Makha Bucha Day in Kanchanaburi, Thailand

Kanchanaburi, Thailand On 18th February 2011 Makha Bucha Day will be celebrated by Buddhists in Thailand, Cambodia and Laos and the people of the Thai town of Kanchanaburi will be joining the celebrations with special services.

Makha Bucha comes from two Thai words, Makha meaning the third lunar month when the day is commemorated, and Bucha which means to honour. The day is a time when Buddhists pay special homage to Buddha and remember special events that occurred on the day during his reign.

On the exact date when the moon was at its fullest 1,250 monks from many different regions came independently as part of an impromptu gathering to honour the Lord Buddha. What's also remarkable is that of the thousands of practicing monks worldwide each of one of the gathered monks had been specifically ordained by Buddha.

Over the meeting Buddha also gave one of his most significant sermons which announced the core foundations of Buddhism these being: to do good, refrain from evil and practicing clearing the mind through meditation.

While staying at cheap Kanchanaburi hotels ( visitors can attend temples in the area to see the ceremonies taking place in both the morning and evening.

Lek Boonlert, marketing head at commented: "As a holiday nationwide many citizens will be taking the time to get away from the major cities and Kanchanaburi is a popular spot with locals. Hotels will be getting booked up so people should be sure to make reservations online.


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