New Self Care eBook for Kindle

The demands of juggling career, family, and more can take a toll on a person's health and well-being. Now, 68 pages of tips for preventative self-care are available in the new Kindle ebook, Self-Care: Living a Healthy Life through Massage, Somatics, Exercise, Stress Management, and More.

Author and massage therapist Carol Wiley debunks the myth that aches and pains have to be a part of the aging process. The ebook outlines a variety of ways people can take care of themselves and promote their own well-being, so that each person can find an approach that works for them.

Wiley explains that neglecting oneself damages both a person's physical and emotional health in the long run (and by extension the lives of people close to the person). When people neglect their needs, they send a message to their body and mind that they are not as important as other things. People who ignore their body too long may find themselves not only with aches and pains but also with serious health issues.

So, what are the options? So many possibilities: massage, somatic practices, relaxation techniques, exercise, and meditation are just a start. Wiley not only explains the benefits of these practices but also gives step-by-step ways to implement some of them.

Wiley wrote Self-Care: Living a Healthy Life through Massage, Somatics, Exercise, Stress Management, and More to help people start living a healthy life today.


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