Carmen Everall Holistic Practitioner

Carmen Everall's goal of sharing a new approach to health, wellness and balance with others has met with excellent reception for years and has recently received a further boost with the launch of a new website and the occupation of new premises. In addition, Carmen is set to appear in various venues as a public speaker within the near future.

Decades of receiving teachings as taught by several highly regarded teachers of ancient traditions, and learning a number of powerful healing techniques, together allow Carmen to assist others in various ways on their path to healing.

Her clients know her to be able to promote healing on various levels, as well as teach them how to facilitate their own healing process by means of meditation and the deepening understanding of the self which follows as a result.

Carmen recently decided to share the techniques that she has acquired through her teachers with a wider audience. For this reason she's launched a new website ( and has moved to new premises in Canmore. She's currently discussing the various options for appearing as a public speaker to share her story. Carmen feels that her personal journey may help others to discover new ways of living a more balanced, healthy and fulfilling life.

Four Healing Modalities
Grounded in ancient powerful healing traditions, Carmen employs four distinct yet complementary healing modalities, each with their own specific benefits:

Organity Holistic Body Work: Developed by Maa Satya Puja, Organity is a soothing, deeply relaxing healing modality, combining specific massage techniques with energy work, resulting in increased self-healing capabilities and important reduction of a large number of ailments such tension, stress, high blood pressure, low immunity and poor lymphatic, etc. [more information at]

T.E.P. Deep Tissue Massage: T.E.P. is a hands-on technique that realigns and balances your entire body developed by Dr. Carlos d! e Leon. It is a psycho-corporeal treatment that addresses your whole life experience - physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual. T.E.P. addresses the crystallization and solidification of issues that have not been resolved, that show up in your body as pain, illness, psychological or emotional issues. When you overload your systems, the signals to discharge or the impulse to do something to do something are recorded in the body; and if not discharged, the body will go into survival mode: it reacts by creating tension. [more information at]

Reiki: Carmen is a Reiki Master and Reiki Teacher. Reiki is a gentle, yet extremely powerful technique, recognized for successfully releasing energy blockages in your body allowing the vital life energy known as Chi to flow. She has successfully used this well-known technique for years in order to help others restore and increase the energy flow in their bodies. [more information at]

Meditation Practitioner: Nearly three decades of regular meditation practice and many years of personal guidance by several renowned spiritual teachers have given her the foundation to help you begin or deepen your practice of meditation. [more information at]

Public Speaker
At the moment, Carmen is discussing several options for appearing as a public speaker. It is her intention that in telling her complete story, completely exposing her path to healing, that it may help others who are also seeking to heal at a profound level with a new approach to achieve their goals. Carmen has appeared as a Public Speaker at Healing Conferences and appeared in National Television Programs sharing her story. She has travelled extensively globally seeking teachers to guide her on her path. She now feels it is time to share the journey with others - her challenges, her successes and her gratitude.

For appointments or to book Carmen as a speaker, contact her directly at 403! -679-003 3 or email her at


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