Mindfulness Education Movement is Here!

Mindfulness meditation has taken a front row seat in the psychological and traditional medical environments in the last couple of years as an extremely effective therapeutic tool for mental health. Its reach is extending now into our education system as new reports and scientific data surface about the benefits of meditation for students.

This growing tendency has been labeled the Mindfulness Education Movement (MEM) by Author and Student Nurse, Kristy Lee Rackham. Her new book "Head Space-Meditate Your Way to Study Success was written in response to managing the daily stressors of her nursing studies, single motherhood to a newborn and toddler, and part time work. Her book provides practical and down-to-earth information and techniques that students and their families can utilise right now to enhance memory, manage stress levels and improve student learning outcomes using meditation.

Kristy says, "The Mindfulness Education Movement (MEM) is sweeping across Europe and the United States, it has just reached our shores here in Australia and is set to revolutionise the way we view learning and education.

So what is MEM? Kristy defines it as "a collective term for the rapidly increasing use and awareness of mindful meditation and creative visualisation techniques to manage study stress, improve general wellbeing of students and enhance their learning capacity.

Many public schools and universities around the world are now integrating Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MSBR) and other meditation tools into their standard curriculum. The MEM is now influencing progressive educational institutions here in Queensland such as University of The Sunshine Coast (USC) and Central Queensland University (CQU) to name a few. Whilst Australia has a long way to go, Kristy says that we are now on the way to providing significant help to students to "thrive, not just survive, the rigors and challenges that study brings.

To further enhance awareness of MEM amongst students,! parents and teachers, Kristy is offering a number of free introductory webinars and workshops around the Sunshine Coast. In addition, her business Visualise This! Enterprises is holding a 6 week Meditate Your Way to Study Success E-course for students, and a "Stress Free Families E-course to help improve home harmony during a school year. The online courses are based on the content of her book. Attendees of either E-course are able to attend weekly live online meditation classes free of charge to help integrate the course content into daily life.

In addition to the online offerings, USC are hosting a "Back to School Study Success workshop facilitated by Kristy for new students during orientation week. An opportunity exists for students to meet and talk with the Sunshine Coast author at the USC Community Day on Tuesday 15th February. Signed copies of "Head Space-Meditate Your Way to Study Success will be available for purchase on the day.

For more information on "Head Space-Meditate Your Way to Study Success, the online mindfulness classes and E-courses and the USC orientation week activities, go to www.headspacebook.com

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