited that yoga can help balance the production of neurotransmitters in the brain and reduce stress levels. Yoga combines physical activity with self-awareness and promotes a mind-body connection that many children with a diagnosis of ADD/ADHD lack. The ability to concentrate emerges from restraining mental distractions. Those who have had experience with yoga states that people reported feeling calmer, being in a better mood and more relax! ed after a session of yoga exercises. Because of deep breathing during a yoga session oxygen levels are improved in the brain which has many benefits. Yoga can also help to lessen the need to fidget and help release the pent up energy in these children that tends to be disruptive. Yoga is also currently being studied to see what impact it may have on other disorders such as heart disease, stroke, asthma, depression, insomnia, arthritis and multiple sclerosis. Benefits for ADD/ADHD from Yoga Include: Relaxation and de-stressing Quieting the mind Improved focus Decreased fidgeting Decreased impulsivness Promotes the connection between mind, body and spirit Increased strength and flexibility Improved respiration and energy level Balanced metabolism There are many beginner's yoga DVDs available in stores or online, you can always find yoga DVD's at the library if you do not want to purchase one. So this is something you can try at home with your children if you do not want to pay to attend formal classes. There are many yoga classes popping up all over the country now so it should not be difficult for you to find one. There is also yoga DVD's for beginners which is very helpful but having someone to actually show you what to do is much better. By using alternative treatment for your child this takes a lot longer before you see any changes, but your child may recover from ADHD. You can now raise happier well behaved children. To learn more about ADHD and natural treatment... go to.... Haphiza Baboolal About the AuthorI am passionate about my family and my home. I love meeting people and being in touch with others and helping them. I am a mother of 2 and grandmother of 7. I live in Florida, USA. |
How Hot is a Bikram Yoga Workout? Posted: 11 Feb 2012 04:00 PM PST Article by Jim Oddo Bikram Yoga exercise is unique since it is practiced within the environment of a heated room. The heat increases muscle relaxation as well as blood circulation allowing deeper stretching out and reducing risk of injury. Every person does not enjoy hot yoga. The extreme stretching out of muscle groups,over time, is actually good for everybody. 90 minutes is the time it takes to complete a Bikram workout. The beauty of this yoga is that every posture gets you ready for the next one. Bikram yoga exercise is limited to 26 maximum positions. They are the same every time! This type of yoga isn't suitable for everybody. You need to be in excellent physical shape before trying this type of yoga. Doing your best is the Bikram motto. Only be concerned with your performance. It is not a competition amoung the individual participants in the class. Bikram yoga is also sometimes referred to as Hot yoga. It's a form of Hatha yoga, which is any yoga that focuses on energizing the body. This yoga has a very structured exercise routine that uses a great deal of endurance and discipline. Beginners ought to drink plenty of water just before class, as well as bring bottled water into class, and also take breaks to avoid dizziness or feeling sick. Bikram yoga is a killer workout and as you perform each posture your body is preparing for the next position. Bikram Yoga is a complete mind and body work out. Bikram provides a great way for the new mom to exercise and get some stretching done. Some great benefits to a brand new mother include an effective way to lose weight and get back in shape after giving birth. Bikram yoga is done in smaller groups, limiting the number of people in the classes. While typical yoga periods have drawn thousands of individuals, Bikram yoga classes are much smaller. Bikram yoga is a strenuous exercise. Bikram yoga is designed to assist you to lose weight, strengthen your muscles and increase blood flow. Since this kind of exercise ! helps re duce stress, it can help improve mental focus. You need mental toughness as well as a physical endurance to complete a Bikram yoga class. If you want to learn bikram yoga, you can search for classes in your town, or you can purchase a DVD. This yoga is also called hot yoga because it is practiced in surroundings which are 105 degrees F and 40% moisture. Bikram yoga follows the format of 26 positions and a couple of breathing exercises, lasting a full 90 minutes. About the AuthorFor more information on the Bikram way go to Daily articles are added. Meditation Music For the MindThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Insomnia Can Be Dealt With By Constant Yoga Posted: 11 Feb 2012 04:00 PM PST Article by Linda Adams There are people who have absolutely no problem getting to sleep. They pass out soon after their heads touch the pillow. Try as you would, you never could manage to do that. You may have insomnia; that's when it takes much time and effort for you to fall asleep and when you do and something wakes you up, you are already so wide awake. You can't sleep anymore. In the morning you get up feeling so very tired. You might as well not have gotten any sleep. Did you ever think of getting into Yoga for that insomnia? Yoga can relax your body to the point that you get to sleep. Integrate yoga into your daily routine and see how well and how restful the sleep you'll be getting then. That is surely one good thing, especially if you're not getting good sleep because of stress. There are several types of Yoga, all of which you can access online, for more details and information. You'd be surprised at the facts and particulars there are already available. There is also the still-common categorizing of yoga as a spiritual activity. You will need to remind yourself that your sole interest is yoga's cure or handling of insomnia. Why don't you search for a yoga class with a yoga instructor who is willing and capable of giving you, in a nutshell, what yoga practice will call for?. With an intention of integrating yoga into your daily schedule will show you that performing yoga is no different from a scheduled physical activity. The only difference being yoga's different and longer-lasting effect on your equanimity and calmness. The stances and breathing in Yoga lowers your stress levels and relaxes your joints and muscles knotted by tension and stress. Without stress and tension, you will get to fall asleep so easily. In case you prefer to do your yoga in the privacy of your home, you could search the net for sites showing pictures or videos of yoga performance and you won't need to do a lot of reading on Yoga. The directions or illustrations can be downloaded and it would be easy for you to! follow and perform by yourself. You could also hire a Yoga instructor to walk you through the poses and stretching exercises, in the familiar and private setting of your home. There are also books you could buy and just execute the positions and exercises illustrated there. These three options allow you to do Yoga at home, in your time and pace and, perhaps, before bedtime. Don't forget to check with your doctor first, so you can be safe from getting hurt or intensifying present injuries. These would be cited in books but the greater benefit, in this regard, is from a Yoga instructor who can assess you and your body's readiness for Yoga. But before any of all these, remember that the stretching moves and relaxation exercises in yoga will definitely help you get to sleep, that Yoga is not exclusive or limited to a particular age group, and more importantly, integrating Yoga into your daily routine will, generally give you good health and serenity. Whatever form of Yoga you will use to handle your insomnia, there are always the stretches, deep breathing and visualizations, all leading to relax you body and mind. All of these three actions counter the anxiety-driven, stiff and tensed body, erratic breathing and complicated visualizations. Yoga has the tendency to "attack" and deal with these and results in your falling into deep restful slumber. About the AuthorLinda Adams enjoys all things health related. One of the most excellent yoga websites Linda has found is Yoga Fitness Kamloops, which is a exceptional mix of yoga and exercise. For more information, have a look at Understand the Terms Used in Yoga to Gain a Better Insight |
Athletes Can Improve Their Performance By Adding Yoga Posted: 11 Feb 2012 03:00 PM PST Article by Linda Adams For more and more sports stars, from the collegiate to semi-professional to professional levels, yoga is becoming a common part of their preparation and workout routines. Confronting the long-held principle that yoga holds no advantage for performers involved in "hardy" sports such as football, basketball, hockey and even boxing, many institutions are including yoga into their training programs, while some of today's leading sports stars separately have made yoga part of their off-season training as well. For years, athletes have relied on weight training and extensive cardio routines to help them stay in peak condition to meet the demands of their sport. The relaxed movements of yoga (possibly their only knowledge of the philosophy) apparently lacked the strenuous exertion they feel their bodies needed to get them in game-ready condition. But that false impression has transformed as sports groups and individual athletes have begun to research more thoroughly into yoga and discover the self-control, of both body and mind, necessary to achieve some of the more complicated yoga stances. Sports stars such as NBA legends Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Bill Walton, Robert Parrish and Maurice Lucas, tennis legends Yannick Noah, Guillermo Vilas and John McEnroe; former NFL standout Dan Marino and even golfing star Gary Player led the way in the 1970s and 1980s in introducing the positive aspects of yoga to the athletic fields. And that movement continues today as stars such as tennis' Serena and Venus Williams, pro basketball's Shaquille O'Neal, pro football's Shannon Sharp and Jon Kitna, boxer Evander Holyfield and entire franchises such as the Los Angeles Lakers and Chicago Cubs have tapped into the knowledge of yoga trainers to add a different and much-desired facet to their regimen. So what is the benefit of adding yoga to your workout? What may be of most attention to athletes is the information that points to yoga and its ability to improve overall power and strength. For a l! ot of at hletes, increasing strength and power is the key to performing better at their sports, regardless of whether it's baseball, swimming, track and field or football. But weight lifting, which a vast majority of athletes swear by, can only work one or two groups of muscles during each exercise, which means they must spend many hours in the gym to get the results they want. Yoga and its connected poses incorporate all of the muscles in the body to attain stability and strengthen the relationship between the muscles as well. The result? A body that is stronger and works as one cohesive unit. Secondly, yoga works to build a stronger core, from most of the power the body needs in sports originates. In sports like baseball and tennis, the power to hit or throw begins in the torso. In football, the core helps the body make the sudden turns and twists that are needed in the sport. Getting this section of the body in condition is one of the main advantages to adding yoga to your athletic routine. The movements and stances of yoga served to improve the posture, help align the body and assists in the overall operation of the body, which can make athletes faster, more powerful and toned. By adding muscle and balance, yoga also helps increase responsiveness in athletes, another major point. By combining enhanced strength, mobility and balance, yoga can increase agility that can be useful in virtually all sports. And as an added benefit, athletes who improve their mobility through yoga can reduce the possibility of injury by conditioning the body to the repetitive motions that can have harmful effects (think carpal tunnel syndrome). Finally, practicing yoga can improve the coordination between the body and the mind. For many sports performers, there are "head games" involved in athletics: psyching out an opponent, visualizing success, predicting an opponent's moves before he or she makes them. These decisions, sometimes made in mere seconds, depend upon a clear mind, a state that can be achieved through! the med itative exercises of yoga. With breathing exercises, meditation sessions and the centered poses of yoga, sports performers can discover what is required to get their mind and body to work as one cohesive unit, even during the most stressful periods of a game, when muscles can tighten up, become inflexible and lower performance. Thanks to their discovery of the benefit of yoga, it has now become a welcome part of the training program of many athletes on all skill levels. By exploring the diverse forms of yoga and their unique characteristics, athletes can find the perfect style of yoga to fit the needs of their specific sport. About the AuthorLinda Adams enjoys all things health related. One of the most excellent yoga websites Linda has found is Kamloops Yoga Fitness, which is a exceptional mix of yoga and exercise. For more information, have a look at Growing Numbers Of Men Becoming Fans Of Yoga one of the finest Yoga blogs. |
For The New Workplace, Yoga Replacing The Watercooler Posted: 11 Feb 2012 02:00 PM PST Article by Linda Adams The buzzword these days in the business world is multi-tasking. Dealing with a client on the phone, answering a seemingly endless stream of email and creating a spreadsheet are considered much-needed skills in the office of today. It may be a big asset to a businesses' productivity, but it's also a big cause of workplace strain and stress. So it makes sense that adding yoga into the workplace routine has become a well-received option. Many of today's top corporations are, indeed, adding yoga to the list of options for employees. With the ever-increasing importance of computers in the workplace, along with handheld devices that allow you to take the "office" with you anywhere, workers are becoming more stressed than ever in their quest to get the job done. But company officials are noticing that a stressed employee soon becomes a less productive employee. Enter yoga in the workplace. As employees handle more and more tasks, and spend more and more time in the office, the question of how to keep them alert and productive has become an important issue for many employers. And yoga has emerged as a convenient, cost effective and universal way to achieve this goal. A growing number of companies has started bringing yoga instructors into the workplace in recent years, scheduling yoga sessions throughout the workday to accommodate those employees with different schedules. Whether it's in a company gymnasium or that conference room down the hall, yoga classes have been cropping up in companies of all sizes. The beginnings of yoga in the workplace, as far as the U.S. is concerned, started approximately 25 years ago when the increase in health care for workers led many companies to created programs designed to promote well-being, such as smoking cessation programs, on-site gyms and yoga. But since that time, companies have found out that the stress-reducing benefits of yoga are far outweighing the benefits of lower health care costs. According to a trend analyst, corpo! rations soon discovered that programs aimed at promoting an employee's mental condition was just as vital as those that addressed their physical condition. Meanwhile, a clinic at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center found that yoga, in conjunction with meditation, reduces stress and actually improved workplace performance. Further, an Ohio State University research project concluded that only 20 minutes of yoga and meditation in the workplace, as well as six weeks of once-a-week group yoga sessions lowered stress by approximately 12 percent and even improved the quality of sleep in some workers, making them more productive at the office. The office surroundings are a perfect place for a yoga class, according to work researchers and yoga experts. They point to the often uncomfortable work environment - hard-backed chairs and the harsh computer glare - as well as the need to perform repetitive tasks. For many of those workers, they experts say, their only relief comes during breaks for lunch, which usually consists of a nearby fast-food restaurant, leftovers brought from home or the office vending machine. Add to that the pressure of trying to meet a deadline, handle last-minute assignments that were due yesterday, answer a seemingly endless stream of emails or figure out the inner workings of a printer that just won't print anymore, and the stress levels of the average office worker can go through the roof. To relieve this stress, many corporations began bringing yoga into the workplace. For some corporations, it meant converting a space in their existing gym, while smaller companies managed to make their conference rooms and lunch areas serve a dual purpose, simply by moving tables and chairs to one side. It proved to be an entirely new way of life for many yoga instructors, who not only had to attempt meditation exercises with the whirr of a Coke machine in the background, but were also dealing with employees at different levels, from beginner to experienced, or who weren't exactly dressed! in trad itional yoga clothing (think ties or work overalls). The benefits of adding yoga to the workplace became readily apparent and soon other companies began to adapt to the growing trend. Today, many modern corporations have regular paid yoga instruction in the work place in specially designated areas. For instance, Apple and Google have regularly scheduled yoga classes at their home offices at various times of the day, and even after work. And at HBO corporate headquarters in New York City, the demand for yoga classes at work has become so great they've had to add additional classes. It may be impossible to get workers to scale back from the belief that multi-tasking at work is a must, and indeed many companies may be reluctant to get them to do so. But when it comes to coping with the stress that results from it, they may want to add yoga in the workplace to their to-do list. About the AuthorLinda Adams enjoys all things health related. One of the most excellent yoga websites Linda has found is Kamloops Yoga Teachers, which is a exceptional mix of yoga and exercise. For more information, have a look at Pregnancy and Yoga can Work Hand in Hand one of the finest Yoga blogs. |
Posted: 11 Feb 2012 01:00 PM PST Article by Patresia Adams In the ancient times, our ancestors were used to perform various yoga practices to keep themselves healthy and fit. Although there are various yoga disciplines, but Kriya yoga has own rejuvenating benefits. The structure of Kriya yoga includes the different levels of Pranayama based on techniques that are aimed at stimulating the spiritual development and producing a profound state of peace and unity. According to many yoga experts, Kriya yoga is learned via Guru-disciple relationship. As per Yogananda, "The Kriya yogi mentally directs his life energy to revolve, upward and downward, around the six spinal centres - medullary, cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal plexuses. These centres belong to the twelve astral signs of the zodiac, the symbolic Cosmic Man." The Kriya yoga discipline of yoga is known as the mixture of Bhakti, Jnana and Karma yoga, can be rooted back to over 3000 years. It's practice needs thorough dedication to the eternal god and following a daily routine self-disciplining the body and the mind. It also focuses in the existence of inner and outer dimensions of the mind. Jnana yoga relaxes the mind from all issues and develops intellect. With the advancements in internet technology, one can easily learn Kriya yoga online. There are a large number of online health portals that provide enormous information on various yoga disciplines. One can fix its own schedule depending on the time availability. This way of learning Kriya yoga online is very beneficial as it results into time and cost saving. Kriya yoga online concentrates on Kundalini yoga and includes parallel poses and meditation methods. Usually, Kriya adds some spiritual and mysterious course of action. It is always good to take the learning from an knowledgeable yoga expert. He will be able to choose the best form of yoga depending upon your health condition. By regularly practicing Kriya yoga online, one can achieve the state of self-consciousness and self-realization. Visit our w! ebsite f or more information on Yoga postures for women, Ayurvedic cure and Kriya yoga online. About the AuthorPatresia Adams is a healthcare consultant working with Divine Wellness. This interactive health and wellness portal offers Live online yoga classes through high-definition video conferencing. |
Yoga proves its worth in the battle against childhood cancer Posted: 11 Feb 2012 12:00 PM PST Article by Phil Smulian Yoga has got over its handicap as a celebrity trend and regained its respectability as a physical, mental and spiritual discipline. It has also gained ground as a complementary treatment option for a number of diseases, most notably cancer. As a recent study shows, yoga has benefits for adult and children cancer patients, as well as their immediate families. The study was conducted at the Children's Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota, USA and the findings were published in the September/October 2010 edition of Journal of Paediatric Oncology Nursing. According to the study, teenage cancer sufferers who practiced yoga twice a week were less anxious and experienced a greater sense of well-being than cancer patients who didn't attend yoga classes. For a long time, knowledge of yoga's healing benefits was largely anecdotal with very little scientific evidence to prove it. These days, greater share of research budgets is being released for studies into alternative therapies, which means that yoga, acupuncture and shiatsu are finally being given the recognition they deserve. The trend is more pronounced in developed countries, where some of the most prominent cancer treatment centres have started offering yoga as a complementary therapy to provide a more holistic approach to treatment. Most studies have been done with breast and prostate cancer patients but the Minnesota study demonstrates that a wider view is now being considered. The effect of yoga on the disease itself has not yet been properly determined, although it is considered to be negligible. The primary benefits of yoga relate to quality of life. For instance, a 2007 study by Alyson Moadel (Albert Einstein College of Medicine) on the effects of yoga in breast cancer patients revealed that yoga improves patients' social and emotional well-being. Yoga also has physical benefits, as patients report quicker recovery after chemotherapy sessions and increased stamina and strength to carry out every day activities. A! ccording to a study by the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute, there are several factors which influence the degree to which yoga helps cancer sufferers, namely: the patients themselves, the location, type, and progression of the cancer and the type and stage of treatment. In addition to suffering less fatigue related to radiation therapy and chemotherapy and increased resilience and stress-coping capabilities, patients who practice yoga experience improved immune functioning, improved mood and improved sleep patterns and suffer less chronic pain. Yoga and children Yoga has numerous benefits for children: it builds physical strength and improves flexibility and coordination; it enhances self-awareness and self-esteem; it teaches self-discipline; and provides healthy coping mechanisms through meditation and breathing techniques. All of these benefits are even more important for children battling cancer, as their immune systems are compromised and they have more emotional and mental stress to cope with than the average child. The greatest benefits are gained when children practice yoga with their parents, as it strengthens the parent/child bond and provides some common ground on which teenage cancer patients and their parents can relate. Interestingly, children between the ages of seven and twelve don't seem to derive the same benefits from yoga as teenagers. This could be for a number of reasons, all of which need further study. But from a layman's perspective, it could be that these children don't yet have the maturity to realise the full impact of their disease, or to benefit from the calming effects of yoga. Older children are more aware of what's at stake and are more likely to take their yoga practice seriously to experience all the benefits. Perhaps, the younger cancer suffers are when the start yoga, the greater the long-term impact will be, as their bodies and minds receive greater conditioning. Shakta Kaur Khalsa, who has been practicing yo! ga for o ver 30 years and is something of an expert on children's yoga, says: "Children are naturally radiant, aware, and full of innocent wisdom. Yoga helps them maintain their natural radiance, or if their light has been dulled by events in their lives, it helps them regain their inherent state of being." Is that not even more true for children who have cancer? About the AuthorPhil writes about ">health for the South African travel & adventure directory, Leeulekker. |
The Principle behind Christian Yoga Posted: 11 Feb 2012 11:00 AM PST Article by Fabio Pacheco Christian yoga is a spiritual practice of Christians most common in Eastern and Western Countries. It is a discipline that one practices to be much closer to God. Taking the path of Christian yoga can lead to healing of the mind and body. But perhaps even more important than that, it can lead to the discovery of what at the moment is only a potential within you. Many of classes in the U.S teach the practice of yoga, the physical discipline that focuses on postures or asana, and employ no religious teaching at all. Other yoga teachers have training in yoga schools. Practitioners say that Christian yoga fills a need for believers who want the health benefits of yoga but are put off by the practice's ancient Hindu roots. With this, it brings together the wonderful physical benefits of yoga within their spiritual beliefs. The doctrines and practices of yoga date from the period of the Upanishads. The word yoga originated from Hindus, it is a religious practice of Hinduism that through the practice of certain disciplines one may achieve liberation from the limitations of flesh, the delusions of sense, and the pitfalls of thought and thus attain union with the object of knowledge. Though developed in the ancient Hindu tradition, the movements of Christian yoga are so universal that they can adapt to or be adopted by any culture or spiritual path. The yoga has been known for many years, and was practiced by some of the Early Christian during the persecution. The spirit and love that touched the Early Christian has been inherent from the men and women today. Christian yoga is about unfolding some of these wonderful possibilities each hold latent. It is about possibilities so amazing that many early Christians were willing to die in support of keeping a doorway open for other people to claim them. Go into it and are transformed by following the Christian pathway, the Christian yoga. In the Eastern belief, Christian yoga is not an Eastern postures or breathing techniques! , rather the aim is to open to an influence that can transform and heal. Eastern yoga attempts to drop the ego, the Christian path aims at transforming the personality. Christian yoga is described absolutely in the New Testament in the story of Jesus' life as an allegory. It is a step-by-step way of transformation and the finding of a new life. As Jesus promised, this 'heaven', this new awareness of your life, is not far away. It is already yours if you know how to find it. In Western, Christian yoga from its very beginning women played an important role in its practice and teachings. It is about universal processes of life, of mind and heart. Christian yoga has garnered criticism, despite of its prevalence. Many Christians says that Christian yoga is incompatible with Christianity, and emphasizing that it is not a religion in itself. Other says that there is no such as Christian yoga because it blends two different belief structure. Catholic priests in Mexico City instructed their parishioners not to attend Yoga classes because this practice would lead to other god's and Eastern religion beliefs. Though critics have charged that yoga's ancient Hindu origins are incompatible with Christian faith, practitioners say the exercise is an ideal vehicle for spiritual reflection. About the AuthorIf you want to learn more, you may download a free eBook, called "Types of Yoga - The Guide" at Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction Animation - Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebraheim, MDThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Dont Lose Time, Learn Yoga Online Now! Posted: 11 Feb 2012 10:00 AM PST Article by Patresia Adams With today's high energy life style, people are constantly at health risks. These diseases invariably target those individuals who don't pay proper consideration to their health on a regular basis. This is due to the fact people don't have enough time to do regular exercises. Yoga has come up as one of the most excellent ways to keep you healthy and in shape and the recent beginning of online yoga classes allow people to learn yoga online. There are a few things you should always keep in mind if you want to lean yoga online. You can begin by looking for free yoga sites on the Internet. Since there are numerous kinds of yoga available like Bikram yoga, Ashtanga yoga, Vinyasa yoga, Hatha yoga etc., you may search the net in view of that. More often than not you will get to learn yoga online depending upon your level of competence. Some yoga postures are for beginners and some are complex techniques for those who have been in touch with yoga for some time. You can even hunt on the basis of a specific pose and exercise. After you have made your website choice about learning yoga online, decide on the exact program. There will be online videos and tutorials with related photos of the poses. There are several benefits of learning yoga online which you can make use of to make your practice planned better in terms of fitness. The greatest part about learning yoga online together with various yoga postures and exercises is that you don't require a professed reserve place. You can actually practice yoga wherever and whenever like in the park, in your room, over the roof or even in the back garden of your house, evening or morning. A Yoga mattress is the only addition that is necessary for practicing yoga. Remember to take note of the safety measures to be taken and the gear to be purchased in the case of certain poses and yoga practices. Divine Wellness is an interactive and leading health portal that provides details of learning yoga online and guidance related to yoga, ayurv! eda and alternative medicine treatment. Visit our website for more information on Yoga exercises and Learn Yoga Online. About the AuthorPatresia Adams is a healthcare consultant working with Divine Wellness. This interactive health and wellness portal offers Live online yoga classes through high-definition video conferencing. Food Factor - What to Eat and What to AvoidThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
THE BASIC YOGA POSITION FOR BEGINNERS Posted: 11 Feb 2012 09:00 AM PST Article by Fortunity Dwi Yoga positions for beginners are so easy to learn. If you have not experienced any yoga session or have not seen one, that is not a problem. Practitioners have talked about the unification of the mind, body and spirit. They claimed that this will be acquired through the practice of yoga exercises and techniques. If it is your first time to hear of yoga, you will of course wonder how these exercises are done and how it looks like. Since you are a beginner, you will also definitely ask what kind of positions will be best for you. Yogis have believed that the mind and the body are bonded into a unified structure. This belief has never failed and changed through time. Yoga has extensively performed an amazing procedure of healing oneself through harmony. This can be successfully done if you are in a proper environment. With the great effects of yoga, the doctors have been convinced that yoga has some therapeutic results and can be recommended for people who have illnesses that is hard to cure. If you have some illness that has been with you for a long time, you can practice the yoga positions for beginners and apply it to yourself. If you want to practice the yoga positions for beginners, you must believe that yoga is effective and will help you to be cured or be refreshed. Yoga is not just a recent application. It has been practiced and applied a long time ago and up to the present, the people are benefiting a lot from it. Investigations and researches have been implemented to prove that yoga can be helpful in the healing process. Therefore, it has been proved that the yoga positions for beginners are extremely effective and useful when it comes to maintaining a high level of joint flexibility. Although the yoga positions for beginners are just simple and basic, it can slowly bring up a healthy lifestyle and bring more when it is practiced over and over again. The yoga positions for beginners are very interesting and exciting to pe! rform. B eginners will never find it hard to keep up with the exercises because it is just simple. The technique of yoga gives a very big contributing factor to our internal glands and organs. It also includes the parts of the human body which is barely stimulated. If you want to learn the yoga positions for beginners, you can learn it easily at home or at school where yoga is taught. Some basic yoga positions for beginners include standing poses, seated poses, forward and backward bends, balance and twisting. These yoga positions for beginners are not that far from those who are used to practicing yoga. Only that the extreme poses and positions are handled at the latter part of the exercise. The time duration in executing the positions are also lessened because a beginner cannot fully cope up with a longer time exposure in practice. Rest is required of the beginner so that he will not be drained easily to prepare the body for further positions. Since you are a beginner, the most important thing you should understand is self discipline. Yoga is not just doing yoga and executing the poses. If you haven mastered the basics yet, do not jump into the complex stages and positions because you will not feel the essence of executing the yoga positions for beginners. About the AuthorThis aricle you can read more at OOTD &d Kohl's &;d Walmart Haul(:This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 11 Feb 2012 08:00 AM PST Article by Chrissy MacDonald Yoga means "union." Yoga is a positive way of life that teaches relaxation, positive thinking, truthfulness, proper diet and healthy living.Hatha Yoga combines breathing with physical postures, or asanas, which are done slowly and mindfully. As the breath is coordinated with the postures and the body is moved and stretched in wonderful ways, you come to realize a state of mental and physical health and well-being. Physical Benefits of YogaRegular practice of yoga has many wonderful physical benefits. Yoga can improve muscle tone, digestion and the immune system. It can help increase oxygen intake so the lungs operate more efficiently. Body alignment and balance can improve. Yoga gives you energy and helps you relax and stay relaxed. Yoga helps to improve all systems of the body including the glands and nerves. Yoga can even help slow down the effects of aging. Many health concerns such as arthritis, headaches and digestion problems can improve with a regular yoga practice. Yoga is great for athletes. A regular practice of Yoga helps develop focus, concentration, strength and flexibility. Many hockey players and basketball players include Yoga into their fitness program. The Edmonton Oilers NHL Team and Ottawa Senators NHL Team have included yoga into their programs as well as tennis player Maria Sharapova. Anyone can practice YogaThe beauty of Yoga is that you can do it at your own pace and always receive the benefits regardless of your individual level of flexibility and strength.There is a yoga pose for everyone and all poses can be modified to fit a person's body. Sometimes props are used to help a person do a pose and after regular practice they may no longer be needed. Yoga is invigoratingYoga can make you feel alive and energetic. You're moving your body the way it was meant to move - bending and stretching, increasing strength with wonderful moves that don't wear you out. One of my Yoga students who had arthritis once told me Yoga made him feel like a kid again. Y! oga will make your body feel alive and put you in touch with your true self. Joy and ContentmentYoga is a wonderful way to feel joy and contentment. This is one of the most wonderful benefits that I discovered many years ago. I was practicing in my living room every morning learning the poses and I experienced a sense of peace, or equilibrium that seemed to help me get through life's challenges. It's contentment no matter what happens. Peace and stillnessRegular Yoga practice can help you to slow down and discover the peace and stillness in your heart. Everything seems to fall into place when we listen to our heart, when we take time to listen to the silence. About the AuthorFor more information about yoga, health, fitness and weight loss the natural way, visit MacDonald is a Yoga Teacher and author of the E-Booklet: Simply Fit - A Six Week Plan for Healthy Living and Permanent Weight Control available at |
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