Rapture did happen last week -- spiritually, not physically

Well, I shouldn't have made fun of Harold Camping, Christian evangelical, after his prediction that the Rapture (basically, the second coming of Jesus) would happen a week ago, on May 21.

It turns out that Camping was right about the Rapture. But it was an invisible judgment day, not physical. So says Harold Camping, a seemingly reliable source about all things Camping'ish.

I have to believe him, in the same sense that I have to believe the Bible, because it says in the Bible "believe the Bible." Anyway, I'm not worried about the Rapture. I was baptized Catholic and had my first communion.

Shouldn't that guarantee me a seat on the Rapture Express, notwithstanding a minor theological detail?

Namely, that I don't have faith in Jesus and never have been a practicing Christian, aside from being forced as a kid to briefly study catechism in preparation for that first communion (which I choked on and could barely swallow -- really).

Camping says there will still be a physical Rapture. It's just been postponed five months, from May 21 to October 21.

This is great news!

My birthday is in the earlier part of October. I'll be able to get my presents and also be raptured! It would have been a bummer to spend eternity in heaven with Jesus without some new books to read and a fresh downloaded album or two on my iPod.

I enjoyed this video that shows what the world will be like after the Rapture. With all the Christians gone, Earth is going to be a better place. So if I'm not part ! of the r apture-fest in October, that's great news also!

Have a look. And laugh.

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