Brittany Walks - Walking Meditation

Walking meditation is a form of deep relaxation practice and connection with the present moment. Gentle walking and mindful breathing slow down the mind: the focus on breath keeps the rush of everyday thoughts at bay.

Walking meditation is about silent communication with the earth, nature and our companions. There is no aim or destination, no need to arrive or achieve, only to BE PRESENT. Breathing deeply, being attuned to our senses and appreciating the beauty of nature are the keys to living in the present moment.

Walking meditation is a positive experience, a chance to relax, to enjoy the company of others and to feel close to the gifts of Nature.

A Walking Meditation is set on May 24th at the House of the Menhir in the hamlet of Le Cloitre near Huelgoat at 2:30 pm.

There will be two parts each lasting about 20-30 minutes of the Walking Meditation:
  • An infinity' walk around a large standing stone (menhir)
  • A short linear woodland walk
For more information, visit

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