Receiving Love

Few who have attempted to release every demon and doubt, every painful memory and negative energy have succeeded without the aid of spirit.Here is something useful to write down as a reminder:Spirit is always with me. It wants to lift my pain. It does this not by abolishing painful memories but by putting me totally in the present, where the past doesnt exist.The spiritual answer to any problem is immediate. Its our own perception that is slow to catch on. Gods ability to love us is limited only by our ability to receive that love here and now. Since our loved ones represent manifested portions of God in our lives, the same could be said for them. To receive Gods love we need only increase our ability to receive the love being reflected back in our intimate relationships.If youre getting stuck in negativity, youre likely to assume that other people feel the same way about you, and mostly thats not true. People who really love you keep on loving you, even when youre not loving yourself. The love you get is limited only by your ability to receive it.Its amazingly easy to shut someone else down. Without thinking about it we let pass countless occasions during the day when love makes a tentative appearance in other words, we turn our backs on spirit.Your beloved may start to say something nice or give you an affectionate touch or ask how you are feeling. Notice how often this seed isnt allowed to grow, how quickly you simply cut the gesture off or take it for granted. In this way you limit the love you are receiving, rather than nurturing its faint beginnings.Being shown a gesture of love is like being offered a portion of God.Look into the eyes of your beloved and learn to believe that love is really there.Adapted from The Path to Love, by Deepak Chopra (Three Rivers Press, 1997).

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