Your Own Personal Shaman On Your Ipod

Neo-Shaman Jon Rasmussen has found a way to bring the powerful experiences and results you get from personal sessions with him right into your office or living room with his new Practical Meditations for the Modern Lifestyle and Shamanic Journeys to Empower Your Life CDs. Rasmussen's work bridges modern and ancient worlds to bring what real shamanism has to offer for our everyday practical lives.

These "goal setting and guided meditations on steroids that Rasmussen has been treating his clients to in private sessions for over a decade are now available at retailers Amazon and iTunes. "It's like you're right there in the shaman's office, jungle hut, mountaintop monastery, or wherever you thought you had to be to get the magic. That's one of the great things about Shamanism, it's non-local and available when it's done right, says Rasmussen, who often refers to his work as "applied quantum physics.

It's not uncommon to have some unexplainable experiences during the work that change even the most ardent skeptics into raging fans. Lissa Rankin, MD and the CEO, writes, "As a skeptical physician, I first experienced Jon's work on a lark on my wedding day. What transpired changed my life and transformed the way I began to think of non-traditional healing arts. Without me even fully comprehending it at the time, the gift that I discovered during a guided meditation launched me onto a transforming journey that led me to write books and launch a web community intended to help people heal.

After listening to Rasmussen's Shamanic Journeys recording, Colleen writes, "I have never been a meditator. I have read about the many benefits meditation can have on your life, but every time I've tried it, I've fallen asleep. So I listen to the first two mp3s and think, this guy is completely off his nutplant people, seriously? Then I listen to the third one I cannot explain what happened to me during this experience. I sure as heck got' it this time. I cannot begin to describe the impact this revelat! ion had on me! I can actually begin living NOW, not twenty pounds from now.

Rasmussen respects the mystery and power of the shamanism he was taught by indigenous lineages, and vehemently adheres to their tenet that the results are everything. As his Q'ero teachers would always say after a mystical experience,"Now, how do you grow corn with it? Rasmussen explains, "The process seems like a mystery, but on the practical side of it, the real beauty of this work is how it effects everyday life. Doors open, people respond, businesses thrive. And it is truly amazing how well these techniques work for such little effort and no special preparation, and even through a medium such as the CDs. But then again, such results might be expected when the shaman delivering the message has gone through years of training and practice on our behalf. Powerful results indeed.


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