The History of Aromatherapy
The History of Aromatherapy |
- The History of Aromatherapy
- New Article Stop Heartburn Naturally With Foods
- The Power of Spiritual Healing and Meditation.
- Instant Relief for Asthma Symptoms - Naturally
- Mirror, Mirror On The Wall: Aromatherapy For Us All
- Alternative Cancer Treatment Update
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- Ayurveda: A Holistic Approach To Wellness
- A Holistic Acne Treatment Approach For Back Acne
- Aromatherapy Bath Products To Ease A Troubled Mind
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Posted: 03 Jun 2012 11:00 PM PDT Article by Louise Smith Aromatherapy is a Greek word, aroma means fragrance and therapy means treatment and the term "aromatherapie" was created by French chemist Rene Maurice Gattefosse in about 1928. The history of aromatherapy dates back to about 4500 BC and there is evidence in the Bible of the use of Essential Oils for therapeutic and religious purposes (Frankincense, Ravensara and Spikenard). There are historical evidences to prove that essential oils were used by Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and Persians. In ancient Egypt the essential oils were used for mummification and for embalming the dead bodies and the plant oils were also used for mental relaxation and therapeutic use. Hippocrates, referred to as the father of medicine, used and experimented with herb oils to relieve pain and some ailments. He promoted the beneficial effects of herb oils by advocating oil baths, oil massages and cosmetics prepared from essential oils. There is a consensus that the use of herbal oils first originated in Egypt where they used the herb oil for mummification and embalming the dead. Thereafter, it was borrowed by Greeks and from which the Romans learnt it to treat wounded gladiators. The Romans were good chemists and they knew the art of extracting oils from plants and flowers. They made new composition of oils by importing raw material from east India and Arabia. The most important discovery made in Persian civilization was steam distillation of plants which produced true essential oils. Earlier methods used only produced herbal water. Ibn Sina was the man who invented a pipe in which the plants were steam distilled to create a medicine. He was also the first one to distill alcohol and perfume. There is evidence in an old Chinese medical book about the use herbs for the treatment of various ailments. The uses of herbal medicines by the Chinese were of the same period as the Egyptians. In the nineteenth century many industries were set up which produced essential oils and they were mark! eted as perfumes and cosmetics. The history of aromatherapy can be noted in India in the form of treatment called ayurveda, which is about three thousand years old. Even today this form of medicine is very popular. Kerela, a state of India is very famous for producing medicinal plants and essential oils. The medicinal qualities of these herbs are well known and attract people from all over the world for treatments of various diseases. Aromatherapy is a natural alternative therapy using essential oils, also known as Aromatherapy Oils. As you can see this practice has been used for thousands of years and is still extremely popular in today's society. About the AuthorKeen interest in Aromatherapy and Essential oils Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Introduction to AHAThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
New Article Stop Heartburn Naturally With Foods Posted: 03 Jun 2012 10:00 PM PDT Article by myhilgefort All natural remedies are really just an expression for a much larger list of natural holistic healing cures. When people refer to all natural remedies they really are talking about Acupressure Reflexology Home Remedies Homeopathic Medicine Aromatherapy Essential Oils Magnet Therapy Healing Crystals Acupuncture Healing Herbs and Iridology. Any one or all of these types of organic healing can be considered 'all natural remedies.A couple of thousand years ago makers of Kimchi (a Korean pickled cabbage side dish) long before the appearance of SARS and the Swine Flu would never have imagined their diet staple might prevent and possibly cure these viral infections. In April '09 The World Health Organization (WHO) raised the influenza pandemic status to phase four warning. Constipation remedies can provide comfort when what goes in won't come out. Being constipated is a painful condition and can be caused by a variety of different things including poor diet lack of exercise or even a serious illness. If you are experiencing burning pain or any discomfort in the upper abdomen pain that may disturb you at your sleep at night feeling of fullness that you are unable to drink much fluid needed by your body mild nausea and hunger one to three hours right after having your meal then you may want to consult your doctor as these are signs and symptoms of having a Peptic Ulcer. Peptic ulcer is a sore in the lining of our stomach or sometimes in the duodenum which is the first part of our small intestine. The burning sensation may... Heartburn No More! Cure acid reflux end your digestive problems and regain your natural inner balance ... Guaranteed! -- Discover how Jeff Martin has taught thousands of people to achieve heartburn freedom faster than they ever thought possible... Even if you've never succeeded at curing your acid reflux before... Right here you've found the acid reflux freedom success system you've been looking for! Click Here End Heartburn >> Heartburn is ! caused w hen the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) which is located between the esophagus and stomach is weakened or opens inappropriately. This allows acid and other stomach contents back into the esophagus causing irritation. Home remedies are as varied as they are common. Many home remedies are available for your use and trial and producing an exhaustive list could take you weeks to absorb. The three remedies presented in this article will introduce you to some common treatments for ever more common ailments. No matter who you are it is my earnest plea that the information you are about to read doesn't fall onto deaf ears especially if you have GERD or acid and reflux. This will probably come as a shock to you given that most people are unaware that they are doing this in their diet and assuming that it's ok since basically most of these combinations aren't a part of the unhealthy bunch (processed or junk foods). There are a number of different acid and reflux home remedies you can apply to your lifestyle to get rid of any uneasy symptoms you may be experiencing. The four remedies listed in this article are fairly common and simple to apply. What are some of the herbal remedies for arthritis and how do you consume them? Get an insight here! About the AuthorSTOP GETTING RIPPED OFF! LEARN THE SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT ACID REFLUX HEARTBURN DRUGS AND ANTACIDS... To get the FACTS on exactly how to eliminate your acid reflux from the root 100% naturally and Permanently and achieve LASTING freedom from digestive disorders without spending your hard-earned money on drugs and over the counters... Click Here End Heartburn >> Heartburn begins as a burning pain behind the breastbone and it then usually radiates upward to the neck. There is often a sensation of food coming back into the mouth and is accompanied by a sour or bitter taste in the mouth. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Baleroc Guide from love2playwowThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
The Power of Spiritual Healing and Meditation. Posted: 03 Jun 2012 09:00 PM PDT Article by Sean Galligan Setting the Tone of Joy - Part 1 (with subtitles in Spanish)This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Instant Relief for Asthma Symptoms - Naturally Posted: 03 Jun 2012 08:00 PM PDT Article by Kim Archer Subtle System AnimationThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Mirror, Mirror On The Wall: Aromatherapy For Us All Posted: 03 Jun 2012 07:00 PM PDT Article by Amber Anderson Aromatherapy benefits your health and beauty in numerous ways. Plus, aromatherapy has scents appeal. Aroma is often as important as anything else that a body-care product offers, and it plays a big role in choosing what you're going to put on your body. It certainly contributes to your enjoyment as you use it. Watch your initial reaction the next time you buy a skin lotion or hair rinse. I bet that the first or second thing you do is to open the lid to discover how it smells. Aromatherapy benefits your skin and hair, but the aromas also affect your moods.Selecting aromatherapy products can be a lot more complicated than selecting toothpaste. However, help is here. When thinking about what you need for healthy skin, consider where you take your skin. Wind, icy-cold air, dry air, sun exposure, and air pollution are some of the things that take a toll on your complexion. So do some less obvious conditions, such as car, airplane, or recycled air.You don't need lots of stuff on your skin. If you choose the best products for your skin, then a few items that contain simple ingredients, including essentials oils, is all you need.Ideally, ingredients such as vegetable oils, lanolin, alcohol, glycerin and herbs work with essential oils to enrich your skin. However, that's not all you'll find in the jar. Body-care products also contain waxes and other stabilizers to prevent all the ingredients from separating. Preservatives may be needed to slow spoilage and additional ingredients provide a desirable color and texture. You don't need compounds like these in homemade aromatherapy products because they don't go through all the shipping, shaking, and long-term shelf-sitting demanded of a commercial product.Usually, these additives are manmade chemicals with long names that don't just rattle off your tongue. Watch out for tricky wording on labels like phen-oxy-ethanol, which comes from the toxic compound phenol. In either case, you end up with a brand new compound that simply borrowed parts (molecules) from the ! old one. This manmade process is called synthesis, so the end product is synthetic. Aromatherapy is safe, effective and enjoyable for the entire family. About the AuthorAmber Anderson owns and has contacts with several businesses to distribute these healthy fresh handmade all natural and organic bath and body cosmetics products.Amber decided to make this wonderful all natural and organic cosmetics line that won't harm our bodies, but leave us feeling clean, refreshed, and invigorated. I want my customers to be able to get away from the stresses of the world. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Grace Massage, Branson MO - Holistic Massage TherapistThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Alternative Cancer Treatment Update Posted: 03 Jun 2012 06:00 PM PDT Article by Koby Alternative Medicine is the use of means, in addition to, or instead of conventional, to treat disease or pain. There is lots of controversy surrounding alternative medicine, especially in the cancer arena, because most of it is unproven, as far as the medical world is concerned. To be proven, a treatment must have undergone peer-reviewed, controlled studies. However, if you know where to look, you can find plenty of research to support the efficacy of many alternative therapies. Every day, more and more of us are becoming fed up with conventional medicine's way of doing things; I mean, let's face it! Western medicine's focus is managing a disease once it occurs. Many alternative methods can be used as preventive instead of management. The current recommended procedures for cures include multiple form of radiation, robotic surgery, or of course, doing nothing (as it is mostly a slow growth disease). Once I started thinking about it, I knew there just had to be a better way. That's when my alternative journey began. The many different avenues of alternative medicine, can be overwhelming and there are many with which I do not have personal experience. But, this is your starting point … a broad overview, not all-encompassing, by any means, of prostate cancer alternative medicine. Some of these methods are palliative (help manage pain and discomfort of cancer and its treatment), some are complementary (to be used in addition to conventional), some are intended to be preventive, and others look promising as adjuvant treatments. Manual Healing and Physical Touch This is a huge category that includes acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, and Reiki, to name a few. Acupuncture is derived from Chinese medicine and involves inserting tiny needles through the skin into specific energy pathways on the body. This method interrupts the energy that flows through the body and is based on balanced Qi. There is lots of controversy surrounding whether acupuncture can be used as a meth! od of tr eating cancer, itself, but it is thoroughly documented to alleviate pain and nausea from cancer and its treatments. Chiropractic is the correction of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system. It is achieved by adjustments to the spine and neck. There are traditional chiropractors who adjust the entire spine and then there are Direct Non-Force Technique chiropractors who alleviate neurotransmitter interference, throughout the body, by specific, targeted adjustments. The thinking, here, is that the body has the means to heal itself and seeks to maintain balance within itself. Correcting the musculoskeletal disorders helps to regain the balance that has been lost. Massage has been found, by recent studies, to provide more alertness and less depression, stress, anxiety, and pain. There are many different forms of massage, ranging from deep tissue to a basic relaxation massage. Many health care providers are proponents of massage therapy in addition to conventional treatment. Many chiropractors also include massage as part of their therapy routines. Reiki is a Japanese word that means universal life energy. This is a method that is typically performed in person but can be performed from a distance. The thinking behind Reiki is that, when the energy pathways of the body are blocked, it results in disease and/or pain. A Reiki practitioner can unblock these pathways, resulting in less pain and muscle tension, and increased ability for the body to heal itself. Herbs, Minerals, Vitamins, Diet, and Nutritional SupplementsThis is one of the roads I've chosen, for myself, based on careful research and consideration. There is evidence that shows that what we eat plays a big role in cancer prevention and it's in the news all the time. In the evolution of our society, our foods have become more and more processed, and less and less nutritious. Large coporate farms use pesticides to keep the bugs from getting our produce. They use hormones to grow our chickens, cattle, and pigs larger f! aster, s o they can make money off them sooner. Of course, it doesn't occur to them, or maybe they just don't care, that those substances are then consumed by us. I didn't even realize those things were used until after I had been diagnosed. You mean I'm eating estrogen in my meat???? Wow, was that ever a wakeup call. Look for small, locally grown, organic farm products as a healthier alternative (or grow what you need yourself). Most practitioners don't endorse the use of nutritional supplements simply because they haven't been approved by the FDA. This premise amazes me because there have been many drugs, that have been approved by the FDA, that have caused serious injury and/or death. There are many nutritional supplements that show serious promise in the prevention, and possibly even treatment, of cancer. The studies are out there, if you know where to look. NaturopathyNaturopathy is another technique that uses the body's innate ability to heal itself. It is based on the concept that everything, within the body, is related and that if you have pain or illness, that is an alarm your body sets off to get your attention and let you know something is wrong. The naturopathic way of thinking is that your body begins to let you know something is out of balance (perhaps you aren't digesting your food correctly, or you have some hormones out of balance) and it begins a snowball effect, throughout your organs, until it gets your attention. Everything is related and, if there is a problem in one area, another area tries to take up the slack and becomes overworked, and so on. Naturopaths use natural means, such as homeopathic remedies, natural agents, manipulation, or electrical treatment to obtain balance so that the body can heal itself. HomeopathyThis is the practice of using minute doses of active ingredients to produce the body's own defense and healing process. It, like naturopathy, strives to achieve homeostasis (balance) so the body can heal itself. Homeopathic remedies work much like a vaccine! does to our bodies and is based on the premise of like fixes like. Homeopaths prescribe substances that would cause symptoms, in a healthy person, for the purpose of healing those same symptoms in a sick person. For example, a homeopath would prescribe minute amounts of thyroid to someone whose thyroid was overactive for the purpose of the thyroid building a defense to this and slowing itself down. This is, by no means, an exhaustive overview of Alternative Therapies, but is, as stated, an overview. For more in-depth discussions on this as well as conventional cancer treatment please Visit Our Website. About the AuthorCancer Prevention Blog ( provides a repository of the latest cancer news and information regarding Cancer Prevention and Detection. It also highlights Cancer Fundraising events. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Dowsing for Healing Self and Others 3 of 3This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 03 Jun 2012 05:00 PM PDT Article by Misuki Yance We spend 35$ billion dollars globally on cosmetics and the creams takes a lion share of the business including those late night infomercials with super models and ridicules S&H fees. Why are still many unhappy faces? Because we only address the symptoms, not necessarily the underlying causes. I have tried all sorts of creams in the past 10 years until I found that the creams could only complement the treatment that addresses the root cause of my dry skin. So you are not going to find a magic anti aging cream recommendation here. Rather a holistic approach with seaweed foods, Seaweed dietary supplements, and seaweed soaps along with Seaweed skin care creams for an effective, less expensive organic solution. It is no coincidence that the Japanese eat seaweed and got a great looking skin. It is the nutritional content of Seaweed along with dedication to eating and using Seafood in every other form (creams, soaps, soups and wraps) to achieve that glorious skinHolisitc ApproachRemember seaweed is very rich in Vitamins, Minerals, Proteins, and Antioxidants. They also contain high amounts of iron, calcium, and iodine. We can have a beautiful complexion, soft, wrinkle free skin, as well as glossy, healthy hair, more effectively from organic sources (I hope we have not started using fertilizers in the deep sea!). Today North American manufacturers offer many Japanese seaweed supplements for consumption as well as numerous cleansing, moisturizing creams and seaweed soaps. Seaweed skin soap has been reported to have numerous benefits.It diminishes layers of fat under the skin and increases circulation and metabolism. Additionally, it improves skin softness and smoothness, cleanses pores, dissolves toxins, aids in tissue development, and moisturizes dry skin. Seaweed bath can provide with an excellent addition of Iodine to the body through the skin. Read below the importance of iodine to our health. (Content Credit: Iodine: The Universal Nutrient). 20% of all i! odine in the human body is stored in the skin, specifically in the sweat glands. Lack of iodine in the sweat glands manifests as dry skin with a decreased ability to sweat.Research work has shown that iodine deficiency in the thyroid presents as a thyroid goiter (enlargement of the thyroid). In those areas of the world where iodine deficiency is very high, such as in Switzerland and in certain areas of Asia and Africa, there are also higher incidents of thyroid cancer. Iodine is also concentrated by breast tissue, and a lack of iodine in the breasts manifests as fibrocystic breast disease (painful breasts with nodules and cysts and often more symptomatic prior to menstrual periods).To read further visit Seaweed skin About the AuthorAuthor is a skin care enthusiast and writes on holistic approach to skin care atSeaweed skin Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.The Ishmel Sisters - Holy Convocation 2008 - Missions NightThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
The Holistic Belief In Internet Marketing Posted: 03 Jun 2012 04:00 PM PDT Article by CW Teo The Internet is a vast multitude of myriad opportunities and you are just a speck in this wide ocean. If you are using the internet as a means to earn your income, it is important to have an idea about how to see the big picture in order to increase your reach globally and further enhance your finances to its zenith. The holistic view is like a huge picture puzzle where small pieces will fit in to make a complete picture. When you see the individual pieces, all you might see is chaos and confusion of many colors but when you put it together systematically, you will see the transformation into something big and coherent. Like we said, the Internet is a rich source for opportunities. But, if you are thinking small, you are able to utilize only a portion of these opportunities and will not grow beyond a certain point as you would have reached the saturation limit. So, you will remain as a small puzzle piece in this big picture. In order to make up on your situation, you need to identify other associated opportunities and associate with experts in these opportunities and improvise on solutions that you can provide to your clients. In doing so, you are identifying other pieces of this vast puzzle and bringing them together so that you can all work together as a team and join up to form the big picture that you are searching for. By providing such a solution wherein you are combining forces with other people, you are not only improving on the opportunities that you are tapping, you are also improving the achievement of your venture on a collective level. This would not be otherwise possible if you were handling things individually. By thinking big, you are improving the foot hold you have in your business as well as the associated fields that you can not otherwise think of venturing in. Along with this, you are improving your financial success and reaching levels that would have not have been achievable if you were still with your narrow thinking and working as an individua! l. So, bear in mind, the internet is a huge reservoir of opportunities that are eagerly waiting to be tapped. Understand the big picture and realize that you are just a piece in this puzzle and learn to identify the others that fit into this big picture and work together to realize and form this big picture. Then, there is no limits to the paths you can tread and the success you can taste. About the AuthorKeyword Research in Internet Marketing is an important step to your online success. Hence, Keyword Research Pro is the tool you urgently need to help you create your internet income. To find out more, click here: Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Making Food Grade PeroxideThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Ayurveda: A Holistic Approach To Wellness Posted: 03 Jun 2012 03:00 PM PDT Article by Editor123 Alternative forms of medicine are engrossing enormous attention as the world stands up to take note of traditional medicinal disciplines. Ayurveda and Ayurvedic cures have gained considerable limelight in this regard. Ayurveda, a combination 'Ayus' and 'Veda' meaning 'longevity' and 'knowledge' is interestingly an ancillary to 'Rigveda'. It is the most ancient of all the Vedas that serve as a repository to traditional Indian knowledge. Ayurveda confronts ailments by understanding the body and providing a holistic approach. Ayurveda calls for bringing in a balance in all aspects of life. The 'doshas' or 'ailments' are treated by anointing the body with natural concoctions. Proper functioning of all bodily channels or 'shrotas' is a requisite and achieved by harmonizing seamless flow of fluids within the body. Massages using oils of huge medicinal value forms a cornerstone of this objective. An Ayurveda spa, especially in the lap of the enchanting Himalayas in India is increasingly becoming a popular destination for begetting a healthy mind, body and soul using the spiritual approach of Ayurveda. Ayurvedic spas are replete with Ayurveda masseurs who administer the oil massages with great dexterity and understanding of body's functions. A good Ayurveda spa is accomplished in all popular massages like 'Marma Abhyangam', 'Shirodhara' and head & foot message. 'Marma Abhyangam' is a special synchronized massage where the vital points of the body are considered so as to relax, detoxify and revitalize the body. 'Shirodhara' focuses on the cerebral and nervous system by pouring in oil, milk or a natural liquid mixture of either with herbs in a continuous flow over the forehead. Head & foot massages are also done in Ayurvedic spas, releasing muscular tension as an effect of the concentration of masseurs' trained energy. Ayurveda spa is preferred by many because of the emphasis laid on the root cause of any ailment and curing it, providing a long lasting and all encompassing r! emedy. T here is lot to gain from Ayurveda treatments like rejuvenation, relief from joint and muscular problems, alleviating nervous, gynecological, cardio-vascular and psychological disorders, insomnia, and epilepsy among many others. Ayurvedic spas in the heavenly backdrop of the Himalayas are a potent course for total health revival. Ayurvedic spa About the AuthorFor further information on uttarakhand hotels, ayurvedic spa, wellness spas, corbett resorts, Dhikala rest house, nainital hotel, haridwar hotels etc, Visit Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Tony's Calcium RecipeThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
A Holistic Acne Treatment Approach For Back Acne Posted: 03 Jun 2012 02:00 PM PDT Article by Kelly Miller Back acne chooses no gender and occurs at any age group. The condition may start during the puberty stage and continue until the age of 40. Like with other kinds of acne conditions, back acne can be a source of embarrassment for some which can affect his or her social interaction with other people. Some of the reasons for back acne are:Unfortunately for some people, their sebaceous glands overproduce sebum which causes acne because it can clog the pores and hair follicles with dead skin cells and oil. When this happens, a bacterial infection occurs which can lead to the inflammation of skin and formation of acne. Women suffer more from back acne since their hormones tend to act up more often. Hormonal change due to pregnancy and menstruation can promote acne formation. There are also hereditary factors which contribute to back acne. If acne runs in the family, chances are, you too will suffer from the same condition. Certain food allergies can also cause acne.Other factors include too much stress and use of cosmetics that can be harsh or mismatched to your skin type. The treatment of back acne should be done while keeping the possible causes in mind. Back acne or more commonly known as 'bacne' usually appears on the skin as blackheads, whiteheads, papules, pimples and sometimes, even as cystic acne. Below are simple remedies for controlling the formation of acne and treatment of lesions. Maintain Hygiene. As much as possible, shower at least twice a day. If you have an anti bacterial soap available or have a neem based soap around, use it to clean year body. Avoid roughly scrubbing your back and instead, wash it gently so that acne breakout will not happen. You can also avoid back acne by keeping your back free from sweat by washing and drying it after doing whatever physical activity.Choose cosmetics carefully. Use lotion or a moisturizer after every bath so that your skin will be nourished of the nutrients it has lost throughout the day. However, remember to use a water based moisturizer instead! of oil based since the latter can clog your pores which can lead to acne breakout. Natural oils such as tea tree oil, lavender or jojoba oil can be used since they limit the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands. Sleeping Posture. As much as possible, do not rub your back against your bed when sleeping. I know this can be hard since it's hard to control your body movements when asleep. Try sleeping on your side instead and if you are more used and find it more comfortable to sleep on your back, you will soon get used to it with practice. Eat healthy. You are what you eat. Fresh fruits and vegetables should be included in your diet and as much as possible, avoid fatty and fried foods, along with refined sugar. Bad vices like drinking alcohol and smoking should also be avoided. These initial steps will help to start you on the road to a healthier skin condition. However if you are suffering from repeated bouts with acne, you can rest assured that you can reverse and eventually eliminate these symptoms and afflictions from your life by following a safe and simple step-by-step holistic system. About the AuthorIf you would like to learn how to cure your acne permanently... and regain your health and wellbeing, without drugs, without typical acne treatments, and without any side effects go to => No More Acne and see how you can start today developing ance free skin, naturally.And to learn more about acne and it's causes please visit or website at Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Cure Your Self of Cancer by Carol PattersonThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Aromatherapy Bath Products To Ease A Troubled Mind Posted: 03 Jun 2012 01:00 PM PDT Article by David Faulkner Some of the most popular products on the market are aromatherapy bath products. Not just the bath products are selling any more. There are products for your bath, home and even family and babies. Just to give you an idea how big the market has gotten here are some of the product we buy. * Bath Oils* Bath Beads* Bath Salts* Bubble Baths* Soaps, Gels, Liquids* Lotions* Shampoos* Conditioners* Shaving Creams or Gels* Candles or Oils to burn while bathing or showering* Scented tablets to drop in bath or shower This is only aromatherapy bathing products and does not include the candles, room spray, air fresheners, plug-ins, scented oils, fabric sprays, laundry detergent, dryer sheets, fabric softeners, air wicks, scented stick-ons, garbage bags that are now scented, sachet bags to put into your dresser drawers and many more. Not Only Bath Products The market has grown but we don't limit our enjoyable scents to only aromatherapy bath products and air fresheners. We love to cook and enjoy the wonderful aromas of good food. There are even some foods that have been said to enhance your sexual desire. Everyone has heard of oysters as an aphrodisiac but there are some people who feel a tingly when they eat certain fruits or cinnamon. We are people who love things that smell good to us and make us feel good. There are also scents in baby products such as lavender and chamomile that will relax and help your baby rest and relax better and it works. The market is huge and we keep buying the products. There are natural ingredients that have been here on our planet all along that help with mood, therapies, medicinal and cleaning that we forget about or simply are not aware of. To find out more about aromatherapy bath products and what can help you do a little research to find out what kind of scents or therapies can be good for you and your senses. People have developed allergies to different things such as oils, extracts from plants, trees and foods. So when you are buying prod! ucts, be sure they do not contain an ingredient that you might be allergic to. We tend to forget the other ingredients in products when we are looking for something to enjoy. You want to relax sooth and enhance for enjoyment. You don't want to sneeze, itch or even worse have a severe reaction. It only takes a minute to read the ingredients to make sure that you will subject yourself to something that will trigger an allergy and it will be worth it if there is something in there that might hurt you or your family. Any time you are trying a new product and have allergies you will want to take time to talk to your doctor or check out the ingredients before you use them. Remember you are looking to reduce stress or relax not end up at the hospital. If you are able to enjoy aromatherapy then you will want to start out with a small aromatherapy kit to be sure you are getting something that you like. After that, just sit back and enjoy. About the AuthorYou can also find more info on Aromatherapy Pillows and Aromatherapy Treatment. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Battle Frontier-Battle Pike(Silver)This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
The Essential Key to Experiencing Aromatherapy's Many Benefits Posted: 03 Jun 2012 12:00 PM PDT Article by Todd Daon When people think in terms of aromatherapy, the first concept which comes to mind is "essential oils". Extracted from various plants, essential oils used in aromatherapy treatments have a myriad of uses. These natural oils possess various medicinal and healing qualities which help us treat acne improve our immune system and disinfect wounds. Such natural products can also be used in aromatherapy diffusers and aromatherapy oil burners to fill a room with essences which stimulate our brain and relaxes our body. The plant's essence molecules concentration level is approximately 75-100 times stronger in oils extracted from plants than than in a dried plant/fruit. In aromatherapy it is held that simply inhaling an essential oil triggers a quick olfactory response and provides for ready absorption in the bloodstream. Quality Essential oils should meet the criteria described below: - Plants used for essential oil extraction and aromatherapy treatments should be planted in the right soil and harvested properly too. - Therapeutic-grade essential oils should be prepared with water which is free of chemical content and pathogens. The distillation process occurs within an environment which uses low temperature as well as low pressure. The low pressure and temperature help preserve the basic chemical plant properties and the true essence of the plant. The low pressure and low temperature help preserve the integrity of the oil. - Proper filtering which eliminates unwanted bacteria from chemical substances and other associated impurities that can improve the quality of essential oils is part of the requirements to be classified as therapeutic essential oils. - When the essential oils are purified, filtered and the phytochemical profiles are resolved and verified to ensure that they maintain the relevant quality required in such oils natural oil potency can be guaranteed. If you use these essential oils for therapeutic purposes you can simply use a diffuser in order to disperse fine ! mists of these oils throughout your room. Because of the purity levels, these diffused oils may then be inhaled, applied on your skin and even taken orally but beware, one should always be cautious and follow instructions when using any of these essential oils as directed by a certified aromatherapist before proper use. Essential oils can be used in several forms, they can be diffused throughout a room with the help of a diffuser which is often a small machine with a built in fan, another way is by applying it directly on our skin to allow nutrient absorption (this includes massage), and orally as described above which facilitates and increases the benefits natural oils provide. Today, most common essential oils, such as lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus, are distilled. Raw plant material, consisting of the flowers, leaves, wood, bark, roots, seeds, or peel, is put into an alembic over water.When using essential oils, use the smallest amount because they have been filtered and purified which concentrates basic substances providing maximum effects. About the Author Are you looking for a quality content creator to write articles or Press Releases? Check out Nationsubmit Article Writing Service Press Release Service Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Distance Healing -- Wow, I've Had Some Crazy Experiences With It! Posted: 03 Jun 2012 11:00 AM PDT Article by Michael Hills Distance healing: my experience. When I started with energy healing. I knew nothing about it at all. I had never heard of reiki, chakras, healing with the hands, distance healing, higher-self, chi, or channeling, nothing.My wife started it when she learned the first degree in the Usui reiki system. Right away she was enthusiastic about it, and could not wait to get the second degree, and so on. She felt she had found her calling, and indeed this was true. Today she is the founder of the WhiteLight Self-Empowerment system, the Golden Eye Grid, the Grid Connection, binaural beat meditation music, and teaches channeling, and psychic psychology, and more. I remember my first simple reiki session. I was skeptical about it, but open to it, and allowed my wife to give me her first session.Well it was awesome. My whole body vibrated, and afterward I felt like my legs where made of spaghetti. I could not stop laughing. Blockages had been released. And after that incredible experience the door to my own spiritual journey had begun.My first distance healing came after she had completed the third degree, and that was quite an experience in itself. But the best distance healing I ever experienced was through her own system the WhiteLight Self-Empowerment.Wow! I am her laboratory rabbit. She always attunes me first or practices her sessions and systems out on me. And the WhiteLight distance healing was so intense that afterward I felt completely energized, yet relaxed, and at ease. I felt like I had slept all night. I was refreshed.I had a head ache that day, but it was gone, just like that. This time, however, I did not laugh afterward, but I cried. I wept. It was right after I had experienced a lot of sadness, which I had bottled up inside of me, but through the distance healing it had released all of that blocked garbage, and I felt like a new man!I think that distance healing can be stronger than direct healing, because both people involved are mentally focused on the task, which increases the vibration. Th! e cool t hing is that my wife, through this session, was first introduced to her psychic abilities. She tried to see where I was, and what I was doing during the distance healing. I did not tell her what I was doing.Apparently she saw all of this. She told me I was sitting on a park bench, and this was true. She had seen this situation during the session. I was amazed. After that her powers to sense what is wrong with the people she heals has increased; or she has become more aware of it. And this intuition allows her to do a great job at distance healing. This all started with reiki. Is your spiritual journey waiting for you right now? About the AuthorGo here now to learn more about powerful distance healing:distance healing, or go here distance healing. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Zen Garden/ Guided MeditationThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Bath Basics and Aromatherapy Bath Products Posted: 03 Jun 2012 10:00 AM PDT Article by Franchis Adam Proper bathing is the much for a beautiful body otherwise beauty is incomplete. Bathing is the only thing which one does to beautify the entire body. Its just not a routine of the day but has become a luxury too. Even in ancient times bathrooms, tubs and spas were there with all the world's most luxuries items required for the bath. Aromatherapy makes use of various essential oils, candles and other such products that greatly enhance the health and mood of an individual. The oils that are used in these products are naturally extracted from tress and plants to ensure a tranquil mind and healthy body. Organic minerals,herbs, rich oils and clays are used to cleanse and pamper your skin while taking bath. There are aromatherapy moisturizing bars, soaps and even candles with which you can indulge yourself and enter into a completely different world through a wonderful and relaxing bath. Aromatherapy bath products are specially made to let you experience the goodness of a spa in your bathroom. If you feel dull and lethargic a Rosemary Aromatherapy Bath will stimulate the nervous system and clear the head. 10-15 minutes in the bath is long enough to feel the benefits. Add 5 drops to a warm bath and, mix thoroughly before getting in. If your skin is sensitive always dilute the essential oil in a carrier oil before adding to the water (see bath oils under Skin and Body Care workshop). They are easy to take and simple to keep. Aromatherapy tub products carry particular vital oil blends to get maximum influence on your rind and system. They are designed to offer you with loosening and harmony. Some tub products are tub oils infiltrate deep into the pores providing sustenance to the rind; such oils are vanilla which calms the system and psyche, sea fog which stimulates the senses and lavender which calms and relaxes your whole being. Aromatherapy soaps are made from herbs, essentials oils, veggie oils such as Palm oil, Coconut oil or Almond oil. They go in distinct scents to heighten your se! nses. People have developed allergies to different things such as oils, extracts from plants, trees and foods. So when you are buying products, be sure they do not contain an ingredient that you might be allergic to. We tend to forget the other ingredients in products when we are looking for something to enjoy. You want to relax sooth and enhance for enjoyment. You don't want to sneeze, itch or even worse have a severe reaction. It only takes a minute to read the ingredients to make sure that you will subject yourself to something that will trigger an allergy and it will be worth it if there is something in there that might hurt you or your family. About the AuthorRead more on Punk hairstyles. Check out for skin care and home remedies. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Homemade Cold Cream 2nd Century Original Recipe by GalenThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
6 Blocks to Your Spiritual Healing Posted: 03 Jun 2012 09:00 AM PDT Article by Chris Landry Here are six of the most common obstacles that can prevent us from experiencing spiritual healing. Our Ego Any experience of deep emotional healing never has the ego present to experience it. A male ego might say to itself that healing, crying, and feeling is not for us. This is a big mistake. A true man will admit that their true essence is more than ego and will see that healing is a very humbling and real experience.My spiritual healing advice: Put away the ego when you want to heal. Lacking MoneyIf you want to use Reiki as a tool for healing then consistency is key. Reiki costs money. The standard price is normally around the same price as a massage. If you don't have the budget for Reiki then there's lots of healing tools that are free. If you do have the money and your ego or self guilt is stopping you from spending the money needed to get reiki treatments consistently, then that's another story. You are going to have to decide if you're worth spending money to spirutually heal. Always Staying BusyWe may stay busy to distract us from our inner pain. To spiritually heal, we need to put the brakes on the busy and take some time for ourselves. Giving UpHealing takes time and is not easy. If it was easy then everyone would be healed. If you don't feel any changes from one healing tool then try another one. Thinking We Don't Need Any Spiritual HealingThis block is connected to the problem with our egos. We think we don't need to be healed but deep down our souls are telling us otherwise. We may not think we need to be healed because: We have been gradually accumulating more baggage therefore, we don't realize the total baggage that is in us We think we are already healed and liberated! I have seen this before but the truth is no. There are deeper levels of spiritual healing that we have not yet explored. Alcohol, Drugs or Nintendo To Escape from PainWe may try to escape the pain but the pain will always be there waiting for our attention. About the AuthorLooking to remove blocks from your own spiritual healing? Visit Chris Landry's for spiritual guidance, meditations and psychic readings. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Depression anxiety panic attacks audio video healing depression anxiety and panic attacksThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Layered Art: An Holistic Perspective Posted: 03 Jun 2012 08:00 AM PDT Article by Michelle Marks Layered art does more than just increase our awareness of the connection of self to other. It reminds us that, fundamentally, we are truly one with the universe. It is sometimes presented as a collage. Sometimes it is paint applied in layers. Other times it can be assembled items presented in an artful way. And other times when you look at a piece, it appears that the artist must have intended more of a layering of thought than actual media. Regardless of how it is actually presented, it is really best seen as fine art rather than a craft. When done with intention, it can draw the mind to many sorts of subjects ranging from spirituality and cosmology, to healing, time, community, earth connection, even the future. Above all, it functions as a tool for people to use as they learn more about their inner lives, as well as their outer limit discoveries. The aspect of layered art that many find most intriguing is its tendency toward a synchronization of thought. One where we learn to recognize that there is an interconnectedness throughout all that binds everything together as one. This obviously raises interesting philosophic and phenomenological questions. One could wonder, for example, what it is exactly that acts as the binding agent itself. Some have argued that it is some primary physic that is the truest fundamental reality of the universe, and that only when we understand what that is will we be able to fully explain our combined oneness. Others have speculated that, if there is a universal unity at all, it must only be a conceptual unity. Physicists, philosophers and theologians can continue to ponder and debate the nature of reality. For now, most of us are content to just do our part to participate in what our own creativity and passion tells us to do. Keeping the mystery and energy alive in our lives through layered art allows such an expression. One where the end is not determined, necessarily, before beginning. Whether created, or just enjoyed, layered art is like eating a war! m bowl o f your favorite soup on a chilly day. It warms, calms, and comforts. Yet it excites and makes you want more. Layered art represents somewhat of a paradox. I find it especially challenging to explain how it is that looking at a piece of art can tap into some aspect of self that intuits or at least senses a fundamental reality; that even though I am one, I am part of a greater One. What is is about color and shape that is so primal that it brings to the conscious mind that which otherwise would remain below in the underlying subconscious realm? One might justifiably wonder what it is about layered art that actually causes one to consider meaning that would otherwise remain hidden. For those who like searching for holistic meaning through nuance, and find meaning in the almost hidden details discovered only through a careful and thoughtful consideration of a piece, layered art is special. It holds a solid place amongst the other types of art that tend to do the same thing. Adding to, or taking away from a layered piece is indicative of the cycles of life. It is a technique that is both metaphor and physical. It is meditative, yet practical. About the AuthorLea Kelley's work is a wonderful example of layered art that can be viewed online at Fairhaven Originals Gallery (FOG). Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Frank Lipman MD on being SpentThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Herbal Medicine Aromatherapy history Posted: 03 Jun 2012 07:00 AM PDT Article by Joe L.Golson Aromatherapy dates back to ancient cultures more than 5,000 years. In continents like Africa, certain plants were eaten by warriors before going into battle. Most of the time, the healing powers of the plants or barks were observed after animals had consumed the foliage or fruit. The animal's behavior was observed and humans found that they, too, could get the same effect. Horny goat weed is an example of a plant that has been used for ages to increase fertility in men. Despite the funny sounding name this natural derivative was discovered after horned goats were found getting very frisky and having high energy levels after consuming the plant. It has been used for centuries as a product to treat impotence. While herbal remedies have been used in most countries for thousands of years as a way to stay healthy and combat illness, the concept of aromatherapy, which is using the scented oils derived from the plants to cure and heal, got its roots, so to speak, in the far East. Lavender is a pleasant scented flowering plant that is grown all over the world although it grew naturally in warm climates. Lavender is grown widely today for the oils that are used for everything from sweetening certain dishes to being used as an antiseptic. The essential oils derived from this plant can be used to treat headaches, as a cure for insomnia and to promote relaxation. Lavender is one of the few essential oils that is safe to use directly on the skin and can also be consumed. Essential oils are not made for oral ingestion, but lavender buds are sold as a tea in some health food stores. Lavender has been used for thousands of years to treat everything from insect bites to anxiety. Because it has an antiseptic quality, lavender was also used to disinfect floors in hospitals. Today, most disinfectants are chemically produced and toxic to both those who use them as well as to the environment. It was the Ancient Chinese who first discovered the many healing powers of the various essen! tial oil s and gave it a name. Herbal medicine is still practiced in the far East today and many people from the west travel to countries such as Thailand and Singapore to find relief in natural herbal remedies and treatments. Thousands of years ago, villagers would visit someone in the village who knew all about the different herbal remedies and would treat them accordingly. Most people also had some knowledge of the different plants that grew around them and how they could be used to benefit their lives. Today, however, most people have no idea how to even use simple herbs to add flavor to a recipe, let alone use them for healing. Most people in the west pay little attention to the plants and nature around them or any healing powers that those plants may contain. This is gradually beginning to change. Many people today, thanks to the internet, are beginning to understand a little about herbal remedies and aromatherapy. As the ancient Chinese used scents to heal, the concept was delivered to the ancient Egyptians who created mixtures of the scents and made perfumes. The scents were not only used to heal illness, but also as an aphrodisiac. The ancient Egyptians incorporated aromatherapy into their daily rituals and were the first perfumers. In ancient Egyptian, it was once a requirement that everyone perfumed themselves at least once a week and people often took three baths a day in perfumed water. Sandalwood is used in incense for its pleasant scent and the Ancient Egyptian women would use the oils from Sandalwood in their hair for the scent. Other scents were also discovered that were both pleasant and healing. Throughout centuries, different cultures used the essential oils derived from nature for a variety of products and healing ointments. Herbal remedies were also very popular treatments for ailments until the discovery of penicillin. Penicillin was derived from mold, also a natural substance, and was used to treat bacterial ailments and infections. Today, penicillin remedies ! are know n as antibiotics and are produced in laboratories with synthetic materials. The history of Aromatherapy may date back to ancient times, but it was widely accepted in all cultures until chemicals began replacing the natural essential oils. Today, aromatherapy is considered alternative medicine that many people are finding a better choice than a dependency on synthetic chemicals. About the AuthorJoe Golson - Independent GNLD Distributor Health and fitness / Home Business Marketing enthusiast.Work at home promoting his business and write articles and reviews of products related to Health and Fitness.Visit his website : Healthy Herbal Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Bath and Body Works - My Collection and ThoughtsThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Benefit of holistic treatment has a lasting effect Posted: 03 Jun 2012 06:00 AM PDT Article by Brett Fuller Is there a connection between the eating habits and stress? The answer is "Yes". There is a direct connection between these two. When a person gets tensed, he/ she tend to munch more. Unnatural and abnormal eating habits are categorized under eating disorders. These include eating less, over-eating, as well as bingeing and purging etc. these disorders have highest mortality rate, in comparison with other habits. These can lead to various other illnesses related to malnutrition due to less eating and high pressure or cardiac diseases related to obesity due to overeating. Most of the patients do not acknowledge their disorder and they continue with it for long time until it is discovered by others or until it creates problem for them. Once this problem is detected, a hunt for eating disorder rehab gets started. There are various types of rehabs, which follow different types of approach. Some of the rehabs may emphasis more on reforming the mind set to overcome the problem completely along with the medical treatment. Some rehabs follow Christian believes and enhance spiritual up-liftment of the soul by preaching the teachings from Holy Bible. Whereas some follow a holistic approach which aims at overall development and cure of their client! There are private rehabs which are vowed to keep their clients' history and identity a secret. But one thing is common amongst all these rehabs is, types of treatments they offer. There are two types of recovery treatment offered, out of which one is the out- patient and the other one is residential. Out- patient treatment involves visits to counselors, medical experts and other therapists. Particular time is allocated to each patient and then the patient can resume to his duties. The other type has a higher rate of success than the earlier one. They are the eating disorder treatment centers. This treatment requires the patient to remain in the rehab for a stipulated period of time to undergo medical, psychological, spiritual or physical strengthening treat! ment. On e of the most advantageous elements about this treatment is that it actually alienates the patient from the surroundings which might be one of the influential factors leading to disorder. In a new environment the client embraces life in new surroundings with revived capabilities. While the patient is getting treatment, their families also get educated about new approach towards their sober loved ones and ones these sobers are out of the rehab, they are welcomed in a new environment conducive for continued sobriety. About the AuthorFor more information please visit website: Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Food Network: Community Supported AgricultureThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Holistic Home Solutions Intended for Sweaty Palms That People Must Learn About Posted: 03 Jun 2012 05:00 AM PDT Article by Harry Yoke Holistic Home Solutions Intended for Sweaty Palms That People Must Learn About The particular problem of sweaty palms is usually extremely frequent amongst the folks of the total universe. Just about 25% of the entire world human population is definitely damaged by the affliction connected with sweaty palms. The idea is well-known by the name of palmar hyperhidrosis. Though the exact trigger of the sweaty palms is still mysterious and many debates are presented by the professionals to sort out the specific trigger of the sweaty palms. Nevertheless in respect to several professionals, it is brought about by hyperactive sympathetic nervous system. It compels the perspiration glands to produce sweat unnecessarily. Your human body uses perspiration as a system which will assists our body to regulate its temperature and in addition to keep almost everything working in good condition. Hundreds of thousands of sweat glands are usually situated in our human body and roughly half of it is present in our palms. Usually the sweat gland emits the perspiration whenever our body becomes distressed credited to anxiety, serious temperatures or by actual physical exertion. The sweat which is produced allows to cool the body at its maximum temp range. Sweaty palms are experienced a lot more in the man or women who has critical palmar hyperhidrosis. In this particular problem the persons suffer from severe irritation in addition to embarrassment in performing their particular day to day responsibilities. A number of home remedies are usually accessible which often are handy in lowering this difficulty. 1. Soaking your hands in the tea is very helpful for reducing the trouble of sweaty palms. Steam at the very least 10 mins the five tea bags in a quart of drinking water. Soon after cooling down of the remedy bathe your hands for at minimum 20-30 minutes nightly. In point most of us do not know that the tea features tannic acid which is easily found in the professional products and solutions. Y! ou can f urthermore hold the tea bags in the hand for 15-20 minutes day-to-day. It will reduce perspiring palms for absorption. 2. Most of us may get 40% treatments by massaging alcohol on each of the palms. Massaging the alcohol in our palms leaves your palms clear and much cooler by ingesting the dampness. According to the doctor, quite a few of the proposed remedies are obtainable for this issue. It is a definite remedy for this dilemma nonetheless it tends to make our skin a bit itchy. 3. The challenge of sweaty palm could furthermore be lessened by taking a modest rosin bag in your right hand jean pocket. In advance of shaking hands, place your palm in the pocket and hold the rosin bag. Rosin bags are available at a lot of sporting goods shops in the tennis division. If you really want to understand a more permenant technique to cure sweaty palms, subsequently look at the sweaty palms program, with zero surgery treatment, medical practitioners or overpriced devices, its A HUNDRED% natural. About the AuthorThe particular problem of sweaty palms is usually extremely frequent amongst the folks of the total universe. Just about 25% of the entire world human population is definitely damaged by the affliction connected with sweaty palms. The idea is well-known by the name of palmar hyperhidrosis. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
A Total and Holistic Acne Cure Posted: 03 Jun 2012 04:00 AM PDT Article by See Ang Finding an effective acne cure for your acne problems, particularly if they've become the acute variety - as in, they're all over your face or your chest or back - can be an adventure in itself. The market is saturated with every means of solving this age old and ageless malady, with everything from ointments to hormonal treatments to advanced techniques involving coherent light all claiming to be the one that slays the zit dragon. But, when you get down to it, are these acne cures really effective? And why shouldn't you demand for an acne cure that not only addresses this problem but can do away with it forever? Acne problems, after all, figure prominently in the lives of adolescents worldwide. Along with the good things that come with getting into that next phase of growth - increase in height and build, figures forming into a defined masculine or feminine shape - is that unfortunately unavoidable incidence of these unsightly growths all along your face and sometimes on your chest and back, too. What teenager has not spent sleepless nights and worried days wishing the acne will go away before that big dance or date? And how many adolescents have had to endure the teasing that comes with those days when you have all these things on your face but you can't not go to school? Adults, too, can be subject to acne problems. Although very few adults have to contend with acne caused by the hormonal imbalances usually part and parcel of adolescence, there are many things in the world of today that can and do induce a breakout. The very air of our cities is filled with particles that can get into our pores that irritate them to the point of acne developing. A form of bacteria can cause a breakout of acne, and the dirtied environment even in our workplaces may harbor these insidious microorganisms. That combo of double-patty, cheese-and-mustard-and-mayo laden, hamburger you ordered over lunch, the one with a healthy (or should that be "unhealthy?") siding of extra large fries - also to be ! dipped i n mayonnaise or some variant of it - can cause your face to open up like a chain of volcanoes along the Pacific Ring of Fire. And even if you live clean and eat healthy, if you're a working stiff like most average Joes and Janes, then the stress you get in your daily grind can make your acne problems worse. When you have that all-important social event coming up or you're just sick and tired of all the acne-themed bullying in school, or when you have this important client meeting or presentation to do, you don't want to have acne cropping up, quite literally, at the wrong moment. can give you that solution to your acne problems so that it doesn't just go away, but goes away for good. gives you access to a step-by-step and holistic method of dealing with acne problems that is guaranteed to make them just a bad memory. You're assured of being acne-free after two months, and you'll begin feeling the difference in just seven days. Blackheads, too much oil on your face, redness from all the irritation and maybe the sad attempt at skin sanding you did in desperation, these will all be the things of the past with the treatments will direct you to. So why worry about acne? Go to and sign up for an effective acne cure that will ensure your face stays free and flawless for the rest of your life. About the AuthorAre you looking for the best acne cure ? Visit today for more information! Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Gaia Education - at the cutting edge of Sustainability EducationThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Merrick Dog Food - Holistic Alternative Posted: 03 Jun 2012 03:00 AM PDT Article by Blaine Ward The strength of Merrick is that it highly focuses on the health of dogs. It is an extensively popular dog food which is also synonymous with the best quality. The ingredients used in Merrick are human-grade meats, fruits and vegetables. The well balanced combination of these ingredients makes this food a highly natural and a healthy meal for your dog. You can get different varieties of foods from Merrick without compromising in quality in any of their products. As they highly focus on the quality, they don't mix up artificial preservatives, by-products and additives in their foods. They are very careful in their testing and add healthy ingredients only, free of antibiotics and hormones. By feeding this food to your dogs, they will be healthy with shiny coats, bright eyes and free of any ailments. They use organic chicken in this food along with chelated minerals, probiotics and Omega fatty acids. With quality ingredients as their Trademark, Merrick Pet food pays strict attention to the details of their production. It uses farm fresh apples to complement the taste of their food with special flavor. It uses different varieties of apples including granny smith, golden delicious and fuji. With the great combination of all these ingredients with their secret formula, they prepare a delicious and a healthy pet food. The mission of ">Merrick Dog Food is very simple which says, "Comfort for the soul". So, they offer nutritious, simple and healthy foods with their simplistic approach to process those dog foods. Any types of these foods are highly nutritious with the combination of proper amount of vegetable, fruits and farm fresh ingredients. If you are also searching for any sort of dry foods or canned foods for your dog, then Merrick Pet food will be the ideal choice as this food is delightfully safe and offer holistic alternative as well. Also, these foods have never been criticized with the problem of food poisoning in the dogs. About the AuthorThe author is actively involved with Petflow Company that provides the different brands of pet food at possibly cheaper prices. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Tai_Chi_Beginner_Lesson.wmvThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 03 Jun 2012 02:00 AM PDT Article by George Key Aromatherapy involves using essential oils in their original form or in mixes, lotions, candles, etc., to help heal the body, relax and lift one's mood. Essential oils come for plants and are excellent for helping to keep the body and mind balanced. Pregnant women may especially benefit from aromatherapy because they are going through great physical changes and may feel especially achy, stressed and vulnerable. Well, with the proper precautions taken, pregnant woman can still take advantage of all of the healthful and psychological benefits of aromatherapy. In this article, we will discuss three guidelines to enjoying aromatherapy while pregnant. 1.Dilute, Dilute, Dilute: Because essential oils are concentrated they will need to be diluted before they are used. For pregnant women, dilutions for essential oil blends should stand at 2%. This means that one should use 10 drops of oil in 2 TBS of carrier oil. For a bath, using 5-10 drops of essential oil should be safe. 2.Avoid These Essential Oils: There are certain essential oils that should be avoided while one is pregnant. During the first 3 months of pregnancy, essential oils should be completely eliminated. Afterwards, you may begin to use essential oils, just be sure to dilute them and to avoid certain ones all together. Some of those that you should avoid are lemongrass, parsley, peppermint, thype, basil, cinnamon, clary sage, cypress, jasmine, clove and myrhh. These oils have been chosen because they have certain properties that are believed to cause negative side effects in pregnant women. This includes cramping, blood thinning and contractions. 3.Oils That Are Great For Pregnant Women: On the other hand, there are some essential oils that are beneficial to pregnant women. They include chamomile, which has great anti-inflammatory properties and helps to ease muscular aches and other common pains. Eucalyptus is another essential oil that is recommended for pregnant ladies. It is also believed to reduce swelling and ease co! ngestion . This might come in handy when you catch a cold or flu and aren't able to take over-the-counter medications. Lavender is always a very popular essential oil. It is good for mild depression, helps one to relax, is soothing for common aches and pains associated with pregnancy. Grapefruit helps to stimulate the lymphatic system, helps the digestive tract and aids pregnant women in not retaining water. Neroli is excellent for keeping ones' mood up, relax and also to keep the skin from getting dull because it aids in cell regeneration. Tangerine will help you avoid those stretch marks that are a common side effect of pregnancy. It also helps in keeping mommies to be cool and calm. Aromatherapy can be a fantastic way for moms to relax and ease common pregnancy related stress, aches and pain. Because pregnancy requires that soon-to-be moms forgo many drugs, over-the-counter and prescription, good alternative treatments will be very important. Aromatherapy is an affordable and effective way to treat common ailments safely and enjoyably. This is even more valuable when women are pregnant and often not feeling their best. About the AuthorGeorge Key is the publisher of a great Aromatherapy Resource, Visit his site and read the comprehensive Essential Oils Safety Guide, in order to learn the precautons you should observe for safe Aromatherapy. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
How To Reduce Weight - A Holistic Guide Posted: 03 Jun 2012 01:00 AM PDT Article by Boolabva Looea An effective strategy on how to reduce weight would be to adopt a holistic approach. For successful and enduring weight loss, you need to have a diet and exercise plan. This will help you make better lifestyle choices and will ensure that you not only drop the pounds but gain health and wellness as well. Before you being with your weight loss journey, you should list out the reasons for the weight loss. It might be for health reasons or you might just want to look a little slimmer. Whatever the reason, it is important to always keep your goals in mind. This will help you stay focused. The next key to success is having reasonable expectations and setting realistic goals. Goal setting will not only keep your eye on the prize, it is also a great way to analyze your plan and to help you figure out if it is working for you. It is wise to stick to weight loss goals of between one to two pounds a week. Modest and steady weight loss will ensure that you do not quickly regain the weight once you are off the diet. Diet wise there are a whole load of options out there from detoxifying cleanses to low carbohydrate options and even fruit diets. You need to pick one that is manageable and suited to your lifestyle. The best way to craft a diet would be to consult a nutritionist, who will be able to put together a meal plans that best suits your body type and needs. Before you start off, visit the doctor just to be on the safe side. This is particularly important if you have not exercised in a long time. The doctor will be able to evaluate your current state of health and advise you about suitable diet and exercise options. Another great tip for those just starting out would be to get a friend to join you on this journey. This way you have someone to keep you on track and to help make working out a more pleasant experience. You might even want to consider joining a team sport. Variety really is the spice of life when it comes to exercise and diet. Try to keep things interesting and f! resh as sticking to one regimented meal plan or type of exercise can cause you to lose interest. In order to really succeed, you need to be able to keep up your level of interest and commitment. Water and sleep are two often overlooked aspects of a successful plan on how to reduce weight. For effective weight loss, you need to keep yourself hydrated. Scientific research has proved that dieters who get enough sleep are able to burn fat at a much more efficient rate than those who lack sleep. So get you eight hours a night! Dropping the pounds can be a challenge because it requires us to be more disciplined and vigilant in so many areas of our life. Nevertheless with the right action plan on how to reduce weight, you will be achieving your goals in no time. About the Author If you truly want to learn more about this topic, then I suggest you check out the web's best resource on this, go to this site now!: How To Lose Love Handles and How to Lose Belly Fat Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Get Pregnant Holistically - How To Conceive Naturally Posted: 03 Jun 2012 12:00 AM PDT Article by Su May Acupuncture Treatment with Pam Milask-- Part 1 of 3: The IntakeThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
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