Happy Buddha Meditation Video

Laughing Buddha Meditation

Buddha Meditation Video

One of the meditations that readers have really enjoyed is Kundalini Yogas Smiling Buddha Meditation for Happiness and Joy. In this article I will provide an overview of this technique, but more importantly I will present a video demonstration of how to do this wonderful meditation. This is one of those unique meditations which requires you to smile throughout the practice and has as its main goal happiness. Often used to uplift people who are suffering, this is one of those fun meditations to do.

As you will see in the video below, I quite enjoyed myself while making this video and needless to say it put me in quite a happy and joyous mood. I hope it does the same for you.

The original article with all the details regarding this techniques is Smiling Buddha Meditation for Happiness.

This video will become part of the Free Meditation Videos Collection here on Mastery of Meditation and Yoga. It will also become part of the mutli-media Guided Meditation Techniques E-book, which has chapters that include videos for different meditations. Other Yoga Meditations for which you will also find videos include: Sa! t Kriya - Tantric Technique to Raise Sexual Energy, Wealth and Prosperity Meditation Technique, Meditation for Relaxation, Sodarshan Chakra Kriya and many others will be coming online shortly.

Smiling Buddha Meditation Details:

The video below will go over the various components used in this meditation, including Maha Gyan Mudra, Shambhavi Mudra, the mantra used and of course the all important smiling technique upon which this meditation is based. Below are some details as to what the video contains.

Happy Buddha Meditation Technique Video Contents:

  • The video gives a brief overview of one of the Smiling Buddha Meditation.
  • It gives a step-by-step demonstration of the yoga mudras and mantra used for this meditation.
  • It guides you through practicing the technique.
  • It discusses the benefits of this meditation, along with other details about the technique.

Happy Buddha Yoga Meditation Video


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