Seeking Your Own Essence

The soul is the highest form of the self. It doesnt unfold biologically like a childs brain and behavior. But in other respects theres an undeniable similarity: The soul works beneath the surface, and when its work comes to fruition, consciousness shifts.Children have to participate in their own development, taking an active interest in exploring the world and finding out their own potential. In spiritual terms, the same holds true. The seeker must take an active interest in the souls unfolding, or the result will be inert.Thats why I find myself reluctant to use the word seeker, because it denies the spontaneity of inner growth while at the same time implying that the goal is outside the self. Seekers seem like hunters on a safari to capture the soul. The spiritual path isnt like that. The goal is within and ever present. Better to say that one is trying to uncover the true essence of the self.We have all loved at times, felt compassion, and risen to acts of selflessness. We know the difference between being awake and asleep, at least vaguely, and being awake feels better. It produces a better life.Despite all these glimpses of a higher existence, what we lack is continuity. Episodes come and go without taking us to a final, definitive change. The frog and the prince inhabit the same body. The only way to find consistency is to keep pursuing your own essence.You must keep in mind that the real you is love, is truth, is God.Even if you could manage the Herculean task of imitating Jesus every moment of your life, unless you find your essence, the end result would be unreal. Fortunately, imitation isnt necessary. By removing the obstacles and resistances that hide your essence, you reveal yourself to yourself.Appearances are deceiving because invisible changes are occurring beneath the surface, and when they come to fruition, you will consciously know that something has happened.Adapted from The Third Jesus: The Christ We Cannot Ignore, by Deepak Chopra (Harmony Books, 2008).

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