Thank God -- the excessively religious 2011 Survivor is over

My wife and I barely survived watching Survivor: Redemption Island. There was so much irritating God-talk from Matt Elrod and his fellow Christians, we felt like we were going to overdose on religious absurdity.

Our greatest fear was that some "Praise God, it's all His will!" contestant would win this reality show. Thankfully, pleasingly duplicious (and seemingly non-religious) Boston Rob came through, finally becoming the Sole Survivor after four tries.

Not surprisingly, the Christian Post loved Matt. The guy kept saying that God was keeping him going during his extended stay on Redemption Island, where he had to win duel after duel to stay in the game.

Well, you're welcome to your beliefs, Matt, ridiculous though they are.

I just wish you'd kept them to yourself, as they grated on my irreligious sensibilities. Hey, I'm a vegetarian, but I don't go around giving speeches about how wonderful it is to not eat meat.

Matt's faith would have been more convincing if he hadn't felt the need to blab about it incessantly. And near the end, he played the whatever card. What a copout.

"Whatever your will is for me, God, that's what will happen." Duh. Of course. Something has to happen, Matt. You were either going to lose the final duel (as you did), or you would win it (as you didn't).

After extolling God as the reason you stayed in the Survivor game for so long, when you realized there was a good chance you were about to be kicked off the island, suddenly you embraced God's will that you become a loser.

Win, it's God's will. Lose, it's God's will. Christianity is a joke.


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