Breakthrough Advanced Kriya eCourses

This just in: Dr. Greszczyszyn released powerful, advanced and detailed eCourses on Advanced Kriya Yoga. Special instruction on Kriya Pranayama, meditation, advanced work using tantra, mudras, postures and ways to manifest higher powers, divinity and realizations of siddhis commonly known as spiritual powers have been released in Advanced Kriya eCourses.

In the eCourses you will have initiation into advanced kriyas from a direct disciple of Babaji Nagaraj (Mahavatar Babaji). Kriyas come from a variety of kriyas chosen specifically by Babaji from Levels 3-6 of the 7 advanced levels of Babaji's Kriya.

It is Dr. Andrew Greszczyszyn's mission to release and teach advanced kriyas to all kriyabans and non kriyabans who want to advance Samadhi, become better manifestors, attain siddhis, and develop Soruba Samadhi--the gateway to immortality, incorruptibility and an ageless golden body formed of light.

For more information on these powerful, breakthrough special eCourses, visit Dr. Greszczyszyn's website at


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