A Yoga Mat Bag Should Be Large and Secure
A Yoga Mat Bag Should Be Large and Secure |
- A Yoga Mat Bag Should Be Large and Secure
- Yoga For Beginners
- Using Yoga as a Motivation to Better Life
- Yoga Mats 101 - Not All Mats Are Created Equal
- All the Reasons to Practice Yoga
- Music and Yoga for Relaxation
- What Are the Most Popular Styles of Yoga?
- How to save on Yoga Marketing with Pay Per Click
- Newbie's guide to Yoga accessories
- Proper Yoga Clothes - Essential Yoga Clothing Tips
- What are the different Disciplines of Yoga which exist?
- What are the different Disciplines of Yoga which exist?
- Yoga Accessories Aren't Just For Adults - Children Enjoy Yoga Also!
- Yoga - A Healthy Life Style
- Choosing the Right Yoga for You
- Yoga benefits
- Yoga Helps Fight Multiple Sclerosis
- Yoga is not gymnastics with incense sticks - Philosophy of Yoga and Meditation in daily life
- Introduction to Yoga for Babies and Mom
- Is Yoga More Than a Recent Phenomenon?
- The History Of Yoga
- How To Wear Yoga Sandals With Ease
- Yoga online, tradition and health delivered according to your convenience
- Learn Yoga free with various online health portals
- Start Learning Yoga Moves from Today
A Yoga Mat Bag Should Be Large and Secure Posted: 13 Feb 2012 07:00 AM PST Article by Scott Ingram The best in Indian traditional form of exercising is yoga which is able to provide a useful means with which to improve the mind and the spirit within as well as adds much needed strength to a person's body and all it requires to benefit from yoga is to learn the proper postures as well as techniques of breathing. Basically, anyone can perform yoga as long as they have a yoga mat and in fact, if they ensure choosing the proper yoga mat, they can enjoy better and more comfortable as well as relaxing yoga. Before you decide on a particular yoga mat bag it pays for you to check out the different available yoga mats and in fact, opting for an eco yoga mat would be a good idea since one that is made from PVC would put your health at risk and thus should be avoided as much as possible. One of the accessories that are required to store your mat is a yoga mat bag that also helps you to carry your yoga mat with you wherever you go. In fact, the better yoga mats can be folded as well as even rolled and these can then be put inside a yoga mat bag and carried about with you and even used for storing your yoga mat whilst it is not in use. Ideal If You Want To Travel A good yoga mat bag should be capable of carrying even a large yoga mat that may measure as much as hundred inches and in addition, the yoga mat bag is well suited for taking along with you on your travels and it also helps ensure that the mat remains clean and is protected against the elements and of course, from dirt. There are quite a few different styles to choose from when it concerns a good yoga mat bag and the one that you choose will depend on the size as well as cloth used and also depends on its patterns and there are also different models for you to choose from. In fact, it is quite usual to find that yoga mat bags are also made from silk or even cotton while those made out of jute and even velvet are also very popular. You need to ensure that the yoga mat bag that you plan on buying is durable and it! should be robust enough to withstand normal wear and tear and in addition, it would also help to have a yoga mat bag that is waterproof, and for all of these features, a bag made from cotton would be most suitable. When it concerns a yoga mat bag made from silk or velvet they will usually also have cotton lining (thick) that adds to their durability as well as strength and many of them have very interesting patterns and incorporate vivid colors as well as have excellent textures and thus are suited for those who want something out of the ordinary. You will also come across different yoga mat bags that also have a place (or places) to hold other items besides the mat and which include things such as a towel and water bottle as well as your clothes and even certain useful props for performing your yoga more effectively. In fact, these bags also may have zippered closures as well as being available in different sizes including large, regular and even XL. About the AuthorScott has been writing articles for nearly 3 years. Go have a look at his latest website at plussizesportsbra.net which reviews and lists the best zip front sports bra and information. |
Posted: 13 Feb 2012 06:00 AM PST Article by Darvin J. Hooey My article "Yoga For Beginners" is written to help those of you interested in beginning the practice of yoga, but uncertain as to how to get started. I will take you by the hand and guide you through: 1) How yoga is defined, 2) Identifying the most best style for you, 3) Initial "tools" you might need, and 4) Getting Started. Navigating the world of yoga is actually not as hard as it might first appear, if you have a map! <span style="font-size: medium;">Yoga Defined</span> According to Wikipedia, Yoga refers to traditional physical and mental disciplines originating in India. The word is associated with meditative practices in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. Yoga for beginners is much plainer. Yoga is a sequence of positions and postures, coordinated with your breathing, designed to rejuvenate your mind, body and soul. ultimately, as you go through the various stages, the result will be a stronger more focused mind, improved fitness and, if you are a spiritual person, a stronger connection with the universe! <span style="font-size: medium;">The Styles of Yoga</span> There are about 10 main styles of Yoga. However, the differences among the styles reside in the individual emphasis of the styles versus the poses or postures:1) Hatha (Ananda): This is a slower paced style emphasizing personal affirmations, and self-control, versus an true workout. This is the best style of yoga for beginners. 2) Ashtanga (Power Yoga): As the nickname "Power Yoga" implies, this is a more athletic, upbeat form of yoga. This is not for newbies. 3) Anusara: This style is describes as "heart-oriented" and makes good use of the "tools of yoga". These classes are somewhat intense but still accessible by all skill levels. 4) Iyengar: This style is characterized by a great attention to detail and a focus on bodily alignment. Much more stamina is required for this style, as poses are often held for an extended period...not the best place for you ! to start . 5) Integral: An appropriate style of yoga for beginners. Characterized by an equal attention to meditation, poses and breathing, Integral is a more general style, like Hatha, that will allow you to "sample" the areas of concentration of the remaining styles. 6) Bikram (Hot Yoga): Sweat time! It's called Hot Yoga because it's performed in a very hot room (around 100 degrees)! This allows cleansing sweat to flow and muscles to loosen. Beginners skip this one for now. 7) Kundalini: Concentrates on the release of energy through breath control and breathe/movement timing. Sure why not. 8 ) Kripalu: This style concentrates on breathing and progressing at your own individual pace... a perfect style of yoga for beginners. 9) Sivananda: Among the larger schools of yoga, this style uses a more holistic approach, inclusive of diet, relaxation and thinking. Great option for those of you looking for improvement in more than just fitness. 10) Svaroopa: You won't break a sweat here. This style is more about raising your consciousness. This is absolutely appropriate for beginners, but not if your focus is improved fitness. <span style="font-size: medium;">Yoga Tools</span> Here are a you might want to pick up for your journey: 1) Mats: You'll need the extra cushion and support, even if your practing yoga on carpet! Most classes are taught on hard floors, mats are a must for yoga, for beginners or experts! 2) Blocks and Straps: Are you lacking the flexibility to do the poses and stretches the same as the instructor? These help you to close the gaps. 3) Proper clothing: relatively loose fitting clothes to allow greater range of motion. Longer pants are help to prevent carpet/mat burns. 4) Training Videos; These may be in the form of DVDs or direct downloads from the web, but they are essential, if you'd prefer to at least start at home. I've always practiced yoga in the comfort of my own home! <span style="font-size: m! edium;"& gt;Get Started!</span> No surprises here... just do it! This is what you need to learn yoga for beginners. Now go find a local instructor, or a good video. Final piece of advice... start with at home workouts and save yourself some embarrassment! About the AuthorIf you truly wish to succeed at being in the best shape of your life, here's the best at home resource I've found. Go to Next Level Yoga immediately, to see how easily it can be done with at home workouts! |
Using Yoga as a Motivation to Better Life Posted: 13 Feb 2012 05:00 AM PST Article by kayla Tang The majority of people believe that yoga concerns experiencing pure ecstasy through the union of the mind, the soul, and the group. But, many yoga practitioners and teachers would agree that other than providing relaxation and peace, yoga can serve as a motivation for people to have an improved life because it provides limitless opportunities for an individual to be in control and unite with him or her inner self. Today, many yoga practitioners believe that in one way or another, the ancient discipline may serve as a motivation for people to relax and concentrate on what they wish to achieve because it paves the way for the breath, the mind, and the senses to unite, thus, the creating balance needed. The expression "yoga" denotes a Sanskrit term meaning that "union or joining." Many people see it as an ambiguous term because it encompasses a wide range of purely physical disciplines to purely spiritual. When people talk of yoga, the phrase "asana" is always there. Asana is called one of the eight types of yoga wherein mental and spiritual health than are prioritized compared to physical endurance. Nowadays, the pair words have turned almost synonymous to modern-day yogis because they embody the same concept: relaxation though meditation. Using yoga as a motivator Motivator denotes factors that may influence an individual getting motivated. If you intend to practice yoga as a type of motivation, it ought not to be as confusing as it seems because you don't must learn all the beliefs and philosophies behind it. Although many individuals practice yoga for so many reasons, this can serve as a motivation for people especially those who see stress easily. Through yoga, one can explore the almost limitless possibilities to self-discovery. Since its depths pertain to a meditative practice or for pure spiritual discipline, yoga can indeed be an origin of motivation for people who want order and the experience of peacefulness. For those who are planning to get into yoga ! to use i t as a motivation to great life, the as they open that you must bear in mind before you totally indulge in practicing yoga is setting and determining your goals. The most general benefits that one could be provided from yoga are its health and fitness benefits. Since is the situation, many yoga practitioners agree that yoga might be an impressive tool for motivation since it increases the person's strength and flexibility, creates balance in addition to the improvement of breathing and overall posture, soothes the nerves, calms the mind while increases the person's focal and concentration skills. You may also need to undergo a general check-up. Since yoga involves physical endurance, you could in addition want to visit an orthopedic before you undergo a class to avoid possible injuries. A check-up is important for you do discuss with your physician the advantages and disadvantages of yoga in your total health and happiness. Aside from the items mentioned, he're some of the things you may wish to think about before you commence practicing yoga as an origin of motivation: - know your physical and emotional limitations. - make sure that you commence with the easy yoga poses before slowly advancing to the difficult positions. - know when is the most appropriate time worthy of you to practice yoga. - make sure that you need a good yoga instructor who can attend to your needs and with advice you comprehend how you can make it as a motivation for great living. About the Authorkayla has been writing articles online for nearly 4 years now. Not only does this author specialize in diet, fitness and weight loss, you can also check out his latest website on dog shock collar and outdoor cat enclosures Entertainment Ke Liye Kuch Bhi Karega - Gabbar Singh on the sets - Episode 9This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Yoga Mats 101 - Not All Mats Are Created Equal Posted: 13 Feb 2012 04:00 AM PST |
All the Reasons to Practice Yoga Posted: 13 Feb 2012 03:00 AM PST Article by Roberto Sedycias Yoga is gaining importance recently over the world as it includes mind and body fitness. Yoga offers a holistic approach to the body health and mind, as it views both, mind and body as inseparable. The reasons worth considering doing yoga as a routine is because it trains the body and the mind through asanas involving poses as well as postures. This training assists in improving blood circulation, strength, stamina, flexibility and concentration. Practicing yoga gives an invigorated feel and peace that allows performing daily chores without any stress. The routine practice of yoga offers many beneficial reasons and the results are astonishing, and hence considering yoga exercises as fitness workouts is recommended. Though, aerobic exercises are effective in burning calories and strengthening muscle, yoga does something beyond that as it benefits the body and mind. Speaking about physical benefits, yoga firstly offers enough balance. Especially when a person gets older balancing the body becomes critical, and regular practice of yoga allows a person to move comfortably and easily. This is because the yoga positions focus the balance forms and the position is maintained; besides enough flexibility is attained as the muscles are moved. The regular yoga practice involves prolonged stretching in various poses and this helps in improving the muscle mass. Energy level is high when the relaxation levels are higher in the body, and this is possible only when the tension is less. Tension is an energy killer and yoga exercises assists in lowering tension as well as stress by improving the blood flow, and this on the other hand increases the energy level. As a result people who has chronic back pain may benefit from yoga stretching exercises, as it relaxes the body. Yoga supports mental benefits also to a very great extent through breathing exercises, and yoga positions help to focus inward in life against the outward distractions. This introspection is of great assistance in clearing! the min d as well as in focusing the attention to important things. Stress levels are also greatly reduced owing to regular yoga exercise as it involves various poses, breathing exercises and relaxation. All these encourage the mind and the body to relax and offer relief from stress such that the damaging influences are kept away. Yoga also promotes inner peace as many yoga exercises include meditation time, and this tranquil period helps in gaining complete control over thinking, instead of becoming a prey to negative thoughts. Yoga plays a significant role in shaping the body and mind and regardless of what one does, it is essential to practice yoga to enjoy its benefits. Yoga is a means and practicing it on a long term helps in preventing various illnesses and future injuries, and thereby provides a great relief. However, before initiating yoga practice, ensure a doctor consultation, in case of medical conditions. Yoga need not be learnt by going to classes, as there are cheaper and convenient options such as learning with a yoga DVD that guides the workouts. The benefit of such DVD is that it facilitates performing yoga at convenient times and if one dislikes doing it he can comfortably stop at anytime as it does not cause any side effects. About the AuthorYou can have access to articles about health in portuguese language from page Health Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for Polomercantil |
Posted: 13 Feb 2012 02:00 AM PST Article by Karan Khalsa Yoga is invigoration in relaxation. Freedom in routine. Confidence through self control. Energy within and energy without. ~Ymber Delecto Yoga, the Sanskrit word means 'union', the way to unite the individual with the divine means. Practice of this 5000 year old science has been continuing for centuries which was actually originated from Hindu philosophy. According to Patanjali, the ancient compiler of the Yoga Sutras, Yoga is the practice of quieting the mind. The sage also said, "In deep meditation the flow of concentration is continuous like the flow of oil." Yoga helps to develop harmony between the mind, soul and body by uniting, yoking, joining and putting together these three elements of human being. Kundalini Yoga is a spiritual practice in the world of yoga, which awakes our senses to attain the ultimate peace in life. So proper yoga practice with exercise, meditation and asanas can help to relax the mind, body and soul. Yoga, the greatest antidote to stress, ensures complete relaxation if practiced regularly. When paired with music, yoga becomes much more effective than ever. While performing yoga, Meditation music creates the right mood. Even relaxing yoga music and soothing sounds can be a great aid to sleep. Yoga helps to develop a peaceful mind. The soothing Yoga music helps to relax, calm the mind, and thus create a balance within. Many stress-relaxing techniques included in Yoga enforce relaxation in this stressful life of the present time. At the end of each Yoga session, corpse pose or Savasana is compulsory. This asana gets one back into the real or mundane world from the world of eternity, feeling more refreshed and relaxed, armed with the weapons to fight off the stress from the daily life. Yoga helps to bring down stress and enhance relaxation. And music has the universal appeal to soothe the inner-self of anyone and everyone. Music creates a harmony in the mind which also leads to increased power of concentration. Nowadays, gradually, people can understand! this as pect or benefit of Yoga practicing for which many spiritual music companies offer particular Yoga DVDs and CDs containing hymns and chants which soothe the mind by creating a calm atmosphere around. These enchanting hymns and mantras of Yoga music enter the deepest sense of human mind and blend with his or her original self. Spirit Voyage is one such online record label company that guides you through the journey of a spiritual insight. With its huge collection of Meditation music, CDs and DVDs, the company helps to entice the feeling of ultimate relaxation to both your body and soul. So listen to this range of devotional music and dip into the river of melody. Experience the blissful calmness and delightful soothing inner self with the Kundalini Yoga Music offered by Spirit Voyage. Spirit Voyage Yoga DVDs are the greatest way of developing a deep spiritual connection with the divine power. To wipe away all the negative vibes and tensions from the mind which is very much common and normal in today's perspective, Spirit Voyage is there ensuring you a relaxed and refreshed life. Now, you can get peace with yoga, meditation and relaxing music. So heal the anxiety through the practice of Yoga. With this relaxing music let the tensions go away permanently from your life and regenerate your soul and rejuvenate the flow of energy with the soothing tunes. About the AuthorThe author writes of Spirit Voyage which is engaged in offering various kinds of yoga music and meditation music. The company offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing Kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms. FLOWING THROUGH MULTIPLE ARM BALANCESThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
What Are the Most Popular Styles of Yoga? Posted: 13 Feb 2012 01:00 AM PST |
How to save on Yoga Marketing with Pay Per Click Posted: 13 Feb 2012 12:00 AM PST Article by Tamara Machavariani One of the ways to successfully market yoga business online is by using paid advertisements. However extreme care should be taken when utilizing this marketing scheme. If you target locally your audience, pay per click services would work effectively for you. There are two choices you can go when looking at marketing yoga online. You could pay for traffic which simply means pay for the clicks through your yoga website using highly efficient Google Adwords. Another option available for you is to build up the rating and presence of your yoga website or blog through the use of search engine optimization tips called "organic traffic". By actively establishing your yoga business' presence and efficient management of your website, Google would rate your site as they feel you would provide the solutions practitioners and beginners of yoga are searching for. This means traffic would be sent through to you. When you opt for the pay per click services, it works best because local yoga business, surprisingly aren't using it and you could easily target your yoga marketing to a geographical location of your choice. Example you own a yoga studio in Oxfordshire and would want to market the exceptional yoga teachers you possess by using Google, you could choose frequently visited Oxfordshire websites to set up your ads there. With these methods, the prices for advertising your yoga online are much cheaper. Before settling with the pay per click services either nationally or globally, make sure you know what you are doing with your yoga websites to get value for money traffic. By doing so, you don't end up paying high for your traffic without earning the money back from them. With the help of yoga business coaching, you could end up paying less yet still acquiring the pay per click services your yoga marketing highly needs. Here are some tips to help you begin: First use the Google Adwords tool to identify what common keyword people are seeking for related to yoga. Sa y your focus is on yoga teachers, simply type it in the tool and identify a particular keyword with a high enough number of searches per month. Go for the keyword that yields more than 1000 searches for it is a keyword most people are searching for. When selecting a keyword, use long tale ones with at least 3 to 4 words and exact match. A perfect example of a good primary keyword is "Yoga Retreat Holiday Kent". Remember your yoga website must possess that primary keyword. Make sure since your focus is on yoga marketing, the word "yoga" would appear as one of the words forming the keyword. Base your host server on the target market you are aiming for. Say you prefer to market your yoga teachers in the UK, use co uk and a UK server. Keep in mind, in yoga marketing, the more the better. Use your primary keywords in the headline, Description, Display URL, and Destination URL. Check competition to determine if there are many people offering the same services or keywords as you do. To do this, visit google.com and simply type in your primary keyword. If the results reveal less than 200,000 then that means you have few competitors for your yoga business and you're good to go. Separate keywords with spikes [I] Always remember, the more specific you are of marketing your yoga business online, the lesser you will pay. About the AuthorTamara Machavariani is an entrepreneur specializing in internet marketing. She also coaches yoga teachers to become successful in business and achieve financial freedom. http://www.yogaonlinebusiness.com/ |
Newbie's guide to Yoga accessories Posted: 12 Feb 2012 11:00 PM PST Article by Konstantin T. Yoga is increasingly popular in the western part of the world. Dozens of new "styles" have been crafted to accommodate the generally unfit, inactive, stressed-out and obese Americans and Europeans. The public's increasing demand for Yoga-like exercises drives an expanding market of related products. There are hundreds of new companies, offering thousands of products designed to help you do Yoga. For most people in the western hemisphere this millennia-old science is brand new, and this lack of experience makes it difficult to navigate the overwhelming market of yoga goods. This short tutorial will help choosing the basic set of suggested accessories that may help in your practice. If you are just getting started all you may need is a yoga mat, a carry bag, a set of props and maybe a special towel.Yoga MatThis is the most commonly purchased Yoga accessory and the most used. A yoga mat is a companion to your practice, providing support, stability and cushioning for your body and a place to meditate. When choosing a mat, consider its thickness, length and composition. Make sure your mat provides enough grip, even when wet and consider the mat's weight if you plant to carry it to the studio. Most expensive mats are usually the heaviest.Yoga Mat BagMat bags can be bulky and heavy tending to unroll at most inappropriate moments. Storing your mat in a bag is convenient and safe. A good yoga mat bag must fit your mat easily. Many bags are designed for thin, short mats and will not accommodate large, thick and sticky mats, commonly used by beginners.Yoga towelA piece of super-absorbent fabric, with tiny nibs that grip to a mat is called a yoga towel. This towel is specifically designed to provide additional traction during practice, absorb moisture (especially in hot yoga classes, such as Bikram), and provide a layer of hygienic protection when not using own mat. A yoga towel is a worthy investment if moisture during practice is an issue and an alternative to purchasing a mat.Yoga ! propsYoga props are designed to increase flexibility and provide additional safety in some poses. The most commonly used yoga props are bricks and straps. Straps can be used to gently pull your limbs during stretching exercises, adding to your natural flexibility, while brick are mostly used for support during bends and side stretches. These props are completely optional, and newcomers can completely avoid purchasing them in the initial stages of their journey. Consult your instructor for more information.Yoga practice can be more enjoyable and comfortable with a good mat, a non-slip towel and some straps and block to help you with difficult stretches. Use your judgement and remember - none of this is required to succeed in Yoga, what matters is how you feel inside.Successful Yoga practice does not require any props or accessories. Yoga is a science that utilizes your mind a lot more than your body, and there are no magical tools that will affect your inner self. The desire to improve your body, mind and spirit comes from within.For comprehensive reviews of most popular Yoga products, I invite you to visit The Yoga Mat Review. This site features a selection of yoga mats, props, bags, accessories, music, dvds and books that have been reviewed and recommended by a team of real Yoga experts. About the AuthorKonstantin is an experienced Yoga practitioner, who runs a The Yoga Mat Review - a comprehensive guide to Yoga products, featuring reviews and ratings of the best yoga mats, towels, bags, props, DVDs, music and books. Stretching and RelaxationThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Proper Yoga Clothes - Essential Yoga Clothing Tips Posted: 12 Feb 2012 10:00 PM PST Article by thomas devos Yoga clothing is an important aspect of yoga. In yoga there is no strict rule that you need to wear a particular style of clothes but what you need to wear is something that provides you comfort and ease while you do the yoga postures. Wearing the right and appropriate clothes makes you feel good while you get your body in the various postures. It is important that the material you choose for your yoga clothing is made out of cotton fiber and is loose and stretchable so that you will feel comfortable. When you do the various body movements some of which are difficult in yoga you will find that you begin to perspire profusely. It is for this reason that you need to wear cotton clothing so that your body can breathe. Wearing the proper clothing during yoga practice ensures that you can remain focused on your postures and will not have to experience uneasiness and become distracted. The different types of yoga clothing which are being used by most people today are shorts, sweat shirts, leotards and tights. You must decide on the right type of yoga clothing according to your size and comfort. Some of the movements in the yoga postures are fast while some are extremely slow so you need to select a good fit for yourself. Wearing tight fitting clothing during yoga practice will prevent you from moving your limbs freely and this will cause you to loose concentration. You can do yoga anywhere like at your home, garage or even in parks but the clothing that you wear is what makes the difference. If you live in warm places that are likely to cause you to sweat profusely while doing yoga then you need to wear clothes like shorts which allow you to feel comfortable. Leaving your body less covered will allow the excess perspiration to evaporate much more easily. Tank tops and tubes would also make ideal wear as they will allow your body to breathe and not feel sticky during the workout. For a cooler clime or in laces which are air conditioned, wear clothes which have long sleeves ! or those which cover your body partly so that you do not end up feeling cold.Covering your body in cold climate while doing yoga will give the warmth that you need. This is very essential because doing yoga in a cold climate will restrict the movements of your limbs. Hot Yoga or Bikram yoga requires that you wear shorts which are considered the most appropriate outfit for this particular style of yoga. When you wear shorts, it allows the body to breathe air freely and makes you feel comfortable too allowing you to do the yoga with greater concentration. Since yoga does not require that you wear a particular set of clothes, it all depends on each individual's taste and style. For the trendy people wearing colorful clothes makes them stand out and feel unique. While there are still others who want to harmonize with nature and so choose clothes that go with it. Nature lovers can choose clothes that are bright and colorful with floral designs. Remember that the yoga clothing that you choose reflects your personality and in order to feel self confident and reassured you need to dress appropriately. The clothes that you wear can reflect on how you do your workouts. So keep this in mind before you go out in search of yoga clothing for yourself. Look for yoga clothing that fit your style. About the AuthorThe Author has done a lot of research online and offline and he is an expert in article writing. You can come to visit his latest websites on womens argyle sweater and pink argyle sweater. |
What are the different Disciplines of Yoga which exist? Posted: 12 Feb 2012 09:00 PM PST Article by Peter Neng The discipline of Yoga uses Asanas in order to integrate the mind and body to achieve a divine union. Asanas are basically body positions or postures. There are literally thousands of Asanas in existence. If you wish to begin practicing Yoga, the Asanas that you practice will very much depend on the particular discipline of Yoga which you choose to practice. As well as using Asanas, Yoga is also about the Breath, and Yoga incorporates breathing techniques with the aim of bringing mind, body and spirit into unity. Yoga is also about the flow of Prana, which is energy through the body. A great majority of those who practice Yoga in the United States and Europe practice Hatha Yoga. Those who are beginners in the discipline of Yoga, often practice Hatha Yoga as it is a relatively gentle form of Yoga. This form of Yoga was introduced by Yogi Swatmarama in India in the fifteenth century. He defined Hatha Yoga as a preparatory stage of physical purification that the body practices for higher meditation. Ashtanga Yoga is based on the teachings of Vama Rishi and it is said to lead to the purification of the nervous system, as well as clarity of mind, and steadiness of the body. Ashtanga Yoga focuses more on balance and bodily alignment than Hatha Yoga does. Kundalini Yoga is in a nutshell about the release of the Kundalini in the body and incorporates chanting, breathing and mediation in order to achieve the unity of mind, body and spirit.Karma Yoga translates as the Yoga of Action and focuses on union through action, without consideration for personal wishes and desires. This is considered by some to be a more spiritual and higher form of Yoga than some others. This is the same for Kriya Yoga which is thought to be suitable for more serious students of Yoga and focuses on the breath. A number of experts urge caution with more 'modern' forms of Yoga, such as the Bikram Yoga, which is practiced in a heated room often without ventilation, and can be dangerous for those with ce! rtain me dical problems. About the AuthorFor more on yoga, check out Yoga Poses Videos where you'll find over 100 yoga videos. And for art lovers, check out Kohler's Pig. |
What are the different Disciplines of Yoga which exist? Posted: 12 Feb 2012 09:00 PM PST Article by Peter Neng The discipline of Yoga uses Asanas in order to integrate the mind and body to achieve a divine union. Asanas are basically body positions or postures. There are literally thousands of Asanas in existence. If you wish to begin practicing Yoga, the Asanas that you practice will very much depend on the particular discipline of Yoga which you choose to practice. As well as using Asanas, Yoga is also about the Breath, and Yoga incorporates breathing techniques with the aim of bringing mind, body and spirit into unity. Yoga is also about the flow of Prana, which is energy through the body. A great majority of those who practice Yoga in the United States and Europe practice Hatha Yoga. Those who are beginners in the discipline of Yoga, often practice Hatha Yoga as it is a relatively gentle form of Yoga. This form of Yoga was introduced by Yogi Swatmarama in India in the fifteenth century. He defined Hatha Yoga as a preparatory stage of physical purification that the body practices for higher meditation. Ashtanga Yoga is based on the teachings of Vama Rishi and it is said to lead to the purification of the nervous system, as well as clarity of mind, and steadiness of the body. Ashtanga Yoga focuses more on balance and bodily alignment than Hatha Yoga does. Kundalini Yoga is in a nutshell about the release of the Kundalini in the body and incorporates chanting, breathing and mediation in order to achieve the unity of mind, body and spirit.Karma Yoga translates as the Yoga of Action and focuses on union through action, without consideration for personal wishes and desires. This is considered by some to be a more spiritual and higher form of Yoga than some others. This is the same for Kriya Yoga which is thought to be suitable for more serious students of Yoga and focuses on the breath. A number of experts urge caution with more 'modern' forms of Yoga, such as the Bikram Yoga, which is practiced in a heated room often without ventilation, and can be dangerous for those with ce! rtain me dical problems. About the AuthorFor more on yoga, check out Yoga Poses Videos where you'll find over 100 yoga videos. And for art lovers, check out Kohler's Pig. |
Yoga Accessories Aren't Just For Adults - Children Enjoy Yoga Also! Posted: 12 Feb 2012 08:00 PM PST Article by Denise Loubert FULL WHEEL BACKBEND ALIGNMENTThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 12 Feb 2012 07:00 PM PST Article by William F. Smith Yoga is one of the most interesting activities that one can practice. It is fun and relaxing and is very challenging to beginners. Yoga is a system of physical and mental exercises that originated in India several thousand years ago. Its purpose is to help us achieve our greatest potential and to experience lasting health and happiness. Best of all, yoga is appropriate for all, regardless of age, gender, and health.You can practice it anywhere and you don't need special equipment to do it. It's so easy that you can spend just a few minutes in the morning and you be ready and refreshed for the day. What really separates yoga from any other sport activities is that it connects your body, mind and soul. Unlike other exercises that mainly focus on keeping fit and building muscles, yoga takes care of not only your physical fitness, but also your mental health, as well as your spiritual well being. There are around 12 types of yoga. Although all of the styles are based on the same physical postures (called poses), each has a particular emphasis. Four of the most popular types of yoga are Hatha, Kundalini, Bikram, and Ashtanga. These are discussed below. Hatha is the most famous form of yoga; it's the foundation of all yoga styles. It is a gentle practice where you move slowly and smoothly through dozens of poses (called asanas). It's a good choice for beginners. It will likely be involve slower paced stretching with some breathing exercises and meditation. Many starter classes will incorporate this yoga style. You will learn basic poses, relaxation techniques, and become comfortable with yoga. Kundalini is an ancient form of yoga that has only been practiced in the west relatively recently. The emphasis in this style is on the breath in conjunction with physical movement. It has a more spiritual feel than Hatha and focuses on energy balance in your body. It involves rapid movement through the poses and emphasizes breathing, chanting, and meditation. Each Kun! dalini s eries is done with a specific breath that intensifies the effects of the poses. The goal of this exercise is to release energy in the lower extremities by allowing it to move upwards. Beginners unfamiliar with yoga might find Kundalini more physically and mentally challenging than they are comfortable with. Kundalini is one of the more spiritual types of yoga that is practiced. Also, it is physically intense. Bikram is a style that is more generally referred to as hot yoga. It is a comprehensive workout that includes all the components of fitness: muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular flexibility, and weight loss. This is the only yoga style that specializes in using a heated environment. The room is usually maintained at a temperature of 95-100 degrees. The heat and energy expelled in this vigorous yoga session will cause toxins to be released through the seat glands. This form of yoga increases flexibility by warming the muscles and joints. Since this style involves a strenuous environment, it is not recommended to pregnant women, and people who suffer from high blood pressure and heart conditions. For people who are injured, this is used in therapy to improve the physical fitness and range of movement for injured limbs.Ashtanga is often called power yoga. Ashtanga means 8 limbs in Sanskrit, which refers to the eight limbs of yoga. This style is very physically demanding because of the constant movement from one pose to the next. There are six different Ashtanga series through which a student progresses at his or her own pace. Ashtanga yoga is extremely popular. It is a vigorous, athletic style of practice. It appeals to those who like a sense of order and who like to do things independently. During a Asthanga yoga class, the participants jump from one posture to another. Therefore, this type of yoga is not ideal for beginners or individuals who are not in very good physical condition. If you're thinking about taking up yoga, you may want to try! one of these forms. Each type has its methods to improve your physical and mental health. About the AuthorWilliam writes articles for various topics. His specialty is dog health but he has various other interests. You can visit his newest websites at Electric Power Shovel and Electric Snow Shovel. ALA Omega 3 - Healthy HairThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Choosing the Right Yoga for You Posted: 12 Feb 2012 06:00 PM PST Article by Jay A. Jenkin Yoga is wonderful for increasing your strength, flexibility and peace of mind. Yoga focuses on using the breath to guide you through a series of movements designed to strengthen your body and calm your mind. What you may not know is that there are several forms of yoga, ranging from gentle stretching to an intense workout sure to leave a puddle of sweat on your mat! This article will discuss a few common forms of yoga to help you decide which work for you. One of the most discussed forms of Yoga is hot yoga. Hot yoga actually has two major branches: Bikram yoga and Moksha yoga. Both are performed in heated rooms, with Bikram yoga practiced in a 103 degree room at 40% humidity, and Moksha performed in a 97 degree room at almost 100% humidity. Both classes typically run for 90 minutes and are huge calorie burners - you can burn up to 600 calories in a single class! Bikram yoga is well structured, where you practice a set series of poses twice in the heated room that are the same all around the world. Moksha yoga includes several core yoga poses, but also includes variety in each class. If you love structure, you may prefer Bikram, whereas those who get bored with routine would likely prefer Moksha yoga. Another branch of yoga is Ashtanga yoga. In Ashtanga, you perform series of poses, called vinyiasas, where each pose flows together similarly to a dance. Ashtanga is a dynamic class that challenges your cardiovascular system and offers a major calorie burn as well. Ashtanga incorporates classical yoga poses such as downward dog, and links series of poses together in increasingly challenging combinations. This form of yoga is great for those who love a challenge and like to directly see advancement to a higher level! One of the gentler forms of yoga is Hatha yoga. This form of yoga incorporates classical yoga poses that are performed at a slower pace, with long held poses. There is an increased focus on calmness achieved through your breath, and gentle stretching throughout the whol! e body. Those seeking a gentler, more meditative experience may opt for Hatha yoga. No matter what your interests, there is a form of yoga practice that will work for you! About the AuthorJay has been interested in health issues for many years now, although he is fairly new to article writing. Please visit his latest website at http://lasercolorprinter.org/ which helps people find the best Laser Color Printer and information on how to evaluate and purchase laser color printers. Beauty Mantra - Anti Wrinkle Treatments - Get Youthful Glow InstantlyThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 12 Feb 2012 05:00 PM PST Article by harry golmes One of the most popular forms of exercise and fitness, yoga benefits almost everybody cutting across age groups due to its unique philosophy. The word 'yoga' comes from the word 'yug' that means to 'unite' and yoga serves to do just that. It serves to unite the body; mind and spirit into a single powerful consciousness that helps you achieve an active lifestyle among many other benefits.Let us have a course of an average mile as an example. During this, your feet will make about one thousand strikes on the ground. The impact exerted by each foot is three times your weight, sometimes four. Thus, it is natural that most runners complain about knee, back, thigh and foot problems. Imbalances from running cause a lot of problems to those who practice it but yoga for runners comes to rescue.Knowledge of your body's energy reserves is also imperative. Every individual faces a variation of vigor level on a daily and sometimes on an hourly basis. Again a yoga practitioner will benefit from this information; depending on that day's or hour's energy stock, you will be able to decide whether to follow a strenuous schedule of running or to settle for a short bout only. If you respect the limitations of your body, you will enjoy health and vitality.For runners, yoga is especially helpful not only to prevent but to heal knee injuries. Yoga helps runners improve their balance, thus avoiding falls. Additionally, yoga builds strength and flexibility, factors believed to be important in knee injury prevention. Finally, yoga has been shown to improve overall posture and can help insure alignment of the knee with adjacent areas of the body that support it.Although the similarities between yoga and running are not obvious to onlookers, many runners see (and experience) the synchronycities. Both running and yoga, they say, require discipline, flexibility, concentration, practice, and breatthing techniques. These similarities make yoga an obvious, albeit uncommon, choice for a runner's cross training routine. But ! yoga doe s more than just provide runners with added variety to their training programs; indeed, there is evidence that yoga improves the running performance of these athletes. This is possible, say experts, through yoga's ability to balance the body, which prepares the athlete for the rigors of running and protects the body from injury.Yoga is an ancient art of self development. Hatha yoga is a series of exercise and breathing for good health. The main benefits of yoga for runners may start with the asanas, or postures. Yoga in runners improves circulation, concentration, strength and flexibility. Astanga vinyasa (also called Dynamic or Power) yoga in runners, develop strength and make upper body muscles really strong and flexible lower body and spine. It is very useful in preparing the cardiovascular system and muscles for great performances. Gentle form of yoga is sometimes practiced to revitalize after hard training or competition. Yoga allows calmness and understanding to our minds and bodies. The focus and understanding would train the mind for competition and to develop self esteem and confidence too.Are you open to trying something that will enhance your sport? Take a yoga class. Have an open mind and tune in to your body to see if you gained any benefit, during the practice and after. Many professional athletes practice yoga - maybe you should too... About the AuthorRead About Girls magazine and also read about yoga exercise and pranayama yoga Your state of Peace & Joy is the Quality of your LifeThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Yoga Helps Fight Multiple Sclerosis Posted: 12 Feb 2012 04:00 PM PST Article by AMS Vans Research has been on-going the past decade or so studying the benefits of yoga as treatment for multiple sclerosis (MS). While yoga is no cure all for MS, it has shown to increase the quality of life for someone with MS significantly. Many studies have found yoga can decrease fatigue, a symptom of MS, tremendously. A study conducted by Oregon Health and Sciences University in 2003, took 69 MS patients and for six months monitored as some participated in yoga, some in other exercise classes, and some in no exercise at all. At the end of the six months, the results showed significant improvement for fatigue in those who practiced yoga or some form of exercise as opposed to those who did nothing. Of the participants who did yoga, 60 % of them found it to be beneficial. (1) Yoga targets improving flexibility, stamina, strength, and balance. It has also shown to reduce stress and anxiety. All of which are great benefits to someone living with MS. Yoga is also more than physical activity, but a lifestyle which was designed to train your mind, body, breath, and help you connect with your spirituality. Yoga is not only able to provide the physical strength, but mental strength as well in living and dealing with MS. Yoga can provide so many life benefits to those with MS. So much so, years ago Eric Small, whom was diagnosed with MS at 22, developed a yoga niche called therapeutic yoga specifically to help those with MS or other illnesses and/or diseases. That was over 50 years ago Small was diagnosed, and today in his 70's credits yoga for his great health and physical abilities. While exercise in general is needed for managing MS, yoga is good because it helps those whom MS has progressed passed the point to where they are able to participate in other exercises and can be adapted to that individuals ability. Many of the stances and/or poses such as the Mountain or Warrior can be done with the help of a wall. The Tree and Eagle can be done with the help of a chair. Blocks and other! assisti ve devices can be used to hold a yoga pose as well. Even those wheelchairbound can practice yoga while having an instructor hold their legs and holding the poses for them. Giving yoga a try could be just what someone with MS needs. Any person with MS trying yoga should ensure that the yoga instructor is certified in the therapeutic use of yoga. Namaste. (1)Shirley Kishiyama, M.A., Jane Carlsen, B.A., Julie Lawrence, B.S., Eric Small, M.F.A., Daniel Zajdel, and Barry Oken, M.D. Yoga as an Experimental Intervention for Cognition in Multiple Sclerosis, International Journal of Yoga Therapy. 2002 Read more:http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/Yoga-Helps-People-Fight-Multiple-Sclerosis/963083#ixzz0fA8HKavv">Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives About the AuthorAt AMS Vans our goal is to connect people with their destination. We understand how difficult it can be to afford or rent a wheelchair accessible mini-van and how frustrating it can be to find one in good condition. That's why we do what we do. We are a dedicated to educating our customers and making sure you get the accessible van that is right for your needs. Food Factor - Food Factor - Food for Beautiful and Glowing SkinThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Yoga is not gymnastics with incense sticks - Philosophy of Yoga and Meditation in daily life Posted: 12 Feb 2012 03:00 PM PST Article by Ramona Meisch Okay, Yoga has become popular, it is all over the world and everybody acknowledges that moving your body, stretching, strengthening and then relaxing again is beneficial for you. And this is how yoga classes are often - an alternative to gymnastics or Aerobics, maybe with a little more attraction because of its exotic touch. And a yoga teacher is nothing else than a fitness trainer without the fitness machines. If you are of this opinion and want to keep it, then you can stop reading this article now. Yoga is more than that! Have you ever been to a teacher who did his or her Yoga Teacher Training in India or learned instead of learning from someone who got it from someone who learned it from someone who read a book about yoga sometime and then founded a yoga brand? It is fine if your teacher has not been to India and learned from another person or organization but your teacher should know where yoga comes from and what the essence of it is. Yoga does not mean 'Make your body as flexible as you can'! Yoga is not only the body, it is about the mind and the soul, too! Would you be surprised if I tell you that I have been to yoga workshops in which only a fourth of the time was spent on doing physical exercises? And these were some of the greatest workshops that I have ever been to. There are so many things to do: Pranayama (breathing exercises),exercises for the eyes, of course the Asanas, meditation and then a great ancient philosophy, deep and so relevant to today's everyday's life! So why is it that so many yoga teachers neglect these other parts? One theory is definitely that the focus of society and public opinion is, as explained above, on the physical part. There is not yet enough appreciation for the benefits of different breathing techniques, meditation still seems to be something only people do who have too much time and if you don't have time for that, why would you even care about philosophy? Today's life is too busy, there are ! too many problems to solve, just give them yoga for keeping the body fit, nothing else! So yoga teachers who offer a course and announce before that they will include meditation and philosophy may be afraid of losing clients who think that they just lose time if they come. Or maybe they don't know anything about the benefits themselves? Others announce a yoga class and then secretly sneak in some philosophical basics, as much as they dare say. After all there may be successful business managers sitting in front of them, popular and - again most important - very busy people! Don't let yoga become gymnastics with incense sticks! No, let other people know why they should especially come for a yoga workshop where they hear about the backgrounds! Tell them that it is about their lives! Yes, thousands of years ago people had difficulties concentrating and today, too, why wouldn't you use the methods of that time to get rid of your problems today? In that time, too, people had the longing for love, something to fulfil them or a spiritual desire and they found and described the solutions which we find today in the yoga philosophy. You will find that people are delighted to hear about this. They will tell you how for long they have been searching for answers but in the corporate business world never found anybody to ask. Yoga teachers: please don't hide your knowledge about the philosophy, don't let this great wisdom be hidden from the stress and hectic of modern live because then you do exactly the opposite of what yoga says. Don't be afraid of teaching yoga the way it is and how it is authentic and original. And if you don't know this by now, if you thought yoga is just for the body, there are many ways to find out more. One that I can recommend is coming to India and doing an Advanced Yoga Training for Teachers in the country of its origin. Enjoy the culture, dive into this experience and feel yoga as it is lived - and your classes at home will definitely benefit!! 13; About the AuthorRamona Meisch is writing from Swami Balendu's Ashram in India where you can take part in Ayurveda Yoga Retreats of several weeks as well as Yoga Trainings for Teachers. On http://www.jaisiyaram.com you can find out more about the activities at the Ashram as well as workshops of yoga, Ayurvedic cooking, chakra dance parties and more abroad. |
Introduction to Yoga for Babies and Mom Posted: 12 Feb 2012 02:00 PM PST Article by Steve Evans Speaking strictly, yoga, in its pure and original form, is essentially a philosophy and a discipline. Though folks naturally have stereotypical psychological photos of disciples of yoga, there's more to it than just the stretching and the limb bending. Yoga has both intellectual and practical aspect or parts. Thru time the practical sides of yoga became widely practiced in themselves due to their healthy and relaxing effects on the body. Many think that yoga can really develop internal balance and peace. The approval of yoga as a genuine way to push both the condition of the body and the spirit has been particularly voiced in the west. In some ways, yoga has helped people who have always wanted to improve their health condition, posture and even the shape and type of their bodies. The practical side of yoga essentially promotes bodily improvement thru exercises that deals with correct respiring, stretching and relaxing and as the body is at ease and correctly situated, non secular calm may follow. Today, yoga hasn't only been deemed fit and advisable for adults, it in addition has become a standard activity for babies. Yes, you read that right, babies can now get into yoga. But before you go on imagining babies in tricky and contorted positions or babies on a mat receiving instructions from a yoga master, it is really important to notice that baby yoga has its differences from normal yoga. Common-sense would say it is almost impossible to direct babies into normal yoga exercises, so you do not want to stress about causing babies into positions that will cause wounds. Baby yoga is basically an interactive kind of yoga for both babies and mummies or other first carers. Mummies may perform exercises with their babies conscientiously situated to fit into the exercise movements. Babies could also be aided in performing certain exercises like the mild stretching of limbs in which mummies may sit with their babies and move their arms out and in or over the babies' ! bodies. Mums could also practice correct respiring as taught in yoga for babies to imitate. Babies could also benefit from baby massages that yoga mummies get to learn in class. To make sure that babies are calm during sessions, relaxing music could be played while mothers continuously talk or sing rhymes to their babies as they help their babies perform the exercises. Aside from the bonding experience with mommy a baby may gain benefit from, yoga exercises also help babies in alternative ways. While motor development may occur later in a baby's life, yoga babies may become aware beforehand that they have 2 arms which they can use. Yoga also helps babies relax, reinforces their backbone, joints and muscles, develops their balance, massages their organs, helps stop colic and increases oxygen intake. Baby yoga has been shown to be comparatively safe. At the end, baby yoga has numerous benefits for your baby. So, if you're trying to find an entertaining and healthy activity for you and your baby, baby yoga might just be the solution you have been looking for. About the AuthorYou will enjoy a visit to the yoga for beginners web site, if you found this interesting. Also for dog admirers please also visit the Dog-breed Puppies site. |
Is Yoga More Than a Recent Phenomenon? Posted: 12 Feb 2012 01:00 PM PST Article by Emily Taggart You may think that yoga is a recent exercise craze, but in fact, this practice has been around for centuries. Experts have found yoga poses carved in stone that date back as early as 3000 B.C. However, that's just what the physical evidence supports; in fact, scholars estimate that yoga has been around since what was literally the Stone Age. You can see, then, that yoga has been used for its benefits almost since the beginning of time. The ancients had it right, too. Yoga's proponents don't just rave about its exercise benefits. Instead, it's a holistic approach to body or mind and spirit wellness that keeps everything in balance and therefore healthy -- and attractive, too. The premise is that yoga focuses on the whole body as a structure. In addition, though, the mind and spirit are also incorporated, so that the three come together. Rather than focusing on overt strength or "muscle building" as other traditional exercises do (like weightlifting), yoga focuses on balance and flexibility as well as strength. It incorporates all three. Some yoga masters, in fact, state that those who have done traditional exercise programs like weightlifting are in fact very challenged by yoga because they don't normally focus on balance or flexibility -- nor do they focus on mind and spirit, either. Therefore, yoga is a holistic practice that makes you healthy, balanced, peaceful -- and strong -- by concentrating on the poses and incorporating other changes into your life as well. Yoga's history Yoga's history began with the Vedic period, where rituals and ceremonies were used to break free of the mind's limitations; this is also the core of Hinduism. The Vedic period was followed by the Pre-Classical Yoga period, and among the things it introduced were the Upanishad scriptures, which further the Vedic teachings. This was followed by the Classical period, which introduced to the Yoga Sutra, the first attempt to standardize yoga practices. Finally, this was followed by the! Postcla ssical Yoga period, today's modern yoga. This practice focuses on living in the moment, proper relaxation and exercise, good nutrition, proper breathing, positive thinking, and meditation. Yoga as exercise What makes yoga today so successful as an exercise practice is its focus on core muscles. Because many of the "asanas" or poses specifically focus on core muscles, it also helps improve posture, which "opens up" the body and makes it easier to breathe, stand, and simply improve "flow." Yoga has always focused on "perfect alignment," in which the spine returns to its natural positioning over time, as yoga is practiced. Because of yoga's focus, relaxation must actually be achieved at the same time as the asanas are being performed, which can actually be a challenge to those who have only done traditional exercise. Nonetheless, this "relaxation and focus" is key to yoga's benefits, and teach students concentration; as poses continue, focus can intensify to a meditative state. About the AuthorThis article was brought to you by ifitnessgear.com, an online retail company specializing in fitness equipment. We offer products like the Omgym and thumper massager. To learn more about fitness visit our site or call 1-800-746-1191. Encouragement BoomThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 12 Feb 2012 12:00 PM PST Article by Wahyu Tan The history of yoga begins in India around four thousand years ago. While many people have heard about yoga only recently, yoga has been around for much longer then many people think. What many people use yoga for in the modern world is only the tip of the iceberg of what yoga is all about. When you are researching the history of yoga you may find that many of the beneficial properties of yoga that were true many years ago, are also true today. Yoga has been used to increase strength and flexibility and this is what many people find happens to their body today. Yoga also has a distinct breathing pattern that can help you to feel relaxed and you may find that yoga can actually decrease the stress you are feeling in your present day life. The history of yoga has changed over the years and has become more modern. This has helped people adapt their lifestyle around this practice. Many people today use yoga as a means of exercise and this is a great way to keep your body in shape. If you have a limitation that prevents you from doing traditional exercise, yoga may be a great alternative and the moves are normally slow and this helps many people use yoga as exercise. Some people just hate the thought of a traditional cardio workout and yoga allows you to go slow and move at your own pace. If you are interested in learning more about the history of yoga, there are many resources on the internet that can help you learn how to practice a much older form of yoga. You may find that there are many things that you can learn about yoga and maybe even incorporate these new findings into your daily life. The history of yoga will include more information about the mind, body and spirit connection. This is something that is often not represented fully in a gym class setting. You may want to take a class and learn about the strength training part of yoga and use an at home online resource to incorporate the other important aspects of yoga. The history of yoga is a very long one and ! many peo ple do not know this. Yoga is much more then an exercise and you may want to explore this further if it interests you. Incorporating all of the aspects of yoga can help you to get more fulfillments out of the entire yoga process. About the AuthorAs it was thousands of years ago, yoga is still used to increase strength and flexibility today. More Articles and Review about Yoga visit : http://Click101Reviews.com/yoga Beauty Mantra - Sunscreen 101 - Benefits of SunscreenThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
How To Wear Yoga Sandals With Ease Posted: 12 Feb 2012 11:00 AM PST Article by Ask Bill Yoga sandals are meant to be comfortable and easy to wear. They are not meant to be worn during yoga practice itself, but you can wear them after or before yoga class begins. Though initially designed for pedicure, to keep the nails apart to prevent smudging, the yoga sandals have simply overwhelmed people with the health improvement that they have provided. Yoga sandals can also be worn throughout the day as they help improve health. Many people who wear yoga sandals claim that it helps with back pain and strengthens the ankle and knees. Wear them for 15 minutes a day while you walk around and see the effects for yourself. But most importantly, they are uniquely comfortable. Just begin slowly wearing the sandals at home until you feel more strength coming into your feet. Then, slowly wear them more and more often. Teva is a company that started off with creating sports sandals. Essentially, Teva yoga sandals have two fundamental responsibilities: to play and to protect. We play in the water, but we also see the need to be protected from it. Their responsibility is to manage this delicate balance, so you can go forth without reservation. Armed with a quarter-century worth of knowledge and technology, they are dedicated to developing products that strike this balance to deliver the most out of your adventures. With the women's Kayenta Leather, you get a cute open'toe sandal that's always ready for an adventure. Adjustable leather straps mean that the Kayenta Leather will fit just right, and the suede wrapped yoga mat footbed means that your adventure won't have to wait because of sore feet. No matter your destination, the Kayenta Leather should be the first shoe in your suitcase. Sanuk is another company that creates yoga sandals. Founded in July 1997 when Jeff Kelley started making sandals out of inner tubes and indoor-outdoor carpet, they started off fully in 1998. Today, they strive to make products that are as much fun as they are about function. In fact, the word "Sanuk" itself is! the Tha i word for fun, and thus they make fun their mantra. Sanuk yoga sandals are comfortable and fun. The Sanuk Yoga Mat is a pair of comfortable sandals that can be worn around and about. Unlike other yoga sandals, this pair of sandals does not have separation between toes. However, they are comfortable and are available in various colors. It features a lightweight EVA outsole and Power Balance Technology. Or check out the Sanuk Yoga Gossip Brown-Gold Juniors Sandals. You'll be the talk of the town when you step out in these super comfy and flashy Yoga Gossip sandals by Sanuk! They feature the same unique yoga mat footbed as the original Yoga sandals, but the stylish golden straps add a whole new dimension to their comfort. No yoga ensemble would be complete without yoga pants. Yoga pants are supposed to be pants that are comfortable so that you could practice yoga with ease. The Calvin Klein Essentials Yoga Pant, from the Calvin Klein Essentials underwear for women collection, is a classic relaxed-fitting pant with a fold-over waistband. With no elastic in the waist, this Calvin Klein yoga pant has a non-binding fit for the ultimate comfort. The best part about the Calvin Klein Essentials Yoga Pant is the unbelievably-soft stretch modal fabric. Also check out the Yoga Pants by babyGap, which is a soft and comfy knit pant, in an easy wide leg silhouette, perfect for your little yogi. About the Author NA |
Yoga online, tradition and health delivered according to your convenience Posted: 12 Feb 2012 10:00 AM PST Article by Pankaj Modi The most apt and complete definition of yoga is that it is the state of union between two opposites - body and mind; individual and universal consciousness; a process of uniting the opposing forces in the body and mind in order to achieve supreme awareness and enlightenment. In today's age, yoga has become the buzzword in every corner of the world. Through a yoga video online, an instructor seating in some small town in the Himalayas can educate people who have assembled in a large hall in an American city, about the magnificent powers of yoga. A yoga video online can also be customized and modified to the health, spiritual, metabolical and physical needs of one single person. Such yoga downloads are generally designed to allow the person to practice at home or any other place according to his convenience with or without the close supervision of a mentor or guru. A sincere effort is made to keep these yoga video online sessions very simple and easy to learn. As a student of yoga, you are asked to fit the practice of these videos into your schedule as and when you can. It is highly advisable to not go for yoga downloads that surpass your current ability and proficiency at yoga because it can lead to severe health concerns of both physical and mental nature. Constant practice of yoga can be the single biggest contributor to the improvement in the quality of life that you lead. But for this to happen, you must aspire to achieve high levels of concentration during yoga practice. For example, there are special yoga sessions out there on the internet to help women who are pregnant. These yoga sessions change and become less demanding as the women approach the child birth stage. Similarly, yoga sessions can be customized for the needs of sportspersons. Many a time it happens that a sportsperson injures some vital part of his body but he needs to get fit in time for a crucial match.In such cases, yoga can help immensely in the fast healing of the injury while taking adequate precautio! ns that the injury does not get aggravated due to the wrong technique at yoga. The modern and latest yoga video online sessions go many steps further in making yoga highly personalized. These latest videos are coded using a technology which adapts and modifies these videos at run time according to the progress you have made at learning yoga. Also the sequences that you are asked to practice get chopped and changed almost every time in accordance with your physical abilities. Also there are many yoga downloads available on the internet apart from video sessions. There are several high quality books that explain yoga positions, called asaanas, in simple language and through high resolution pictures of expert yoga practitioners. About the Author"Pankaj Modi Says:" For health & fitness do yoga regularly, you may also learn yoga by yoga downloads through Yoga video online. For more interest visit: http://www.yogatailor.com PERFECT MUSIC FOR RELAXATION The Beauty Within by SymbiosisThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Learn Yoga free with various online health portals Posted: 12 Feb 2012 09:00 AM PST Article by Patresia Adams 'Yoga is holistic and so are its effects on mind, body and soul'. In simple terms, Yoga is an Indian holistic system involving physical and meditative exercises to promote the overall health. There has been seen a rising awareness among people for joining Yoga classes. Why Yoga? Practicing Yoga poses is not at all difficult. It offers numerous health benefits, especially in case of back problems, blood pressure, obesity, cholesterol and arthritis. The list of benefits is endless. It also helps to lower the stress-level. Yoga and styles: Now, when it comes to Yoga styles, one can see Yoga instructors teaching various styles to their students. Ashtanga Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Swaroopa Yoga, ViniYoga, Kripalu Yoga, Integral Yoga and Ananda Yoga are some of the popular Yoga styles. Each style has its own specific advantages. However, all styles have a common focus on promoting the overall health. Online health portals: These health portals are the best place to learn Yoga free with great ease. One can join Yoga classes in his/her locality but the comfort level which one gets with the online health portal is simply incomparable. Here one can check out various free videos and thus, can learn Yoga free, without paying any charges. However, this is not all. These health sites also offer ample of information on various other related issues such as Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Acupuncture and Acupressure. Just go for it: It's dam simple. No hassles! No time-wastage! Everything comes on that small computer screen. And all one needs to do is make up his/her mind. So, don' keep scratching your head. Just go for it and see the changes. Divine Wellness offers the world's first interactive Yoga classes, taught by the Yoga Gurus. The portal has ample of videos which let the people learn Yoga for free, without paying a single penny. Visit our website for more information on Learn yoga free and Yoga classes. About the AuthorPatresia Adams is a healthcare consultant working with Divine Wellness. This interactive health and wellness portal offers Live online yoga classes through high-definition video conferencing. |
Start Learning Yoga Moves from Today Posted: 12 Feb 2012 08:00 AM PST Article by Patresia Adams Yoga is known to one of oldest forms of exercises to perform. As today many people are prone to various ailments and looking for a natural way to get them away from these ailments, yoga is one thing that can bring smiles on their faces. At the same time, it is imperative to adopt correct yoga moves to get maximum advantage from yoga exercises. The first option is to join a yoga class in your locality where a yoga trainer will guide you step by step in learning yoga moves easily. The second option is to join online yoga classes where you can start learning yoga moves with the help of internet. As most of people are short of time due to their hectic schedule and busy work life, these online yoga classes are very beneficial when it comes to achieve complete holistic health in a natural way without getting worried about time wastage. If you are following a book to learn yoga moves then it can be a good idea but books only explain still pictures which are unable to elaborate the entire set of yoga moves. In television, they don't teach the entire exercise and you need to fix a schedule for the programs and if you miss that you will rarely gets an opportunity to do it again. However, in the case of online classes, you can fix a schedule depending upon your time availability and you will learn performing yoga moves step by step on your screen. And if in between any query arises, you can also ask the yoga instructor for help. It also helps you in selecting yoga moves that are ideal for your body. Rest of the thing depends upon your concentration and energy level. If you are willing to get rid of several health issues in a traditional and natural way, then it is best to go for online yoga moves. Divine Wellness, the most comprehensive resource for yoga exercises and postures, offers yoga moves online via HD video conferencing. It helps you to learn Hatha Yoga in an elegant way. Visit our website for more information on Learn Hatha yoga and yoga moves. About the AuthorPatresia Adams is a healthcare consultant working with Divine Wellness. This interactive health and wellness portal offers Live online yoga classes through high-definition video conferencing. |
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