How Sant Mat is moving from duality to oneness

OshoRobbins has put up an interesting series of three videos that explain the difference between Sant Mat 1.0 and Sant Mat 2.0.

I've blogged about this in "Sant Mat, version 2.0" and "Has Gurinder Singh revised to Sant Mat to v. 3.0?"

Whatever the version number, these YouTube presentations do a good job of making clear how the Radha Soami Satsang Beas version of the Sant Mat philosophy has evolved to become a far different creature from the traditional teachings.

More broadly, OshoRobbins points out how a dualistic view of God, heaven, soul, and such can't co-exist with a monistic perception. If the heart of reality is indeed one, no amount of journeying on a dualistic vehicle will get you there.

Have a look and listen. The three videos total about 15 minutes. They're worth your time if you're at all interested in this sort of stuff. (Watch below or go here, here, and here.)

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