Science of the Feminine Mind

Women of Wisdom will be hosting a special workshop with Reverend Guo Cheen on the Science of the Feminine Mind. The presentation and circle discussion will be held February 19, 2011 from 5 to 6 PM at North Seattle Community College.

"We now know that we can choose to be more empathetic or systematic. Breakthroughs in neuroscience show that we can change our brain circuits of emotion; we are capable of changing 'the source of the world's suffering [that] is the suffering mind.' Reverend Cheen

Pioneering neuroscience research reveals more about how we shape our brain through our thinking and how our thinking can alter our brain. How do we take advantage of our right-brain thinking, the synapses between our brain hemispheres and our intuition to evoke compassion and compassionate action?

Experiment with shifts in the now that allow us to experience and savor moments in a completely different light, and from that place lash out with keen compassion.

To register for this workshop, please visit or contact

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