The Reason Why Meditation Doesn't Work

The Reason Why Meditation Doesn't Work

The Reason Why Meditation Doesn't Work

Posted: 07 Feb 2012 07:00 AM PST

Article by Michael McGrath

You may be surprised at my comment that meditation does not work but really have you ever tried it? For most people it is just impossible to do!

Much research, in the scientific field, points to the fact that meditation can; make you healthier (both emotionally and physically), make you look younger, bolster the immune system, help you recover faster after operations, reduce stress, help you to live longer, remove past emotional issues and alter negative beliefs.

So how can I say that meditation does not work?

I can say this not because meditation never works but, unfortunately, because meditation does not work for the vast majority of us! Why is this?

Well the answer to the question "why does mediation not work?" is simple!

Meditation doesn't work for most of us because they haven't spent many, many years learning how to do it and practising it! If you have ever tried to meditate then you know just how difficult it can be. Just relaxing your body can prove to be a challenge. You get itchy, want to move about and feel restless. If you were successful in the initial stages of meditation and managed to relax yourself completely, you then must still the mind or remain focused on on ethought for the duration. It is almost impossible.

So, is there a way to gain all the benefits of meditation without the drawbacks? The answer is a "Yes"!

Through a process called brain entrainment, that uses binaural beats, you can easily enter into a state of meditation easily and within minutes.

In Germany, in 1839, an Associate Professor, at the University of Berlin, made a discovery that was to have tremendous impact on us today. Something almost miraculous occurs when two seperate tones that are different only in frequency are used. One tone enters the left ear while the other enters the right ear and this is where the magic begins. The two tones, when mixed together in the brain, create the illusion of binaural beats. These beats force the brain to produce brainwaves! at very specific frequencies.

Even though the existence of binaural beats was known in the 1800s it was not until 1973 that Dr. Gerald Oster discovered how they could affect the brain of the listener. Oster learned that when these binaural beats are used in specific ways different brain states can be induced.

The significance of how these binaural beats work becomes really interesting when we look at some experiments that were conducted using very experienced meditators and EEG machines which measure brainwave activity. It was found that during deep states of meditation these people displayed Alpha, Theta and even Delta brainwaves. All brainwave states have an affect on the body. There are specific physical states assosiated with specific brainwaves.

By using binaural beats through headphones, Oster discovered that he could create beta, alpha, theta or delta brainwaves depending on the frequency of the binaural beats used! When binaural beats, that were created at an aplha frequency, were played the listener began to display alpha brainwaves. The same was true for Theta and Delta. When the desired brainwaves are produced, using the binaural beats, the physical states assosiated with these brainwaves are also produced.

Therefore, through the use of binaural beats, it is now possible to duplicate the mental and physical effects of deep meditation. To take advantage of the power of meditation all you need to do is sit or lie down, close your eyes, pop on your headphones and turn on your binaural beats recording!

So, if you are one of the majority of people who cannot make meditation work, then simply use some binaural beats and save yourself at least a decade of practise!

About the Author

If you want a more indepth explanation of meditation and binaural beats be sure to visit and

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Power of Meditation For Handling Divorce Stress

Posted: 07 Feb 2012 06:00 AM PST

Article by Dani Taylor

If there's one thing a divorce brings, it's stress. With the emotional pressure that you're dealing with as well as the pain, financial stress, child custody battles and everything else, it's no wonder you're so stressed out. Stress can act as a silent killer - causing a higher risk of many chronic diseases and health conditions. Just a few of the things it can cause includes diabetes, heart disease, heart attack, weight gain, depression and much more. If you do nothing else, find some way of controlling and reducing the stress you're feeling. Here is some information on the power of meditation for handling divorce stress.

How Does Meditation Help Stress?

As we become stressed, our heart beats faster, our breathing becomes faster, adrenaline may pump through our bodies and our bodies release dangerous hormones. These hormones can cause hair loss, weight gain, depression and much more. Meditation helps to stop these hormones from being released. It's also easy to become angrier, more frustrated and upset when we are stressed. As we use meditation to relax and bring about a state of calmness, our breathing and heart rate returns to normal, our bodies stop releasing those dangerous chemicals and we remain healthier. Meditation even slows down the aging of our minds!

What Are Some Tips for Meditation?

There are all different types of meditation, but you can easily calm yourself by using a simple meditation like this one. First, close your eyes and relax your entire body. Focus on clearing your mind. Then, imagine a scene that makes you feel calm and relaxed, such as a bubbling brook surrounded by wildflowers, a deserted and quiet park or a warm, sunny beach. Take a few minutes to see what is in the scene, from the sky to animals or insects and flowers or plants. Smell the things that are there as well, such as the wildflowers, the salty ocean or other things. Do these exercises until you feel calmer and relaxed.

Benefits of Mediation -

There are many benefits of me! ditation , including it's power to relieve stress. Unlike paying for therapy or medication, you can use meditation whenever you need to and it's free. You're able to significantly reduce the stress you're feeling. Meditation also allows you to have improved memory and concentration. It can be a great way to escape from the stress and hectic time a divorce brings. When you're in an intense situation and need to remain level headed and calm, a quick meditation can help you remain alert and keep from becoming emotionally distraught. Simply allow yourself to revisit that peaceful place in your mind.

Meditation can be a savior when you're dealing with the stress of a divorce. By using the tips and tricks above, you're able to use meditation to your benefit. From relieving the stress you're feeling to allowing you a chance to escape, meditation is a great thing to use during your divorce.

About the Author

Danielle L. Taylor is a freelance writer and mom of 3, who's gone through a devastating divorce with her husband of 15 years (after his infidelity) and was able to get back on track as a strong, happy and free person. She is a member of one of the most active online divorce communities, where people find support, help and understanding.

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The Benefit of Meditation Review - Make Meditation Effortless with Latest Technology?

Posted: 07 Feb 2012 05:00 AM PST

Article by Sudath Priyantha

Meditation: Fact or Myth

Posted: 07 Feb 2012 04:00 AM PST

Article by Curt Sterling

For any man who has never meditated before, he may be wondering why there is such a hype concerning meditation for men. Meditation is a conscious way of calming your mind and body and reaching into your mind to allow whatever thoughts you wish to surface. For some men, it helps to comfort him if he has had a particularly stressful day to where he can then calm down before he addresses his afternoon or evening. For other men, it is about reaching deep into themselves and calling forth the energy they need to complete whatever task they need to complete whether it is for work, exercising, family, etc. However, some men question whether meditation can help them. Meditation is many things and it has been shown to help a man's health in many ways. However, it does not directly affect a man's health and it has been shown it is up to the man or not whether he receives positive results, which are encouraging him to continue meditation. To some men, meditation is a ridiculous notion and this is their right to perceive it as such as meditation is not for everyone. Yet it is important to decide whether meditation can help you based on its facts and not its myths.Meditation is not a form of prayer or a type of worship. It was created to help a man pause for a moment to reflect on either something he had just done or was about to do. Meditation was first widely circulated for men to reflect on life and their beliefs, but later also about combat. Men had to train with weapons and fight, sometimes on a daily basis. Meditation helped them to come to terms with what they were doing and to be able to make choices in the future, which were based on logic and not emotions. For men and today's health, meditation represents a way for them to address their health and pause in a fast-paced world where it seems as if some individuals never stop. While for some individuals meditation has become a form of prayer, this was not what it was originally meant to be. Men do not have to choose meditation for their health but it c! an help a man live a better life and a more serene one, especially if his life has become very chaotic.

About the Author

Curt Sterling is a health expert specializing in pharmaceutical research, men's health and other health topics, such as online pharmacy and buy viagra online information.

Relaxing Rain On a Metal Roof (1 Hour Long) To help you fall asleep

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Try different effective Yoga Postures

Posted: 07 Feb 2012 03:00 AM PST

Article by Nil Jonee

The Online Yoga Instructor

Posted: 07 Feb 2012 02:00 AM PST

Article by Nil Jonee

Do you wish to take yoga professionally, why not try to become a professional online yoga instructor? Yoga is an art of living which is slowly gaining popularity among the masses in the recent years. You have many yoga sessions held throughout the year. But if you are passionate about learning the different benefits of yoga and can do full justice to your passion, why not take that up professionally. With the changing lifestyle, yoga is gradually becoming a hype among the people. Though people are aware about the overall idea yoga, but few have a clear idea about its curing effects and the various other advantages associated with the yoga poses. So if you want to preach the benefits of yoga, it is always beneficial to be an instructor.If you want to become an instructor, create a website of your own where you will discuss the benefits and advantages of exercises online. You can discuss about the different poses and how need to be practiced. You can either work with an established yoga website or create your own home page. These websites have their own rules and decorum and you will have to abide by them. When you are connecting with the visitors online, it is obviously very important to understand their mentality and their needs and demands. Most of the visitors try to know to know about your specialization area when they search for a good yoga instructor.

There are various kinds of exercises like the yoga for weight loss, yoga for meditation, Power or Bikram Yoga and also the different kinds of yoga exercises. You can preach your knowledge for yoga only if you have adequate knowledge pertaining to the different exercises. To become a reputed online yoga instructor, it is very important to market yourself properly. Your online profile regarding the yoga exercises must be an interesting one so that the visitors who click on the website once become your customers, the next moment. Your website must have a proper display of the yoga images and the different videos pertaining to the yoga exerci! ses. You must also promise the visitors that you will provide them with effective results after practicing the exercises.

It is very necessary to get a good platform for the exercises online, so that you can reach out to a wide range of clients. You must guide and advise the customers in a proper manner with care and understanding so that they will get benefit from the yoga exercises in the long run. If you have your own website, it is always better to opt for blogging as you will be able to stay connected with the visitors any time of the day. Since you are available throughout the day, so the clients will be able to contact you whenever they feel the need. The most important thing is to discuss with them the various advantages of the yoga poses. All the daily updates must be posted on your website and to be a good yoga instructor it is always better to maintain a professional relationship with a personal touch added to it.

About the Author

Nil Jonee is a freelance author who has vast knowledge in Exercises Online. For more details please visit us at:

Online Yoga For Office Goers

Posted: 07 Feb 2012 01:00 AM PST

Article by Nil Jonee

Office goers often find it difficult to attend conventional yoga programs. On the other hand, they feel the importance of yoga for overall benefit of their health and mind. Not only the office goers, but also many busy people can hardly take out separate time for practicing yoga regularly. Online yoga might be a wonderful idea for the people who cannot take out time for attending a yoga class. Online health programs have recently become well popular for their multiple benefits. One can easily understand the craze to find so many yoga programs online. There are different programs meant for different age group of people. Even, people with particular disorders or ailments can join these yoga programs for overall benefits.

Online health programs are suitable for office goers for many reasons. Apart from scarcity of time, office goers have to experience several challenges in their lives. These online programs can benefit the office-going women to the most for instance. This is so as, most of the working women have to take care of both their homes and offices. Exercises online are best for them, as they can practice the yoga postures following one of the online classes during their office times. After all, who works at a stretch? Practicing yoga for ten or fifteen minutes is not difficult at all. Rather, this yoga session would be like relaxing for a while.

It is true that online yoga benefits all. These yoga programs are not only benefitting for them who cannot manage time for attending traditional classes, but also these programs are the right option for those who prefer to practice yoga at their homes. On the other hand, many people do not have computers at their homes and they do not get time for attending yoga classes too. For these people, online classes are the best option. Availing a computer with an internet connection is not a difficulty at an office. Moreover, practicing yoga postures can be done shortly within a quarter of an hour. However, one needs to be enough consistent in p! racticin g the same if possible or unless the results of practicing yoga may not felt optimally.

An officer goer can practice the yoga postures following the exercises online, as there are some special postures befitting for the office-going people only. This becomes particularly helpful for the office goers as many postures address the health and mental problems of the office workers directly. For instance, stress, chronic back pain, arthritis, and spondylitis are quite common disorders found among the office workers. Yoga can cure all of these health problems.

Even though the fact that online yoga programs benefit the office workers immensely, one should know what yoga postures they should practice for their problems. However, yoga is not only for curing disorders. One can practice some postures at office while sitting in the chair. In addition, some postures are there to take little space for practicing yoga. Ample online websites contain yoga postures suitable for office going men and women. Finding a suitable program thus would not be a difficulty.

About the Author

Nil Jonee is a freelance author who has vast knowledge in Exercises Online. For more details please visit us at:

Meditation Help for Alcohol Addiction

Posted: 07 Feb 2012 01:00 AM PST

The Bright Path Ishayas were able to offer their teaching and meditation practices to alcohol addiction patients, teaching them to find peace from within instead of turning to liquor. Through the Bright Path, alcohol addicted people are able to find a solution they have never tried before, a series of mental techniques called Ascension Attitudes.

The Bright Path Ishayas teach using the Ascension Attitudes, which are teaching truths based on praise, gratitude and love. Because alcohol addicts typically turn to liquor to help them through every situation, introducing an alternative method of help seemed to ensure a 'new solution,' and renewal in their lives. The Ascension Attitudes are deeply rooted in finding a cure within one's self, and the meditative practices can be practiced with one's eyes opened, or closed. This means alcohol addicts can have a new help as they carry on with daily activities, turning to meditation instead of liquor to help with their problems.

"We are very happy to introduce our Ascension Attitudes techniques to those addicted to alcohol," said The Bright Path. "We feel confident that addicts who are struggling to keep from the bottle can turn to the teaching of The Bright Path Ishayas and ultimately find a cure, as they search deeper within themselves to find help."

Since the Bright Path teaches attitudes of peace, love, gratitude and compassion, alcoholics can turn to the Ascension Attitudes to find a cure to their addiction. The Bright Path helps alcohol addicts begin the road to recovery, by connecting them with their inner selves to find help and peace.

About The Bright Path Ishayas

The Bright Path Ishayas are a group of people dedicated to increased peace and joy in the world. Their mechanical meditation techniques are based on praise, gratitude and love, found from teaching truths called the Ascension Attitudes. The meditation is simple, effective and easy enough for anyone to do, without a religion. The Bright Path offers techniques that allow participants to move beyond the chaos of the mind and into an experience of everlasting peace and joy within. For more information, visit Read More @ Source

Feel the difference with yoga!

Posted: 07 Feb 2012 12:00 AM PST

Article by Bhavna

Today most of us lead a busy life, so we don't have much time to focus on exercise. An increasing number of individuals, all over the world are practicing yoga for its numerous benefits. Yoga since ages has been used to heal the body. In fact, for most of the natural means of healing such as naturopathy, yoga is an essential part.

Yoga is very useful for its following benefits and it can be practiced from a child to a senior citizen.

One of the first and major uses of yoga is that it helps to improve flexibility. By daily practicing the different yoga asana you can see a marked improvement in your general flexibility levels. There are a number of yoga positions that helps to lubricate various joints and ligaments of your body. Studies have proved that with yoga not only the target body part feels suppler but also those body parts that might not be directly stretched or exercised upon. Yoga basically works to create increased flexibility in a fairly easier manner.Apart from this, yoga is considered as probably the only form of activity or exercise where even the internal body organs are massaged upon. These may even include the internal glands and other organs like the prostate gland that rarely are externally stimulated during one's lifetime. This stimulation and massaging of various internal organs helps and equips the body to fight diseases.

Another important use of doing yoga is that it helps to rejuvenate various muscle groups that might have become in active or weak. Yoga helps to tone these muscles there by also helping in loosening excess fat or flab from the body. So with yoga it is also possible to get your body in shape.

Yoga is also encouraged by lot of people for it helps in increased blood supply to different parts of one's body. With some stretching exercises the toxins present in the body can be flushed out. The lesser the percentage of toxins in one's body the younger will one look. Infact it is quite interesting to note that people who have been doing! yoga si nce a long time lesser effects of ageing. They will be more energetic due to increased metabolic rate of their body.

One of the biggest advantages of yoga for people suffering from pain is that the regular and proper practiced yoga positions can help them reduce and even eliminate pain in various body parts and joints.

This is because of the increased flexibility that is obtained with yoga. Your body is strengthened to fight the route cause of back pain to a great extent. Most of us today suffer from back pain which is caused due to sitting for hours in front of your computer systems or driving car or for that matter sitting in one position for a long time. This causes tightness of muscle groups and spinal compression. Such a problem can be easily brought in to control with the help of some basic yoga asana. Many individuals have also been able to get rid of their chronic back and knee pain by doing yoga.

Apart from the physical benefits of doing yoga, this century old practice also helps in achieving metal peace. The simple breathing techniques and taking your mind away from negative and destructive thoughts are highly advocated by yoga experts which aids in calming your senses and mind. The concentration required while meditating helps you to be in the moment, taking your mind off the things that cause the unwanted stress in your life. In the western countries an increasing number of individuals are getting in to yoga for it helps them reduce stress.

About the Author

I love to write articles on Web Design, Naturopathy , Yoga, health & fitness, recipes, seo , etc.



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Guided meditation music

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 11:00 PM PST

Article by Renuka Devi

To escort a peaceful life both body and mind must be in a passive manner. In antique ages saints live for very long life because of their mind relaxation technique like Meditation. Currently people in all the age group are in stress with the exception of kids. The stress is due to the mental torture in their work place, (in IT parks some people may undergo suicide attempt ion due to their mental stress) home, (because of their family problems) public place and etc, as a result of this they are facing many health disasters both physically and mentally. The only solution for mind relaxation is Meditation. By doing Meditation our mind becomes relax also we have a feel of mindfulness which will increase life enjoyment and improve physical and emotional health. At the beginning it will be difficult to practice mindfulness meditation when we sit down and close the eyes we cannot control our mind it will be in wavering state thoughts come in and go out of the mind. Go up in practice and practice the following, just sit quietly and notice your breath moving in and out, notice that you are feeling anything else in your body, if other thoughts intrude, let them go, practice for 15-20 minutes daily, as the chatter in your mind settles down you will discover a peaceful state, finally we can achieve a mind that is stable and calm. By practicing these you may have a feel of relaxation in mind level and your daily routine of work go slickly. Meditation is a mental discipline by which one attempts to get beyond the reflexive, thinking mind into a deeper state of relaxation or awareness. Meditation often involves turning attention to a single point of reference. Nowadays there are so many mediation schools are available and providing benevolent practice for people in all age groups. For school students if they are lack of concentration they can join in such schools and improve their concentration. Meditation lowers stress and supports forgiveness among college students. Also Meditation will prop up the following,! you can concentrate better on problem solving, Meditation has a good effect on blood pressure, regular Meditation will facilitate the immune system, and Meditation is usually pleasant. One of the most easy and effective ways to meditate is to use guided meditations. They will guide you step by step in to a deep state of meditation and will take only 10-15 min to feel totally ad peace with yourself! We have collected the best guided meditations with nice music and a very relaxing voice. You can find them on

About the Author

I am Renuka Devi.D SEO in Galaxyweblinks. I am doing the SEO work to promote the site

Panic Attacks - Breathing and Meditation Techniques to Overcome Panic Attacks!

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 10:00 PM PST

Article by Bertil Hjert

Andrew Bayer - From the Earth (Breakfast Remix) Music Video HD

An amazing video followed by an amazing track, from the Essential Mix album Vol.8 by Above and Beyond. Video was edited by yours truly, Aaron [APE] Lopez, video consists of a collaboration of videos found here on Youtube. Also, nobody seems to find the "exclusive" remix of this song (without the transitions of other songs) so the song was, as well, edited by, yours truly, Aaron {APE] Lopez. Thank you& iHope you enjoy :) Due to popular demand, I have posted a DOWNLOAD LINK, enjoy :)

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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8 Requirements for Meditating Like a Zen Monk

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 09:00 PM PST

Article by Anmol Mehta

Meditation is without a doubt one of the most beneficial activities you can do as a human. Just some of the benefits of meditation include increased peace, joy, compassion, health, intelligence and awareness. So what does it take to develop your expertise in meditation? Below are the 8 requirements that are necessary in order to meditate deeply like a zen monk.

8 Requirements to Meditate Like a Zen Monk

1. Passion:

This is requirement number 1. You must have great passion for spirituality and spiritual evolution in order to give this great science the attention it needs. Without passion, it will be hard to master such a subtle art, but if you are passionate about meditation, half the battle is won right there.

2. Adequate Intelligence:

Ultimately, to master meditation you will have to learn to watch your thoughts very carefully and comprehend them via direct perception from moment to moment. Don't be intimidated by how that sounds. In general, the human being has this inherent capacity, although it is only developed by a few of us.

3. Courage:

Meditation, can be defined in many ways and one way to look at it, is as a process of letting go. This letting go, also means being open to the unknown, which requires courage and heart. It is easy to stay within the safety of your seeking, but to drop seeking, means to be totally open and vulnerable to what life has to offer. This is the essence of courage.

4. Self-Confidence:

This is closely related to courage above and is also almost as important. Finally, the journey back to the Source is a road walked alone. Teachers, gurus, guardian angles, spirit guides, etc, etc, can only take you so far. Finally, you have to cross the bridge, into the now, all by your lonesome. In addition, each journey to awakening is unique, which means you will have to trust yourself in finding your own way. Believe in yourself, rely on your intelligence and inner voice, and you will be fine.

5. Urgency:

If you wa! nt to be a Rafael Nadal of meditation, you can't be postponing starting or doing your daily spiritual work. Procrastinating your meditation practice, means you are putting on hold developing your real human potential.

6. Health:

A certain degree of good health is needed to meditate well. You do not have to be Bruce Lee, but for effective meditation you do need energy for which a healthy system is important. Don't be discouraged though if your health is not is tip-top shape, just embrace your spiritual practice as best as you can, as that itself will help your body heal and rejuvenate.

7. Humor:

Yup, a good sense of humor will not only get you many dates, it will also get you through some tough phases you are sure to encounter on your spiritual journey. Being able to laugh at these situations and your petty little mind will go a long way in helping you stay sane on this roller coaster like journey.

8. Basic Needs:

This may not occur to many of us who live relatively wealthy lives, at least relative to the world poverty line, but let me tell you that it would be very difficult to devote yourself to mastering meditation, if you and/or your children were hungry and cold. So food, clothing and shelter, which is basically all you really need to survive, are also prerequisites to becoming a champion meditator.


Without a doubt, the rewards of meditation far exceed any material pleasures. In fact, the true purpose of life which is to discover God, is ultimately fulfilled by those who undertake and master this highest of all spiritual sciences.

About the Author

Anmol Mehta is a Yoga & Meditation master. His Free Guided Meditations website offers the ultimate Meditation Techniques Guide and Kundalini Yoga Poses & Exercises e-books and videos.

How Could Meditation Help Your Business?

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 08:00 PM PST

Article by Graeme Stuart

Running an Online Business requires one to maintain a certain strength of character.

The technical skills and techniques needed are easily learned, but it's your mindset and strength of character that will bring you great success and set you apart from your competitors.

How do you stay inspired, balanced, focused, enthusiastic and energised every single day? How do you maintain your clarity, dedication and industriousness on a day to day basis? What about maintaining a daily state of positivity and happiness and of belief, certainty and faith?

There are many, many techniques out there to help achieve this state of personal peak performance. Courses, books, personal development programs and systems, affirmations, visualisations, programming, you name it-i've tried it!

After trying many techniques, I have found the most beneficial thing to be meditation. Regular, daily meditation, combined with a short period of inner reflection or character building.

There are scientific studies into areas such as brain activity, brain synchrony and neurohormone levels, which have shown incredible results from the practice of meditation. One of the most noticeable effects I've found, is the increase in neurohormones.

Planetary Peace Meditation is my preferred choice of meditation. PPM has shown increases in neurohormones, serum serotonin and plasma melatonin of up to 300%.

What does this 300% increase of neurohormones, serum serotonin and plasma melatonin do? Well, this means that I feel much happier after meditation. I feel more relaxed and more positive about the day ahead, my business and life in general. I am more centred and have much more clarity about what I am doing.

I'm also able to deal with obstacles, which might otherwise put me behind schedule or put me in a negative mental I have extra energy to handle them, and the added clarity to see them accurately and work them out practically.

Do you think this has an effect on your Online Busine! ss? You bet it does! If you are familiar with the Law of Attraction (books by Abraham-Hicks or the film 'The Secret') you'll know what I mean.

The better we're feeling, the higher our Energy level is, the more we attract what we want towards us. So if its a constant stream of new prospects hungry to buy into your business idea that you want, thats what you'll get!

It's a good idea to use the time immediately after mediation when you're feeling great, to do things for your business. Update your blog, make a video, write your adcopy, write an article, etc. All you do will be infused with the wonderful energy you generated during meditation. This will be picked up on by your prospects, and will make them more receptive to you and your business.

For me, I prefer to meditate first thing in the morning after a shower. It's the perfect set-up for the day ahead. But any time during the day or evening is fine too. All you need is half an hour.

The meditation I recommend most highly is available online 24 hours a day, is fully guided, is free and only takes 20 minutes. You can find it at Just click on Planetary Meditation for Peace.

There is much more to be said about the benefits of meditation, but this would take us beyond the scope of this article.

So for now, keep meditating and look out for my other articles on this wonderful topic. I look forward to sharing with you, tips on how to use this meditation (Planetary Peace Meditation) to specifically energise and accelerate any goals you may have in business and in life.

To find out more about my recommended meditation, visit

Wishing you Great Success and Happiness, Graeme Stuart

Graeme Stuart is a top internet marketer and financial freedom coach. To find out more about his most effective online wealth strategy and to access a free internet marketing course, visit

About the Author

Graeme Stuart is a top internet marketer and financial freedom coach. To find out more about his most effective online wealth strategy and to access a free internet marketing course, visit

Guardian Angels ~ Peaceful Music

" In Michael's Realm " by Harvey Summers - download at iTunes: DIVINE HARMONIES: Guardian Angels by Harvey Summers. The recording 'In Michael's Realm' composed and performed by Harvey Summers is taken from the CD "Guardian Angels". The album takes you on a musical journey starting with the haunting sounds and echoes of our Guardian Angels that encourages us to hear messages of comfort, guidance and empowerment from the Angelic Realm. The CD is part of a 3 CD set entitled "Divine Harmonies", to listen to this and the other CDs in the set go to the website below. webcast created by http .

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Consideration before going for Yoga teacher training

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 08:00 PM PST

Article by Jhon Anderson

Yoga is implemented by more and more people as thousands of aficionado want to travel to its birth place in India for learning traditional Indian teacher training in its genuine form. There are certain things which include affordability of courses, accommodation and food make sure the numbers are progressively increasing the spiritual and colorful culture seduces people to return again and again. As yoga is a total health program it is good for all of us that is why a huge number of peoples are going for learning yoga. This fact increases the requirement of teachers and this requirement encourages people to make their career. By becoming a yoga instructor you can assist in keeping ancient tradition alive in modern cultures. Numerous Yoga teacher training courses are available for you in not only in India but also in other country.

In west, Hatha yoga is most popular but along with it there are many other spiritual styles of yoga. The power of influence is a portion of yoga. Like other success Spiritual health is very vital. It would be sensible if you measure the ability of the diverse Yoga instructor training programs. If you want to teach Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, or another physical style of Yoga, you physique should be in good shape. Yoga teacher or yoga practitioner should practice pranayama and meditation regularly.

Yoga teacher training courses are designed to provide you a full understanding of yoga as an art for become certified yoga teacher. These programs not only teach various poses for teaching yoga but also teach the history of yoga, its advantages and its working process. All the lessons assist in preparing you to give the answer of every question and also help in developing a better admiration for the art.

If you have great interest you can do Yoga teacher training courses very easily otherwise it may be difficult to learn properly. How to train others? You can get proper training for teaching yoga. For teaching this art you must learn everything which is vital! for tea cher and student prospective. After getting training, you will be able to learn that how to master these positions. For becoming certified yoga teacher hard work, patience, dedication and significant amount of time is required. If you can do all of these vital steps for becoming an ideal yoga teacher you will also be able to pass your this trait down to your students also.

Through a holistic educational institution you will be able to follow a partial or full scholarship. Sometimes these institutions offer endowments for teacher training programs and also provide scholarships for aspirant. For attaining these programs you may also offer both full and partial scholarships. There are also facilities for getting partial scholarship based on your financial needby the institutions. Yoga related website also have partial scholarship by which you can afford high-priced Yoga teacher training program at a discounted rate which may up to 50% percent.

About the Author

Author of this article is practitioner of yoga and has good skill for yoga teacher training, become yoga instructor, become yoga teacher , become certified yoga teacher

Tips for Yoga Teacher Training Courses

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 07:00 PM PST

Article by Daveopton

Relieve Your Stress With Meditation

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 06:00 PM PST

by kahala

Article by Louann Vertrees

Most of us lead busy, fast-paced lives. We have too much to do and too little time, and may be dealing with career pressures, family difficulties, or financial problems on top of everything else. Doctors have known for some time that there is a direct link between stress and a variety of health problems including headaches, stomach problems, heart problems, skin conditions, and high blood pressure, as well as depression and anxiety. While we can't eliminate all stress from our lives, we can take steps to reduce its effects, and meditation is a wonderful way for you to calm down and regain your balance.

Meditation has been used for centuries as a way for people to reflect, relax and connect with their inner selves, but it is not some mysterious ancient art that requires years of study. At some time in your life, you have probably experienced a meditative state, a feeling of peace and serenity, simply by walking through the woods, or enjoying a beautiful piece of music. With just a little practice, you can achieve that peaceful state whenever you wish, and feel refreshed and ready to take on life's challenges.

Try to Meditate DailyPick a time that works for you. If you have children, wait until they are in school or napping. Many people meditate in the morning as a relaxing way to start the day, while others like to meditate before bed. The time of day is not important, nor is the amount of time you spend meditating. Twenty to thirty minutes is good, but even if you can only spare 5 or 10 minutes you will still benefit from it.Meditation BasicsChoose a quiet place with few distractions. If you like, you can light incense or a scented candle, but it isn't necessary. Some people find it helpful to listen to relaxing music or nature sounds while meditating; others prefer complete silence.You can sit cross-legged on the floor, or sit in a chair with your back supported. The important thing is that you are comfortable. Place one hand on each thigh, or cup your right hand under you! r left i n your lap. You do not have to stay still to meditate! It's ok to move or scratch an itch! Don't feel that you have to shut out the world completely to get the benefits of meditation. If the phone rings, or there is some other brief interruption, just take care of it, then go back to meditating.BreathingKeep your spine straight, but not stiff, as this allows you to breathe deeply. Breathing deeply helps you to relax and concentrate because more oxygen is getting into the bloodstream. And deep breathing actually slows your heart rate. When you have found a comfortable position, begin focusing on breathing deeply. Follow each breath as it enters your nose, goes down into your lungs, and then out your nose again. Feel it on your upper lip as you exhale. Breathe in to the count of four, hold it, then exhale to the count of four. Feel the muscles in your body beginning to relax.

Don't be concerned if you find it difficult to relax in the beginning. Trying too hard to relax can be stressful in itself! You may find yourself thinking about work, or all the things you need to take care of that day. If so, just acknowledge the thoughts that come into your head, but then let them go and focus again on your breathing. You may also want to start with shorter periods of meditation and work up to longer sessions.

VisualizeVisualization is a great tool to help you relax. Imagine yourself in a place that you find peaceful, for example, the beach. Think about the sounds you would hear there: the cries of the seagulls, and the sound of the waves on the shore. Imagine how the sun feels on your skin, and the smell of the salt air. You might choose to visualize being in the woods, or in the mountains. Whatever you choose, imagine every detail as if you are actually there.Meditation is only one of the ways to reduce the stress in our lives. Eating healthy foods and getting enough sleep and exercise are also very important. Take a look at your lifestyle and decide whether you need to make other changes, but t! ry medit ation, too. It is a great way to relax and reduce the negative effects of stress, and you will feel the difference immediately. About the Author

Louann Vertrees is an entrepreneur and freelance proofreader and editor. She has also worked as an English teacher and counselor, and holds a Master's degree in Educational Psychology. Among her many interests are Eastern philosophy and holistic health care and disease prevention. Visit her website at

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[DISCLAIMER] I do not own the rights to this song, nor do I use it for my own personal gain. I post it to promote the album. All rights to this song belong to Sully Erna and Universal Records. US CODE title 17, article 107 allows me to use this copyrighted material and is not an infringement of copyright. Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.

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Gain Some Peace of Mind with Meditation

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 05:00 PM PST

Article by Keira Adams

You almost certainly are familiar with the practice of meditation, but do you know just what it involves? The word meditation is usually used to describe a person's state of intense concentration on an object or thought. The person turns away from outward concerns and concentrates on the inner being.

It's believed that meditation techniques come from Vedic Hinduism beginnings, and it's a customary element of a lot of eastern faiths. However western society has now adopted this practice enthusiastically.

Individuals like to engage in meditation for various reasons. There are those who practice it to help them focus more on God; some wish for personal growth. Most individuals discover that it helps them achieve peace of mind and better health. There are even individuals who expect that when they start to meditate, they will be enlightened.

Maybe you think that meditating is simply another activity you should be doing to become healthier, sort of like dieting or exercising. Almost everyone who begins something new will have a vague sense of what this pursuit will do for them. However, if you don't know what you expect to achieve, you probably won't stick with meditating in the end.

If you don't have clear goals, it can be hard to figure out where to start. It can also lead to discouragement when your expectations aren't being met. The best approach is to pinpoint first of all what you want to gain by meditating. Learn as much as you can about the best means by which to reach that objective. After that, just get on with.

Theoretically, the practice of meditating is pretty simple. It's actually only sitting comfortably and concentrating on just one thought. In actual fact, this is much more difficult than it appears. However your mind is always jumping from one thought to another, even though you might not realize it. This makes it difficult to concentrate on only a single thing at a time.

It's more effective, therefore, to start off slowly. Practice your breathing ! to start with. This is the focal point of meditation. Settle yourself in a comfortable position, then inhale and exhale deeply and regularly for several moments. Breathing regularly permits you to become better focused, and this is essential for the effective practice of meditation.

If you find your mind drifting to other subjects while you're meditating, simply pull your thoughts back and focus on your breathing once more. Meditation is all about focusing. If you become conscious of wandering off track, simply restore your thoughts to your previous state of mind. Don't get discouraged; learning to meditate takes time, so keep on practicing.

Meditation can help you achieve peace of mind. There are so many stresses we cope with daily at home, work and in society, that it's critical for you to have a few peaceful moments each day.

About the Author

Learn more about the many health benefits of the ancient practice of meditation by visiting Meditation Techniques: Relax Your Mind, Reduce Your Stress.

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Find Yoga Workshops around the Bay Area

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 04:00 PM PST

Article by Sydney Kirk

The seated poses open and strengthen the legs and hips even though also raising circulation. Sitting in numerous Yoga poses is curative to the ankles, knees, and hips.The subsequent class of Yoga rookie poses is Inversions, which means remaining upside down. Yoga instructor training products made available by numerous establishments for 200 several hours of teaching normally last about three months.Equivalent to martial arts and many kinds of alternative therapeutic yoga is a exceptional field with lots of features. For the most element, there is no mandate for teachers to have the university student track record suggested by some of the ashrams and certifying bodies. Anybody studying yoga may possibly decide on at any time to start out instructing. On the internet courses and other correspondence programs of yoga instructor teaching, provide curriculum enduring an average of three months to a 12 months.If you desire to turn into an instructor in a specialized subset of yoga, such as a hot or power style, schooling is commonly proprietary. Bikram instructing need to be dealt with specifically through Bikram's Yoga College of India, which owns the trademarked name. Like coaching is nine weeks prolonged and provided all more than the environment.Other folks studying yoga choose to obtain coaching in India, where many educational facilities cater to English-talking yoga teacher trainees. Teaching at a yoga heart in India lasts from one to 4 months on average. While the airplane ticket may possibly be prohibitively costly, the training itself is really inexpensive, with some programs costing as little as an on the web yoga teacher certification training course.Exploration quite a few choices, due to the fact incredibly very few training products will train you how to come across a yoga teacher place or how to get started your private organization. Whilst a sound basis in yoga, and how to educate, can start you on your career path for many years to arrive it is important for teacher trainees to know e! xactly w here the work are and how to get them.Standard practice of yoga can end result in permanent and fantastic results, which you can see immediately. If you practice Hatha Yoga (the kind of Yoga that offers particularly with the human body), you may well initial recognize an improvement in your versatility, muscle tone, and over-all fitness. Unquestionably, count on to feel far better. Various other advantages of yoga practices will arrive along as you practice frequently by likely deeper into yoga.You have every single reason to move forward with self esteem!one. Yoga apply to manage, recover and strengthen health and fitness ailmentYoga is an astonishing worry buster. When you contemplate that most of the individuals who take a look at health professionals are connected to worry relevant issues, yoga practices come to be the wise decision for superior very well-staying. Via its rest, postural, breathing, and meditation work outs as well as dietary guidelines, Yoga can successfully reduce your stage of pressure and stress and anxiety. Therefore, these practices aid to create and develop your immune technique, trying to keep away conditions and building the self-bodily therapeutic approach in circumstance of illnesses. Study demonstrates that yoga is the ideal process to treat several health ailments this kind of as rest disturbances, chronic headache, back again soreness, diabetes, hypertension and respiratory ailments like asthma.two.

About the Author

Sydney Kirk enjoys Yoga. She has been training in yoga for around 15 years. For additional info, see out: Located Private Yoga Lessons a

Yoga exercises for Pregnancy

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 03:00 PM PST

Article by Aditi Rawat

Yoga in pregnancy is a must to stay away from many complications. Yoga is an age old way for staying healthy. There are several ways of staying healthy during pregnancy but obviously Yoga exercises for pregnancy is a very good way to stay healthy during those 9 months and prepare you for the Labour Day.

Importance of Yoga during pregnancy:

Let us look at some of the reason why you should be doing Yoga exercises for pregnancy, 1. Yoga does not have any side effects and there are several yoga posses which are specialized for pregnant women only2. Yoga is an age old formula and the healing power for back pain during pregnancy is more in yoga3. Yoga does not need a regular instructor once you are taught about them you can perform them yourself. So even if there is no gym near your place you can practice yoga even in the last weeks of pregnancy4. Some yoga postures re known for making the pelvic strong as also making the process of giving birth easy, 5. Even the systematic birth control during labour is also taught in yoga. 6. You cannot ignore the fact that some ladies cannot walk for long or even cannot perform heavy exercises during pregnancy for them obviously performing yoga is better. 7. There are various ladies who are known to have issues with exercises postures where as in yoga there are hundreds of postures as also you can transform them accordingly.

What you should not do during pregnancy while practicing yoga: 1. If you find any issues in performing any yoga posture inform that to your yoga teacher immediately2. Make sure that you discuss with your medical practitioner that you are performing your yoga classes3. Yoga in pregnancy can be a constrains for many ladies so it would be better for you to avoid it4. While you exercise take adequate food also. This is a must for performing the best yoga classes. 5. Yoga exercises for pregnancy is for good health so perform that regularly so that you cannot make it irregular and face issues.

Pregnancy is a very important p! eriod in a ladies life. Everyone wants to be physically fit during this period so it is better to follow some fitness routine. Yoga exercises for pregnancy is very important as this can make you stay healthy mentally and physically both. Yoga in pregnancy must be practiced under proper guidance as wrong postures can be really harmful for any one.

About the Author

Read about yoga exercises for pregnancy and exercises during pregnancy in this article. Also get information on pregnancy fitness and tips for prenatal yoga.

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More About Guided Meditation

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 02:00 PM PST

Article by Warren Marion

Meditation is one of the best ways, if not the best way, to reduce stress and burnout. It hardly needs to be said, but our lives today, no matter who you are or what sector you are involved in, are excessively complicated. Both the work day pressure and the strain of human relationships can take their toll on you, leaving you bitter and frustrated, unable to enjoy yourself in the best days of your life.

Guided meditation owes its popularity in recent times precisely because it caters to the needs of individuals. Everyone has a different way of thinking, and that is what guided meditation tries to speak to. Mind you, whereas other meditation techniques seek to involve participants in a group activity, in a fixed time and place, guided meditation is not the same. It allows you full freedom to decide - you devise your own methods, since you are in it all alone, and secondly, you decide when and where you want to do it.

Some salient features of guided meditation include the following:

* There is a great focusing of your energies. Both the body and the mind get to have complete relaxation. The 'voice' guides you, and you literally feel like a wanderer in the midst of a vast ocean of calmness. Guided meditation works on your nervous system, giving you a kind of peace you have not known before. It has other kinds of beneficial effects on your nerves as well as well. Guided meditation helps you to get completely rid of migraines and headaches because of its soothing of the nerves.

* Guided meditation is better at relaxing you than the traditional 'weekend off'. Yes, many people do advocate trips, as they allow you to detach yourself from your surroundings and helps you to be with yourself for some time. However, do realize that such can only be a temporary solution. You stay calm only as long as you are away, at the best. Worst part is, if you have really enjoyed yourself, then would only feel more miserable when you are back to daily life, facing the same grind all over again.

* Wi th guided meditation, you yourself undergo a change in your personality. That is the most crucial part. Adverse conditions do not bother you, because you have become stronger mentally. Further, at the end of each day, you can look forward to guided meditation to help you introspect and think about, and learn from, the events of the day. As said before, you have full freedom to adapt to guided meditation, something which nothing else allows as much.

For beginners, guided meditation offers a unique starting point. It is easy and absolutely comfortable, as there is no strictness at all. If you are into guided meditation for some time, you will realize the rise in levels of your concentration. More concentration also means greater mental and physical abilities, and therefore, rise in self esteem. You get to learn better meditation practices as you go along, allowing you to explore aspects about your surroundings, your life and your self that you did not even know existed.

About the Author

Here's an excellent way to start enjoying the benefits of meditation today. The Deep Zen audio program is easy for anyone wanting to learn how to meditate - offering a free demo, and helps advanced meditators achieve deeper levels of meditation too. Try another free demo here: Totally Tranquil

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Binaural Beats Are Excellent for Guided Meditation

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 01:00 PM PST

Article by Kari Farmer

I've been meditating for a few years now but I have a real hard time quieting my brain. I'll try to focus on a sound or an object but my mind will wander to what I did that morning or what I have to do later. Once I realize that there's something I have to do then I can't get back into a meditative state.

Another thing that happens to me, although less often, is I'll actually be doing a good job focusing but I fall asleep within a few minutes of getting there. Then I wake up feeling like I had a nap but not feeling like I meditated on something.

My reasoning for meditation is usually to find an answer that I'm looking for and I always do find an answer but it relates to later in the day chores I have to do. That's very frustrating when you are looking for an answer to something pertaining to your life that deeply affects you.

I found the best meditation I had ever had was a guided one by a friend of mine.

He instructed my group of friends to relax, then relax some more. I found myself focusing on his words and being able to also focus on the imagery he was giving to us. My mind didn't have a chance to take over with its rambling thoughts because he would move on to the next instruction before my mind could do that. By the time he got to our reason for doing the meditation I was completely relaxed and focused on what I was meditating for. The answer to my question was as clear as day in my mind and I was extremely excited about the whole experience.

I went home and did the meditation again as we had just done it but this time my mind wandered with no one to guide it. I realized that I needed some sort of guide to help me until I could focus myself.

I found Binaural Beats.

Our brain goes through many frequency cycles during each day. Different frequencies produce different effects to the human consciousness. Using this information, it has been discovered that the brains receiving and operating frequency can be altered by sound waves. Many of the most po! werful b rain frequencies are less than 20 Hz. Hertz, or Hz for short, are a unit of frequency.

Our hearing doesn't respond to frequencies below 20 Hz. This is where binaural beat technology comes in. It uses the inner wiring of the brain to create the desired frequency with perfect accuracy.

Basically in your right ear will be a frequency of 308 Hz and in your left ear will be a frequency of 300 Hz so your brain is drawn towards the beat frequency of 8 Hz which is the difference between the two.

Among many things that you can use this for, one is meditation.

I find that within seconds of putting the earphones in and laying down I am in a meditative state. I come out of it feeling refreshed and satisfied.

It's so nice to know that I'm taking that time out of the day to focus on my meditation at that very moment and not thinking about the past or future.

I've had excellent results finding answers to my questions now and I'm actually really glad that I have these binaural beats to turn to because my friend is not available to me any time I want like my binaural beats are.

If you want to obtain a calmer and more focused meditation and you think that guided meditation might be for you then check out binaural beats.

I found my meditation binaural from It also has many other things besides meditation that may help you.

About the Author

Visit my blog at All Natural - Alternative Health Ideas for more natural health ideas.

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Protect your career with yoga instructor liability insurance

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 12:00 PM PST

Article by Nacams Team

There is no doubt that yoga could be considered a healing, calming and rejuvenating practice, with different benefits emphasized depending on the teacher and the method of yoga being taught. For many folks, yoga also is a physical endeavor, one used to improve aspects of fitness from strength and flexibility to endurance and even cardiovascular health.

With all the wonderful potential benefits of practicing yoga, there still is a need for yoga instructor liability insurance, to protect your business from the not so wonderful possibilities that working with the public can present. Especially due to the fact that yoga classes do challenge students to move and stretch their bodies in various ways, the odds of a claim of damage or injury ever coming forth seem to increase. This increases the importance of securing yoga instructor liability insurance before you even open the door to your first class.

Depending on where you live and where you teach your yoga classes, or plan to teach your yoga classes, whether or not you purchase yoga instructor liability insurance may not even be a choice. Certain states and regions, as well as larger yoga schools and studios, may require certified yoga teachers to have their own yoga teacher insurance in order to teach classes.

Even if you do not happen to live or work in a place where yoga teachers are required to have yoga instructor liability insurance, it is still a very wise business decision to put such a policy in place for your practice. Although the chances of one of your students filing a claim against you for damage or injury may seem slim to none, you will not want to take the gamble of losing everything if this does come to pass.

When you know the cost of yoga instructor liability insurance, securing such a policy begins to make even more sense. The fee for a high quality yoga instructor liability insurance policy is less than a couple hundred dollars per year. In addition, this fee can usually be deducted on your taxes as a busin! ess expe nse.

In exchange for the annual fee, you receive the peace of mind that comes with knowing you have full coverage and protection in case anything unexpected does take place in your yoga studio or classroom. For example, your yoga instructor liability insurance should include general liability insurance, which will cover you in case anyone slips and falls on the property of your business or during your class.

If a student's slip, trip or fall results in damage or injury, such as a broken wrist or fractured ankle, you will be protected by the general liability portion of your yoga instructor liability insurance. Your policy also should contain coverage for malpractice liability, product liability and more.

These aspects of protection are there in case a student claims damage or injury due to a lack of skill or competence on your part as the yoga teacher, or due to a product that was used during your yoga class.

Set aside time to secure your yoga insurance policy, so you can keep your focus on all the potential benefits of yoga, rather than any potential accidents.

About the Author

The National Association of Complementary and Alternative Therapy (NACAMS) is a national insurance provider offering CAM professionals comprehensive liability insurance and practice support. While providing the best value to the practicing CAM professional, NACAMS liability insurance package is the most comprehensive in the CAM industry. By focusing our liability insurance exclusively on the complimentary and alternative medicine professional we are able to provide a personalized experience and a comprehensive plan of member benefits.

Guided Meditations - Is a Bare Bones Style the Best?

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 11:00 AM PST

Article by Barbara Allan

What is Meditation?

What people mean when they say guided meditation can be almost as variable as what people mean when they use the word meditation. If you don't ask, you might be quite surprised at what someone actually means.

For some people meditation means creative visualization, targeted thinking, systematic relaxation of muscles, sitting still without talking, or any number of other activities. For our purposes here, none of these activities qualify as meditation.

For our purposes here, what does qualify is a special kind of attention that makes it possible to radically retrain your relationship to pain.

I teach this special kind of attention because it is the kind of meditation that has so transformed my life, even though for years I used an electric wheelchair to get around, I am now arthritis-free.

I can't guarantee these meditations will have the same kind of profound outcome for you, but that is my hope. It is the best way I know to have such an undistracted experience of yourself that you are able to experience the gift of deep and often impossible seeming levels of healing.

Benefits of Being Only With What Is

Because I am not intending to induce in you any transient feel-good states, I don't include any feel good music on my guided meditation CDs. During our guided meditations together, I had rather you have a direct and focused experience of whatever you are spontaneously experiencing in that moment. The last thing I want to do is use external distraction, even if it is pleasant, to distract you from experiencing yourself.

One woman was initially quite disappointed when she started using my anger guided meditation CD. She was expecting beautiful music and beautiful words to help her not feel angry anymore. The last thing she wanted was to be more in contact with her anger. She was in the middle of a difficult divorce. Her anger was intense. Despite her disappointment, however, she decided to use the anger gu! ided med itation CD every night for several weeks.

By the end of that time she had had a change of heart. She contacted me to get another set of the CDs. The ongoing experience of being with her anger without making it bad or wrong and without needing to act on it, was changing her life. She was feeling the benefits so strongly that she spontaneously gave her anger CD to a friend who was also going through a tough time. After just a few days, she missed the anger guided meditations CD enough that she wanted a copy for herself again.

She still didn't particularly like the fact that the anger guided meditation CD brought her into deeper contact with her anger, but she loved how the rest of her life was gradually changing for the better because of doing this work.

Temporary Versus Long Term Transformation

If you want a guided meditation that will make you feel temporarily better every time you use it, you will probably not initially like my CD set, especially if you are in intense emotional or physical pain. What you are likely to experience is not distraction from your pain but a clearer, less distracted experience of that pain. This isn't always pleasant. However, these practices do create ideal conditions for radical transformation and healing.

No matter what your initial expectations are, I encourage you to make at least a several week commitment to listening to these CDs, so that you too can begin to experience their healing potential.

Check out my six CD guided meditation set!

About the Author

Barbara Allan is the author of the book Conquering Arthritis, the number one best selling arthritis book on for the last 5 years.

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Meditation music for Kundalini Yoga

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 10:00 AM PST

Article by Karan Khalsa

Meditation is an important part of Yoga practices. Meditation or Dhyana is the seventh limb of the Patanjali Yoga Sutra. Meditation helps an individual reach a state of tranquility and the practitioner is rejuvenated with ultimate serenity. Through meditation, one can experience a calm and relaxed state of mind. Highest joy is realized as the practitioner experience the oneness with their own center of consciousness, the Atma.

Kundalini Yoga is a powerful yoga form that focuses on awakening of the Kundalini, the energy of consciousness. Kundalini energy is visualized as a snake coiled up in the first chakra found at the base of the spine (Muladhara chakra). Kundalini energy is one's potential spiritual energy. As an individual starts Kundalini Yoga, the Kundalini energy rises up the Nadi (Kundalini channels) helping the mortal to surpass the external material pleasure and help him/her achieve a consciousness that brings freedom from illusion (Maya).

Music has always been the best communicator of feelings, thoughts and ideas. In the realm of yoga, music is considered to be the concentrator or an accelerator of the mind. The intimate touch of sound and music has the divine charisma of penetrating the whole being and revitalizing every sense of the listener. Music heals the pain and helps to relax the senses from within. Different music has the ability to create different ambiance and in meditation, the best music is one that brings greater harmony. Meditation is only possible when the ambiance is calm and relaxed. Thus, Meditation Music must contain tranquil and soothing sounds that will incite peace and relaxation. Spirit Voyage also offers multiple yoga accessories like yoga mats, malas and jeweleries, yoga books, yoga tea and many more. The collection of CDs and DVDs that Spirit Voyage offers contain sacred music and chants that will take anyone to a spiritual high. Choose from the collection of World Sacred Music which includes New Age Christian and Jewish music albums, New Age Celt! ic Music , Buddhist Chants and many others. Enliven your inner self and let it merge with the supreme as you refresh your body, mind and soul with High Energy Yoga Grooves or Instrumental Yoga Music. Spirit Voyage brings collection of Yoga Music CDs for kids.

With the expansion of the practice of meditation, there are music CDs and DVDs available that help an individual to guide their soul to reach a level of unearthly peace and composure. Spirit Voyage brings you a collection of Yoga DVDs and CDs that will help you attain a healthy mind, body and soul. The different CDs will help an individual learn and pronounce different mantras, chanting which will connect him/her to the boundless peace of life and evoke the feeling of ecstasy within them. With Spirit Voyage's meditation and yoga music, the duality of the mind vanishes and a state is reached when the individual feels great connection with infinity.

Breathing, Sound and Meditation are inseparable parts of Kundalini Yoga. The yoga music for Kundalini Sadhana will help you to improve your concentration and enhance your ability to meditate by obstructing the distant noises. Spirit Voyage's collection of meditation music for Kundalini yoga shall create an apt atmosphere to bring all the senses of the practitioner into a line that will help for a great yoga workout. Furthermore, the sacred chants and hymns which will help one connect himself/herself to divinity. The meditation music for Kundalini Yoga shall create a tone that will subtly produce a tender and refreshing mood and take the senses to a mystic height. Kundalini Yoga Music will help to awaken prana or the life force.

The meditation music from Spirit Voyage is not intrusive rather it is very soothing. The collection of Yoga DVDs and Cds offered by the company include the peaceful voice of Deva Premal, Krishna Das, Deuter, Snatam Kaur, Shakta Kaur Khalsa, Guru Shabad Singh Khalsa, Bachan Kaur, Wah and many such artistes. Bow to the subtle divine wisdom and to the totality of the harmony w! ith the meditation music for Kundalini sadhana from Spirit Voyage and let your senses fill up with eternal joy-the joy of feeling of oneness with divinity.

About the Author

The author writes for Spirit Voyage which features a collection of yoga music and meditation musicand multiple yoga accessories. This site essentially tend to infuse a spirit of harmony and peace of mind and body with its collection of yoga DVDs, yoga clothing and books.

Free Download Meditation MP3 - Deep Zen Meditation Program For Instant Peace!

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 09:00 AM PST

Article by Sunil Chopra

I searched high and low for a good meditation system that allowed me to switch off the noise and feel peace and clarity. When I came across this free download meditation mp3, I was delighted to enjoy it's very peaceful and profound effect.

All I had to do was put on the headphones and just listen, it's that simple! The effect of it was to silence the mind and activate a higher level of quiet awareness. I realised in that moment that the key to spiritual development is to let go of our attachment to destructive patterns of thinking and then shift to a higher plane. As I increase my capacity to feel good, I ultimately expand in joy and abundance.

The problem however, lies in the fact that we are filled with overwhelm and daily chaotic routines. We have an underlying sense of stress, discomfort and anxiety. It slowly eats away at your body, which causes you to feel and act the way you are right now. And the only way to restore your energy and get your life back to normal is by letting your body heal itself.

Meditation works because it restores your body to a state of balance. Not only does your system work best when it's in balance, but this is also the optimum state for self-repair and growth.

So how does the Deep Zen Meditation program and Holothink free download meditation mp3 work? It uses Triple Harmonic Chord Technology to induce the deepest and most powerful state of meditation like that of a deep zen monk. Here's what it can help you to do:

- Gets right to the source of your problems and empowers you with the ability to achieve deeper levels of meditation

Have increased peace of mind Release all of the tension in your body Achieve deeper concentration Have mental clarity Increase your energy and vitality Inherit the ability to act calm in all situations.After five minutes of listening, or so, your brain "tunes in" and resonates at the same frequency. The result is a dominant brain wave pattern at the desired frequency.

Just think of it as your! brain t uning into the frequency you want it attuned to - your favorite radio station.

Use of this technology results in what researchers call brain wave entrainment (training your brain waves to tune into a specific frequency). Some have called it instant meditation.

Unlike most products or methods on the market today that teach the theory that you have to let your everyday situations resolve themselves, the Deep Zen Meditation Program is different. Achieving deeper levels of meditation is a learned response that with practice, can become natural to your everyday life.

The best part is that you get to try the free download meditation mp3 and feel the power of it for yourselves before you buy.

Peace Of I.

Sunil Chopra

Get Your Free Download Meditation MP3 And Deep Zen Meditation Program Today To Create Instant Peace In Your Life!

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About the Author

Spiritual Coach And Writer!

Ganpati Mool Mantra

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