The Wonderful Feelings of Hematite Jewelry

The Wonderful Feelings of Hematite Jewelry

The Wonderful Feelings of Hematite Jewelry

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 11:00 PM PDT

Article by Donna Mcgowan

People sometimes ask me why the hematite bead is so popular, so I have decided to put together a write-up outlining it is history and easy information.

The hematite bead is comprised of iron and oxygen. The iron aspect is oxidized which prompts the crystalline quality, as well as the oxygen aspect brings out it's soothing, healing energy that thus is reflected onto the system as soon as in contact.

The glimpse with the hematite bead is really a dark opaque sort color, however, it also can also be observed to posses variations of other colors including silver, and also a dark brownish red color.

This mineral has a bit of pounds to it as a result of its magnitude of iron content. The hematite mineral that contains additional of the reddish coloration has been know to promote a vital circulatory system in addition to inspiring the creative nature inside a person.

If you might be into metaphysics, which I happen to be, the hematite crystals is often a key assist in grounding the energies of the higher magnitude while acting being a strong bridge that connects the physical as well as the spiritual realms.

The use of this mineral even goes back to ancient times for various purposes. The polished version was stated to provide a calming, soothing influence on our bodies. It also has the capacity to dissolve damaging thoughts and undo damaging intentions.

Location including Quebec, Canada and Lake Superior are prime locations for acquiring this magical mineral should you wanted it in the source. It is original form however is really brittle and rusty. It is only after it is ground and mixed having a glue binding agent that it becomes the type you possibly can know and see as beads. Some people call this form of hematite, hemalyke. It is almost the exact same thing, but inside a far more finished version.

The bead itself if extremely durable and versatile, its only weakness, if you had to describe one, would be that it is extremely sensitive to acid. You will want t! o ensure to use only gentle and or mild cleaners when caring for jewelry with these beads on it.

With all this it is easy to see why the hematite in all it's forms has been so very regarded as throughout the ages and has also turn out to be 1 of my well-liked gemstones to work with. I've always discovered myself very drawn towards the energies of the hematite bead and now following reading this post I hope you'll too.

To get great hematite jewelry and to begin to reap the many advantages it has to offer, verify out our hematite gemstone section to find designs that most suit your style. Prior to you know it you happen to be feeling like 100 bucks complements of mother earth.

About the Author

You can find more information about hematite jewelry and nautical jewelry at our web site.

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How to Work with Crystals

This video explains some of the most common ways people work with Crystals and how they can be useful tools for exploring your personal and spiritual journey.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Journey With the Shaman - A Real Life Shaman Mind Trip

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 10:00 PM PDT

by inju

Article by Jim Cassa


The shamans of old passed onto us moderns the positive influence of power stones in converting negative energy into positive energy. A shaman is an expert in the process of transmutation. This is the act of changing energy from one form into another.A hairdresser has her tools of the trade such as a hairdryer and comb. In similar fashion the shaman has tools of the trade. Power stones are a big one for him. They are imbued with ancient power, an agreement to protect humans from long ago, but now is mostly forgotten.Many would laugh at the use of power stones but quantum mechanics shows us how they work. Like microwave towers they have the ability to beam energy from one place to another.The shaman uses black tourmaline as his power stone. He wears it on him and keeps it in his pocket. Often dark forces are sent against him when he removes demons and foreign entities. He uses the science fiction cliche motto of a famous fantasy television series that now has a cult following and says to the evil spirits SHIELDS UP! And commands the black tourmaline to work for him.ANIMAL PROTECTORS

The Shaman is close to nature. He has many natural friends in the animal realm. The animals like the shaman and there is a mutual respect and kindness between them. A sharing of energy if you will. Animals protect the shaman. He has the wolves on his side guarding him. The eagle watches out for him. And if things get difficult he calls in the power of the jaguar which much evil is frightened of to the core of its being.The shaman is also a protector of nature. All animals receive his love and attention. A gateway is opened up for him in the etheric world. Astral animals help protect him in other dimensions and guards his door when he is asleep. His energetic signature of his aura resonates with love and respect for all living things. As such he is given much help from the animal realm.MEETING THE WHITE GODDESS

In ancient Greek mythology Hercules was given a series of ta! sks to c omplete before he was allowed back home. In a similar way if you align to your life purpose and begin to work your tasks here on earth you attract the attention of the White Goddess.She looks like The Greek Goddess Athena in facial features. She is white. Her hair is white, not greying, but the same color as milk. She is full of celestial power. But she is discerning who she turns her gaze to. It is not that she judges. It is because the human being needs to have a spark of her resonance inside of you for both of you to communicate.SEEING WITH THE THIRD EYE SHAMAN STYLE

The shaman looks after the people in his village. He can see into the spiritual realm and this is where problems to the body happen first before they manifest on the physical plane. Time is bent and there is part of ourselves already alive in the future, which is really the now, and on a different timeline.So fixing things on the material plane is a backwards way to go about things. If you cut off the problem in the etheric dimension the problem CAN NEVER MANIFEST for you on the earth plane. The shaman in his wisdom can see this. To have a shaman as a friend who can see into other dimensions is a great blessing for your soul.A shaman goes into trance and can see black etheric nets around people who have lots of bad luck. The nets look like a spiders web. They are black and dark brown in color and they slow a person down in life. These nets are invisible to normal eyesight. But the shaman uses his third eye and he can see them quite clearly.SACRED AGREEMENT OF THE SHAMAN

The shaman has codes of energy built into his aura. Much like when you receive reiki the master opens up your aura and implants cho-ku-rei and Sei-hei-ki symbols then you become empowered to channel reiki.The shaman has these codes in his aura from his inner work. Some are given to him as gifts for his service to humanity by the celestial beings. The shaman makes an agreement never to abuse his methods but to only work for the highest good of all.! This is the total opposite to black magic which works for the most pain to the most people. Dark energy is very democratic!SHAMAN GETS TRIPPED UP

When the shaman begins on his journey, when he enters the trade of being a shaman, he is often like someone who has just been given a new sports car to drive. He looks good in the sports car but has yet to handle all of its power when driving.In some cities in the Western world you have black magicians who walk around in city centers, the etheric world, spreading negative energy and bad vibes to people on the earth plane. They love to cause confusion, suffering, and misery. It is their way.One psychic shaman just starting out on his career met with these hideous beings on their turf in the astral world. They work in gangs of 8. They combine their negative energy like a pulse and fire it at you making you very sick.The young shaman was in over his head. He beat a quick retreat. The group of black magicians fired a tractor beam at him pulling him back towards them. He used his force of will to escape but it was like walking through quicksand.Once he made it over the river has was safe and the tractor beam lost much of its power. Remember that if there is evil around you. Somehow put a large body of water between you and the dark energy and you will be safe. The water will help disperse its negative power over you.

About the Author

Australia psychic medium readings.astral spiders psychic reading

black magic

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"Physical Strength & Emotional Balance" HD Lecture 6, Richard Gordon, Quantum-Touch

Watch in HD! Part 6 of Richard Gordon's HD Quantum-Touch lecture in Los Angeles October 2008 at the Kula Space. Produced and Directed by Suzanne Doucet and Richard Kashanski. Camera Richard Kashanski, Barry Conrad and James Bell. Make up Natascha Wilzcek. Editing Suzanne Doucet, Renuka Gupta. © 2008 Quantum-Touch. All Rights Reserved.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Authentic Marketing: How to Respond to, "What do you do?"

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 09:00 PM PDT

Article by Suzanne Evans

Stop multi-tasking for one moment and grab a paper and a pen. Don't over process. Think from the gut.

Now, answer this question:

What is it that you would like to see changed in the world?

Write down your answer. Only give yourself 10-15 seconds.

If you had a difficult time answering the question, that is the reason your business is struggling. You have to be the change you wish to see in the world. How can you grow a business around that change if you don't even know what your mission is?

When someone says, "What do you do?" do you respond with, "Oh, I'm a life coach Reiki healer energy worker underwater basket weaver..."?

If this sounds familiar, no one knows what it is you really do. They don't care what your title is.

When you respond with your title (e.g. life coach, business coach, a Reiki master, etc.) you aren't explaining the pain you solve for people. What solution do you offer?

When someone asks me, "What is it you do?" here's what I tell people:

"I work with service professionals to make more money, help more people, and have massive impact."

I don't talk about the fact that I'm coach. I don't talk about how I was trained. Most people talk about the process of their work as opposed to the progress and results they offer. People really don't care what your title or your training is.

Occasionally some people will ask for your credentials or why you're able to do what you do, but for the most part, they just want to know, "Here's my problem, here's my pain, and how can you help me solve it?"

The second piece of this is, it's got to be you. How often are you putting yourself out there and how often are you telling your story?

When I first started my business, I was sharing my movement. I was talking to people about how I could remove, heal, and help them through their pain on a daily basis. My goal was always to talk to 100 people a week.

You may be saying, "I don't know who to talk to." That's an excuse.! You do know how to reach people. You do know how to talk to people.

One of the first things that I suggest you do - I call it my one-mile radius rule, unless you live deep in the country and then you might need to do a ten-mile radius. Get in your car, put on a CD, and drive all over within a one-mile radius of your house. Look at everything through the lens of, "How could I share my message?" Not how can I get a client? There is a difference. Focusing on sharing your movement.

All of the sudden, the high school becomes an opportunity to do an expo or to teach at their adult education school. The diner with the Rotary Club sign becomes a place to speak. Businesses in your community become places to contact. The church, the community center, I could go on and on.

Everything you need to build a multiple six-figure business is within a one-mile radius of your home. You can have all the websites in the world, you can have the marketing materials, you can have all of that, but if you are not talking to at least 100 people a week, then you are not reaching enough people.

Once you are talking to people or reaching them in other ways, there is a possibility that you don't know how to convert, which means you have a selling problem. You may be too salesy or you're not selling at all.

The process for converting people into clients is called my "I CARE" system. It's a five-step process.

"I CARE" stands for:

- Inspire - Clarify - Ask - Receive - Embrace

If you are talking to enough people and still not making sales, you have an authenticity problem. This means you're not bringing enough of you into it. When you don't bring enough of you into it, you either are scared to death to sell at all, or you're overselling and not being your authentic self.

About the Author

I'd like to invite you to learn how to help more people, make more money and enjoy more freedom with the free 5-day mini course, "Awakening Your Authentic Entrepreneur," at

Suzanne Evans is best known as the 'action expert' and has coached hundreds of solopreneurs to model her multiple six figure business.

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Learn The Secrets Holistic Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 08:00 PM PDT

Article by malikenck

acid and reflux mainly occurs when foods or the digestive juices escape from the stomach and reach the food pipe. We have to make sure that the stomach has enough acid at meal time to digest the food easily. There are many foods that cause acid and reflux. Apart from the food we take there are many other factors that can cause this disease.acid and reflux disorder is among the many complicated medical issues that patients of today are facing. And with the continuing increase of number in the population that suffers from this chronic disease many are trying to learn more about it. The causes of acid and reflux disorder ranges in various forms but each affects a patient differently.

Are you looking for a quick and simple acid and reflux natural remedy? Try using aloe vera for acid and reflux. Learn more about this quick cure.

Heartburn home remedies are a particularly effective method for treating the pain and discomfort of acid and reflux. You can use medication but they can have serious side effects that are common but quite avoidable. Heartburn also known as acid and reflux is a painful condition that can be occasional or constant depending on the severity of your disease.

Amazing all-natural heartburn breakthrough permanently eliminates acid reflux without drugs or over the counters. Stop wasting money on pills potions and other worthless quick fix cures… Learn the truth about acid reflux once and for all and finally get the heartburn freedom you deserve:

Click Here End Heartburn >>

Heartburn is caused when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) which is located between the esophagus and stomach is weakened or opens inappropriately. This allows acid and other stomach contents back into the esophagus causing irritation.

If you think that Aloe vera is just for rubbing on your insect bites or sunburn think again. Studies have proved that this amazing plant has actually helped people heal both peptic and duodenal ulcers. So what does this mean for yo! u?

Following a systematic GERD diet plan can significantly improve your medical condition. Find out how to implement a heartburn diet.

You should consult your physician and get checked out if you are trying to figure out whether or not you have Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. This article is not meant to substitute medical advice from a licensed physician but below we will take a look at some of the symptoms for both diseases...

Unfortunately eczema is not a curable disease and the medication that is on offer cannot be used for long periods of time due to nasty side effects. However there are natural methods to control eczema which can be used on an on-going basis if necessary.

About the Author

Jeff Martin - certified nutritionist and former heartburn sufferer teaches you his acid reflux freedom step by step success system jam-packed with a valuable information on how to naturally and permanently eliminate your heartburn from the ROOT and achieve LASTING freedom from digestive disorders.

Click Here End Heartburn >>

Heartburn is caused when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) which is located between the esophagus and stomach is weakened or opens inappropriately. This allows acid and other stomach contents back into the esophagus causing irritation.

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What Advantages Be Determined in Sober Living

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 07:00 PM PDT

Article by Antonio Pedro

Residing a pure with sober life has its troubles, however it may be completed. It got a excellent deal of effort and monetary help to maintain a drug and alcohol applying way of life. The instruments and the help provided in binary drug and alcohol cure programs, as well as working with the 12 Step programs, help beside, a person may know to live a sober recovery.

What is a sober recovery?

There are crowd who go through alcohol and drug rehabilitation and end using substances. Though, they do not decide on to combine the idea of own reflection and extensive development. Oftentimes, this trend of habits can lead people to replace one addiction for another, such as replacing using with playing or drugging with workaholism.

This actions can lead to a relapse or a life loaded with pain prompted by a new addiction. A sober recovery is one in which an lover or alcoholic seeks to live without self destructive behaviours. Sober recovery, by its name implies that difficulties are addressed and managed immediately devoid of the play, the extreme emotions, or self harmful habits that accompanied drug and alcohol use.

The coming are a number of factors of a sober recovery:

• Being honest• Sharing emotions• Using a support system to address problems• Avoiding isolation• Going to therapy when needed• Maintaining healthy relationships• Engaging in self affirming behaviors• Healthy exercise regimes• Eating healthy foods• Attending 12 Step meetings• Attending to spiritual needs• Stress relieving therapies

Compare is the main to a sober recovery.

What is the Task of a Sober Recovery House?

The first goal of a restoration house is to give home owners with a secure and supportive environment in which to practice sobriety. A sober recovery home is a verdict for those early in therapy whorequire continuous structure in their life as they re-integrate into their day by day functions. Residing with other people who are focused on sobriety and ! recovery can help create a firm foundation just before returning with to the problems of every day living.

Sober recovery homes are likewise an ideal method for recovering users earlier in sobriety. These living arrangements give the newly recovering addict or alcoholic with the time to get a job and continue to have plan and immediate support.

Recovery homes may need residents to take part in applications and activities including house meetings, support groups and home chores. People must also abide by a certain fixed of principles administered by the halfway home staff. Guidelines are special to a individual house, but usually comprise refraining from drug or alcohol use, not engaging in violent behaviour and visiting energetic own-support or group meetings. Residents are given the program with the riches needed to pursue employment, take care of issues with social services or lawful problems and quest for forthcoming housing.Read more information click here sober recovery

Rules and Regulation for Sober Living

Residents maintaining a drug and alcohol-free lifestyle at a sober living home live by a strict set of house rules, usually including:

•A no alcohol or drug possession or use policy •Respecting fellow residents •Following chore schedules •Attending house meetings •Cooking•Cleaning•Continuing going to work or seeking employment •Pursuing alternate housing for life after the sober recovery home

Sober living homes deliver the newly recovering addict and alcoholic with the safety of studying to face the challenges of day by day living with out increased pressure of old friends and family pressures. A top quality sober living home will offer the addict and alcoholic with time clean and sober to then return home feeling stronger and more confident.

Post Rehab Life-Sober Recovery

Once drugs and alcohol are removed from the course of action of living, a person may be faced with the hurt caused by drugs and alcohol. Putting down the drink or dru! g does n ot remove the financial problems or the legal troubles created during active addiction.

There are problems, demands, losses, and also successes that will deal with all recovering addicts and alcoholics. Utilizing the tools and strategies learned in substance abuse treatment will give the addict the confidence to continue to maintain sobriety. A sober recovery is far more rewarding then a recovery filled with relapses, new addictions, and disappointment caused by unaddressed issues.

Sober Living Options for Methamphetamines Addiction Recovery

Methamphetamines, also known as "crystal meth," usually have low rates of recovery for those who develop drug addictions. In fact, unless of course the physical bonds of methamphetamine addiction are broken through safe, medically supervised detoxification, methamphetamines can be a difficult drug to kick. Methamphetamines addiction can also take an incredible psychological hold, imbuing users with feelings of fearlessness, false-confidence, and escape through instant gratification. Good inpatient drug addiction recovery courses can offer true freedom from methamphetamines addiction-but many meth addicted individuals also feel the need for transitional support through sober living options.

Sober Living Options for Methamphetamines Addiction Recovery

When you finish your time in inpatient drug addiction rehab, sober living options can increase your chances of lasting recovery from methamphetamines addiction. In a complete-service sober living facility, you can benefit from the continued counseling, support, and medical expertise of an addiction team dedicated to your sobriety. Post-treatment sober living options vary from peer-run halfway houses with little supervision and heavy rules to supervised inpatient sober living facilities that offer intensive treatment gauged to your level of current recovery.

Benefits of Sober Living Options for Methamphetamines Addiction Recovery

The most comprehensive sober living options for meth! amphetam ines addiction recovery will offer a holistic approach with maximum support. At the best sober living homes, you can obtain one-on-one counseling sessions to support heal deep trauma you may have seasoned-including traumatic experiences that may have ignited the drive to use drugs, as well as any trauma you encountered as a results of your methamphetamine addiction. World-class facilities also include life coaches, to help you continue in your personal or career goals and better situate yourself for success, with mindful after care organizing and even sober coaching services to help you establish your new, sober life.

Moreover, certain sober living options provide an emphasis on health and sustenance to combat the neglect your physique may have undergone as a result of your methamphetamines addiction. This can include diagnostic testing to identify any physical or mind imbalances that meth use may have caused, as well as nutritional planning and supplement guidance to help return your body and brain to its natural homeostasis. These nutritional and medical services can be invaluable for those seeking to repair cognitive, memory, or emotional issues that methamphetamine use may have triggered. Many sober living options will also go the extra mile, providing spiritual guidance, meditative instruction, and alternative medicine services for those seeking to regain focus, rest and also inner peacefulness as they embark on a sober life.Read more information click here Sober Recovery

About the Author

In case you'd like to learn far more about "> please get in touch with Hawaii Island Recovery at 866-515-5032

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Alternative Medicine Questions & Answers

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 06:00 PM PDT

by inju

Article by healthfreefaq

More Alternative Medicine questions please visit :

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About the Author

How can I promote on my hallucination?okay my vision sucks i give attention to it's worse than -3 please help me You can't certainly improve your sight but you can certainly slow down further deterioration next to plenty of carrots, corn, bilberries and blueberries.

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Saving A Leg Twice With Quantum-Touch

Find out how an elderly relative's leg was saved twice despite the many dire proclamations of a physician. This is a touching story of how healing and love repeatedly overcame a situation considered absolutely impossible.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

See This Holistic Yeast Infection Cure - Home Remedies

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 05:00 PM PDT

Article by ilacranmore

acid and reflux doesn't happen on its own or by coincident. There are many factors that cause acid and reflux to happen. You can find out more about it when you stop and look around at the food that you are putting into your mouth.If you get chest pains regularly it may be an indication of a dysfunctional sphincter muscle or it can be the beginning of hiatal hernia or may be an ulcer or simply over indulging in food. Prevention is one of the best acid and reflux remedies and knowing what exactly triggers heartburn or discovering what is the root of the problem is the first step to get rid of your suffering effectively.

GERD is another term for acid and reflux disease and is more commonly known as heartburn. What happens during acid and reflux is there is a simple imbalance in the acid in your body where it escapes the stomach through a relaxing of the esophageal sphincter and it attacks the esophagus causing pain burning and a whole host of other problems. The simple heartburn cure is a diet for GERD.

Heartburn is an irritation of the esophagus that is caused by stomach acid. It can be very painful. Over-the-counter and prescription drugs are only supposed to be used for 2 weeks maximum so many people turn to natural and home remedies. Discover how a few diet changes will help the frequency of heartburn and what you can safely take when it does flare up.

Have You Seen Jeff Martin's new Acid Reflux System yet? It's called Heartburn No More I've read the whole thing (all 150 pages) and there's some great information in there about how to naturally and permanently eliminate your heartburn without drugs antacids or any kind of gimmicks. I highly recommend it - it's very honest and straightforward without all the hype and b.s. you see all over the net these days. Here's the website where you can get more information:

Click Here End Heartburn >>

Heartburn is caused when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) which is located between the esophagus and s! tomach i s weakened or opens inappropriately. This allows acid and other stomach contents back into the esophagus causing irritation.

If you are a heartburn sufferer then it is most likely that you take some form of medication to get relief from your problem. This article considers some very simple yet highly effective ways in which you can prevent heartburn that do not involve taking any medication.

Need some indigestion how-to help? This article lists some natural remedies to help you prevent indigestion before the fact and ease your discomfort after the fact.

Please don't be fooled and fall in the trap of medications while there is an alternative and effective acid and reflux natural cures. Remember nature has provided us with everything that we need to sustain ourselves it is only up to us whether we choose the harmless natural way or the artificial ways of surgery and medications.

What would you do if you were suddenly free from your GERD or acid and reflux symptoms? I mean all of them... from a bloated stomach to nausea and vomiting to that fire in the belly (heartburn) to mind-numbing headaches... you know what I mean. All its symptoms. Think back in time when you can recall the days where you were pain-free and could do almost anything you can imagine. Now I know that's not particularly true as one naturally ages but what I'm referring to here is the quality of one's life. How would you like to get back yours?

About the Author

Heartburn No More! Cure acid reflux end your digestive problems and regain your natural inner balance ... Guaranteed! -- Discover how Jeff Martin has taught thousands of people to achieve heartburn freedom faster than they ever thought possible... Even if you've never succeeded at curing your acid reflux before... Right here you've found the acid reflux freedom success system you've been looking for!

Click Here End Heartburn >>

More than 60 million American adults suffer from heartburn at least once a month and about 25 million American adults suffer from heartburn on a daily basis.

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What Profits Can Be Discovered in Sober Living

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 04:00 PM PDT

Article by Antonio Pedro

Residing a clean with sober life has its troubles, yet it may be done. It got a fantastic option of energy and financial aid to keep a drug and alcohol using lifestyles. The methods with the provided in binary drug and alcohol therapy methods, with utilizing the 12 Step programs, help beside, a user can learn to live a sober recovery.

What is a sober recovery?

There are people who go by using alcohol and drug rehabilitation and end using substances. how belt, they do not decide on to integrate the aspiration of own reflection and extensive improvement. Many times, this design of habits can lead persons to replace one addiction for another, like that as replacing drinking with gambling or drugging with workaholism.

This actions can lead to a relapse or a life loaded with suffering triggered by a new habit. A sober recovery is one in which an enthusiast or alcoholic seeks to live apart self dangerous behaviors. Sober recovery, by its name implies that problems are resolved and managed instantly devoid of the drama, the extreme emotions, or own dangerous actions that together drug and alcohol use.

The following are some parts of a sober recovery:

• Being honest• Sharing emotions• Using a support system to address problems• Avoiding isolation• Going to therapy when needed• Maintaining healthy relationships• Engaging in self affirming behaviors• Healthy exercise regimes• Eating healthy foods• Attending 12 Step meetings• Attending to spiritual needs• Stress relieving therapies

Balancing is the main to a sober recovery.

What is the Role of a Sober Recovery House?

The first goal of a restoration house is to deliver home owners with a secure and supportive environment in which usually to training sobriety. A sober recovery house is a solution for those early in therapy whorequire continual format in their lifetime as they re-integrate into their day by day functions. Residing with other people who are focused on soberness and re! covery c an help create a firm foundation before returning house and to the difficulties of daily living.

Sober recovery houses are likewise an suitable method for recouping users early in sobriety. These living arrangements supply the freshly recouping addict or alcoholic with the time to get a job and carry on to have structure and fast support.

Recovery homes may require people to participate in applications and actions including house meetings, assist groups and home chores. Residents must also abide by a certain fixed of guidelines managed by the halfway home staff. Regulations are special to a person home, but usually include refraining from drug or alcohol use, not interesting in violent behaviour and attending active self-help or team meetings. Residents are given the chance with the prosperity required to pursue job, take care of issues and social services or legal troubles and hunt for forthcoming housing.Read more information click here sober recovery

Rules and Regulation for Sober Living

Residents keeping a drug and alcohol-free lifestyle at a sober living home live by a strict set of house rules, usually including:

•A no alcohol or drug possession or use policy •Respecting fellow residents •Following chore schedules •Attending house meetings •Cooking•Cleaning•Continuing going to work or seeking employment •Pursuing alternate housing for life after the sober recovery home

Sober living households present the freshly recovering addict and alcoholic with the safety of learning to face the challenges of day by day living with out increased pressure of old friends and family pressures. A quality sober living home will present the addict and alcoholic with time clean and sober to then return home feeling stronger and more confident.

Post Rehab Life-Sober Recovery

Once drugs and alcohol are removed from the course of action of living, a person may be faced with the hurt caused by drugs and alcohol. Putting down the drink or drug does not re! move the financial problems or the legalised troubles created during active addiction.

There are problems, challenges, losses, and then successes that will tackle all recovering addicts and alcoholics. Utilizing the tools and strategies learned in substance abuse treatment will give the addict the confidence to continue to maintain sobriety. A sober recovery is far more rewarding then a recovery filled with relapses, new addictions, and disappointment caused by unaddressed issues.

Sober Living Options for Methamphetamines Addiction Recovery

Methamphetamines, also known as "crystal meth," frequently have less rates of recovery as for those who develop drug addictions. In fact, unless the physical bonds of methamphetamine addiction are broken through safe, medically supervised detoxification, methamphetamines can be a difficult drug to kick. Methamphetamines addiction can also take an incredible psychological hold, imbuing users with feelings of fearlessness, false-confidence, and escape through instant gratification. Hard inpatient drug addiction recovery courses can offer true freedom from methamphetamines addiction-but many meth addicted individuals also feel the need for transitional support through sober living options.

Sober Living Options for Methamphetamines Addiction Recovery

Next your time in inpatient drug addiction rehab, sober living options can increase your chances of lasting recovery from methamphetamines addiction. In a total-service sober living facility, you can benefit from the constant counseling, support, and medical expertise of an addiction team dedicated to your sobriety. Post-treatment sober living options vary from peer-run halfway houses with little supervision and heavy rules to supervised inpatient sober living facilities that offer intensive treatment gauged to your level of current recovery.

Benefits of Sober Living Options for Methamphetamines Addiction Recovery

With the most comprehensive sober living options for methamphetamines addiction! recover y will offer a holistic approach with maximum support. At the best sober living homes, you can receive one-on-one counseling sessions to assist heal deep trauma you may have expert-including traumatic experiences that may have ignited the drive to use drugs, as well as any trauma you encountered as a end result of your methamphetamine addiction. World-class facilities also include life coaches, to assist you continue in your personal or career goals and better situate yourself for success, with very careful after care organizing and even sober coaching services to help you establish your new, sober life.

Furthermore, certain sober living options provide an stress on health and sustenance to combat the neglect your body may have undergone as a consequence of your methamphetamines addiction. This can include diagnostic testing to identify any physical or mind imbalances that meth use may have caused, as well as nutritional planning and supplement guidance to help return your body and brain to its natural homeostasis. These nutritional and medical services can be invaluable for those seeking to repair cognitive, memory, or emotional issues that methamphetamine use may have triggered. Many sober living options will also go the extra mile, providing spiritual guidance, meditative instruction, and alternative medicine services for those seeking to regain focus, peace and even inner serenity as they embark on a sober life.Read more information click here Sober Recovery

About the Author

In case you'd like to learn far more about "> please get in touch with Hawaii Island Recovery at 866-515-5032

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Alexandra's Psychic Eye - Show 148 PT 2

Alexandra speaks with Larry Schiller, Crystal & Energy Healer as he does some demonstrations.

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Aromatherapy Essential Oils - They're Healthy and They Smell Great!

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 03:00 PM PDT

by justin

Article by Robert Watson

Aromatherapy oils don't just smell good, they're also good for your health! What many people don't realise is that there is a range of anti-viral essential oils that can be worked into your life to help combat a range of conditions and diseases. You may be using some of these anti-viral essential oils now, without even realising the benefit you are receiving from them.The anti-viral essential oils work as they do, due to the natural chemical components of the oils. Many of the most popular oils, including lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus, rosemary and rose all have anti-viral properties.Most of the anti-viral essential oils aren't limited to simply being 'anti-viral'. Many also have other properties, which allow them to be soothing, uplifting, healing, or relaxing, amongst other things.Tea tree oil, in conjunction with being an anti-viral essential oil, is also a powerful antiseptic. This makes it a good disinfectant, making it extremely versatile. It is one of the few oils that can be used directly on the skin safely, and it's also great for making natural cleaning products, eliminating the need for harsh, chemical cleaners.If you're suffering from a fever, try anti-viral essential oils such as bergamot, lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus, tea tree or lemon. For colds and flu, anti-viral essential oils that have been shown to help include lemon, lavender, ginger, tea tree, rosemary or eucalyptus.As with all essential oils, the effectiveness of anti-viral essential oils increases when you combine two to three different oils. They are then able to work together, combining their properties into a much more powerful combination.It is important that when you do buy or use anti-viral essential oils that you ensure they are of therapeutic (sometimes referred to as 'premium') grade. Cheap fragrance oils, or oils not of a therapeutic grade may actually be detrimental to your health, going against the holistic nature of aromatherapy.Another vital point is that, with the exceptions of tea tree and lavender, ant! i-viral essential oils should not be used directly on the skin, due to their potency. Use in a diffusers to scent the room, or add to a carrier oil, for a healing bath or massage.Anti-viral essential oils can be of great benefit to your health, but they must be used correctly to ensure that benefits, and not harm, occur. If you are a beginner when it comes to using aromatherapy, be sure to purchase a good aromatherapy book, or source information from the internet before using anti-viral essential oils.

About the Author

Robert Watson, noted hypnotist and owner of the only free online Aromatherapy Class on the internet, has been working with aromatherapy and alternative medicine for most of his professional career. To sign up for his free ecourse, visit his website.

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How to Use Essential Oils to Get Rid of a Bad Smell The pee smell on this L train was so bad! People practically had to put their scarves over their faces to tolerate it. Instead of receiving spanks for being a naughty girl, Jen did community service on the L in Chicago. In utter disgust of the pee smell in the back of train, Jen donated the use of her Essential Oils to make the world a better place. The Young Living Essential Oil Blend PURIFICATION does exactly what it's name implies. Find PURIFICATION at

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Read Now Holistic Treatment For Heartburn - Simple Things You Can Start Doing Today

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 02:00 PM PDT

Article by krisconrady

acid and reflux is a very common disease in society today. Acid and digestive juices that come from the stomach back up into the esophagus which causes a burning sensation in the chest. This pain can range from mild to severe.acid and reflux is probably one of the most painful afflictions known to Man. The burning sensation associated with it is extremely painful rendering us incapable of doing anything but belching and attempting to ease our pain in any way possible.

Dairy products and protein rich food is the best remedy to prevent heartburn or acid and reflux and related problems. acid and reflux is a condition which occurs due to improper digestion process inside the body. The food which could be considered well for acid and reflux includes vegetables and fruits like broccoli celery peas lettuce cauliflower corn etc.

GERD is another term for acid and reflux disease and is more commonly known as heartburn. What happens during acid and reflux is there is a simple imbalance in the acid in your body where it escapes the stomach through a relaxing of the esophageal sphincter and it attacks the esophagus causing pain burning and a whole host of other problems. The simple heartburn cure is a diet for GERD.

Heartburn No More! Cure acid reflux end your digestive problems and regain your natural inner balance ... Guaranteed! -- Discover how Jeff Martin has taught thousands of people to achieve heartburn freedom faster than they ever thought possible... Even if you've never succeeded at curing your acid reflux before... Right here you've found the acid reflux freedom success system you've been looking for!

Click Here End Heartburn >>

While lifestyle habits can worsen your heartburn symptoms and increase the number of heartburn episodes heartburn is a medical condition with biological causes.

I have acid and reflux disease. Although I was in denial for years after doing some reading on the subject I finally woke up to the fact that I had to do something ab! out it b ecause if I continued to ignore the symptoms serious consequences could follow.

Are you looking for a good heartburn home remedy that can help with your problem? Tired of having the frustrating symptoms when you are just about to enjoy a nice quality dinner time with your family? If you are tired of buying medication and going to the doctors and still see no improvement then these 3 heartburn home remedy might be just the thing you are looking for.

There are more than enough cystic acne natural cures. Some are dynamic and obliging in getting rid of the acne set of symptoms. But some of them are not so much accommodating in eradicating the acne syndromes. But there are some authenticated cystic acne natural treatments.

People that are suffering from acid and reflux sometimes find that it is just as painful to find a remedy as it is to deal with this problem. If you are one of these people that are having a hard time controlling acid and reflux there are a couple of things that you can do to help.

About the Author

Amazing all-natural heartburn breakthrough permanently eliminates acid reflux without drugs or over the counters. Stop wasting money on pills potions and other worthless quick fix cures… Learn the truth about acid reflux once and for all and finally get the heartburn freedom you deserve:

Click Here End Heartburn >>

While lifestyle habits can worsen your heartburn symptoms and increase the number of heartburn episodes heartburn is a medical condition with biological causes.

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All New Heartburn No More - Cure Your Heartburn And Acid Reflux With A Holistic Approach

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 01:00 PM PDT

Article by regenaboeh

Do you suffer from heartburn or acid and reflux? Here are 5 simple and easy tips to help your to prevent heartburn.Gastroesophageal reflux disease (sometimes shortened to GERD) is the medical term for what many of us call simply call heartburn a very uncomfortable disorder of the digestive system. This syndrome which is not - and never will be - a serious threat to one's health is known for causing gastric juices to flow up the esophagus from the stomach thus causing the typical burning sensation which gives the condition its name. The name of the condition is made up of the words 'gastro' meaning stomach; and 'esophageal' which relates to the esophagus; together with 'reflux' which means 'to return' or...

Asthma is constant disease that affects the airways or the tubes that brings air in and out of the lungs. Asthmatics have inflamed airways or the inside walls of the airways are swollen with too much mucus creation making breathing hard. Signs include wheezing chest pains obscurity breathing and coughing. Asthma is a very uncomfortable and life-threatening disease if not treated properly.

GERD is another term for acid and reflux disease and is more commonly known as heartburn. What happens during acid and reflux is there is a simple imbalance in the acid in your body where it escapes the stomach through a relaxing of the esophageal sphincter and it attacks the esophagus causing pain burning and a whole host of other problems. The simple heartburn cure is a diet for GERD.

Amazing all-natural heartburn breakthrough permanently eliminates acid reflux without drugs or over the counters. Stop wasting money on pills potions and other worthless quick fix cures… Learn the truth about acid reflux once and for all and finally get the heartburn freedom you deserve:

Click Here End Heartburn >>

80 percent of heartburn sufferers report symptoms at night. 75 percent of heartburn sufferers say nighttime heartburn awakens them during the night or prevents them from s! leeping. 40 percent say that their nighttime heartburn symptoms affects their ability to work the next day.

If you are into homeopathy the good news is you can cure your indigestion without drugs! If you're suffering from heartburn or even the much more severe GERD you may be able to free yourself from it by merely changing your life. Avoiding medicine or even worse surgical procedures is feasible if you choose to use the following advice.

Looking for ways to help get rid of heartburn naturally? Here's three you will know and be able to use after reading this article.

Not everyone who has acid and reflux disease realizes that this condition is indeed the cause of their symptoms. The first step to treating acid and reflux is getting diagnosed so that proper treatment measures can be started. Once diagnosed you can then begin to do something about it.

You can prevent this problem from occurring to your young ones by feeding them in small bits regularly. This will for sure prevent the infant from having a full stomach which makes it easy for stomach contents to flow back up into the esophagus and find its way into the throat. By stopping this reflux of food contents stomach acid is prevented from reaching the throat and this exempts the infant from suffering the aftermath of acid and reflux.

About the Author

Jeff Martin - certified nutritionist and former heartburn sufferer teaches you his acid reflux freedom step by step success system jam-packed with a valuable information on how to naturally and permanently eliminate your heartburn from the ROOT and achieve LASTING freedom from digestive disorders.

Click Here End Heartburn >>

Heartburn is caused when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) which is located between the esophagus and stomach is weakened or opens inappropriately. This allows acid and other stomach contents back into the esophagus causing irritation.

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Dubai Astrology - Unravel the mysteries and brighten up your future!

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Article by Shabbir

Dubai Astrology is all about the various forms and types of astrological sciences used to simplify and brighten up tour life. If you have some problems and want them cured or want to know what the future holds for you...then read on...

In Dubai Astrology services and service providers are few and not very easy to find. However, quite a few famous as well as not-so-famous astrologers from India, USA, Europe and other countries have started visiting Dubai and other cities in the Middle East to offer their services to clients resident here.

In Dubai Astrology is becoming quite popular, what with nationals from over 200 countries calling Dubai their home. In Dubai, Astrology, both online and offline is popular for various reasons like business, romance, love compatibility, future, fortune, correct office & home placements etc.

Astrology is a generic term which includes many different branches like Western Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Chinese Astrology, Horoscope, Compatibility Horoscope, Numerology, Palmistry, Gemology, Tarot Card Readings, Psychic Ability Tests, Psychic Readings on Telephone, Online Divination, I Ching, Feng Shui, Vaastu, Reiki and many more...

Western Astrology preaches that the placements of stars and planets can help in the interpretation of past and present events and thus understand the future.Vedic Astrology is the placement of the planets & stars on your birth chart that helps to know your future.Chinese Astrology understands that a person's destiny can be determined with the help of the position of the major planets and the Sun, Moon and comets at the time of the person's birth.Horoscope is a chart, diagram or reading of the "future" calculated by the positions of the Sun, Moon, planets, the astrological aspects, and sensitive angles at the time of a person's birth.Compatibility Horoscope is a chart, diagram or reading of the "future", of 2 individuals for the purpose of dating, marriage or a long-term relationshi! p, calcu lated by the positions of the Sun, Moon, planets, the astrological aspects, and sensitive angles at the time of a person's birth.Numerology is the art of using numbers to influence / correct the future. Using / altering certain numbers, numerologists believe brings good fortune.Palmistry (chiromancy) is the art of characterization and foretelling the future through the study of the palm, also known as palm reading, or chirology.Gemology is the science and art of identifying and evaluating gemstones to alter one's fortune.Tarot Card Readings reveal that the most powerful sources of information come from within; the Tarot aids in coming in contact with one's Higher Self.Psychic Ability Tests or Parapsychology is a controversial discipline that seeks to investigate the existence and causes of psychic abilities.Psychic Readings on Telephone is a type of method used in an attempt to foretell the future of an individual or group, live via telephone.Online Divination is to foresee, to be inspired by or to gain insight into a question or situation by way of a standardized process or ritual. It is a systematic method with which to organize what appear to be disjointed, random facets of existence such that they provide insight into a problem at hand.I Ching is a form of divination using the I Ching or Book of Changes.Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese system of aesthetics believed to use the laws of both Heaven (astronomy) and Earth (geography) to help one improve life by receiving positive qi (energy).Vaastu or Vastu is the ancient Indian "science of construction", using various aspects for positive energy and good fortune to flow into the lives of its inhabitants.Reiki is the ability of "healing without energy depletion", wherein palm healing is used as a form of complementary and alternative medicine It is an alternative form of healing, where "healing energy" moves through the palms.

The Dubai Astrology Page lists the best practitioner! s of the se specialized fields of astrology in Dubai and worldwide.

About the Author

Shabbir Kagalwala is a webmaster and an avid coin collector. He would be interested in buying, selling and/or exchanging coins. He is extremely passionate about Dubai. Along with his wife Fatema, he has created the website to help people from all walks of life, get jobs, do business, choose the right hotel, see the attractions in Dubai. And More...

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Increase Fertility with Aromatherapy

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 11:00 AM PDT

Article by Sandra Hollows

Fertility problems are something that usually take more than one tactic to resolve. There are Fertility Treatments, Fertility Drugs, Fertility Diets, you name it, there's probably a "fertility solution" attached to it!!

My point is, that sometimes it's so overwhelming to try and fall pregnant that we somehow miss the old basics. In my case, I missed out altogether on trying aromatherapy as a treatment for my infertility, but have spoken to a few ladies who absolutely swear by it!

Keep in mind that when using aromatherapy to increase fertility there are several things to keep in mind. You need to be careful about what essential oils you use. It is often best to purchase your oils from a naturopath, or health food store, or even better to check with your doctor, as there are oils that are not suitable for use with some medical conditions and illnesses including pregnancy.

Once you have found some safe essential oils to use, there are 3 common methods of putting their benefits to use:

* Direct Application, normally via massage: Be sure to mix your oils with an oil base such as grapeseed or almond oil as pure essential oils are normally too strong for direct application to the skin. Use approximately 2 drops of essential oil to 10-12 drops of base oil. Massage is great for relaxation, helping your body to destress and also great for your relationship. Massage is a sensual way to connect with your partner, because as many of us know, trying to conceive can be a tense time.

* In the Bath: Adding 5 to 10 drops of essential oil into a relaxing warm tub and soaking is a wonderful way to experience the benefits of aromatherapy. If you would prefer diluting the oil in a base, use approximately 50% base and 50% essential oil.

* Oil Burners: Filling your home or room with the beautiful scents of many essential oils can have an amazing effect on mind and body. Many oils are thought to have relaxing and healing properties when dispers! ed throu gh the air.

About the Author

After battling Infertility for 9 years, Sandra has set herself on a journey to assist couples facing Infertility to have access to information to empower them during their journey. Her sites include: and

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Learn The Secrets Is There A Holistic Cure For Ovarian Cyst Pain?

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Article by jenaemendillo

An excessive heartburn condition can not only be painful it can be dangerous if not treated. Here are some things you need to know about heartburn to relieve your pain and discomfort.acid and reflux is when you get heartburn but when this seems to happen on a daily basis you get acid and reflux disease which can cause some rotten complications. I want to show you how to treat it.

Cayenne pepper can stop constipation since it actives your colon walls to pulsate and move fecal matter. Just like so many other peppers the active ingredient in cayenne helps to prevent heart disease since it thins the blood and increases your blood circulation. Discover more about what this herb can do for your health and at the same time stop constipation.

Heartburn is that nagging burning sensation you sometimes get in the middle of your chest after eating. Heartburn for some people occurs regularly but for others is an occasional problem. Heartburn is not really associated with the heart but rather a condition of the digestive system. Most of the time heartburn can be easily treated or prevented.

Heartburn No More! Cure acid reflux end your digestive problems and regain your natural inner balance ... Guaranteed! -- Discover how Jeff Martin has taught thousands of people to achieve heartburn freedom faster than they ever thought possible... Even if you've never succeeded at curing your acid reflux before... Right here you've found the acid reflux freedom success system you've been looking for!

Click Here End Heartburn >>

Heartburn is caused when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) which is located between the esophagus and stomach is weakened or opens inappropriately. This allows acid and other stomach contents back into the esophagus causing irritation.

I don't know what it is like to describe having asthma but having an asthma attack is easy to describe. It's like drowning except you're not near water. Time slows down and all you care about is getting your next brea! th of ai r. This is a real problem for people and I wouldn't wish it on my enemy. Breathing is our most vital life source and when people have restrictions with it it can be quite scary. I have been battling this my entire life but I've got past it.

As much as you may want to you simply can't avoid looking at your diet as a key reason for your heartburn. The good news is that you don't necessarily have to say goodbye forever to all those foods you love. Just understand a few things about heartburn so you can take control over it instead of it being in control of you.

An estimated 40 percent of the adult population of the Western world suffers from recurrent heartburn (a burning feeling rising from the stomach or lower chest). Yet many are unaware that this is a common symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) a serious medical condition that affects 50 million Europeans.

acid and reflux is a quite common illness that causes the gastric acids and sometimes the food inside the stomach to get into the esophagus because the valve that separates

About the Author

Heartburn No More! Cure acid reflux end your digestive problems and regain your natural inner balance ... Guaranteed! -- Discover how Jeff Martin has taught thousands of people to achieve heartburn freedom faster than they ever thought possible... Even if you've never succeeded at curing your acid reflux before... Right here you've found the acid reflux freedom success system you've been looking for!

Click Here End Heartburn >>

While lifestyle habits can worsen your heartburn symptoms and increase the number of heartburn episodes heartburn is a medical condition with biological causes.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

The Hero Within – Dr. Rob Kiltz

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Hello, good morning, Dr. Rob.  Another awesome and amazing day!  That sun is rising.  Remember, no matter what the weather if you can comment about the weather, it's another awesome and amazing day in the universe!  We are going where we're meant to go and we're where we are meant to be.  Love and forgiveness. 

My brother, Ray, shared a phrase Po po pa ta petchalokia, an ancient language, ancient people shared this phrase long ago.  In the best of linguistic anthropologists have been able to decipher are "those thing in life that are the most valuable".  Those that we love, cherish, and desire the most are often the most difficult to obtain and the hardest – okay, the most 'challenging'.  They are there for you to seek and to never, ever, ever, ever, ever give up.  If it's love you seek, keep moving, keep failing, failing, failing, and failing until you know the success is there.  It's not in the obtaining of that thing; it's in the journey, our growth and creativity of where we're at right now.  Keep your eye on the prize, but know to keep your eye on the perfection of where you are right now with love.  Never, ever, ever, ever let that go.  Po po pa ta petchalokia – Ah, yes, the hero is within each and every one of us.  I do know that. 

I grew up in L.A.  I was in a gang and got kicked out of school, arrested. We moved from one house to another.  We spent a year with my grandparents.  This I know it was always with love, generosity, and kindness that we all move.  Thank you God every day.  God is us, we create the story.  We are the storytellers of the universe, and that is why Po po pa ta petchalokia is the most amazing, creative spectacular, important song.  Sing it every day.  Up early, work easy; live with passion, and nothing, nothing, nothing personal.   

I make mistake after mistake, after mistake after mistake in this journey called life.  Please forgive me for every mistake.  I know it now.  I am so appreciative of every moment that I existed.  Go with graciousness in the day.  Love all that matters.  I love you, please forgive me.  How may I do better?  You and I are the creators of the universe.  Look within and there it be.  Love what you see.  Life-it's so perfect-every bit of it.  

I thank my brother, Ray, for teaching me these words.  To look upon life with pure generosity.  I thank my mother and father, Ray and Maria, for teaching me.  They are both 88 years old and are amazing people.  My mother is in a wheelchair from a cerebral hemorrhage but every day she lives with passion and love.  She calls me and says, "Hi Rob!  It's a spectacular, awesome, and amazing day!"  Know this, please forgive me if I speak ill of anyone or anything, and please forgive me.  I love you this day as every day, and God has granted the beauty and perfection of this day, this moment, and this now. 

Blessings to you.  This is Dr. Rob sharing another awesome and amazing day in the universe.  Enjoy the day! 

Dr. Rob

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Aromatherapy Benefits - What Using Therapeutic-grade Essential Oils Can Do for You

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 09:00 AM PDT

by golo

Article by Ivan Cuxeva

Aromatherapy is far more than just the smell. While most people's concept of aromatherapy is something more akin to recreational fragrancing, essential oils can have a powerful effect on your health â€" emotionally, mentally and physically.

In the following discussion, I will break down the benefits of aromatherapy in terms the fragrance, chemistry and frequency of an essential oil.

Aromatic influences of essential oils:

The fragrance of an essential oil comes from its chemistry. Even a relatively simple essential oil is an intricate mosaic of many chemical constituents, each providing important contributions to the whole. And, this fragrance can directly affect every aspect of your life, from your emotional state to your lifespan.

When you breathe in the fragrance of an oil, its aromatic molecules travel up the nose and are gathered in the olfactory membranes. These are lined with the olfactory epithelium, consisting of hundreds of millions of nerve cells. Each molecule of an essential oil fits like a key in a lock in specific receptor cell sites located in this olfactory epithelium, and when specific aromatic molecules stimulate these receptor cells, electrical impulses are stimulated and pass to the olfactory bulb, located in the base of the brain. These impulses are then transmitted to the limbic system, which includes:

-- The hypothalamus, the hormone control center, governing the production of growth hormones, sex hormones, thyroid hormones and neurotransmitters, -- The amygdala, where emotional memories are stored,

and other parts of the limbic system that control heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, memory, stress levels and hormone balance.

Because of this "hot wire" connection, simply breathing in the fragrance of an essential oil can trigger an immediate response â€" from relaxing away stress and anxiety, lifting your mood or releasing emotional trauma, to calming the heart rate, lowering blood pressure, releasing specific hormones or n! eurotran smitters, or making you feel alert, invigorated and mentally sharp.

In this way, the fragrance of essential oils can have a profound effect on every part of your well-being.

The chemistry of essential oils:

As noted above, even a simple oil is not simple. It may contain anywhere from 80 to several hundred chemical constituents. Some 2,000 of these aromatic substances have been identified, along with their therapeutic actions.

Some of these aromatic molecules are highly anti-viral, anti-bacterial or anti-fungal. Others are powerful cancer-fighting agents. Some have hormone-like properties; others are highly anti-inflammatory. Whether used "neat" or diluted in massage oils, lotions or salves, for virtually any therapeutic action needed, there are aromatic molecules that can provide it. Essential oils were, in fact, mankind's first medicine.

But, what makes aromatherapy superior to other health modalities is the chemical complexity of the oils. Any one oil may contain several "conflicting" therapeutic properties; meaning that an oil like lavender, for example, can be both relaxing and stimulating. Because of this chemical balance within the oil, the oils tend to have powerful balancing effects on the body.

About the Author provides more information about href="">the powerful potential of aromatic molecules on your health, learn why you should diffuse therapeutic-grade essential oils. Aromatherapy and Fragrance: It's more than just the smell!

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Three Steps to Care for Your Soul – Weekly Tips from Judith Geiger

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 09:00 AM PDT

In order to have a balanced life filled with joy, peace and happiness, I believe you need to nurture all three aspects of the Self…your body, your mind and your soul. For the next couple of weeks I will give you tips on how to do just that.

Today we will talk about your soul. The reason I am starting with your soul is because it is the easiest to ignore. Mainly because when something is out of sight…it is out of mind.

Focusing your attention on what your soul needs often brings you a sense of peace. Try out the three steps below and add your own. You know your life better than anyone. Trust you know what is best for you and for your soul.

Three steps for good soul care:

1. Have a Daily Devotion. Do not negotiate this time. Show up at the same time each day. (Even if it means you get up earlier). Sit in a quiet comfortable location. Perform a small ritual that tells your subconscious it is soul time. You might light a candle or add essential oils to a diffuser. Take the phone off the hook and hang a do not disturb sign on the door. What you do during your time and how long you need is personal. Some ideas would be to meditate, pray or read uplifting (soul nurturing) material.

2. Find your support team. This might mean a group of people at your Church or other location where you can talk about what your soul needs. These will be your soul companions. You might even set up a weekly coffee date to chat! Or you could hire a spiritual counselor or a coach.

3. Give back. Volunteer to help those less fortunate than you. No matter your circumstances you can find someone or something that needs your support. It does not need to be a lot of time or a lot of money, but give from your heart and your soul will benefit. You can volunteer for Hospice, visit a nursing home or your local animal shelter.

Next week we will talk about the body….what your body needs to stay balanced.

"It isn't until you come to a spiritual understanding of who you are – not necessarily a religious feeling, but deep down, the spirit within – that you can begin to take control." ~Oprah Winfrey

Judith Geiger
Master Certified Soul Coaching® Oracle Card Practitioner and Life Coach


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The Magic of Living as a Blended Being

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Article by Kate Corbin

"When you are fully connected to and fully allowing Source Energy, you are that Blended Being. You are allowing the whole of You to flow through and live this physical experience." - Abraham-Hicks

Ever since I first heard Abraham-Hicks describe the magic of living as a Blended Being, I have aspired to do just that. As I understand the term, a Blended Being is one who is physically focused and enjoying all that physical life experience has to offer. At the same time, a Blended Being is fully connected to Source, continually receiving guidance and intuition. A Blended Being truly enjoys the best of both worlds!

On my journey to becoming a more Blended Being, the most significant step for me has been learning to trust. Prior to Abraham-Hicks and the Law of Attraction, I lived my life believing I had to do everything on my own, often feeling separate and alone. As a Blended Being, I connect with my Universal Partner and realize that my non-physical partner and I are in this together. We are one. Learning to trust is magical. I am learning to trust that All is Well; that the Universe is always conspiring for my happiness; that everything is perfect - even when it doesn't appear that way from my limited perspective. I am learning to trust my unfailing guidance within.

Years ago when I was completing a Reiki Master certification, I was taught that if I'm exerting effort, I'm doing it wrong. I now see how this Reiki principle applies to life in general. I now see how my previous lack of trust caused me to exert tremendous effort unnecessarily. As a Blended Being, I no longer feel the need to work hard and struggle to make things happen. As a Blended Being, I can allow my life to unfold with ease and grace.

As a Blended Being, I renew my intention each day to:

• be open to guidance and Life Force Energy from Source at all times. • seek joy - first and foremost. • stay alert for people and things to appreciate, praise and ! enjoy. • relax into my natural state of Well-Being, knowing that All is Well. • make feeling good the most important thing, thus strengthening my connection to Source. • raise my vibration, knowing I'm a magnet attracting prosperity, health, and relationships that match my vibration. • feel exhilarated and excited in each moment. • uplift others. • open, relax, breathe and draw in a continuous stream of Well-Being, milking each moment for all the pleasure I can get from it. • rejoice in the awareness that I can be and do and have whatever I desire.

As a Blended Being, I revel in the evidence of alignment that appears to me every day - feeling inspired to call someone on the way to my house just as they realize they left the phone number and directions at home; turning on the TV and hearing the answer to a question I had posed earlier that day; casually dialing around on my new XM radio and finding Oprah at the exact moment when she begins interviewing Esther Hicks. As I trust and allow, I feel profound appreciation for this physical life experience. As I trust and allow, I feel profound appreciation for the Magic of Living as a Blended Being.

About the Author

Kate Corbin is a Law of Attraction Coach and the creator of Gold Star Coaching. Both her coaching practice and her two books - Dining at the Cosmic Cafe and Think and Grow Thin with the Law of Attraction - are designed to empower you to truly live the life of your dreams. To contact Coach Kate and subscribe to her free ezine, visit

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Arelia - 5th chakra balancing (Healing frequencies)

5th chakra healing and balancing meditation This is placed in the neck of the human being and it had sixteen petals which look after ears, nose, throat, neck, tongue, teeth etc. This centre is responsible for communication with others because through our eyes, through our nose, through our speech, through our hands, we communicate with others. On the physical level it caters for the cervical plexus." Music for meditation From the album Arelia Infinite Sounds

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To Begin the Day with Words of Love: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, June 25, 2012

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Hello and good morning
Another awesome and amazing day in the universe
God has gifted you and I the beauty
And perfection of this day, today
To Begin the Day with Words of Love, an intention this day

Words of love are the only way
To get you to the way
To where you want to be
The way that you truly see
The perfection and love
That's there for all of thee
You're thinking it's bad
And no one loves you this day
And that's exactly
What you get on the way
But the truth be fact
That love is thy feeling within you this day
To simply smile and look upon life
With pure joy I say
Of all the bad things
They truly be good
They're God's creation of beauty within
Look upon and say
Thank you God for this day
I love all that there be
Give gratitude to all that there
Was, is, and will be
For this is God's gift, creation I say
Think love in the day
And this is God's way
Be good and be God
Think love of the day
And this you will play
God Bless and pure love in the day
Dr. Rob

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How to Create the Right Atmosphere for Aromatherapy Massage?

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Article by Nick Mutt

It would really be fantastic to be massaged in a tropical country, with the warm sun beating down, soft sounds of the sea in the background and the sweet scents of flowers occasionally wafting over you. Well perhaps it's like a dream but it is still possible to create a lovely, relaxing atmosphere at home, especially with the help of aromatherapy oils.

I think the most important consideration is that the room or area, you use to give a massage is really warm. It's a good idea to have a blanket, or large towel, so you can cover the parts of the body you are not working on. Also, it feels good to be wrapped up while being massaged. If you like, you can even wrap a hot water bottle in a towel and pop it under your patient's feet for a really luxurious treat.

Harsh, bright lights are unpleasant when being massaged. A table lamp gives a softer, gentler light than overhead lighting. Once you feel happy about your massage movements you can work by candlelight. The soft flickering of the flames has a soothing, hypnotic effect which is really relaxing.

Try to keep noise to the minimum, and close the curtains or blinds. This helps to cut out traffic noise. If you think you may be disturbed, unplug the telephone or switch off your mobile. Buy some really interesting music to play in the background. Music can be great help in creating a relaxing atmosphere. Sounds of the sea, tinkling bells, birdsong and running water all combined with gentle, lulling music can take you off into a dream like state.

Aromatherapy oils are marvelous for creating different atmospheres in the home and are much more authentic than using perfume sprays. There are several ways of scenting your home with essential oils. The simplest is probably to add a few drops of your chosen oil to a small bowl of water and then stand it over a radiator. The essential oil floats on the water and gradually evaporates into the air, aided by the heat.

A more sophisticated method is to use an oil burner or vaporizer. These! come in many different designs, but with oil burners there is no need to use any water. You just put a few drops of essential oil into the top of the burner, and then light a night light underneath. Vaporizers usually have a deeper dish into which you add water, whether you use an oil burner or a vaporizer; do be careful not to let it burn dry!

Used in this way the oils can become mood enhancers. They can remove stale smells or even help with conditions such as headaches, colds or insomnia. Another way to perfume a room is to gather flowers and herbs from your garden and hang them up in bundles to dry.

I hope you have now a few ideas on how to create a warm, relaxing atmosphere for aromatherapy massage.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

Read more about aromatherapy, ayurveda, yoga and massage therapy at Natural cures website. Read the benefits of herbal brain tonic, Brahmi to increase memory and concentration. Also know the benefits of anti-aging herb Amla.

About the Author

Nick Mutt

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Video: Peace and Calm on Skaneateles Lake – Dr. Rob Kiltz

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Dr. Rob shares a video on building another beautiful day in the universe.

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Dr. Rob’s Awesome Quote Selections, June 25, 2012

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 06:00 AM PDT

"Where there is great love, there are always miracles."
~Willa Cather

"I have found that if you love life, life will love you back."
~Arthur Rubinstein

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
~Mahatma Gandhi

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University of St. Gallen

The University of St. Gallen (HSG), Switzerland, was founded as a "Business Academy" in 1898 - in the heyday of the St. Gallen embroidery industry - and offered its first lectures in 1899. It is therefore one of the oldest universities of its kind in the world. The HSG continues to pursue the goal of providing students with a practice-oriented education, guided by an integrative view of business, economics, law, and social sciences. With success: the University of St. Gallen has constantly been ranked among the top business schools in Europe. Accreditations by EQUIS and AACSB International underline its commitment to a holistic curriculum that meets the highest academic standards.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Discover Heartburn No More - Cure Your Heartburn And Acid Reflux With A Holistic Approach

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Article by feleciamalatesta

acid and reflux in children is a real cause for concern. It drives us frantic when our children are sick and scrunched up in pain. We suffer as much as they do... but how on Earth can we help?Common symptoms of acidity may include vomiting belly pain flatulence. Know the useful and effective remedies for heartburn.

Did you know that a simple treatment for reflux can be better for your health and acid and reflux than antacids? The reason behind this natural health discovery is the fact that antacids cure the symptoms and a natural treatment cures the problem. And this is also the reason why you continually buy antacids but to no avail.

Heartburn is a common disease which can be cured at home if treated properly. There are so many natural cures for it but all are not true there are very few which are worthy to work. In the following article we have discussed best natural cures for heartburn.

Amazing all-natural heartburn breakthrough permanently eliminates acid reflux without drugs or over the counters. Stop wasting money on pills potions and other worthless quick fix cures… Learn the truth about acid reflux once and for all and finally get the heartburn freedom you deserve:

Click Here End Heartburn >>

Heartburn is caused when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) which is located between the esophagus and stomach is weakened or opens inappropriately. This allows acid and other stomach contents back into the esophagus causing irritation.

Second this destruction you are inflicting on yourself can lead to serious life threatening medical conditions. Patients that have these illnesses often end up in the operating room having surgery to repair there bodies. It is even possible to have your esophagus completely removed. And under the worst case circumstance you could develop cancer which we all know where that usually leads too.

It's astounding how many people are looking for that hard to find constipation cure. No matter how hard they try it alwa! ys seems to elude. I speak from experience on this.

The alternate word for heartburn is acid and reflux. It is a disorder caused by an imbalance of the chemical composition in the body the attack of acid and reflux in the esophagus when it is supposed to be only in the stomach.

When we think of menopause we think of hot flashes mood swings and general discomfort. What we often forget are the other side effects of menopause that often only further exacerbate that discomfort all women must deal with at one point in their life.

About the Author

Have You Seen Jeff Martin's new Acid Reflux System yet? It's called Heartburn No More I've read the whole thing (all 150 pages) and there's some great information in there about how to naturally and permanently eliminate your heartburn without drugs antacids or any kind of gimmicks. I highly recommend it - it's very honest and straightforward without all the hype and b.s. you see all over the net these days. Here's the website where you can get more information:

Click Here End Heartburn >>

80 percent of heartburn sufferers report symptoms at night. 75 percent of heartburn sufferers say nighttime heartburn awakens them during the night or prevents them from sleeping. 40 percent say that their nighttime heartburn symptoms affects their ability to work the next day.

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Bikini Wax Variations

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Article by Claude Roach

Just mainly because folks will not see your underwear isn't going to signify you can just activity any aged greying briefs. And just mainly because it's cheap underwear isn't going to necessarily mean you can make excuses and not wear elegant patterns.Wearing fashionable underwear not may make you think good but also complements your outfit, since you will know irrespective of whether it matches or not and if it doesn't, it really is extra then very likely that you will not come to feel absolutely comfortable.And sensation at ease and hot is so important because it offers the assurance to be sociable and actually get into the get together spirit. If you're consistently worrying about how you glimpse, and worse - experience uncomfortable with your outfit, you won't want to have enjoyment and be the daily life and soul of the celebration.You'll skip out on the greatest enjoyment of the 12 months and you will likely really feel fairly unhappy about that.Believe of it like this, you make a horrible cake then shelling out ages earning it seem awesome with icing on prime - now, even if people don't see your underwear you know what it looks like and if it's not just what you want, you are going to sense fed up.The celebration season is unique since it's a great excuse to be glamorous and usually it is not just an individual party but a very few you can show up at. So it's the great time to shell out a little more and be extravagant simply because you know that you will however be capable to use the underwear in decades to come.But the great issue is that today you never require to expend a lot of money on underwear to locate excellent styles and appears mainly because there are so several good deals.Just take a seem all around for low-cost underwear and you're confident to obtain particularly what you're seeking for.Best five tops for obtaining a great winter celebration year:- Find a simple black or dark blue dress that can be accessorised.- Uncover sophisticated, still comfortable heals that look trend! y but wo n't destroy your ft right after a handful of minutes on the dance floor- Include glamour with fake fur or glittery scarves- Match your make-up to your outfit but maintain it normal. Just because it's get together period, isn't going to indicate you have to have to overdo the makeup. It is really a opportunity to include a bit additional and have exciting, not cake it on and search coco the clown- Dress in classic, silk underwear that will not give you a visible panty line but is nevertheless hot, exquisite and will be relaxed all night.Bear in mind to gown glam, dress in wonderful <em>low-priced underwear</em> and search and experience incredible this winter months get together period.I know I said in my prior article I am up for hoping anything at all the moment, but Vajazzle - ing???For individuals not presently in the know, vajazzling is the new craze to hit the Uk. Its fundamentally an arrangement of diverse crystals on your nether areas in the type of hearts and distinct styles, employing swarovski crystals.

About the Author

I am an e-commerce site developer who has also made a lot of personal internet websites which sell sex toys and vajazzle kits online.linksWhere to buy Vajazzle Kits Onl, <a href="

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Water Meditation: Full Release

Posted: 25 Jun 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Water is life and meditating with water can create a profound experience.

Our bodies are over fifty percent water, so it makes sense that human beings have always considered water to be a sacred source of life and healing. It is literally half of who we are, and well over half of the earth's surface is water. Water cleanses and hydrates, contains and produces nourishment, and when we enter it, holds us in an embrace that leaves no part of us untouched. Meditating with water can be a powerful way of aligning ourselves more fully with this support system that makes life both possible and pleasurable on so many levels.

We may wish to conduct our meditation while in physical contact with a body of water, whether in the intimacy of our bathtub or the vast container of an ocean. We might float on our backs in a swimming pool or sit with just our feet submerged in a pond or creek. On the other hand, we may simply close our eyes and choose a location based on our imagination. Whatever we choose, we can begin by closing our eyes and listening to our breathing. At the same time, we tune in to the particular music of the water we have chosen—the loud rushing of a river or waterfall, or the surreal silence of the world beneath the surface of the ocean. We might consider how the type of water we choose reflects what we seek—the peace beneath the hectic surface of life, the cleansing power of a river racing through a canyon, or the mood lifting, melodic bubbling of a lively creek.

As we move between awareness of our breath and awareness of the water in which we find ourselves, we can begin to release the things we no longer need into the rushing river, or release ourselves completely into the water's embrace as we float, in our minds, in the watery womb of an ocean or a lake. When you feel you are ready to return to more solid ground, ease your body back onto earth, in your mind or in reality, and lie flat on your back, allowing the water to bead and roll off your skin, soaking the earth and evaporating into the air, leaving you cleansed, healed, and renewed. ~by Madisyn Taylor

~Reprinted with permission from DailyOM

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Crystalline Healing Ashi Promo Video

Located in Los Angeles, California, Crystalline Healing Center is a center of Divine Light and New Earth Energy. Specializing in advanced therapeutic healing techniques including Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy and Healing Touch Modality known as Crystalline Healing offered by Cedar Martyn.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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