Gabriel Erector

At a garage sale last Sunday
I purchased an erector set.
Not an ordinary erector set
but one in a sky blue box
and in it everything I need
to build angels.

Its an angel building kit.
Not the kind of angels
made of plastic and wire and
glue makes your head hurt
and the world dizzy spin.
Not like a model set.
Not like the kind of angels
who blow a horn
and my living room walls
come tumbling down
or talk in my brain and I go off
to fight the English,
but the kind of angels
who open rain clouds,
tug at grass blades until theyre long,
lift up the corners of a babys mouth.
The kind of angels who pull open irises
and make it so you can see
the chest of your loved one
sleeping next to you
rise and fall with each inspiration
even though its completely dark,
but you know you see it.

Its my angel building kit.
So far,
since I took my kit home
and opened it,
It has rained,
my grass grew,
my irises bloomed
and I can see my loved ones chest
rise and fall in the night
even though I have the shades drawn,
and its completely dark.
The Incredulous Traveler: Weight, Work and Wonder in the Journey of Everyday Life This began as an intermittent travelogue on WW; intermittent as I don't travel much. Soon it was more than about food and, upon missing a day, emails arrived asking where my posts were. I am amazed at the everyday world around me; the beauty, absurdity, ignorance and joy. In the midst of this wonder and surprise, I work to maintain my weight, creativity, sanity and humor; to be awake, aware and still happy when it would be far easier to pay no attention at all and to walk my days asleep.Adamus at Large: An Incredulous Traveler on Weight, Work and Wonder in the Journey of Everyday Life. That's the title but, well, it won't fit. So here it is. A friend once told me, after a rune reading, that I was put here by Odin to annoy people into doing the right thing. I am a Father, husband, friend.! I am a poet, writer, educator and I sing, sing, sing. I perform, love improv and guerilla theater.

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