Yoga May In Fact Heal The Body According To Burbank Yoga Center Manager Fatima Bustos-Choy

Yoga May In Fact Heal The Body According To Burbank Yoga Center Manager Fatima Bustos-Choy

Yoga May In Fact Heal The Body According To Burbank Yoga Center Manager Fatima Bustos-Choy

Posted: 08 Feb 2012 07:00 AM PST

Article by Frank K Muller

Yoga is a traditional physical and spiritual discipline which goes back more than 5,000 years.Devised as a joining together of aspects of a person's body, mind and soul for the purpose of achieving a balanced and happy life, Yoga is now practiced by many people throughout the world.

The poses adopted in Yoga serve to condition your body by becoming aware of your energy flow and learning how to focus that energy in order to increase awareness. By focusing on specific parts of the body or mind it's going to create a calm and relaxed state.

There are numerous different types of Yoga practiced today, but basically all types of Yoga performed acheives the same end results. Yoga can be practiced by any age group from young children through to seniors. Indeed, children who practice some form of Yoga at an early age will quickly become aware of how their body works and how crucial it is to retain a healthy mind and body.

For the elderly, Yoga can help to decrease issues of being unsteady when walking, and create a more confident attitude by improving physical performance.

Health Benefits of Yoga

Deep breathing, which is one of the techniques used in Yoga, helps to provide the blood with more oxygen and in so doing helps to reduce blood pressure and tension. Deep breathing exercises also seem to aid the skin tissue making it look vibrant and healthy.

Many people find mood swings become less apparent and their ability to cope with stressful situations gets easier. Energy levels seem to increase and therefore the quality of one's life improves.

Combined with a well-balanced diet, there has been some evidence to indicate that Yoga may lower blood sugar levels in diabetics. Following a proper diabetic regime and prescribed mediation, Yoga may certainly help to control this illness.

What Yoga Cures

Asthma is a debilitating and frightening illness, and there's some evidence which suggests Yoga can help to reduce the symptoms. Along with the mod! ern medi cine it can keep your body relaxed and teach you breathing techniques which can enable you to cope in times of stress.

Illnesses such as Parkinson's disease, Multiple Sclerosis, heart disease and other respiratory illnesses such as emphysema can all benefit from Yoga.

How Yoga Benefits Weight Loss

It seems strange to think that Yoga, which is a mild form of exercise, can help an individual to lose weight. The fact is that Yoga is just part of an overall effort to lose weight, which is combined with eating fresh fruit and vegetables and whole grain foods rather than refined and pre-packed meals.

Yoga teaches you to understand your body and how to take control of your mind and use your thoughts to create a healthier and happier lifestyle. Discipline eventually becomes second nature, allowing you to be aware of the danger to your body of over indulgence.

How Yoga Heals the Body

It has long been recognized that stress can cause illness. The tightening of the blood vessels means that oxygen is not flowing through the body as it should, and this in turn leads to all types of internal problems.

One of the main purposes of Yoga is to alleviate stress by relaxation exercises and mind control. This cannot be achieved overnight, but regular sessions will show a remarkable improvement in the way one deals with stress.

Cortisol is a hormone that helps to keep our body active, but too much stress can result in creating high levels of this hormone, which in turn suppresses our immune system. This causes sleep problems and a loss of appetite, and also increases the heart rate and blood pressure which puts your body at risk of a heart attack or stroke. Also, excess cortisol results in a person being overly alert and anxious.

Yoga activates the parasympathetic nervous system and promotes the rest and renew functions which allow the body to heal itself.

How Meditation Helps People

Meditation raises your physical and mental energy which g! ives you an inner strength and confidence. This is so important as we age and have to learn to face many of life's problems and tragedies.

When what we consider to be an insurmountable problem rears its ugly head, it's amazing what a short session of meditation can do. Suddenly everything can become quite clear in one's mind, and you'll be amazed you didn't think of the solution before.

With so much going on in our world today it's important to try to set aside a time to cover the yoga basics and keep ourselves on an even keel. You and your family will benefit from learning how to deal with everyday problems by simply giving your mind and body a chance to relax and see things in a calm and logical way.

Yoga and modern day medicine are there to help us remain fit and healthy and to enjoy life to the fullest!

About the Author

Burbank Yoga at the Body and Brain Holistic Wellness Center has members enjoying new levels of health, helping them get off medication, decrease anxiety, lose weight, and feel better. Located at 1054 West Alameda Avenue, Burbank, CA 91506, (818) 846-8888, come visit or call us today!

Yoga May In Fact Cure Disease As Explained By Burbank Yoga Center Manager Fatima Bustos-Choy

Posted: 08 Feb 2012 06:00 AM PST

Article by Frank K Muller

Yoga is a traditional physical and spiritual discipline which goes back more than 5,000 years.Devised as a joining together of aspects of a person's body, mind and soul for the purpose of achieving a balanced and happy life, Yoga is now practiced by millions throughout the world.

The poses employed in Yoga act to condition your body by becoming aware of your energy flow and learning how to focus that energy in order to increase awareness. By focusing on specific parts of the body or mind it's possible to create a calm and relaxed state.

There are numerous different types of Yoga practiced today, but basically all types of Yoga performed acheives the same end results. Yoga can be practiced by any age group from small children through to the elderly. Indeed, children who practice some form of Yoga at an early age will quickly become aware of how their body works and how important it is to retain a healthy mind and body.

For the elderly, Yoga can help to decrease difficulties of being unsteady when walking, and create a more confident attitude by improving physical performance.

Health Benefits of Yoga

Deep breathing, which is one of the techniques used in Yoga, helps to provide the blood with more oxygen and in so doing helps to reduce blood pressure and tension. Deep breathing exercises also seem to aid the skin tissue making it look vibrant and healthy.

Many people find mood swings become less apparent and their ability to cope with stressful situations gets easier. Energy levels seem to increase and therefore the quality of one's life improves.

Combined with a well-balanced diet, there has been some evidence to indicate that Yoga may lower blood sugar levels in diabetics. Following a proper diabetic regime and prescribed mediation, Yoga may certainly help to control this illness.

What Yoga Cures

Asthma is a debilitating and frightening illness, and there's some evidence which suggests Yoga can help to reduce the symptoms. Along w! ith the modern medicine it can keep your body relaxed and teach you breathing techniques which can enable you to cope in times of stress.

Illnesses such as Parkinson's disease, Multiple Sclerosis, heart disease and other respiratory illnesses such as emphysema can all benefit from Yoga.

How Yoga Benefits Weight Loss

It seems strange to think that Yoga, which is a mild form of exercise, can help an individual to lose weight. The fact is that Yoga is just part of an overall effort to lose weight, which is combined with eating fresh fruit and vegetables and whole grain foods rather than refined and pre-packed meals.

Yoga teaches you to understand your body and how to take control of your mind and use your thoughts to create a healthier and happier lifestyle. Discipline eventually becomes second nature, allowing you to be aware of the danger to your body of over indulgence.

How Yoga Heals the Body

It has long been recognized that stress can cause illness. The tightening of the blood vessels means that oxygen is not flowing through the body as it should, and this in turn leads to all types of internal problems.

One of the main purposes of Yoga is to alleviate stress by relaxation exercises and mind control. This cannot be achieved overnight, but regular sessions will show a remarkable improvement in the way one deals with stress.

Cortisol is a hormone that helps to keep our body active, but too much stress can result in creating high levels of this hormone, which in turn suppresses our immune system. This causes sleep problems and a loss of appetite, and also increases the heart rate and blood pressure which puts your body at risk of a heart attack or stroke. Also, excess cortisol results in a person being overly alert and anxious.

Yoga activates the parasympathetic nervous system and promotes the rest and renew functions which allow the body to heal itself.

How Meditation Helps People

Meditation raises your physical and mental ene! rgy whic h gives you an inner strength and confidence. This is so important as we age and have to learn to face many of life's problems and tragedies.

When what we consider to be an insurmountable problem rears its ugly head, it's amazing what a short session of meditation can do. Suddenly everything can become quite clear in one's mind, and you'll be amazed you didn't think of the solution before.

With so much going on in our world today it's important to try to set aside a time to cover the yoga basics and keep ourselves on an even keel. You and your family will benefit from learning how to deal with everyday problems by simply giving your mind and body a chance to relax and see things in a calm and logical way.

Yoga and modern day medicine are there to help us remain fit and healthy and to enjoy life to the fullest!

About the Author

Fatima is a yoga center manager in Burbank.Burbank Yoga at the Body and Brain Holistic Wellness Center has members enjoying new levels of health, helping them get off medication, decrease anxiety, lose weight, and feel better. Located at 1054 West Alameda Avenue, Burbank, CA 91506, (818) 846-8888, come visit or call us today!

Biggest Mistake in Your Meditation Practice

Posted: 08 Feb 2012 05:00 AM PST

Article by Anmol Mehta

I have been practicing meditation now for over 20 years. In these 2 decades plus, I have explored much of the spiritual landscape and discovered many of the profound treasures hidden there. Also, during this time I have made my share of mistakes and seen others make theirs. In this article I want to help you avoid repeating the biggest mistake with regard to establishing a deep and strong daily meditation practice.

It is the mistake of endless procrastination. So let's understand this detrimental behavior and also, how to change it, so that it can be removed as an obstacle forever.

The Mistake of Procrastination:

Lord Buddha said, "There are only 2 mistakes you can make in life. First mistake is not to take the first step, and the second, is that having taken the first step, to not go all the way."

I am amazed how few take the first step. Many people who talk and read about religion, spirituality, zen, yoga, meditation, etc. never actually start a personal meditation program. They even come to me and discuss these matters in great detail, but, never get down to doing it. Meditation, in this regard, is just like exercise, you can read every book on fitness, but, until you break a sweat you will have zero benefits.

There are many profound and now medically recognized benefits of meditation. More and more evidence is emerging about how meditation helps reduce stress, cure diseases, increase concentration, enhance brain capacity and improve the quality of your life, but, to enjoy these benefits you need to practice. All the reading and talking in the world will not help, you need to get busy doing it.

Solution to Procrastination:

There are several steps you can take which should help you end the habit of procrastinating your meditation practice and begin. Here are these recommendations for you.

1. Start small: Don't try to sit in meditation for one hour a day right off the bat. It will simply be too much. Although you initial burst of inspiration may ge! t you to do that much at first, it will be very hard to sustain that intensity over the long term. The benefits of meditation are not instantaneous, they are acquired over time so a consistent practice is a must. Therefore, start with what you can easily manage and then build up from there. This will help you enjoy your practice more and also, procrastinate it less.

2. Create a meditation space: Create a small space in your home which you will use for your meditation practice. Keep everything there ready, so it is easy and inviting for you to start your daily session. Place there whatever inspires you and also keep there your cushions etc., so that when it's time for your practice there is little you have to do in order to get it started. This will go a long way in preventing thoughts the opportunity to dissuade you from getting your daily spiritual work in.

3. Stop procrastinating in general: Procrastination is really a disease. It will delay and prevent you from living your life completely. So, stop this habit, not just in the context of your meditation practice, but in general. Try your very best to do what needs to be done right away without concern for mood. Just move from one activity that requires your attention to the next, answering the call of the moment and you will find yourself building up terrific momentum.

This momentum then will spill over into all aspects of your life, including the most important, your daily meditation practice. The more you do things as soon as the time is right, the more you will find yourself free of the disease of procrastination. Free of this disease, your life will open up, your meditation practice will blossom and you will certainly fulfill your highest destiny.

About the Author

Anmol Mehta is a Yoga & Meditation expert. For Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques visit, Free Chakra Meditation & Kundalini Yoga Exercises or Free Guided Meditation, Kundalini Yoga Poses & Zen Blog.

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Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Modern Meditation for Your Life

Posted: 08 Feb 2012 04:00 AM PST

Article by editor123

Modern meditation can be better defined as the art of realizing the inner capabilities and strength of a person to deal with the day-to-day difficulties and problems. The easiest way of realizing the power of meditation is to focus on any given subject with total concentration.

To realize the great healing powers of meditation, you can follow different systems and styles, approached with varying degrees of formality. Normally, all styles and systems can be useful for various reasons, and it would be a fun to discover which one is right for you.

The origin of Meditation Today, modern meditation has been practiced throughout the world by millions of dedicated followers. It is believed that the concept of modern meditation was originated within the Eastern religions, more particularly within Vedic Hinduism. The main purpose behind the meditation is to allow the individual to discover a place of inner peace and calmness. The basic idea behind the meditation is to develop internal consciousness in order to free a person's mind from the pains and sufferings of the physical plain of existence.

Benefits of meditation exercisesAs stated earlier, meditation is the undoubtedly an effective method to give you inner calm and peace. The benefits of meditation reduce all these aspects of a busy, dynamic and active lifestyle to give you complete peace and just satisfaction.

To know the positive energies of meditation, it is better to experience yourself. You can experience your truth of existence and feel on the top of the world.

Online Modern MeditationInternet provides a great source to provide relevant information about the meditation process of healing. You can find useful meditation products to help yourself and stay happy. So, why wait? Surf the internet and look for the ultimate way to change your lifestyle to minimize your pains and suffering and bring back the smile on your face.

About the Author

Visit Modern Meditation, for further information on meditation online, meditation community, meditation workshops, meditation news, meditation exercises etc please visit at

Yoga this is a yoga

Posted: 08 Feb 2012 03:00 AM PST

Article by Denis

Yoga is primarily based on knowledge and practice. Yoga includes the theoretical foundations of any subject, as well as practical techniques to achieve different goals. Consider, for example, yoga can be a psychologist. From the ancient Greek language "psychology" is translated as the science of the soul. Does yoga teaches that we are the soul of nature? Yes, yoga is based on the understanding that we are not the body and the soul inside the body.

From the perspective of modern human psychology is the science of the mind. Here, yoga, with its variety of different psychological techniques is superior to many cutting-edge psychological techniques.

Consider, for example fashion today, the practice of visualization, or imagination, such as a method of "Silva" and other techniques based on this. In the movie "Secret" a detailed account of such visualization models of consciousness. Let's see how all these methods are taken.

Long yoga involves the practice of visualization or imagination in the mind, the desired object. Yoga can imagine the power of mind that their body becomes easier to fluff, and they began to levitate. Yogi could have imagined in the mind of gold, and in his hand he has the gold.

For example, a person strongly wants to have a yacht or a cool car. He presents an image of the car, or boat. They are, after a while to materialize, but the person gets the object the force of his good karma and bad karma.

Have to borrow, and then work hard to repay debts and as a result together with the yacht a person gets a lot of hassle. So that work is the practice of visualization? The answer - yes, but need a lot of time to think before something to represent. Yoga everybody knows it, because it teaches yoga around.

Yoga - is the perfect practice of psychology, will satisfy those who want to understand themselves and those who want to learn how to work with the mind. But it is thanks to yoga can be avoided in the lives of so many mistakes.

Yoga teache! s, for e xample, practices of contemplation and meditation, or concentration. Contemplation - is when we just observe your mind, but on anything not specifically focus and concentration - it is a deliberate concentration of his mind, a particular object.

Yoga helps, thanks to a contemplative and meditative practice, very deep cleansing and relaxation of the mind. At the initial stage of the purification of the accumulated mental stress, and then accumulates the energy of goodness.

Yoga - a perfect psychological system, which also includes a deep knowledge of the mind, its properties and how they operate. Yoga has many thousands owns these techniques. Therefore, another translation of the word yoga - it sounds like control feeling.

I hope you're interested in learning about yoga and its possibilities, but in the descriptions of yoga, you will not find a description of the technology, which is kept secret. All of this is due to the fact that in yoga there is a private training from master to apprentice.

Yoga also refers to a teacher who realized what he had heard from his teacher and so the chain. If you want to learn the secrets of yoga, find one who has realized there is a teacher and then many of life's mysteries will be opened to you.

All articles of our site are intended to ensure that you have formed a clear image of yoga as a multifaceted system of cultivation rights. Study, ponder, write, call, come and Study of yoga.

About the Author

Start doing yoga right now, buy a yoga mat bags. Tree of life yoga

Meditation Shawls - Experience The Beautiful Aura Of Warmth And Kindness

Posted: 08 Feb 2012 02:00 AM PST

Article by Bruce Channers

Meditation shawls are good support items for meditation. They can help in achieving a deeper sense of relaxation. The warmth that they provide has been found to have a magical healing effect while you are meditating. No matter which form of meditation you are practicing, you can use these shawls to speed up the healing process. However, it is very important for you to understand that it is not just the physical warmth that these shawls provide. You are also benefited with a unique sense of spiritual warmth because of their specific design. Following are some of the most popular meditation shawls available in the market.


These types of shawls are specifically designed. They are basically made of fabric. Because of their distinctive design, they are lovely to wear. The great thing about these fabrics is that they are a great reflection of calmness, tranquility, serenity and peace. Some of the best fabrics that are used in the making of these meditation shawls may include jacquard, velvet, satin, cotton, knit, chiffon, crochet, cashmere, wool, pashmina, and silk. The most popular ones are those made of 100% cotton, or 100% silk. However, shawls made of other fabrics are also very popular among those who practice meditation.

Cotton Om Shawl:

The cotton Om shawl is a versatile shawl. As the name suggests, this is made of hundred-percent cotton. These shawls are available in a large variety of colors, which may include turquoise with medium blue, sage green with green, orange with black, lilac with purple, white with black, red with black etc. Since these meditation shawls are made of cotton, they are very soft, which eventually bring a deeper sense of healing effect for you.

Silk Om Shawl:

As the name suggests, these are made of hundred-percent silk. You can wear these shawls in a variety of ways. Some of the best colors for these types of shawls are tangerine, silver gray, lilac, turquoise, gold etc.

Om Mantra Shawl:

The Om mantra shawl is anot! her popu lar kind of meditation shawl. The Om-mantra pattern is printed all over these shawls. This way, when you meditate by wearing these shawls, it helps you achieve a deeper sense of relaxation and inner peace.

Rayon Shawls:

The rayon shawls also make a great choice. Meditation is a spiritual practice and it is always worth using the supply items, like these shawls in order to achieve the best out of the healing effects of meditation. They are also available in a variety of looks. Some of the most popular colors for rayon shawls are purple, blue, black, and orange.

Overall, there is an endless range of meditation shawls and you can choose the one that best suits your taste. The best among these shawls are those in which the various meditation mantras are printed all over. It is because of the simplicity of the design and pattern of these shawls that they are able to reflect a unique sense of joy, peace, warmth and kindness in you. Meditation shawls are very simple in their approach, but have magical healing effects.

About the Author

To discover unusual secrets about the art of chakra meditation and guided meditation, be sure to check out:

Energy Yoga: Exercise and Deep breathing for an All around health

Posted: 08 Feb 2012 01:00 AM PST

Article by Richard Sibu

Wellness is the actual wealth of a person. Good health does not mean the absence of bodily illness but additionally the lack of mental and social illness. A proper person can properly survive and easily deal with the difficulties and stress associated with daily living. Incorporating regular physical activities, nutritious diet, as well as refraining through alcohol as well as cigarettes are essential in maintaining the fit and healthy entire body. Yoga is a physical activity that's been used in the ancient times to alleviate health problems associated with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, asthma, short breathing, backaches, persistent illness, and many other forms of discomfort. Nowadays, Yoga went from a religious discipline practiced by many in the China, into a mainstream exercise routine that's been taught in many gyms around the world. Other studies suggest that yoga exercise may market relaxation and lower distress.

A new form of yoga exercise that targets a more fitness-based contacted has been developed. It is known as Power Yoga exercise, a method carefully modeled following the Ashtanga style of practice. The term Energy Yoga became widely used within the mid-'90s when many yoga teachers tried brand new ways to help to make Ashtanga Yoga more accessible to the actual western target audience. Both Power and Ashtanga Yoga focuses on power and flexibility. The only difference between the standard method as well as Power Yoga is that the latter does not require the performance of a series of presents. It required the basics associated with yoga as well as and gave it the dose of aerobics in order to tone the muscles, sharpen focus, as well as strengthen the heart.

Other recognized benefits of practicing Power Yoga include:

Enhanced strength, stamina, and stamina Tighter ab muscles, legs, and armsHelps release bodily tension Assists in maintaining good and proper posture Serves as a good warm up for athletes Enhances an sportsman's overall performance

Energ! y Yoga i s a very accessible exercise. To practice this new yoga method, all that is needed is a toned floor surface area, a mat or hand towel, and sufficient overhead room to extend the arms. It can be performed by individuals of different ages and degree of physical condition. Nevertheless, not all presents should be attempted by everybody. Proper position and alignment should always be taken care of during extend or posture to avoid accidental injuries. These actions should be ceased when there is fatigue, pain, or dizziness. Additionally, the mental component of yoga is as essential as its physical activities. Concentration as well as meditation should not be taken for granted. Yoga exercise should be done with an open as well as gentle thoughts when 1 performs yoga positions as well as posture. Impatience, self-criticism, and evaluating oneself with others may hamper the improvement of one's physical and mental health.

Individuals who wish to engage in activities like yoga should consult doctors and other health professionals before you take yoga courses. Certain injuries to the wrist, back, as well as ankles may prevent some individuals from practicing yoga exercise postures and positions. In addition, yoga ought to be practiced carefully and safety measure. Some people possess reported accidental injuries that were obtained by performing yoga postures without concentrate, or through attempting difficult positions with out working all of them gradually or even by not having proper guidance. Oftentimes, beginners complain of muscle tenderness and exhaustion after engaging in yoga. These types of effects might disappear with continuous practice. Yoga is a good way to reinforce the and the body and enhance overall health.

About the Author

James has been creating articles on-line for 2 years. Besides this writer concentrate on the above issues, you can also look at his some other posts on various topics, such as, click clack sofa bed, fold out sofa bed, and sofa bed sheets

Energy Yoga: Exercise and Deep breathing for an All around health

Posted: 08 Feb 2012 01:00 AM PST

Article by Richard Sibu

Wellness is the actual wealth of a person. Good health does not mean the absence of bodily illness but additionally the lack of mental and social illness. A proper person can properly survive and easily deal with the difficulties and stress associated with daily living. Incorporating regular physical activities, nutritious diet, as well as refraining through alcohol as well as cigarettes are essential in maintaining the fit and healthy entire body. Yoga is a physical activity that's been used in the ancient times to alleviate health problems associated with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, asthma, short breathing, backaches, persistent illness, and many other forms of discomfort. Nowadays, Yoga went from a religious discipline practiced by many in the China, into a mainstream exercise routine that's been taught in many gyms around the world. Other studies suggest that yoga exercise may market relaxation and lower distress.

A new form of yoga exercise that targets a more fitness-based contacted has been developed. It is known as Power Yoga exercise, a method carefully modeled following the Ashtanga style of practice. The term Energy Yoga became widely used within the mid-'90s when many yoga teachers tried brand new ways to help to make Ashtanga Yoga more accessible to the actual western target audience. Both Power and Ashtanga Yoga focuses on power and flexibility. The only difference between the standard method as well as Power Yoga is that the latter does not require the performance of a series of presents. It required the basics associated with yoga as well as and gave it the dose of aerobics in order to tone the muscles, sharpen focus, as well as strengthen the heart.

Other recognized benefits of practicing Power Yoga include:

Enhanced strength, stamina, and stamina Tighter ab muscles, legs, and armsHelps release bodily tension Assists in maintaining good and proper posture Serves as a good warm up for athletes Enhances an sportsman's overall performance

Energ! y Yoga i s a very accessible exercise. To practice this new yoga method, all that is needed is a toned floor surface area, a mat or hand towel, and sufficient overhead room to extend the arms. It can be performed by individuals of different ages and degree of physical condition. Nevertheless, not all presents should be attempted by everybody. Proper position and alignment should always be taken care of during extend or posture to avoid accidental injuries. These actions should be ceased when there is fatigue, pain, or dizziness. Additionally, the mental component of yoga is as essential as its physical activities. Concentration as well as meditation should not be taken for granted. Yoga exercise should be done with an open as well as gentle thoughts when 1 performs yoga positions as well as posture. Impatience, self-criticism, and evaluating oneself with others may hamper the improvement of one's physical and mental health.

Individuals who wish to engage in activities like yoga should consult doctors and other health professionals before you take yoga courses. Certain injuries to the wrist, back, as well as ankles may prevent some individuals from practicing yoga exercise postures and positions. In addition, yoga ought to be practiced carefully and safety measure. Some people possess reported accidental injuries that were obtained by performing yoga postures without concentrate, or through attempting difficult positions with out working all of them gradually or even by not having proper guidance. Oftentimes, beginners complain of muscle tenderness and exhaustion after engaging in yoga. These types of effects might disappear with continuous practice. Yoga is a good way to reinforce the and the body and enhance overall health.

About the Author

James has been creating articles on-line for 2 years. Besides this writer concentrate on the above issues, you can also look at his some other posts on various topics, such as, click clack sofa bed, fold out sofa bed, and sofa bed sheets

Advantages of Online Yoga Lessons

Posted: 08 Feb 2012 12:00 AM PST

Article by Nil Jonee

OM 108 times ॐ

morning mantra OM practice - pratica matinal de mantra OM. Please read and comment my article about yoga:

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Online Yoga as a Revolutionary Fitness Venture

Posted: 07 Feb 2012 11:00 PM PST

Article by Nil Jonee

Baba Ramdev - Self - Realisation (Atma Bodh)

This video about self-realization expounds on the benefits of the three streams of traditional Yoga - the meditation of the Yoga Sutras; the contemplative insight of Advaita Vedanta; and the direct experience of the center of consciousness - each of which complements the other like the fingers on a hand. Click to watch more Baba Ramdev Videos.

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How To Escape Stress With Meditation And Relaxation!

Posted: 07 Feb 2012 10:00 PM PST

Article by Susan Masters

Since the oldest times, meditation and relaxation have been considered essential for both our mental and physical health, having a wide range of benefits upon our general mood and feeling of well being. But what is the foundation of this affirmation? Why do we need to relax and to meditate? And how do meditation and relaxation get along with our dynamic and overwhelming modern life?

Why Meditate?

Meditation and relaxation go hand in hand, since we can not actually meditate unless we are perfectly relaxed. And the benefits of relaxation are well-known: better concentration, better focus and attention, release of stress and tension - after all, these are beneficial effects that all hard working, active individuals desire. But meditation implies even more than relaxation.... meditation implies a journey of the mind, a spiritual journey that allows us to reach the corners of our inner selves.

We can come in contact with our deep feelings, with our deep emotions, we are stimulated to conceive ideas, our minds and spirits are challenged. But we should not understand that this challenge presupposes an effort. Actually, this journey is helping us to become more peaceful, calmer individuals, individuals who can be in perfect harmony with themselves and with the rest of the world.

Why Are Meditation and Relaxation Essential in the Context of the Modern World?

Nowadays, meditation and relaxation are more important than ever. Why so? Simply because nowadays, people are engaged in hyperactive lives and intense daily activities that tend to exhaust them and to overwhelm them. Nowadays, most individuals are working hard; most individuals are dealing with the responsibilities of building a happy, safe life for their family. Nowadays, stress is more present than ever.

Furthermore, the modern world of today leaves little space, if any, to the important things in live. People are concerned with the functionality of their life; they are concerned with material aspects, with financ! ial matt ers - that also bring high amounts of stress - and with the pragmatic sides of life. Today, people tend to think less and less about themselves, about their needs and desires.

Which Are the Positive Effects of Meditation and Relaxation?

In the context of the modern, dynamic and stressful world, people need to go back to the meaningful things in life, things that lean more towards spirituality than to pragmatism. People need to go back to themselves, to find themselves, to discover their inner live, since this is the one that can bring genuine satisfactions and rewordings. Moreover, meditation and relaxation are the key to a better efficaciousness, to better outturn when dealing with daily activities, with work or with personal matters. Meditation can actually increase our capacities in a wide range of fields, from our emotional skills to our professional ones, since it implies more creativity, more imagination, an optimized attention and a better general tonus.

Considering the facts above, individuals should embrace this chance of improving such a diverse range of abilities and aspects of their life by simply embracing meditation and relaxation. More vitality, more energy, the feelings of happiness and joy, discovering inner emotions and feelings, releasing tension and stress and many more - all these are in the power of meditation and relaxation.

About the Author

Want to calm your mind, super-charge your energy level and manifest what you truly desire in life? We've created a FREE audio e-course with relaxation meditation techniques to get you started. If your happiness is important, click here.

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Better Body, Better Earth: Going Green with Yoga

Posted: 07 Feb 2012 09:00 PM PST

Article by Adrian Desbarats

Yoga. The very word is calming to many of us - it represents time for ourselves, time for our bodies; and time for our souls. In fact, the very meaning of the word is "union," and in many ways, yoga is a union of the senses. Taking time out of our busy daily lives is so important. It's a time to reflect, a time to ease tension away, and a time to spend time reconnecting with one of the most important people in your life: you! Yoga can also be a time to relax in garments that are made just for stretching, energizing, and moving. If you've ever attempted to practice yoga in the "wrong" clothing, you know just how uncomfortable this can be! Depending on the type of yoga you are practicing, you will have different attire needs. Soft, gentle forms of yoga ,such as hatha, call for comfortable, breathable pants and either loose or snug fitting tops. For more energetic forms of yoga, such as ashtanga, you may want to choose something more form fitting so you can check your postures. And, if you practice a form of hot yoga, such as Bikrams, you'll want something that will keep you as cool as possible.

For many aspiring yogis, the practice of yoga is about a lifestyle: one that respects the body, and the environment. For that reason, many people who practice yoga opt to wear eco friendly clothing that is sustainably and ethically produced. It only makes sense: to find a true sense of inner peace, one must make choices in every part of their lives that reflect their values. That's not the only reason to choose sustainable fibers. The fit is often unparalleled, the fabric is perfect for the fluid movements of yoga, and the garments hold their shape for years.

The Reversible Knit Capri is perfect for many forms of yoga, as the shorter length allows you to move freely through any series of poses. Made of certified organic cotton and viscose bamboo, this is a fabulous choice no matter what type of yoga you practice (with the exception of extremely hot yogas, in which case you will most likely want t! o wear t he shortest pair of shorts you own!). Psst…these pants are completely reversible, so it is like two looks for the price of one!).

Searching for yoga tops? You'll want something that allows you to move in any direction! A v-neck top in viscose bamboo and organic cotton is the perfect item to wear to yoga given it's breathability and moisture wicking properties. Pair it with a sports bra or a snug fitting tank top for a layering effect that will allow you to work through an entire class. The moisture-wicking properties of this eco textile make it ideal for a yoga or pilates session.

The Stress of Spring

The warming months of spring can bring with them a bit of stress as we attempt to stay on top of all our commitments. Adding yoga to your weekly routine is an ideal way to make a commitment to yourself - and keep the stress at bay.

According to Dr. Jeff Micdow, M.D., yoga can also benefit the immune system by focusing on the thymus gland, which is located in the chest. Breathe deeply and open the chest during your yoga practice. "The most beneficial postures for this purpose are the Cobra, the Pigeon, the Fish, the Boat, the Bow, and the Bridge," states Migdow in his paper "Balancing the Immune System with Yoga."1

From the yoga studio to home, choosing a healthy lifestyle is a key component in living a life that is full of happiness and balance. Stay healthy, stay fit, and stay fashionable by including a daily or weekly yoga practice in your routine: your body will thank you!

So now is a great time to get that eco-friendly yoga outfit you have been desiring - get your life balanced while staying in balance with your eco values!

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Fashion & Earth provides eco consumers with organic clothes at affordable prices. With their hassle free returns policy and, extremely popular Rewards Program you really have nothing to lose! Go ahead - check them out and experience the feeling of wearing eco friendly clothing

Neuroscientist Proves Health Benefits of Meditation

Posted: 07 Feb 2012 08:00 PM PST

Article by Samantha Srillian

Neuroscientist Dr Shanida Nataraja has just published The Blissful Brain: Neuroscience and Proof of the Power of Meditation, a thought-provoking science book that proves meditation can improve your concentration, memory and decision-making skills.Dr Nataraja was first exposed to meditation by her parents, who meditated regularly. She explains: "I was raised in a family where meditation was a central part of life. My father is Indian, from a Hindu background, and my mother is Dutch and Catholic." However, it wasn't until she became a research scientist that she decided to investigate whether her parent's activity actually worked. Dr Nataraja was surprised at the findings of her studies, she said: "I really didn't expect to find that meditation plays such a role in optimising brain function and health, from cognitive abilities to cardiovascular wellbeing." She found that meditation was beneficial to the brain because it boosted brain integration. Dr Nataraja believes brain integration is important, as she thinks that westerners use the left halves of their brains too much. She explains, "Generally speaking, the left hemisphere is associated with analytical, rational and logical processing, whereas the right hemisphere is associated with abstract thought, non-verbal awareness, visual-spatial perception and the expression and modulation of emotions. In the western world, most individuals navigate through their everyday life in a fashion dominated by left-brained thinking." Relying too heavily on the left hand side of the brain can cause people to think too much, while not feeling enough. This can cause stress and anxiety, as well as making people feel overwhelmed. Dr Nataraja's research used galvanic skin response meters to monitor emotional changes through the skin and electroencephalograms (EEGs), which measured the amount of electrical activity that was being produced by the brain. Her work demonstrated that entering a meditative state could bring a feeling of calmness, prompted by! a much- needed increase in use of the right side of the brain. Her studies also showed an increased level of alpha brain wave activity, which indicated that meditation also activates the parasympathetic nervous system. This activation of this nervous system is important as it lowers stress levels, which decreases pressure on your heart.Although she proves that there are numerous health benefits offered by meditation, Dr Nataraja also realises that it can be difficult to reach the meditative state in today's busy world. However, she advises people to take a 15-minute break at the start and finish of every day for quiet reflection, which has a calming effect and can help to relieve some of the pressure of modern life.Dr Nataraja champions a number of alternative therapy methods to reach the meditative state. She said: "I also do yoga two or three times a week; it took me a long time to find a type of meditation that suited me. I've tried tai chi, chi gung and other approaches, but yoga really works for me with its very specific point of mindful focus on the postures."Source:Guardian

About the Author

Samantha Srillian is a freelance writer, as well as a naturally gifted psychic medium and tarot card reader. She is interested in alternative therapies, angels and spiritual healing.

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How To Start Yoga After 50

Posted: 07 Feb 2012 07:00 PM PST

Article by Marc Platters


Posted: 07 Feb 2012 06:00 PM PST

Article by Sjhwcc

A Yoga Wear is a must if you are thinking of joining a Yoga class. Yoga needs comfort and freedom of movement. You cannot do the Yoga Asanas unless you are in some real comfortable clothes. Some people wear jeans and sneakers to their yoga classes. A big blunder! Tight clothes interrupt with blood circulation. Plus when you are doing the Asanas, you will feel uncomfortable and conscious yourself. Your Yoga clothes should be flexible and comfortable. There are various brands that specialize in making Yoga clothes. Yoga wear is available everywhere today! The fact that they are there, we should be taking advantage of them. When you are buying Yoga Wear, make sure you buy plain clothing. You should never wear loud colors and prints when practicing Yoga as they seek unwanted attention and disturbances. Always buy ecological fabrics! Do not go for synthetic or velvet when buying Yoga wear. Always go for fabrics like Soy, Cotton, Nylon, Lycra or Linen. These fabrics are flexible and allow space and freedom of movement. Buy clothes that are easy to maintain and absorb sweat. Wear simple cotton/plain clothing to a yoga class as it conveys simplicity. Yoga is about simplicity too! Exposure is a big NO-NO when it comes to Yoga clothing. We are not here for a dance session! When we are practicing Yoga, we need to focus on ourselves and not others. But if we wear revealing clothes, it will distract other people trying to concentrate on themselves. Wear simple clothing; we can save the revealing clothes for some other occasion! Avoid zippers, buttons and fasteners in your clothing; they will only distract you further. The best clothes to wear while practicing Yoga would be leggings or stretchable pants. Make sure you do not wear clothes which are too fitting or too loose. Wear loose t-shirts to a Yoga class as it allows movement with ease. Wearing light and plain shades are a big YES! Another important thing - NEVER WEAR a T-shirt that reads ROCK, SEX, DRUGS OR DEATH! Yoga does not appreciate loud and aggress! ive natu re. When we are practicing Yoga, we need to have a calm and composed mind. And so as to do that, we need positive energy around US. And that can be achieved through wearing clothes that radiate positivity.If you are thinking of buying Yoga clothingYoga clothing and do not know a place for buying the ideal ones, then do not worry. There are various online shopping websites which make life easier like where you can find a great collection of Yoga clothing. So the perfect yoga clothing for you is just a click away!

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Meditation - Advices on How to Meditate

Posted: 07 Feb 2012 05:00 PM PST

Article by Bertil Hjert

With a lot of awareness related to meditation and its' immense benefits on the individual who practices it have increased the curiosity of million of people across the globe. They are highly inquisitive about learning meditation and all related to this unique form of contemplation that unites body, mind and soul.

Experts who have been practicing meditation for years feel that learning meditation is not a cake walk. One needs a lot of research, will power and little knowledge about the topic prior to getting into the act.

Also if you are meditating for a special purpose, make sure that you have complete trust on the power of meditation and its' ability to let you achieve what you desire. This is the only way to learn meditation and get benefited from it.

When you initiate with meditation, it will be quite difficult for you in the beginning. The reason is that there are several changes in your body and mind.

The mind does not like to stop thinking and most people find it difficult to sit still for long periods. This is the reason that most people have many doubts regarding meditation and its benefits in the long run.

Here is an important piece of advice related to how to approach meditation and deal with certain problems:

a) The power of thinking

Most people when meditating for the first one. They will also find it surprising about how busy their mind really is. Most scientists estimate that about 80,000 thoughts go through the mind every day. There are a lot of things inside the brain. This is the main reason why people often feel quite isolated and separate from one another.

The brain is over loaded with various thoughts. These thoughts are further divided into several smaller thoughts. As soon as a person sits on a cushion and classes his eyes, the mind opens to the power of thought and its hold on them.

When someone starts the process of meditation, one finds it hard to concentrate and meditate. The feeling can even arise that it is har! d to sta y still because no one is used to stay still for so long. This is very normal.

b) Being still

Deep inside the mind, there is something real and stability that each one of us is capable to focus on. This is pure consciousness. One requires to get into tune with the breath one takes in and through out. This eventually leads to peace of mind, reduction of cravings and feeling of oneness with the rest of the world.

a) Positive energy

The positive energy inside a person gets increased and deeply routed via following the instructions of a good teacher. A good teacher can help a student with important thing such as posture and how to practice. The possible energy is very important to carry out any task successfully. This fills you up with a lot of hope, faith and will desires you have in life.

Starting off with meditation may be difficult. However, you will be able to get used to the act.

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For more Articles, News, Information, Advice, and Resources about MEDITATION and YOGA please visit MEDITATION BUZZ and YOGA TIPS

Yoga - A complete exercise

Posted: 07 Feb 2012 04:00 PM PST

Article by Ericwilliams

Yoga is really a complete exercise for the mind, body and soul and it may give a person an alteration to understand himself in a new light. Regular practice of Yoga has been recognized to reduce stress, increase concentration as well as benefit one's all around health. Various postures and Asana in Yoga have their roots in ancient Indian traditions that promote the quest for enlightenment through the unification of the physical and also the spiritual.

Today, Yoga has become the way of life for its practitioners who're enhancing the quality of their life by experiencing and enjoying the purity and serenity offered by Yoga. The meditative aspect of Yoga to lose weight has several advantages as it helps a person in maintaining focus, improving breathing, and also maintaining a posture that benefits our body. The exercise of breathing in and out in long breaths detoxifies the body and leaves a person feeling fresh and energized. Yoga is also a great way to boost one's confidence and self confidence as Yoga improves one's creative prowess as one has the capacity to better concentrate on everything in life. Yoga makes one feel a sense of calm and positivist that can't be felt by any other type of exercise. The practitioners of Yoga can transcend the physical boundaries to achieve into the spiritual realm and find their true self.

Yoga benefits could be categorized into physical, psychological and biochemical benefits. This categorization informs us that yoga provides all around health benefits. It's a holistic approach towards your wellness. Moreover, it's a perfect exercise that has benefited people from all of walks of life.

Yoga is an exercise which has been used for over 5000 years. It has contained tons of different theories observations and principles concerning the mind-body connection, which is now being studied by today's science. You will find over 100 different types of schools of yoga. For instance, Heath yoga is currently one of the most widely practiced forms in America! . Hatha yoga has a wide selection of movements, body postures, and breathing techniques. In order to increase your hot yoga benefits you need to practice the 3 main aspects of yoga, which are Asana (postures), Pranayama (breathing), and meditation.

Yoga is surely an ancient practice that anyone at every age are capable of doing. There are several that believe we're natural born yogis, remember when the practice of pulling our toes up to our ears was fun so we would laugh about this. Then we all grow up and rather than enjoying our flexibility and balance we commence to carry stress. That stress is carried in our shoulders and our backs and our necks. Basically we lost our balance, our inner and outer balance.

To learn yoga, you don't need any special equipment or clothes. You simply need a yoga mat plus some comfortable clothes. Choosing a nice quiet place is best when you are starting as it can help you focus. Yoga shouldn't be treated just like a complicated set of free hand exercises. Doing so will deprive you of all of the great benefits that yoga can provide you with apart from a healthy lifestyle.

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It's a great pleasure for me to provide you health articles regarding mens health issues like hair loss treatment,viagra generic, impotence treatment,viagra,swine flu,kamagra 100mg etc. I used to enjoy a lot writing about health issues because it's my area of interest from childhood.

Benefits of Bikram Yoga

Posted: 07 Feb 2012 03:00 PM PST

Article by Nil Jonee

Taken the world by a storm, Bikram Yoga is one of the most popular forms of yoga for those who crave for the hour glass figure. The another name that you give to the Bikram yoga is hot yoga as it is performed at a room temperature of 105 degree Fahrenheit. The yoga has been popularized by the yoga guru Bikram Chowdhury and there several benefits of the hot yoga.

Why will you perform the yoga in such a hot temperature? The answer to it is simple. For the quick loss of weight, this is probably the best one. In fact this yoga is gradually gaining popularity among the masses. If you are a person who is looking for yoga for weight gain, then in that case, hot yoga is not your cup of tea. By increasing the metabolic rate, the yoga which is performed at the room temperature helps in the burning more calories than that you consume. This means that even when you are not active, it will help in burning the calories that have gathered around your tummy.

Moreover while performing the Bikram yoga, your body will go through a detoxification process that will help in releasing the toxins from the body. In fact when you are performing the yoga at a room temperature, the capillaries inside your body dilate and as a result, this increases the oxygen supply to various parts of the body. If the oxygen supply increases, it is obvious that you will feel much more relaxed and comfortable. In the process, your body will also become much more flexible and less exposed to any kind of injury.

If the exercises are performed in a heated environment, it is obvious that your body will grow resistant to various kinds of infection or diseases. The detoxification helps in strengthening the immune system of the body. It also helps in protecting the body from various kinds of diseases. You will feel much more energized after performing the Bikram yoga. There will be a glowing presence on your skin. With excessive sweating, radiance will appear on your skin and regular exercise will lead to a flawless skin. This wi! ll make you look much more bright and fresh. You will feel much more rejuvenated and vibrant after performing the yoga.

If you want to go for yoga for weight gain, enroll in some other kind of exercises. Another benefit of the hot yoga is that you have a calm and composed feeling after practicing the yoga daily. A feel good factor lurks within you after practicing the yoga exercises. As a result, the concentration power and memory retention increases a lot. Only if you have a strong determination and will power, will you be able to stay in that warm temperature for so long.

Since yoga brings about an holistic development of the body, so Bikram yoga helps in the physical and psychological development also-bringing about the union of the mind and the spirit. To make you aware with your inner self in terms of emotionality and spirituality, the hot yoga is the best option.

About the Author

Nil Jonee is a freelance author who has vast knowledge in online yoga. For more details please visit us

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Spiritual Meditation: Technique to Learn and Benefit From

Posted: 07 Feb 2012 02:00 PM PST

Article by Bertil Hjert

Spiritual meditation emphasizes on allowing an individual to get acknowledged with your inner self. One is also able to discover the wisdom and peace that exists deep within.

This is possible via developing awareness and harmony in a person. Spiritual meditation can be of great help. One can employ various techniques of spiritual meditation in order to achieve best results.

Spiritual meditation usually involves either physical or mental exercises. One can also involve in both physical and mental exercises at a time. These exercises will help you to reach god. In case, you don't wish to utilize a specific meditation practice, then here is a simple technique of spiritual meditation to help you to reach god.

First, analyze your faith. You cannot achieve spiritual meditation. Remember that faith is an important part when it comes to achieve absolute spiritual meditation.

Next, you need to find a suitable environment for spiritual meditation. The environment should be peaceful where you can be alone for the maximum amount of time.

There is no particular pose you need to acquire when performing spiritual meditation. All you require to do is to look for a position you can hold on for about fifteen minutes.

Experts feel that spiritual meditation is a two way process. It may not seem to be. However, in the process, you see yourself speaking to god and god speaking to you.You need to start off the process with a lot of breathing exercises in order to let your mind feel relaxed. The relaxation of body also matters a lot here.

You need to forget about all your problems and worries for the moment and focus on enjoying the whole opportunity of union with the almighty.

Most people who are lucky, usually reach the ideal state of consciousness.

You should not allow bad memories to hurt you as these were just some of the experiences that teach you to be tougher and wiser.

Now, focus on who you actually are look yourself within. You need to be very true a! bout wha t your actual strengths and weaknesses are.

The second last step is to focus on your relationship with god. Ask a few questions on this relationship. Who is god to you? In what way you allowed god to take part in your relationship. What do you actually want to achieve out of spiritual meditation?

Do you have any questions to ask from god, if you just pour out?

The last step is to wait. You need to believe that god will answer you prayers. Have faith that he is hearing you and in each session of spiritual meditation, you will be getting answers to your questions. Believe in god and your prayer will be heard.

Spiritual meditation is a great option for those who want to know their real self and want to unite themselves with the almighty without any selfish motives.

This guide to spiritual meditation will definitely help you to achieve what you are looking for, provided you perform this art correctly.

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For more Articles, News, Information, Advice, and Resources about MEDITATION and YOGA please visit MEDITATION BUZZ and YOGA TIPS

Meditation Retreat - Create One at Your Home

Posted: 07 Feb 2012 01:00 PM PST

Article by Bertil Hjert

Meditation is a word that stands for self realization or complete focus and contemplation. The process of meditation involves thinking and breathing exercises that helps in removing all sorts of turbulence available in the mind. It further helps in providing the best of positive energy and new direction to the mind.

Initially, a 'guru' or teacher was supposed to perform meditation with his students and provide tips. However, these days, with the advent of a lot of modern techniques and equipments, people prefer learning these techniques from TV, CDs or the World Wide Web sans the instructor. This saves a lot of time and money on the part of the practitioner.

The main condition one requires to fulfill is to find an environment that's peaceful, isolated and natural. You can even locate a meditation retreat near your house. A meditation retreat is usually located near rivers, side of lakes, on the mountains etc. This makes an ideal environment for meditation retreat.

A meditation retreat can be referred to as a location where an individual retires for relaxation, rest and meditation. You can enjoy meditation only if the environment is calm and relaxing.

This retreat is a place that works towards providing you a sense of happiness to your squeezed out body and senses. The place works towards recharging you and reinvigorating your mind, body and spirit.

It simply rejuvenates you into a whole new self. Here, many lectures, demonstrations, seminars and discussions are held on important issues related to life. This allows your mind to forget all about the worries and other major concerns of life.

You would be highly benefited by this short stay at place that's so relaxing and calm. You will emerge out as a new individual without any problems, worries or ailments disturbing you. If you don't want to visit a meditation retreat far away, here are some tips on creating one at your home.

Make sure that you have learnt about meditation prior to actually starting of! f with y our project of making a meditation retreat at your home.

Follow the steps provided below and you will be able to create a retreat at home easily:

a) Allot a special place:

In case, you have a room with a door, you can use it for meditation. You may also go for a corner of a room with a screen or other furniture.

b) Decorate the space:

Embellish the space with soothing colors, plants, art and music. You may even try to repaint the place with a soothing color. Add some plants and place a CD player or iPod. Play a soothing music to cover up any distracting noise that keeps coming into the rooms.

c) Add tools:

Buy a meditation cushion.

d) Take media assistance:

Use a DVD to relax yourself.

Following the steps mentioned above will let you create a meditation retreat at your home.

About the Author

For more Articles, News, Information, Advice, and Resources about YOGA and MEDITATION please visit YOGA TIPS and MEDITATIONBUZZ

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Solving Money Problems with Meditation Techniques: A New Approach

Posted: 07 Feb 2012 12:00 PM PST

Article by Laurie Desjardins

Recently, it seems that more and more Americans are climbing higher and higher into debt, especially after last summer's subprime fallout. According to the AP, the value of credit cards 30 days late was .3 billion in October 2007, a 26 percent jump from what it had been earlier in the year.

Debt has a way of mounting, and those caught in it start to feel like they have no way out. It can be almost like drowning to some. We're told to invest wisely, or consolidate our debt, or seek other outside help in order to get our financial affairs in order. But what if that's the wrong approach? What if it's not outside, but inside that we need to be looking?

Could meditation help people solve their debt problems?

One of the most difficult problems people face is breaking out of the little box we put ourselves in, filled up with worries about work, family, and money, amongst many others. What do we do about these worries? We look outside for help. We look to financial planners when money becomes unmanageable. We look to Prozac or organizational seminars when work becomes unmanageable. That seems to be the Western way.

However, in those situations, we are treating the symptoms, not necessarily the problem itself. Even if you can get out of debt, a lack of understanding about your money habits could land you right back into hot water with your bill collectors.

Meditation is about bringing yourself out of the stresses of daily life and taking pleasure in the here and now. However, it's also about clarity and coming to a deeper understanding about yourself. Once you have a better understanding of yourself and why you do things, you can fix the source of the problem, rather than just focusing on the symptoms.

Making meditation a part of your daily life

Will you gain clear insight on the source of all your financial problems after your first 20-minute meditation session? It's doubtful. The Buddha himself meditated for 49 days straight before he achieved ! ultimate enlightenment. Although that's not in the cards for most of us, taking just 10 or 20 minutes each day to meditate can make quite a bit of difference, both in stress level and in self-awareness.

The first step is to find a 10-minute or 20-minute block each day that you can have complete solitude. It may be in the morning before you jump in the shower. It may be your afternoon break at work. It may be while your kids are at after-school activities. It doesn't matter. Just find yourself a time, and find yourself a place with good memories or good vibes.

Once you've got your time and place, the only thing that remains is to meditate. For some people, a simple breathing meditation is very simple and effective. Others, however, need some kind of meditation tool that helps to bridge the gap between Eastern philosophy and Western culture. One such meditation tool is the Zen Stick, a smooth, buffed tool that users toss and catch with their eyes closed.

The benefit of a tool like the Zen Stick is that it can help you reach a meditative state much more quickly. This means you need only spend about 5 minutes a day meditating, as opposed to 10 or 20 minutes.

Gain greater clarity today

Meditation is a small change that, like a pebble thrown into a pond, can have a positive ripple effect on every area of your life. You can gain any number of mental, spiritual, and physical benefits from meditation, as well as increased clarity and understanding about yourself. Make meditation a part of your daily routine and learn to break the harmful cycles in your life.

About the Author

Laurie Desjardins is a meditation expert and creator of the Zen Stick relaxation tool. Need some advice for getting started with meditation? Visit for all the latest meditation techniques and tips.

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Charade (1963) Diretor: Stanley Donen | Click here to expand ↓ Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12

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Back Pain and Meditation Part 4

Posted: 07 Feb 2012 11:00 AM PST

Article by Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher

Back Pain and Meditation Part 4

Out of the Hindu tradition comes Yogic meditation, which is also purely concentrative. The traditional basic exercises consist of focusing the mind on a single object: a stone, a candle flame, a syllable or whatever, and not allowing it to wander. Having acquired the basic skill, the Yogi proceeds to expand his practice by taking on more complex objects of meditation: chants, colourful religious images, energy channels in the body and so forth. Still, no matter how complex the object of meditation, the meditation itself remains purely an exercise in concentration.

Given the large number and diversity of traditional Buddhist meditation practices, this article primarily identifies authoritative contextual frameworks.

An example of this would be if you decided to focus on love. To start, you would relax your body, sit in a comfortable position, calm your emotions and begin repeating the word "love" over and over. The problem is that your mind has been your master your whole life and won't easily relinquish its position. To trick you back into obedient slavery, your mind will divert your attention, often by giving you a tantalizingly interesting distraction. What you are supposed to do is to witness your being distracted and return to concentrating on the object of your meditation. Concentration is well worth persevering in and ultimately liberating, spectacular and a blessing.

For a long time people considered meditation as an esoteric subject of elderly which deserved a try only after retirement. Thankfully, the situation is changing fast. Now there are management schools where meditation is taught as a compulsory subject. The classes of meditation are being conducted in every part of the world. The most modern doctors of world's best health institutions are recommending the daily practice of meditation to their patients.

Now meditation is globally recognized as an essential tool for stress reduction and mental peace. As more and more ! people r ecognize their true identity through meditation, there will be an increase in the awareness to recognize the presence of same supreme consciousness in everybody.

The Vajrayana tradition has developed a practice that makes it possible to go through this process much more quickly than other meditation practices. In this practice one prays to one's guru and to all the gurus that have come before and develops a very strong devotion--an openness to receive their blessings. If one prays to the gurus, one receives the blessing, and through this blessing one's meditation progresses rapidly and naturally.

About the Author

Glen Wood - The Yoga Teacher, dedicated to unlocking the Real Secrets of Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain.

To help you further with your back, neck and shoulder pain you need to sign up for your FREE "Yoga and You" report at

Benefits of Meditation to Your Overall Health

Posted: 07 Feb 2012 10:00 AM PST

Article by Joseph Reimu

Meditation has been practiced by eastern cultures for thousands of years and is believed to offer many benefits including those that can help you become stronger and healthier. Each day more people from western cultures are embracing the practices of meditation and are realizing their potentially large benefits in multiple areas of your life. There are many meditative practices out there and it can get confusing to decide where to start.

The simplest forms of meditation can often be the best way to get started. Breathing exercises are great and can be done almost anywhere. Simply take a deep breath in and then slowly exhale out. The key is to only think about your breathing and not let external thoughts enter your mind. This can be tough at first as it is easy to get distracted but if you do find other thoughts entering your mind then simply return your mental focus on your breathing. The idea is to quiet the mind and reach that peaceful state of a silent mind that offers many benefits including stress reduction.

There are many types of meditation practices you can choose from and it can get quite complex. Chakra mediation is a popular meditative practice. This form of meditation involves concentrating on the various energies in your body and directing them appropriately for certain desired benefits.

There are seven chakras you will need to learn when doing this kind of meditation. They are the 'root chakra' which is located at the bottom of the spine and is believed to help bladder and reproductive problems, the 'feeling chakra' which is at the center of the stomach and focusing on this can help to prevent allergies, leukemia and lower back problems, the 'personality chakra' which can be found above the navel and is focused on to relieve arthritis and obesity problems.

Other chakras include the 'heart chakra' which is at the center of the chest and is associated with heart problems, lung cancer and respiratory issues, the 'throat chakra' which is at the center of the thro! at and i s focused on to help relieve neck and shoulder problems, the 'knowledge chakra' is located at the middle of the forehead and is associated to help with eye problems and brain tumors and finally the 'crown chakra' which is located at the top of the head and is focused on the help with baldness and migraines.

When doing chakra meditation you want to be ideally seated with the spine straight and you can have music playing in the background without any lyrics. Simply focus on each chakra taking a slow deep breath working your way through the seven chakras and spending roughly 2 to 3 minutes per chakra. This is a simplified explanation however consider getting a good book on the topic as it can explain in much greater detail how to do this meditation fully. Other useful forms of meditation include zen meditation and guided meditation. People that suffer from stress can benefit greatly from meditation as it can be very effective at reducing stress as well as helping you to develop greater mental clarity and focus. Consider meditation as a daily part of your life to help you live healthier and longer.

About the Author

Joseph is an online researcher, author and a regular contributor to a health and fitness site. Learn how to lose weight quickly and also be sure to stop by and read our Caralluma Burn Review as a possible weight loss solution.

Jiddu Krishnamurti: In Total Silence The Mind Comes Upon The Eternal What Love Is Not 7th Public Talk, Saanen, Switzerland, 22nd July, 1979 In Total Silence the Mind Comes Upon the Eternal Why is there constant strife and seeking? Are we seeking superficial sensory experience or something timeless that thought has not touched at all? Can thought with its limitation enquire deeply? Is observation the instrument of thought? When one observes does the thing being observed undergo change? Can the mind having understood desire know its value is relative and be free to observe? Is there a way of living without any control? Is not the controller the movement of thought? When there is no conflict whatsoever what takes place in the mind?

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Meditation for Abundance

Posted: 07 Feb 2012 09:00 AM PST

Article by Alex Lee

Meditation has always been connected with spirituality from the beginning of time. Pictures of an Indian yogi with no material possession, food from other's donation have been dominating people's perception about meditation from the old days. Now, more and more people in the western society are taking meditation for a different purpose. Meditation is now widely used for healing mind and body but still with a spirituality twist.

Meditation is one, if not the best, way to communicate with The Source, The One who created everything. If done properly, meditation could bring your frequency closer to The Source's. When one is meditating in pure unconditional love, all his or her 7 Major Chakras and all Divine Chakras are activated. When Chakras are fully activated, all information to and from The Source flows with little or no interference. When information is received from one's higher self and The Source, he or she will be able to absorb better information than other people can.

Most of the contributors in The Secret are recommending meditation as a daily routine. Testimonials from hundreds of people proof that meditation works for non spiritual matters. Some people are practicing meditation for attracting material matters such as cars, house or wealth.

People who meditates regularly get better results. Why? Because people who meditates regularly have more active and well balance Chakras. With more active and well balanced Chakras, the channel between his or her physical body, his or her I am Presence and The Source is wider and free of interference. This way, materializing whatever asked will be much easier. For The Source, there is no request that is too big, too difficult or impossible. Materializing $ 1 is as easy as materializing $ 1 Million. The Source has no limit for everything. Limit is created by our conscious human mind. It's ok to ask for abundance from The Source. Abundance or wealth is not something sinful or evil. When your financial or material needs are fulfilled,! it's mu ch easier to help others and do good deeds to humanity.

With so many different meditation techniques to choose from, one must always trust his or her intuition. Best meditation technique is the technique that allows you to go to The Source directly. Sometimes Light Masters and Angel / Arch Angels offer their assistance, but never give your power away to them. Remember that all of us are part of the Creator. We are all the Co-Creator, we create our own destiny. The Source, God, The Creator, whatever works for you, doesn't want any of us living is misery, poverty or in pain. Giving us hard time is not part of The Source agenda. Abundance is there for us to ask and grab. Meditation is very useful for asking, visualizing and receiving all the abundance you asked for.

About the Author

Alex Lee practices Divine Love & Light Meditation Technique, a very simple meditation technique, making it easy for Everybody to experience deepest state of meditation in just a matter of seconds.

For more information on Divine Love&Lights Meditation go to Self Healing Meditation Techniques

Discovering the True Bliss Within : Beyond Boundaries Meditation

Posted: 07 Feb 2012 08:02 AM PST

Article by Vijay Raisinghani

We all have enjoyed much pleasures and joys in our lives, but they have all passed and vanished away with the source through which we achieved them. They can be defined as the Material Pleasures where the source of happiness is somewhere outside. But the problem with such pleasure is that it is as perishable as are all material objects in the Outer World.

How many times have we wondered and questioned ourselves when is the day of pure Bliss and Ecstasy going to come in my life which will not go? The mind answers maybe sometime in the near future that much awaited day is finally going to come. Its just a sheer hope and we have no idea in our mind how true Bliss is finally going to come.

For achieving True and Permanent Bliss within, its important that the object of Pleasure is permanent and within us. Meditation is the means to achieve ever lasting joy within. Meditation is the bathing of the mind, it is the unloading of pain, stress and confusions. Through Meditation, one can achieve this state of peace and tranquillity very easily.

What is Meditation? In pure essence, Meditation is a state of inactive and passive witnessing of the Mind. As we watch the mind patiently and watch the rattling of thoughts, we start being unattached to them. Thus we also begin to be unattached to the mind. Its just like sitting by the side of a pond and watching the mud settle down in the water after a storm has just passed by. Nothing is needed to be done on our part to settle the mud below on the bottom of the pond. It happens on its own accord, as the mud is heavy and its nature is to sink to the bottom.

Watching the mind passively, soon this awareness dawns upon us that we are not mind, we are not the body, we are not the intellect. This understanding is not imaginative or a philosophical statement, but its an experience. This is the beginning of a revolution in us. Normally, mind functions like a rock and keeps us pinned down. Awareness gives us the freedom from this slavery! of the mind.

Once we understand this that we are not the mind and this identification with the mind breaks, we get a glimpse of our true Buddha hood. We get a glimpse of the beyond and true benediction dawns on us immediately. We come to know that we are immortal, life and death cannot bind us. We are Free from Slavery, once and for all. So, the Key is to learn to alienate ourselves from the mind.

There is a very beautiful Meditation Technique that gives us this master key to be free of the identification with the mind. It is called Beyond Boundaries Meditation. As the name suggests, it gives us the experience that we are existent beyond all boundaries, beyond all the limitations of the mind. We enter a feeling of great expansion that knows no bounds, a life of awareness without any agitation whatsoever.

This beautiful technique is created by the Contemporary Enlightened Mystic- Shri Anandmurti Gurumaa. It was once a closely guarded meditation technique by the Zen Masters and was revealed only when the disciple had passed many difficult tests. But now it has been made available to all. It is a loving gift from the Master. The meditation can be done easily using the pre-recorded meditation album. It carries easy-to-follow instructions for meditation and is supported by beautiful and elevating music.

Meditation is not at all difficult when we use the right technique and the right approach towards it. A Realized Master knows the intricate workings of the mind and knows the right way to be unattached to it. One can achieve great heights of consciousness and Bliss by the rich experience of the Master. Little did we know that Nirvana and True Bliss were just a footstep away. The Guidance of the Master makes Meditation a sheer joy and as easy as a child's play.

About the Author

Vijay Raisinghani is a Successful Currency Trader in Jakarta, Indonesia. His interests include Spirituality, Meditation, Buddhism and Zen. Check out, and for your free demo of Gurumaa's Life Trasforming Meditation techniques.

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