HypnoArt Workshops on Feb. 20 & Mar. 6, 2011

Hypnotiq Solutions presents two "HypnoArt Workshop" dates facilitated by Thea Pueschel, C.Ht.. The Workshop will be held at Brazilian Yoga and Pilates 3191 Casitas Ave. Ste. #112, Los Angeles, CA 90039. The workshop purpose is to engage the creativity of participants to give the subconscious a voice through painting. This workshop is formatted for both creative types, and those who would like to engage their creative side. No art experience necessary. Online Pre-registration is required, each class date has a tuition fee of $20.00 all art supplies to be provided.

This workshop focuses on letting go of the critical self talk, and embracing the colors, canvas or paper. Letting loose and exploring the mesmerizing movement of the brush, the kinesthetic feel of the paint upon surface. Thea Pueschel, C.Ht. will guide you on a relaxation journey to connect with your creativity. Engaging the kinesthetic visualist in all participants.

This is a 1.5 hour workshop. Art supplies will be provided. All art is yours to take home. To register http://www.hypnotiqsolutions.net/Community-Classes.html or for more information call 323-835-3039.

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