Chakra Healing Course with Energy Therapist

Chakra Healing Course with Energy Therapist

Chakra Healing Course with Energy Therapist

Posted: 17 Jun 2012 06:00 PM PDT

Mindvalley, the leading personal growth online publisher, announces chakra healing course from Carol Tuttle is available from the website with a free 3-minute test. The company already provides a rich variety of personal development products, including Omharmonics – music for meditation and Silva Life System – a program based on the Silva Method discovered by Jose Silva.

Carol Tuttle is an experienced healer that has featured on NBC, ABC Television, FOX 13 News, The Huffington Post and She has also received acclaim from within the personal growth community – A review of the website revealed an endorsement from Dr. Joseph Mercola, prominent natural health practitioner, who said that "Carol Tuttle's approach to helping people overcome emotional barriers is amazingly effective. I highly recommend her self-healing techniques to anyone seeking the next level of health and healing."

Entitled Chakra7, the system focuses on reinstating a sense of peace and balance all the seven chakras in human body. Central to the regimen is the belief that "a deficiency in the energetic ecosystem [in the body] can wreak havoc in one of seven areas in your life." The free 3-minute chakra test is designed to assist people with assessing which chakras may be out of balance and overpowering certain aspects of their lives.

According to Carol Tuttle's system, the seven chakras correspond to seven different aspects of living controlled by the following energy vortexes: the 1st Chakra aka the root chakra for career and wealth, the 2nd Chakra aka the sacral chakra for sexual energy, the 3d chakra aka solar plexus chakra for personal spirituality, the 4th chakra aka heart chakra for loving relationships, the 5th chakra aka throat chakra governing communication, the 6th chakra - third eye chakra for intuition and the 7th chakra aka crown chakra for intellect. Tapping into them and rebalancing through chakra healing is thought to have powerful beneficial effects.

Mindvalley is one of the world's fastest growing online publishing companies. Through a unique blend of conscious marketing, technology and experimental work culture, the Mindvalley team spreads enlightened ideas across the internet and beyond. Chakra Healing is one of Mindvalley's most successful products.

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Fitness Show - Yoga to get Energized -- Halasana 2

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Mount Kailash Closer To Pilgrims Thanks To Subsidy

Posted: 17 Jun 2012 05:00 PM PDT

The legendary Kailash has been worshipped for millennia by the Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Bons and Jains as the living form of divinity. Located in the trans-Himalayan range in the western corner of Tibet, this breathtaking snow-capped monolith rises to a majestic 22,000 feet above sea-level. The sacred lake of Manasarovar at the foot of Kailash is among the highest freshwater lakes on our planet, located at 15,060 feet and spanning 320 km2 in surface area. Kailash is also the source of four of Asia's longest rivers. Well-hidden from the eyes of the causal tourist, Kailash still remains a virgin land of rugged natural beauty.

Devout Hindus regard Kailash as the dwelling of the supreme Lord SHIVA and His consort Devi. Tibetan Buddhists believe this mountain to be the abode of Buddha Chakrasamvara, while followers of the Jain religion worship Kailash as the place where Rishabhadeva, their primary spiritual guide, attained liberation. In the Vedic scriptures, Kailash is described as the earthly manifestation of Meru, the legendary mountain which is the source and axis of the universe. In fact, Hindus consider Kailash so sacred that going around the mountain just once is enough to destroy all karmas and grant the pilgrim the ultimate liberation. Over the centuries, innumerable spiritual masters have traveled to this remote spot in the mountains for the vision of Kailash, including the Buddha and Adi Sankara, the 12th century pioneer of India's Vedic renaissance.

Says His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda, who heads Madurai Aadheenam, a 1500-year-old spiritual establishment believed to be the world's most ancient living Hindu organization, 'You can never capture Kailash in words! Kailash is not merely a place, it is a glorious wordless statement by Shiva Himself! Just as the mitochondria are the energy powerhouses of each human cell, Mount Kailash is the mystical energy powerhouse for the entire Cosmos. Kailash is one of the most powerful energy fields on planet Earth. Over the centuries, thousands of saints have meditated and entered into enlightenment at Kailash, so the very air you breathe carries this intense energy.'

Nithyananda, who personally leads groups of over a hundred pilgrims to Kailash-Manasarovar every year, insists that no matter how much has been said and written about Kailash, nothing can come close to the wonder of being personally awakened to the sacred secrets of this hallowed ground. 'Kailash is your shortcut to spiritual experience. You don't have to be a Hindu or Buddhist to experience this. Kailash is a spiritual superconductor, and anyone who enters its field will be taking a giant leap towards their own enlightenment, whether they realize it or not.'

Revered as a living avatar (divine incarnation) by his 15 million followers worldwide, Nithyananda is an accomplished yogi and an adept in India's mystical yogic sciences like levitation and teleportation. He says, 'Anything can happen to you in Kailash! Intense kundalini energy awakenings, magical materialization and spontaneous healing of diseases - our group has experienced all forms of energy play here. The important thing is to ensure that you are physically and mentally fit to hold all these energy experiences.' During the trip, Nithyananda initiates the pilgrims into a gradual kundalini awakening process, to help them receive and hold the higher energies safely.

Nithyananda's organization goes a long way to ensure a safe trip for their group every year. At least 4 doctors are part of each group, and oxygen cylinders are provided free to those who experience breathing problems at high altitudes. Last year, the entire proceeds of the trip were donated to a non-profit organization working to improve the general safety conditions in Kailash.

For more details, visit Read More @ Source

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