What you should know about your career choice?
What you should know about your career choice? |
- What you should know about your career choice?
- Massage Therapy Offers a Holistic Alternative to Pharmaceuticals
- Aromatherapy during Labor for Natural Pain Relief
- Ringing Ears Remedy - Cure Ringing in the Ears Holistically Without Costly Surgery or Drugs
- Meditation Techniques for Beginners: 8 Ancient Guided Techniques to Know!
- A Holistic Analysis: Can Positive Thinking Get My Boyfriend Back?
- Beauty Tips - Aromatherapy Treatment
- Using Psychic Abilities and Spirit Guides to Heal
- See This Acid Reflux Remedies - Gastroesophageal Reflux
- Ways To Get Pregnant - Using a Holistic Approach
- How to Get a clear skin - the holistic approach of how to Get clear Skin
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- Recognizing Happiness: Analyzing the Path
- What Types Of Aromatherapy Perfume Are There And What Scents Are Most Popular?
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- A Holistic Approach to Heartburn Home Remedies
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What you should know about your career choice? Posted: 01 Jun 2012 11:00 PM PDT Article by Juniper Serra Many people just choose a job out of necessity to earn money and do not care whether they love or dislike the job. In fact this is a big mistake that you will be making and sooner or later you will feel discouraged. It is important that you think well before choosing a job as this can influence your life more than you could think. The aim of this article is to provide you more information on this topic to help you choose the best possible job for you. The very first sector that you might consider is alternative medicines. Today there are many people who are considering this kind of treatment and it must be rather interesting for you to consider taking a job in this sector. Actually it is reiki that is attracting a lot more people and it may be essential that you simply consider this sector. This post (available in French) on Reiki ( formation reiki ) has really caught my attention and needs to be quite interesting for you to have a look. Secondly you might consider the job of a project manager. This is among the best management jobs that you might find at the moment. To put it simple the job of a project manager is to make sure that the project is implemented in the best way as it can be. The internet is packed with resources on program management definition and needs to be rather interesting for you to take a look. The truly great news with this job is that there's actually a fantastic demand for this sort of job and it should be easy for you to locate a job within the field. For people who like to investigate and analyze then you definitely might consider a job like criminal profiling . Due to Television shows such as Criminal Minds you'll find more and more people who are interested in this type of jobs. In this type of job you'll be in essence tracking down criminals through the employment of numerous psychological tools. However this is not a job you will obtain easily as you'll need a lot of experience. A degree in psychology might prove truly valuable though. H! aving a high salary does not always mean that you will be happy in a job. It is important that you choose something that will actually bring a sense of fulfillment in your life if you really want to be happy in your job. Unfortunately this is not always the case as people may end up choosing a job out of necessity. This is why it is not rare to find people feeling unhappy and suffering from all kind of stress. About the AuthorWritten by Georges Castriota Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.FREE Healing Video! with Love...Jyoti MiraclesManifestNow.comThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Massage Therapy Offers a Holistic Alternative to Pharmaceuticals Posted: 01 Jun 2012 10:00 PM PDT Article by Pat Boardman Symptoms of disease or pain are indicators that treatment should be sought, and in conventional medicine a visit to the doctor will usually end up with a scribble on a prescription pad. However, many conditions will persist if the root cause isn't treated in a way that will correct imbalances in all of the body's systems. The effectiveness of massage therapy to restore health through these systems will be examined in this article. It is misleading to brand the practice of the many techniques of massage as "alternative" when it has been carried on for centuries all over the world. It is really as mainstream as you can get; there are any number of benefits provided to the billions of cells the make us function. It is holistic; meaning something good happening to one body system influences others positively as they communicate with each other. To heal the whole body it is necessary to achieve a healthy balance overall. A person becomes stronger when there are no blockages to hamper the flow of life energy known by the Chinese term "chi". The life force name corresponds to the legendary and mystical chi of the martial arts such as Tai Chi Chuan and the other Kung Fu arts of China, Korean Hapkido, and Japanese Aikido, where chi is magnified. Chi energy flows along 12 body meridian channels: small intestine, large intestine, stomach, liver, spleen, kidney, heart, governing vessel, lungs, triple heater, bladder, and gall bladder. Clearing obstacles throughout the body by way of massage therapy removes toxic situations brought about by factors like stress, dead cells, crooked posture, etc., and tunes it up for smooth driving so to speak. In turn the mind is affected for the better and allows the panicked central nervous system to stand down and relax. In a word, stress is a killer. It weakens the performance of the organs protected and connected by the first of our systems: the skeletal system. There are 206 bones in the skeletal system holding us together so that we can carry aro! und all of our body tissue, organs, veins, and whatnot. Then it's all tucked together so the stuff won't fall out by the integumentary system, which is a fancy word for skin. The bones, which are usually in need of structural re-alignment massage are held together by tendons and ligaments - this is the articular system. The muscular system allows us the physical ability to perform work. Massage starts at the muscles but also goes inward to stimulate and straighten the cells with deep tissue massage. The fuel we run on is processed by the digestive or alimentary system (organs associated with ingestion, digestion, absorption of food and elimination of its associated waste). It also produces the gases so familiar to masssage therapists in the course of a day. The other gaseous elements like oxygen, carbon dioxide, and whatever happens to be in the air is the responsibility of the respiratory system's lungs and air passages of the bronchial tubes and nasal cavity. Giving the commands via electro-chemical energy, is the nervous system: it is comprised of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), and peripheral nervous system (cranial and spinal nerves). The nervous system is the ultimate beneficiary of the work done by the RMT once the spine relaxes and blood flow becomes more streamlined. Blood starts moving easier during and after a massage through the circulatory system, which consists of the cardiovascular (heart and blood vessels) and the lymphatic systems (lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes). This in turn stimulates the glands and hormone-secreting cells of the endocrine system, as well the urinary system so you may want to visit the restroom on the way out. If your reproductive system becomes stimulated during the massage you're pretty much on your own. About the AuthorSEO Consultant Pat Boardman presents these facts and opinions in regards to the Myocare Massage Therapists Toronto clinic doing sports massage in the Annex district of Toronto. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Aromatherapy during Labor for Natural Pain Relief Posted: 01 Jun 2012 09:00 PM PDT Article by Nick Mutt Aromatherapy is one of the most popular natural therapies not only for relaxing mind and body but also for treating many health issues. It is very helpful in relieving pain. Aromatherapy massage during labor helps you to relax and cope with the contractions and it can also reduce the tension and fear you will naturally feel because of its calming effect on your nervous system. You may find that early on in labor you like the feeling of quite firm pressure but as your contractions become more intense gentle strokes may be all you can bear. Aromatherapy massage for natural pain relief - If you have already experienced aromatherapy massage earlier in your pregnancy your partner will have an idea of the kind of touch that is most helpful to you. Tummy massage This is helpful in the earlier stages of labor and the movements are soothing when the contractions feel like period pains. Use three drops of camomile or lavender oil in 4 fl oz (100 ml) of light carrier oil. * Using relaxed hands make figure of eight movement across the tummy and under the bump. This movement should be fairly light, especially if the tummy is tender.* Gently stroke around the bump using your fingertips in a circular movement. Repeat these movements as necessary. Back soother Again use three drops of camomile or lavender oil in 4 fl oz (100 ml) of carrier oil. * With the heel of your hand apply pressure to the small of the back. Gently move your hand in an anticlockwise circular movement while keeping firm contact with the skin.* Place one hand on top of the other in the small of the back and allow heat to build up under your hands. These movements are helpful for concentrations felt in the lower back. If you are feeling too sensitive to be massaged or even touched on your body, try the following aromatherapy relaxers. Face soother Add a few drops of lavender or rose oil to some chilled rosewater. Dip a small face sponge in! to this mixture then smooth it over your forehead down your face and neck, gently and rhythmically. Alternatively your partner can do this for you. The flowery aroma is very comforting and helps to take your mind away from the labor pains. Hand soother When the contractions become difficult this simple touch is very reassuring and helps to create a feeling of safety. Ask your partner to rub a little lavender oil (in carrier oil) into the solar plexus area on your hand. Now he or she can gently stroke and soothe your hand, keeping a reassuring contact with you. Concentrate on relaxing into the touch. Scented water soother Kneeling in a deep, warm bath can be soothing in the earlier stages of labor and the addition of relaxing aromatherapy oils intensifies this experience. Choose from chamomile, lavender, ylang-ylang or geranium. Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program. Read useful articles on Hair loss remedy to control your hair fall. Know how Herbal remedies are helpful in promoting good health. Also read about Natural weight loss to shed your extra body fat. About the AuthorNick Mutt Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.EarthScent Handmade Soaps - The Beginning - Sunderland.mpgThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Ringing Ears Remedy - Cure Ringing in the Ears Holistically Without Costly Surgery or Drugs Posted: 01 Jun 2012 08:00 PM PDT |
Meditation Techniques for Beginners: 8 Ancient Guided Techniques to Know! Posted: 01 Jun 2012 07:00 PM PDT Article by Wayne Fonseca Meditation Techniques for Beginners These 8 ancient techniques have been around for over thousands of years and have stood the test of time. Understanding each meditation technique will give you an overview of the intent and purpose for the tool to help any beginners get past the initial hurdles to bring about inner peace within, while at the same time release stress to promote healing for the mind and body. The ancient yogic masters knew many thousands of years before that our bodies are not just material in nature. They are also quite definitely energetic in nature. Science has amassed considerable knowledge concerning this electromagnetic, bioenergetics functioning of the human body. But scientists are first to admit that they don't really comprehend the underlying forces that generate life. Scientific instruments can look only so far into the matter-energy continuum before reaching their perceptual limits. The great thing about meditation is that there's no one-size-fits-all solution. Some people meditate by sitting quietly in the comfort of their home, while others might say that their yoga practice serves as their meditation. Regardless which method is used, the goal is always the same, find out what resonates with you and supports you in your growth. 1) Guided meditation Guided meditation is a blend of hypnosis and visualization. It is not classic meditation because it relies on outside stimuli, but it is just a step away from it. The style it uses varies as it takes the individual on a journey of the senses and mind to promote relaxation. 2) Chakra meditation Chakras are a Sanskrit word that means vortexes of energy. These are basically energy areas in our body. There are seven main vortexes and they control different aspects of our human and spiritual lives. Some traditions recognize that, from the medical term of the physical body, this seven energy centers are considered to be the endocrine system. 3) Kundalin! i medita tion Kundalini, which in Sanskrit is traced to the word kundala (which means "coiled"), over generations came to refer to the latent power of spiritual realization buried deep down in the human body, perpetually under pressure to rise up and manifest its ultimate truths, power, and bliss. There is a relationship between Kundalini and the seven chakra energy. 4) Mantra meditation Mantra repetition simply means repeating a sentence or group of words that have a phonetic significance. Mantra is intrinsically related to sound. Mantra is sound, and sound is reverberating in everything in this universe. Modern scientists are beginning to recognize as our ancient sages did, that there exists a vibration which reverberates ceaselessly throughout the cosmos. Examples are the sound 'Om' or 'Aum' or even 'I am that I am'. 5) Reiki meditation Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a natural healing technique that feels like a flow of a high frequency of energy into and through a practitioner, and out the hands into another person. Virtually anyone can learn Reiki with no prior experience or ability necessary. The attunement process opens the heart, crown and palm chakras and creates a special link between the student and the Reiki source. 6) Mindfulness meditation Mindfulness is an ability to pay attention in a particular way, on purpose and intent, centered in the present moment and letting go of judgments. Some exercises that encompass the practice are standing meditation, walking meditation or eating meditation. The notion stems from this idea "Wherever You Go, Whatever You Do, and There You Are"! 7) Pyramid meditation Pyramid meditation may have been derived from the ancient Egyptians, they used pyramids as graves and temples but they also used them as ways to ground and convert cosmic energies. In today's modern world, there are meditation pyramid structures that can be purchased or one can be built at home by just using pieces of wood! and med itating inside. 8) Qigong meditation Kenneth Cohen translates Qigong as "working with life energy, learning how to control the flow and distribution of qi to improve the health and harmony of mind and body." Such practices have been prevalent in China for 2000-3000 years. The central idea in qigong practice is the control and manipulation of qi, a form of energy. About the AuthorWayne Fonseca has had the opportunity to learn different techniques from different masters over the course of his journey. If you are interested to learn more about Meditation and how it is used to integrate into daily life, check out the articles on different types of meditation or simply visit the main site at http://www.enlightenmentmeditation.com Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Energia UniversalThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
A Holistic Analysis: Can Positive Thinking Get My Boyfriend Back? Posted: 01 Jun 2012 06:00 PM PDT Article by Matt Michaels Can positive thinking get my boyfriend back? A lot has been said about how our thinking process can influence our actions and situations that we are into. It follows the "I think therefore, I am" model. This idea is not wrong. It can be done. The question is, how? How can you psych yourself to think positively? How can you make your positive thinking work for you? People would always tell you to think positively and things will turn out just fine. It is easy to say. Nevertheless, negativity seems to overpower this idea. Why? Because the situation would not change the moment we snap our finger at the same time that we condition ourselves to think positively. For example, you see your boyfriend flirting with some chick from across the room, you know you have to be positive about it and tell him he has good taste for girls. This will give your boyfriend the wrong signal. He will think that it is okay with you seeing him flirting with girls other than you. You will condition him to that idea. Talk about positive thinking becoming detrimental to your relationship. So you see, you cannot control the situation. It takes more than positive thinking to prevent you from experiencing situations that would affect your relationship. Positivity is not about thinking the thinking process alone. Don't get that wrong idea. How can positive thinking get my boyfriend back will no longer be the question you are asking yourself if you follow the principle of totality, which believes that you and your actions are one. It follows a holistic approach that if you achieve that ultimate goal you become a positive person.POSITIVE THINKING + POSTIVE ACTION = POSITIVE PERSON = POSITIVE OUTCOME/OUTLOOKIn any mathematical equation, when you put two positives together, you get something positive. Positivity is like making all the cells in your body charged up! This is difficult to do because your mind needs to be conditioned or set in a positive mode. If any negativity is present that achieving this is very unlikely.Say you ar! e having problems with your boyfriend, choose a positive motivating factor. Why do you want to think positively? So he would say and not look at other girls? Or because you just can't live without him? That is not positive thinking. Turn it to something like, I want my boyfriend because we are good together and we bring out the best in each other. That would be a good start. If you are able to turn this positive thinking into action, then your boyfriend would not need to justify why he is with you because he knows that you are just perfect for him.Positivity is not just when your relationship is on the rocks. Embrace it and live it. It will be good for you.Can positive thinking get my boyfriend back? No. Can positive living get my boyfriend back? No. Why? Your boyfriend will never even try leaving you. About the AuthorIf you want tips on how can positive thinking get my boyfriend back , visit http://www.relationshipmaestro.com/get-your-ex-back-free-course.html for your FREE report! Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Beauty Tips - Aromatherapy Treatment Posted: 01 Jun 2012 05:00 PM PDT Article by Debrah Dragon Aromatherapy is considered to be a part of a branch of medicine known as alternative medicine. It is thought that the practice of aromatherapy helps to prevent or treat diseases through the use of essential oils. Essential oils are concentrated liquids which have a very distinctive scent. They are generally named after the plant from which they have been extracted, such as peppermint oil. The oils are used in conjunction with other types of treatments. For instance, during a massage the salon or masseuse may use some aspect of aromatherapy to assist the client in reaching a higher level of relaxation. It is suggested that through the use of the essential oils, a person's mood will be affected. Aroma therapy has also known and claimed to cure many types of illnesses. There are several ways to experience an aromatherapy treatment. * Aerial Diffusion - This is the process by which the aromatherapy fragrances are released into the environment. Also referred to as aerial disinfection. * Direct Inhalation - This is the process used to disinfect the respiratory system, treat nasal and chest congestion, and heal respiratory infections. * Topical Treatments - Applied directly to the skin as a therapeutic skin care treatment, for massages, compresses, or bathes. * Internal Treatments - Methods for oral, rectal, or vaginal treatment which treats congestion, infections, or parasites. * Perfumery Treatments - Used for anointments and overall body scenting. More popular scents which are used in aromatherapy include: Eucalyptus oil is used as a direct inhalant to treat upper respiratory problems caused by colds and flu. Tea tree oil is used as a topical treatment and works as a natural disinfectant or antiseptic. Bergamot oil is a very popular scent for perfumery but can also be used topically when distilled, and internally as it is a flavoring agent used in Earl Grey teas. Yarrow oils are used to help fight inflammation in the joints. Basil oil is used as a perfumery to! improve concentration, relieve headaches, and aid in lifting depression. Citronella oil is used in perfumery, and is also very useful as insect repellant. Sandalwood, jasmine and rose oils are popularly used as aphrodisiacs. Lavender oils are commonly used as for relaxation and often found in body lotions and bath products. Essential oils are very concentration and therefore should not be applied directly to the skin unless the oils have gone through a distillation process. The concentrated oils could cause severe allergic reactions or skin irritations. Often the essential oils are combined with oils such olive and almond oils. The cost of the essential oils depends on the plants from which they are extracted. Some oils which are more desirable or those which come from plants not as abundant as others can be more expensive. When you walking for an aroma therapy session let the professional know if you have a special type of skin condition. If you aren't aware of any issues don't worry the professionals will have it covered. Although there has been no reported cases of allergies or complications caused by aroma therapy, there still remains the fact that aroma therapy hasn't been extensively tested. Having said that aroma therapy is safe and can yield amazing results. It can also help you if you are feeling tired or down. An aroma therapy session may be just what you need if you have a flue or sinus problem. So the next time you are feeling low an aroma therapy is all what you need. About the AuthorDebrah Dragon Debrah Dragon is a writer for Beauty Items, a website about everything beauty-related - hair salons, beauty tips, etc. Debrah is also a featured author at www.ArticleKing.com Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Using Psychic Abilities and Spirit Guides to Heal Posted: 01 Jun 2012 04:00 PM PDT Article by Christy DeArment Martin I've been using my psychic abilities to heal for so long that it's almost second nature to me. As a child I learned how my mental state affected my health. I discovered I could make myself sick to my advantage to stay home from school or make myself better to do fun activities. As an adult I've really honed my skills, I help others return to their state of well-being using energy healing techniques such as Reiki, reflexology, chakras, and working with spirit guides and angels. I've experienced first- hand how working with unseen energy around us can have a dramatic effect on the health of me and others. Even before I learned Reiki, I actively used my psychic abilities to send healing energy to loved ones who were ill. I must say it's a lot easier to accomplish the healings with Reiki, but don't let not being attuned to Reiki stop You from using your connection with the life force around you to affect healing. A very general way of looking at healing psychically is holding the person in your mind's eye and seeing them whole. You can look at their energy in chakras, aura and their organs. If You notice anything blocking free flowing energy, You can see the blocks being removed and filled with light. This is a very basic overview of a topic that could be covered in depth in a series of psychic energy healing classes. It is important to have basic understanding of grounding and running your own energy to perform psychic healing. You don't have to work alone either. You can work with your spirit guides and angels while psychicallyhealing. Once you've made connection with the angel or spirit guided You most resonate with, You have instant access to assistance and healing advice. Working with angels is simple, you only need to ask. I work with Archangel Raphael all the time. His primary function is working with healers. Raphael means 'God' 'heals'. In fact Raphael has been one of my biggest teachers on the subject of healing with energy. You only need to invite hi! m in and request his assistance in healing. You can also connect with healing masters and spiritual surgeons in meditation or in the Psychic Potentials classes. Spiritual surgeons work in the etheric blueprint of the body. Most spiritual surgeons were incarnated as humans and choose to remain in service to humanity working as spiritual healers partnering with willing incarnated healers. Healing Masters partner with You to heal in the energy field such as chakras and aura. Your healing master will help You hold your healing space and can be sent to others to assist in healing. Allow and ask your spirit guides to teach and guide You in healing psychically. They will work with You to become a more effective healer. Working with angels and guides expands your knowledge and healing ability since they have a broader perspective not being in the physical realm. For me it's comforting knowing I have spiritual help when I'm assisting someone return to their state of well-being, health and wholeness. Here's to free flowing and radiant energy! Christy About the AuthorEnergy of transformation in the air, so it is time to wake up and live what your heart is called to live and express.Psychic Potentials is for You if you're interested in developing your psychic abilities and You desire to lead a fully illuminated life from a loving and connected place. http://www.psychicpotentials.com The readings we do are supportive in direction and loaded with practical application. The full and new moon readings can be also read on the site days before to give You insight into the overall energy of the following weeks and months.For more information about Reiki, see http://www.thereikimuse.com Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Deep Meditation - Fly To The Sweet Home And Meet The Supreme Father - Brahma Kumaris ExperienceThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
See This Acid Reflux Remedies - Gastroesophageal Reflux Posted: 01 Jun 2012 03:00 PM PDT Article by janeenher All natural remedies are really just an expression for a much larger list of natural holistic healing cures. When people refer to all natural remedies they really are talking about Acupressure Reflexology Home Remedies Homeopathic Medicine Aromatherapy Essential Oils Magnet Therapy Healing Crystals Acupuncture Healing Herbs and Iridology. Any one or all of these types of organic healing can be considered 'all natural remedies.alternative cures usually contain natural ingredients. You must avoid excess of processed foods as this is possibly the main cause of hard stool and digestive problems. You should eat foods such as fruits green vegetables and whole grains as they make your stool softer and get your digestive system better. Heartburn refers at an excessive presence of acid in the stomach. Know some useful natural treatment to treat heartburn. Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) or commonly known as acid and reflux is a common condition that causes acid from your stomach to flow back to the esophagus. acid and reflux can be anywhere from irritating to debilitating causing you heartburns difficulty in swallowing slight chest pains or even difficulty sleeping. In extreme cases it interferes with your normal conduct of life. Jeff Martin - certified nutritionist and former heartburn sufferer teaches you his acid reflux freedom step by step success system jam-packed with a valuable information on how to naturally and permanently eliminate your heartburn from the ROOT and achieve LASTING freedom from digestive disorders. Click Here End Heartburn >> Heartburn begins as a burning pain behind the breastbone and it then usually radiates upward to the neck. There is often a sensation of food coming back into the mouth and is accompanied by a sour or bitter taste in the mouth. In acid and reflux the acids from the stomach flow back to the esophagus which results to discomforts and pain in the chest which is termed as heartburn. In anatomy the esophagus is def! ined as the tube between the stomach and the pharynx that is located at the back of the throat. Learning how to deal with acid and reflux can be a task all in itself. However modifying your diet can be the best way to reduce your bouts with acid and reflux. Finding help is not as difficult as it once was. The holiday season is fast approaching and soon we will all be indulging in rich food celebratory drinks late nights and general festivities. Or at the very least stressing out as we try and pull it all together with family members flying in groceries to be purchased and parties to be planned. What about natural heartburn remedies? Well one of them cider vinegar is noted in a Sumerian drug catalog dating back 3500 years. From before the Greeks even curious people have been noting the cause and effect of medical findings and recording them for the benefit of mankind. These are low cost remedies made from natural ingredients. About the AuthorSTOP GETTING RIPPED OFF! LEARN THE SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT ACID REFLUX HEARTBURN DRUGS AND ANTACIDS... To get the FACTS on exactly how to eliminate your acid reflux from the root 100% naturally and Permanently and achieve LASTING freedom from digestive disorders without spending your hard-earned money on drugs and over the counters... Click Here End Heartburn >> Heartburn is caused when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) which is located between the esophagus and stomach is weakened or opens inappropriately. This allows acid and other stomach contents back into the esophagus causing irritation. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Crystal Clear Howard Hewett.wmvThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
SOUND THERAPY BECOME A PRACTITIONER Posted: 01 Jun 2012 02:00 PM PDT Article by Nicole Roberts Sound therapy with tuning forks is a simple but powerful healing modality. Sound has a long history of use in the healing arts going back thousands of years. Modern science is now catching up to show the scientific basis for why sound works on the physical body. A variety of tuning fork systems are available based on different sound frequencies that have specific targets. Some sound therapy tuning forks have weights on the end so they can be applied to the physical body and the vibration felt by the client. These tuning forks work on the principles used by acupuncture which applies needles to various energy points on the body. These tuning forks work on the same principle, except that the weight of the tuning fork is applied to a specific site rather than inserting a needle. Other tuning forks are meant to be heard and work on the energy field. Becoming a sound therapy practitioner with SomaEnergetics tuning forks can be a rewarding and profitable experience. Here are some of the benefits: UNIQUE - There may be dozens of massage therapists or reiki practitioners in your neighborhood but relatively few people working with sound healing therapy. You have the opportunity to offer something new and exciting to your clients without comparison to other modalities. PROFITABLE - If you are new to the healing arts, you have the opportunity to create your own price schedule without direct comparison to other practitioners. If you work with an existing modality you can add elements of sound healing to your existing sessions and charge higher fees. Your current clients might be interested in returning more frequently for a sound healing therapy session and you will be able to attract new clients. Those who choose to become teachers will be able to purchase equipment at a discount and earn income by teaching other practitioners. FLEXIBLE - It is very easy to incorporate the various techniques into your existing practice and combine them in different ways to continually offer your clients so! mething new. Do the Energy Vitality Technique as part of your massage practice. If you are a reiki practitioner, you can get the chakras balanced and energy flowing in the body and then bring in the healing reiki energy with your hands. Massage Therapists have commented that they don't have to work as hard to achieve the same results. We have combined the tuning forks with reiki, aromatherapy and the Bach Flower Remedies. Or use the 1 or 10 minute techniques before using another modality. PORTABLE - The tuning are light weight and easy to carry. They don't require electricity or special equipment. Some techniques can be done with the client sitting in a chair. PROFESSIONAL - You can become a practitioner by either attending a workshop or completing the home study course. For those who want to become certified, there are options to obtaining a certification of study from a recognized licensing board. AFFORDABLE - Depending on the options selected, you can start practicing with an investment in a 12 hour training class or home study course and purchase of the sound therapy tuning forks and receive a discount if you purchase both at the same time. Depending on your fee structure, you'll recover your investment after only 8 to 10 client sessions. It is easy to start with one set of tuning forks and add different forks and techniques so you always have something new to offer your clients. About the AuthorWelcome to TuneUpYourHealth, inside you will discover an amazing selection of low priced and excellent quality sound therapy. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Ways To Get Pregnant - Using a Holistic Approach Posted: 01 Jun 2012 01:00 PM PDT |
How to Get a clear skin - the holistic approach of how to Get clear Skin Posted: 01 Jun 2012 12:00 PM PDT Article by Dan Gonzalez
If you're wondering how to get a clear skin, the millions of people worldwide who are wondering the exact same thing to close. The problem is that so-called experts and drug companies keep the old myths to repeat over and over again so you keep buying their products and stop looking for ways that will actually cure your acne problems. Example, the experts continue to say that there is no connection between your diet and acne, but they will say things like: "Well, some foods can cause acne, so avoid them." There is really never a thorough study on the relationship between diet and acne. How to clear the skin to get focused on just that, eating the wrong foods will lead to pimples. Another thing they say is that the only way to get a clear skin is to eliminate the bacteria on your face. The truth is, the P. acne bacteria exists on the face of every person in the world. It is only through a combination of genes, nutrition and health issues that people breakout cause. This is exactly the same happens with the streptococcus bacteria that exists in the throat every person. How to clear skin get has nothing to do with eliminating bacteria on your skin. You have to do with your body, in fact. By looking for treatments for acne, you will never become clear, because you're always looking for a specific cause and is in fact caused by multiple factors. The best way how to clear skin get is to focus on a natural and holistic method of treating your body with respect. If you do, your body has natural healing abilities will be able to deal with your acne problems. The secret of how to get a clear skin is basically a healthy person and a healthy body. About the AuthorWhat are the top 5 ways to get clear skin ask a question at acneblogonline.com Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.The Gerson Institute's BookstoreThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Acne Free Treatment - Cease And Control Your Acne Syndrome Holistically And For Good Posted: 01 Jun 2012 11:00 AM PDT Article by Jeff Mancuso Any one is aware of the value of the facial look. The better it is, the more convenient it gets. Sooner than anything, it's the first thing others look at when they see you. In most cases, our confidence depends on our satisfaction to our appearance. Any time the person looks very good, the actual self-belief really delivers. With regard to teenagers, the rise of acne is really a major matter. For individuals who don't have troubles regarding the facial skin, congratulations! For individuals who are crying and moping over this, there is a bright lighting by the end of the tunnel! Is actually acne breakouts your complaint? Are you spending excessively for chemical cure? Are you wanting to make use of a cure but you are scared perhaps it is unpleasant? Test the holistic way of treating your bad acne. You do not have to go very far... The treatment is actually right in your house. Your physician is exact inside you. The most impressive pure beauty tip of most times is: consume at a minimum 8 glasses of normal water a day .Hydrating your body's cells will help you remove harmful toxins. Healthy and clean acts may also be helpful. Make sure that you do not keep makeup lotions onto the skin as it results in blocking your skin pores, creating extra pimples and blackheads. You should never get to sleep with make-up on. At the same time, always keep your hair faraway from your facial area. Hair includes oil which will generate breakouts for your face. Wash your cushion case and also towels. They are absorbing and they also absorb even acne-contributors as well. Last but not least, never prick your acne. You don't wish your skin to end up being as filthy as your finger nails, right? Take healthy and balanced meals since when you experience acne breakouts might be best to cleanse yourself not only outside but also on the inside. It will indeed help if you reduce your oily and also fat food consumption. Consuming food rich in fiber is often a solution. Additionally, in orde! r to kee p up a good facial skin, eating food which is known to be anti-oxidants would count considerably. In case you maintain an eating plan which has lots of beta-carotene and zinc, it will additionally be of help not only on reducing but as well as in the healing process and anti-scarring associated with acne. About the AuthorThen, go to best acne treatment site to figure out an easy holistic technique to treat acne pimples. Additionally you may easily try the most complete acne free treatment currently free-of-charge. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Posted: 01 Jun 2012 10:00 AM PDT |
New How To Prevent A Peptic Ulcer Posted: 01 Jun 2012 09:00 AM PDT Article by elanorfury All natural remedies are really just an expression for a much larger list of natural holistic healing cures. When people refer to all natural remedies they really are talking about Acupressure Reflexology Home Remedies Homeopathic Medicine Aromatherapy Essential Oils Magnet Therapy Healing Crystals Acupuncture Healing Herbs and Iridology. Any one or all of these types of organic healing can be considered 'all natural remedies.Heartburn is a very real malady that manifests itself with bouts of burning in the chest. This can be very painful and you may have tried various over-the-counter medications to try to eradicate the symptoms. Many people however prefer not to introduce drugs into their bodies if they can avoid it and you may be wondering if there are more natural ways in which to treat heartburn effectively. The proportion of people suffering from the problem of heartburn is increasing day by day. This article informs you about the causes symptoms misconceptions and remedies of heartburn. Many people complain about feeling a burning sensation in their chests. This disorder is at times very painful and intolerable. The intensity of this problem varies from person to person. Thus many people feel only a mild uneasiness whereas others feel extreme pain. There are already plenty of well-known fish oil benefits to provide our body with all health goodness. As if all of them are not enough studies have now indicated that omega 3 may also help promote a healthy digestive system. Let's learn about how omega 3 fish oil helps good digestion. Amazing all-natural heartburn breakthrough permanently eliminates acid reflux without drugs or over the counters. Stop wasting money on pills potions and other worthless quick fix cures… Learn the truth about acid reflux once and for all and finally get the heartburn freedom you deserve: Click Here End Heartburn >> While lifestyle habits can worsen your heartburn symptoms and increase the number of heartburn episodes he! artburn is a medical condition with biological causes. Heartburn relief should be a matter of prevention if possible. Certain foods produce heartburn and certain foods counteract the build up of acid that causes heartburn. Spicy meals can definitely be the trigger of heartburn but other foods that might seem very good for the health can also be the cause of heartburn. Some citrus fruits including oranges. Is dinner getting a little uncomfortable? That painful burn in the back of your throat. It kind of feels like your stomach is on fire. Well you're not alone. Heartburn is one of the most common problems around. It's not something most people want to have to worry about but if you eat the wrong thing there it is. You can't ignore it. Research have shown that Gastroesophageal Reflux (GER) generally called acid and reflux is common among children of varying age groups especially in infants but is often overlooked. About fifty percent of babies within the first six months of their lives will experience acid and reflux in one way or another. This is extremely painful for the newborn but may not necessarily be treated as a threat to health in a long term sense unless there are other symptoms that accompany acid and reflux. There are however various factors that can affect the efficiency of the LES and acid and reflux. So while ulcers and acid and reflux both involve stomach acid their causes -- and thus their treatments -- are very different. One hypothesis about why acid and reflux and vinegar might be related is a controversial one - specifically that acid and reflux can sometimes be caused by too little stomach acid. About the AuthorAmazing all-natural heartburn breakthrough permanently eliminates acid reflux without drugs or over the counters. Stop wasting money on pills potions and other worthless quick fix cures… Learn the truth about acid reflux once and for all and finally get the heartburn freedom you deserve: Click Here End Heartburn >> While lifestyle habits can worsen your heartburn symptoms and increase the number of heartburn episodes heartburn is a medical condition with biological causes. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Spend Management A Holistic Approach To Impact Bottom Line Margins Posted: 01 Jun 2012 08:00 AM PDT Article by Abhinash Panda Companies divide funds into two main sections. One, that drives funds "in", becomes revenue, while the other that drifts them out becomes expenses. In hard times, revenues are hard to come, often leading to lower bottom lines. testing times are just a by-product of today's economic conditions. Resulting from rising globalization and immense competition from peers from the same industry, companies need to apply various techniques that increase revenue and reduce expenses. As a holistic approach to combat these pressures, spend management is emerging as a great means to manage and optimize their expenses.
Whether it is finances diverted to procure direct inputs (like raw materials for production), indirect inputs (money spent for office supplies & utilities), or services (employee wages, print services etc.), companies need to find new ways to cut costs in order to fund business growth and enhance profitability and cash flow.
Senior management of every company is under immense pressure to improve procurement and sourcing effectiveness. It involves various approaches to cut operational and other costs associated with a business that typically arise as material procurement, general and administrative costs.
It is mainly mid-size organizations that are not organized to successfully control expenditure through indirect material and services cost cuttings. In fact, there are only a few mid-size companies which really know how much funds they actually divert to products and services procurement. This lack of information marginally affects company's bottom line, often reducing it to lower levels.
Spend management helps these companies to first analyze their actual fund flow and then suggest means to increase earnings per share to protect operating profits. Strategic sourcing initiatives and supplier management are key elements of spend management.
Strategic sourcing initiatives are aimed at increasing procurement efficiency and ! applying the best practices to procure products and services to drive significant savings. It emphasizes on consolidating the full life-cycle costs of product procurement and industry best practices for better supplier management to achieve better standardization and improvements in costs, quality and delivery schedules. Strategic sourcing initiatives result from teamwork and purchasing skills through sharing information on various products and markets.
However, it is time for next wave solutions for effective spend management that ensures overall success of a company's spend management program by helping sourcing professionals analyze their expenditures deeper and wider, plan strategic sourcing and source easily and completely. About the AuthorZycus a leading solutions providers offer global spend management solutions, contract management, sourcing solution to more than 150 leading Fortune 1000 customers that consider spend management software, processes and technology strategic to their competitive advantage. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Video: I Am Responsible – Dr. Rob Kiltz Posted: 01 Jun 2012 08:00 AM PDT Dr. Rob shares words vibration of life on Skaneateles lake. What Is A Disc Bulge?This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 01 Jun 2012 07:00 AM PDT Article by Mathew L. Ali Getting Treatment From the Rehabs in San DiegoGetting the treatment you need from the rehabs in San Diego is one of the best ways to eliminate your drug addiction. Whether you are hooked on heroin, cocaine, or crystal meth, you can easily find a treatment center that can help you kick the habit and get back to your healthy lifestyle. Your family will likely appreciate the significant change that you will experience when working with the treatment centers that can help you get off of drugs and back to a good lifestyle. When was the last time you really thought about what you were suffering through? Did you realize that you were doing plenty of things that were harmful to your family? If you are not so sure about your ability to leave the drugs behind, then you should consult a treatment center for help. If you aren't aware of your problem, though, you may need a family member to come to your aid. The good news is that your family members are probably seriously interested in seeing you get yourself back to good health as soon as possible. There are a lot of things you can do to help them, but getting treatment is one of the best. Can the Rehabs in San Diego Provide your Treatment?If you don't live in California or anywhere near San Diego, you might be wondering why it is recommended to travel to San Diego for treatment. The thing is, getting away from the crowd that got you addicted in the first place is a great way to get yourself cleaned up and back on track to your good health. Many people fail to realize that this is an important part of the process and simply revert back to their old habits shortly after completing a program. Being separated from the people and situations that lead to your addictive behavior in the first place is a great way to free yourself from the troubles associated with the addiction. You can easily get treatment anywhere in the country, but getting help from San Diego centers is likely going to get you away from other users who have been enabling your destruct! ive beha viors for all of this time. Should You Go to the Rehabs in San Diego for Treatment?Getting the treatment you need is important, no matter where you go. But you should go to San Diego if you are looking for a place that will allow you to actually enjoy the scenery while healing. You can find a number of other places that are just as beautiful, but San Diego provides some of the most qualified staff when it comes to rehab centers. You will easily find that the people in the rehab treatment centers in San Diego are friendly, helpful, and understanding. Getting the treatment you need couldn't be any more pleasant than working with these folks, and you will find it easy to be accommodated. Treatment will help easily defeat your addiction. About the AuthorThis information will help you find the best Rehabilitation San Diego in your area and help you, or your loved one, to get the best Drug Rehabs In San Diego. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Spiral Heart Didgeridoo Key B by Grant LewisThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Recognizing Happiness: Analyzing the Path Posted: 01 Jun 2012 07:00 AM PDT by Madisyn Taylor When we take the time to recognize when we are happy and what that feels like, it becomes easier to recreate. Those of us on the path of personal and spiritual growth have a tendency to analyze our unhappiness in order to find the causes and make improvements. But it is just as important, if not more so, to analyze our happiness. Since we have the ability to rise above and observe our emotions, we can recognize when we are feeling joyful and content. Then we can harness the power of the moment by savoring our feelings and taking time to be grateful for them. Recognition is the first step in creating change, therefore recognizing what it feels like to be happy is the first step toward sustaining happiness in our lives. We can examine how joy feels in our bodies and what thoughts run through our minds in times of bliss. Without diminishing its power, we can retrace our steps to discover what may have put us in this frame of mind, and then we can take note of the choices we've made while there. We might realize that we are generally more giving and forgiving when there's a smile on our face, or that we are more likely to laugh off small annoyances and the actions of others when they don't resonate with our light mood. Once we know what it feels like and can identify some of the triggers and are aware of our actions, we can recreate that happiness when we are feeling low. Knowing that like attracts like, we can pull ourselves out of a blue mood by focusing on joy. We might find that forcing ourselves to be giving and forgiving, even when it doesn't seem to come naturally, helps us to reconnect with the joy that usually precedes it. If we can identify a song, a picture, or a pet as a happiness trigger, we can use them as tools to recapture joy if we are having trouble finding it. By focusing our energy on analyzing happiness and all that it encompasses, we feed, nurture, and attract more of it into our lives, eventually making a habit of happiness. ~Reprinted with permission from DailyOM Read More @ Source |
What Types Of Aromatherapy Perfume Are There And What Scents Are Most Popular? Posted: 01 Jun 2012 06:00 AM PDT Article by Tom Dahne When looking at the various types of aromatherapy perfume, there is a lot you will want to take into consideration. You want to find a perfume that offers much more than just a pleasant aroma. In addition, you want to find something that provides specific effects based on aromatherapy. With the proper research, you will be able to find the perfect perfume essential oil for you. There are a number of effects you can get from a simple aromatherapy fragrance. It can awaken hidden sensuality, inspire confidence, relieve stress or anxiety, and increase overall creativity. This is something you will not get from your basic perfume. There are boutique perfumes that focus on creating safe, gentle and radiant scents. They are free of alcohol, paraffin, chemicals and phthalates. Regular synthetic perfume can cause headaches, nausea, dizziness, and a runny nose. With a boutique perfume, you will not have to worry about any of these side effects. Another kind of organic perfume is botanical perfume oil, which is made up of essential oils, attars, absolutes and CO2s. These are then blended into a base of unrefined golden jojoba oil. What many people do not realize is that you do not want to put pure essential oils directly on your skin. Jojoba oil is perfect for your skin as it benefits your health while giving you an amazing scent. It is stable, has minimal odor and will help soften your skin all at the same time. This is the perfect alternative to a pure essential oil that can actually cause more harm than good. As you shop for aromatherapy perfume, you are going to find a plethora of options to choose from. Just like any other perfume you would find at a department store, there is a wide range of scents, brands and products to choose from. Although it can be a bit overwhelming trying to decipher one from the next, it is always nice to have options. There are several different ingredients and essential oils that may be included in your aromatherapy lotion or perfume. Some! of the ingredients you may find include lime, grapefruit, rosewood, organic lavender, sandalwood and cedarwood to name a few. Aromatherapy perfume can do wonders for you. Unlike your typical perfume, this kind of perfume will provide tremendous health benefits while still giving you a positive scent. With a blend of several different kinds of essential oils, take the time to find the right essential oils perfume for you. About the AuthorRead more about how Aromatherapy can help improve your health and wellness, Just visit our site now. http://aaromatherapy.com Tom Dahne is also the owner of the very popular Link Directory that invites webmasters to submit their sites for review and inclusion for free in Link Directory, visit http://linkdirectory.com/categorytree.php Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Full-Out Life: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, June 1, 2012 Posted: 01 Jun 2012 06:00 AM PDT Hello and good morning, this is Dr. Rob This is the day for you to change what you think Another awesome and amazing day in the universe Crystal Ball/ Magickal ToolThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
On the spot Pain relief For Asthma Symptoms - Naturally Posted: 01 Jun 2012 05:00 AM PDT Article by Charlene R. Crosley Out of every 15 students, one will endure asthma symptoms. It impacts physical activity, activities involvement, school, friends, and every aspect of the life. A amount of individuals prefer speedy, natural relief to deal with their asthma attacks, and avoid the employment of chemicals. Keep in mind, though, that asthma treatment using therapies hinges on the suitable trigger at the bottom of the episode.There are a variety of triggers and processes that can lead to an asthma assault. Among the many triggers are mold, pets, chemicals, smoke a pipe, perfume, cleaning real estate agents, food allergies, emotional stress, environmental allergens, changes in barometric strain, cold temperatures, and also pests like test subjects and cockroaches.The oven of treatments intended for asthma attacks encompasses steroids, drugs along with ongoing medical intervention. One immediate healthy relief for asthma is to avoid the triggers including avoiding pets, chemicals, environmental allergens and emotional stress. Some triggers are unavoidable such as barometric pressure changes and winter or pest droppings in buildings that need your presence.Techniques, including stress reducers, may be used to manage other activates like emotional anxiety. Other people use herbs and organic foods that have potential positive effects to the prevention of the attack.Another asthma treatment to provide immediate natural reduction for asthma is to work toward prevention by improving the vigor and decreasing the constrictions from the bronchioles and alveoli (air conditioning sacs) from the lungs. Aerosolized hydrogen peroxide utilized in a humidifier increases the availability of oxygen that is metabolized by that asthma patient.The right way to shown that employing hydrogen peroxide in the humidifier raises the exact level of oxygen available for use. Hydrogen peroxide will help the vaporization method, but can regrettably bleach the walls and curtains around the vaporizer. With mindful use, and in case your doctor permits th! e idea, hydrogen peroxide can be added to the gear that delivers your bronchodilator.This is one way that helps to eliminate a lot of the attacks and improve the immune system but it doesn't address the underlying source of the asthma causes . You need to investigate various means of managing your emotive stress for rapidly and natural therapy of stress induced asthma attacks. Try using Reiki, which is a technique familiar with reduce stress, assist you to relax, and provide healing not only to your body but for your spirit.The identify Reiki is considered from two Japan characters that explain energy itself: "rei", that means "unseen" or "spiritual", in addition to "ki", meaning "energy" as well as "life force". When your life flow is lowered, your chances to get sick and encountering stress are increased. If the Reiki is high prohibited more capable, joyful and healthy. Reiki provides immediate natural relief for asthma that treats the entire person - entire body, emotions, mind and also spirit.Natural relief to get asthma symptoms such as stress reduction and various preventative practices will go a long way to reducing your attachment to medications. About the AuthorBlog : Asthma SymptomsArticle : Asthma Treatment Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.DNA Activation & Healing - MerKaBa AscensionThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Dr. Rob’s Awesome Quote Selections, June 1, 2012 Posted: 01 Jun 2012 05:00 AM PDT "Wherever you go, go with all your heart." "It is possible at any age to discover a lifelong desire you never knew you had." "You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them." It Started With Pop-Tarts - A Story of Recovery from BulimiaThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
A Holistic Approach to Heartburn Home Remedies Posted: 01 Jun 2012 04:00 AM PDT Article by Gregory Park A vague chest pain or abdominal discomfort endured following consuming food or liquids - do these symptom ring a bell with you? If they do then the likelihood are that you are suffering from a form of heartburn, dyspepsia or acid reflex or maybe even even worse. Heartburn property remedies abound in wellness merchants, pharmacies and even on the net. But how are you aware no matter if any specific of these are going to work and even much more importantly are they really heading to work to completely do away with your heartburn? The odds that they may do possibly is quite slim; this specific is definitely for the reason that when they might relive the signs or symptoms, if you're lucky, the will not likely basically remedy the problem or the trigger of one's heartburn. So you are going to be subjecting your body to a trial by error circumstances, which couldn't only make your heartburn even worse, it could probably do much more harm than excellent. On leading of that you may really need to get ready oneself for the long-haul whilst you experiment with quite a few ineffective over-the-counter- treatments. Not only will you be subjecting oneself plus your body as being a guinea pig, because which is fundamentally what you can expect to be though attempting out the many numerous heartburn home remedies, the price will soon mount up as well as prior to you understand it you may have wasted revenue on treatment options that only you should not operate. So, how do you discover heartburn home treatments that essentially operate? As we have noticed you could go down the prolonged plus laborious over-the-counter treatment options, you could possibly also drop by you physician plus he/she will prescribe one of many a lot of prescription medications to assist alleviate the soreness and the signs and symptoms. But do you really prefer to fill your body with chemicals, that could mask the discomfort along with signs, but will not likely really get to the bottom of why one's body is actually re! acting t his specific way? For the purpose of the majority of us the solution might be a definite 'no'. Meant for people who have endured with heartburn for years, or if this valuable is your very first 'bout' of heartburn you'd like heartburn house solutions which will do the job successfully plus get on the root bring about of the challenge rather than simply just masking the cause. Taking a holistic method to remedies and also pure medicines is the path to recovery permanently. By listening for your human body plus operating out what it really is looking to tell you'll be able to be tough in today's past paced world. Having said that, you owe it to all by yourself and even one's body to end for the purpose of some time as well as reflect about the likely long-term damage chances are you'll engaging in when you ignore the situation and also consider positive techniques to seek out heartburn home solutions which are really useful. About the AuthorMore on?Heartburn Home Remedies and?Acid Reflux Treatment. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Gracious Others – Dr. Rob Kiltz Posted: 01 Jun 2012 04:00 AM PDT Gracious others On another awesome and amazing day in the universe Bruce Lipton on Rewriting the ProgramThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
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