Warriors At Ease Offers New Course

Robin Carnes, Warriors At Ease CEO, announced today a certification course to provide heretofore unavailable programs to teach yoga teachers and other mindbody healing practitioners how to teach in military settings. She stated, "At first it may seem there is a contradiction between the military and yoga, but our teaching experience has shown that the practices of yoga, iRest meditation and other mindbody modalities are helping our soldiers and veterans, even those from the Vietnam war.

Robin and all faculty member of Warriors at Ease, have extensive experience working with active duty service members, veterans and their families at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington DC; Miami VA Hospitals; Army Reserve Units and other major military polytrauma units. The training focuses on both the art and science of teaching yoga and other mindbody modalities safely and effectively in military settings as an adjunctive treatment for a range of challenges, including PTSD, anxiety, depression, chronic pain and insomnia.

The Warriors at Ease faculty have documented immediate reductions in symptoms in their military students as a result of employing yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, massage, acupuncture and other body-centered approaches.

As military and veteran hospitals struggle to deal with the needs of Iraq and Afghanistan soldiers and older veterans, mindbody practices have become a powerful tool, often a lifeline, to help soldiers and veterans cope with injuries, PTSD, traumatic brain injury, depression, chronic pain and insomnia caused by wartime experiences.

While there is growing openness to incorporating mindbody practices, that integration is just now beginning to spread beyond a few specialized programs. The military wants to know how to identify mindbody professionals that can work effectively and safely in military settings.

The course, Teaching Yoga in Military Settings, provides fundamental information to experienced yoga teachers on how to deal with the uni! que new challenges of teaching in a military environment. Certification provides military and veteran healthcare administrators highly qualified mindbody professionals to work with vets and their families. This course also helps yoga teachers understand how to navigate the military healthcare systems and what to expect.

Part One of the course begins June 8, 2011. Visit http://warriorsatease.com/teacher-training/ to find out more information.

Source: www.prweb.com

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