Aromatherapy in Rituals
Aromatherapy in Rituals |
- Aromatherapy in Rituals
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- Career opportunities in Natural Healing
- Base Carrier Oil for Aromatherapy Home Recipes
- So What is Aromatherapy?
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- Aromatherapy Oils In Topical Applications
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Posted: 13 Jun 2012 11:00 PM PDT Article by LizzyJ Aromatherapy in Rituals.Since early humans, flowers and their essential oils have been used for their fragrance and aromatherapy powers. They are offered as a sacrifice to gods and goddess to heal the body, ensure the harvest and to help maintain peace and wellbeing. Initially used for the purpose of gifts to the gods, the end process was that the smoke of the offering in turn affected the man's bioelectrical which made the ritual feel a much more pleasurable heightened experience. Each scent was specifically aligned to certain rituals, purifications and better awareness of psychic ability and the scents were inhaled to utilise these energies. Through the centuries these practices have been passed down from person to person and are used by a range of people from major world religions to local spiritual belief systems to aid their specific needs. Unlike the normal aromatherapy, where the oils are used for massage and inhalation to help with a physiological or psychological problem, ritual oils have always been used for much larger aims. In ritual aromatherapy the practitioner visualises a special need, whether for financial gain, to bring love into their life or just a straight forward calming effects for everyday stresses and strains. The visualisation is held while inhaling the specially chosen oils, allowing the bioelectrical to pull the conscious and psychic energy together and create an internal change. In practice the practitioner becomes more receptive to the conscious mind as the fragrance instils the bioelectrical energies to calm the central nervous system, weakening muscular tension so psychic awareness will be stronger.When the scent is aligned with the energy and coupled with the bioelectrical action it is projected into the atmosphere to procure the changes. The best thing about these purpose blended oils is that they can work without the need for the visualisation, as the oils fragrances energise the body ! naturall y, which makes them a simple technique to use as an aid for making changes in your life. Originally published at I Conjure Candles About the AuthorLizzyJ has been an avid fan of aromatherapy since a young girl. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Posted: 13 Jun 2012 10:00 PM PDT Article by Dr Mike Teng Seriously ill companies need to be placed in intensive care unit. As with grave medical crisis, dealing with the business failure quickly becomes extremely exhausting and requiring special care and medical attention. You need a team of specialists to intervene and take the swift control of events. This is akin to the manner that doctors, counsellors and insurance companies step in to sort out the problems in the life of a gravely ill patient. As in a medical crisis, a company's initial ill health may suddenly deteriorate into life threatening mode. The ailment appears mild initially and may have already established a foothold in the patient much earlier. Sometimes, it can be a case of bad DNA in its business model or a genetic flaw in its corporate culture. These weaknesses predispose the firm to failure. As with very sick patients, the company's health may spiral quickly downward and eventually become irreversible. It is at this stage that these symptoms of failure become apparent. By the time the management and all the other interested parties are aware of the problem, the crisis has already escalated beyond redemption. Many companies are falling sick due to corporate diseases such as global economic recession, competition brought forth by globalization, terrorist attacks and diseases such as SARS and bird flu. When a company falls ill, it needs to undergo the three phases of corporate turnaround, namely: Phase 1: Surgery: This is to restructure the troubled organisation to face the harsh and new reality and quickly improve its cash flow. During this phase, the company may need to downsize, right size, re-engineer or delayer in order to turn the ailing company around. The use of financial control is critical in this phase. Phase 2: Resuscitation: This is to revitalise the business so as to increase its sales revenues and profits. After obtaining a brief reprieve from cash flow collapse, the company has to grow its business quickly. The use of marketing strategy is importa! nt durin g this phase. Phase 3: Nursing: This is to nurture and establish a strong and healthy corporate immune system in order to sustain long-term growth. After growing the business, the company needs to be strengthened to prevent a recurrence of the problems while equipping itself to handle future changes in the marketplace. The emphasis here is on innovation. For complete corporate recovery, it is important to finish the full course of antibiotics prescribed in all the three phases. Some companies may need heavier dosages of surgery while others may require more of resuscitation and nursing. Mere restructuring through surgery alone is not good enough. As a doctor once said: "The surgery was good but the patient died." Without the resuscitation and nursing phases, it is akin to not completing your antibiotics and the bacteria are not completely eradicated from the system. During the next attack, the bacteria may become more virulent as they have built up resistance against the antibiotics. Then, you may need a stronger spectrum of antibiotics to treat the mutated bacteria. Building a strong and healthy company takes a long time in Phase 3 - it is not a one-time inoculation. It is like taking vitamin pills every day for the rest of your life in order to build a strong corporate culture, which can embrace changes. There is another medical parallel in the deployment of techniques used in the three phases. Phases 1 and 2 can be compared to the use of Western medical system with its invasive, scientific and chemical approaches. The Western medical approach is very suitable for acute and life threatening situations where time is of essence. Phase 1 and 2 are the science of the corporate turnaround process. In phase 3, the use of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is more applicable, natural, holistic and philosophical. This renders it suitable for chronic and comprehensive cures. Phase 3 is the art of the corporate turnaround process. To ensure full recovery, remember to finish the full! course of antibiotics of surgery, resuscitation and nursing by the turnaround doctor. About the Author Dr Mike Teng (DBA, MBA, BEng, FIMechE, FIEE, CEng, PEng, FCMI, FCIM, SMCS) is the author of the best-selling business book "Corporate Turnaround: Nursing a sick company back to health", in 2002. In 2006, he authored another book entitled, "Corporate Wellness: 101 Principles in Turnaround and Transformation." Dr Teng is widely recognized as a turnaround CEO in Asia. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Career opportunities in Natural Healing Posted: 13 Jun 2012 09:00 PM PDT Article by Bimol Natural healing school gives you an opportunity to get a professional certification for to build a career assisting others to help themselves. Apart from diverse fields of study, such a professional certification can enlarge your general career perspectives, providing you with definite advantage in employment and promotion aspects within your chosen occupation. In order to be competitive candidate in contemporary world, professional certifications give a chance to advance education as well as to promote careers via current skills and training essential to be successful.Choose Natural Healing Online School If you look for an opportune and up-to -date form of Natural Healing education, online schools can be the right choice regarding your way of life. Using contemporary technical opportunities for education purposes, you will need only personal computer and stable Internet connection. Natural healing online learning programs offer immediate access to various class activities such as quizzes, lectures and interactive educational assignments while staying at home, work or even library. Online schools give you education, allowing you to discover and learn about numerous natural healing techniques, diagnosing, and how they may be used. Energy Healing Perspectives Energy healing careers are frequently integrated into broad holistic practices of natural healing. For instance, a number of energy healing careers in Reiki are pretty rewarding from both sides -financial and personal. Practitioners of energy healing can receive close to per client session, regarding their experience and training. These specialists apply vital energy to eliminate energy blocks. Such a procedure is considered to to return balance and harmony back into the physical body to restore self-healing capabilities. Other professions in energy healing careers deal with Quantum touch, colour therapy, visualization, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), kinesiology and magnetic therapy. Healing Arts Careers! S ome healing arts careers require weeks or months of educational training, though others demand seven or more years of studies and clinical groundwork. For instance, if healing arts careers in natural medicine are sought-after, in that case future students should review prerequisites for admission in naturopathic, chiropractic and acupuncture schools. Healing arts careers in energy medicine are both attractive and in high demand, nevertheless such programs require a lot of studies and practice. Among the possible programs are course-intensive, practical training in a variety of mind-body-spirit therapies together with studies in touch therapy, energy balancing (chakra balancing), Reiki, visualization, colour therapy, crystal therapy, and other energy healing techniques. Students admitted to a natural healing education in massage therapy get hands-on training and knowledge of anatomy and physiology, kinesiology, deep tissue massage, Swedish massage, and occasionally, CPR and first aid. Students that choose extensive natural healing education courses in massage therapy will have to concentrate on more advanced bodywork modalities such as acupressure/Shiatsu, craniofacial therapy, infant/prenatal massage, geriatric massage, animal massage, etc . About the Authorkinesiology careers Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Vision " Higher Spiritual Awakening of 2012"This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Base Carrier Oil for Aromatherapy Home Recipes Posted: 13 Jun 2012 08:00 PM PDT Article by Lyn Menzies the Holistic Skincare episode with Neals YardThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 13 Jun 2012 07:00 PM PDT Article by Zuleikha Assenjee Modern day aromatherapy falls under the umbrella of holistic therapies which include treatments by herbal medicine and homeopathy amongst others. Common beliefs about aromatherapy are that it is no more than a relaxing massage with the use of essential oils. Essential oil has been used throughout history for many different purposes, from religious to medicinal as well as healing of the spirit. In Egyptian times, plant derived resins and perfumed oil were necessary ingredients in the preparations of funerals. Scents were very much an integral part of the pleasures of the Egyptian lifestyle. The Greeks invented distillation - extracting oils from plants through steaming processes- a method widely in use today, which preserves both the fragrance and healing property of the essences. The Romans adopted much of the Greeks medical knowledge, but played a great role in improving the way aroma was used for pleasures and relaxation. By 3 A.D. Rome was the bathing capital of the world with one thousand public bathing spots where bathers were massaged with scented oils. The Arabs who perfected the distillation process created potent essences and exotic perfumes, still in use in Mosque and religious ceremonies. Essential oils have such powers that in medieval times they were used to create lethal poisons by those involved in Machiavellian plots. Hence, it shows the necessity of consulting a qualified aromatherapist when creating blends for healing purposes. One of their main uses have been for fighting infections, and formulated into concoctions that were rubbed over the body to keep sickness at bay. Although plants and herbs have always been used by natives to alleviate pain, combat digestive problems, sometimes even more serious health problems like cancer, it is only in the mid-nineteenth century that the exact scientific effect of essential oils in the fight against bacteria came to be known through research and documented investigations. A 1992 issue of the "British journal of O! ccupatio nal Therapy" writes about how the practices of aromatherapy such as massage, inhalation, lotions, creams, compresses, inhalation and baths can improve quality of life for patients in hospitals, improve health and promote well-being. Amongst the list of benefits of aromatherapy listed in the journal are: 1. The reduction of stress.2. Relief of depression.3. Promoting activity of alertness4. Stimulating of sensory awareness.5. Treating various medical problems.6. Providing pain relief. Another area where essential oils have proved to be extremely beneficial is in the creation of skin-care and hair-care products. Again, throughout history, aromatherapy has played an important part in the making of exotic creams, lotions and hair washes to enhance the beauty regime of the most beautiful women in the world. It is now known through the formulas that have been passed down that their secret ingredients were essential oils. About the AuthorFor more information on Natural Aromatherapy Essential oils and on the Natural First Aid Kit visit: Natural Aromatherapy Products Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
What Profits May Be Discovered in Sober Living Posted: 13 Jun 2012 06:00 PM PDT Article by Antonio V. Pedro Residing a pure with sober life has its troubles, but it may be completed. It took a superb offer of effort and monetary help to maintain a drug and alcohol applying lifestyles. The instruments plus the offered in both drug and alcohol cure methods, and also utilizing the 12 Step programs, help other, a person may find out to live a sober recovery. What is a sober recovery? There are users who go by using alcohol and drug rehabilitation and stop using substances. Though, they do not pick to include the aspiration of self reflection and extensive growth. Many times, this pattern of habits can lead people to replace one addiction for another, like that as changing using with gaming or drugging with workaholism. This behaviour can lead to a relapse or a life filled with suffering caused by a new habit. A sober recovery is a single in which an addict or alcoholic seeks to live aside self destructive behaviors. Sober recovery, by its name implies that issues are tackled and managed immediately without the play, the most emotions, or own dangerous actions that together drug and alcohol utilization. The coming are several parts of a sober recovery: • Being honest• Sharing emotions• Using a support system to address problems• Avoiding isolation• Going to therapy when needed• Maintaining healthy relationships• Engaging in self affirming behaviors• Healthy exercise regimes• Eating healthy foods• Attending 12 Step meetings• Attending to spiritual needs• Stress relieving therapies Balance is the key to a sober recovery. What is the Part of a Sober Recovery House? The important goal of a recovery house is to deliver people with a safe and supportive environment in which usually to exercise sobriety. A sober recovery home is a solution for those early in therapy whorequire continual structure in their own life as they re-integrate into their every day tasks. Living with other people who are focused on sobriety and restoration can hel! p create a strong foundation before returning and to the challenges of daily living. Sober recovery houses are also an excellent method for recovering users earlier in sobriety. These living arrangements give the newly recouping addict or alcoholic with the time to get a job and carry on to have plan and instant support. Recovery houses may need people to take part in programs and actions together with house meetings, assist teams and household chores. Residents must additionally abide by a certain fixed of principles administered by the midway house staff. Rules are unique to a person home, but normally comprise refraining from drug or alcohol use, not engaging in violent behaviour and visiting energetic own-support or group meetings. Residents are given the opportunity and the prosperity required to pursue job, take care of issues and social services or lawful problems and hunt for forthcoming housing.Read more information click here sober recovery Rules and Regulation for Sober Living Residents keeping a drug and alcohol-free lifestyle at a sober living home live by a strict set of house rules, usually including: •A no alcohol or drug possession or use policy •Respecting fellow residents •Following chore schedules •Attending house meetings •Cooking•Cleaning•Continuing going to work or seeking employment •Pursuing alternate housing for life after the sober recovery home Sober living homes supply the newly recovering addict and alcoholic with the safety of learning to face the challenges of every day living with out increased pressure of old friends and family pressures. A quality sober living home will offer the addict and alcoholic with time clean and sober to then return home feeling stronger and more confident. Post Rehab Life-Sober Recovery Once drugs and alcohol are removed from the process of living, a person may be faced with the hurt caused by drugs and alcohol. Putting down the drink or drug does not remove the financial problems or ! the lega l troubles created during active addiction. There are problems, challenges, losses, and successes that will handle all recovering addicts and alcoholics. Using the tools and strategies learned in substance abuse treatment will give the addict the confidence to continue to maintain sobriety. A sober recovery is far more rewarding then a recovery filled with relapses, new addictions, and disappointment caused by unaddressed issues. Sober Living Options for Methamphetamines Addiction Recovery Methamphetamines, also known as "crystal meth," usually have min rates of recovery for those who improve drug addictions. In fact, unless of course the physical bonds of methamphetamine addiction are broken through safe, medically supervised detoxification, methamphetamines can be a difficult drug to kick. Methamphetamines addiction can also take an incredible psychological hold, imbuing users with feelings of fearlessness, false-confidence, and escape through instant gratification. Powerful inpatient drug addiction recovery courses can offer true freedom from methamphetamines addiction-but many meth addicted individuals also feel the need for transitional support through sober living options. Sober Living Options for Methamphetamines Addiction Recovery When you finish your time in inpatient drug addiction rehab, sober living options can increase your chances of lasting recovery from methamphetamines addiction. In a maximum-service sober living facility, you can easily bonus from the continued counseling, support, and medical expertise of an addiction team dedicated to your sobriety. Post-treatment sober living options vary from peer-run halfway houses with little supervision and heavy rules to supervised inpatient sober living facilities that offer intensive treatment gauged to your level of current recovery. Benefits of Sober Living Options for Methamphetamines Addiction Recovery With the most comprehensive sober living options for methamphetamines addiction recovery will off! er a hol istic approach with maximum support. At the best sober living homes, you can acquire one-on-one counseling sessions to support heal deep trauma you may have experienced-including traumatic experiences that may have ignited the drive to use drugs, as well as any trauma you encountered as a end result of your methamphetamine addiction. World-class facilities also include life coaches, to support you continue in your personal or career goals and better situate yourself for success, with watchful after care planning and even sober coaching services to help you establish your new, sober life. Additionally, certain sober living options provide an stress on health and sustenance to combat the neglect your body may have undergone as a consequence of your methamphetamines addiction. This can include diagnostic testing to identify any physical or psychological imbalances that meth use may have caused, as well as nutritional planning and supplement guidance to help return your body and brain to its natural homeostasis. These nutritional and medical services can be invaluable for those seeking to repair cognitive, memory, or emotional issues that methamphetamine use may have triggered. Many sober living options will also go the extra mile, providing spiritual guidance, meditative instruction, and alternative medicine services for those seeking to regain focus, relaxation and inner tranquility as they embark on a sober life.Read more information click here Sober Recovery About the AuthorIn case you'd like to learn far more about sober recovery please get in touch with big Island tretment Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Suzie's *Healing Journey* using *Law of Attraction*This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 13 Jun 2012 05:00 PM PDT Article by How To Possible Do you have listen about cosmic energy. As I am concern, I am aware of that energy at some extent. Few person call it spiritual power.Reiki Masters use this cosmic energy to heel patients. Vastu specialist uses this energy to convert negative power to positive power and create happiness & peace. At Kundalini awakening that power called serpentine power, and that energy convert a common person to a super human.As I know the extreme target of every religion is to achieve this power. There may be the difference of pronoun for defining that energy or power. Every spiritual person ultimately feels that energy in their body. But for feeling that energy a person must be virtuous & pious. And only that condition is the main cause of dispute, whether that is a energy or a spiritual feeling only.If there is any kind of energy, that should be fallowed by rules of Science. If it depend upon the virtuousness & piousness of a particular person, who will believe this.Because the people who cannot feel it, they become against of the concept of cosmic energy, and they must be. The people who have been feeling that energy, are very few in comparison to those who have not. So the believers lag than unbelievers at this dispute.So how to prove that there is a micro energy in cosmos which has unlimited power and doing their work very silently.Science yet not reached up to that extent, so that, this energy could be defined by today's apparatus. It may happen within few decades; science could reach up to that level and find out few unknown chapters of cosmic energy. Here I am trying to do a little effort so that you may feel that energy, and there are no conditions to be virtuous & pious. You may try it at your home.As we all know about pyramids. These pyramids attract some part of cosmic energy. Although that part of energy, is very very low and week as compare to holistic cosmic energy. And also useless for any high level spiritual aim. But that part of energy can be feel by anyone.If you want to ! feel tha t energy you have to do an experiment like a scientist. You have to make a pyramid by cardboard as per the given figure............................. Do you have listen about cosmic energy. As I am concern, I am aware of that energy at some extent. Few person call it spiritual power.Reiki Masters use this cosmic energy to heel patients. Vastu specialist uses this energy to convert negative power to positive power and create happiness & peace. At Kundalini awakening that power called serpentine power, and that energy convert a common person to a super human.As I know the extreme target of every religion is to achieve this power. There may be the difference of pronoun for defining that energy or power. Every spiritual person ultimately feels that energy in their body. But for feeling that energy a person must be virtuous & pious. And only that condition is the main cause of dispute, whether that is a energy or a spiritual feeling only.If there is any kind of energy, that should be fallowed by rules of Science. If it depend upon the virtuousness & piousness of a particular person, who will believe this.Because the people who cannot feel it, they become against of the concept of cosmic energy, and they must be. The people who have been feeling that energy, are very few in comparison to those who have not. So the believers lag than unbelievers at this dispute.So how to prove that there is a micro energy in cosmos which has unlimited power and doing their work very silently.Science yet not reached up to that extent, so that, this energy could be defined by today's apparatus. It may happen within few decades; science could reach up to that level and find out few unknown chapters of cosmic energy. Here I am trying to do a little effort so that you may feel that energy, and there are no conditions to be virtuous & pious. You may try it at your home.As we all know about pyramids. These pyramids attract some part of cosmic energy. Although! that pa rt of energy, is very very low and week as compare to holistic cosmic energy. And also useless for any high level spiritual aim. But that part of energy can be feel by anyone.If you want to feel that energy you have to do an experiment like a scientist. You have to make a pyramid by cardboard as per the given figure............................. About the Authorpp Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Variation of the Uses of Aromatherapy Posted: 13 Jun 2012 04:00 PM PDT Article by Lyn Menzies Our Healing Flowers - LlewellynThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Aromatherapy Oils In Topical Applications Posted: 13 Jun 2012 03:00 PM PDT Article by Anne Harvester Aromatherapy is a popular means used to enhance the physical and mental mood by utilizing the scent of organic essential oils. Organic essential oils can also be used for topical applications, including massage. massage oils containing essential oils make for an extremely relaxing massage treatment. Organic essential oils can also be used in bathing mixes for luxurious scented soaks. Aromatherapy Massage Oils Aromatherapy massage oils can be used during the soft tissue manipulations that constitute massage. As anyone who has had a sore back or shoulders treated with massage, this is a wonderful method for releasing muscle pain and kinks that cause soreness. You can elevate the experience with the application of aromatherapy massage oils to increase the pleasure and relaxation. Massage may take place on a special table or chair, but can even be done on a bed or on the floor. Massage tables have a hole in the top where your face fits through so you can rest face down and breathe easily. The chairs allow you to lean forward and also have arm and face rests for comfort. The clothing may be removed for massage and massage oils applied, or not. There are many types of massage therapies available that benefit from the use of massage oils. Essential oils, because they are so concentrated, must be mixed with carrier oils for topical application to the skin. Carrier oils used in massage oils might include sweet almond oil, olive oil, sesame oil, grapeseed oil, and many types of nut oils. Deep tissue massage might be used by athletes or those who have consistent pain in a muscle. The muscles below the surface muscles are the ones that receive massage treatment using massage essential oils. When the fascia and connecting tissues are massaged to relieve pain and enhance range of motion, this form of massage is known as Myofascial release. Skin rolling is one way to perform this treatment, during which massage oils could be used. Shiatsu massage focuses on the back, l! egs and even feet. The skin is rolled, brushed, grasped, vibrated and pressure is applied with the soothing help of massage essential oils. Stone massage may use oiled stones to massage and apply pressure to the muscles. Aromatherapy massage oils may be used in this regard. Swedish massage may utilize essential oils in performing the strokes common to this variety of massage. They include sliding, kneading, tapping and friction. After a massage, there is likely no better method to stay relaxed than to enjoy a warm bath. Your bath can be further enhanced with your favorite essential oils, which can be used with carrier oils to add soothing fragrance to the water and your skin. Massage and bathing are both taken to a higher level with the application of massage essential oils. About the AuthorIn this article Anne Harvester writes about Organic Essential Oils. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
A SURE-FIRE RECIPE FOR PERSONAL SUCCESS Posted: 13 Jun 2012 02:00 PM PDT Article by Tapping Changes Have you ever felt frustrated about making a permanent change in your life? Say, after a failed attempt at losing some weight and keeping it off? Or finding that every dream job turns out to be the same old thing? While reading a self-help book or perhaps listening to a self-help talk did you have a moment when you felt like 'I KNOW all these things, but how do I incorporate them into my life? How do I make a change once and for all?' If so, what you are thirsty for is INTEGRATION (No, not calculus. I am sure you aren't thirsty for that). Integration to me is when something becomes a part of you. When you effortlessly wake up an hour or two earlier than usual and find that you have 'become' an early-riser, when you find you are naturally in a peaceful state and cannot remember the last time you lost that temper that you were once famous for. The awareness and ability needed to ride a bicycle or to swim are integrated within you, aren't they? Integration is what results in permanent change. In my experience, it takes knowledge (understanding) AND 'energy work' to make a permanent change. I see most people focused on only one of the two. Some read a lot, listen a lot but find application very tough. Others do regular asanas, or Reiki, or breath-work and achieve higher energy, but often find it hard to make an important change they need to make. For integration of new, better understanding to happen, you must be ready for it. I.e. your energy must be ready for it. The higher the understanding, the higher your energy needs to be to integrate it. When would you try to talk to an alcoholic about getting help? When he is drinking? When he is drunk out of his mind? Or when he is sober, feeling 'normal', and receptive? Obviously, when his energy is relatively good. If you add a large, hard lump of sugar into a pot of water, some of the sugar will dissolve in the water and you will be unable to remove it from the water. A big part of the lump will remain undissolved and you will be a! ble to r emove it from the water if you wanted to. If you wish to dissolve the entire lump what would you need to do? Increase the energy of the water, of course! So if you light a flame under the pot and start stirring the water you will notice that the entire lump of sugar becomes a part of the water very quickly. The pot of water, the appropriate flame, and the sugar are all needed to turn the water into a sweet solution. At the risk of stating the obvious, some of us are busy adding more sugar to the water (by reading this article you are certainly doing that), some of us light a candle under the water once in a while, others have a steady flame under the water but no sugar in sight. Few of us strike and sustain the optimum balance between the water, sugar and the flame. There are many practices, tools and schools of thought that can help you strike a balance that creates permanent and effortless shifts in your life - without failed new year resolutions and diets, and the associated feelings of failure and low self-worth. In my experience self-help introspective books or talks, along with introspective exercises, EFT, and a regular energy practice make an unbeatable formula for making permanent changes. EFT's power is transformative. It even improves the effects of energy practices like Reiki by clearing disruptions in our energy circuits. Tapping is the stirring of the sugar and water to make them inseparable. The next time you feel like making a permanent change, check to see if you have all the ingredients of the recipe. Put the sugar in, light the flame, and start stirring. Before you know it, your life will be a lot sweeter than it ever seemed!May you find your sweet spot in life. About the Author To know more about Tapping Healing, EFT Tapping Healing visit at : http://www.tappingchanges.comPankaj Gupta EMAIL Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Deuter - MakaluThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Exploring the Various Types of Aromatherapy Bath and Body Products Posted: 13 Jun 2012 01:00 PM PDT Article by Beauty Collection Aromatherapy bath body products work in multiple different ways and this is largely thanks to their different constituents. For each of these products the constituent essential oils ensure that different applications and end results can be achieved upon use. We all know that natural fragrances have been in use for ages and even in this modern day people are still enticed by the same fragrant aromas. Apart from making perfumes the natural essential oils have also been tapped and subsequently incorporated into the bath body products that make bathing a delight.Different Aromatherapy Essential OilsThere are a number of different aromatherapy essential oils as has been mentioned and we will explore some of these here. The first types are the monoterpenes. When these are incorporated into bath body products they serve to impart an antiseptic or anti-bacterial effect. This is the effect you get after using products that include frankincense, pine, and lemon. They are good for ridding the skin of germs and dirt. Secondly, aromatherapy bath products may be in the form of aldehydes. Aldehydes tend to have the same antiseptic properties characteristic of monoterpenes. Fine examples here include citronella, lemongrass, Melissa.Ketones- A Great Essential OilKetones are essential oils that impart a decongesting ability to the aromatherapy bath products that you are using. They are particularly efficient when the individual is down with a cold or flu. When used in a hot bath mucus flow is facilitated and thus the passages are cleared. For ketone essential oils you can opt for sage, hyssop, or even fennel. Sedating effects can be achieved when bath body products that contain esters are used. Esters are known to be sweet-smelling and pleasantly relaxing. You can opt to use bath body products that include lavender, sage, or bergamot.Alcohols and PhenolsAlcohols and phenols are essential oils that have the capacity to impart antiseptic properties to your skin. When using phenols it is wise that the concentrations b! e quite limited since skin irritation is a real possibility. Alcohol essential oils in bath body products will grant the individual an elate feeling which is what most people crave for after a tough day. Good examples include geranium and rosewood. For phenols you can use clove, oregano, and thyme based bath body products. About the provides different Aromatherapy bath and body products which includes skincare products, Aromatherapy bath products, hair care products, for mother at affordable rates. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Hydrotherm Massage Edinburgh - Imarni Cosmetic TherapiesThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Energize your water using Amezcua Biodisc Posted: 13 Jun 2012 12:00 PM PDT Article by Jenny Jonson The advent of Amezcua Biodisc announced the next level of physical and mental wellness. The introduction of Bio Disc revolutionized scientific studies because it discovered the ability to indubitably tailor water energy with the aim of increasing its positive affect to its maximum capability to nourish the human body. This ingenious invention has only garnered praises for its fruitful results from its loyal customers. What is a Bio Disc? This avant-garde innovation is gradually gaining popularity amongst societies. It is uncanny when people ask questions because of their curiosity about Amezcua Biodisc. Well, here is an answer as to what a Bio Disc comprises of. A Bio Disc is a plate that is round in shape, it has a natural energy generating device embedded in it that produces continual frequencies of Scalar energy. The USP of this device is that it does not accommodate any negative effects. The energy produced revitalizes the molecular structure of all liquids. In turn the longevity of the liquid substance is extended thus making it more tasty and nutritious. The Bio Disc comprises of thirteen natural minerals that are technically engineered through Nano fusion. In Nano fusion, minerals are structurally bonded together using high heat. This conversion creates Scalar energy which produces a long lasting pendulous sound that can be transferred into any liquid renewing their molecular structure. Amezcua Biodisc is another discovery which is an enhanced version of a Bio disc. It has started redefining the methods which are responsible to harness and increase the potential of the water energy. This device is stronger, better and superior to any of the models available in the market. The evolution of this device is a milestone moment in scientific studies that research on water energy. How is the Scalar resonance transferred into liquids? The Bio Disc energy spins into the liquid counter clockwise once the liquid is poured over the Bio Disc. The molecular structure of th! e partic ular liquid snatches the Scalar resonance thus enhancing it. The resonance produced is similar to the resonances found in natural spring waters on Earth. Everybody is familiar with the healing power natural water springs adorn, this device brings that power to your doorstep. Tips while using Amezcua Biodisc: The Amezcua Biodisc is fragile in nature as it is made of glass, therefore you should not place it in hot water or liquid nor expose it to heat. Placing it in refrigerators and freezers can cause it to crack. Handle it with care because it can break when thrown on the ground. Bio Disc is used in order to satisfy the taste buds because using it boosts the taste of all liquids, increases the water energy as well as the body energy level, advances nutritional factors, increases the perishable life of fruits, vegetable and meat, helps the immune system to improve, rejuvenates cells and wellness. Usage of the Bio Disc increases blood oxygen levels and nurses and soothes pain eventually providing relief. The Bio Disc is based on the principle of yin yang. It is advisable that you do not use Amezcua Biodisc on your own unless your general practitioner recommends you to use it. A medical prescription is mandatory. The amezcua biodisc has a specific nano resonance in it that lasts longer due to the catalytic energy conversion that is caused using heat merging methods. Thirteen different minerals are together fused in a glass like structure and this is highly beneficial and all those who use this product are more than happy with the result of drinking this energized water. It can convert to any liquid form and especially water. Drinking water from the amezcua biodisc has a number of benefits like reduced stress levels, crystal like water, fast boiling water, easy refraction of light and many more. About the Author An international direct selling brand that utilities the network and multi level marketing (mlm) combined with e-commerce Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.The Alternative - Mother and childThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Emerald rings are the best gift to impress a women Posted: 13 Jun 2012 11:00 AM PDT Article by Vishnu Batwara The emerald rings are popular to be given as a gift to the female partners on any important and memorable occasions in life. They are also chosen as an engagement or wedding ring by many people. The color is the main reason of the popularity of emerald engagement rings. It can be worn by both men and women but women like it more than men. It is a ring which complements any kind of dress and matches with all the colors. The world emerald was derives from the Greek word smartness which basically means green stone. The beautiful green color of emerald adds attractiveness to the ring. This is the reason it is a popular choice for auspicious occasions. The emerald is one of the stone which symbolizes faith, positivity, growth, love and peace. Emerald rings are very powerful rings as they posses positive energy. It is said that if any person wears this ring in his hand, his life will be filled with positive energy. It even has healing powers which makes it more popular choice of people. Emeralds are found in countries like USA, Pakistan, Madagascar, Brazil and Russia. It is available in various shapes including oval, pear, trillion, round and square. According to the preference one can select the appropriate shape of the stone to be used in any jewelry. Emeralds are mainly mounted on the gold or silver bands. They both complement the stone and its green color. Emerald rings are very attractive because of their aesthetic beauty. The color of the stone makes it visible and attractive gemstone ring. This is the main reason emerald engagement rings are selected for all auspicious and special days by the people all over the world. The popularity of this ring is increasing rapidly as people are getting attracted with its charm and simplicity. The emeralds are graded on four points which includes clarity, color, cut and crystal. It is suggested that all these points should be kept in mind while purchasing this type of ring. This ring is easily affordable and purchased by the people. There ar! e variou s online stores that offer beautiful range of emerald rings for any purpose. It is always advised to purchase such gemstone jewelry from the renowned and certified stores so that the money is not wasted. If proper way is followed in wearing this ring it will prove beneficial and lucky for the wearer as it is the symbol of positivity. About the AuthorThe author is expert of gemstone jewelry. Here she provides information about the emerald rings and emerald engagement rings. To know more visit Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Unveiling the Future with Online Psychic Reading Posted: 13 Jun 2012 10:00 AM PDT Article by ANTIKE PARUSTO Are you confused about your life and ask yourself if you are going in the right direction or not. You feel that you have nowhere to turn and want someone to say that you're on the right track or this is the right track for you. You can achieve these goals by having a psychic tarot reading. Psychics commonly work with the energy and auras that they say exist around all of us. A psychic may make use of certain tools or aids like a tarot deck, energy focusing crystals, a system of Numerology or some psychic readers like to consult the i-ching when it comes to predicting the future. Some attribute their abilities to divine intervention. Others claim they are just more skilled at something we all can do. Science debunks both theories emphatically. Getting your psychic tarot reading means that you have a chance to gain valuable insights into your life and future that you would not otherwise have. Tarot readings may work for some people like charms and may not work a little bit for others. A psychic tarot reading helps in any kind of healing and in solving one's problems. Sometime the psychic reader only needs to talk to a person to be able to get a reading on them. Remember a good psychic reader is not greedy of money. He comes forward to help other people get positive guidelines and solutions for their personal problems. Once you are able to find a psychic reader or a websites that charges you the money you can afford, get along with the procedure. Make sure you end with good and genuine readers. Read the profiles of the psychics and the medium and learn about them. Believe in your inborn impulse as this will definitely help you find a real reader. Since many people have doubts regarding psychic readers, you need to find the legitimate source and then agree to the reading session. If you are really interested to know about your love life or career life you should opt for the psychic tarot reading service. However, if you take the benefit of free online psychic reading! s you wi ll find that these readings are just a kind of guidance for you to face the future problems in a better way. However, it completely depends on you whether or not you should trust this knowledge. You will be surprised and delighted after having your psychic tarot reading. About the AuthorANTIKE PARUSTO is a well known author and has written articles on psychic tarot readings, psychic tarot reading, online tarot reading and many other subjects. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Prophetic Warning: God's Message to the Nation (Entire Message)This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 13 Jun 2012 09:00 AM PDT Article by Dan Cower Breathe into your vaporizer's mouthpiece this means you produce a carpet cleaner. You only call for a little ground all natural herb. Again, make sure quite possibly not ground being powdery-like because they will just fall throughout the filter. Now, the exact vaporization will get started on. Once the herb for which you place in any herb vaporizer is normally heated, the liquid essences occurs out and any machine will turn it into smoke. After that, the vapor shall be inhaled and any purest essences is going to reach your blood stream without delay. You know should the herbs vaporize most certainly because their color changes from being green to brown. It is not advisable to utilize them when they were brown because they do not produce vapor. Furthermore, don't heat these people further, because they could just experience combustion as well as burn. You need to throw the put into use herbs away. An herb vaporizer can be described as worthwhile investment. So be sure that when you end up buying one, whether they're high grade or cheap natural vaporizers, think about the benefits that you step from it, and also the safety, of system. .Sinus infection plagues huge number of of people worldwide. A person's very existence style changes when he can be suffering from sinusitis. He not alone suffers physical change but will also psychological change. Situations that accompany sinus are nasal traffic jam, extended thick orange nasal discharge and also thin and crystal clear discharge in gentle cases, long-lasting forward headache, and fever that has a sore throat now and again. There is several treatments and remedies for sinusitis want allopathic medication, organic and natural, ayurvedic and Chinese as well. Many go in for natural remedies because seem to more effective and the email address details are long lasting. Use of harsher prescription drugs like antibiotics or even steroidal prescriptions for a longer time can upset the bodies cells system. Many of your natural remedies feature using vaporize! rs, natu ral yet effective cures, colloidal magical solutions, nasal sprays and supplements to improve the immune model. It has been seen persons who suffering via chronic sinusitis get good rid of natural remedies. Acupressure is equally another natural medication that helps reduce the sinus demands and pain and quite simple have any unwanted side effects. Now days quite a few natural therapies like food therapy, hydrotherapy, juice therapy, reflexology, vitamin and nutrient therapy and Yoga put to use cure sinus. The immune system gets weakened caused by prolonged infection. In order to boost the disease fighting capability herbal medications including echinacea and golden seal are actually helpful. Garlic and eyebright will also be very helpful inside fighting inflammation. Lozenges manufactured from zinc taken for the onset of icy have proved to completely helpful to lots of people. Colloidal silver is without a doubt another remedy really beneficial to cure sinus. Silver can be employed as a nasal rinse since it provides relief to most people who have chronic sinusitis or it really is taken orally to boost the immune process. New medication as oxygen supplement is getting very popular. The supplement enhances the cellular oxygenation which stalls the problem. Vaporizers and humidifiers are often used to ease stuffiness and then help relieve infected sinuses. A cool mist vaporizer can be really helpful inside providing moisture for the sinuses and entice healing. About the AuthorI am an specialist in the subject of substitute methods to traditional smoking. Study more about his trials with quitting smoking right here: Interesting DaBuddha Vaporizer Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Shaina Noll ~ It's a Joy to Get to Know You ~ Song for the inner ChildThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Fighting Cancer With Holistic Healing Posted: 13 Jun 2012 08:00 AM PDT Article by From the desk of Dr Magne, author of Cancer-Free-For-Life There are alternative methods to healing cancer without chemotherapy, radiation or surgery. Science is now discovering that it is possible to fight cancer using holistic methods of healing. The body forms an integral part with the mind, and it is the mind and the power of one's thoughts that perform the healing in every case. Meditation has been shown to have dramatic effects on the immune system of the participants, boosting it to the level of optimum recovery. Another form of meditation can be done with a partner. Meditation is not always easy, in that it requires focus and that is a quality that is in short supply in our fast-paced world. But with a few pointers and an "inner-guided" partner, it can be both fun, beneficial, and creative if the basic principles are met. To start - grab a partner. The "best" suited partners for meditation are someone of the opposite gender and with a soft voice. It's important that you feel comfortable with your partner and that one partner knows how to meditate and is willing to guide this meditation fluidly. In this way, partner one can influence and teach partner two and a "meditation partnership" is created. Creating an atmosphere is the next step to preparing to meditate. Once you have a partner, create the most relaxing environment possible. You can use: Dim lights, candles, soft music, incense, or fragrant oils. The best way to sit is to use two chairs. Partners should be seated upright with their feet flat on the floor and they should be facing each other. The next important factor in meditation is the breath. Focus your full attention on breathing. Breaths should be slow and air should be taken through the nose and exhaled through the mouth. Eyes should be closed. You are ready to start the Meditation with Your Partner Partner One: "Visualize a bright white ball of light shining on you like the sun. Now, visualize that loving and healing light coming down on you through the top of your head." Partner! Two: Co ncentrate on breathing, visualizing and feeling the "white light." Partner One: "Now, make the light go through every pore and cell of your body from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet." Partner Two: Feel the white light surrounding and entering you and visualize positive images and think good thoughts. Partner One: "You can call upon this light as much as you need-it will always serve you and renew you. See the light lifting you upwards into the sky, sun, clouds, etc." (on and on...). Partner Two: Concentrate on the light and begin to let thoughts, images, ideas and feelings emerge naturally. Color is very powerful and healing and incorporate it whenever possible in the images. The length of the meditation may go on for as long as both partners can sit. However, if partner two is starting to feel uncomfortable or is in pain, the meditation should come to a close at least for the first few meditations. Partners should switch places and partner two (who was meditating) should now get a chance to guide (partner one) into a unique and relaxing meditation now that he/she is aware how it is done. This type of simple meditation can have profound healing powers, as long as both partners enjoy the experience. This is not a marathon. Do this only as long as you feel comfortable and enjoy it. Then repeat it regularly. You can visualize your disease going away and you can learn to amplify your sensation of feeling strong and healthy. Dr Magne offers many alternative and natural healing methods in her many articles and her book Cancer-Free-For-Life com, available on the same website. About the AuthorDr Laurence MagnePublisher, AuthorCancer Free For LifeEmail : Website : http://cancer-free-for-life.comSo dien thoai604-671-5957 Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.L-5 Disc Herniation TreatmentThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Maternity Acupressure- Combining Maternity Acupressure With Aromatherapy. Posted: 13 Jun 2012 07:00 AM PDT Article by Chrissy Dean Maternity Acupressure is considered to be one of the best natural induction methods, and is the third most used method in the world. It can have a very positive effect when preparing you and your baby for labor and throughout the labor process. It is a very simple hands-on technique that you can do in the comfort of your own home. Using Acupressure to induce labor is highly recommended because not only does it induce labor, it can ease the discomforts of childbirth and speed up the birthing process. Men and women both understand how difficult giving birth can be. Although men may not experience childbirth first hand, the intense feeling of pain can very easily be read from their loved one giving birth. Many women feel they must use various drugs and medications offered by the hospital just to help deal with the pain both during and after labor. But medical inductions are becoming more and more expensive, therefore, less and less people are able to justify their cost. Luckily, there are number of ways to induce labor naturally and at home. Some are more effective than others, of course, but the list includes aromatherapy, belly massages, exercise routines, and more. Maternity Acupressure is a naturally appealing option to use when inducing childbirth, and it only makes sense to use it in conjunction with the soothing properties of aromatherapy. When paired with aromatherapy oils, acupressure can help the mother relax her entire body for the coming process. Aromatherapy will help to relax tensed muscles, creating a better environment for performing acupressure easily. Stress can be relieved, and can be soothed by natural scents, such as prime rose or raspberry. Primrose oil is already a popular oil being used to help the cervix begin to dilate. When the baby drops to the cervix, the oil will serve as a lubricant to help push the baby out, reducing the amount of friction and pain the mother feels. When used in conjunction with acupressure points designed to help strengthen con! traction s and ease pain, the aromatherapy technique can work wonders in eliminating pain. This is also very helpful in recovery and there are no medication side effects to worry about. Don't let the cost of a medical induction force you to carry your baby past term. Be sure to check into your options before you feel forced into making a decision like that! About the AuthorEnsure the safety of you and your baby. Get all the facts before attempting to induce labor at home. The Maternity Acupressure Blog contains more articles, pictures, and videos with information on this technique, all for free. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Silent Change: Letting Nature Work Posted: 13 Jun 2012 07:00 AM PDT Change can enter our lives silently and this change can be just as important as change we have worked hard for. We all see things about ourselves, our relationships, and our world that we want to change. Often, this desire leads us to take action toward inner work that we need to do or toward some external goal. Sometimes, without any big announcement or momentous shift, we wake up to find that change has happened, seemingly without us. This can feel like a miracle as we suddenly see that our self-esteem really does seem to be intact, or our partner actually is helping out around the house more. We may even wonder whether all of our hard work had anything to do with it, or if it just happened by way of grace. As humans, sometimes we have relatively short attention spans, and we can easily lose track of time. We may worry about a seedling in a pot with our constant attention and watering for several weeks only to find ourselves enjoying the blooms it offers and wondering when that happened, and how we didn't notice it. Nature, on the other hand, has infinite patience and stays with a thing all the way through its life. This doesn't mean that our efforts play no part in the miracle of change—they do. It's just that they are one small part of the picture that finally results in the flowering of a plant, the shifting of a relationship, the softening of our hearts. The same laws that govern the growth of plants oversee our own internal and external changes. We observe, consider, work, and wonder, tilling the soil of our lives, planting seeds, and tending them. Sometimes the hard part is knowing when to stop and let go, handing it over to the universe. Usually this happens by way of distraction or disruption, our attention being called away to other more pressing concerns. And it is often at these times, when we are not looking, in the silence of nature's embrace, that the miracle of change happens. –by Madisyn Taylor ~Reprinted with permission from DailyOM Read More @ SourceStraw Hive MakingThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
All You Wanted to Know About Aromatherapy Bath Salts Posted: 13 Jun 2012 06:00 AM PDT Article by Adam Rise In the fast moving world of today, we are all so busy that we hardly get time for our own selves. This often results in stress and fatigue. We are always so tired and stressed out. How many times have you thought of escaping to some calm, quiet place and relaxing for a while? Aromatherapy bath salts are a perfect solution to your problem. You can pamper yourself with these bath salts and see for yourself how they help in rejuvenating not only your body but your soul too. Aromatherapy bath salts help in relaxing, and they even help you to get your much-needed sound, peaceful sleep. Some of them are excellent for making your skin soft and some have exfoliating properties too. They are easily available at the local herbal stores. If desired, these bath salts can be made at home too. All you have to do is buy your favourite aromatherapy oil from the store and add it to Epson salt, then let it dry for a while. That's it! Your homemade aromatherapy bath salt is ready. By making them at home, you can enjoy a luxurious bath at a very affordable price. Just add them to warm water and enjoy a spa like treatment. They enhance the quality of your bath and provide many health benefits too. They are also used by many people to add a touch of fragrance to their bath. These bath salts are available in a number of scents like sandalwood, lavender, chamomile etc. The lavender scented bath salts are good for relaxing and are even recommended for patients suffering from insomnia. They provide relief from anxiety, tension, muscle aches, headaches and even some circulatory problems. The chamomile-scented bath salts provide a warm and relaxing effect to your entire body, especially your skin. The sandalwood scented ones are also good for relaxing and treating problems like stress, anxiety, and nervous tension. Before using these bath salts, it is better if you try to be sure that you are not allergic to them. You can put add a small quantity of aromatherapy bath salt in some water and soak your feet! or hand in them for a while. If they don't irritate your skin or don't have any bad reaction, then you can go ahead and use them for your entire body. Some of them are not good for pregnant ladies. So these ladies must be careful and consult their doctors before using them. About the AuthorIf you want to relax after a long tiring day, add aromatherapy bath salts to your bath and experience a feeling of sheer pleasure. They will take care of your tired muscles, hurting feet and relax you mind. They will help you to unwind and get prepared for a good night's sleep. Learn more tips at Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Astrology - Astro Highlights Mars & Venus Activate Grand Cross - KG Stiles, HostThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
The Creative Hat: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, June 13, 2012 Posted: 13 Jun 2012 06:00 AM PDT Hello and good morning, Dr. Rob You worry and worry not sure of the day You be the creative hat wearer every single day Read More @ Source |
Web extremism verus the holistic approach Posted: 13 Jun 2012 05:00 AM PDT Article by Andrew Lang A good online business plan can still fail from poor web design / hosting. When considering which web design company to choose, you should play 'web design bingo' - we consider a 'full house' to be web design companies that at least mention the following in their specific sales pitch to you:- YOUR business plan (talking specifically about what your purposes are, and long-term aims) - what is the web design company's opinion on your plan?usability (visitors can perform all tasks easily on the website)accessibility (websites that can be physically accessed by all, with content understood by its target market)search engine optimization (giving your website decent rankings in search engines)content management (allowing you to add/amend/delete content on your website by yourself at any time)security (safety of private data, with regular backups)hosting (will they host your site too? What about their servers? Do they use shared servers with hundreds of other companies, or do they have their own servers?)tech support and after sales (will they be around to help you once the site goes live? How much is support? What about updates?)Any web design company aware of all of these issues equally is following the holistic approach, covering all the main areas of web development. Ignoring one or more of the above can mean your online business will suffer.The tendency for a lot of web design companies is to over-emphasise one area of web design they feel confident in while diminishing the importance of others, or outright ignoring them. Two common examples of 'web extremism':- search engine marketing 'fundamentalists' who focus entirely on search engine rankings - the website content is often developed around keywords rather than compelling, readable information - making sentences sound over-repetitive and mechanical. accessibility 'jihadists' who think a good website is purely about semantic XHTML while completely overlooking other needs of the website - such as optimization for search engines, a ! good des ign to entice users to perform certain tasks easily, and content management. About the AuthorI am a website developer and auditer from the UK. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Dr. Rob’s Awesome Quote Selections, June 13, 2012 Posted: 13 Jun 2012 05:00 AM PDT "Make visible what, without you, might perhaps never have been seen." "Dream and give yourself permission to envision a You that you choose to be." "Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen." |
Posted: 13 Jun 2012 04:00 AM PDT Article by Rob Daniels We are told that meditation is natural, that when someone sleeps they go into a meditative state. To fully understand the purpose and functioning of meditation one has to observe the human as both a physical and spiritual or psychological being. From the dawn of time, meditation has been a vital part of self transformation and holistic health. The journey to self-discovery, self help and spirituality begins with the sacred art of meditation. The value of Meditation is to alleviate suffering and promote healing has been known and practiced for thousands of years. Generally, Eastern religions have tended to concentrate on meditation as a means of realizing spiritual enlightenment. This is the essence of Hinduism of which all guru's promote through yoga and meditation. In fact, practically all religious groups practice meditation in one form or another. The ultimate goal of meditation is to self realize your divinity, that you are God. God dwells within you as You. It is a means of worship and seeking God which is ultimately the highest goal of meditation The word translated as "meditation" in several verses in Psalms means to meditate in the sense of reflecting upon. In practical terms meditation helps you learn forgiveness and loving-kindness for yourself and others in a common sense way. Mindfulness meditation relieves stress because it relieves preoccupation with the habitual thoughts about the past or the future that perpetuate stress. As your entire being becomes absorbed in meditation, every stress and strain of daily life will fall from your shoulders. Meditation interrupts that flood of stress chemicals, so you don't feel on guard or tense. In other experiments, meditators produced fewer spontaneous GSR than their non-meditating controls, both during and after meditation. Through meditation, one can cultivate a wonderful inner quiet that will melt away stress and nervousness By association, meditation can also help relieve stress- or anxiety-related disorders su! ch as in somnia, headaches, depression, poor concentration and high blood pressure. Instead these conflicts could find, through meditation, an appeasement that will help their resolution by appropriate means. There is a natural alliance between psychotherapy and meditation. Meditation is now well accepted in medical circles. Remember that meditation is an escape to reality, not an escape from reality. In the West, however the first view was that meditation induced a type of dissassociative state or a type of catatonia. Various techniques of meditation are now widely taught in medical settings such as VA clinics and hospitals. Many physicians consider meditation a key element of an integrated health program. In general, meditation produces a reduction in multiple biological systems, resulting in a state of relaxation. For example, there has been incidences where through meditation individuals have voluntarily controlled their rate of breathing. Mindfulness meditation involves focusing one's attention on the moment, observing thoughts as they occur without judging or acting. Without acknowledgment of the present moment, meditation practice cannot progress because momentary concentration cannot occur. About the AuthorRob Daniels is a long term practitioner of Yoga and Pilates additional articles available at Religious Podcasts and Yoga Store Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.FAST weight loss, Herbal Cleanse & Detox on Green Juice.This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Awaken to Certainty – Dr. Rob Kiltz Posted: 13 Jun 2012 04:00 AM PDT Hello and good morning, Dr. Rob Why We are Vegan - and Why We have Perfect Health!This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Is There Aromatherapy For Your Face? Posted: 13 Jun 2012 03:01 AM PDT Article by James McKay Many people are aware of the benefits that aromatherapy provides for their overall health. They know that with aromatherapy products they can sleep better, have a stronger appetite, and improve their mood. Yet you may not have been aware that aromatherapy based products can also improve the look and feel of your face. Instead of spending a small fortune on cosmetic treatments, you might want to take a look at some of the leading providers of aromatherapy products on the web. Some of the brand names may surprise you, as you may not have thought of them as aroma treatment leaders. One brand that should definitely be on your radar is the French company Decleor. The company has been working in conjunction with Asian leaders like Shiseido on Aromachology, a new concept in makeup founded in 1999 according to Wikipedia. It describes the way that odors influence lives. However, using the products will quickly give you a sense of the way that the essential oils providing aromatherapy can influence your skin. Designed to have a melt-in texture, the creams are cream enough to immediately erase that ashy look that dry skin can give. Instead, you will start to feel the youthful springy-ness that you smell when you try some of the Hydra Floral products. You will notice a plumpness and elasticity in your skin that only the science of scent can help to bring you. The creams for your face also impact the overall radiance of your skin. You will find that the product fight free radicals to give you a more even glow and the shine of healthy skin down to a cellular level. It really is quite a difference. You will experience a treatment series that is designed to penetrate the layers of your skin with healing oils and scents. The formula has anti-pollution plant extracts and aquaporins. The whole product line is based on 100% natural essences, even though it was built with the latest scientific discoveries. The best part about the Decleor product line for your face is that you won't ! have to wander the halls of specialty retailers to get your hands on it. Instead, all you need to do is search online. Decleor is sold at the finest online beauty retailers, and the price fits nicely into most budgets. About the AuthorLifeandLooks works to take the pain out of shopping. Their number one priority is creating a consumer friendly website where you can find all of your health, wellbeing, beauty and cosmetic products at affordable prices on all brands such as Leighton Denny and Decleor products. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
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