3 Tips for Inducing Altered States of Consciousness

Inducing Altered States Naturally

Higher Consciousness

From time to time I share my experiences of altered states of consciousness and encounters with higher consciousness, as I hope these are a source of inspiration and insight for you. More often than not, such shifts in consciousness occur late at night and my experiences from yesterday, which are detailed below, were no exception.

For those who wonder if married life obstructs ones spiritual growth, they should take heart from these accounts of altered states of consciousness as I am like Al Bundy, married with children . In fact, last evening I cuddled up with my two boys to help put them to sleep before retiring and getting some alone time to spend with my thoughts and Higher Consciousness.

As I have expressed previously in the articles, Interpreting Spiritual Dreams and Enlightenment Experiences and Experience of Higher Consciousness and Divine Bliss, nighttime is a ripe opportunity for breaking through ones ordinary dualistic mind and inviting God Consciousness in. So whenever I head to bed, I adopt a meditative state of mind.

One of the fascinating things about these higher states of consciousness and enlightenment experiences, is that although the feelings they produce can be similar, such as bliss, divine grace, love, etc., they are still always very unique experiences.

For example, last night as the shift in consciousness began, it was like I was be! ing give n a tour of celestial marvels. I was shown incredible nebulae and massive star/gas formations which were beautiful beyond belief. The light and formations were so stunning that their beauty brought forth unparalleled bliss. Bliss, that after a while, was almost unbearable to the body.

Along with this cosmic tour, there were episodes of Divine grace, which is foolish to try to describe with words. And experiences of vibratory energy, specially in the inner ears.

Tips for Inducing Altered States of Consciousness

It is very difficult to pinpoint the reasons why these altered states take place when they do. If such states do interest you and you would like to explore them in your own life, I would give the following advise as starters

1. Ask How You Spend Your Energy:

Start with that question. See how you spend the energy you are given. Do you simply waste it away or are you putting it to good use? If you are wasting your time and energy, then it is wise to start making modifications to your life in order to better gather and use your energy. Perhaps enlightenment is simply a reward for doing this.

2. Stay Aware, Especially During Quiet Moments:

Being busy all day and collapsing into bed at night, is not conducive to self study and self realization. You need to make some space in your life and in your mind. Nighttime, when the hustle and bustle of the day is over, the mind is more quiet and you can be alone, is a good opportunity for practicing such self awareness.

In addition, other times when you are done with your work, sitting quietly somewhere or taking a walk in nature, are good opportunities for fostering awareness and experiencing breakthroughs and higher states of consciousness.

In fact, here are 50 Tips for When You Can Practice Mindfulness Meditation.

3. Meditate:

Meditation is the great art of awareness and mindfulness. It is what can transform you and your life. If you are interested in Divine Consciousness and inducing Altered States of Consciousness, then meditation is a must. It is what you were eventually born to do anyway, so why delay. Start now.

Some meditation resources for you

Free Learn How to Meditate | Beginners Meditation Class

Learn How to Meditate Course

Meditation Certification Program

Related Articles at Mastery of Meditation, Kundalini Yoga and Zen:

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