The Seat of Your Power

Power is a double-edged sword. Ego power seeks to control and dominate. The wizards power is the power of love. The eternal clash of power ends in unity.The seat of power is the inner self.Learning to set the ego aside happens in stages. There are many layers of isolation, fear, habit, selfishness, and anger that prevent us from experiencing love as the wizard knows it. The lead role in learning to contact the universal force of love can first be taken by your mind. The mind can take on a new perspective, then the re-education of emotions and beliefs can follow.What is the basis of the minds new viewpoint? Simply that there is a force of love present everywhere, that it can be trusted to bring your own life into order and peace.The power of love is the power of purity. The word love is used in many ways, but it is a sacred word to the wizard, because his meaning for love is that which dissolves all impurities, leaving only the true and the real. As long as you have fear, you cannot really love, Merlin cautioned. As long as you have anger, you cannot truly love. As long as you have selfish ego, you cannot truly love.However impure you are, love will seek you out and work on you until you can love.

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